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Pre-Raid Uncrushability: A Paladin Tank's GuideFollow

#77 Aug 23 2008 at 1:06 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
I'm sure a pre-raid helper will still be useful, but Losie's right in that crushing blows are out: the main focus of this guide will no longer be needed.

Minimum stats for raids, uncritability, maximizing resist gear (for if/when that'll apply) would all be good points to focus on for Wrath though.
#80 Aug 25 2008 at 9:37 PM Rating: Good
4,717 posts
I need help this is my armory ( ) I have followed your guide pretty closely, but I cant seem to become uncrushable, what should I do?
#81 Aug 26 2008 at 6:35 AM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
Lord Justdistaint wrote:
I need help this is my armory ( ) I have followed your guide pretty closely, but I cant seem to become uncrushable, what should I do?

I would put a glyph of the defender (KoT revered) on your helm (you have the continuum blade already, so you must be revered already). You also have 1 trinket that has no avoidance stats, and your cloak could be upgraded with the Devilshark Cape (Steamvault) or the Burnoose of Shifting Ages (regular BM). You could replace one ring with a delicate eternium ring (has dodge but not defense, AH 50g or so) after you upgrade the cloak and trinket and get your glyph. The upgraded trinket and cloak and the glyph will more than make up for switching rings out as far as defense rating goes. Then add the 15-badge libram from doing heroics and you should be just about there.

Also, the Crystalforged Sword is a bit better for avoidance than the continuum blade (has a bit of block rating if I remember) so you may want to look into that as well, although it is not nearly as important as the trinket, cloak, glyph and ring.
#82 Aug 26 2008 at 11:50 AM Rating: Good
4,717 posts
jeromesimina wrote:
Lord Justdistaint wrote:
I need help this is my armory ( ) I have followed your guide pretty closely, but I cant seem to become uncrushable, what should I do?

I would put a glyph of the defender (KoT revered) on your helm (you have the continuum blade already, so you must be revered already). You also have 1 trinket that has no avoidance stats, and your cloak could be upgraded with the Devilshark Cape (Steamvault) or the Burnoose of Shifting Ages (regular BM). You could replace one ring with a delicate eternium ring (has dodge but not defense, AH 50g or so) after you upgrade the cloak and trinket and get your glyph. The upgraded trinket and cloak and the glyph will more than make up for switching rings out as far as defense rating goes. Then add the 15-badge libram from doing heroics and you should be just about there.

Also, the Crystalforged Sword is a bit better for avoidance than the continuum blade (has a bit of block rating if I remember) so you may want to look into that as well, although it is not nearly as important as the trinket, cloak, glyph and ring.

Armory must be outdated, I have glyphs on things. Do I really need the Crystalforged? That thing goes for like 500g, and I still have enchants/gems to buy.
#83 Aug 26 2008 at 12:07 PM Rating: Excellent
1,131 posts
Ok.. I saw the shoulder glyph the first time, but did not see the glyph on your helm.

Continuum blade only adds a smidge of block rating, so NO, not worth it for you.

You should be able to still switch rings out if you upgrade the cloak and switch the insignia of the alliance to a tanking trinket.

Basically you have to have 102.4% total avoidance. At defense 491, and with your current setup (unbuffed), you have

Chance to be missed 10.64% (5% base + 5.64% from defense)
Dodge 15.74%
Parry 15.64%
Block 20.79%
Holy Shield 30.00% (block)

Add the tanking libram (Libram of Repentance) for 15 heroic badges and that gets it up to about 98%. You need to come up with another 4-5% total avoidance to get to or slightly over 102.4% I would recommend doing heroic ramps and slave pens (your stats are good enough as long as you have a good healer and reasonable dps) to get 15 badges.

If you got the Devilshark Cape or the Burnoose of Shifting Ages and enchanted it with Dodge (+12 dodge rating), and switch the insignia of the alliance for a trinket with avoidance stats, and get that Libram, I am pretty sure you will be both uncrittable and uncrushable.
#84 Aug 26 2008 at 2:37 PM Rating: Good
4,717 posts
Rate up! Thanks! I got the SL trinket just a few minutes ago, I am going to start running SV for my devil shark. If THAT plus enchants wont boost me to uncrushable, I'll start doing things like getting the crystalforge!
#85 Aug 26 2008 at 4:01 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
With the Devilshark Cape (with +12 Dodge), +15 Defense added to your chest, and Blessing of Kings, you'd be sitting at 97.76%. Which means with the Libram you'll be set.

BEFORE you get the Libram, the Figurine of the Colossus (Shattered Halls last boss) is almost a REQUIREMENT if you need to get to crushable to tank a raid boss. The drawback is.. it only adds Block Rating, so it doesn't really do anything besides stop you from eating Crushing Blows.

The two most important items to have if you DONT have the libram are Andormu's Tear, and the Figurine of the Colossus. The next two most important items are the Jade-Skull Breastplate (with +15 Defense) and the Nexus-Guard's Pauldrons.

Incidentally, if you replace Dabiri's Enigma with the Figurine of the Colossus, do ALL of the things I listed at the start, and change your shoulders to the GREEN Nexus-Guard's Pauldrons (Netherstorm quest) you'll be sitting at 101.37% with Kings and Holy Shield (no libram though). Add a Flask of Fortification, Warp Burger, and Gift of the Wild and you're at 102.85%. You might also try pluncking a couple gems with Defense on them in a couple sockets.

Just a few ideas to play around with.. Check yourself out on, add all the buffs, then play around with gear to see where it would leave you.
#86 Aug 26 2008 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
4,717 posts
It might sound arrogant, but I would really like to keep these spiffy shoulders.
#87 Aug 28 2008 at 8:46 AM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
Lord Justdistaint wrote:
It might sound arrogant, but I would really like to keep these spiffy shoulders.

The shoulders ARE spiffy!

However, I just checked your armory again, and you have a slight imbalance...

Your defense is actually now a bit too high, while your overall avoidance is still too low. Anything over about 495 on defense is excessive (you can actaully hover around 492-493 and be perfectly fine). The problem with too much defense is that it makes you get missed TOO often (less heals = less mana during long fights), and it actually gimps your overall avoidance compared to switching some of that equipment with +def to block, parry, or dodge.

If you encant the breastplate you have with +15 defense, you could switch out the ring of the Silver Hand for a cheap delicate eternium ring on the AH (maybe 50g tops), and go to Shattered Halls and get the Figurine of the Colossus to replace one of those two trinkets that only give +def right now. And yeah, go for the Burnoose of Shifting Ages or the Devilshark Cape (and enchant with +12 Dodge). With as much defense as you have now, you can nerf your defense back down to the low 490s and replace a good chunck of that +def with dodge, parry, and block, and you will definitely be even closer to uncrushable. I am just a few steps behind you on the journey to uncrushability, and it is TOUGH to get there!

Edited, Aug 28th 2008 12:42pm by jeromesimina
#88 Sep 03 2008 at 2:57 AM Rating: Decent
4,717 posts
Got the Libram, going for the Cape/FotC/Enchants! Thanks!
#89 Sep 03 2008 at 11:33 AM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
Lord Justdistaint wrote:
Got the Libram, going for the Cape/FotC/Enchants! Thanks!

Rats... you logged out as PvP spec/gear, so I can't see how much progress you have made on the prot set... Sounds like you are almost there though!
#90 Sep 07 2008 at 12:37 AM Rating: Decent
4,717 posts
I am now in my Prot Gear again, and I got some wicked improvements in Kara, namely - my t4 helm and Mantle of Abramhis (or something). Any advice on what my stats are/should right now?
#91 Sep 07 2008 at 10:12 AM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
Your bracers are starting to get very dated. Normally I'd suggest replacing either the chest or legs first with badge items since the upgrades available for those slots are literally the best available -- but I'm going to say you could probably get more out of grabbing the badge bracers next. Incidentally, if you were to grab the badge bracers you could swap out your Dab's Enigma for a Figurine of the Colossus safely (while flasked) and that would put you uncrushable (I assume you have the Libram since you said you did earlier, but you have a different one equipped in your armory right now) for the time being. Also -- stick a glyph of the defender on your helm... I just noticed that so I didn't factor it into the earlier calculations. A Defense meta gem would probably help you more (they usually do) but a Stamina one may be useful too.

You're makin all kinds of gearing leaps. Grats.
#92 Sep 07 2008 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
4,717 posts
Unfortunetly, for a good 3 weeks not a signle peice of badge gear will be Prot related, I am my guilds PvE Ret as well, but we seem to need tanks more than DPS. But, I like Ret a bit more than Prot (and I am much better at Ret).

I've been hoping for Attun's bracers. I respecc'd to ret just now so my gear will have changed. Next week I will be specc'd back (hopefully getting my FotC, but I can only run instances on saturdays.) I am hoping to get my Justicar Gloves from Curator as well. We do a full kara clear saturday.

I managed to get to: Part tank netherspite, tank the big fleshbeat before prince (and wiped half my group to boot). Moroes adds (two). Some AoE pulls, Kil'Rek (that was a major failure on my part, he rezzed and I didn't see him so I kept whacking away on Illhoof and then oomed myself trying to get him back only to realize that Illhoof was down to 2%. The Ushers hit like MONSTERS! Other than that pretty cool, I saved our group from wiping on nightbane by AS'ing + Exorcism before he could gib our healers Smiley: grin.
#93 Sep 08 2008 at 7:14 AM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
I have a question... I have developped a set of gear for tanking heroics and a set of gear for trying to become uncrushable. Is this pretty normal? This is my current heroics set-up:

For my uncrush setup, I swap out the Mark of the Ravenguard for Strenght of the Untamed, swap my Thoriumweave Cloak to Burnoose of the Shifting Ages, and swap the Iron Band of the Unbreakable for Andormu's Tear.

I am planning on getting the Libram of Repentance this week, so in my uncrush set, I believe I will BE uncrushable (finally! HOORAY!), but the uncrush set makes me lose about 500 armor and about 1000 health due to some significant stamina loss. I am assuming that the higher stamina/health/armor is better for heroics where uncrushable doesn't matter... is that right?
#94 Sep 08 2008 at 1:15 PM Rating: Excellent
1,004 posts
That's perfectly normal. Earlier on it doesn't really matter. I remember running heroics in my raid set with a ton of stamina junk sitting in the bank. One of my main healers built a Protection Paladin (which I helped him learn) that's now geared to handle any of the gimmick encounters (trash in Hyjal, etc -- like most Paladin Tanks out there that don't get to tank big things -- in this case because he likes to tank for alt runs and less geared runs) and he noticed the exact same thing when we was just turning Kara-viable. While it is better.. it's not always necessary to swap out of raid gear into Stamina heavy heroic gear.

It is absolutely 100% necessary later on though. It's extremely difficult to keep things stuck to you in heroics when you're in your Tier 6 & SPLAT25 survivability gear with decent geared DPS (All ilevel 120+ epics). You need to lose tons of avoidance, especially Dodge, and maybe even a little armor. I fall into the camp of trading those for Spell Damage and Stamina, and unloading EVERYTHING you have every single fight (and drinking every single fight) and sitting down during combat if absolutely necessary. The other major form of "heroic set" is taking something off... usually pants or helm -- which isn't really a heroic set.

Getting into the habit now is good. Even if swapping gear is really more of a convenience for you right now for heroics, it's good to be used to it -- and not have to start from square one later when you really need to.
#95 Sep 20 2008 at 8:29 AM Rating: Decent
4,717 posts
Yay! I got the brewfest DPS (and tank trinket, is that useful?) So now i cna spend my badges for whatever, I have just enough for the bracers, would those be my best choice?

My tanking gear has not changed to much yet.
#96 Sep 25 2008 at 5:41 AM Rating: Good
Might I suggest a quest chain in Blade's Edge Mountains for Natasha's Battle Chain?

It is easy enough, adds a nice amount of stamina and defense and block value.
#97 Sep 29 2008 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
Awesome advice! Found that this makes you a GREAT tank for normal instances and early KARA (with good to great healers) but, will not really allow me to tank Heroics very well (as per your note). So I switched to Holy and found that I can gear up great in BG, and then heal heroics. I will use the badges to buy better tanking gear (unless I can get some good gear doing Kara for guild).

Any advice on Badge Upgrades for this selection (i.e. most "bang for the badge") vs. early Kara tank gear?
#98 Sep 30 2008 at 11:28 AM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
Most Prot Paladins tend to go for the 75 Badge chest and the 100 badge legs first (most of the other gear can be from drops in Kara such as;source=live,;source=live , nice prot boots, etc.)

I am posting from work and don't have time right now to put in the actual links to all of the items here, but if you see a 75 Badge chest and 100 badge legs that look like they were made for a Prot Paladin, they are the right ones :)

There is a pretty nice prot Chest in Kara;source=live but it is more for a warrior, as it has no spelldamage on it.

You don't need to be uncrushable (102.4% avoidance) for heroics, so if you want to tank heroics, the best thing to do is keep 490+ defense so you are still uncrittable, and switch a lot of your avoidance gear for gear that has TONS of stamina and some more spelldamage on it. When I am doing Kara, my unbuffed health is probably 12.5K... When I switch to my heroics tanking gear, my unbuffed health is probably 14K. If you like going holy for heroics, it is fine, but if you get a stam necklace;source=live for example, and switch to rings that still have some defense but have higher stamina, you can tank heroics just fine too!

Edited, Sep 30th 2008 3:26pm by jeromesimina

Edited, Sep 30th 2008 3:31pm by jeromesimina
#99 Oct 02 2008 at 9:55 AM Rating: Good
This is a fantastic thread. My Pally is about to hit lvl 70, and now I have a place to start looking for gear. I do have a question about spell dmg though. I've always been told that spell dmg is very important for threat generation on a Pally tank. From reading this thread, I realize that survivability is a lot more important now, but with your example list of gear, you say that you can reach 490 and 102%, and only need to socket for stamina. Would it be feasable to throw some +spell dmg gems into that list of gear? Perhaps putting yourself up to about 200 spell dmg? Or would that compromise your survivability too much? Right now I have about 320 spell dmg and 0 defence because of what I've been told. Found out the hard way how bad that was. Now that I'm about to hit 70, I intend to rectify that situation, but I would like to keep some spell dmg. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
#100 Oct 02 2008 at 12:10 PM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
Manchetick wrote:
This is a fantastic thread. My Pally is about to hit lvl 70, and now I have a place to start looking for gear. I do have a question about spell dmg though. I've always been told that spell dmg is very important for threat generation on a Pally tank. From reading this thread, I realize that survivability is a lot more important now, but with your example list of gear, you say that you can reach 490 and 102%, and only need to socket for stamina. Would it be feasable to throw some +spell dmg gems into that list of gear? Perhaps putting yourself up to about 200 spell dmg? Or would that compromise your survivability too much? Right now I have about 320 spell dmg and 0 defence because of what I've been told. Found out the hard way how bad that was. Now that I'm about to hit 70, I intend to rectify that situation, but I would like to keep some spell dmg. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Generally as you first hit 70, spelldamage isn't a big deal unless you are tanking a dungeon with people that have much better gear than you do. If you are tanking things with other people who are recently 70, your threat will be sufficient, especially if you give the dps (and maybe even the healer) salvation. If you are tanking with dps/healer that are overgeared compared to you, you all better have Omen and make sure the dps knows when to back off, and be prepared to defend the healer if he gets off one too many crit heals. Also make sure the dps are following the kill order (mark targets with skull, x, star, moon for cc targets, etc.) having them follow your marked kill order will ensure that they are dpsing the target that you have maximum threat on.

For now, stamina and defense are king (you don't even need 102.4% avoidance until you start doing Kara). If you die, generally the party/raid dies, so surviving is paramount. You will gradually get more spelldamage as you gear up, but it takes time. Don't worry about spelldamage yet. Once you get some Kara/Badge gear your spelldamage will just naturally get better and so will your threat because of this.

Once the next patch comes out, prot pallies are supposed to get a conversion of stamina to spelldamage where 1000 stam will give you 300 spelldamage, so this will help as well. Also, from what I have heard, level 80-83 raid bosses don't crush, but I think they may be leaving crushes in if you plan on doing Kara and the level 70 raids, so 102.4% avoidance won't be as necessary in WOTLK, but it still won't hurt you to have that much avoidance.

If you click on my armory link from one of my previous posts in this thread, you will see that I am doing Kara and still only have something like 235 spelldamage, but my groups always have Omen, and they always know how I mark kill order, so it really isn't an issue except when the 13 year old in my guild that has a 70 hunter decides to yell "LEROY JENKINS" and go aggro a whole room in SLabs or something... then it can be kind of a challenge....

Edit: With only base defense and 320 spelldamage at level 69 (or whatever level you were as you wrote your post) and much less stamina than you could potentially have, mobs will stick to you like glue, but they will pound you to a pulp, which generally isn't good :)

Edited, Oct 2nd 2008 4:13pm by jeromesimina
#101 Nov 04 2008 at 12:30 PM Rating: Default
to the above poster, if your using your skills right, weapon dps > spellpower, i was using the headless horseman's sword till i got the chess sword and decided to switch it out for the spellpower rep sword from KoT, my threat generation was cut down by ~300-500 TPS. with what i currently have, im holding threat over people doing 1500 dps pretty easily, and 2200 dps people depending on their class (which is far and beyond what i need to be generating since auditors say im only geared for mags) and less overall dps. post patch spellpower hasnt helped me whatsoever (other then what i get from stam)

i keep seeing people say spellpower is still the way to go but so far without any spellpower gear i generate quite a bit of threat (and like i said above, trying to go with spellpower has done nothing but hinder my threat in attempts at seeing why people still reccomend it at 70)
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