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fighting a hunterFollow

#27 May 28 2008 at 5:46 PM Rating: Decent
150 posts
The One and Only Poldaran
You will likely almost always lose to hunters. They will likely lose very often to another class(though I can't for the life of me tell you which one).

A warrior who can get it through their head to keep Hamstring up or a rogue using those slowing poisons. The destro (I think?) warlocks are the worst. You kill them 95% of the time but probably 50% of the time, you die from their dots afterwards.
#28 May 28 2008 at 7:30 PM Rating: Decent
69 posts
Maybe im weird but as a frostie I have never had too many problems with hunters....I usually just frostnova the pet blink towards hunter and just blow all my instants on him and that usually does it.....I also pull out my elemental before as well too add some extra dps and too keep pet busy or add another frost nova if needed.....It also helps if u make the first move obviously, the more nukes u can get in the faster hell go down with instants.
#29 May 28 2008 at 7:32 PM Rating: Excellent
1,207 posts
Try and stay behind the hunters. I really wish you were a higher level and had trained Ice Lance... you could use the Shatter Combo which would dish out a ton of freaking damage.


There's also the always comical: You step on a hunter's Freezing Trap, you get frozen in a block of ice, you pop Iceblock, hunter casts Aimed Shot, and all he gets is... IMMUNE. And then he proceeds to go crazy and thinks his class is all f---ed up. Then he goes around acting like the huntard he is and says how Freezing Trap is bugged.
#30 May 29 2008 at 6:30 AM Rating: Default
i will admit hunters to me are definitely the hardest class to solo as a mage, i would say rogues, but in actually i embarassingly destroy rogues til they CoS which is such a god damn crutch (sigh) and usually try to ice block it out if i can, since im a human perception when i come out of ice block and trink out of stun i can usually take them.. (rogue 101)

but yea hunters, what i usually try to do if given the heads up is sheep the pet, unless theyre BM, if so i blink directly at the hunter you have a much much much better chance beating them if they cant flurry arrows at you.. so what i usually do is blink at them, hit em with a fireblast, dragon breath them in the face, which allows u time to get 1 or 2 scorches off, then nova them in place (if u time this right the pet should be attacking you now, and will also be frozen in place) at this point fireblast should be ready to go again, but i usually try to get an ice lance or 2 off while theyre nova'd then follow that up with the fireblast and blastwave, at this point its usually a few scorches or arcane explosions finish them off.. keep in mind u wanna calculate your distance to the hunter very precisely, try to stay slightly out of melee distance, but not too far where they can get the arrows off, its usually a 50/50 outcome, unless of course they get the jump on you, which can be devastating at that point i run for my life, hoping to successfully nova the pet and prey impact and sprint kick in then invisible, go drink and eat come back and suprise them, unless they marked u, ******, keep running lol

but yea key is dont give them distance

ps- i completely disagree with whoever said mages cant successfuly solo most classes, i dont have that problem you might wanna brainstorm your tactics =/
#31 May 29 2008 at 6:36 AM Rating: Default
in reference to 7-8k dmg reply of how dragons breathe+fireblast+blastwave+scorch = 7-8k dmg..

not sure about that guys gear.. but if i did that exact combo, and got all crits, which i usually do, or almost do (combustion + high crit %) id say drag breath 1800, fireblast 2000, blast wave about same as dragons breath, 1800, and a good scorch crit for me is 1200-1300, soo roughly in quick and very unprecise estimation thats in and around 7k damage, im about 75% pvp epic'd, so if this guy is fully epicd and has nice gear its very possible for 7-8k off the combo, again assuming they all crit

Edited, May 29th 2008 10:38am by Catshyttin
#32 May 29 2008 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
10,601 posts
As a BM hunter, if I get my stun off on you, you're dead. by the time you can get out of the stun and IB you've lost most of your health. TBW is also 18 seconds, so your 12 second IB will help you but isn't everything. You will have 6 solid seconds of my pet beating on you. Probably more, as most mages don't IB before I get the stun in.

If you time IB perfectly, you'll have a chance. Good luck with that.

MM hunters have silencing shot/scatter shot, and super high damage shots. I'd guess they'd be easier for mages, because they can be CC'd, but the hunter would still have the edge in a fight I'd say.

Edited, May 29th 2008 2:24pm by Xsarus
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#33 May 29 2008 at 12:36 PM Rating: Good
861 posts
Not to disagree with Xsarus -- a mage against any hunter, and especially a BM one, faces a huge disadvantage -- but one slight quibble. Believe we can blink out of the stun. If you follow up stun w TBW we probably now have 2-3 secs of run time before pet's on us, so IB's duration can come close to TBW. That is if timed perfectly and even then two-three hits from a big red kitty will do plenty of damage.
#34 May 29 2008 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
150 posts
Believe we can blink out of the stun.

Nope, you can't blink out of Beastial Wrath stun.
#35 May 29 2008 at 1:31 PM Rating: Excellent
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I checked with my mage friend just to make sure before I posted it Smiley: grin. One thing that is important, If you IB to escape TBW, make sure you blink away from the pet to minimize the damage. Obvious probably.

Trinkets make this difficult but if you can sheep the hunter (not the pet) prior to TBW and kill the pet then You'll probably be able to kill the hunter. you'll need a POM sheep though, as unless we don't see you there are more then enough interupts on you to give us time to FD or press the TBW button.

Edited, May 29th 2008 4:37pm by Xsarus
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#36 May 29 2008 at 2:25 PM Rating: Good
861 posts
I must be blinking out of concussive shot stuns then. Hunters probably don't even bother to intimidate my clothy self since I'm so easy to shred....
#37 May 29 2008 at 11:56 PM Rating: Decent
Nope, you can't blink out of Beastial Wrath stun.

Wrong,there is no bestial wrath stun,but intimidation.And this we can blink out easily.

About red thingy;I'd suggest you to go hide into nearest pillar or anything you can hide behind.You'll still get pounded if you use ice block,as it lasts 10 seconds,and wrath lasts 18 seconds.I'd rather save IB for traps and multi shot+arcane shot combos.

However I'd rather not to mess up with hunters before I even hit lvl 70,as they are yet another anti-paper class even when they're lacking HP and resilience.
#38 Jun 02 2008 at 8:31 AM Rating: Good
861 posts
Can anyone report from the front lines on this dispute over blinking out of intimidation. In what must be a first, my mage didn't get targeted by any BM hunters during the few games I was able to play over the weekend, so I wasn't able to test it out. Has anyone blinked out of intimidation recently?
#39 Jun 02 2008 at 12:36 PM Rating: Default
tuskerdu wrote:
Your best chance against a hunter -- and it is only a chance, whoever thinks a mage can easily take a hunter is a poser -- is to charge said hunter. Blazing speed helps if you're fire. Keep him close because his damage in melee, while enough to hurt a mage, isn't nearly as lethal as at range. Use only your instants -- DB, BW, and good ol AE, plus fireblast whenever it's up. If you try to cast anything the pushback from his shots and pet will double the cast time, and he can always feign death while you're casting, which means you will lose him as a target and start all over.

If he goes big red, you now have to do the opposite -- run away, especially from his pet. When the cat (it's always a cat, isnt it?) is almost on you, iceblock. TBW is 18 secs, IB is 12 secs. If you can outlast TBW, you will probably be able to kill the hunter by snaring him, standing on top of him and aeing him to death.

Someone told me aimed shot can be counterspelled but I'll believe it when I see it. And hunters are almost always on the top of BGs because they thrive amidst the chaos of BGs. In smaller scale combat, when people can focus on them from the start, they are easy (easier?) kills for non-cloth classes.

have to say this works very well. it is about the ONLY way i have beat a hunter with any good gear or skill. even with the nerf to the melee/range distance you can still find that sweet spot and instance down the hunter well enough to make him want to run away.

im not fire any longer, moved to frost at 70 for pvp, so i will often pull a pet out if i am one on one with a hunter who is trying to run away from me, that gives me 2 nova's and if i choose to burn a CD i get 4 nova's plus 2 iceblocks, etc... you get the point.

locks are still the anti-mage.
#40 Jun 02 2008 at 1:26 PM Rating: Good
Blink:Teleports the caster 20 yards forward,unless something is in the way.Also,FREES the caster from STUNS and bonds.

Intimidation:Command your pet to intimidate the target on the next successful melee attack,causing high amount of threat and STUNNING the target for 3 seconds.

Yeah,it does remove any kind of stun.
#41 Jun 02 2008 at 6:56 PM Rating: Decent
Get yourself some rocket boots and leg-it around a pillar when the hunter rages tbh :P You can out run the pet and stay out of sight from the hunter.
It has certainly worked for me a few times. Then after that it's just pretty much, pet; nova, ice lance spam, fireblast, blink, nova, ice lance spam, AE / fireblast / scorch.

If only it could be spellstealed, it would be a hell of alot easier.
#42 Jun 03 2008 at 4:47 AM Rating: Default
meortas wrote:
Get yourself some rocket boots and leg-it around a pillar when the hunter rages tbh :P You can out run the pet and stay out of sight from the hunter.
It has certainly worked for me a few times. Then after that it's just pretty much, pet; nova, ice lance spam, fireblast, blink, nova, ice lance spam, AE / fireblast / scorch.

If only it could be spellstealed, it would be a hell of alot easier.

for those you would have to be an engineer and i know very few mages that are engineers.
#43 Jun 09 2008 at 9:10 AM Rating: Decent
i wont lie. In a bg/arena, the one thing i fear is a hunter. You can either get pwned as u try to get close to them, or blink to them and get in there ice trap earlier so they can run away and aimed shot u. Hunters are just mage killers. nother we can do about it.

#44 Jun 09 2008 at 10:17 AM Rating: Good
1,259 posts
I had a successful 1v1 with a hunter in WSG over the weekend. Pigged the hunter (I don't use sheep) and focus fired on his pet. As soon as pig broke he started his aimed shot and I blinked through to behind him.

Cone of cold to slow him/the pet. I was basically running a twisted form of circles around him. Dancing along with my instants I killed his pet. Pigged him again and bandaged, mana emerald, mana pot, and started my normal attack sequence of fireball, scorch, fire blast, etc.

I had 100 HP left and he dropped. Was the scariest 1v1 I've had to date.

So my suggestion/tips are: get behind or to the side of a hunter as much as possible. Hunters have about a 180* field of shot vision. If you get past that they can't take a shot. If they like to stand still and plug away you have a better chance of survival.

Kill their pet. The sooner it's down the easier they will be. Try to treat it like a 2v1. Take one completely out of combat while you nuke the other.

Edited, Jun 9th 2008 2:22pm by Ebonspine
#45 Jun 10 2008 at 3:50 PM Rating: Good
861 posts
I tested out that old wives' tale about aimed shot being counterspellable in a recent AV's true! So hope he does aimed shot, counterspell. Now he should be* locked out of all his shots. His autoshots will still do considerable damage, so I support Ebonspire's get behind him theory. But at least he can't viper sting/scatter/arcane/concussive shot you for a bit....

*To be play-tested later.
#46 Jun 12 2008 at 1:00 AM Rating: Decent
I tested out that old wives' tale about aimed shot being counterspellable in a recent AV's true! So hope he does aimed shot, counterspell. Now he should be* locked out of all his shots. His autoshots will still do considerable damage, so I support Ebonspire's get behind him theory. But at least he can't viper sting/scatter/arcane/concussive shot you for a bit....

Riiight,according to that theory neither of the rogues,warriors,and shapeshifted druids should be able to use any of their abilities as they're CS'ed.
#47 Jun 12 2008 at 1:43 AM Rating: Decent
Well, its prety easy to kill hunters if u have AP + PoM + Pyro :) and if it crits then u just need to do fire blast and ... cya soon pethuger :D

so i sugest you to get insta pyro
#48 Jun 12 2008 at 8:19 AM Rating: Good
861 posts
No, it's because counterspell locks out a school of spells and a hunter's shots are all (or mostly) marksmanship spells. So if you counterspell aimed shot you should have locked out arcane and concussive, too. Just as if you counterspell a mage's pyroblast the mage cant fireball either.
#49 Jun 12 2008 at 9:33 AM Rating: Default
I'm not even gonna argue about this,it's just riddiculous that you really think that aimed shot can be counterspelled as it's only showing the aim time,not casting something extraordinary like pyroblast.
#50 Jun 12 2008 at 10:43 AM Rating: Good
861 posts
Read back through the thread. I thought it was ridiculous aimed shot could be counterspelled. Someone here insisted it could. I tested it out in AV. Lo and behold, I was able to counterspell it. (Same holds for volley.)

Now, I think that's silly game-wise, akin to counterspelling slam, but it worked. That's why I posted here about the aimed shot counterspelling. It actually works. And the hunters whom I counterspelled didn't hit me with anything other than auto-shots, implying that it locks out their MM school. I don't know how to determine whether that's true other than get on my hunter and run around trying to aimed shot mages, hoping they counterspell me.

#51 Jun 13 2008 at 7:25 AM Rating: Good
1,262 posts
I don't know how to determine whether that's true other than get on my hunter and run around trying to aimed shot mages, hoping they counterspell me.

Duel guildies ftw. When you figure it out, post it.
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