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Past Death Knight abilties you want in the expansionFollow

#1 Apr 15 2008 at 8:51 PM Rating: Decent
Obviously Death Knights have been part of Warcraft since the days of goblin sappers and Paladins. Blizzard has stated that they are really looking forward to reviewing past DK abilities and integrating them into the new hero class.

So I got to thinking what past deathknight abilities do you really want in the expansion? Which of the previous abilities are going to make an appearance and how might they be modified for the new class?


Warcraft 2 Deathknights (info from wowwiki):

Death Coil (kills target unit, damages a neighboring unit and heals the caster)

Death and Decay (ranged channeled AoE damage)

Raise Dead (raises skeletons from corpses)

Haste (temporarily increases movement speed of target)

Unholy Armor (lowers target unit's HP and grants it temporary invincibility)

Whirlwind (summons a whirwind that moves around randomly to deal AoE damage)


Warcraft 3 Deathknights (info from battlenet):

Death Coil (A coil of death that can damage an enemy living unit or heal a friendly undead unit)

Death Pact (Kills a target friendly unit, giving a percentage of its hit points to the Death Knight)

Unholy Aura (Increases the movement speed and life regeneration rate of nearby friendly units)

Animate Dead (Ultimate - Raises 6 dead units in an area to fight for the Death Knight. Animated units are invulnerable)


You'll also notice that the Death Knights in both Warcraft 2 and Warcraft 3 are shown mounted. Noteworthy here if only to speculate if the death knights will have a summonable mount like Paladins and Warlocks.


WoW NPC and Boss Deathknights... way too many different bosses and abilities to list here but feel free to add.

Edited, Apr 16th 2008 12:55am by Mehdik
#2 Apr 16 2008 at 7:09 AM Rating: Excellent
3,801 posts
Mehdik wrote:
Death Pact (Kills a target friendly unit, giving a percentage of its hit points to the Death Knight)

This ability would probably make me the most hated person on my entire faction.
#3 Apr 17 2008 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
Mehdik wrote:
Death Pact (Kills a target friendly unit, giving a percentage of its hit points to the Death Knight)

This ability would probably make me the most hated person on my entire faction.

true dat
#4 Apr 18 2008 at 4:53 AM Rating: Decent
947 posts
Hmm... apart from Unholy Aura I cant think of any I would actually want in the game. Death Coil has been taken by Warlocks, Death and Decay just doesnt seem to fit the class mechanic. Unholy Aura (passive regen and movement speed increase for all party members) would rock though.

To be honest, I am just hoping, hoping, hoping that DKs are given an Aura system like Paladins, but with an offensive rather than defensive bias. Stances arent much fun, DKs *definitely* won't be a pet class, and 'Aspects' are really a Hunter thing.

Give me evil versions of Paladin Auras, oh yes...
#5 Apr 18 2008 at 7:04 AM Rating: Decent
Evil offensive auras would be really cool. I think another post has mentioned giving them the dreadlords life leech aura. Other things like the paly offensive auras from Diablo 2 would be a lot of fun too.
#6 Apr 18 2008 at 9:23 AM Rating: Good
2,069 posts
How about unlimited self-resurection with no aggro wipes.

Song of the day:
May 26, 2011 -- Transplants
#7 Apr 18 2008 at 10:47 AM Rating: Excellent
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Rain of .kill

'Nuff said.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#8REDACTED, Posted: Apr 18 2008 at 12:26 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i think ther shud be a spell wer u cast 1000 bolts of mixed arcane and shadow energies across the battlefield. The arcane energies can come from the sunwell
#9 Apr 23 2008 at 11:07 AM Rating: Default
keep in mind that Death Knight is being designed to be a tanking class. That's right a Tanking class, sorry to all of you that were hoping for a plate wearing shadow dmg unholy death dealer, we need a new tank in this game anyway. Instead you'll be a plate wearing 2h weapon weilding tank. So i doubt there will be offensive versions of pally aura's for a tank.
#10 Apr 23 2008 at 12:19 PM Rating: Excellent
My take on it...

Warcraft 2 Deathknights (info from wowwiki):
Remember that while Blizz says the DK will be a mix of Wc2/Wc3, so far they seem a lot closer to WC3 DK then WC2.

Death Coil
Already a Warlock spell, not sure it will make it, since it would be redundant.

Death and Decay
We know this will make it, and it does raise interesting questions - if the DK is a tank/melee dps type, then how does this fit with his playstyle?

Raise Dead
This is also supposed to be in.

Very similar to bloodlust/heroism, I believe it will be canned in favor of Unholy Aura.

Unholy Armor
This would be like a paly bubble, except it drain your health... seem weird. Not sure.

Doubt this will make. With D&D, a 2nd ae seems redundant. The primary use for it in WC2 was to cast over a base and let it randomly wreck stuff.


Warcraft 3 Deathknights (info from battlenet):

Death Coil
See above.

Death Pact
Fairly confident this will be in, but only usable on your own summoned undead minions. This might be a way for the DK to tank, summon minion, have them 'dps' or stand back if the boss has cleave... and Death Pact them, using them as a hp battery.

Unholy Aura
I can't imagine this not being in. It's truly the trademark ability of the DK in WC3. He was a fast hero to begin with and had a speed enchance move, making him an awesome harrasser. However, it'll probably be underwhelming... a 12% speed boost that doesn't stack with boot/gem enchant and a 10hp5 thing. Nothing impressive, but it's too much a part of what a DK is to not be there. It does raise the interesting question of DK auras... will he have more? Will he get the Dreadlord's vampiric aura (This could make him very interesting to have in a melee dps group)?

Animate Dead
See above.

Noteworthy here if only to speculate if the death knights will have a summonable mount like Paladins and Warlocks.

I think it would fit.
#11 Apr 23 2008 at 12:44 PM Rating: Good
1,574 posts
I'm hoping Deathknights have several Animate Dead type abilities. One or several of them would be along the lines of what we've seen in the gameplay preview: a minion summoning spell not unlike the balance druids' treants. And one of them would be a combat rez with built-in limitations, something like the following:

Reanimate Ally
3 second cast. 10 minute cooldown (down to 6 min. cooldown talented)
Raises a raid member from the dead with 50% of normal hitpoints, damage and healing. This raid member will die again when the Deathknight leaves combat. The raid member will suffer no durability loss from dying during the course of this spell.
#12 Apr 23 2008 at 3:33 PM Rating: Good
I love the mechanic of that Battle Rez! I hope someone important sees this XD
#13 Apr 24 2008 at 7:29 AM Rating: Good
947 posts
keep in mind that Death Knight is being designed to be a tanking class. That's right a Tanking class, sorry to all of you that were hoping for a plate wearing shadow dmg unholy death dealer, we need a new tank in this game anyway. Instead you'll be a plate wearing 2h weapon weilding tank. So i doubt there will be offensive versions of pally aura's for a tank.

There is no such thing as a 'tanking class', there are classes that possess the ability to tank but no class is forced into that role. Warriors excel at tanking and DPS, Druids can basically do anything, and Paladins are solid tanks as well as excellent healers.

If DKs were a 'tanking class' they would have zero utility in PvP and, if the trend of Prot Warriors continues, suck at farming and other PvE tasks without support.

Moreover, why bother with three trees at all? If tanking is the only available role, what do the trees offer? "Hey look, be a Death Knight, you can tank with Blood, Frost OR Shadow! They're tank-tastic!"

To conclude, ********* They'll be DPS, Tank, and some kind of hybrid Shadow-Priesty-magicky thing that wont work most likely.
#14 Apr 26 2008 at 8:57 AM Rating: Decent
DKs *definitely* won't be a pet class

I Don't agree with this one thing you have to remeber about DK's is that they are basicly a Necro on Crack I fully belive that they will have some sort of undead pet besides their army of the dead move. Though I do agree with your speculation of evil auras I want them >.<
#15 Apr 26 2008 at 8:14 PM Rating: Decent
713 posts

This is what I think the DK rez spell should look like:

Reanimate (Instant Cast): Bring a friendly player instantly back to life. Casting Reanimate on a player would cause a Reanimation debuff that lasts 30secs.
While this is up the affected player's stats slowly increase from 50% back to 100%, similar to Rez Sickness but not lasting as long. The debuff could also give the player an undead/skeleton look until it wears off.

The spell would be on a 1min cooldown allowing the Deathknight to Ressurect more than one target in a fight although initially they come back with less of an impact to avoid the spell being OP. It could be cast in battle and cost 10% of the Deathknight's Mana Pool.

What do you guys think?
#16 Apr 26 2008 at 10:48 PM Rating: Decent
4,717 posts
arthoriuss wrote:

This is what I think the DK rez spell should look like:

Reanimate (Instant Cast): Bring a friendly player instantly back to life. Casting Reanimate on a player would cause a Reanimation debuff that lasts 30secs.
While this is up the affected player's stats slowly increase from 50% back to 100%, similar to Rez Sickness but not lasting as long. The debuff could also give the player an undead/skeleton look until it wears off.

The spell would be on a 1min cooldown allowing the Deathknight to Ressurect more than one target in a fight although initially they come back with less of an impact to avoid the spell being OP. It could be cast in battle and cost 10% of the Deathknight's Mana Pool.

What do you guys think?

You would literally BREAK areanas.
#17 Apr 27 2008 at 11:28 PM Rating: Decent
Ogirinally, the Death Knight was the undead Paladin with variations of original Paladin abilities. I think this would fit into the scheme very well.

Death coil hasn't got to be the same spell as the Warlocks have. It could get a smaller cooldown, no fear effect, but some sort of debuff which heals the DK when he deals damage on the target. Like Judgement of Light...

Death and Decay would be the analogy to Consecration with shadow damage. This would be the base for aoe tanking.

Raise dead and death pact could be interesting for tanking purposes. The DK could use his pets to inflict damage to the Boss or to be sacrificed to gain health. This would be his life insurance.

Unholy Armor will probably be brought in as a "sunder armor" - spell for DK. Of course, it won't be necessary if the DK will tank with shadow damage, which doesn't care how much Armor the target has...

Since Death Knights are supposed to be undead paladins, they'll probably have some kind of evil, corrupted auras. Unholy aura for 5% haste for the group or a vampiric aura to become kind of a melee shadow priest would be nice.

DKs will tank with 2h weapons or double wield. I can't imagine them getting a damage reduction like a prot warrior with a shield, so they'll certainly recieve more damage. To build up threat and stay alive the Death Knight could use Vampiric abilities like Death Coils or a Vampiric Aura. The frost talents will probably have spells to slow the enemies like Thunder Clap.

Edited, Apr 28th 2008 3:29am by MyByte

Edited, Apr 28th 2008 3:31am by MyByte
#18 May 01 2008 at 7:59 PM Rating: Default
The frost talents will probably have spells to slow the enemies like Thunder Clap.

I can actually see the DK's getting a spell similar to a priest's Pain Supression in the frost line. Something like:

Numbing Cold
Requires 2 Frost Runes
30 yd Range

The target of Numbing Cold's body is chilled to the point of lack of feeling. Reduces damage taken by x%, and increases threat by the target by y% for z seconds. Attacks made against the target may chill the attacker, slowing them [similar to a mage's frost armor].

Edited, May 3rd 2008 5:56pm by IDrownFish
#19 May 07 2008 at 3:50 PM Rating: Default
I'd like if they would like.. Add a new spell or something.
Called the Dark Vortex or something.

Dark Vortex Ranks 1-6
Summons a Vortex above the enemy target and takes away 1k-5k mana from the target. In expense for 2,000 of your own. The mana taken deals shadow damage equal to 25% of the mana taken to the enemys health. Percentage goes up with ranks.

That would be a wicked cool spell. :O
#20 May 31 2008 at 7:01 AM Rating: Default
Death Pact (Kills a target friendly unit, giving a percentage of its hit points to the Death Knight)

This ability would probably make me the most hated person on my entire faction.

well, maybe, but no one will know what appened :P
#21 May 31 2008 at 7:07 AM Rating: Default
I don't agree with that comment you said:

be a blood tank, a frost tank, or a shadow tank.

DK will be much like warriors, however having habilities to raise dead. There will be 3 presences and 3 trees has well: presences; unholy - increases your movement speed and your attack speed.
blood - increases the damage dealt.
frost - increase your amor value by x % and threat by 25%

Trees: Unholy - PvP
Blood - DPS
Frost - tanking
#22 May 31 2008 at 9:55 PM Rating: Decent
2,183 posts
Ravenousness wrote:
I'd like if they would like.. Add a new spell or something.
Called the Dark Vortex or something.

Dark Vortex Ranks 1-6
Summons a Vortex above the enemy target and takes away 1k-5k mana from the target. In expense for 2,000 of your own. The mana taken deals shadow damage equal to 25% of the mana taken to the enemys health. Percentage goes up with ranks.

That would be a wicked cool spell. :O

It would, especially since DKs don't use mana: there would be no side effect!

OP to the max.
#23 Jun 26 2008 at 11:16 AM Rating: Decent
So, if DK were given Death Pact, maybe rogues would not be as hated?

Naw, rogues would still be hated. I would like to see Death and decay, especially if it could be used against building.
#24 Jun 26 2008 at 8:21 PM Rating: Decent
1,305 posts
Ialaman wrote:
Mehdik wrote:
Death Pact (Kills a target friendly unit, giving a percentage of its hit points to the Death Knight)

This ability would probably make me the most hated person on my entire faction.

Not really, just gather up all the crap players into one big PUG and proceed to see how many Death Pacts you can stack before people start running for their lives.
#25 Jun 29 2008 at 5:14 PM Rating: Good
947 posts
Well, it'd be fine if they got a little dialog box like the resurrection option when Death Pact is used;
Arthazzz wants to drain the very life essence from your frail mortal body, so that he may live on. Accept? [Y/N]
#26 Jun 30 2008 at 8:15 AM Rating: Good
3,114 posts
From Warcaft 3, the ability to solo Illidan.
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