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min/max affliction damageFollow

#1 Apr 29 2008 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent
1,262 posts

I'm one of those 'research it till you find the 'best' spell rotation/cast order/stats to improve, etc. My armory.

I thought that I had found my max damage casting rotation on bosses in Kara. I'd go: CoS -> UA -> Corruption -> SB x 6 (though realistically, I probably do 5 and a dark pact), rinse & repeat.

I went to and found that it said that if I use siphon life that my dps would increase. So, I plugged the numbers into the warlock dps spreadsheet from EJ and it concurred (though the numbers were different as to the actual amount of difference). I plugged in immolate into the spreadsheet and it said that'd be an increase in dps as well (which shouldn't be, I don't think). The reason is that the uptime of the DoTs is very important to their overall dps, which decreases shadowbolt spamming time, which should reduce the overall damage. I'm wondering if either the spreadsheet or the website take 1.5 second GCD into effect or if they say "ohh, casting Siphon life... assume it's up 100% of the time, divide by length of spell and that's your dps!".

Does anyone have any good data on this? Also, the warlock spreadsheet says that I should be doing around 1200 dps and the best WWS I've ever posted is around 700.... Is this just bad DoT uptime/having to move around type stuff? (e.g. on nightbane, you have to run to the tank before rain of bones, then back out).

Any help would be appreciated.

Edited, Apr 29th 2008 1:12pm by ktangent
#2 Apr 30 2008 at 7:59 AM Rating: Decent
1,262 posts
I did some searching on EJ and found this:

Play style
- Optimal strategy is to keep Unstable Affliction, Corruption, Siphon Life and a curse active on your target. When all your dots are up you will be using that time to throw Shadow Bolts or Dark Pact/Life tap. Good timing is important: never refresh a dot effect before it has run its full duration, but minimize the time between the last tic and reapplying. For example, you want to start casting Unstable Affliction before the last tic hits, so that the last tic happens during the cast and UA is reapplied almost immediately after.
- You probably want to use an addon like DoTimer | World of Warcraft @ or Forte Gaming / Forte Warlock Addon for this. There is no fixed rotation since your dots have different durations.
- Get your imp buffed, blessing of wisdom helps a lot for his mana regeneration, which you can siphon off with dark pact. Imps can only be buffed when they are not phase shifted.
- Despite Drain Life getting a lot of benefits, Shadow Bolts will always outdamage it. Drain life is the most mana efficient spell since you're effectively gaining life/mana.

Noting 1) Keep up UA, Corr, SL and a curse. Shadowbolts and dark pact in between. 2) There is no rotation, since your dots have different durations.
#3 Apr 30 2008 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
821 posts
definitly add in Immolate to your castoration.
#4 Apr 30 2008 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
2,826 posts
Oakenwrath wrote:
definitly add in Immolate to your castoration.

Yep, make sure you're doing it in the general channel too. The other groups in the instance love hearing about what you're casting.
#5 Apr 30 2008 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
1,262 posts
When I put immolate into the rotation, I lose dps according to both the spreadsheet and the website.
#6 Apr 30 2008 at 5:43 PM Rating: Default
459 posts
ktangent wrote:
When I put immolate into the rotation, I lose dps according to both the spreadsheet and the website.

Yea, I get the exact same thing when I'm messing around with DPS calculators. I dont think its the right spell for an affliction build seeing as you could have cast an entire shadowbolt shadowbolt and began on the next one during the time it takes to get the instant damage from immolate.
#7 Apr 30 2008 at 8:26 PM Rating: Default
546 posts
If I was to guess I would think it has to deal with resist. Since your hit rating is fairly low SB loses more dps due to being a 2.5 sec cast rather then a 1.5 sec for siphon life, due to GCD.

So once you get more points in hit rating or crit siphon life won't be worth it but right now it probably is.
#8 May 01 2008 at 4:03 AM Rating: Decent
165 posts
It can also depend a lot on your party make up. If you have a fire mage that's debuffing to increase fire damage then immolate may be a better choice than SBolt. If there's a shadow priest or another lock that's using CoS then all bets are off.

Siphon life can also ease the non-tank healing burden of your healers so even if it's not optimal as far as DPS, it can benefit the raid in other ways if you are lifetapping or taking AoE.

Regardless, if your raid fails because you're lacking 15dps because of not using an optimal cast sequence or optimal spells, I really don't think that you can claim fault.
#9 May 01 2008 at 4:44 AM Rating: Decent
1,729 posts
On a long boss fight, as affliction, keeping all your DoTs up will increase your DPS, especially on fights where there's lots of movement. Your DoTs, even Immolate are still ticking while your moving, while your Dark Pacting, While you Life Tapping or While your Dead. As Affliction you should keep ALL your DoTs up ALL the time for maximum DPS. On trash, yeah, Immo is a waste, as the mob will be dead before it ticks. On trash, CoS(or whatever your curse is) Corr then SB spam, with a UA thrown in if it is tougher trash.

I have tested these theories using recount, one week using Immo, next week did not. Same group make-up both times as I have a very static badge run group. It does not make much sense to me either, I guess it just has to do with the movement thing, or maybe mana efficiency, since you Life Tap/Dark Pact less. I dunno why it works out like it does, but it does.

Edited, May 1st 2008 8:46am by Lathais
#10 May 01 2008 at 6:19 AM Rating: Decent
1,262 posts
Yeah, I suppose it could be to me throwing in an extra dark pact and such. I'll try with Immo on bosses this week for fights that require movement and get a WWS capture of it, then the same next week without.

My boss gear has 149 +hit, not what I have on right now. This is my trash set of gear with only +91 spell hit. I'm thinking of replacing my +12 stam gems with something that has +hit (and maybe ignore the +3 spell hit socket but grab 2 +8 spell hit gems, or something like that. Would it be worth it to put the +spell hit enchant on the gloves instead of the +damage one?
#11 May 01 2008 at 6:27 AM Rating: Default
546 posts
My boss gear has 149 +hit, not what I have on right now. This is my trash set of gear with only +91 spell hit. I'm thinking of replacing my +12 stam gems with something that has +hit (and maybe ignore the +3 spell hit socket but grab 2 +8 spell hit gems, or something like that. Would it be worth it to put the +spell hit enchant on the gloves instead of the +damage one?

As far as I can tell from running my own numbers and the post I've seen the +hit enchant is superior to the +dam glove enchant as long as you are under the hit cap.

This will give some help with selecting gear, gems and enchants.
#12 May 01 2008 at 12:04 PM Rating: Decent
1,729 posts
yeah, go for +hit enchant. Also, if the socket bonus is +hit, go for the socket bonus. For Blue Sockets, I use Glowing Nightseye(I think that's what it's called) it's +5 Sta and +6 Spell Dam), then Great Dawnstone or Veiled Noble Topaz in Yellow and Red.
#13 May 01 2008 at 4:40 PM Rating: Default
Keep in mind that, by nature, DoTs do more damage per mana and per cast time than most other spells. If the damage rates were even, everyone would take the damage up front via direct damage and DoTs would be considered useless. With this in mind, your keys for affliction dps are DoT rotation efficiency and getting as many SBs off as you can in between.

For DoT rotation efficiency you need to keep ALL of your DoTs up (Immolate included. This has been tested to death). This also includes CoA. Alot of people will argue for CoD in it's place but most of the responsible comparissons between the two have shown that they are very comparable. I go with CoA due to the more predictable and less spiked agro generation. Get a DoT timer and refresh your DoTs as soon as they expire, not before. This takes some practice to get right. Every second a DoT is down you are losing damage for obvious reasons. If you refresh a DoT too soon you are also losing damage for 2 reasons. First, you'll be losing the most powerful tick of CoA. Second, if all five of your DoTs are running, you would be much better served throwing in a SB instead of cutting off the efficiency of one of your DoTs.

Once you get this down, the rest of your dps will depend on what you do with the time you have when all your DoTs are running. Sometimes you have to run around for a specific fight. Sometimes you have to use Life Tap or Dark Pact. But your max dps will come from fitting as many SBs in between you DoT cycling as possible.

This is of course assuming that this is a boss fight and will last long enough for your DoTs to cycle. I hope this helps.
#14 May 01 2008 at 9:04 PM Rating: Default
2,029 posts
EDIT: Nevermind. At his gear level, CoA actually *is* higher damage, as much as I hate to admit it (a whopping total of barely 3dps). With better gear, CoD would pull ahead fairly rapidly, especially by increasing Sbolt damage (higher hit rating especially).
Considering he has Malediction, though, I kind of doubt CoA versus CoD will be an issue, at lest for the time being.

EDIT2: Immolate may be showing as a loss because it's got insanely high mana costs for its damage, and doesn't scale anywhere near as well with haste or crit as just Sbolting instead does. As a result, you're having to tap more often.
Also, always be aware of your dmg/castsec for your DoT's. If Sbolt surpasses them in this, then that DoT isn't ever worth casting, provided you'll have the extra second to get Sbolt off instead. The exception to this could be Siphon, though in my experience getting healed after tapping isn't even really an issue.

Edited, May 2nd 2008 12:18am by lsfreak
#15 May 05 2008 at 5:10 AM Rating: Decent
1,262 posts
Well, I went to kara this weekend and concentrated on keeping all my dots up. My shadowbolts used to be around 70% of my damage with CoS up and such. I was sitting around 4th-5th in the damage meter. My 'sustained dps' during any fight (including time to wait for the tank/time running around/dark pacting/life tapping, etc) was around 650.

After trying to keep my DoTs all up, shadowbolts now made up only about 20% of my damage, but my sustained dps went to 840. I was #2 damage in the raid 2nd only to the *uber* geared hunter we have and I passed our well-geared rogue. So, I was a very happy lock.

Thanks for all-y'all's help (ps, got the mindblade from prince and such this weekend. Just got the wand too, don't kill me cause I haven't gemmed it yet). Next week is getting spellstrike mats. (I hate farming).
#16 May 05 2008 at 5:39 AM Rating: Decent
821 posts
funny how you guys didn´t believe me...
#17 May 05 2008 at 7:03 PM Rating: Decent
648 posts

This is what you do :

1) Download "Leulier's Warlock Dps Spreadsheet"

2) Enter your gear, gems, raid buffs, consumables, talents, etc.

3) You then use the spreadsheet to look at effects of including different dots in your "rotation". If you follow my advice you will see that this is pretty easy to do. You simply select each dot one by one and turn it on or off - and look at whether your dps increases or decreases.

4) Once you've done this, you then calculate the dpct - damage per unit cast time of each spell. The spell with the highest dpct is the most important and the one with the lowest dpct is the least important.

5) There is no rotation in the sense of a hunter rotation for example - but I think we all know pretty much what we mean when we say "rotation" from a warlock perspective. Basically you cast the highest dpct spells, if a dot resists, you recast it in preference to a different dot with a lower dpct.

Of course, there are small factors which change your "rotation" - such as if you're nearing the end of the fight - or you're in the middle of a bloodlust etc etc.

If you've gone to the effort of downloading and configuring the spreadsheet - you might aswell play around with looking at different specs and whether they improve your dps or not.

People often leave changing to 0/21/40 suprisingly late - despite the crap churned out by the "Zam-xperts" regarding not switching to destruction until you have "enough" hit rating.

The decision of whether you can change to 0/21/40 from an affliction based setup is all down to the ** DPS FIGURE ** you get out of Leulier's spreadsheet, and nothing to do with some pet theory put forward by some guy who isnt even looking at the end of BT.

The biggest reason why alot of warlocks see improvements with 0/21/40 is because of the simplicity of the "rotation".

Anyway, whatever you decide to do - there are some excellent tools out there that will give you "hard and fast" answers - and you can really improve your dps by using them.

#18 May 05 2008 at 8:01 PM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
The biggest reason why alot of warlocks see improvements with 0/21/40 is because of the simplicity of the "rotation".

That and the fact that, you know... DoTs scale for ****.
#19 May 05 2008 at 9:15 PM Rating: Decent
648 posts

That and the fact that, you know... DoTs scale for sh*t.

The most irritating thing about these forums is when you have to come back to clarify the obvious.

That and the fact that, you know... DoTs scale for sh*t.


DoTs scale for sh*t.

"No **** sherlock" ..........

Clearly a warlock raiding in Sunwell is not gonna be speccing 0/21/40 because of the simpler rotation. The whole scaling issue of dots is well known.

But - to clarify - with regard to warlocks who are similarly geared to this guy and doing the raids that this guy will do - the simplicity of the 0/21/40 build itself will improve the dps of alot of warlocks - regardless of the scaling issues.

It's a fact that some warlocks just don't get all the juice out of a 5-dot affliction build simply because they lack the focus to keep all the dots refreshed.

#20 May 06 2008 at 4:25 AM Rating: Decent
1,262 posts
If you've gone to the effort of downloading and configuring the spreadsheet - you might aswell play around with looking at different specs and whether they improve your dps or not.

I hadn't even thought of going destro yet because of my lack of +hit/+crit in my gear. I finally have the minimum spell damage for that build, but still lack a lot of crit. I'm working on the spellstrike hood mats now to get that made and then replacing a piece of Frozen Shadoweave with T4 so I won't give up the T4 set bonus when I get the pants made.

I'll plug my stuff into the spreadsheet and look at the dps difference at my gear level with destro and affliction.

It's a fact that some warlocks just don't get all the juice out of a 5-dot affliction build simply because they lack the focus to keep all the dots refreshed.

I'll agree with that. I just started paying attention to that more closely. The only other character I've raided with is my troll mage, and for mages there is a clearly defined "best dps spec" and "best dps rotation", as well as what specs will do better damage with xxx spell damage vs. yyy spell damage.

Edited, May 6th 2008 7:27am by ktangent
#21 May 06 2008 at 5:07 AM Rating: Decent
1,262 posts
After plugging in the numbers into the spreadsheet, the theoretical *best* dps build is the felguard build (1515 dps 7/43/11) followed closely by the other felguard build, 1/44/16. Then comes the classic shadow destro build at 1330. My current UA build gets around 1248.

I'm not completely convinced that the Felguard build would do as high a dps as the spreadsheet says as the felguard cannot necessarily have cleave up, which is a significant damage loss. Also, the felguard has to be managed quite closely in some fights, or he will die quickly (e.g prince/maiden/nightbane). Not sure if he would ***** up the beams for netherspite as well, so... I guess I'll be trying out the destro build to see how my damage does this next week. I'll also be regemming to get the max +hit while keeping my CSD active.
#22 May 06 2008 at 9:09 AM Rating: Decent
648 posts

so... I guess I'll be trying out the destro build

I'm glad you're doing that, I hope it works out. I checked out the data myself, and it was interesting that the FG 1/44/15 came out as the highest DPS with your current setup.

You're right about that dps being under ideal circumstances of course, and I'd make the further point that the FG build may not scale as nicely as the 0/21/40 Hybrid.

Just going back to the afflcition setup for a second, the spell priority (rotation) would be Corruption, UA, SL, Immolate. Although that information is mostly redundant now.

For those who are interested, Leulier's Spreadsheet points at these dps limits :

1145 Current (Affliction)
1186 0/21/40 Hybrid
1376 FG 1/44/15

The biggest advantage of switching to Destro earlier is that you will be collecting appropriate gear earlier. Theres nothing worse than collecting alot of Affliction suited gear, just to find that you finally make the transition and that all your gear is no longer optimal.

Leulier's Spreadsheet can also be used to plan which are the best upgrades.

It is WELL WORTH NOTING that these conclusions apply, despite the fact that Dethgar has just 55 hit rating. Obviously, the best upgrade path involves picking up hit and I am sure he will do so.

But importantly - don't base your decision on some "zam-xpert" (not referring to Ktangent btw - but the xperts know who they are) telling you your hit is not high enough to go destro. The only way to determine this is to feed your data into a dps modeller as has Ktangent.

Edited, May 6th 2008 1:10pm by kbd
#23 May 06 2008 at 9:51 AM Rating: Decent
1,262 posts
It is WELL WORTH NOTING that these conclusions apply, despite the fact that Dethgar has just 55 hit rating. Obviously, the best upgrade path involves picking up hit and I am sure he will do so.

I have a +hit set of gear that brings me up to 149 +hit. I am also doing some regemming to add more +hit and enchanting to bring it up as well. My gear on right now is not the gear I have that I use to kill in raid. I think I logged out doing dailies after PvPing.
#24 May 06 2008 at 11:42 AM Rating: Good
648 posts

Thanks for the reply, it's good that you use more hit in raids. It's still interesting that even with the gear you had on your armory when I looked - you still cam make more dps out of destro. It just highlights that people should consider it much sooner than they think.
#25 May 08 2008 at 5:49 PM Rating: Good
648 posts
But importantly - don't base your decision on some "zam-xpert" (not referring to Ktangent btw - but the xperts know who they are) telling you your hit is not high enough to go destro. The only way to determine this is to feed your data into a dps modeller as has Ktangent.

Just thought I'd repeat that for another rate down. Those of you who are relatively new will be aware of a couple of big-mouth locks who profess to be the theory-craft kings. Locks who until the doors were flung open to BT had barely got past Lootreaver. Heh they know who they are.

Like I said - don't listen to them - download the spreadsheet and do the theorycrafting for yourself, because otherwise you'll be stuck with an inferior dps build while you try to reach some magical hit rating.

Why am I so passionate about this ? Because there are a couple of quack doctors on these boards. People in need come here for advice, and on the whole it is good. In fact I've hardly ever seen bad advice for all topics all the way up to raiding level. But that's where it ends.

Where it comes to matters of raid theorycrafting - I would never advise anybody to listen to the quack theorycrafters here, I would send them straight to Elitist Jerks and Leulier's spreadsheet. I'm not saying people shouldn't compare raid experiences, but the raw theorycrafting, don't come here.

So I'm expecting another rate down from the self-professed theorycrafters - the locks and spriests who put "Master of Theory" in their sigs, but riddle me this batman "We would all like to write our own reviews would we not".

Edited, May 8th 2008 10:09pm by kbd
#26 May 08 2008 at 9:24 PM Rating: Excellent
821 posts
I agree with you kbd, and i usually encourage people in my guild to do as much researching and theorycrafting as they can. That helps people alot to understand their class-mechanics.

BUT (isn´t there alway a but??)
there is often no reason at all to re-invent the wheel.
Most things have been calculated over and over again by thousands of players
some good some bad.

I think we can all agree on that spell-hit in a 2-roll system (which hasn´t been proven, yet, but everything points towards it, i am referring here to the CloS-model...i know PvP vs PvE mechanics-model...spellhit is a fairly cheap and good stat to aim for and a high amount of it is good to have.

On the other side do not sacrifice all other stats to reach "that magic number".
Most stat-values will show less and less increase in overall dps the higher they get

Leuliers spreadsheet can give you a pretty good idea of what
your specc could be capable of, but (notice the "but" again?)
there are points during progress where certain speccs come out better
ingame than in theory, since the spreadsheet is even though very complex, rather static, most encounters in WoW are not...even though some people might argue with that.

Edited, May 9th 2008 4:23am by Oakenwrath
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