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What MMO game did you come from?Follow

#27 May 05 2008 at 3:20 PM Rating: Decent
Came from FFXI myself as well where I was a warrior - that was back when Warrior was not considered a good option to level past 37. I left because I prefer to solo when I play and FFXI was way too party oriented. Once you hit level 20, soloing for xp was litterally not possible. Levelling required hours of grinding, any advancement in rank required hours and several people to accomplish. The never ending attempt to make gil because NPCing stuff was totally worthless. Spending 3 hours on a dynamis run with 30 people only to see 2 items drop (none of which were ever for your main).

Now don't get me wrong, I found FFXI superior in several facets, but my play style is far more liking of WoW. I was able to Solo to 70 and I could hop on for 15 minutes and actually accomplish something. FFXI required at least 3 hours minimum to do anything. I am a far happier camper here.

#28 May 06 2008 at 7:26 AM Rating: Decent
I ended up here through:
-Diablo II back in the day. I still miss it from time to time.
-EQ for a couple months. Had a friend who played daily, and he tried to get me into it, but it never took. Had a lot of issues with the graphics and the difficulty to figure stuff out quickly.
-Star Wars Galaxies.. I miss that game so much. I started playing at release, and I loved it, especially because I had actually met people who went to high school with me through the game. Small world, I guess. I quit 1 week after they added the "NGE" patch. I survived the change to the combat system that simplified everything, but when my Master Bounty Hunter was suddenly stripped away and I was forced to choose from several pre-set professions with no ability to really differ my character, I was out. I still watch for somebody to crack the code and start up a pre-NGE server...
-WoW got started because a few friends in high school played regularly, and it was a great way to still interact while we are all off at different colleges. I've started and quit 3x. Each time I realize that I can't leave it. :P
#29 May 06 2008 at 8:28 AM Rating: Decent
1,039 posts
I played FF11 for almost 5 years. crazy.
led a guild on pandemonium, had a 75 paladin and black mage. taru tanks are hilarious.
didnt have a lot of time and had a lot of friends playing wow so i tried it and its a lot more time friendly.
#30 May 07 2008 at 6:32 AM Rating: Good
1,180 posts

Loved that game, then the CU happened, I did actually cry. Then my boyfriend told me i was being rather silly about a game and that I should just try wow (which he'd had for a few months by that point, but neither of us had really gotten into, I hadn't even tried it as it didn't seem that good).

I tried CoH, GW and more recently LOTRO but none of those really caught my interest.
#31 May 07 2008 at 7:06 AM Rating: Good
EnthalpyTheBurninator wrote:
taru tanks are hilarious.

If you think that's funny how about a taru that jumps into the air screaming and lands smashing a polearm on the mob? Only downside was my damn wyvern got more attention from the ladies than I did (save when I was doing the teapot dance!)
#32 May 07 2008 at 3:05 PM Rating: Decent
I like the going backwards idea, so from latest to earliest:

WoW, coming up on a year and a half
FFXI for maybe 2-2&1/2 years
Nightmare MUD
Malevolvence MUD

Some of my friends were planning to resurrect a mud. I helped a little, coded some areas, but I think graphical online games have turned my mind to mush and killed my patience.
#33 May 07 2008 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
LockeColeMA wrote:
Final Fantasy XI. Eeesh. Played as a Paladin there, and came here and played my first character as a Paladin to level 60. Left FFXI because it took days upon days to get to 30 to unlock the quest for PLD, and then days upon days to level. Sucked to wait hours for a party as well. I really liked the crafting system and AH better, though.

I have never once referred to Paladin as a PLD, though. Go me!

You know, it gave me great stress at the time, but I think good and bad, I like the FFXI crafting system more now too. One of the biggest things was that it was so important to the game. In WoW, great equipment drops, fully made, everywhere. It wasn't like that in FFXI. You kill some huge mob, and you get their pelt, or maybe their skull, then someone of high crafting skill has to turn it into the item.

I also like the fact that it was harder to level up. made high level crafting a real accomplishment, unlike WoW. Through boredom on my rogue, I've maxed enchanting and dropped it, maxed alchemy and herb and dropped it, and now have maxed skinning and mining. It takes a bit of doing, but its nowhere near the accomplishment that just gaining 10 points of jewelcrafting was in FFXI.

I also liked the fact that you could desynth any item to get some of the ingredients back, instead of always enchanting items like WoW.

Also, cooking! I liked all the fun recipes. One of the recipes you need to gain a level was the salmon sub sandwich. I actually made one in real life from all the ingredients you needed in the game and it was great! I wish WoW had a lot bigger variety of cooking recipes. I'm tired of the 'you gained 10 points, you have learned how to throw a new kind of meat onto a fire!'. That's crap. Smiley: tongue
#34 May 07 2008 at 4:32 PM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
You know, it gave me great stress at the time, but I think good and bad, I like the FFXI crafting system more now too. One of the biggest things was that it was so important to the game. In WoW, great equipment drops, fully made, everywhere. It wasn't like that in FFXI. You kill some huge mob, and you get their pelt, or maybe their skull, then someone of high crafting skill has to turn it into the item.

I also like the fact that it was harder to level up. made high level crafting a real accomplishment, unlike WoW. Through boredom on my rogue, I've maxed enchanting and dropped it, maxed alchemy and herb and dropped it, and now have maxed skinning and mining. It takes a bit of doing, but its nowhere near the accomplishment that just gaining 10 points of jewelcrafting was in FFXI.

I also liked the fact that you could desynth any item to get some of the ingredients back, instead of always enchanting items like WoW.

Also, cooking! I liked all the fun recipes. One of the recipes you need to gain a level was the salmon sub sandwich. I actually made one in real life from all the ingredients you needed in the game and it was great! I wish WoW had a lot bigger variety of cooking recipes. I'm tired of the 'you gained 10 points, you have learned how to throw a new kind of meat onto a fire!'. That's crap.

I heart your avatar [:swoon:]. Yup, that's all :D Completely agree on the crafting; while it would SUCK to lose expensive materials, you also had a lot of fun, especially when you unexpectedly got a +1 or +2 item. Also, a ton of stuff you could make was useful; in WoW, maybe 3-5 objects under level 350 in each craft are worthwhile.
#35 May 07 2008 at 4:41 PM Rating: Decent
Meh I don't mind WoW's crafting system, my only beef is the fact that when I'm leveling or get a gear upgrade, I have to basically vendor my old weapon. I LOVED the fact that in FFXI when you were getting an upgrade you could sell your old weapon/armor on the AH and recoup most of your money spent on the new upgrade.
#36 May 08 2008 at 10:23 AM Rating: Decent
Crafting was definitely interesting in FFXI. It was dependent on the day of the week, type of crystal and phase of the moon on what would happen in terms of skillups or +1, +2, +3 synths. That same system ticked me off to no end. The first 30 levels were generally quite easy. Then once you hit around the 60s it became painful to have to go through a stacks of supplies just to get .1 or .2 skill increase.
#37 May 17 2008 at 3:08 PM Rating: Decent
Gemstone3...anyone? That game was amazing considering it was all text. I still have mental images of stuff I did in game, it was a lot of fun for a while. The player base dwindled and slowly it died. It's still around, but just a shell of its former self.
#38 May 17 2008 at 3:27 PM Rating: Decent
46 posts

I began with Ultima Online, but did not play for more than 5-6 months. Truthfully, I was much more of a fan of the single-player Ultima games, and perhaps I didn't give it an adequate chance.

I didn't try another MMO (actually more of just an MO) until Starcraft which I played for over 3 years on

I actually played The Sims Online for about a month, a month of my life that I consider to be my greatest source of gaming shame. This game was simply abyssmal.

I started playing WoW at it's release. I have taken sabbatical from WoW to dabble with ROSE Online and FFXI, but I found both to be way, way too monotonous. I found the former to lack immersion and depth, while the latter required more grind dedication than I had to give.

Somehow I never got around to playing EQ, L2, or Runescape, all of which seem to be popular among RPG/RTS nerds like me.

So basically, WoW is the one game that I have played most consistently, and I can confidently say that it is the most enjoyable for me.
#39 May 19 2008 at 3:05 PM Rating: Decent
From waaay back in the game was a game called The Realm i was a lvl 500+ adventurer (pvp killer!) and then diablo I and II then EQ and then WoW after a long break.
#40 May 24 2008 at 2:47 AM Rating: Decent
90 posts
not so much a MMO fan as a Warcraft fan

i started with WC1, WC2, WC3, WC3FT
and played some Diablo1 and 2 between those (not sure where they fit in anymore...)

anyhow.. now WoW is the only thing i play and have played for the last hmm 2 years ?
#41 May 25 2008 at 5:58 PM Rating: Good
514 posts
Anarchy Online, ..... quite a revolutionary Sci-fi based MMORPG. Instanced 'missions (dungeons)' 1st started in that game I think.

Made by Funcom, developers of AoC.

Still have lots of fond memories of that game. Left it coz... I switched to salsa dancing instead :P (before my dancer friends pulled me back into MMOs to WoW, lol)
#42 May 25 2008 at 6:59 PM Rating: Decent
2,079 posts
Friend got me into FFXI. Played that for like 2.5 years. Good game, but the economy got friggin' ridiculous and I got screwed out of millions during inflation, then it all crashed.

Also, killing TWO mobs for 2 years that spawn every 4-infinite days with 5 groups of people trying to claim it IS FRIGGIN' RETARDED and to not get it because of retarded LS issues. Then to see people from another LS who suck at their "job" get the item you've been eyeing forever makes you want to /slitwrist a bit.

And making money in FFXI .... good lord, if you didn't have a craft at 100, you were screwed. And if you didn't have a ton of money, you couldn't get a craft to 100... to make a ton of money. It was a very circular economy that promoted gil buying and botting.

WoW is nicer in a lot of ways, like gold is WAY easier to make than gil. People who buy gold make me laugh. You can make 200 g a day easily in WoW. I thought FFXI graphics were kind of "better" though more boring with gear. I mean, the gear sets started looking identical but with new color schemes lol. Sky and Sea blew away most of the graphics in WoW in my opinion. Also, FFXI you didn't have to do "rep" with each toon because your toon could change jobs.... so nice. Imagine having max rep with everyone and being able to just change class whenever you wanted. (it screws your inventory though on gear! LOL)
#43 May 25 2008 at 8:47 PM Rating: Decent
1,175 posts
Kal Online -> Huge grind, excessively inflated economy (to the point that in order to afford basics you either needed to be buddies with the rich kids or pour $$$ into the game), very poor PvP design, little room for error in talent/skill choice, excessive population on lone server for a very long time
Silkroad Online -> Big grind (not exceedingly difficult though), cash easy to make but extremely time consuming, botters, increasing reliance on pouring $$$ into the game to afford big ticket items, lots of servers to play on but no way to transfer off of high population servers (at the time I was playing)
Archlord -> Grind made significantly easier by mass killing; however places to mass kill are few and far between, botters being ALLOWED by the game developers (as in not actively attempting to circumvent their activities), little room for error in talent/skill choice

So, based on my previous MMO experience, I picked up WoW because:
• Grind to top level is laughable at best compared to the free to play Korean MMOs I've been used to
• Cash is ridiculously easy to obtain by anyone with half a brain
• Illicit activities, such as botting, is actively squashed
• Game masters are always available 24/7, not just between the hours of 8 AM-6 PM local server time, answer help requests within hours instead of days or weeks, actually speak the player's language and can actually help you and not just say (in essence) "We can't do that, buy more items from our item mall please!"
• Cheaper to play at the top level than most free to play Korean MMOs (in terms of real money)
• Far more frequent content updates and things to do besides kill low to mid level people for no other reason than to be an *****
• Experimentation with talent/skill choice is not just easy to do, but affordable and in many ways encouraged
• Oodles of servers to play on with a means to transfer off high-population servers if desired.
#44 May 25 2008 at 10:53 PM Rating: Decent
Geez, I can't believe I'm the first one to say Runescape... anyway...

#45 May 26 2008 at 1:11 AM Rating: Decent
Diablo 2: 96 Hammerdin, 95 Bonemancer, both on ladder, then they restarted ladder and I cried

FFXI: 75 Bard, 60something Summoner, 60something Beastmaster

WoW: 70 Durid, 70 Paladin

Dofus: 49 Feca(yay), 44 Osamoda

In order of action.

Nowadays I play Dofus pretty much, got somewhat fed up with WoW, since Tankadins got the shaft in Sunwell(Sure, we get to be good on 1 boss, and then suck at the others), have been considering going back to FFXI for awhile, and see how it feels.
#46 Jun 02 2008 at 5:08 PM Rating: Decent
The Ultima Online beta in the summer of 1997.. I still have my beta cd.. it was a fun time.. I liked the world a lot but not so much the angled, top down locked camera..

then Diablo (not really MM though).. duping and hacking killed it for me..

then ?? Runescape maybe.. I LOVED the quests in that game.. and the world.. it almost made up for the tiny, poor boxed graphics.. I wish WoW had quests like Runescape - really.

when I finished all the freebie quests and got the best armor (at the time)..

I went to Rubies of Eventide which I still think Blizzard 'copied' (im being nice) parts of that game for WoW.. development wained.. I left..

Then Planetside..

Then I got away from MM games and started playing a lot of AA and other various games..

followed by some Voyage Century.. I got pretty high up but got bored of the lackluster feel (seemed slapped together) and the outlandish shop items people would buy..

Finally I tried WoW out last year.. I actually got sick of it during my 10 day trial.. I hated the disney look and lack of direction.. several months later I picked it back up.. leveled an alliance character to 70.. working on a horde one now (well off and on)...

The main thing that keeps me in WoW are the people I've met.. the game itself I find fun, sometimes a blast, but (to me) its not immersive at all.. it plays/looks/feels like a game.. it doesnt feel like I've stepped into a different world which I've felt in other games (even Runescape for goodness sake!). I'm hoping they remedy some of this in the future.. a few details could go a long way.

end of my longwinded story :c)
#47 Jun 02 2008 at 5:34 PM Rating: Decent
franktehtank wrote:
Geez, I can't believe I'm the first one to say Runescape... anyway...

Same here, played CRPG since AppleII days, Ultima and SSI. Not so much the other poular Apple game (forget the name, darn CRS). First online was NetHack Smiley: smile and then Runescape. My daughter started me on WoW, sadly on Dentarg but still its WoW
#48 Jun 03 2008 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent
616 posts
I played FFXI for about four years, completed just about everything I ever wanted and then some (75RDM, SAM, MNK, NIN WAR, tons of gear, etc). The only thing that kept me playing was all the fun I had on vent with friends while playing... The LS broke and we eventually regroupped in WoW. I had been playing WoW on and off since the the start, but only when we all started playing together did I ever get 60+.
#49 Jun 05 2008 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent
1,131 posts
I agree completely with CodeNameAlpha... I am an even older fart than he is... Got burned out on Diablo-II and then played a bunch of PS2 for years. About 3 months ago, a friend of mine switched from Guild Wars to WoW and told me, "You HAVE to play this game man!"

Been hooked on WoW ever since... not bothering with any other MMORPGs because I think they would all disappoint me by comparison. WoW is like eBay, any other MMORPG is like Ubid.
#50 Jun 06 2008 at 8:48 AM Rating: Decent
I am sad to say that I also came from Runescape... although I did play some SC Online, if that counts. All I can say is I'm glad that I'm not still playing Runescape...
#51 Jun 06 2008 at 3:26 PM Rating: Decent
807 posts
MMO? What's an MMO?

A bit of all the Diablo stuff back in the day, a sprinkling of Starcraft, and LOTS of MUDding.

Sometimes I'll splurge and play a little LORD. And no, that is not short for Lord of the Rings.

MUD's, for anyone that's interested, is much like WoW, just with no fancy animation, just screens of rolling (sometimes even coloured) text.

And even with the heavy MUD addiction that has carried over into WoW, I only played 2 or 3 (ICE's Magic Realm, Darkover, and Duris)
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