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Druid looting me not be hated x_xFollow

#1 Apr 15 2008 at 8:02 PM Rating: Good
Alright so I just leveled to 60 and am about to 5 man it up in the Outlands here.

My goal is to collect all of the gear possible for all 3 of my sets. Problem is, parties (At least on my server) are going to get angry fast if I need roll on everything that drops. (Specifically Rogues and Healers will want to murder me)

So how do we do this? Whatever role I'm playing in the party is the only kind of loot i get to role on? (If I'm healing, healing loot, if I'm tanking, feral loot) Or is it based on my spec, saying that since I'm not resto I'm not entitled to dungeon healing gear?

Yeah...kinda confused x_x
#2 Apr 15 2008 at 8:07 PM Rating: Excellent
37 posts
Need roll on your main spec...whatever that may be (even if it's not the purpose you're serving in the group). If an item drops that could be used for off-spec, patiently wait to see if any others need it. If not, politely ask if you may have it for your off-spec. Most groups will allow you to do this..espescially with BoP items.
#3 Apr 15 2008 at 9:15 PM Rating: Excellent
You'll run into this a lot especiallly if you're feral and can both tank and dps in the same spec.

My advise is to not worry about your current roll in the group. Stick with your spec and you'll be fine. A lot of druids will also try to gather a second or third set for healing or grinding. Common courtesy in my experience has always been need if its your primary spec. If not then you wait until after the party members main's have passed before asking if you can need if no one else wants. Most people won't care as long as you're polite and contributing to the group.

Also be aware that unless you're spec'd for a certain roll it will be very difficult to fulfill that roll. Its one thing to fulfill a roll with an off-spec at lower levels but it gets progressively harder as each class becomes more specialized. Even if you have the gear the following are not very easy to do. Balance druids tanking, Feral druids healing, Resto Druids dps. Unless you are overgeared for your level or slumming a lower level instance it should not be attempted except under specific circumstances.

If you are feral you have 2 primary sets. One is your dps (cat) set and the other is your tank (bear) set. Now that you're in outland you'll start seperating the two. Occasionally a piece of gear will be part of both sets but by the time you're raiding 25-mans you'll likely have 2 completely different armor sets. A mod like outfitter to quickly switch between the two is extremely handy.

Edited, Apr 16th 2008 1:20am by Mehdik
#4 Apr 15 2008 at 9:45 PM Rating: Excellent
3,339 posts
I agree with what others have said - it's bad form period to need roll on all three specs.

A couple of additional points though - I do believe, should the occasion arise, that you ARE allowed to need roll on items that do not necessarily fit your current role, but DO fit your preferred role (as well as those that fit your current one) under the following circumstances: You were asked to fill a role that isn't your primary one. You agree to go but before the run starts you tell the group that your primary role (and the reason you're running) is to get gear for X. However since you're playing this other role and it will benefit the group for you to upgrade you get that stuff too. OK not in so many words but like this:

Say you're DPS feral but were asked to heal. When your invited to the group say:

"Hi, I've got a heal set going and I'm happy to heal for you but my primary spec, and the reason I want to run, is tailed DPS. So I hope it's cool with you all if I roll need on that as that's why I'm really going"

If they say it's cool you're golden. If they balk it's up to you whether to stay. In that situation, it's unlikely someone's going to begrudge the healer a gear upgrade. If you're brought along as a tank, same thing. Most people want their healers and tanks as well-geared as possible.

If you're brought along as DPS and your main spec is heals or tank then... you're on a really bizarre server.

I guess what I'm saying is, upon invite (or before) and before the run even starts just be clear on why you're running, know what drops and say what you plan on needing on. To avoid huge confrontations I'd only say (and do) that I was needing on 1 or 2 spec pieces each run. I.e. I'm needing on tanking and DPS gear. Not I'm needing on Tank, DPS and healer gear and ***** the rest of you guys. Going for 2 specs may be an issue but like others have said - Outland instances are run so many times just say something like "I really want to fill out my DPS set but if there's tanking gear that no one wants It'd be really cool if I could snag that too"

On a side, but related, note: Avoid saying "If X drops it's mine". I'd boot you. It's ok to say "If X drops I'm needing it" but calling loot before the run even starts with little regard for what others may need or want is... not good.

ETA: My druid isn't that high yet but my tanking paladin is up to Gruuls. And when I was tanking instances I would often have PuGs say "Hey no one wants or needs that plate healing piece do you want it for your off set?" (or even if it was mail or whatever and our healer had it or better) Most people are pretty understanding of hybrids as long as you're not a loot *****.

Edited, Apr 16th 2008 1:48am by Celcio
#5 Apr 15 2008 at 10:28 PM Rating: Decent
Well, see I dont know what I want. lol. I'm feral spec, for leveling, but I have a bunch of tank talents as well as DPS talents to make leveling faster, but what I really like doing is healing. rofl

I think what i'll do is prioritize cat gear so I can get myself to 70 faster, and pick up any extra pieces of gear that are passed on. Because I know at 70, I can just run instances for specific gear sets only (And most likely with a guild, too)
#6 Apr 15 2008 at 11:00 PM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
generally, for me, ill call need if something will aid my primary spec, or if i plan on respeccing soon and the item fits my respec (this is rare, as i hardly respec). if an item drops that could be useful for an off-spec role, ill make sure that no one else needs it first (i.e., it would be sharded) before i roll.

i also cross-reference what drops with whats readily available by other means. for instance, i wouldnt worry so much about a +healing weapon from coilfang/hellfire instances because theres a really nice +healing mace from the ring of blood quest.
#7 Apr 16 2008 at 12:25 AM Rating: Good
From my experience I tend to get a bit annoyed if someone is needing on all the green BOE gear that drops claiming they need it for all of there off specs! I don't have a problem if you need on the BOP gear if nobody else in the group needs it.

As stated earlier if your role in the group is not your prefered role then you can roll need against other players on gear that would be an upgrade on your normal spec, (just lets us know before hand).

I have run in a pug where a pally claimed all the BOE gear (no matter what type or stats) for what ever spec needed it most!

'Need on the cloth +40 spirit bracer, I have a regen set' !!

#8 Apr 16 2008 at 4:01 AM Rating: Excellent
1,622 posts
It's funny when people confuse roll with role when talking about rolls for different roles.

Nuit Midril - White Mage/Scholar on Ultros
Nuit the Insane! - Retired Druid on Sentinels.
Ombre - Retired Dragoon/bard on Phoenix.
#9 Apr 16 2008 at 7:13 AM Rating: Decent
1,239 posts
As stated before, most people will not have a problem with you rolling for off spec if nobody else needs it. Occasionally however, you'll find some jerk who won't want you to have it, because it's not your spec and it's one less piece of loot to have a chance to sell or DE. In this case, I will sometimes offer to need the item and have a roll after. I will then reimburse the roll-winner for the shard s/he would have received. Since shards are up to about 25g on most servers, you'll have to decide if that particular piece of gear is worth the amount you pay for reimbursement.

Although it's rare to run into somebody who has a problem with rolling for off spec, this is one way around it if you really want to try and get the gear for it.
#10 Apr 16 2008 at 7:35 AM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
If the equipment is going to DE, ask if you can need for off-spec. I do this sometimes, even in my Kara/Gruuls/ZA group, and never had a problem. Ever.

Just be sure to ask before.
#11 Apr 16 2008 at 10:06 AM Rating: Decent
37 posts
If it's a green BoE item...debate on how good it is. Normally I would just greed roll with the rest, after enough instances you'll still manage to get a lot of pieces, the rest can be filled in with BoP's and quest rewards when there are no main spec quest upgrades.
#12 Apr 16 2008 at 10:41 AM Rating: Good
96 posts
IMO stay feral, collect both dps and tanking gear, ding 70 and get the rep healing set to start you off (Since you stated you like to heal, I'm assuming thats what you plan on doing at PVE/PVP).

I've seen lots druids running around with it, so I guess it must be decent. I have been feral since day 1 so I cannot speak on how good or bad it really is.

Stick with what you like to do better ^_^
#13 Apr 16 2008 at 11:00 AM Rating: Good
My first 70 was a hunter, and I've always been BM so rolling like this has never been an issue for me.

But talking to my group is always something that should be done, and simply politely asking for things usually makes for a good run. I wont care if I get told no...I'd just run again (It's not like the extra instance XP from the patch is bad for me =D)

As for end game, raiding, I haven't really decided yet want I want to specialize in...i'm really enjoying the versatility of this toon, being able to play 3 different roles well with one character, so we'll see. But yes for now, I will specialize in getting dungeon feral gear for leveling, and using quest and AH greens for healing (I have 5/5 in Heart of the Wild, of course, so I have loads of mana)and yeah. Then at 70 I can run all the dungeons I want and get gear for both sets.

thanks for all of your input so far =D

Edited, Apr 16th 2008 3:03pm by Fanoran
#14 Apr 16 2008 at 12:28 PM Rating: Good
1,764 posts
I leveled feral, so any time DPS leather or tanking gear dropped, I rolled need (if it was an upgrade). I didn't switch to resto until long after I hit 70, and by that time I'd picked up a full set of epics. Paladins and Shamans can use healing leather, but they want crit and mp/5. Priests want the same stats as druids, but can't use leather.

Especially before 70, I wouldn't roll on BoE off-spec gear. And I'd only take BoP off-spec gear if no one else wants it for their leveling spec. There are so many good quest rewards all over outlands that you can gear up all your specs at 70 w/o stepping on other people's toes.
#15 Apr 30 2008 at 4:25 AM Rating: Good
22 posts
The way I do it, I automatically allow myself to need on whatever gear is appropriate for the role I am playing (I DPS and heal, and healing is easy .. no one to roll against). If I'm healing and it's for my main Balance spec, I explain nicely and expect to be allowed to need. As I've accumulated a good set of healing gear and balance gear, I've started to roll on blues from 70 instances for feral, but seeing as I'm not spec'd for it at all, have ****** feral gear, and don't expect to respec feral anytime soon, I only roll on cat gear if it's gonna be DE'd, and then I ask first if anyone minds.
#16 Apr 30 2008 at 10:09 AM Rating: Good
861 posts
Feral and slowly acquiring a heal set. But whoever's healing the instance gets first priority on heal gear, I only roll on it after asking permission and I usually don't even ask if the healer who kept me alive during the whole run hits need.

#17 Apr 30 2008 at 5:10 PM Rating: Decent
253 posts
I am balance specced but due to difficulties finding healers for PUG I have been the main healer in all groups I joined since hitting outland. Usually they are very happy with my healing job and the fact that they even found a healer, that on the one hand they'll respect my preferred role (balance dps) and let me roll for that, and on the other hand they are more than happy to support my ongoing heal-role-fillings and let me roll for that too :)
#18REDACTED, Posted: May 10 2008 at 11:04 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Haha all these people are giving all these polite suggestions and whatnot.. cute. Not me. I leveled 1-70 as feral and grabbed every piece of gear I would ever use. Whether a healer specced person needed or not. Let me tell you why. Almost every instance I ran, I healed. Why? Cuz I like it. But its not good for soloing so whatever. But the thing is.. almost every time I ran an instance and healed, it went very, very smooth and would get complimented nonstop on great healing. But as soon as I stepped aside and dpsed.. Wipe, wipe, wipe. Most healers suck, whether they are specced for it or not. So my theory was, hey, Im better than everyone, so I will take what Ill use, kthx. Yeah a lot of people got p/o'd but a lot of people will still run by and /wave or /kiss because I rocked the healing for every instance. Moral of the story.. if you can back up your greed with skill, take whatever you want. If youre the kind of healer that goes and makes pizza rolls in the middle of a run without telling the group youre afk.. or thinks you should start casting a heal when the tank gets to 10%.. or leaves in the middle of runs.. leave the items to the good players.
#19 May 10 2008 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
626 posts
Hastile, I really don't think that would be the best thing to do, and I seriously doubt if many ppl would ask you again for another group. I wouldn't like it if I really needed an item and you would get it just for an off-spec you like almost never use, in fact, I think I would be p*ssed and I wouldnt really care if you're healing was great or not. Enough good healers in the world that aren't ninja's...
#20 May 10 2008 at 12:06 PM Rating: Default
I actually still, at 70, have people slower with the leveling whsipering me asking me to heal again.. And about never using the items.. When leveling I ran about 3 instances a day for exp/gear searching.. And healed about 90% of the groups. So thats using the items quite often. And the "enough good healers" part has my mind boggled. I should have rolled on your server.. because while leveling 1-70.. I played with maybe 2 healers Id ever let heal a group again. I ran Durn at 67 feral 3 times with the same group.. the first 2 times we wiped before the 2nd boss with me dpsing. I booted the 70 holy epic priest so I could heal and 4 manned the entire thing on the 3rd try. SAD! lol
#21 May 10 2008 at 8:04 PM Rating: Decent
bad tanks on my server. i was lvling my first toon 2harms warr. always had to tank. well i got tired of it at 48 so i made pally to heal. it lasted till about lvl 20 where i ended up needing to tank. i tryed going back to holy but couldnt ever get good tank. some how they couldnt keep adds on them. needless to say i'm prot on my pally. lvling a druid to go bal/resto only to be told to toss on my feral gear and tank. after that i vendered my feral gear so i wont have to tank again. only i fear grouping now.....
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