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mouse moving questionFollow

#1 May 08 2008 at 1:19 AM Rating: Decent
hi, i want to ask something:i am starting a new rogue(i am hunter now) and i am wondering if for rogues the mouse moving is a must?
Now i use arrows for moving and the mouse for click the abilities.I like this and the moving with mouse and the hot keys abilities found it confused.
Is there any rogue who is good pvp,pve and he is still using the traditional method(arrows for moving amd mouse for abilities)?
#2 May 08 2008 at 1:26 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
There are no classes that can PvP well by moving with your arrow keys.

In fact, I'd go so far as to say that most people that use their keyboard to turn are fairly bad at PvE, too.

There are exceptions, of course. For instance on Zul'jin's first phase when he Whirlwinds, it's much easier to stand at the edge of his hit box and just jump backwards, rather than doing a spin jump.

I'd just get used to it. Start by keybinding your abilities to actual buttons and hiding your action bars.

Then use your mouse to turn.

It makes your reaction times that much faster, and you're not stuck shuffling your feet when you need to turn.
#3 May 08 2008 at 1:32 AM Rating: Decent
349 posts
dorogodess wrote:
Now i use arrows for moving and the mouse for click the abilities.

Clicking is even worse than keyboard-turning.

#4 May 08 2008 at 1:47 AM Rating: Decent
But with my hunter dont have any problem with that.and still i am decent player both in pvp and pve..snif snif.rogues are hard!
#5 May 08 2008 at 2:17 AM Rating: Good
101 posts
You just think you are decent at pve and pvp with keyboard turning and mouse clicking. And you think wrong. Sad but true.
#6 May 08 2008 at 2:20 AM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
dorogodess wrote:
But with my hunter dont have any problem with that.and still i am decent player both in pvp and pve..snif snif.rogues are hard!

No, you're bad.

#7 May 08 2008 at 2:51 AM Rating: Decent
How you can tell if you are bad or good?
Dunno.In pve many ppl have told my good things.And in pvp i have more wins in arena with my friend hunter(also use the same style).And in 2v2 , 2 hunters with only S1 gear to have more than 1550 rating is decent.And our battleground is vindication, maybe the best pvp battleground in europe.
Also in BGs,honestly i am doing great.
Anyway i believe tht decent is 1450-1600 rating,good is 1600-1800,very good is 1800-2200,and pro is 2200 +
#8 May 08 2008 at 3:53 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
dorogodess wrote:
How you can tell if you are bad or good?
Dunno.In pve many ppl have told my good things.And in pvp i have more wins in arena with my friend hunter(also use the same style).And in 2v2 , 2 hunters with only S1 gear to have more than 1550 rating is decent.And our battleground is vindication, maybe the best pvp battleground in europe.
Also in BGs,honestly i am doing great.
Anyway i believe tht decent is 1450-1600 rating,good is 1600-1800,very good is 1800-2200,and pro is 2200 +

I got to 1900 last season with 2 pieces of S2 gear. Smiley: tongue
#9 May 08 2008 at 5:00 AM Rating: Default
But you may be a good pvp player.i just want to be decent.what i am loosing in speed from fingers ,i get it from speed of my mind..:)(we allways thinking quicker than you guys)....
I did it with my hunter and my quetion is: if it is possible to do it again with rogue?or rogues especially need the mouse keybinding moving more than every other class?
#10 May 08 2008 at 6:28 AM Rating: Good
Maybe you can get a way with key turning on a class that doesn't have to stay in a melee range to do damage, but you will not be successful as a melee doing that. How long does it take you to turn around using the keyboard? Now imagine that the mob you were attacking charges off after someone else in your group who is directly behind you. You waste all that time key turning to get back to just facing the mob, when if you were mouse turning, it wouldn't be an issue. PvP is even worse. To put it bluntly, yes, mouse turning is required to be good as a rogue.
#11 May 08 2008 at 6:38 AM Rating: Good
644 posts
Not only is it a requirement to turn with your mouse to be decent as a rogue, but you also have to used improved key bindings if you want to be any good.

It's actually quite simple. Realize how many buttons you have on you mouse. Most probably (not counting left click and right click) 2 thumb buttons and a wheel (wheel up, wheel down, click wheel). That's about 4-5 "buttons". And you can combine those with keys, such as ALT and SHIFT, which multiplis the 4-5 "buttons" to about 12-15 combinations.

Those are 12-15 combinations which you can bind to your more frequent attacks, racials, and other skills.

Then rest your left hand where it should be on your keyboard (for me it is on the ASDF row since I am used to type). Check which keys you can easily reach without moving from this position, and use these keys to bind the remaining skills that you will use (you can still combine with ALT or SHIFT, so you have plenty of combinations).

Result is:
1. your left hand is mostly used to go ahead and backwards or sideways (keyboard),
2. you turn with your right hand (mouse),
3. while you do 1. and 2. above, you can still use your buttons (mostly the mouse buttons) which allows you to be very mobile AND use whatever ability you need.

It takes about 1 hour to think and configure the above, then a few hours for your brain to adjust and get new reflexes, but you won't regret.

#12 May 08 2008 at 6:47 AM Rating: Good
341 posts
dorogodess wrote:
But you may be a good pvp player.i just want to be decent.what i am loosing in speed from fingers ,i get it from speed of my mind..:)(we allways thinking quicker than you guys)....
I did it with my hunter and my quetion is: if it is possible to do it again with rogue?or rogues especially need the mouse keybinding moving more than every other class?


Never return.

#13 May 08 2008 at 6:48 AM Rating: Decent
and how long it takes to adjust?let say i play 1 hour daily..1 or 2 months or maybe more?
#14 May 08 2008 at 6:50 AM Rating: Excellent
341 posts
If you pick smart bindings, no more than 1 day /played for it to feel natural.
#15 May 08 2008 at 6:53 AM Rating: Good
644 posts
dorogodess wrote:
and how long it takes to adjust?let say i play 1 hour daily..1 or 2 months or maybe more?

Coming from a guy who pretended:

dorogodess wrote:
i get it from speed of my mind..:)(we allways thinking quicker than you guys)....


Not to mention that you should slow down your mind a bit, man, cause right know, it's so fast that you fly over words without reading:

nostraaa wrote:
It takes about 1 hour to think and configure the above, then a few hours for your brain to adjust and get new reflexes, but you won't regret.


Edited, May 8th 2008 4:55pm by nostraaa
#16 May 08 2008 at 6:55 AM Rating: Decent
If you start trying to adjust to this as soon as you make the rogue, by the time you hit level 20 at the latest it will feel natural.
#17 May 08 2008 at 7:27 AM Rating: Excellent
341 posts
No offense but if you mouse click you're a ****ing useless worthless player and no top guild or top pvp team in their right mind would want you in their guild/team. You can't even move properly while you mouseclick. It's just so damn terrible

Thats from the guild leader of Nihilum, an *** worthy of serving under Theo.
#18 May 08 2008 at 7:40 AM Rating: Good
ArundelvalEstar wrote:
No offense but if you mouse click you're a ****ing useless worthless player and no top guild or top pvp team in their right mind would want you in their guild/team. You can't even move properly while you mouseclick. It's just so damn terrible

Thats from the guild leader of Nihilum, an *** worthy of serving under Theo.

Rate up for good humor.
#19 May 08 2008 at 7:51 AM Rating: Good
1,039 posts
To the OP,
you NEED mouse as a PVP mutilate rogue. No exceptions.

you can get away with it if you have one of those touchpads on your laptop if your combat spec, but you seriously shouldnt try to pvp w/out a mouse. the ability to move will help prevent hits, and when you put up evasion you need to keep the enemy in front of you (since evasion doesnt dodge hits to the back), so a mouse is important here too.
#20 May 08 2008 at 8:12 AM Rating: Good
91 posts
These are great tips-- and there are other threads on this board with some good key-binding recommendations as well, I'd check them out.

Here's a related question: anyone want to recommend a good mouse? I had been using the Logitech LX5, but it just died and I'm going to purchase a new one-- is there a model that is considered better than others by WOW standards? I have pretty limited tech knowledge, so I'm sure there's a vast array of good models out there that I don't know about...

#21 May 08 2008 at 8:26 AM Rating: Good
Hey guys, am a tank at heart but loving the rogue action...

have a vx-revolution, where i keybind one of the keys to numlock... but where a tank will stand still and tank, rogues require some getting used to.

got a question about mouse moving... you guys refering to the ability to turn quickly via mouse click and move? or you use mouse to straffe as well as move foward?

if so, then do you re-bind wsad keys?

#22 May 08 2008 at 8:35 AM Rating: Default
2,029 posts
You cannot be good at PvP while mouse-turning and clicking. I play a shadow priest - the single more forgiving class when it comes to those, since all but two of my spells don't need facing - and I can tell it effects me. It effects your hunter, you just haven't realized it yet. It will effect you even more for your rogue. The rogue I casually arena with keyboard turns, and it's obvious. We've lost more than a few games just because of that, but we just do it for fun so I don't harass him too much about it.

PvE (raiding) is a little different, as you've pretty much got 1-1.5 seconds between any action to get ready for the next one, and you don't have to move at the same time. Much more forgiving and the reason I can get away with it on my priest. Still have everything important keybound and use them on occasion. But if you can get used to it, it's much better to keybind and mouseturn.

When you start the toon, start keybinding everything, an use the mouse to turn. I've got all my characters (6 of them now I think?) other than my priest keybound and mouse-turning, but after 2 and a half years of been a noob with my priest I can't get into doing anything but clicking.
#23 May 08 2008 at 8:36 AM Rating: Excellent
19,369 posts
ArundelvalEstar wrote:
If you pick smart bindings, no more than 1 day /played for it to feel natural.

That's not true.

A long long long long long long long time ago I was a clicker and keyboard turner. I thought I was doing pretty good. Joined a guild went along just fine. I was talking to one of the leaders one day and mentioned I was a keyboard turner & clicker. They were shocked at how good I was. However they strongly advised me to change my ways. I eventually set up keybinds etc and tried getting into it. It was very hard. My gameplay went down a lot. Naturally I wanted to resort back to my old ways. It was getting frustrating, I died a lot and it was confusing at times. I kept at it because I knew it would improve my game. It didn't take too long (more than a day though) and it started to feel natural. I quickly picked up where I left off. But it didn't stop there. My gameplay speed and abilities continued to improve. I was loving it. In the end it improved my game by at least x10.

Trust me, I've been on both sides. I've experienced first hand what it's like. Make the change. It does make a huge difference.
#24 May 08 2008 at 8:40 AM Rating: Decent
every so often someone comes around asking if they can be great and still be a clicker. the answer is NO lol.

Its hard to let the habit go but if you are starting to level the Rogue its real easy because you dont have to learn every single abilities key binding right away, you learn one or two every few lvls.

If you think your good now key bind and mouse turn with your hunter and do a few days of BG's to get used to it and you will notice a big difference in your performance.
#25 May 08 2008 at 8:56 AM Rating: Good
Its not as big a deal as people claim, but many people here live in a black and white, 'UR DOIN IT RITE/UR DOIN IT WRONG' world, where things have no degrees inbetween.

The keyboard turning thing isn't a huge deal in PvE, AS LONG AS you use strafe graciously. The reason people don't like keyboard turning is because you turn slow. With strafe, you don't need to turn nearly as much and still be facing the mob enough for combat.

PvP, its a bit more important. In BGs, its usually not a huge deal unless you're going 1v1 against someone, but BGs you're usually fighting against lower level PvPers anyways(not always!) (and before you say it Theo, just because a Porsche is a really cool car, it doesn't mean a Hyundai isn't also a car!)

The ability clicking is a bit more of a handicap. Rogues have to be able to do certain things with quick reaction time. For your normal SS, SnD, etc, it won't make a difference, but if you want to be a good rogue, you need that kick/gouge/vanish/blind etc button right there.

In summary, PvE, you probably will be viable keyboard turning and clicking, but you could be a lot more skillful if you learned to do it the opposite. Its an area that a bit of practice could give you good results.

In PvP, it just depends how serious you want to get about it. PvP is a case of optimal or lose, so think about doing every little improvement you can.

oh and P.S. I find its more important for my hunter to use the mouse to move and keys for abilities than my rogue. :P

Edited, May 8th 2008 9:58am by digitalcraft
#26 May 08 2008 at 9:56 AM Rating: Decent
811 posts
All I can say is I haven't a clue where these buttons are on my bars:

KS, CS, Mutilate, Vanish, Blind, Stealth, deadly throw, kick, cold blood....

I'm pretty sure a lvl 50 would destroy me if I had to click and k-turn.
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