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#1 Apr 18 2008 at 12:17 PM Rating: Good
I've wanted to make a mage but haven't been able to get one past twenty because of their survivability being almost non existant. Does thier survivability get better past twenty?
#2 Apr 18 2008 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
Maybe you just need to read through the FAQ for some ideas... If you use a decent sequence of spells, then you should have no problem taking out any enemy that isn't Red to you... As long as you're not trying to take on a few at once, you should do just fine.
#3 Apr 18 2008 at 1:03 PM Rating: Good
survivability gets better as you get a chance to get more hp and int, you are also able to throw on mana shield at bad times and then later get iceblock and icebarrier at 40 (if frost spec) including other nice talents.
#4 Apr 18 2008 at 2:09 PM Rating: Decent
Mages always have low passive survivability - low armour etc. You have to avoid damage through Blink, Frostnova, snares, Iceblock and shields to avoid damage rather than tanking it. Your abilities to avoid damage are greatly increased as you level up, though, yes.
#5 Apr 18 2008 at 5:58 PM Rating: Good
861 posts
Mages are almost impossible to kill (in PvE) when played correctly. My mage can escape from places that even my hunter could not. Use frost nova if anyone comes close, sheep if more than one. Stick with it. You will get more slowing spells and snares shortly that will make life much easier.
#6 Apr 19 2008 at 9:53 AM Rating: Good
Yeah, I've found the exact opposite. Granted I only just dinged 31 last night, but I've died way less than I did on my warrior. Okay, maybe that's not the best comparison, but there really are a lot of control and escape tools at a mage's disposal. That's kind of key, though; knowing when to just run away.
#7 Apr 19 2008 at 10:41 AM Rating: Good
1,245 posts
Barkingturtle wrote:
That's kind of key, though; knowing when to just run away.

Mages are a very defensive class in PvE due to the way they can use their abilities.

For the original post, yes, mages' survivability does indeed increase past level 20, because they get new abilities.

Frost Nova and burst damage, my friend.
#8 Apr 19 2008 at 12:36 PM Rating: Default
Like everyone has said, the mage class isn't like most other classes. You don't have the tanking that wars, druids, pallys have or the pets that hunter, locks have. We do have survivability though, just not in the form of damage mitigation like most other classes. In PvE our ability to kite muliple mobs combined with the massive burst damage we have is our survivability. We can turn a 3 mob pull into a 1 mob fight with ease. Sheep, slow, kill one before they get to you and now you have a 1v1 with more then enough tricks to get your distance again.

Sadly in PvP this isn't the case as every class has 2 or 3 different counters to all of our tricks.
#9 Apr 19 2008 at 7:05 PM Rating: Decent
2,801 posts
For PvE the whole idea is not to be touched. I went Fire spec (and love it), and it was basically Pyroblast at max range, Fireball while the mob is charging towards you, Frost Nova take a step back, then Pyroblast for the kill.

Fireblast helps for tougher mobs or if they resist as well. Plus, you can pull two mobs at once as long as you're quick with a Polymorph. And assuming its a Humanoid or Beast, of course.

I've found leveling my Mage to be very easy. Not quite as easy a Hunter, but close to it.
#10 Apr 19 2008 at 8:55 PM Rating: Good
245 posts
I have always started off with a frost spell. This slows down the target and I can usually get 2 or 3 more times spells on them while they come to me. Frost nova step back and cast or instant cast spells if they are close to dead when they finally reach me.

You have to ditch the mindset of just about every other class when you play mage. You can't go and beat on things like a pally / warrior / druid / rogue. You don't have the drain tank abilities of a Lock. You don't have the armor of the hunter or shammie. You make up with it by being impossible to hit. When you get good enough, you will find yourself able to solo elites if they can be slowed / stunned (depending if you are fire / ice). The mage leveling is a completely different style then all other classes in wow, and you have to go into the character thinking that way.

Once you start thinking like that, though, you will start to see how you can save that healer that pulled agro by stunning / freezing the mobs running at him, that pat that is coming that needs to be cc'ed, or that caster mob that needs to be pulled to the tank with a counter spell.
#11 Apr 20 2008 at 7:06 PM Rating: Good
139 posts
Also, be sure you are only using Rank 1 Frost Nova. It keeps them frozen for the same amount of time and costs significantly less.
#12 Apr 20 2008 at 9:22 PM Rating: Good
194 posts
Burst damage is a form of crowd control.
#13 Apr 20 2008 at 9:55 PM Rating: Default
At level 70 you'll find that mage survivability in raids sucks. You'll have to use some pvp gear, while other classes get to use all of their raiding gear.
#14 Apr 20 2008 at 10:59 PM Rating: Good
zyxia wrote:
At level 70 you'll find that mage survivability in raids sucks. You'll have to use some pvp gear, while other classes get to use all of their raiding gear.

#15 Apr 21 2008 at 5:46 AM Rating: Good
zyxia wrote:
At level 70 you'll find that mage survivability in raids sucks. You'll have to use some pvp gear, while other classes get to use all of their raiding gear.

In fights where there is a requirement for high HP (HWL Naj'entus comes to mind) it is required to have over 8500hp unbuffed to make sure that you do not die when his bubble is blown up. so in a sense it is true, but pretty much all other cloth casters have to do the same (priests especially)
#16 Apr 21 2008 at 6:25 AM Rating: Decent
979 posts
I am sorry you have problems getting to level 20 when the Mage gets Blink , But what Talent tree did you use ?

Fire is the easiest way up to around level 32 i think , Although i am at present only level 20 and Frost , Yes if you let mobs beat on you it is sure death but a quick freeze step back fast and shoot again is usually ok on most single mobs , more than one you need to take them out with a little sheep spell but be sure to kill one before the other joins in.

Like most classes it takes a little while to relearn your Playstyle , Pick your mobs carefully until you see how it starts to work , I usually do quests in at least two starter areas as that gives far more choice on quests and you can do the easiest first .

The Mage is a great fun class even though i prefer a hunter over all classes i think a mage is better than a Priest at surviving at least so far anyway and my priests are just under level 40.

The biggest pain is always drinking..
#17 Apr 21 2008 at 7:13 AM Rating: Decent
I've died like once on my Mage, but got close a few times: Nova, Mana shield, Blink all saved my butt a few times.

I generally start with Pyro, then fireball, depending how far he is I'll sneak in a Scorch. Nova or just wand him to death depending on how low his hp is.

Don't give up OP, just like Rogue, it'll get easier with more tricks in your bag.

It'll seem like you're drinking after every other fight (prolly are lol), but you'll get talents that reduce the MP cost of spells) Master of elements was a Godsend 30% off of the cost of my spells FTW per crit (now just need more crit lol).

Just hang in there, it gets easier.

Edited, Apr 21st 2008 12:48pm by GYFFORD
#18 Apr 21 2008 at 7:54 AM Rating: Excellent
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29,527 posts
druidserg wrote:
zyxia wrote:
At level 70 you'll find that mage survivability in raids sucks. You'll have to use some pvp gear, while other classes get to use all of their raiding gear.


Indeed. I currently wear full raiding gear for Naj'entus, for instance. Just over 10k health if I eat a crawdad instead of a basilisk. Which is good enough.
#19 Apr 21 2008 at 8:53 AM Rating: Good
poldaran wrote:
druidserg wrote:

zyxia wrote:

At level 70 you'll find that mage survivability in raids sucks. You'll have to use some pvp gear, while other classes get to use all of their raiding gear.


Indeed. I currently wear full raiding gear for Naj'entus, for instance. Just over 10k health if I eat a crawdad instead of a basilisk. Which is good enough.

The only time i have ever use pvp gear in a raid is while i'm the mage tank in gruuls. Other then that mage PvE gear gives plently +stam to live if you know what your doing.
#20 Apr 21 2008 at 9:36 AM Rating: Default
nonsense, have you been to black temple? For naj'entus you need pvp gear, while priest are probably the only other class that needs to wear pvp gear. Congrats poldaran, you are the only mage that I know of that didn't need to use pvp gear on him. Unless your in tier 6.

On RoS I got killed when he was fixxated on me, while I used my pve gear. So I had to incorporate some pvp gear.

If you use pve gear on all of your fights you'll be hell on your healers. You get two shotted by the aoe, while all other classes get 3 shotted, besides priest.

You can listen to them, or someone who has killed Illidan and that our issue with survivability is a lot more of an issue than other classes, and using some pvp gear will help the raid, because you have better survivabitity. Which makes it easier on the healers.

Just saying that if you ever plan on raiding as a mage, you're going to have an issue with survivability. The only other class that is probably in the same boat as a mage in terms of survivability is a priest.
#21 Apr 21 2008 at 12:31 PM Rating: Decent
84 posts
To say mages have no survivabily in raids i think is a little far-fetched.
Were cloth, we dont have armor. When we pull agro its think quick cause its coming right for us. But our gear provides enough stam to be over most health requirements, especially raid buffed. It is possible to have crafted gear which provide little stats but big dmg numbers i suppose. but almost all raid gear comes with the stam we need.
I feel this post would make some class's cry. Mostly any class that doesn't have
manashield, elementals wards,nova,blink,invis, ICE BLOCK. And if your frost, Ice barrier and x2 IB's.
The stereotypical raiding mage is that we spam fireballs or frostbolts. Because thats what is left on recounts/wws. But positioning and using everything else in our ******* at the right time makes us shine, can be difficult and easily overlooked.
#22 Apr 21 2008 at 3:36 PM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
zyxia wrote:
nonsense, have you been to black temple? For naj'entus you need pvp gear, while priest are probably the only other class that needs to wear pvp gear. Congrats poldaran, you are the only mage that I know of that didn't need to use pvp gear on him. Unless your in tier 6.

I have one piece of T6. The new badge gear has a good amount of stamina. And I'm not a tailor, so I don't wear that low stat stuff we call Spellfire/Spellstrike.

CalenciaBlue wrote:
But positioning and using everything else in our ******* at the right time makes us shine, can be difficult and easily overlooked.

It certainly doesn't hurt.
#23 Apr 23 2008 at 12:51 AM Rating: Decent
979 posts
I can now say at level 23 yes it does get easier ,as trades i went skinning and enchanting though , and now am fully buffed with enchants that i can do . Total cost to get almost maxed for my level about 25g and i have lots of spare materials left over , but i guess that is not something you can do on all servers as easily as on lightbringer horde side as the auction house is a complete mess there , as an example a nice level 25 item selling for around 4g but with a bid price of 10s ?? helped me a lot as all i did was bid any like that so i had the mats so very cheaply , surprising just how much you can buy like that just by patience and bidding on all the low bid starters and waiting .

Even by going Frost at level 23 i can take on two mobs my level if i have to , blast one of them with frost perhaps sheep the other , freeze them then run or blink , frost them again perhaps an arcane or blast with fire , by then freeze should be up again so freeze and run , It does take practice and at the end i am needing a very long drink if they were not casters (Blood elf buffs help my manna ) but all in all great fun unless you get attacked after using up all your manna then its oops run , and i have had to do that a few times , not always successfully but generally i do not die ...

I went with all gear of the owl so masses of spirit and intellect plus my enchants have given me a huge manna pool for my level , not such fun if i get hit though , so did add some stamina enchants to help a little.

Give a Mage a try you can only learn the class by trying it...
#24 Apr 24 2008 at 6:13 AM Rating: Decent
2,079 posts
Maybe you just need to read through the FAQ for some ideas... If you use a decent sequence of spells, then you should have no problem taking out any enemy that isn't Red to you... As long as you're not trying to take on a few at once, you should do just fine.

I'd say... as long as your enemy isn't orange at those levels. Before you get +spell hit, orange mobs WILL resist far too significantly to reliably and safely kill them. I'd stick with yellows and greens (though yellow is quite easy). Low level orange ... you can kill, but expect more downtime with having to use more spells to kill because of a significant increase in resists.
#25 Apr 29 2008 at 9:01 AM Rating: Decent
38 posts
I've wanted to make a mage but haven't been able to get one past twenty because of their survivability being almost non existant. Does thier survivability get better past twenty?

Either you are a sitting duck who doesn't know you can move sideways and backward, or you are silly enough to stand there and let the mobs hit you to death.

Mages are almost impossible to kill (in PvE) when played correctly. My mage can escape from places that even my hunter could not. Use frost nova if anyone comes close, sheep if more than one. Stick with it. You will get more slowing spells and snares shortly that will make life much easier.

TOTALLY AGREE My arcane mage has yet to die in PVE for more than 2 months, and I play him at least 4 dayss a week.
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