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DK, the great balancer?Follow

#1 May 23 2008 at 8:54 AM Rating: Excellent
Seems to me Blizzard is hoping the DK will solve a lot of the perceived balance issue that Arena has, allowing them to fix problem without openly 'nerfing' anyone.

For example,

- Once you take out the inflation of RPM, mage is one of the less represented class in the Arena. A Frost DK is going to be incredibly tough, have almost unmatched control over his targets and open up insane possibility with Shatter Crits if paired with Frost Mage. A DK allies maybe what Mage have been asked for in 2v2 and might give mage more then 1 possible comp in 3v3.

- The DK has several abilities that just yelL '***** you druids!' - Degeneration and the simple fact that he deals with disease (Which are not something a druid can dispel. It's a well known fact that druids are totally out of control in pvp.

- Rogues are also out of control in pvp, and while none of the current DK ability particulary say 'Death to All rogues!', high dps plate class are the usual counter to the rogue class.
#2 May 23 2008 at 2:35 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
i was thinking the same thing. in one fell swoop you provide a harder counter-class to rogues instead of warriors (dps plate wearer with heals vs one without heals), a huge amount of anti-hot abilities and what amounts to an number of great combat control moves, not the least of which is pulling your enemies to you.

an elegant solution, if it works out in the end.
#3 May 24 2008 at 3:51 AM Rating: Good
947 posts
Was having a similar thought myself. I don't know many Rogues that would like to go up against a DK, particularly with their disease-spamming as it prevents re-stealthing. All a DK has to do is pop on Frost Presence for a solid shield-like damage reduction for a minor penalty in outgoing damage. Add in AoE abilities, Death Grip if you try to run and AP-scaled magical damage and healing, and you have bad news for a CC-dependent melee class. While the anti-stun ability may be pre-emptive, all you have to do is walk around with your PvP trinket on and you can pop out of CC and THEN become immune to it, either with Lichborne (you DO want Lichborne, right?) or that Fortitude thingy.

I just really, really hope they don't nerf the anti-CC abilities, DKs would suck if you could just crowd control them.
#4 May 24 2008 at 10:46 AM Rating: Good
155 posts
I'm just wondering who will be the anti Death Knight class.

Warriors perhaps, since they hit like a truck with so much hp and with the MS effect added, DK's healing ability will be in trouble.

Hunters maybe, since they shoot from a range with many snares and what not. Also with the recent reduction to healing ability, it can also hurt the DK a lot.

I'm going to assume that no cloth wearer is going to be an anti DK class, since the DK itself are the anti-caster tank type of WoW.
#5 May 24 2008 at 1:54 PM Rating: Good
2,018 posts
Ryugan wrote:
Hunters maybe, since they shoot from a range with many snares and what not. Also with the recent reduction to healing ability, it can also hurt the DK a lot.

Though the snares and pull ability will spell trouble for our bow-wielding friends.
#6 May 24 2008 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent
I was kinda thinking Paladins would be the anti-DK. They can Cleanse diseases.
#7 May 24 2008 at 3:08 PM Rating: Good
155 posts
I'm not too sure what snares the DK will get in the final release.
For now though it seems like they will at least have a pull ability to bring the enemy closer.

The way I see it, when a DK uses a pull ability on the hunter, the hunter will just:

Wing Clip > Freeze/Frost trap > Run > Send Pet > Aimed Shot > Arcane Shot > Concussive Shot > Start all over again

Of course this is all with the idea that we don't exactly know the type of snares that will come with the DK class.

I can't believe I forgot about the Paladin being the anti-DK class. Duh me. Now that I think about it, the best way to fight the evil DK class is with your lesser evil half, the Paladin.

On topic with the Cure Disease, I wonder how well Shaman will fare against the DK class. They too have the ability to cure disease. If they turn Shaman as the anti-DK class, I'm sure that would make the Shaman class that much more appealing.
#8 May 24 2008 at 7:13 PM Rating: Excellent
I'm not sure the paladin's ability to cure disease will play a big factor in his ability to deal with DKs - After all, they can cure poisons as well, but rarely bother to do because it's a waste of a GCD.

Shaman and Druids deal with poison via totem and Abolish poisons, which are extremely potent way to remove poison because they don't affect the GCD. So yeah, I can see shaman being somewhat of a counter to DK because of disease cleansing totems.

What Paladin do have however, is way to deal damage and fear Undead.
#9 May 24 2008 at 9:19 PM Rating: Decent
With Holy Wrath mixed in with all the other Anti-Undead and AoE abilities I can see a Paladin completely decimating a DK's options with his skeles...

Shadow/Frost resistance can't hurt, either.

Will be interesting to see =)
#10 May 25 2008 at 1:45 PM Rating: Good
4,717 posts
I am going to make a Paladin/DK combo.

It will never really brake higher than 1500, but I will take every druid with me and make every druid Cry.

JoJ + Antihealing.

I love their tears.
#11 May 25 2008 at 2:30 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
id think priests would be the closest to an anti-DK class, altho a priest/pally combo would obviously but much more potent than either alone (and the game is balanced around group pvp too). i dont think the DK is going to be strictly anti-druid as well, but in combination with a paladin the DK will definetely make hell for druids.

im a little curious if that kind of a "one might beat one, but two will totally destroy it" trend is going to continue. i think its a much better way of balancing classes than having the stricter rock/paper/scissors setup we (ostensibly) have now. for instance, instead of rogues completely countering all cloth, or mages completely countering all melee, introduce mechanics that give rogues or mages good counter abilities to their respective prey, but not enough so that their prey is completely dominated. however, when a second specific class joins the rogue or mage, the intended prey stands little-to-no chance.

thats what seems to be happening here with DK's. alone they can make a lot of trouble for druids, but still cant chase them down. add in a paladin and that problem goes away. likewise, a priest has a lot of the tools necessary to deal with a DK (dispel, abolish disease) but lacks the armor and mobility to actually survive. combined with a paladin for JoJ, more defensive dispel (knocking off the frostbite-like snare and a disease in one cast is less GCD than abolish+dispel), anti-undead skills and heals, they can quite easily shut down a DK. mix a rogue or a warrior in with the DK and things suddenly get a lot harder for the priest/pally duo.
#12 May 25 2008 at 5:57 PM Rating: Default
I think Death Knights should count as "undead" for purposes of damage. Makes things more interesting. Therefore; Paladin.
#13 May 25 2008 at 8:07 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
they did that back in the vanilla beta. undead (the race) were considered to be undead instead of humanoid. this was great for paladins because everything they did completely and utterly countered an entire race.

while that may sound awesome, it wasnt really the reason they were changed to humanoids. the real reason they were changed to humanoids is because undead are immune to fear and poly. im sure DK's as a whole wouldnt mind completely absolutely destroying locks, mages, and priests without even trying, the overall effect on balance would be, at the least, catastrophic.
#14 May 25 2008 at 10:39 PM Rating: Excellent
Actually, the leaked talent a talent tree showed us that the DK's 11 point talent in Unholy was called 'Lichborn', which change his type to undead, make him immune to stun and give attacker 25% chance to miss him for 12 seconds.

One can only assume that this will make him weak to Exorcism, Turn Evil and Shackle Undead.

Edited, May 26th 2008 2:47am by Tyrandor
#15 May 26 2008 at 3:22 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
well, a talented buff is one thing. a permanent change to an entire class is something different entirely. besides, we dont know the specifics on this lichborn talent either; is it "true" undead in that even death coil wont affect them (save the damage)? or is it just immunity to stun?
#16 May 26 2008 at 5:43 AM Rating: Decent
947 posts
Well the spell description I read specifically and verbosely stated that the DK becomes 'Undead', capitalised. It would make perfect sense to me, becoming Undead strengthens you against some classes that have solid CC (Mage/Lock/Rogue) but opens you up to more CC from the classes you always see in Arena, Paladins and Priests. That said, in 5v5 both Shackle and Turn Undead would be dispelled pretty quickly, so immunity from Stun would seem to be the real gem there. Unfortunately, crap like Blind will still work :(

I'm a bit miffed that Warlocks get another anti-class, but it is Mages that are going to get hit almost as hard as Druids. No Polymorph, and if you succeed in Frost Nova/Blink away, you just get Death Gripped back to the DK and then snared.

With that in mind, Undead and Gnome DKs are going to be extremely dangerous as they have a second CC break (in addition to PvP trinket); Gnomes in particular as Escape Artist complements a DK almost perfectly. They can already break/become immune to other forms of CC except roots, with Escape Artist they can even break out of Frost Nova and Entangling Roots.

The other races' racials dont seem to synergize so well, Humans and Dwarves in particular, but the Draenei HoT might be nice, as might the BE Silence ability for another caster shutdown.

Regardless, in the end, Blood Elf DKs are going to look bada$$.
#17 May 26 2008 at 12:54 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
well, thats enough to convince me. interesting dynamic to say the least.

yeah, i think ill be rolling gnome for my ally DK, and likely belf for my horde one. torrent giving back runic power could be pretty nice, plus its an aoe 2s silence, which is decent solo, but great in a coordinated group, and we all know what EA can do.

besides, gnome DK's would be so cute, and i really enjoy killing people while looking cute. it really gets under their skin.
#18 May 26 2008 at 1:58 PM Rating: Excellent
That said, in 5v5 both Shackle and Turn Undead would be dispelled pretty quickly, so immunity from Stun would seem to be the real gem there. Unfortunately, crap like Blind will still work :(

The same mentality could be used to explain why Fear and Polymorph suck in 5v5... oh wait, they don't.

I know that for 3v3, as rpm, getting the DK to go lichborn to get out of the Rogue's stun and mage polymorph only so he walks right into a shackle undead will probably be a common tactic.

If anything, with the DK being a disease based class who control Undead (And can become one), Blizzard is making it so many abilites that were formerly useless in pvp are now at least somewhat helpful.

yeah, i think ill be rolling gnome for my ally DK, and likely belf for my horde one. torrent giving back runic power could be pretty nice, plus its an aoe 2s silence, which is decent solo, but great in a coordinated group, and we all know what EA can do.

besides, gnome DK's would be so cute, and i really enjoy killing people while looking cute. it really gets under their skin.

I think that now that we have more information about the DK, starting a new threat about racial choice is in order. One where we actually try and figure out what's a good choice or bad choice with none of that 'THEY ARE ALL EQUALS! PICK THE ONE YOU LIKE' nonsense.
#19 May 26 2008 at 3:22 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
ok, ok, ill make a new "serious" thread. 10k here i come!
#20 May 30 2008 at 10:01 PM Rating: Decent
889 posts
So much Rogue hate, are they doing better than MS Warriors now?
(which DK isn't countering either as far as I can tell)

Btw, Death and Decay is a pretty good way to ***** Rogues, it will knock them out of Stealth (like Consecrate).
#21 Jun 02 2008 at 2:49 PM Rating: Good
1,260 posts
I think that while DK is a strong anti-resto druid class, it will probably have issues against feral. Will still have to see how the two balance out, but with what information we have I think feral has an advantage. Not that feral doesn't already hold their own against any class on its own anyways, but Dk doesn't have anything that will be difficult to counter. While hots might not be usable feral should have enough mobility to use HTs as needed, and with DK being melee-centric there isn't the need to powershift through slow effects like against a frost mage.
#22 Jun 05 2008 at 2:16 AM Rating: Good
947 posts
Well, I do think Feral Druids have a great deal to worry about in future.

The overrepresentation (I read a figure close to 150% in S2, not sure what it is now admittedly) of Druids in Arena statistics, 2v2 in particular, will not have gone unnoticed. It is Blizzard's modus operandi to deliver major changes around the same time as major content patches to soften the blow ("The Shaman Review"), and I personally expect to see Feral's PvP utility go down in comparison to other classes in the expansion. I'm not saying there will be a direct nerf, just that other classes will find they have more success in 1v1/2v2 against well-geared Ferals.

While it can be seen that Ferals dont need to worry about DKs Freezing them because DKs are themselves melee characters, it can be argued that DKs dont need to worry about Druid powershifting for the same reason. Why care if a Druid can shift, if you are able to cause maximum damage at close range anyway? The current class concept seems to focus on many things that could cause Feral Druids a big problem; no more HoTs (Degen turning them into a mega DoT instead), Icy Touch reducing attack speed while increasing DK attack speed, a good number of spelldamage abilities that cut right through Bear armour, a number of shadow-based DoTs, limited self-healing providing greater longevity than an Arms Warrior, Ghouls that can interrupt spellcasting and use a Shadowstep-like ability, Death Grip to retrieve an enemy using travelform to escape, and Mind-Freeze to finally interrupt the inevitable casterform heal?? This is ignoring a great many talented abilities like Hungering Cold, Gargoyle and Lichborne (-25% to hit? No stunning?) which are easily obtainable and further diminish the effectiveness of a Cat or Bearform Druid.

I'd say Feral Druids are in for a world of hurt. Ferals will still most likely be very powerful, but if any class is going to take them down a peg it'll be Death Knights.

Edited, Jun 5th 2008 6:32am by Sinstralis
#23 Jun 05 2008 at 3:47 AM Rating: Decent
Any time a game adds a new class into the mix it changes the PvP world greatly. And I think this is exactly what Blizz is wanting to do.
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