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Tanking and Aggro: What's Best?Follow

#1 May 12 2008 at 5:03 AM Rating: Decent
1,970 posts
So recently I got my druid to 70, fully feral specced with just a little bit into resto for good measure (nothing in balance really appealed to me). Though I was hesitant to try, I began assembling a tanking set of gear and started tanking instances. So far it has not been so bad and seems to be something I can get used to and do with relative ease. However a few questions come to mind that I would like to ask the druid community about.

For one, what bear abilities are the best for generating aggro? Right now I try to use everything as often as possible. Growl, mangle, lacerate, swipe, bash, maul, all I try to use immediately when they are ready for use. I try to keep faerie fire up as often as possible and demoralizing roar whenever I can remember to do it. I also keep challenging roar on the ready for those "OH SH*T" moments. However all of these abilities, while constantly switching targets on multiple mob pulls to hold everything at once, is a bit of a strain to manage at times. Is there anything I can afford to skip using while still holding aggro?
#2 May 12 2008 at 5:10 AM Rating: Good
8,832 posts
One a single mob i just Pull with FFF, start with mangle, continue to mangle everytime the CD is up, inbetween mangles lacerate twice, maul if you have more rage then you really need.

Tanking multiple mobs I pull, mangle, swipe, swipe, mangle, then typically just Maul/swipe.

Nothing wrong with using all those other ablilities, but you don't really need em.
#3 May 12 2008 at 5:40 AM Rating: Good
306 posts
Save your Growl for when someone gains agro, it will put your threat up to theirs. If you have top threat, growl is pointless. Just save it for when a healer nabs agro from a second or third mob while multi mob tanking.
#4 May 12 2008 at 7:18 AM Rating: Good
1,239 posts

Always use mangle when CD is up.

Don't growl when you already have aggro.

Lacerate is one of your best threat-gaining abilities.

Begin AoE pulls(6+ish mobs) with Demo-Roar to get initial threat on all mobs.

Don't use Maul unless you have above XX rage.(Make your own XX).

Save bash to reduce damage intake on big pulls, or if growl timer is on CD.

Bash can also be an effective way to stop a spell from being casted.

Lacerate generates initial threat and threat/tick of damage.

FFF doesn't break CC.

Growl doesn't break CC, but still works.

Growl before CC break ensures the mob doesn't run straight to CCer. Only do this if you can hold aggro afterwards.

Growl can be used right after and ability(no GCD), but not vice versa.

#5 May 12 2008 at 7:58 AM Rating: Excellent
37 posts
Mangle is the greatest threat per energy ability you have, lead with it and use it as often as it's ready; also it amplifies lacerate as well as procing Idol of Terror. Maul is a very inefficient way of using threat, and should only be used if you have lots of excess rage, as well as constant rage gain. Also as others have stated, save your growl, an initial mangle is more effective than an opening growl. Also it is great for grabbing aggro before breaking cc, and using a threat meter like Omen will help you know when you lose top threat before a mob leaves you. The same goes for bash, with such a long CD save it for interrupting a cast, stopping a mob while Growl is on CD, or buying you more time to get aggro after a pack is split up to get everyone arranged for swiping.

When having to tank multiple mobs...using your mana to help with threat is useful, especially when starting with low aggro. Wrath--Moonfire on X..Bear--FF skull--mangle...etc This extra threat on the second kill target will help keep it on you while building threat on the main target and allow your dps'ers to start in earlier. It also counters the healer throwing out premature heals and grabbing aggro of non-primary targets
#6 May 12 2008 at 8:53 AM Rating: Good
861 posts
I echo the above, more knowledgeable posters -- mangle/lacerate whenever you can, FFF because it's free and everything else when you have rage to burn. Sometimes I'll mangle/lacerate each mob of a multiple pull and go back to stacking lacerates on skull w swipes in whenever possible. Better chance that no one will go to the healer. Also, on a big pull w no cc I sometimes use hurricane to pull in an effort to get immediate aggro from all the mobs, then shift to bear, enrage, swipe and demo roar as they charge me. That usually holds em. Only pratical in certain spots, though.
#7 May 12 2008 at 1:28 PM Rating: Good

Edited, Aug 27th 2008 12:43am by kawainui
#8 May 12 2008 at 2:05 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I have a macro which casts Mangle if it's ready and then Maul if I have the rage for it. If Mangle isn't ready, it'll just cast Maul.

For soloing and PvP, it's quite a rage dump, but when tanking I usually have more than enough rage. So much I can't get rid of it, really. Spamming Swipe a couple of times with a few crits in there will put me at excess rage in no time.

Single-target tanking: Faerie Fire, Mangle and Lacerate. You can dish out some Mauls if you have the rage. Lacerate is your number one threat maker and with the recent change to damage (it now increases with attack power), my 5pt Lacerate with Mangle debuff does around 500 every tick, so it's a nice bit of threat generation there as well.

Multi-target tanking: Faerie Fire, Demoralizing Roar whenever it's ready, Swipe spam while changing directions to hit maximum amount of targets, plus Mangle and Maul on the main target. If you feel that you're losing aggro on some of the mobs, you can shuffle targets (Tab) and apply one or two Lacerates to each. Should keep aggro off the healer.

In multi-target pulls, make it crystal clear to the DPS that if they use AOE abilities, such as Multi-Shot or Whirlwind or Cone of Cold, they either need to be able to dump the threat again or tank what they just pulled.

While a Lacerate or two on each target should be enough to keep them focused on you even if the DPS uses AOE or multi-target attacks, it's really not worth the risk. Especially not in heroics where a stray add instagibs anything that isn't wearing plate (or fur).

Edited, May 17th 2008 12:29am by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#9 May 12 2008 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
924 posts
Probably a barkskin/hearthstone macro, kawainui.

Edited, May 12th 2008 4:24pm by Banatu
#10 May 12 2008 at 2:30 PM Rating: Good
861 posts
Barkskin/hearth...why have I never thought of this?!
#11 May 12 2008 at 2:40 PM Rating: Good

Edited, Aug 27th 2008 12:43am by kawainui
#12 May 12 2008 at 11:08 PM Rating: Decent
924 posts
tuskerdu wrote:
Barkskin/hearth...why have I never thought of this?!

Clearly you've never had your MT and both surviving healers synchronized bubble hearth on a prince attempt back in the day.
#13 May 15 2008 at 10:17 AM Rating: Default
1,778 posts
From my reading around and experiences:

Taunt doesn't put your threat up to someone elses. Taunt merely forces a target to attack you for 2 to 3 seconds. Moving further from that, the aggro system in this game is pretty interesting to have been learning in comparison to things from XI. A tank can have 100k threat, and a melee range(close range) dpser would need 110k threat before the opponent would look their way. If the DPSer reaches that 110% of your threat mark, you taunt, and hopefully the dpser has used some sort of threat sheding ability and/or has dramatically slowed down his dps such that by the time taunt wears off, the dpser is no longer at or over the tank's 110% mark. If the DPS is smart, and they pull threat, they could even move outside of the 5 yard mark from the opponent and by the time Taunt wears off, instead of having to be less than 110% of the tank's threat, now the dps can comfortably be at 130% or less before the mob would look their way again, but of course, that's only valid assumming the dpser stays 5yards+ away from the opponent which is not long term viable for a melee range combatant.

This same logic is also why ranged dpsers who pull threat can be such a pain to pull threat back off of. If a ranged dps is pulling threat, it means they've surpassed the 130% threat mark. And if a target goes running for Mr Lock (AKA: the target is now within 5 yards of the lock) and the tank taunts and the lock doesn't move the F' back and beyond the 5 yard range and/or the tank doesn't drag the target the F' away from the person with threat, likely when taunt wears off, that lock will still be over 110% of the tank's threat, and since they didn't move back to be in the 130% comfort zone or you didn't drag the target away from that player, they'll just get wacked again.

Now that some of the basics as I've seen it have been thrown out there... moving on.

Mangle on cool down, as before mentioned it's the best threat per rage use.

Lacerate's threat is largely dumped to the target on use. The dot portion has a minimal effect for threat, though it is nice for damage.

Swipe is your best aoe threat tool. I believe I made the mistake of suggesting to someone before to lacerate secondary targets. Really swipe is your best bet since, for example, 3 swipes puts out more overall threat divided to three targets than 3 lacerates (one on each target) would do.

If you're single target tanking, and your swipes are capable of ~280'ish damage, then you want to start moving a bit away from lacerate and toward swipe once lacerate is 5stacked, and instead only lacerate to renew the stack. This will keep threat output about the same as if you would just lacerate and never used swipe on single target, but it will increase your damage output and with that, decrease the fight's length. Anything much higher than 280'ish average damage on a single target for swipe, and swipe can actually replace lacerate for threat purposes (lacerate doesn't scale well; it starts off great though) but as far as I know this isn't really a problem for most people.

As before said, really only growl/taunt if you need to force a target off of someone else. 2.4 even fixed a few mobs (shadowlabs) I previously suggested a use for taunting even when you were already on top. Blizzard must have been reading that thread and the few uses I previously had to growl even though I was on top kinda went the way of the dodo. Sometimes I still growl immediately after some stun effects. Like the bigger mechanical things in mech. But it varies and depends what omen looks like and who I'm grouped up with.

Generally Bash to stop a target from beating on someone else, sort of a ghetto taunt, or to stop a spell from being casted.

If you're dealing with a caster and it's the only target of a group still standing, you can Bash, run some distance back, and interupt more with a feral charge.

On that thought, I usually have less regard for casters as far as who the casting opponent is focusing on since as a druid, we don't really mitigate magic damage unless you're wearing resist gear for the purpose. So sometimes in larger pulls with minimal crowd control I setup a Skull to be killed, maybe a healer type of opponent or sometimes some other type of magic caster, and then I don't even focus on that target myself at all, except maybe to bash a spell cast. This can allow me to focus more heavily on forcing the phsyical brutes to hit me and be locked on to me. Once I'm confident with the physical guys I may go back to the Skull to help out. It can vary. Just try not to take the thought too far since as a druid, Leader of the Pack can heal you and it doesn't do anything for most ranged dps(AKA you have sort of a constant healing effect on you where as most others in your group won't), and the fact that you have the largest HP buffer to be kept alive, not to mention you're generally the healer's primary focus.

Don't Demo Roar if you're already starving for rage, you'll only complicate your rage issue. Not only have you spent 10 rage on the demo roar, an ability worth very minimal threat output, but now your targets hit you that much softer and you'll be able to generate less rage from softer incoming hits.

Consider using caster form abilities to aid your ability to tank and keep threat.

A quick Moon Fire to the target marked as X as you hit bear and reach to grab Skull can be a decent means of keeping a secondary target on you and not running for a jumpy healer.

Regrowthing yourself just prior to some of the larger pulls can be a means to help your healer get through the pull. That's 20seconds of little ticks of health to kind of ease the situation and make it a little bit easier hopefully up until one target is downed. As far as I know Regrowth prior to a pull is worth zero threat to you.

Lifebloom's bloom effect actually procs threat at the moment it blooms. Lifeblooming yourself just prior to a pull can be a simple way to put a small amount of threat divided to all of your targets. Usually this can save a healer from pulling threat on their first healing spell casted to you, if for example, a crucial first swipe missed one of your targets. One of the resto druids I run a lot of heroics with has learned this and generally tries to lifebloom me the same time I'm lifeblooming myself prior to pulls and then proceeds to allow the effect to bloom and casts rejuv or something before starting a 3stack of lifebloom.

Barkskin doesn't last very long, but it is on a 1min cool down and you should know that it's there to help. Magic or Physical damage, it can help ease the start of some fights. It's also a valuable tool in certain trash pulls that pretty much require aoe. You're able to barkskin + hurricane for some decent initial aggro and sometimes it may even prove to last until the opponents are dead assumming you have some other aoe damage source in the group.

It's a learning experience. You'll probably swap some keybindings to make things work out for you as you progress. You might stumble upon an addon that makes things a little easier. You may want to google up some druid specific macros and see if you think you'd like anything from some of the lists that are out there.

Edited, May 16th 2008 11:16am by Torzak

Edited, May 21st 2008 1:08pm by Torzak
Torzak of Carbuncle(Moved To Asura)
#14 May 15 2008 at 1:24 PM Rating: Good
355 posts
I saw some incorrect information on taunt mechanics and thought I would clarify things.

Torzak wrote:
Taunt doesn't put your threat up to someone elses. Taunt merely forces a target to attack you for 2 to 3 seconds.

Taunt DOES increase your threat, to the level of whoever has the most theat on your target. If the enemy you Taunted (or Growled, the mechanics are the same) goes back to attacking whoever it had aggroed to before you Taunted, then that person has gone back over the 110% or 130% threat level.
#15 May 16 2008 at 12:39 AM Rating: Good
1,764 posts
Lots of misinformation I'll get back to when I get back from work this evening. (And not from the 1st-time poster)
#16 May 16 2008 at 6:18 AM Rating: Good
Taunt brings you up to exactly 100% threat relative to the enemy's threat table. The reason it's easy to lose it again even with the taunt is because most DPS classes have some form of dot on the target, which means even if they flat out stop DPSing they still have some amount of threat proceeding the fact that you as the tank have to reach 110 percent threat, which for prolonged fights gets to be a pretty significant value.
#17 May 16 2008 at 7:13 AM Rating: Good
1,778 posts
I am probably wrong then.

Taunt brings you up to exactly 100% threat relative to the enemy's threat table. The reason it's easy to lose it again even with the taunt is because most DPS classes have some form of dot on the target, which means even if they flat out stop DPSing they still have some amount of threat proceeding the fact that you as the tank have to reach 110 percent threat, which for prolonged fights gets to be a pretty significant value.

The "plus" part throws me off. If you've taunted why would you also need to have 110%.
Torzak of Carbuncle(Moved To Asura)
#18 May 16 2008 at 7:22 AM Rating: Good
To achieve aggro.

100% threat does not mean you have aggroed the mob. Threat rules work both ways; if someone pulls aggro off you, they've succeeded in exceeding your threat by 10% (30% for ranged)...once they have aggro, you then have to exceed their threat by another 10% (since you are in melee range). If you fail to achieve this difference before the "taunt debuff" wears off, then the mob will return to his last primary target.

Taunt helps this process in 2 ways: 1) prevents the mob from beating on somebody it shouldn't, 2) mob is hitting you instead, earning you more rage to dump into trying to push that threat back up.

Usually if I have to taunt, I'll hit Maul right then amongst my other attack cycles, because it's that much extra threat frontloaded after the taunt to try and prevent it from happening again, even if I'm shorter on rage than I'd normally use Maul with.

Edited, May 16th 2008 11:26am by Norellicus
#19 May 16 2008 at 1:14 PM Rating: Default

Edited, Aug 27th 2008 12:43am by kawainui
#20 May 16 2008 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
AstarintheDruid wrote:
Lots of misinformation I'll get back to when I get back from work this evening. (And not from the 1st-time poster)

When did you become a Guru? Smiley: jawdrop

Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#21 May 16 2008 at 3:35 PM Rating: Good
Taunt takes you up to the same threat as the highest person and forces the mob to attack you. This means that the DPS then have to get to 110% of YOUR threat for them to pull it off you again.

Unfortunately, if they crit just after the 3secs that taunt forces the mob to hit you, then the DPS can find themselves in trouble again (and taunt is now on cooldown).

If there is one thing i'd like my DPS to learn (besides just watching the threat meter!) is to stop all DPS for a few seconds after I lose agro & taunt. Instead they just go all out and I end up chasing the mob everywhere as one by one they die, feign death, iceblock etc.

#22 May 16 2008 at 5:52 PM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
Taunt and Growl set you to 100% of the highest threat target and force the target to switch aggro. DPS (or healers) need to get to 110% (melee) or 130% (ranged) of your threat to get the mob to change targets again. There's speculation that Growl and Taunt will force a mob to attack you for 2-3 sec regardless of aggro in addition to the above effects.

At 280ish non-crit damage, Swipe used to generate more single target threat than Lacerate. I'm not sure if that's still true since Lacerate scales with AP now. Either way, with 2 or more targets, Swipe generates more threat per GCD than Lacerate, so it's good for multi-tanking.

Demo Roar has one advantage over swipe for initial aggro; it will hit everything in range for at least a minimal amount of threat. That way, you have a few seconds to tab-swipe spam before your healer pulls aggro.

Even though druids don't have any extra magic damage mitigation, we still have up to 2x the health of the non-tanks. I usually end up tanking everything, burn the casters first since most mob physical DPS is like a gentle love tap against my ~33k armor.

Mazra wrote:
When did you become a Guru?


I wasn't really keeping track, and thanks. =)
#23 May 16 2008 at 10:38 PM Rating: Decent
Demo Roar has one advantage over swipe for initial aggro; it will hit everything in range for at least a minimal amount of threat.

how much threat does demo roar give per mob??
#24 May 17 2008 at 5:07 AM Rating: Decent
1,239 posts

No, seriously.

There's a talent that can increase this, but it seems a bit worthless since demo roar doesn't provide that much threat to begin with.
#25 May 17 2008 at 10:09 AM Rating: Good
2,826 posts
jeffoncom wrote:

No, seriously.

There's a talent that can increase this, but it seems a bit worthless since demo roar doesn't provide that much threat to begin with.

ZOMG!!! He just figured out the question to the Ultimate Answer of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
#26 May 18 2008 at 2:21 PM Rating: Default

Edited, Aug 27th 2008 12:43am by kawainui
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