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Pre-Raid Uncrushability: A Paladin Tank's GuideFollow

#52 Jul 25 2008 at 2:54 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Until Losie gets around to taking a swing at the question, I'll state my opinion.

The Justicar gear won't get you as much avoidance or stamina as comparable pieces of "neutral" tanking gear, but particularly when you factor in the set bonuses, they'll give you a lot more threat generation. I have 4/5 Justicar that I use for AOE tanking trash packs and for whenever I run Heroics. For the big baddies I swap out 3 pieces of my Justicar for more stam/avoidance. My threat drops down, but the extra survivability is needed more in certain situations.

I would always say that the Justicar set is a must get, if for nothing else because it makes a good threat setup. Don't forgo more Warrioresqu types of armor though just because you have Justicar, and visa versa, because both will serve you well, just differently.
#53 Jul 27 2008 at 8:14 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
For the most part I agree with Maulgak's thoughts.

From a survivability standpoint (which maintanking, has been my highest priority through all of end-game) the Paladin Tier 4 set is complete and utter trash. It is valuable for threat generation however.

A closer piece by piece look at it.

Helm - The helm is terrible in most regards. I'd rather use an Eternium Greathelm from the Opera event in Kara than the T4 helm. What does it have on the Greathelm? Dodge and Spell Damage. At *best* you can consider it a cross-grade for other applications. At worst, a slight downgrade.

Shoulders - The T4 shoulders are actually excellent. They're the first REALLY nice tanking shoulders you'll find. They compare well with the Tier 5s, even so much so that you might consider using T4s for boss tanking after you get the T5s. Neither hold a candle to the ZA shoulders though for pure survivability. Again, they offer Spell Damage though.

Chest - Useless. I don't know why you wouldn't already have the 75 badge chest if you're downing Mags, which is superior in every respect save that it wont give you a four piece bonus. The Justicar bonuses arent worth sacrificing such a superior piece of gear though in most respects.

Gloves - God aweful. They stand as a *minor* upgrade to Felsteel Gloves, mostly just in the fact that they add Spell Damage and contribute to the Justicar set. The Iron Gauntlets of the Maiden (Kara, Maiden) are far superior. If you don't need the Block Rating to stay uncrushable, the Bonefist Gauntlets from badges are even better yet.

Legs - Another useless piece. The 100 badge pants are so good that I replaced my Tier 6 legs with them as soon as I got a piece of Sunwell Tier 6 so I could keep my 4 piece. And unless you're getting propped through a lightning round of end-game.. you should probably have collected close to 250 badges by the time you down Gruul anyway. That'll cover the libram, chest, pants, and then some.

With the absolute blantent superiority of other gear for most slots, I generally can't justify stacking Tier 4 for the 4 piece bonus. The shoulders are definitly worth it. If you want a 2 piece, I'd probably consider the Helm before the Gloves, but if you have enough avoidence to keep yourself uncrushable and have adequate Dodge, the gloves are a *maybe* -- I just can't justify the loss of either the amazing badge chest or legs in order to pick up the 4 piece bonus though.

All things considered. The Tier 4 set offers some interesting stats for heroic tanking and strictly trash off-tanking in raids when complemented by other stronger gear. Everyone should certainly pick up the shoulders. They are also a good starting point for Healers/Rets that want a tanking off-set and might have other priorities for immediate badge use. Though they'd certainly be gimped compared to a tank mainspec at a lower content level that spends badges on real gear.
#54 Jul 28 2008 at 10:04 AM Rating: Good
682 posts

To start, I'd like to comment on what a great tanking guide you've put together here. There are a couple things I'd like to see, one is macro code for an avoidance calculator. This one:

 /script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Need 102.4 combined avoidance. Currently at:",0.8,0.8,1)  
 /script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(GetDodgeChance()+GetBlockChance()+GetParryChance()+5+ 
     (GetCombatRating(CR_DEFENSE_SKILL)*150/355 + 20)*0.04,1,0.5,0)

Found here: Wowwiki- Paladins as tanks: Gear Mechanics is similar to what I use, and is very handy as a macro.

The second item I'd like to address is your standard raid build. Early on, anticipation is so critical to hitting the magic 490 defense that it's not debatable, however, once you're ready to raid, I quickly found out that the biggest issue is spell damage. I can tank room full of melee mobs, and I get shreaded by 3-4 casters. Working with another Pally tank, we came up with a build on our own that is so close to your standard raid build it's almost scary. The only difference is we give up some anticipation (putting 2/5 in anticipation) and put 3 points in Pursuit of Justice from the Ret tree. the 3% chance to avoid being hit by spells is huge, and much more valuable than 5/5 anticipation once you have the gear to hit 490 w/out it. At least, that was our take on it. (everything else about my build is identical to yours)

What are your thoughts on this?

#55 Jul 29 2008 at 6:21 AM Rating: Good
So I have been working on my gear from this list and it has been a huge help. I do have a question about trinkets. I have the furies deck and have heard its a great Prot pally tricket. Is this true or should I hold off getting it? Luckily I spent maybe a total of 500g on getting the full set as I had most of the cards on various toons and in the guild bank. Thanks for the great list and debates.
#56 Jul 29 2008 at 1:01 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
It is a great trinket: lots of stamina and extra threat. If you need some other trinket to knock crushing blows off though, use the other trinket. Wait until you can avoid crushing blows without the use of a trinket to use the DMC:V.
#57 Jul 30 2008 at 5:10 AM Rating: Good
32 posts
Thanks for the information.

I just picked up the justicar gloves on a kara drop. After picking it up I was curious about the whole set. I don't have the badges yet, so any additional gear is from drops only.

So if I am following you: the Chestplate of Stoicism, Sunguard Legplates, Iron-Tusk Girdle, & Bracers of the Ancient Phalanx would all be good badges purchases due to the high STA, DEF, Dodge, and shield block - strictly from a survivability standpoint?

Thanks again for information.
#58 Aug 01 2008 at 4:15 PM Rating: Excellent
1,004 posts
Hi, sorry everyone. I havn't been poking my nose in here as often lately, I've been busy with the Wrath beta.


The macro for calculating avoidence is excellent and a great tool. I hadn't included it because this thread (the wealth of information available in the replies has swelled this guide to be FAR more than the original post) because it was meant to be a "second step" passed fundamental theory. I left the explanations of the actual concepts of being uncritable and uncrushable and how to determine if you are to the two EXCELLENT threads linked at the start of the guide. All the same, it's good to have the macro included here, like I say -- the thread itself offers a wealth of information beyond the scope of the first post.

As for the build. I've toyed with taking points from Anticipation before as well. I tried it when I was in Tier 5 with some benefit but it became very restrictive on what gear I could use. I tried it again more recently (after farming everything (pre-Sunwell) for months on end) and it was much easier due to the crapspiel of defense offered on Tier 6 level gear. Even then, the sacrifices I had to make outweighed the benefits I received from taking other talents in its place. With the release of the 2.3 and 2.4 badge gear it becomes even harded to drop that talent. Tanks are now SEVERLY Defense starved in the post-Kara stage (where badge gear is often vastly superior to anything available as drops until Tier 6) to the point (as I mentioned in an earlier post) that a Paladin needs to not only plan what gear they want but the ORDER in which they get it. If they don't get the gear in the precise order, they find themselves critable, crushable, or both. While this new gear is amazing, it pigeon-holes tanks, Paladins especially. You'll also notice that I'm strongly biased toward taking gear for the survivability it offers. In my experience Paladins are the gods of threat generation, unrivaled by the other tanking classes (including single-target threat generation in many respects). We're like "dial-a-threat" dispensors that can jump to any (reasonable) threat output at the drop of a hat. Our major drawbacks are against enemies (usually particular bosses) that are either not entirely vulnerable to our abilities or that have some ability that we have no counter for. That's when my fellow Warrior and Druid tanks step in :D That drawback compounds with our second major disadvantage (in my experience) which is raw unbridled survivability. In reality it's not as dramatic as many would have it look, but it's still a disadvantage to be aware of, and influences my gear choices. Anticipation complaments that mindset.


Again I agree with Maulgak :D The two *main* stamina trinkets are the Darkmoon Card: Vengeance (Furies Deck) and the Commendation of Kael'thas (Heroic MrT). There are other trinkets that offer large amounts of stamina as well (Rocket Launcher, blah blah). Generally, if you can get your defensive stats up by other means it can be a good idea to take a stamina trinket. I prefer the Commendation of Kael'thas as it's equip stat is far more useful to me. Threat isn't really a big deal if you've planned everything well, know how to play to maximize it, and don't play with #$(*tards who have trouble controlling their threat output. Not only that, but the DMC:V doesn't really offer much threat, it really is a stamina trinket. It is *usually* not wise to run with 2 stamina trinkets. There are some situations where you might want the extra 600 so HP and of course it is a valid choice if you have no other options (and can maintain defensive stats without ANY defensive trinkets) but it's almost always better to run with at LEAST one avoidence trinket. I carry up to 6 trinkets around with me at times. My Epyrean Tortoise, Pocketwatch, Commendation, and DMC:V definitly are always either on me or in my backpack (to name a few that you can get before 25 mans), along with others.


*Strictly* from a survivability standpoint those are all decent upgrades. Even though I am inclined to taking gear that extends life, I'd usually advise against some of those pieces though. The reason being that there are other pieces available that offer what is usually better itemization for a Paladin tank. One cannot forsake Spell Damage entirely (the weapon alone cant keep you afloat after Kara) either. I'd look into the Chestguard of the Stoic Guardian (75 badge chest, that I'd consider superior to BOTH of the 100 badge pieces) and Inscribed Legplated of the Aldor (100 badge legs itemized for a Paladin, and better than the Tier 6 legs) LOOOONNNGG before looking into the others. The Iron-Tusk Girdle and Girdle of the Protector are a little more 'up in the air' though. Both are excellent pieces and I would seriously consider the Iron-Tusk, as the Girdle of the Protector (unlike the Chestguard of the Stoic Guardian and Inscribed Legplates of the Aldor) is *NOT* exceptionally well itemized for a Paladin tank.
#59 Aug 06 2008 at 11:21 AM Rating: Good
39 posts
How come you named only one of the righteous gear sets and not all 5? Are the others not any good? thanks
#60 Aug 07 2008 at 12:27 AM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
There's only 1 Dungeon Set 3 that is itemized well for Paladins, the Righteous set. Because of that, it tries to do a little bit of everything (much like the Lamellar pvp gear) and ends up dropping the ball for all of roles.

The shoulders stand out (much like the T4 shoulders) because there really isnt much that's any good besides them at that level (besides the Bold D3 shoulders). Generally, the other pieces of the Righteous set are alright while you're running normal level 70 instances and they're actually great gear to have to make getting gear that's actually suitable for heroics/kara a little easier.

The set is not Kara material (the focus of the guide) nor is it REALLY heroic material... you might be able to squeek by with it. In the end, there are far better pieces available in regular instances/crafting/rep so there really isnt a need for the Righteous set to even exist other than Blizzard being able to say "Oh yea, there's a Dungeon 3 set itemized for Paladins... even if none would ever use it".
#61 Aug 08 2008 at 6:27 AM Rating: Good
134 posts
Hey Losie I have a question on how to get that magic number of 102.4 I notice in your example of the BE that you metion miss. I've looked at my stats and I've never seen it, how exactly do you get that number.

I currently have:
Dodge: 12.42%
Parry: 14.81%
Block: 14.38%

Defense at 464
#62 Aug 08 2008 at 9:35 AM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
It's a good question. It's covered in both of the threads I link at the start, but it's also simple to answer :D so here we go:

Your chance to be missed is made up of two components. Everyone has a base chance of being missed, and an addition chance of being missed that scales with Defense. The base chance to be missed is 5%. The additional chance of being missed due to Defense is given when you mouse-over your Defense Skill on the paper-doll screen.

You can also calculate your chance of being missed due to Defense youself knowing how much Defense you have but it's not neccessary (since you can just mouse-over the Defense Skill). Here's how you'd do it manually in your case.

(Defense Skill - Base Defense) * 0.04 = Miss from Defense

Where Base Defense is 350 at level 70 (from gaining 5 every level). Every point in Defense Skill gives you 0.04% each to be Missed, Block, Dodge, Parry. So if you follow the math, what we're doing is isolating the Miss component.

(464 - 350) * 0.04 = 114 * 0.04 = 4.56%

So for you right now, you're chance to be missed is:

Base = 5.00%
Def = 4.56%
= 9.56%

At exactly 490 Defense (to be uncrittable) you have 5.60% Miss from Defense, so you'd have 10.60% after you add the base miss.

If all the math is confusing, remember: you can get your %Miss from Defense just by mousing over your Defense Skill (it's the same value as crit reduction from Defense) and then the only math you have to do is adding the 5% base miss.


Base Miss: 05.00 
Def Miss:  04.56 
Block:     14.34 
Dodge:     12.42 
Parry:     14.81 
HS:        30.00 
Libram:    05.00 
        ( 102.40 ) 
Total:     86.13 
Short:     16.27%

Meaning with Holy Shield and the Libram of Repentance up you are sitting at 86.13%, a good ways to go still. Reaching 490 Defense should be a higher priority anyway. If you dont have the Libram of want to see it without Holy Shield, just remove those lines.

Edited, Aug 8th 2008 12:36pm by Losie
#63 Aug 08 2008 at 11:39 AM Rating: Good
134 posts
Ah okay, that makes alot of sense. Sadly I don't have the Libram, but I can get it tonight though. Thanks for the insight
#64 Aug 09 2008 at 1:01 AM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
While I don't usually like to make trivial, no info posts at Alla... It's my thread and I'll do what I want :D

walsher, your "studying" of Miss mechanics has just paid off in you hitting Scholar. Only other person I've ever personally bumped up a rank was Cap Jack when he hit Sage :D
#65 Aug 09 2008 at 5:50 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Losie wrote:
Only other person I've ever personally bumped up a rank was Cap Jack when he hit Sage :D

When are you gonna help me get the green nameage? I feel ... sad :(
#66 Aug 09 2008 at 5:09 PM Rating: Good
134 posts
Lol, wow thanks Losie, I feel special now. Its tough figuring out how a pally tank works, Im so used to healing and there easy stats.
#67 Aug 14 2008 at 8:46 AM Rating: Decent
39 posts
the yellow writing on the talents are very hard to read
#68 Aug 15 2008 at 12:08 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
the yellow writing on the talents are very hard to read

Changing it right now, after I post this. That's from the old layout. I changed the yellow text in the guide within hours but I guess I missed the talents posts :D
#69 Aug 17 2008 at 5:34 PM Rating: Excellent
Just a simple thank you for the thread, the one on wowwiki was outdated and frankly listed a bit much, I'd already started putting some of my paladin's set together before I read this and it's nice to see I was working along the same lines as you. There were items I'd not have thought of or found easily by myself - escort quest in Mana Tombs for example - so thank you for taking the time to compile a great guide for those of us who are new to tankadins at 70 :)
#70 Aug 20 2008 at 11:57 AM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
I also say an emphatic "THANK YOU!" to Losie for this guide. With it, I was able to hit 490 def a few days after hitting 70, and I know what items to shoot for to get uncrushable, so it makes the planning part of the game for getting the gear I actually NEED sooooo much easier.

Rep grinding and instance grinding can be.... well... a grind, but with this guide, at least I know exactly where to grind and where to not bother grinding. Saves us prot Paladins a lot of wasted time and effort, for which we should all be grateful!
#71 Aug 21 2008 at 5:40 AM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
Another VERY viable option for cloak for a tank that is gearing up for Kara is this:;source=live

It drops from Chrono-Lord Deja in regular Black Morass!! I got it yesterday and I did not even know it was a possibility in there, so I thought I would let everyone know if you don't get the Devilshark Cape while farming CE Rep in Steamvaults, you might get this beauty while farming CoT rep!

I think that the Devilshark Cape is a bit better overall, but this one is certainly not bad at all either.

Also, if you dont mind spending a crapton of gold, the following BoE crafted belt is awesome, but it generally costs about 1500 - 2000g on the AH. If you want to farm mats and find a blacksmith that can make this, or if it is available on the AH and you have money to burn...;source=live

is pretty darn awesome for a Prot Pally. If you are lucky enough to know a blacksmith that can make this, the mats are as follows:

2 Nether Vortex (~150g)
5 Hardened Adamantite Bar (~150g)
10 Primal Water (~250g)
5 Primal Earth (~25g)

So if you can farm the mats, that would be best, but even buying the mats off of the AH should be less than 600g on most servers, which is way better than the 1500-2000g that the belt goes for on the AH on my server.

Edited, Aug 21st 2008 12:05pm by jeromesimina

Edited, Aug 21st 2008 12:15pm by jeromesimina
#72 Aug 21 2008 at 7:36 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
Thanks a lot for the additions. I'll add them next time I update (busy doing quite a few things at the moment sadly) :D

Incidentally -- this is the 4000th view for this thread! To be fair, the Holy Guide was just recently revised (Dilbrt's had quite a few hits) and I think the FAQ actually reset it's hit counter a couple months ago.... but superficially, there seems to be quite a few tanks out there :D
#73 Aug 21 2008 at 11:08 PM Rating: Excellent
You may want to update the wikified guide if you are comfortable doing wiki Losie, or PM me the changes you'd like made on it and I can do it for you.

#74 Aug 22 2008 at 10:26 AM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
I was not even going to mention Belt of the Guardian at first, since the PLANS for it are BoP and drop in BT I believe, but the belt itself IS BoE, so if there is at least one Blacksmith on your server that can make it, it is a SUPERB (tho expensive) piece of equipment that can be picked up on the AH or from a (super-raider) blacksmith as soon as you hit 70, so I threw it in. There is also a ring that falls into this same category...;source=live

This ring drops in Kara or ZA, but it is BoE and shows up on the AH from time to time for around 1000g. Probably not worth it given the cheaper and easier to acquire tanking rings when you hit 70, but if you have thousands of gold to burn, it is nice too.

EDIT: Grats on 4000 thread views Losie! I think over the past month, 1000 of them were probably ME... lol. Happy to contribute to the count tho! I have looked all over the web, and your talents thread and this thread have helped me more than every other website I have looked at COMBINED!

Edited, Aug 22nd 2008 2:28pm by jeromesimina
#75 Aug 22 2008 at 11:34 AM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
I did intentionally not include a TON of gear (I think I mentioned in one of the earlier replies that I originally had a list that was pages upon pages long) -- basically anywhere where there were 20 things that COULD work, I cut the list down to the highest quality options (especially if those options were extremely easy to get). That's the case with the cloaks and rings especially as there were dozens of options for both. Belts on the other hand are a little tough to come across for Holy or Ret Paladins that chose a different quest reward for Breaking into the Arcatraz. That thing is just amazing for reaching uncrushable. Boots are an even stickier situation.

Commonly available AH items (Fel Steel set for example) I considered the easiest things to get for this purpose, followed shortly after by regular instance drops. Neither take really any effort at all, and if the options available through either of these were better than the other options available, I didn't include anything else. Quest rewards and more expensive/crafted AH items came next (Green Fortress anyone?). The things that I considered hardest to get were rep rewards (You may need something to tide you over for a little while while building rep), badge items, etc etc. Basically, if the best item available for a particular slot is something that you can get by running a regular instance until it drops (one of the easiest things there is) then there really wasn't any need for me to list other gear for that slot. If the best thing was a cheap AH item (Fel Steel Gloves :D) -- all the easier.

Glad to hear it's helped you :D A couple more months and it'll be going bye bye when it isn't needed for Wrath anymore :(
#76 Aug 22 2008 at 11:48 AM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
Losie wrote:
Glad to hear it's helped you :D A couple more months and it'll be going bye bye when it isn't needed for Wrath anymore :(

I am not certain that it won't be needed for Wrath, but I suppose it would need an extensive re-write. Hopefully either you or someone equally interested in tanking (and putting up a concise and very useful guide) will get the job done.
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