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Heroics or Kara?Follow

#1 May 09 2008 at 10:54 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
as a prot pally should I be doing heroics then move on to kara? I heard that Heroics are wickedly tuff on tanks so Ive been scared to try em. I went to kara and cleared first boss decently, but Im just thinking Im still 30% away from uncrushable so should I be trying to do heroics for better gear? or can mobs in heroics crush u aswell as raids?
#2 May 09 2008 at 11:44 PM Rating: Decent
2,183 posts
Don't tank Kara crushable, not a good idea. Unless you are an off tank or something, but still, without the avoidance you'll be more of a liability. No mob can crush in Heroics so it would be wise to start out in some of the easier Heroics and get gear. You CAN reach uncrushability though without Heroic gear if you work at it.

Yes, Heroics can be brutal on tanks. One reason is because you've only got the one healer to look after you, as opposed to a raid where you should have multiple. But again, so far from uncrush, I would suggest trying Heroics first.

I was like you: I didn't do a single Heroic until after I started Kara, cause I was afraid of them. Knowing then what I know now though I would have done some Heroics sooner.
#3 May 10 2008 at 12:16 AM Rating: Decent
16 posts
What do you think would be an "easy" heroic to start /w to test the waters :S ?
#4 May 10 2008 at 2:00 AM Rating: Decent
626 posts
Heroic Mechanar is pretty easy, even with PuG's.
#5 May 10 2008 at 2:37 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Heroic SP and Ramps are pretty easy too.
#6 May 10 2008 at 4:17 AM Rating: Decent
2,183 posts
imo Slave Pens is the easiest Heroic. Outside of the second boss in Mech, that one is a cake walk as well. And yes, Ramps is pretty easy to do, again, barring the second boss (a lot of people have trouble keeping spread out for him ...).

Ones you might want to wait to do: Mana Tombs, Magister's Terrace, and Arcatraz. Those are probably the most difficult, all things considered.
#7 May 10 2008 at 5:43 AM Rating: Excellent
2,826 posts
Don't forget Shadow Lab and Shattered Halls.

Nothing like 6 mob pulls in a heroic....

Edit: Forgot to actually answer the question. On my prot pally I've ever only tanked 1 heroic, and that was heroic SP with a pimp group and lots of CC. I have howver main-tanked the first half of Kara except for Maiden when I let our OT tank her so I could help with cleansing.

I don't think it really matters.

If you have a good group to go into Kara with, you should be able to tank Attumen, Moroes, Maiden, and Opera with no problems.

If you have a good group to do heroics with, you can knock out heroic SP, UB, and Mech in a couple hours. It's really just which one you can get a good group for.

Just don't try to tank Kara bosses while still crushable.

Edited, May 10th 2008 10:58am by Bigdaddyjug
#8 May 10 2008 at 9:46 AM Rating: Excellent
1,004 posts
You don't need ANY heroic gear to reach uncrushable (with 12k hp to boot), and for a Paladin tank there's extremely few pieces that actually drop off of heroic bosses (outside of Heroic MrT of course) that are better than BLUE quality gear you can get in regular instances. The real benefit of heroics for a pally tank is badges, because there's a TON of great badge gear. Chest, legs, librams and rings especially -- but there's decent belts and what-not as well.

Still on the first page:;mid=12099362305084089;num=22;page=1

Edited, May 10th 2008 12:47pm by Losie
#9 May 10 2008 at 10:23 AM Rating: Decent
16 posts
ya I looked through the list of gear in the defense post and there really isnt anything for pallys in heroics, but I would really like to start getting some badges.

Mech is an easy heroic? Ive only been to mech once and it was a struggle. :S maybe just a bad group. I need to run mech alot more for my chest so maybe Ill give it a try.
#10 May 10 2008 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
You said that you are 30% away from the 102.4 minimum? Your armory came up with an error ( not sure why). But are you figuring in Holy Shield in that %?

Just wondering when I first started I was doing that. If you look threw the older listings there is a great macro for pallies to figure avoidance.

I have tanked Underbog, Slave Pens, Ramparts, tried mech didn't make it. But have tanked Attunman, moroes, opera and Curator.

For some reason have lots of problems on Maiden, not sure why.

Good luck to you :)
#11 May 10 2008 at 1:51 PM Rating: Good
2,826 posts
hamletarcher wrote:
You said that you are 30% away from the 102.4 minimum? Your armory came up with an error ( not sure why). But are you figuring in Holy Shield in that %?

Just wondering when I first started I was doing that. If you look threw the older listings there is a great macro for pallies to figure avoidance.

I have tanked Underbog, Slave Pens, Ramparts, tried mech didn't make it. But have tanked Attunman, moroes, opera and Curator.

For some reason have lots of problems on Maiden, not sure why.

Good luck to you :)

She silences and it kills both your survivability and your threat production. You need to anticipate the silence and make sure you get consecrate and holy shield up before it happens.
#12 May 10 2008 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
Ive been countint holy sheild, just got a new chest and boots so Im at 82% now and 11.7 health.

still need to find some boots and maybe a new sheild. Not sure what else to change.

armory hasnt updated yet but now have jade-skull breast plate and sha'tari vindacators waistguard

Edited, May 10th 2008 6:11pm by Nipherdil

Edited, May 10th 2008 6:14pm by Nipherdil
#13 May 10 2008 at 4:42 PM Rating: Good
2,826 posts
Pretty much the best boots you can get come from the Mana-Tombs quest.

You probably either never did it, or took them as a reward and got rid of them.

They are only level 65 but they give about 4% towards uncrishable cause of tons of block rating on them.
#14 May 10 2008 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
ya just tried to get em, guy died though. will make another run later :(

also about to get some of my gear enchanted so that will help a little.

/w gear enchants Im still only at 84% and barley over 12k hp :(

Edited, May 10th 2008 9:40pm by Nipherdil
#15 May 10 2008 at 5:48 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Maulgak wrote:
Ones you might want to wait to do: Mana Tombs, Magister's Terrace, and Arcatraz. Those are probably the most difficult, all things considered.

BigDaddyJug wrote:
Don't forget Shadow Lab and Shattered Halls.

I would not run Herioc Crypts if you paid me.
#16 May 10 2008 at 8:17 PM Rating: Decent
79 posts
Heroic Arcatraz isn't THAT hard.

The infernals are the only thing you need to really worry about.
#17 May 10 2008 at 8:29 PM Rating: Good
134 posts
Heroics isn't a tank fight, it is a healing one. I can carry a tank with 11k hp through most heroics, simply because i can heal him for 40% of his hp with a downranked holy light. IMO, get a geared healer to go with you for heroics, and just worry about keeping aggro.
#18 May 10 2008 at 10:45 PM Rating: Decent
2,183 posts
riprunner wrote:
Heroic Arcatraz isn't THAT hard.

The infernals are the only thing you need to really worry about.

Infernals were cake imo, it was the rest of the instance that my groups had trouble with. Particularly bad are the 3 "sub bosses" before the final boss. That final boss himself is a piece of cake, but the 3 just before him wipe my groups time after time.

I didn't find Crypts to be that hard either, unless I had a Shaman or Paladin healer. That eye boss is a pain in the *** for classes that actually have cast times on their spells. The reason I never go anymore is because it's a waste for only 2 Badges.

Shadow Labyrinth: I didn't include that cause the only part I ever really saw as a challenge was the trash before The Inciter (second boss). God, I hate those shadow priests. And Shattered Halls: he's a Paladin :P Just starting out he could use a couple CC, but even at that taking 4 mobs shouldn't be an issue. SH is a cake walk with a good Paladin at the helm.

EDIT: I did forget to include Old Hillsbrad though, but I heard that they nerfed the hell out of it recently. Is that true? It's the only Heroic I never completed, cause everyone was always too scared to run it, but if they nerfed it, maybe I can finally get a group to finish it.

Edited, May 10th 2008 11:47pm by Maulgak
#19 May 11 2008 at 1:35 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
The mob layout in Heroic Durn is now the exact same as in regular Durn. The only difference is that the mobs are "Built Heroic Tough" now.

You're still taking fairly large sized pulls, and in some cases taking them in quick succession beyond your control. And the last boss is still the hardest part of Heroic Durn imo.
#20 May 11 2008 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
2,183 posts
Yea, I expect that from Durn. What people were always afraid of were those wandering human/dog combos that would call 1 or 2 other packs of mobs close to them and literally swarm you to death. I'd fully expect to still have the "gauntlet" style pulls after releasing Thrall and the groups of 4 mobs to take on, but those wandering packs were god-awful.
#21 May 11 2008 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
tired kara again. mid way through. not sure the area but had these giant arcane destroyers and mana fish.

The destroyers pounded the hell out of me I want to say they did about 2k-2.5k dmg and for some reason I couldnt keep arggo on the mana fish.

about to try heroic SP hopefully that will go better.
#22 May 11 2008 at 10:25 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
Before or after Curator?

Before him there are 2 arcane guardians that do a AoE debuff on a target, so that guy has to get away from everyone else.

They really challenge your HP & Dodge if you want to tank them together. I'd suggest at least 13k base HP to take them together. Or just have the offtank take one.

The mana worms after them suck your MP.. so get a good 2 consecrations down on them. It works better if you have a hunter misdirect pull them from the room to you, while you wait out on the staircase outside so there's no line of sight issues. Then you have full MP when they reach you. Otherwise just get um yourself and be ready on your pot timer if you need it. The big void-walker like guys with them have an aggro wipe when they teleport. You won't hold on to them. Have all your DPS burn the big guys down first (their HP is actually their mana bar) unless they are AoEing the worms. You will likely lose healers to them if you aren't quick.

The arcane guardians after Curator are easier. They're pansies. The mana worms in the library after him are immune to magical damage, including holy. This is why you can't hold them. They are however extremely weak and easy for a group to burn down, even with all casters someone can physical damage them down before they have a chance to do serious damage to anyone.
#23 May 12 2008 at 2:48 AM Rating: Good
91 posts
I'm surprised nobody mentioned Botanica as an easy heroic. If you're clearing up to Curator in Kara, Heroic Bot shouldn't be too bad.
#24 May 12 2008 at 2:55 AM Rating: Good
230 posts
A question about heroics, paladin related. Is it wise for the tank(in most cases a paladin) to make full use of the available CC in the group? I realise if well geared, overgeared or guild run it's doable. But pugging and in one case the tank wearing PVP gear?
#25 May 12 2008 at 4:25 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Tank in PvP gear? unless that's a Druid you should dump him and get a real tank: 'nuf said.

To actually answer you though, it all depends on what the healer and tank can handle, and how good the tank is at keeping off targets on him. If your tank can't keep multiple targets (yes, even Paladins this may apply, sadly), it's very wise to use as much CC as you can. If the healer is undergeared, again it would be wise to use some CC. It all depends on the group whether it is a wise move, or more of a hindrance, in particular, to the tank.
#26 May 12 2008 at 5:50 AM Rating: Good
1,599 posts
If you can, see if guildies will help you run heroic Mana Tombs to the first boss. Only a few mobs from the entrance. He drops Boots of the Colossus.

Interesting thing about this fight is that you can tank it in cloth. Just go to the AH, and load up on shadow resistance stuff. Or find a warlock or someone who has high Shadow Res (250+), and they can tank.

EDIT - Oh, and Mech is only hard the first few times. Once you get strats down, it's really easy. Kind of like SLab (regular).

Edited, May 12th 2008 9:52am by YJMark
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