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Shapeshift form's skinFollow

#1 Apr 17 2008 at 11:07 PM Rating: Excellent
304 posts
Well, I'm not 100% sure if this question belongs here, even though I thought of posting jt on the Horde specific forum but since it was a Druid thing and only tauren could do it anyway, thought it may have been better here.

Hm by any chance anyone could tell me what decides the shapeshift's skin?
If it's the tauren's skin color, or type of horn or anything like that or is it random?

Thanks in advance. :3

EDIT: Dear god, I just noticed I ate words and made some awful typos lol, I fixed them though

Edited, Apr 18th 2008 6:16am by Manikku
#2 Apr 17 2008 at 11:10 PM Rating: Good
817 posts
Look in animal forms is determined by race...night elf has one version, Tauren another. Not random in other words, but identical. Kinda sucks, if ya ask me.
#3 Apr 18 2008 at 2:17 AM Rating: Decent
304 posts
Oooh I thought there were different skins for the shapeshiftings didn't know it was only one for each faction/race, alright thanks for answering my question :3
#4 Apr 18 2008 at 3:54 AM Rating: Excellent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I've said it before and I'll say it again, because I know a lot of Druids agree with it. Blizzard should finish what they've started instead of adding new crap to satisfy the unemployed ADHD players who burn through the content a week after launch.

Look at the class quests. Druids get a quest for Bear form, Aquatic form and Cure Poison, and then it stops. We get Cat form, Travel form, Dire Bear form, Flight form and Remove Curse by buying the skill from the trainer.

What the hell?

And the cheetah skin of Travel form was supposed to be a temporary thing. Look at it. Unlike any of the other forms, it doesn't have that unique look to it, like the Bear form. No Night Elf ears or Tauren horns. It's just a cheetah skin, like seen on some in-game beasts. A temporary skin. I believe Blizzard confirmed that in ages past as well.

They just never got around to finishing anything, because suddenly they had to launch the game and people were progressing faster than anticipated, forcing the developers to make up content for the times ahead instead of fixing what they had already implemented.

That's why we get fancy Flight forms with unique skin for both versions (regular and swift), but we still look like the same ol' level 10 Bear form when we run around in Dire Bear form at level 70.

It would take them a minimum of time and resources to have one or two designers make a new skin for Travel and Dire Bear form. The class quests can wait, but for the love of Elune, give us some new skins!

Edited, Apr 18th 2008 1:57pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#5 Apr 18 2008 at 7:25 AM Rating: Decent
1,239 posts
I always thought it would be cool if the bear/cat form had a pattern in the fur based on your current tabard. It'd give some uniqueness to each kitty/bear, and give the chance to make some pretty sweet-looking designs.
#6 Apr 18 2008 at 7:44 AM Rating: Good
1,270 posts
I've said it before and I'll say it again, because I know a lot of Druids agree with it. Blizzard should finish what they've started instead of adding new crap to satisfy the unemployed ADHD players who burn through the content a week after launch.

I have to say.. as this issue has to be the most commonly asked from druids since.. beta.

Look at the Tauren cat form.. it had MASSIVE rigging issues. Issues that didn't even get addressed till 2.3 and still aren't entirely fixed. Blizzard has absolutely NO excuse for such poor modeling on a playable character for as long as they have. It would take 5 guys a gorram lunch break to fix it all.

Now.. that aside, the desire we all have for a little customization in our forms. Forms that don't change a pixel from the moment we pick them up at.. level 10, 20, etc. Even though our amour changes and our stats grow. With the changes in WotLK, while I feel it's a long shot I hope that they let us do something to our forms.

Enter Andrige! He's a EU Druid.. and my lord the skins he's made.
While I'm to chicken **** to use them. (As they are against the TOS but many claim it's such a minor change that it can either not be detected or that the minnows are not as important as the fish blizzard has to fry.) I can certainly appreciate the amazing work he's done.

Look at the class quests. Druids get a quest for Bear form, Aquatic form and Cure Poison, and then it stops. We get Cat form, Travel form, Dire Bear form, Flight form and Remove Curse by buying the skill from the trainer.

What the hell?

Why is there even a cat spirit in the moonglade?

That's why we get fancy Flight forms with unique skins for both versions

Well done questline, neat boss fight at the end and the model for the swift form is amazing! So their capable of it, they just pooped out on us at level 16 and caught back up at 70. >..<

Edited, Apr 18th 2008 12:06pm by GryphonStalker
#7 Apr 18 2008 at 1:37 PM Rating: Excellent
38 posts
I don't usually engage in speculation, but here's my conspiracy theory: Despite how simple it would be, Blizzard hasn't added new/customizable skins to druid forms because they want us to feel special when they finally implement them in WotLK. There I said it. That'll be the only bone they throw us too - i won't be suprised.

#8 Apr 18 2008 at 1:53 PM Rating: Excellent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
If I know Blizzard right they'll do two things:

1) Give us new model skins

2) Fix Predatory Strikes

And then make us pick one.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#9 Apr 18 2008 at 2:48 PM Rating: Good
1,764 posts
You mean Predatory Instincts? I wasn't aware of a bug with it. Also, I seem to remember Bliz talking about having more customization options when you create new characters in WotLK. Maybe we'll finally get an improvement in our form models.
#10 Apr 18 2008 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I mean Predatory Strikes.

Increases our attack power by 150% of our level. Which is 105 at level 70. It doesn't scale which is bad, because 105 attack power at level 70 is not enough to warrant three talent points and at level 80 it'll be even worse as it'll net us a whopping 120 attack power, which is a 15 attack power, or 1 dps, increase in ten levels.

Not cool.

Edited, Apr 19th 2008 1:20am by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#11 Apr 18 2008 at 6:10 PM Rating: Good
1,764 posts
Oh, I was looking for a talent where there might actually be a bug. Yeah, it's not the greatest place to spend talent points, but every class has some talents that just suck. I would rather have a buff for IMotW, that's 5 points almost wasted for non-ferals that want to put points in Resto.

By comparison, Warriors have to take either Improved Rend or Deflection to advance in their Arms tree, or 5/5 Enrage to get to Flurry in the Fury tree. 105 / 120 AP for three talent points isn't great, but from looking at some other melee trees, it could be worse.
#12 Apr 19 2008 at 4:14 AM Rating: Decent
676 posts
It's easy enough to say it's not as bad or doesn't make you feel as bad because other Melee trees have the same issue, but if it's not just a Druid specific problem, then why isn't it fixed. It's sad that Blizz can make several different classes have to take bad to mediocre talents just to get to the meat of the spec.

I understand that not every talent is going to be Outstanding, but as you have said with IMotW, why not at least move it around so that we don't "have" to take it because it's the best of the crappy talents on the way to the good stuff.

At least they gave us the buff to Nurturing Instinct. The +healing from agility is good if you don't switch into your healing gear before you use it and the +20% for heals in cat form is nice to take the sting out of AOE damage healing from boss fights.

Either way I guess I'm mostly just agreeing with Mazra... all this time spent making WotLK and we can't get a few new skins/class quests with the patch that brought us all the new Sunwell content? I mean throwing us a small change to NI was cool, but come on....

(edit: Updated levels on sigs Ding!x2)

Edited, Apr 19th 2008 9:12am by Galenmoon
#13 Apr 19 2008 at 5:00 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
AstarintheDruid wrote:
Oh, I was looking for a talent where there might actually be a bug. Yeah, it's not the greatest place to spend talent points, but every class has some talents that just suck. I would rather have a buff for IMotW, that's 5 points almost wasted for non-ferals that want to put points in Resto.

By comparison, Warriors have to take either Improved Rend or Deflection to advance in their Arms tree, or 5/5 Enrage to get to Flurry in the Fury tree. 105 / 120 AP for three talent points isn't great, but from looking at some other melee trees, it could be worse.

I kind of like iMotW, because it makes the decision pretty easy when it comes to picking tier 1 Restoration talents. Furor is just better in so many ways, especially when into PvP.

And if you compare Enrage to the suckiness of iMotW, I'll hit you. Enrage increases the Warrior's outgoing damage by 25% if struck by a critical strike. Do you have any idea how powerful that is in PvP? And Deflection, like Furor, is the natural talent to pick. A higher chance of parrying isn't bad.

Again, from a PvP point of view.

If you're mostly into PvE, then yes, those talents kind of suck, but Predatory Strikes even more so, because it doesn't scale. Scaling is the gamemaker/-breaker of PvE. If things don't scale then there can be no progression. I believe Predatory Strikes is one the main complaints by PvE Feral Druids on the Oboards, because it's what keeps us from getting up there with Rogues and Warriors in DPS.

Warrior and Rogue damage scales with the gear they're wearing.

The only change they had to make was have Predatory Strikes scale with agility or attack power instead of level, since levels are static once you reach endgame. They'd have to reduce the percentage, naturally, but it would still be better since it would at least scale with the gear you're wearing.

Edited, Apr 19th 2008 3:06pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#14 Apr 19 2008 at 5:31 AM Rating: Decent
676 posts
I agree again and I think it should be based off of agility. That way they could make the percentage lower so that it wouldn't be OP, but then it would still scale with gear and it would also scale with Blessing of Kings.

BoK is my fav for when aggro isn't an issue and I hate when my attack power doesn't scale as much as I wanted it to because I have so much +attack power stuff.

#15 Apr 19 2008 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
83 posts
If you're mostly into PvE, then yes, those talents kind of suck, but Predatory Strikes even more so, because it doesn't scale. Scaling is the gamemaker/-breaker of PvE. If things don't scale then there can be no progression. I believe Predatory Strikes is one the main complaints by PvE Feral Druids on the Oboards, because it's what keeps us from getting up there with Rogues and Warriors in DPS.

So, Mazra, what you're saying is that for PvE DPS, a talent which does absolutely nothing (deflection and enrage, specifically) for DPS at all times is better than a talent that does something?

Now, I'll give you that it's something that is very minor, but it's still better than nothing. Fury warriors, unless they're doing a bit of minor tanking (like the priest in Gruul or one of the first adds in Mag, for instance), should never get hit, which makes both Deflection and enrage entirely useless for that role.

I'm failing to see your logic here.
#16 Apr 20 2008 at 1:46 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Taeraq wrote:
So, Mazra, what you're saying is that for PvE DPS, a talent which does absolutely nothing (deflection and enrage, specifically) for DPS at all times is better than a talent that does something?

Note: Deflection is in the first tier. Comparable to iMotW. How useful is that? And if you accidentally pull aggro as a Warrior, you have no way to shed it so any way you can deflect the incoming damage will count. Deflection increases your chance of not getting instagibbed by 5%. Not a gamemaker talent, but we're talking first tier here.

Enrage, on the other hand, isn't useful for PvE, no. At least not PvE where the mobs instakill stuff they hit. For soloing and normal 5-mans, it can have its uses. It's mostly a PvP talent, thought, I think.

In before someone, yet again, makes the claim that end-game raiding is the only type of PvE that counts.

Edit: And Warriors scale much better than Druids as it is, so I don't want to hear a Warrior complaining about PvE DPS.

Edited, Apr 20th 2008 11:47am by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#17 Apr 20 2008 at 7:22 AM Rating: Good
1,245 posts
GryphonStalker, Guardian of the Glade wrote:

Enter Andrige! He's a EU Druid.. and my lord the skins he's made.
While I'm to chicken **** to use them. (As they are against the TOS but many claim it's such a minor change that it can either not be detected or that the minnows are not as important as the fish blizzard has to fry.) I can certainly appreciate the amazing work he's done.

Thanks for the link, those look incredibly awesome.

So much so, that I installed those skins (it felt more taboo to have registered for that site than to put these in, as the site encourages WoW exploits, gold selling and powerleveling, and model hacks to get by BG gates) even though I don't actually play a druid.
#18 Apr 20 2008 at 7:51 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Isn't it illegal to change the skins, though?
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#19 Apr 20 2008 at 8:26 AM Rating: Good
1,245 posts
Mazra wrote:
Isn't it illegal to change the skins, though?

Yes and no.

ToS states, you cannot modify WoW files.

Addon rules state, if it isn't an unfair advantage and relatively doable without third-party executables ingame, don't worry.

Edit: Think of it like driving 4 miles per hour over the speed limit. (Or kilometers per hour). It's technically illegal, but almost never enforced because it ain't that bad.

Edited, Apr 20th 2008 12:28pm by Raglu
#20 Apr 20 2008 at 8:59 AM Rating: Excellent
1,270 posts
Yes and no.

ToS states, you cannot modify WoW files.

Addon rules state, if it isn't an unfair advantage and relatively doable without third-party executables ingame, don't worry.

Right, it's a grey area. Blizzard use to not really care about it, until people started to make changes like... turning the WSG flag into a massive dragon that you can see half a field away. As a whole I don't much care for the site either Raglu, I just go to Andrige page.

Oh here is his DA page too.

Anywho, ol' Andrige has been at this for a long time now and this has been linked on the Oboards thousands of times. (Usually as a "WHY can't blizzard do this? this is just one guys work?) I've never heard of someone banned for using his stuff.

Edited, Apr 20th 2008 1:17pm by GryphonStalker
#21 Apr 20 2008 at 9:03 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I tried to link to the site in a suggestion thread on the Oboards, but the filter screwed it up. Apparently isn't appreciated by Blizzard.

Ps. I also just installed the new skins. They look pretty neat. Did he change Flight form at all? Looks like it's more black now. I really love the Cat skin.

Edited, Apr 20th 2008 7:52pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#22 Apr 20 2008 at 10:02 AM Rating: Good
1,245 posts
Mazra wrote:
I tried to link to the site in a suggestion thread on the Oboards, but the filter screwed it up. Apparently isn't appreciated by Blizzard.

Ps. I also just installed the new skins. They look pretty neat. Did he change Flight form at all? Looks like it's more black now. I really love the Cat skin.

Edited, Apr 20th 2008 7:52pm by Mazra

Tauren cat is awesome.

As for mmowned, that place makes me feel like I'm criminal. When registering, it explicitly states at the top, "If you are a employee or relative to an employee of Blizzard or its parent company Vivendi, you may not register an account." It's a bad hood down there.
#23 Apr 20 2008 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
83 posts
I'm not complaining about PvE DPS, I was just commenting on the inaccuracy of your statement. I never once mentioned anything about scaling, just commented on the talent comparison you made between Predatory strikes and Deflection/Enrage.

And, yes, deflection increases the chance that you won't get insta-gibbed when you pull aggro. However, DPS shouldn't pull aggro. There are threat meters for a reason, and usually in a raid (25 mans, at least... 10 mans are another story, and there it's useful, I'll give you that - same for questing/grinding) the DPS will all have salv, so they have a bit of a buffer. If warriors (and shamans) see that they're coming a bit close to pulling aggro, they need to stop attacking for a few seconds. It's as simple as that.
#24 Apr 20 2008 at 1:34 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
What exactly was this inaccuracy in my statement? Predatory Stikes not scaling isn't bad or what?
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#25 Apr 20 2008 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
83 posts
Just specifically that it's worse (for PvE DPS... specifically raiding, which I should have stated before) than Deflection or Enrage.

Edit: Also, I just realized how much of an *** I'm sounding like right now. I need to cut down on that. Sorry.

Edited, Apr 20th 2008 5:45pm by Taeraq
#26 Apr 20 2008 at 1:47 PM Rating: Good
I think you guys are not paying attention to what really matters here in WoW. Forget about the pass, It's the future that matters. I have an issue that I think no one else have noticed before. It also makes me really angry the fact that I'm the only one who's got the cohones (i think i spelled it right) to talk about it. Ladies and gentlemen i'm talking about tanking form. I think blizz should add a new form, around levels 70 - 80, that's tall enough for us in the front line to fight bosses face to face. I'm so tired of tanking the boss' toes, taunting their ankles, Lacarating their knees. I demand a new Giraffe form for druids! only then I could tank happily, looking at the Boss' face and yelling 'bring it on you pusseh!'. That is real tanking, when you Bit** slap a boss in the face and he's 10 times your size. Using Dire Bear form WITH Stilts could work just as well only untill the new form is available. C'mon blizz, you know better that that. We aren't stupid.

(Warning: Do not freak out. Names, mispelled words, quotes, and ideas mentioned above are for humor purposses only and by no means represent the author's point of view of the game or game designers.)
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