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Enhancement Threat IssuesFollow

#1 Apr 08 2008 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
64 posts
Threat Reduction...I never thought I would ever need to worry about it as a enhance shammy...but

Recently been running more and more 5 man instances, mostly pug, some not. And I've noticed a pattern developing. Namely....My repair bill keeps slapping me in the face. Specifically, I pull threat off the tank. Alot.

My standard 'spell' rotation is to plop my totems (4 seconds of tank gaining agro), walk to, and get behind mob (another second or 2 usually) begin attacking. SS, wait for crit, ES. ES. SS, wait for crit, ES. ES. SS - etc. If the fight goes long enough I'll pop a trinket and SR for refill.

I have (and I have witnesses) pulled agro off a pally tank in full T4 + blues while I was salv'd.
I have pulled agro off a bear tank in mediocre epics/blues when he had 5 lacerates, and mangle up, and mauling etc.
I have pulled agro off a full epic warrior with 5 sunders up and a BIG head start in dmg/agro.

These are the non-pug tanks that I know are decent cause they MT all of kara, gruuls, Mags, and some of SSC/Eye (not that that is super impressive I know, but Im just using it as a point of reference for their skill and gear level). The pug tanks seem to not stand a chance against my threat, I spend half of every run either dead or off healing...

I am in all blues and a few greens, most of it is the new "blue rep pvp gear" (Seer's linked set). So I know I'm not out gearing them on the threat meter. My other dps toon is a lock, so I'm no stranger to threat, but something seems a bit off here.

What am I doing wrong? Help!!
#2 Apr 08 2008 at 11:14 AM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
theres an interesting paradox that exists with tanking gear in that the better tanking gear you get, the worse a tank you become for older content. that is to say, as a tanks gear gets better, their mitigation goes up, which makes them a harder target to kill, which is good. however, 2/3 of the tanks rely on heavy incoming damage in order to fulfill their role as a tank. thus, reducing incoming damage via gear reduces the ability for these tanks (druid and war) to build threat. paladins sidestep this rule to a degree in that theyre threat is mana based, but it has its cap too, primarily in single target environments where paladin threat gen is handicapped compared to warriors and druids.

now, if you add in a dps who has weapons that also outclass an instance, youre definetely going to be looking at aggro issues. altho that doesnt seem to be the problem in your case; the overgeared tank problem seems like the culprit really.

chances are you just need to white damage for longer. or download a threat meter and use that in hopes that the tank also has a meter, then gauge your dps by that. alternatively, have your tanks take off a piece or three of gear. thatll give them more incoming damage which means more rage which means more threat. for the paladin, try to create situations where he tanks 2-3 mobs at a time minimum. this will proc reckoning more which means more threat.
#3 Apr 08 2008 at 12:20 PM Rating: Excellent
1,245 posts
Quor wrote:
paladins sidestep this rule to a degree in that theyre threat is mana based, but it has its cap too, primarily in single target environments where paladin threat gen is handicapped compared to warriors and druids.

Paladins suffer the same paradox because their blue rage bar is increased by how much healing (not overhealing) is received. With more mitigation comes less damage taken, which means less healing received. It is virtually the same with a middle step.
#4 Apr 08 2008 at 10:49 PM Rating: Good
Raglu wrote:
Quor wrote:
paladins sidestep this rule to a degree in that theyre threat is mana based, but it has its cap too, primarily in single target environments where paladin threat gen is handicapped compared to warriors and druids.

Paladins suffer the same paradox because their blue rage bar is increased by how much healing (not overhealing) is received. With more mitigation comes less damage taken, which means less healing received. It is virtually the same with a middle step.

Except that in 5-mans you can drink every pull, negating the problem.
#5 Apr 08 2008 at 11:34 PM Rating: Excellent
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RPZip wrote:
Raglu wrote:
Quor wrote:
paladins sidestep this rule to a degree in that theyre threat is mana based, but it has its cap too, primarily in single target environments where paladin threat gen is handicapped compared to warriors and druids.

Paladins suffer the same paradox because their blue rage bar is increased by how much healing (not overhealing) is received. With more mitigation comes less damage taken, which means less healing received. It is virtually the same with a middle step.

Except that in 5-mans you can drink every pull, negating the problem.

Not to mention that things go down quickly enough that it's not an issue there either.

Oh, and interesting note, Quor, is that I made a very similar argument to my old guild leader when he was having trouble holding aggro and blamed his gear. He said I was full of crap.
#6 Apr 08 2008 at 11:56 PM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
hah, funny pol. his bad; its a pretty widely known phenonom. surprised he thought it was bull.

Paladins suffer the same paradox because their blue rage bar is increased by how much healing (not overhealing) is received. With more mitigation comes less damage taken, which means less healing received. It is virtually the same with a middle step.

as noted, in the context of 5-mans in the case mentioned (overgearing) its a complete non-issue. more to the point, what i was referencing was the front-loaded threat that paladins have. they start with a full "hey, look at me!" bar, whereas druids and warriors start with an empty one. it doesnt matter how much damage (and likewise healing) a paladin does or doesnt take as long as he has the mana to hold aggro throughout the fight. a paladin tank in the best gear possible can go in and hold way better hate over a warrior or druid tank in equivalent gear, simply because the paladin will be at 100% from the start while the warrior and druid take some time to get going.
#7 Apr 09 2008 at 3:53 AM Rating: Good
1,121 posts
The problem is we lack any reliable control in battle field paired with the fact that our dps is all burst based which gives us a large amount of spike threat, and with no way of dumping it or decreasing it short of stoping your damage it can be a pain in 5 man instances.

Warriors are great at negating damage, but whach them dodge too much and there sitting at no rage cause they are too geared. Druids can gain threat faster and can hold multiple enemies better, but because there threat is dmg based if they they can potentially miss too much and lose threat (not much tank bear geat has hit)

Pallies are perfect for 5 mans as is though you still need to give them some time to play with the enemies before going to work on them, salv will help you quite a bit though.

This is why some tsnks hate grouping with shaman, tanks that will group with a shaman know we can provide strong buffs and utility to a group, as well as great burst damage to help move through an instance faster. But this means they have to stay on there toes, constantly whaching threat and getting ready to taunt the enemy off you, stun, bash, warstomp, intervene, charge, bubble whatever the tank has to save your life he has to look at keep it ready for you, basicly a shaman tank doesn't just (or even have to) make good threat, he just has to do everything in his power to keep you standing every pull.

I will also say this, this does not by any means make it ok to unload at start of a fight, if you decide to unleash at start of a fight you will probably die, and you can also put your group in an awkward position if tank has not generated enough threat yet and could lead to more deaths or a wipe.

Generally with warriors I wait for 3 sunders, for druids I wait about 5 seconds, and with pallies... I go all out =P.

I personally try to stick to tanks that know me, know and love my dps, and want to keep me up, thats really all you can do.

<hopes this all makes sense I am a bit tired and trying to stay up lol>
#8 Apr 09 2008 at 1:41 PM Rating: Excellent
279 posts
Voydangel wrote:
My standard 'spell' rotation is to plop my totems (4 seconds of tank gaining agro), walk to, and get behind mob (another second or 2 usually) begin attacking. SS, wait for crit, ES. ES. SS, wait for crit, ES. ES. SS - etc. If the fight goes long enough I'll pop a trinket and SR for refill.

This doesn't address your threat issue but I just wanted to comment on the rotation. This actually might be a worse idea for you as you are having threat issues but I'll post it anyways :D

Instead of Earth Shocking every time the cooldown is up you will actually see a greater dps yield if you do a rotation of Flame Shock - Earthshock - Repeat. Stormstriking whenever CD is up of course. I'll provide a link that every enhancement shaman should read. It provides a lot of useful content as well as putting to rest some myths that circulate throughout the game.

Actually, now that I think about it, since Flame Shock actually hits lower initially and applies a DoT you will most likely see a reduction in your threat generated. So, greater dps + less threat = win in my book. Hope you enjoy the link. It's lengthy but totally worth it if you are serious about your Enhancement Shaman.

#9 Apr 09 2008 at 3:08 PM Rating: Good
1,121 posts
Using flame shock is a good suggestion the tick is strong and if you let it last the full duration, and would give you less burst more dps which considering shaman have enough is a good idea
#10 Apr 09 2008 at 3:23 PM Rating: Excellent
279 posts
Exactly. Also, take into account that Earth Shock is a binary spell and is susceptible to full resists, whereas Flame Shock has no binary component and will benefit from partial resist rates due to spell hit.

According to equations done by much smarter people than myself, an Earth Shock spam every 6 seconds while amplified by Stormstrike debuff yields 207.9 dps in a controlled environment. A 12 second rotation of Flame Shock\Earth Shock under the same conditions yields a noticibly higher 355.2 dps.

I, too, used the Stormstrike\Earth Shock spam in every situation. Now that I juggle with this rotation my dps yield actually has been noticibly increased and was actually mentioned to me by my raid group.[We are a static group and usually sit in the same positions on the dps charts]

Again, the site in my first post has all these findings and I give my full props for all my information I've been regurgitating you to guy\gals.
#11 Apr 10 2008 at 8:18 AM Rating: Good
120 posts
You could also use different buffs on your weapons. Instead of using WF/WF, use WF/FT or FT/FT. Yeah, you would take a big hit to your DPS, but part of our responsibility as DPS, is to watch our own aggro. If you are in a group where the tank can't hold aggro, for whatever reason, it seems to me that it is better to take things a little slower than to wipe and run back because the tank can't hold aggro or our bursty dps is too much.
#12 Apr 10 2008 at 10:04 AM Rating: Good
1,121 posts
You can, but I always like to think part of reason people bring shamans is there ability to occasionally burst down trash to nothing. FT/FT is a drastic decrease in dps, may just be me, but if a tank can't handle at least WF/FT as long as I am giving him a chance to build some threat (4-8seconds) I think I would just leave. But hey thats just me.

With WF I will say, you will most likely rip hate every couple of pulls, if you have a tank that has your back your ok, they just have to pay special attention to you. If he has one of his fingers gliding over the F# to target you and another finger gliding over intervene or for a pally there taunt or bubble, he is doing his job right.

Also note, I am talking mainly about TRASH ENEMIES, enemies leading to a boss, not a boss, if you seemed to pull agro a lot on your way to a boss, consider giving your tank a good amount of time before you engage.
#13 Apr 10 2008 at 10:40 AM Rating: Good
120 posts
I totally agree. Besides the totem buffs that we drop and bloodlust/heroism, being able to burst down mobs is why enhancement shamans are brought along. Whether to leave a group where the tank can't hold aggro is a decision that you will have if they can't hold aggro. If you are giving the tank time to build up aggro by taking time to drop totems, cast a flame shock, wait for a sunder or two and they can't hold aggro, you may have to choose to leave the group or change your tactics or in some cases, coach the tank on how to do his job.
#14 Apr 11 2008 at 10:16 AM Rating: Good
Just be happy that spirit weapons now grants 30% threat reduction on melee attacks now instead of only 15%.

That said, if you're overtaking tanks on threat, the first thing you should do is stop shocking. The reason is that all your melee attacks get 30% reduced threat, but shocks are still full threat.

It should go without saying but if there is a pally in your group/raid, your first blessing is ALWAYS Salvation.

If you're still pulling, stop stormstriking next. And the final thing to do would be to stop auto-attacking for a few seconds to get below the treat of the tank. Remember, you do 0 dps if you're dead, and it is your responsibility to stay below the tank.

And as others have said, get a good threat meter, as it really does help manage what you can do.
#15 Apr 14 2008 at 11:57 AM Rating: Good
71 posts
Get a threat meter and use it. I can pull aggro off most tanks as hunter, warlock, rogue, enh shaman, shadow priest, and feral druid as cat. If I had a mage I could do the same (only 36 :( ). The job as DPS is to maximize the DPS and still NOT pull aggro. There are lots of articles on DPS threat maximization. Try not to just to maximize DPS and burn through a mob and then get killed. You can manage aggro with any tank. This should not be an ego contest about damage meters.

Change your rotation as advised by TheJadeMonkey. Stop the ES unless you have the threat room. Watch your threat meter and change your rotation accordingly. If you spike then back off and let the tank regain aggro. With 30% threat reduction on melee you should be able to put out a lot and still give the tank some threat breathing room.
#16 Apr 14 2008 at 3:58 PM Rating: Good
1,245 posts
When threat is a constant issue, perhaps one should consider a higher DPM rotation than a higher DPS rotation.

Edit: By that, I mean, rather than simply sitting there or wasting seconds doing nothing to get the threat back, actively decide a rotation that will make you do the most damage per mana, so that you won't be doing as much damage (and consequently survive by not pulling thread), but you will be conserving mana for any purposes that may come up.

Edited, Apr 14th 2008 8:00pm by Raglu
#17 Apr 15 2008 at 3:35 AM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
Mainly talking about trash in my posts, bosses are a different story and threat should be given time to e generated. But trash is a bit different, no point in giving too much time, you want to kill it quick, so you may pull agro every now and then, if tank knows to be ready for this every couple of pulls it is not an issue, usually enough time to drop totems should be all you need before you engage.

sorry if I confused anyone
#18 Apr 17 2008 at 8:25 AM Rating: Good
64 posts
I do have a threat meter, although since I didnt mention it, it was/is a very valid suggestion, thx for the tip.

Also, the flame shock rotation has actually helped alot, as well as the comment about shock still doing full threat as it is not affected by spirit weapons. I guess I knew that, but never really thought much on it. My brain thought "30% reduced threat" and kinda forgot about the only on weapons part. Consequently, I have altered my shock rotation.

Start with totems > flame shock (while closing distance) > auto-atk (if WF procs right off the bat - and it usually does - I back out and wait) > when shock CD is up, then I SS > FS whenever the debuff wears off and hold ES for interrupts.

On bosses I wait for the tank to build threat longer before I hop in, and for bosses that dont require interrupts, I just ES whenever its up. FS>ES>FS>ES etc.

I have found that I have way less of an issue with competent tanks, and I will usually tell people now ahead of time that I'm an aggro magnet so to pull out all the stops and have taunt ready. By qualifying my threat issues ahead of time with pug tanks, it has made a huge difference. Actually it has even made pugging more fun now because the tank isn't on "auto-pilot-tank-mode" and has to actually pay attention which makes it more fun for him (so I've been told by a few of them) and I stay alive, which is more fun for me. =)

I've actually had contests with the (guild) tank to see how long it takes before I pull agro and he has to taunt. Sounds silly, but it really works great. It keeps him on his toes (in a fun, good way), and now that I know that he's ready to taunt when I need it - I'm able to go all out dps. We've been having a blast, and I've been dying less, double win.

The laughter and yelling in vent when we're watching me climb up the omen meter and fighting for aggro with the tank is awesome, and as much as I hate dying, all the laughter and fun and shennanigans really takes the sting out of the repair bill in those rare occasions when the taunt is resisted.

Quote from vent:
Me: "Comon! Get more threat, Im catching up!! haha"
Tank: "No no! grrrrr aaahhh! lol
the Lock: "OMG you guys are nuts!" =P


Edited, Apr 17th 2008 9:30am by voydangel
#19 Apr 17 2008 at 12:48 PM Rating: Good
146 posts
I get around that issue on my paladin tank by taking my old gear and gemming, and enchanting it for spell damage. people look at me weird when i tank non-heroics with 450 defense and 850 Spell Damage.
I'm guessing a Warrior or druid could do the same thing by just going DPS instead of health, mitigation, or avoidance on old tanking gear.
The only problem with this is bag space.
#20 Apr 17 2008 at 6:37 PM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
I am glad your having fun voidangel, seems like you took a little bit from everyone to make it work for you. nothing like having fun doing heroics with your pals. and your right when you have a good time repairs don't matter at all. I have had fun plenty of times with 40g repair bills, something you can only do with friends, makes me think of times me and tanks decide to pull like 2 or three groups and wipe horribly ^^
#21 Apr 17 2008 at 11:50 PM Rating: Good
279 posts
Really happy to hear that all the tips mentioned here have helped you out. It's always nice to see the knowledge that you have been taught being passed down. Heck, I don't know -nearly- as much as I pretend to (speak with confidence and few will question you). I enjoy learning and am glad that you are have a very nice string of good events happen to you.

This post is the reason I always come back to Allakhazam. A well thought out and formulated question yields a large list of positive (and correct) responses. I love you shammy pals!

#22 Apr 18 2008 at 12:43 AM Rating: Default
13,048 posts
I think the most depressing thing is that you got the OH fist before the MH.

Such a waste of badges if you had anything decent in your OH.
#23 Apr 18 2008 at 2:17 AM Rating: Decent
Your gear is still pretty horrible; find better tanks.

I almost feel like a jackass, but no, if you pull threat with those stats, your tanks do suck.

Edited, Apr 18th 2008 6:35am by Haywood
#24 Apr 18 2008 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
He is commin along quit bein mean to the guy, and you be surprised how much damage we do even in that quality of gear. BTW most Tanks are pretty terrible. I am jealose he has a tank to play with frequently that he trusts.
#25 Apr 18 2008 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
jmfmb wrote:
He is commin along quit bein mean to the guy, and you be surprised how much damage we do even in that quality of gear. BTW most Tanks are pretty terrible. I am jealose he has a tank to play with frequently that he trusts.

Yeah, because going from a 71 DPS to a 103 DPS OH is better than going from a 71 DPS to 103 DPS MH, right?

You people are way too nice. Come visit the rogue forums sometime where the average poster is actually knowledgeable in class mechanics.
#26 Apr 18 2008 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
64 posts
Thx for all the support....=)

I recently switched from my Druid as my main to now considering my shammy as my main. Its just too much fun. Tanking was getting kinda boring, and my lock, although just about as geared as my Druid (both are in Kara->Mag gear), Hes just not as exciting to me any more.

So, as far as my shiny, fresh new main goes, yes, my gear isn't the best to look at right now, I know, but hey, You take what you can get. It is my understanding, both from these forums and from looking at various gear sites online that the BG and Arena gear for enhance shammies is actually better than T5/T6 stuff, so I've been BG'ing like a madman, rather than farming badges and whatnot.

I just got my T4 chest the other night, but to be honest, I'm not really sure I should be all that excited about it. I mean, once i get my S3 arena gear...oh well, we shall see. And to address the OH badge OH was a BOE green decent blue before I got that, but I'm trying to get gear in a quick and timely manner so as to facilitate getting invites to raids, so it really was the most logical choice given the circumstances. It may not have been the best upgrade, but its not like I had to pick one or the other, I had the badges for it right then, and I will get the MH next. Im already 1/2 way there.

anyway, been farming the heck outta heroics and doing kara, gruuls, and Mag lair when theres an open raid slot. I'll get there soon enough. (I was trying to gear 2 70s simultaneously, but it wasnt working, so I kinda put my pally on hiatus).


P.S.: My goal gear is seomthing like this: get chest, legs, hands & head from arena S3, and shoulders from arena badge fist weapons (both 2.5s wep spd)... fill in the blanks (rings, neck, boots, bracers, belt, etc.) with BG and badge loot. - does this seem reasonable / good, or should I be shooting for something else?

Edited, Apr 18th 2008 1:52pm by voydangel
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