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Learning to tank - Plz go easy...Follow

#1 May 11 2008 at 3:53 PM Rating: Default
1,634 posts
Ok, new paly and I'm learning to tank.

If it's a single mob, unless the mage or warlock goes knuts I'm fine and good to go.

My question what is your spell rotation for multi-mob tanking positions. (Aka - Running the Stocks, or Gnomer - where multi-mob pulls are very common and CC is either not an option or the mage is a damn noob who didn't buy "Sheep" cause he never needed it to solo.) (I have a mage so that really bothered me when i heard that.)

Here's my rotation:

Ret. aura up (I use this if the healer is good... If I need to i'll up my defense, but i figure i'd start with this and see how things go.)
Blessing of might
Righteous fury up

Seal Crusader, then judge main target.
Then Seal of Righteousness (spelling?)
Drop in a Consecration,

Fight mobs

Now either I judge with Righteousness (If it's up/mana considering)
OR I redo Consecration

If anyone pulls agro I just target the mob and whack at it or drop a judgement on them. I've never used righteous defense (Cause i've never had to do it)

SO - am I doing this right?

Edited, May 11th 2008 8:24pm by Borsuk
#2 May 11 2008 at 6:46 PM Rating: Default
1,634 posts
Come on - 27 views and no comments?

Am i ******** this up? I answer the stupid questions in the mage forum???? I know this is a noob question - i'm trying to learn the job. Am i doing it right or should i be considering somethign else - I've noticed a few Locks pulling agro.

If they target a mob i'm not targeting - they seem to be able to easily pull them away from me. This just won't work in 20 lvls... Am i doing it right or what?
#3 May 11 2008 at 10:12 PM Rating: Excellent
1,004 posts
At the point you're at the best answer will come with your own experience with your abilities.

For trash I probably wouldn't judge Crusader, they go down pretty quickly. Blessing of Wisdom, Sanctuary, or Kings would benefit you more than Might. You should have no problem holding aggro with Consecration and Ret Aura unless you're poorly positioned or every DPS is attacking a different target.

Try to get them to use a marked kill order or just /assist you for targets.

And yes, use Righteous Defense. It now operates like any other taunt in that you DONT have to macro it so that you can cast it on a mob anymore. You can either target a mob or your party member that is under attack and it will work if the party member is in range. The advantage of Righteous Defense is that is puts you on top of the aggro chart, so you can immediatly judge Righteousness and be ahead.. rather than using Righteousness to take aggro and then losing it right away.
#4 May 11 2008 at 11:39 PM Rating: Good
713 posts

Use a marking system:

Skull for 1st dps
X for 2nd
Shield for 3rd
Moon for sheep

Whatever you like but this will stop them attacking the wrong targets. Even if you just mark skull on the one you want them to dps it can make a difference. Just change it before you hit your nest target or something like above.

The only person that should be taking aggro off you with secondary mobs is pets or possibly the healer (if your not using consecrate and Ret aura)

My 2 copper worth
#5 May 12 2008 at 1:23 AM Rating: Excellent
2,183 posts
Borsuk wrote:
Come on - 27 views and no comments?

Am i ******** this up? I answer the stupid questions in the mage forum????

First of all, please don't throw fits here. This isn't the way to get people to help you out. For all you know those 27 views could have all come from people who were checking out this site as a guest. It's not like people LIVE on this forum and can get to a new topic every minute of every day.

That said a couple things that'll help you out:

1) as stated above me, use a marking system. Explain which targets you want dead in what order, and stick to it. This should eliminate any confusion and keep the DPS on track.

2) make sure you use the appropriate Blessings. Might on yourself is a waste. Use Wisdom if you need the mana or Kings/Sanctuary (if you have them). Your physical DPS is so low, and gives you so little threat, you will always be better off using one of the other 3 Blessings I mentioned: choose based on the situation (Wisdom if you're going oom, Sanc if you need threat, Kings if you need more health/avoidance). And make sure any DPS has Salvation no matter how much they whine. If you are holding threat fine, feel free to give them a different Blessing, but Salvation should be the first priority to help manage threat.

3) Dropping your Consecration should really be your first step after the pull. Seal up with your Seal of choice, make the pull, drop Consecration. You want to get that threat started on your targets first so the healer won't pull aggro, then start your Judgement/Holy Shield rotation. This is for multi-target pulls though. If you have one target, only use Consecration if you have aggro happy DPS.

EDIT: couple typos.

Edited, May 12th 2008 2:24am by Maulgak
#6 May 12 2008 at 3:58 PM Rating: Default
1,634 posts
Thanks for the replies. It sounds like I need to be a bit more aware than I was as a DPS'er and a bit more in charge as far ask kill rotations. As a DPS Mage - my job was simple. CC first, DPS as needed, double check CC, rinse and repeat. It sounds like I need to take a more active roll.

Cool - thank you.

#7 May 12 2008 at 7:12 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Yes, tanks are generally put in charge of leading the run. At least in my experience, whatever toon I am on, the tank always gets handed group lead for marking purposes unless they specifically say they aren't good at it (blah, get good you slackers!). The tank and healer need to be more focused than the DPS, mainly because it is their jobs to keep everyone alive. DPS needs to pay attention as well of course, but for most of the game (until raids) the DPS can half-sleep through anything and be fine. You do that as a tank or healer, people will die.

People say Paly tanking is easy, and I guess when you compare the number of buttons we need to push with a Warrior or even Druid, then yea it is. But, tanking is not necessarily easy, and it takes the same amount of focus to tank with a Paladin as any other tank.
#8 May 12 2008 at 11:26 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
But, tanking is not necessarily easy, and it takes the same amount of focus to tank with a Paladin as any other tank.

And 100x more awareness of everything that your gear does for you, but that's beside the point at the OP's level.
#9 May 19 2008 at 6:06 PM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
BEHOLD: The power of the interwebbynet:
Maintankadin Threat Theory/Strat/Etc I ::heart:: these folks.

Basically, until you get 41 points in prot., you'll have to depend on Consecration and Ret. Aura to hold a threat lead on your healers. Watch your positioning of course. Be sure that DPS is focus-fire on the main target, which is not always your target. Also tell DPS to 5-count before unloading.

Hope that helps.

but for most of the game (until raids) the DPS can half-sleep through anything and be fine.

Poor DPS can, good DPS cannot. ;)
#10 May 20 2008 at 12:02 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
The point wasn't that you can sleep-DPS and be good. The point is you can sleep and the run will still finish. If the tank and/or healer do that, the run will fail.
#11 May 20 2008 at 7:58 AM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
One thing I didn't see anyone else mention: Don't even bother consecrating unless you're trying to hold multiple mobs. It isn't worth the TPM otherwise and you shouldn't need it. Based on the same criteria, you also may or may not want to pull with Avengers Shield. In this, you'll just have to use your own judgement.

Seals, Judgements, and reactive damage (most notably Holy Shield, which should always be on spam) should be more than enough to generate acceptable single-target threat.
#12 May 20 2008 at 8:04 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Maulgak wrote:
3) Dropping your Consecration should really be your first step after the pull. Seal up with your Seal of choice, make the pull, drop Consecration. You want to get that threat started on your targets first so the healer won't pull aggro, then start your Judgement/Holy Shield rotation. This is for multi-target pulls though. If you have one target, only use Consecration if you have aggro happy DPS.

Though probably not as clear as you put it Gaudion :)
#13 May 20 2008 at 8:18 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Lol... Yeah, guess I missed that. Oh well. You can never have too much advice. =P
#14 May 20 2008 at 1:21 PM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
The point is you can sleep and the run will still finish.

I get the point. I just disagree on the phrase "...DPS can half-sleep through anything and be fine." Some players are very lazy as DPS, but those players are never very good in my experience. At all. Laziness is what makes them poor players in my view. By contrast, good players will be alert to changes and able to adjust quickly.

When I run with my rogue and I see another dps is slacking, they know it right away. Lazy playing, regardless of role, wastes the party/raids time. Maybe not that big a deal to some people. But, to me, there is a big difference between a 3-hour Kara and a 5-hour one. That's all I'm sayin.

*edit for clarification

Edited, May 20th 2008 5:24pm by TherionSaysWhat
#15 May 21 2008 at 2:13 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Maulgak wrote:
DPS needs to pay attention as well of course, but for most of the game (until raids) the DPS can half-sleep through anything and, although the run will take much longer and require more from the other members, it will still finish. You do that as a tank or healer, people will die.

Fixed ...
#16 May 21 2008 at 4:45 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
3) Dropping your Consecration should really be your first step after the pull.

or before the pull, especially on aoe pulls.
#17 May 21 2008 at 6:39 PM Rating: Decent
2,183 posts
I guess it depends on how you pull. No sense in dropping your Consecration first if you pull with Avenger's Shield at max range.
#18 May 21 2008 at 11:21 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
I don't drop it if I'm expecting a sheep either. I literally have to dance in giant wide circles sometimes HOPING that the healing isnt going to take threat on the extra 5 or 6 mobs before the Mage gets their damned sheep off and I can find a place to tank the buggers.

Of course, sometimes I just make the judgement call and say "***** the sheep" and go to work on the entire pack if it's late.
#19 May 22 2008 at 1:19 AM Rating: Good
514 posts
Some mages take too long to get the sheep in.

Do you guys ever ask mages to do 'sheep pulls'? i.e. ask them to sheep the caster at max range, then u stand in front of him and consecrate?

Is that a risky approach?
#20 May 22 2008 at 2:25 AM Rating: Excellent
2,396 posts
waihwang wrote:
Some mages take too long to get the sheep in.

Do you guys ever ask mages to do 'sheep pulls'? i.e. ask them to sheep the caster at max range, then u stand in front of him and consecrate?

Is that a risky approach?

That can be done, but only if there's not a caster/ranged left in the group after the sheep since it's obviously not going to run towards you and over the Consecration.

It'll be a far less risky approach once you get Avenger's Shield at 50 since you can chuck that before or after the Mage sheeps and as long as you didn't target the mob he sheeped, it won't break the CC and will build much better initial aggro on up to three targets.
#21 May 22 2008 at 10:58 AM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
Generally I don't... some pulls like the third boss in Heroic MrT I have the Mage make the pull. This is because there's no tanking, they attack random targets. If the Mortal Strike Warrior add isn't sheeped on the pull, he'll immediatly charge, stun, and MS the Mage buying himself enough time to rip the whole group apart if I've already HoJed the Priestess.

For the most part, I throw Avenger's Shield at the target I want to be sheeped. That way not only do I have threat built on it so it doesnt gun down the Mage if sheep breaks, but it slows that target buying the Mage time if needed. If the Mage isn't fast enough I generally just pick that mob up myself... the only stuff I bring Mages that I don't know can get their sheep off immediatly after AS hits for is easy stuff anyway.
#22 May 22 2008 at 11:07 AM Rating: Good
12,905 posts
Gaudion wrote:

It'll be a far less risky approach once you get Avenger's Shield at 50 since you can chuck that before or after the Mage sheeps and as long as you didn't target the mob he sheeped, it won't break the CC and will build much better initial aggro on up to three targets.

i thought they reverted that change and AS will hit CCd targets. no?
#23 May 22 2008 at 11:14 AM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
Not on AS... they reverted one of the things they changed and kept the others.
#24 May 22 2008 at 11:18 AM Rating: Good
12,905 posts
oh right on :)

havent tanked in months.
#25 May 22 2008 at 12:05 PM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
Fixed ...

LOL! Touché my friend! ;)
Lazy dps players just **** me off I guess.

Sheep-pulls (or Fear/Hibernate/etc pulls) can be very useful in some circumstances. But the mage really needs to stay on top of the CC until focus-fire can get to that target or they could get all melty-faced.

There have been times when losing a tick or two of Consecration (dropping it before the mobs are on me) has been useful for cool-down management. That 1.5 sec that the mobs are running through the dot allows me to pop HS right when they're on me so that I'm using all of the available uptime of HS that I can.

But, then again, I'm not that bright. So maybe there's a better way to do it.
#26 May 22 2008 at 3:35 PM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
Wow - thanks for all the great replies. This thread is really going well and I like that so many of you Paly tanks are chiming in.

I guess my question is - at my lvl (Low 30s) is B.of Crusader worth it?

End game tanking is one thing, but I'm below 40 and my understanding is that ALL classes reach their real potential at 40....

Again - thanks for the great replies.
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