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Pre-Raid Uncrushability: A Paladin Tank's GuideFollow

#1 May 04 2008 at 1:23 PM Rating: Excellent
1,004 posts

~ Introduction
~ Talents
~ Gear
~ Gems
~ Sample Build


More and more Paladins are working their way into the Protection tree to start tanking these days. While there are excellent resources available here for these new tanks to learn the theory and techniques behind their role, I find gearing information on how to actually reach a few tanking stat goals to be lacking. At best, any guide for gear suggestions is a hodge-podge of random tanking gear made for all tanking classes that offers little insight on why the gear was chosen. Furthermore, there are some sample talent builds available in other threads but none of them provide detailed information about why someone would choose those particular talents.

It is the objective of this guide to bridge over these weak spots in Paladin tanking information, with suggestions and insights that are relevent to Paladin tanks. I make a few assumptions throughout:

  • I assume you know what uncritability and undazability are and the importance of 490 Defense Skill
  • I assume you know what uncrushability is and the importance of having 102.4% combined block + avoidence
  • I assume you are not neccesarily geared to venture into heroics yet, though in some cases I will make additional gear suggestions for exceptional gear that requires some heroic runs
  • I assume that you're gearing up to enter Kara

If you do not know what uncritability and uncrushability are, I suggest you begin with The Defense and Mitigation thread. Crushing Blows, The Attack Table, And How It All Adds Up is another excellent resource for information on these issues.


I have gone into detail on what talents are of use to a Paladin Tank in the following thread:

The Protection Tree: The Talented Tank

Please feel free to discuss my talent thread in this guide however.


I'd like to begin by making gear suggestions by slot, then I'd like to offer a sample build using what I consider the ideal (based on ease of obtaining as well as quality) build.


Felsteel Helm (Craftable, Auction House)
Helm of the Stalwart Defender (Craftable, Auction House)
Tankatronic Goggles (Craftable, Eng 350)

Let's face it. There are a lot of helms you COULD use. Frankly, all of the others are inferior to the Felsteel Helm (unless you're desperate for a meta gem). Add to this the fact that ANY Paladin can grab a Felsteel Helm off the Auction House for cheap the moment they hit level 70 and it's really a no brainer. If you REALLY want to waste mats, the Stalwart Defender a smidge better, but come on... I really wouldn't consider it worth it. Of course, if you're an engineer you can ignore that whole schpiel and make some Tankatronic Goggles which will hold you into Tier 5 content.

Put a Glyph of the Defender [+16 Def/+17 Dodge] (Keepers of Time Revered) on it ASAP. Until you have the rep, stick a cheap Heavy Knothide Armor Kit [+10 Sta] on it.


Shattered Sun Pendant of Resolve (SSO Rep: Exalted)
Strength of the Untamed (CE Rep: Revered)
Steam-Hinge Chain of Valor (Boss Drop: Steam Vaults)
Mark of the Ravenguard (Quest: Setthek Halls)
Strength of the Violet Tower (Quest: Netherstorm)

Replace the Mark of the Ravenguard or Strength of the Violet tower with one of the first three ASAP, but they do work to get you started. The Strength of the Untamed is really easy to get, and is likely the best choice for most tanks that are gearing up still. Once you have enough gear to keep you uncrushable, the Shattered Sun Pendant of Resolve is amazing for its stamina and proc. Aldor receive +5% Dodge, and Scryers get a chunk of Expertise. For a Paladin, the Aldor proc would be far better in most cases, though high-end Warriors would love Expertise.


Spaulders of the Righteous (Boss Drop: Botanica)
Shoulderguards of the Bold (Boss Drop: Shadow Labs)
Nexus-Guard's Pauldrons (Quest: Netherstorm)
Merciless Gladiator's Lamellar Shoulders (PvP Honor Reward)

If you can get the Spaulders of the Righteous, do it. The Shoulderguards of the Bold are a nice piece too. Honestly though, the Nexus-Guard's Pauldrons give you more towards being uncrushable, so hold on to them after completing the quest for them in Netherstorm, because you may be putting them on for boss tanking. If you have all of the avoidence you need and really really want to be in all purples ASAP the Gladiator's Lamellar Shoulders aren't a total waste of space and actually offer some pretty decent Stamina and a bit of threat.

Put either the Inscription of the Knight [+13 Def] (Scryers Honored) or Inscription of Warding [+13 Dodge] (Aldor Honored) on them. If you have the rep and can afford it, put the greater versions on.


Devilshark Cape (Boss Drop: Steam Vaults)
Cloak of Eternity (Craftable, Auction House)
Slikk's Cloak of Placation (35 Badges)

The Devilshark Cape is fantastic. While getting CE rep for your necklace, hope this drops in Steam Vaults. Until then, snag a Cloak of Eternity from a tailor. If you've run SV sixty times and luck just isn't with you, consider the badge cloak, Slikk's Cloak of Placation. It is superior to the Devilshark, and if you're geared enough to get badges it just might be worth it.

Either stick Dodge [+12 Dodge] or Steelweave [+12 Defense] on it.


Jade-Skull Breastplate (Boss Drop: Mechanar)
Vindicator's Hauberk (Aldor Rep: Revered)

Easy choice here. Most tanks will be using the Jade-Skull, and it also adds quite a bit more to being uncrushable. The Vindicator's Hauberk is in theory better, but by the time you want to start replacing Block with Dodge, you probably have enough badges for one of the new Quel'Danas badge chests which are FAR superior to either of these.

Either put Exceptional Health [+150 HP], Exceptional Stats [+6 All Stats], or Fortitude [+15 Def] on it.


Sha'tari Wrought Armguards (Quest: Shadow Labs)
Bracers of the Green Fortress (Craftable, Auction House)

There are other half-decent options for bracers, including one from Netherstorm quests.. But honestly, with the ease in obtainting the Sha'tari Wrought Armguards there's really no need for them. The Green Fortresses are great, but expensive. If you have the money, consider them, but they are slightly inferior to bracers that drop off of the first boss in Kara.

Stick Fortitude [+12 Sta] or Major Defense [+12 Def] on it.


Felsteel Gloves (Craftable, Auction House}

Just get them. I don't even want to hear discussion about other gloves because with the ease of obtaining the Felsteels, no tank should be level 70 for longer than it takes to buy a flying mount without getting them.

Threat [+2% Threat] is the ideal enchant for them. Until then, you may consider a Heavy Knothide Armor Kit [+10 Sta]. Major Spellpower [+20 Spell Damage] may be tempting, but theorycrafting has shown that +2% Threat is more effective once you reach around 630 Threat Per Second sustained, an easy goal. Do not fall into the mistake of comparing these two based on your total Spell Damage.


Ialaman's Final Data
Ialaman Saying the Same Thing
The Raw Data For Spell Damage to TPS Conversions


Sha'tari Vindicator's Waistguard (Quest: Tempest Keep)

Another no brainer. There a slightly better belts that you can get in heroics, but they aren't really worth it. This will be your belt until you either get Moroes' belt in Kara or a badge belt. Still, a huge portion of your uncrushability will come from this piece.


Timewarden's Leggings (KoT Rep: Revered)
Felsteel Leggings (Craftable, Auction House)

Since you need the Glyph of the Defender anyway, you might as well get your KoT rep up and get the Timewarden's. They are marginally superior to the Felsteels. Still, if it's going to be a while, you can get Felsteels cheap at the Auction House. There's no reason any tank should not have good legs the moment they hit 70.

Put Clefthide Leg Armor [+30 Sta/+10 Agi] on them. You don't have to waste money on Nethercleft for these pants, but your next ones (probably the new awesome Badge pants) should definitly get it.


Flesh Beast's Metal Greaves (Quest: Mana Tombs)
Boots of the Protector (Crafted, BS 375)

Okay.. so you'll want to replace these Flesh Beasts pretty quickly after you get your foot into Kara, but there really isn't much for boots until then. If you're a Blacksmith, you can make yourself the very nice Boots of the Protector.

Stick Fortitude [+12 Sta] on these. There's no point wasting your money on Boar's Speed for these rather junky pieces.


Andormu's Tear (Quest: Black Morass)
Elementium Band of the Sentry (Boss Drop: Arcatraz)
Protector's Mark of Redemption (Quest: Shadowmoon Valley)
Iron Band of the Unbreakable (Boss Drop: Old Hillsbrad)

There are TONS of rings that you can use, but these four are all reasonably easy to obtain and can easily replace any of the others that you may have from Jewelcrafting or earlier boss drops. Andormu's Tear is almost a must. When you don't need Andormu's Tear to remain uncrushable, taking one of the other rings that offers more Stamina may be a wise choice. Hold on to it none the less, you can't get quest rewards back and you very likely will have to swap it in several times in the future.


Figurine - Empyrean Tortoise (JC 375, SSO Rep: Revered)
Guardian's Alchemist Stone (Alch 375, SSO Rep: Exalted, Sha'tar Rep: Revered)
Figurine - Dawnstone Crab (JC 370, Thrallmar/Honor Hold Rep: Revered)
Dabiri's Enigma (Quest: Netherstorm)
Figurine of the Colossus (Boss Drop: Shattered Halls)
Adamantine Figurine (Boss Drop: Shadow Labs)

There are a couple other decent trinkets for Defense, including one from an early Hellfire Peninsula quest. Most people will pair a Figurine of the Colossus (before you get the Libram of Repentance you'll almost definitly need this) and Dabiri's Enigma or Adamantine Figurine. Jewelcrafters can replace the Enigma with a Dawnstone Crab, or if Empyrean Sapphire is available, the Empyrean Tortoise is an AMAZING defense trinket. Alchemists get an amazing defense trinket too in the Guardian's Alchemist Stone, but it also requires Revered rep with the Sha'tar (for the original stone).


Crystalforged Sword (Drop: Blade's Edge, Auction House)
Merciless Gladiator's Gavel (PvP Honor Reward)
Continuum Blade (KoT Rep: Revered)

Do people still use the Continuum Blade now that the Crystalforged Sword is around? Well, since you're going to have the KoT rep anyway, go ahead. For a measly 200 gold you get a better sword though. Now that S2 Arena gear is available for honor, the PvP mace seems MUCH more attractive. The S1 mace was nothing special, but the S2 mace is a solid leader right into Hyjal. Spell damage is critical here. You know all those really crappy tanks you've seen that can't keep aggro off of you when you DPS? They probably don't have spell damage weapons.

Major Spellpower [+40 Spell Damage]. Don't even think about putting anything else on it. You will get the majority of your threat from a spell damage weapon with a spell damage enchant on it.


Sunward Crest (SSO Rep: Exalted)
Dawnforged Defender (SSO Rep: Exalted)
Crest of the Sha'tar (Sha'tar Rep: Exalted)
Shield of the Wayward Footman (Drop: World, Auction House)
Merciless Gladiator's Shield Wall (PvP Honor Reward)

The Shield of the Wayward Footman will be your bread-and-butter until you get rep with one of the other factions. It gives a HUGE ammount to uncrushability, so don't be fooled by its armor or block values. The Sunward Crest should be your upgrade objective. The Crest of the Sha'tar is obsolete with 2.4, as there are BETTER rep reward shields available. Frankly, the Sunward Crest is superior (arguably) to the shield that Nightbane drops in Kara. You'll have it for a while. Again, S2 gear available for honor makes the Shield Wall very attractive in terms of pure effective health. If you somehow find yourself in a situation where you don't need any avoidence stats, it's a solid contender.

For a more detailed analysis of pre/early-raid shields from a Paladin's perspective, see this thread.

Stick Major Stamina [+18 Stamina] or Shield Block [+15 Block Rating] on it. You shouldn't need more Block Rating, and it's HUGELY expensive, so Major Stamina is probably your better bet.


Libram of Zeal (Zangarmarsh: Thrallmar Tokens)
Libram of Repentance (15 Badges)

Before the Libram of Repentance really, who cares. When you can start getting badges together, it should be your goal. It will be a huge asset to you for a huge portion of your tanking career.


If you've been following along with the gear listed, the only thing you should need to gem for is Stamina. There is no need to gem for Defense or Avoidence with the above suggestions, however if you want to cut a few corners, you can put in Regal Nightseye (for dodge) or Enduring Talasite (for defense). Pure gems like Thick Dawnstone (defense) or a Subtle Living Ruby (dodge) might have something to offer you as well.

Sample Build

Just to show you how it's done, this is my preferred sample build from taking the gear above. All gem slots are socketed with Solid Stars of Elune, and I have selected enchants from the options that I provided.

Head: Felsteel Helm
Neck: Strength of the Untamed
Shoulders: Nexus-Guard's Pauldrons
Back: Devilshark Cape
Chest: Jade-Skull Breastplate
Wrist: Sha'tari Wrought Armguards
Hands: Felsteel Gloves
Waist: Sha'tari Vindicator's Waistguard
Legs: Felsteel Leggings
Feet: Flesh Beast's Metal Greaves
Ring: Andormu's Tear
Ring: Elementium Band of the Sentry
Trinket: Dabiri's Enigma
Trinket: Figurine of the Colossus
Weapon: Crystalforged Sword
Shield: Shield of the Wayward Footman

Stats for a Blood Elf with a normal talent build:

Base HP: 11187
Base MP: 4097
Armor: 11944 (53.08%)
Defense: 495

Miss: 10.80%
Block: 28.56%
Dodge: 18.67%
Parry: 15.80%

Total: 73.83%

With Holy Shield up, that's 103.83% combined Block + Avoidence. We've successfully breeched 102.4% and we have 490 Defense. All of this was done with VERY easy gear to obtain. Assuming you have a decent population on your server (to get into the instances and to get the auction house items and enchants) it shouldn't be difficult to acquire this gear in a single weekend of WoWing, or a couple weekends if you're a little more casual. Many of us could probably do it in 1 or 2 weekdays.

Edited, Aug 19th 2008 2:18pm by Losie

Edited, Nov 13th 2008 1:27pm by Usagi
#2 May 04 2008 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
ok i know the badge libram is best but why not list other badge gear if your gonna list that one? looks like all others are rep/norm drop/quest. other than that looks good like the other 5 gear list i've looked at. all have same stuff cept you tossed in more rep wich most guides i've seen leave out due to it takeing longer to get the rep than some other stuff.
#3 May 04 2008 at 4:03 PM Rating: Excellent
1,004 posts
I left out most badge gear for a reason:

I assume you are not neccesarily geared to venture into heroics yet, though in some cases I will make additional gear suggestions for exceptional gear that requires some heroic runs

I included Slikk's Cloak of Placation and the Libram of Repentance because you can get an incredibly unluckly streak on the Devilshark and the Libram really is a major itemm.

There are no other posts on THIS forum with accurate and current gear information for a Paladin in a central location. The Defense and Mitigatin thread is the closest thing, and its gear section is a horrific hodge-podge of poorly classified gear. Great thread for theory, aweful for gear. It is far too generic and includes a whole pile of items that need not even be mentioned because there are better items that are easier to get.

There are posts that have done the same thing on other forums, Maintankadin being the most prominent one, however they are all grossly out of date (generally dating back to 2.1 or earlier) and may or may not offer any advice on things like gemming or enchanting.

Furthermore, I havn't seen any other post of this nature that actually puts a sample build together. I get lots of comments from people that I know in-game about how they may be following one of Maintankadin's gear threads, but can't possibly understand how to get uncrushable with pre-raid gear. To some (who havn't gotten a couple of those key pieces yet) it seems impossible at first. The sample build shows just how easy it is to do using ALL pre-Raid/pre-Heroic gear. It also illustrates how you can easily reach these goals with only gear and enchants, so that you are free to gem for Stamina at that gear level. Of course, when you replace your Defense trinkets with Stamina trinkets, you usually need to start diversifying your gems a little, but that isn't possible at this gear level anyway (at least until you get a Libram of Repentance, then you can replace one trinket with a Stamina one).

If you are interested in Badge/Raid loot however, I suggest you take a peak at over at the Maintankadin forums. It is updated for 2.4 and offers some good gear upgrades to look for IN raids and with badges. Generally though, by the time you're into raiding you know how to use Atlas Loot, so gear lists aren't always needed passed that point.
#4 May 04 2008 at 5:52 PM Rating: Good
713 posts
Not sure whether or not you'll get this stickied with all the others in the pally forums but CapJack should link it into the FAQ.

I like the fact you gave an example of a list of gear but you haven't let us know which enchants specifically as they can affect your uncrushable stats a fair bit too or what libram is equipped. Could make a big difference if its the libram of repentance.

Overall a great post that I will be linking people too.

Edited, May 5th 2008 1:54am by arthoriuss
#5 May 04 2008 at 7:05 PM Rating: Excellent
2,826 posts
This is a very nice list.

I would like to suggest a slightly different setup that I am aiming for for my prot pally to get ready to tank heroics. You will notice I put the Libram of Repentance on the list, but he won't have that until after he has tanked a few heroics.

You don't need 102.4% combined avoidance for heroics since heroic mobs and bosses can't get crushing blows.

I've looked into a few different setups for him (with the Libram of Repentance), but this is the only one that gets him uncrittable, uncrishable, and with somewhere close to 12.5k HP. I think with a decent group I could easily tank the first half of Kara and maybe even get Curator down.

This is obviously what I am working towards, so I can't link an armory. I have the profile saved on I know some people find it hard to read, but it really isn't. Check it out and let me know what you think.

Prot pally pre-heroic
#6 May 04 2008 at 7:20 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
You have a nice, very simple set-up going there. You use a couple of items that fall into that "they work, but there are better things that are either just as easy or easier to get" category, but they all work well together.

As for difficulty, that set up can obviously handle the standard heroics and a good chunk of Kara. I wouldn't expect to be able to tank Prince in that. Kara was designed so that you go in and get geared up off of the first few bosses over a period of time THEN down the later ones. Badge gear and the ability to run with better geared friends have largely changed that, but you aren't using any of the awesome badge pieces, so you're in the same boat as the first people who hit Kara.

Excellent place to start your "endgame" experience though.
#7 May 04 2008 at 7:26 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
I like the fact you gave an example of a list of gear but you haven't let us know which enchants specifically as they can affect your uncrushable stats a fair bit too or what libram is equipped. Could make a big difference if its the libram of repentance.

Yea.. I considered listing what enchants I used, but then I thought about it... I've already given a breakdown of the pool of enchants that I was going to draw from and I'm already spoon-feeding a gear set-up, I don't need to spoon-feed everything. Just have faith that yes indeed, I didn't ***** with the numbers anywhere and everything was enchanted with a selection from the enchants that I suggested.

It's not like people will be copying that set-up exactly anyway, so they'll need their own enchants.

Also, I didn't put a libram because there is none in that set-up :D Libram of Repentance is not neccesary thanks to the Figurine.
#8 May 04 2008 at 7:56 PM Rating: Good
591 posts
Great list and love the format. I have a couple of additions/suggestions: Delicate Eternium Ring(I realize you probably include that in your writing about other jc rings) as it really is the easiest pre-heroic/kara ring to obtain and provides pure avoidance which i found rather lacking in my earliest uncrush days.

Also if you're doing/have done Ogri'la dailys the Deathwing Brood Cloak ..of the Knight +27 Stamina, +18 Defense Rating, +21 Spell Damage and Healing is a great pally cloak, has something of everything for the early stages of pally tanking(still use it in my threat set). Just requires that you kill the 4 dragons in BEM plateaus and obtain a scale from each, the cloak is random so obviously not a for sure piece, but worth it if you can get it.

And just semantics but,
There are a lot of helms you COULD use. Frankly, all of the others are inferior to the Felsteel Helm
if you're engineer the Tankatronic Goggles(easily obtainable at lvl 62 now that primal nethers are no longer BoP) kick Felsteel Helm's *** really hard.

Again great compilation, having this guide would have made it much faster when i was gearing my pally for kara 3 months ago:)

Oh and almost forgot, if you're in a bind for boots(say you accidentally vendored the MT quest ones), the druid Heavy Clefthoof Boots work great till you get some heroic/Kara or real pally ones from badges. Best stam boots of the pre-heroic bunch even if you do give up 300-400 armor over plate ones. But if you don't have the MT quest ones, these are the next best option imo.

Edited, May 4th 2008 11:18pm by mahlerite
#9 May 04 2008 at 8:43 PM Rating: Decent
sorry didnt mean to look like i was riping it apart. it is a nice gear list and lay out and the sample build is nice. i've just seen alot of gear list to reach uncrushable.

thanks for the link for the other form i'll have to check that out later. our guild only farming kara since we broke up still trying to find a higher guild to get my tankadin in.
#10 May 04 2008 at 9:06 PM Rating: Excellent
2,826 posts
The thing to remember is that, in Heroics, stamina and defense rating are more important than anything else.

Mobs in heroics hit harder than in normal 5-mans. Due to the limited amount of good pally tanking gear available in 5-mans and easy heroics (SP, UB, Ramps, Mech) pallies will have to be partially Kara/Badge geared to be able to tank the harder heroics.

Of course, once you get to Kara, being uncrushable becomes just as important as your stamina and defense rating, AKA you NEED to be at 490 def and 102.4% combined avoidance with Holy Shield up.

Your list is good, Losie, but it's possible to get to uncrittable and damn close to uncrushable and have over 1k more stam. You just have to be willing to grind the instances for the drops and spend some money on Bracers of the Green Fortress, the 2 Felsteel pieces, gems, and enchants.

I also highly recommend spending the extra money on the Nethercleft Leg Armor patch once you get the Timewarden's Leggings. The next upgrade is either badges (and it takes a LOT of them) or from Curator in Kara. If your Kara runs are with a bunch of people fresh to Kara it may be a while before you can get the badges for the badge ones or the Wrynn Dynasty Greaves to drop from Curator.

Edit: Another option for shield is whichever Gladiator's Shield Wall is available for honor. If you can reach uncrushable status without your shield equipped, the Glad's (or Merc's) Shield Wall adds a ton of armor, a ton of stam, and the resilience even adds to uncrittability.
#11 May 04 2008 at 10:50 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
I had actually meant to include the Gladiator's Shield Wall as an option, as well as the Tankatronic Goggles and a craftable Epic pair of boots whose name elludes me at the moment. I'll look into that right away, can't believe I skipped them when they were in my head from the start :D

The craftable boots I wanted to add because lots of people don't take tanking gear from their quests and then decide they want to tank all of a sudden.

I put Nethercleft on my Timewardens when I used them and it served me well for about a week until the Wrynn's dropped off of Curator. Then the next week I had the old badge legs.. but yea, no one is going to waste badges on the old legs now so it will take a LOT of saving to get to the new ones.

EDIT: And I agree with you entirely about the difference with heroic gearing. I actually started writing this with a whole bunch of other options with a little less avoidence and came up with a set that had more HP -- but the list was HUGE. That's when I added the assumption to the top that people are using it to gear up to get into Kara specifically.

Edited, May 5th 2008 2:01am by Losie
#12 May 05 2008 at 4:17 AM Rating: Excellent
2,826 posts
Those craftable boots are probably Boots of the Protector, if I remember correctly.

I debated whether I should have them made for myself, then realize with the gear setup I am using I am riding the uncrushable line already and the quest reward boots from Mana-Tombs give more towards uncrushable.

Once I've gotten a few epics from Kara/Badges I'll probably have them made since they're the 2nd or 3rd best pally tanking boots in the game and are much better than the Anvil boots.
#13 May 05 2008 at 5:19 AM Rating: Excellent
This is a very nice list. A little more straight-forward than the defense and mitigation sticky, which is good. Some people can't sort through the wall of text that is and get to what they want.. suggestions.

A question.. why didn't you include the Adamantine Figurine as an option? I would say it's better than Dabiri's for uncrushable and uncrittable which is what this thread is aiming for. True, it's an instance drop and could possibly never drop, but for people who took the other quest reward (awesome healing pants) the adamantine is their only other real option.

As for stickying this, I know the admins were already bending the rules a bit with 4 stickies, and I don't think they will let 2 pre-kara tanking guides sit on our forums. I like the thought of having this stickied and the defense/mitigation unstickied. Especially since you link it straight away in your post. Thels hasn't been around in ages, or else I would ask for his input on the subject.

It's either that or I link it in the FAQ which... no one reads anyways :P

Edited, May 5th 2008 6:19am by CapJack
#14 May 05 2008 at 5:48 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
CapJack of the Seven Seas wrote:
It's either that or I link it in the FAQ which... no one reads anyways :P

I look at it every time the text becomes bold again (meaning a thread hasn't been read): does that count? Granted I close it like 3 seconds after opening it, but oh well ;)
#15 May 05 2008 at 6:40 AM Rating: Excellent
808 posts
Losie, thanks very much for pulling all this together. I'm an epicced-out Holy pally and love healing, but I've been very careful to squirrel away a half-assed prot set, using Thels's guide, in the event that I someday respec to Protadin.

This guide/shopping list is just about perfect for someone like me, who's not trying to earn their tanking gear the hard way. That is to say, gold/rep/badges/honor don't prevent me from obtaining 90% of the gear you've named.

I would like to second CapJack's suggestion though regarding the Adamantite Figurine trinket; it's got a rather reasonable drop rate as far as I could tell, and the on-use ability is likely to be more useful to most tanks than that of the Enigma.

Question for the powers that be: would it be possible to somehow merge this with the comprehensive Holy pre-Kara guide? (And with the ret one as well, if it would keep the number of stickies down).

Thanks again!
#16 May 05 2008 at 6:54 AM Rating: Good
12,905 posts
cool list, and i appreciate it, however i would say that is a good pre heroic list of gear, not so much a pre kara list of gear. if you want to kara MT i think you're gonna need a little more HP and armor, which come with heroics or badge gear.

ive gone by 12.5k HP and 13k AC give or take.
#17 May 05 2008 at 7:37 AM Rating: Excellent
2,826 posts
KTurner wrote:
cool list, and i appreciate it, however i would say that is a good pre heroic list of gear, not so much a pre kara list of gear. if you want to kara MT i think you're gonna need a little more HP and armor, which come with heroics or badge gear.

ive gone by 12.5k HP and 13k AC give or take.

I agree you would need more HP for Kara, however there aren't really many pieces in heroics that fit the bill for pally tanks.

Using only the Libram of Repentance from badges I've been able to put together a set that provides uncrushability and uncritability and gives around 12.4k HP.

Subbing in any of the tanking pieces from heroics either leaves me short of the uncrushable mark or puts me in pretty much the same place.

A prot pally can pretty much get to where he needs to be to tank the first half of Kara with just quest and level 70 5-man gear as well as a few crafted pieces, as long as you are willing to spend 700g or so on the gear, gems, and enchants.
#18 May 05 2008 at 7:59 AM Rating: Good
12,905 posts
Bigdaddyjug wrote:
KTurner wrote:
cool list, and i appreciate it, however i would say that is a good pre heroic list of gear, not so much a pre kara list of gear. if you want to kara MT i think you're gonna need a little more HP and armor, which come with heroics or badge gear.

ive gone by 12.5k HP and 13k AC give or take.

I agree you would need more HP for Kara, however there aren't really many pieces in heroics that fit the bill for pally tanks.

Using only the Libram of Repentance from badges I've been able to put together a set that provides uncrushability and uncritability and gives around 12.4k HP.

Subbing in any of the tanking pieces from heroics either leaves me short of the uncrushable mark or puts me in pretty much the same place.

A prot pally can pretty much get to where he needs to be to tank the first half of Kara with just quest and level 70 5-man gear as well as a few crafted pieces, as long as you are willing to spend 700g or so on the gear, gems, and enchants.

Yeah i saw your warcrafter profile and that is what i would consider a pre-kara gear set.

I healed kara enough to get my badges for the libram and the bracers, and i was ready to MT it. Of course i also had eng for the goggles.
#19 May 05 2008 at 8:37 AM Rating: Excellent
111 posts
This is also a very good and easy to get cloak, drops off the first boss in BM the stam. is a little bit lower and there is no dodge stats. But BM is pretty easy and because it is the first boss you can kill him and reset if it does not drop. With a good group you can kill him 5 times in under and hour.;source=live

I had it with the full felsteel set and some of the other gear you list and was uncrit and uncrushable.
#20 May 05 2008 at 10:05 AM Rating: Excellent
1,004 posts
Thanks for the thoughts all.

The Boots of the Protector were the ones that I was thinking of. I hope you don't go DEing your old boots though because you can't "have them" made for you. They are BoP, which makes their relative awesomeness (for Tier 4/5 tanking) a little less "OMG obvious".

The Adamantine Figurine is a good addition. Generally, I didn't want to clutter up the list by adding all the pieces that are equal or inferior to another piece that is easier to obtain. The cloaks are an example, I orginally had a list with quite a few more cloaks on it, but the only one that I can see people actually grinding instances for is the Devilshark, and until you get it you can either use the Eternity (easy to get any time you want) or use another appropriate cloak that you happened to be lucky enough to have drop. The Figurine though is in some ways superior to the Enigma (though I love the Use on the Enigma when fighting lots of mobs that eat up Holy Shield charges fast) and more importantly, as Jack mentioned, you can get it regardless of whether or not you've already done the quest in Netherstorm. That's why I hate that most pre-raid boots are junk as well, because the main candidate is a quest reward that not everyone may have taken.

You certainly won't be tanking Prince in the sample set up I listed, but it is miles ahead of the minimum you need to handle the first half of Kara (Attuman, Moroes, Maiden, Opera) which will let you start to collect some epics and badges so that you can gear up for the second half.

You can push your HP quite a bit further once you pick up the Libram, which I excluded from the sample build. That alone is important for getting further in Kara and gett passed a couple key spots in some heroics. (Like the dual Bog Lords in UB..)
#21 May 08 2008 at 10:51 AM Rating: Good
Threat [+2% Threat] is the ideal enchant for them. Until then, you may consider a Heavy Knothide Armor Kit [+10 Sta]

>.> I don't think so. +20 spell damage will provide more threat unless its single target+SoTC+400 spell damage or so.
#22 May 08 2008 at 12:10 PM Rating: Excellent
2,826 posts
The math has been done by others, not by me, but it shows that 2% threat to gloves will give you a bigger overall threat boost than 20 spell dmg once you are at 200 or more spell damage on your gear.

It make sense when you consider that most paladin "holy damage" abilities only get around a .5 coefficient (or lower for some) of your spell damage.

There was a thread about it a couple weeks ago, but I can't find it now...
#23 May 09 2008 at 8:48 AM Rating: Excellent
1,004 posts
Do not base the effectiveness of +2% vs. +20 Spell by the ammount of spell damage you have.

That's just wrong. Base it by the ammount of THREAT you're putting out.

Once you hit about 500 TPS (which a trained monkey could do) 2% threat becomes more effective than +20 Spell Damage. We dug up a page on Maintankadin about a month ago with the theory-crafting if you want to search for it.

Ialman might remember some of the gyst of it too...

Spell Damage does however have a place in a massive AoE DPS set -- for those time you just want to go and beat the crap out of Black Morass.

Edited, May 9th 2008 11:48am by Losie

Edited, May 9th 2008 11:52am by Losie
#24 May 13 2008 at 7:15 AM Rating: Excellent
I just proposed that this sticky replace the old one, so if anyone wants to go to the main site forum and offer up some support that would be great.
#25 May 13 2008 at 10:32 PM Rating: Excellent
1,004 posts
I got bored and dug up that info about Spell Damage.

Much of the credit for this information belongs to Ialaman and the other posters at Maintankadin, links will follow.

With maximum efficiency of rotations:

1 Spell Damage = 0.63 TPS
20 Spell Damage = 12.6 TPS.

2% of 630 = 12.6

Therefore, at 630 Threat per Second a 2% threat enchant would begin to yield more threat than a 20 Spell Damage enchant. 630 TPS is easily reachable, as a tank in pre-kara gear can put out MUCH more than that sustained.


Ialaman's Final Data
Ialaman Saying the Same Thing
The Raw Data For Spell Damage to TPS Conversions
#26 May 14 2008 at 12:03 AM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
Added a section on talents. Due to the nature of this post (it's LONG already and I didn't reserve a reply after it) I made it in another thread and linked to it as an extension of THIS guide.
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