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Keeping your spirits upFollow

#1 Apr 17 2008 at 1:23 PM Rating: Decent
26 posts
I respecced to resto druid on monday to finally fulfill my dream of having a healer char. Honestly, I love it!! Only 719 +healing but no issues so far.

Some guildies and I went to botanica to officially road test my healing prowess. One or two wipes (due to my delicate nature) but I never had and issues with mana. I spent most of the instance with 90% mana. Even boss fights only got me down to 40-30%. And when we got to Nether-shard (I think that's his name... big tree fella) I was still healing away after the raid specced lock and mage had oomed.

Afterwards I consulted our main guild healer about this and came to the conclusion that it was due to my mana regen. When equipping I gave up alot of stamina for spirit to get that extra +healing from talents and get around 350mana per 5 seconds. So the way I see it I'm regenerating mana between my instant heals. Or does it not work like that?

Is that extreme?? What's your mana regeneration?
#2 Apr 17 2008 at 3:13 PM Rating: Decent
280 posts
oredsell wrote:
Is that extreme?? What's your mana regeneration?

Unbuffed i'm at 209 mp5 while casting. I'm mostly geared with Karazhan stuff. In instance I hardly go oom, while healing kara (since our guild decide to roll with 3 healers) I usually give my innervate to another healer and I never drink =)

Druids are one of the healer with the least mana problem! Last heroic I did I was dpsing some (as much as I can being fully specced resto :))
#3 Apr 17 2008 at 4:01 PM Rating: Decent
988 posts
617/271 with Kara buffs was my best so far, but I got lucky on drops tonight, so it probably went up quite a bit. Self-buffed with MotW I'm at 371/165. I'm still fairly low on spirit though, so there is a ton of room to grow.

So the way I see it I'm regenerating mana between my instant heals. Or does it not work like that?

Yes and no.

Your direct mana generation from items continues regardless of what you're doing. It's a steady stream.

Your spirit-based mana generation however only works while you're out of combat - which is being defined as not having cast a spell for at least 5 seconds.

Now comes the talent (Intensity). Thanks to it, 30% of your spirit-based regeneration continues even while you're casting (in combat)

It will probably become clear to you once you hover over your mana regen stat on your character sheet.

There have been some changes to the whole thing recently, but if you understand what I just typed up, you're good to go to catch all the little details eventually.
#4 Apr 17 2008 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
When I respec'd my Druid to Restokin, he was sitting at some 750 +heal, 125 mp5 and 9,000 mana or so. Never really dared signing up for one of the level 70 instances, though. I did Ramparts and Blood Furnace a couple of times, which was a walk in the park.

But then again, I healed through Underbog and Slave Pens in my Feral gear, with 400 +healing, 0 mp5 and 6,000 mana. Maybe I should put the gear to the test on something a bit more challenging.

Not until I've hit revered with Lower City, though. Need some trinkets that don't have DPS stats. Smiley: disappointed
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#5 Apr 17 2008 at 5:45 PM Rating: Good
1,764 posts
Restokin you also have 10% of your Int as mp/5 from Dreamstate. That's the kind of mana regen that's always on. Your spirit-based mp/5 you only get about 1/3 of, since we're very rarely outside the 5-second rule (0 spirit regen for 5 sec after a spell finishes casting).

Off-hand, I think I have 550ish unbuffed spirit regen, around 250 mp/5. Raid-buffed, I actually get more mana back from Innervate than my max mana.
#6 Apr 17 2008 at 8:01 PM Rating: Decent
I used to have 273 mp/5 with my resto gear but that was before 2.4. I heard it increased since then. Does anyone have the % number, or rough number for how much my mp/5 would be now after 2.4? I really don't feel like respec'ing just to find out(not trying to highjack, sorry).

My experience when i was resto (before 2.4) is the same: with a good group in heroics (the easy ones), I was most of the time above 90% mana on trash mobs and no less than 45-50% mana on bosses unless something really bad happened. In such cases, an innervate it's like giving you a whole new bar of mana to mess around with.

I gotta give it to paladins too though, I've seen them in SW (bored pallys) casting non-stop flash heals over and over for about a good minute and barely notice their mana bar drop. but that's just off topic ^_^
#7 Apr 18 2008 at 12:44 AM Rating: Decent
I gotta give it to paladins too though, I've seen them in SW (bored pallys) casting non-stop flash heals over and over for about a good minute and barely notice their mana bar drop. but that's just off topic ^_^

paladins have near as good mana-management as druids!
Our raid paladins sit at 200 mp5 with over 20% crit. They can chaincast flashheals for over 15min for sure before they oom^^
#8 Apr 18 2008 at 1:04 AM Rating: Decent
26 posts
Thanks for all the input!! Looks like I made the right choice in rolling for a druid healer! I'm just about to get 3 healing epics from mastering tribal leatherworking so I'll be interested to see how that effects my mana pool. Especially considering the two guild healers are mana hungry preists.

AstarintheDruid, as far as I know dreamstate is a balance talent fairly far up the tree... To get that wouldn't you have to sacrifice alot of resto talents, possibly even ToL??

One last question: In relation to lifebloom, does +healing affect the ticks and the instant heal seperately or as a total amount healed?
#9 Apr 18 2008 at 2:08 AM Rating: Decent
988 posts
You can't get Dreamstate and Tree of Life, but you are getting Moonkin form with it, along with most of it's bonus damage. The idea behind the Dreamstate build (Restokin) is that you pick up both ways to regenerate mana, the bonus healing effects in the Balance tree, and a good chunk of the Restoration talents. You're essentially trying to squeeze out as much healing out of your Healing Touch as possible, while making it a little lighter on your mana resources.

Your bonus healing affects both part of your Lifebloom, but with different coefficients. The final healing coefficient has just recently been nerfed in 2.4
#10 Apr 18 2008 at 4:05 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Kanngarnix wrote:
You can't get Dreamstate and Tree of Life, but you are getting Moonkin form with it, along with most of it's bonus damage. The idea behind the Dreamstate build (Restokin) is that you pick up both ways to regenerate mana, the bonus healing effects in the Balance tree, and a good chunk of the Restoration talents. You're essentially trying to squeeze out as much healing out of your Healing Touch as possible, while making it a little lighter on your mana resources.

Your bonus healing affects both part of your Lifebloom, but with different coefficients. The final healing coefficient has just recently been nerfed in 2.4

I thought Restokin was primarily a PvP healing build. As such, wouldn't it be focused around HoT rather than Healing Touch? With the right idol and enough mp5, you can slap Rejuv and Bloom on two to three people and keep them rolling with maximum mana efficiency and without having to worry about spell interruption. One of the two/three people would be yourself, of course, since Resto Druids pull focus fire like a black hole.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#11 Apr 18 2008 at 5:51 AM Rating: Decent
988 posts
You'd primarily cast different ranks of HT while of course nothing at all would keep you from using your HoTs as well. It's not like one would exclude the other.

Restokin is actually the recommened PvE build until you can stack enough +heal to make your HoTs count. Some say 1300+ heal for HoT healing, but I think thats even a little high.

Lifebloom and Rejuvenation are instant, so you won't get interrupted anyway. Balance only offers 70% resist against interrupts for Wrath, while the resists for Healing Touch, Regrowth, and Tranquility are in Tier 2 Resto (Nature's Focus) and any build can pick those up.
#12 Apr 18 2008 at 7:13 AM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
At the moment, I have 554 spirit/209 mp/5 unbuffed, and in gruuls this weekend I'm going to see how high I can get my spirit (my estimate is >770). My MP/5 will be unbelievable as well. Me and another druid in my guild are sort of gearing up differently...I'm focusing on base stats whereas he's focusing on +heal and mp/5 (since I already have more than 100 spirit more than him, he's given up on providing the tanks with the aura). I've got about 700-900 more health, 600-700 more mana, and 5 more mp/5, (and like I said, over 100 spirit) more than him, and he's got 26 +heals more than me.

I also want to say that on fights where things go as planned, your mana should be fine. If you've got good group healers (i.e. shaman or deep holy priest) you can really focus on the tanks, too. When you get to heroics or raids where things can go awry, you'll find you're using regrowth and swiftmend a lot more, and will thus be using more mana. For example, on Curator (where all I do is heal the main tank) I can end the fight with 100% mana, but on Illhoof (where you have to spam instant heals on whoever is getting sacrificed) I usually have to innervate.

As to whether or not it's extreme...there's one question to ask: is that 350 mp/5 while casting, or while not casting (the difference can be clear by hovering over your character sheet).
#13 Apr 18 2008 at 3:02 PM Rating: Good
1,764 posts
You can also use restokin for PvE. I think I would have started with restokin for building my healing set if I didn't respec into 1500 +healing from gear I picked up while feral. It's nice initially since you get a decent amount of +healing and mp/5 from talents. Also, depending on what you're trying to heal (non-70 instance, 70 instance, heroic, Kara), you're not trying to rely on HoT ticks to keep people alive with lower +healing numbers.

Unless Blizzard comes up with some amazing talents for WotLK, I would like for one of the new talents in deep Resto to allow Remove Curse and HT (or at least HT) in ToL form.
#14 Apr 19 2008 at 4:41 AM Rating: Decent
676 posts
Along a similar line...

I'm sitting at level 63 at the moment and I'm still running feral to 70. I joined my current guild (Exodus) to heal, but since decided on tanking as they have picked up a few new healers as I leveled this toon. They also only have 1 feral druid tank at the moment.

My question is without going through and looking up every quest from 63-70, is how does the healing set look from a quest reward standpoint for keeping a backup healing set? I'm not going to take healing over feral reward upgrades and I already have the Heavy Clefthoof set sitting in the bank thanks to a guildy, but I also don't want to go out of my way to buy/ run instances for healing rewards.

What the general opinion on how much +healing/int/spirit I would be looking at with just collecting what I can from quest rewards/drops on my way to 70? I also look to pick up the base pvp superior items to fill gaps in my healing gear once I hit 70.

(And just to throw it out there I'll be trying to pick up 70 heroic/kara level gear from drops that aren't needed to fill out this offspec, but that isn't guaranteed and would make the question too broad)

Also, will this gear be enough to pick up healing with a respec over to resto if the need arises?

Thanks in advance for the help!

Edited, Apr 19th 2008 8:45am by Galenmoon
#15 Apr 19 2008 at 4:56 AM Rating: Decent
988 posts
Tree dreams?

A new AOE HoT that's unchanneled but heals for a reasonable amount over a longer period of time. Pretty much like a "Mass Regrowth" that starts with a good chunk and then keeps ticking for the next 20-30 seconds.

Tree form gets the same armor bonus as Moonkin and Bear. It's somewhat ridiculous that you have a talent called "Barkskin" that reduces damage taken by 20%, but when you're a whole damn tree you're just about as squishy as a clothie.

ToL will allow you to grow vines, kinda like those in Diablo 2. Effects could be the druid's choice and somewhat similar to the Paladin auras and affect the group, or a more aggressive approach sorta like Vampyric Embrace to benefit yourself.

A fighting companion that takes the beatings for you and makes leveling or doing quests as a tree less painful. Seems to work for Shamans and their elemental...

If nothing else, some new talents or extensions to those that are there that would actually allow you to make use of your feral forms in order to get things done. You got "Living Spirit" so why not a "Fighting Spirit" that would increase Feral AP and dodge based on your spirit and/or intellect?

Dreams... *sigh*
#16 Apr 19 2008 at 5:11 AM Rating: Decent
988 posts
Don't think you'll get a whole lot out of quest rewards, especially when you decide to make feral gear your priority there.

But if you run instances on your way to 70 and beyond and jump on every piece of unwanted healing gear in total disregard of whether it's cloth or leather as long as it's an upgrade, you should be able to maintain a set that would enable you to switch to healing at any time.
#17 Apr 20 2008 at 4:36 PM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
In mags last night I had 797 spirit/353 mp/5 while casting raid buffed (imp motw, imp DS, AI, imp BoW, BoK, healing food, 30 int/30 spi pot, I was missing a mana oil which could have brought me up to 367 mp/5) and I had INSANE regeneration. Just keeping up lifebloom and regrowth on the main tank, I managed to regenerate over 10% of my mana within the course of a rejuv (while casting it's about 2% per tick). My healing is kinda low (1595 unbuffed), but my spirit buff is amazing and I love the mp/5.
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