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#202 Jul 19 2008 at 11:10 AM Rating: Excellent
2,029 posts
A few quick questions about ShS/spriest. We're hovering at 1620-1650 so far, didn't 2v2 much last season, full S3/S4 except shoulders and weapons. We probably inflate our rating a bit because we PvP during what seem to be off times, like Sat morning and Monday night. Still, we're regularly going against teams that, legitimately or not, at least got s3 weapons if not shoulders, and winning enough to be ahead for the week.

First I must say that we're not exactly pro, I looked through the thread again and really noticed blind->sap for the first time, and I'm going to make my partner try that out a bit more. We currently try and burst down the healer if there is one and CC the dps, and it's worked for the most part so far, though I think that'll change.

The problem we've been having is warrior/healer, especially druids and shammies. We can't hit the healer because we've got hamstring on us constantly, can't kill the warrior because the healer is playing LoS too well for CC. I'm lucky if I'm ever even able to get in range for a PS. I have a feeling this is just a "lrn2play" situation, but I'm at a loss of what to do when we can't even get in range for a ps->silence->blind->sap.
#203 Jul 19 2008 at 4:58 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
lsfreak wrote:
A few quick questions about ShS/spriest. We're hovering at 1620-1650 so far, didn't 2v2 much last season, full S3/S4 except shoulders and weapons. We probably inflate our rating a bit because we PvP during what seem to be off times, like Sat morning and Monday night. Still, we're regularly going against teams that, legitimately or not, at least got s3 weapons if not shoulders, and winning enough to be ahead for the week.

First I must say that we're not exactly pro, I looked through the thread again and really noticed blind->sap for the first time, and I'm going to make my partner try that out a bit more. We currently try and burst down the healer if there is one and CC the dps, and it's worked for the most part so far, though I think that'll change.

The problem we've been having is warrior/healer, especially druids and shammies. We can't hit the healer because we've got hamstring on us constantly, can't kill the warrior because the healer is playing LoS too well for CC. I'm lucky if I'm ever even able to get in range for a PS. I have a feeling this is just a "lrn2play" situation, but I'm at a loss of what to do when we can't even get in range for a ps->silence->blind->sap.

It shouldn't be hard to CC a healer as spriest/rogue. Easiest way to run a warrior/druid as that comp is the following:

1) You (spriest) get on the warrior at the beginning to get the druid to pop out. You'll be doing a substantial amount of damage and not taking much due to Mind Flay and shield. DO NOT USE FEAR ON THE WARRIOR.

2) Your rogue should be staying in stealth to wait for the druid to come out. The druid usually will toss a hot to put them in combat against a rogue team; if they don't, ShS to them and sap the druid. If they get in combat, open as usual.

3) Shivving crip to the druid and getting to the warrior for a shiv shouldn't be a problem. They've both got crip up now.

4) At this point the warrior should intercept to you. This doesn't make much of a difference; he should be at less than 60% HP with dots ticking away, so the druid is probably going to blow NS on him. Regardless, put a bit of pressue on the warrior until the druid blows NS. It shouldn't be hard.

5) Druid blows NS, Blind him. Warrior should Intervene the blind to prevent a sap. Rogue should target the druid and use a throw on them to break intervene, then vanish and sap the druid.

6) GG, warrior down. If you can't get the warrior down in the span of blind -> Sap, blow fear on the druid and have your rogue vanish and sap the druid at the end of the fear.
#204 Jul 25 2008 at 7:35 AM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
I'm planning on PvPing some more, and I just got both BT maces.

Question is, should I use the BT maces or stick with the Badge Fists while PvPing. It seems to me that the greater damage range on the MH BT Mace would be better since it will make Hemo hit alot harder.

I could be wrong though which is why I thought I'd ask.
#205 Jul 25 2008 at 12:53 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
GodOfMoo wrote:
I'm planning on PvPing some more, and I just got both BT maces.

Question is, should I use the BT maces or stick with the Badge Fists while PvPing. It seems to me that the greater damage range on the MH BT Mace would be better since it will make Hemo hit alot harder.

I could be wrong though which is why I thought I'd ask.

I'd personally use BT maces, but that's just me.
#206 Jul 30 2008 at 10:50 AM Rating: Excellent
513 posts
quick question theo.

was on my 70 dm spec'd lock last night messing around with a undead rogue friend of mine. we were fighting and of course i died a lot. He said as DM spec I should have my felguard out and try to kite him a bit.

How the heck do you kite a rogue as a lock, when they got poisons on you, CloS your dots, refuse to run in fear...LOL, and shadowstep back ???

I'm human and had perception up, but he still kicks my butt.

I'm able to kill casters on my 39 rogue no problem, and I've never had one try to kite me as a rogue either.

Any opinions or advice is appreciated.
#207 Jul 30 2008 at 12:34 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Felguard is pretty much the way to go against rogues (it's pretty much crap for everything but dueling rogues), and your friend had it right. Use the Felguard's intercept on the rogue as he uses CloS to get out of your CoEx, other than that it's up to your HP and resilience soaking enough damage.

You can use a Voidwalker to soak tons of damage, but you're not going to beat a rogue full demon specced. SL/SL is the spec of choice right now for a reason.
#208 Jul 31 2008 at 8:36 AM Rating: Excellent
513 posts
thanks Theo, I'm spec'd Sl/sl when i do BGs and the occasional arena. Otherwise I run around as DM cause I do like my felgard, and hate mobs hitting me. He makes a good tank for instances too for lowbie guild runs.

I am working on getting better PvP pieces right now, so I'll soon be able to take some more damage than I currently do now.

Edit: Rate up for not making me feel like an idiot.

Edited, Jul 31st 2008 10:37am by Xenexia
#209 Aug 03 2008 at 10:07 AM Rating: Good
I am running a rogue, hunter(marks), mage 3s team and we got destroyed by 2 teams so far, a sh priest, holy pali, warrior group and lock, warrior, resto druid. Can you please give any advice to help us win? What usually happened was we would cc healer(sap on pali/blind on druid when he came out)and the hunter and me would go for the clothie while the mage tried to get the warrior, except the warrior stuck with the clothie and destroyed me(or at least got bleeds) before killing our hunter while the lock got the felpuppy glued to the mage.
#210 Aug 03 2008 at 10:11 AM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
knightofury wrote:
I am running a rogue, hunter(marks), mage 3s team and we got destroyed by 2 teams so far, a sh priest, holy pali, warrior group and lock, warrior, resto druid. Can you please give any advice to help us win? What usually happened was we would cc healer(sap on pali/blind on druid when he came out)and the hunter and me would go for the clothie while the mage tried to get the warrior, except the warrior stuck with the clothie and destroyed me(or at least got bleeds) before killing our hunter while the lock got the felpuppy glued to the mage.

1) 3 DPS teams are not good.

2) You can't CC a good paladin unless he sucks at hiding BoSac.

3) Except in very rare circumstances, if you're on a 3 DPS team, splitting DPS is bad.

Either way, that comp isn't going to go far with the setup you have.
#211 Aug 03 2008 at 10:18 AM Rating: Good
2) You can't CC a good paladin unless he sucks at hiding BoSac.


Paladins have one buff on an ally, and that's the blessing - apart from that, if you know when he applies you can CC him easily by timing cc just before it expires. Paladins are the easiest class to CC in arena, if you don't count roots as CC (and you shouldn't).
#212 Aug 03 2008 at 10:33 AM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Kavekk wrote:
2) You can't CC a good paladin unless he sucks at hiding BoSac.


Paladins have one buff on an ally, and that's the blessing - apart from that, if you know when he applies you can CC him easily by timing cc just before it expires. Paladins are the easiest class to CC in arena, if you don't count roots as CC (and you shouldn't).

Spell Steal (to my understanding, I don't have a mage with it) takes the first buff on the target that it can get to, i.e. the last one applied. Against a warrior/spriest/paladin team, he shouldn't be able to steal BoSac.

Even disregarding that pallies are the most CCable targets in arena, that still doesn't disregard that in your initial burst on that team, the paladin will pop bubble to BoP the spriest and they'll burst your mage into an ice block right off the bat.

It's an unwinnable scenario unless the other team is terribad.
#213 Aug 03 2008 at 10:38 AM Rating: Good
Overlord Theophany wrote:
Kavekk wrote:
2) You can't CC a good paladin unless he sucks at hiding BoSac.


Paladins have one buff on an ally, and that's the blessing - apart from that, if you know when he applies you can CC him easily by timing cc just before it expires. Paladins are the easiest class to CC in arena, if you don't count roots as CC (and you shouldn't).

Spell Steal (to my understanding, I don't have a mage with it) takes the first buff on the target that it can get to, i.e. the last one applied. Against a warrior/spriest/paladin team, he shouldn't be able to steal BoSac.

Even disregarding that pallies are the most CCable targets in arena, that still doesn't disregard that in your initial burst on that team, the paladin will pop bubble to BoP the spriest and they'll burst your mage into an ice block right off the bat.

It's an unwinnable scenario unless the other team is terribad.

All dispels (and Spellsteal) were switched to use a random selection instead of FIFO a few patches ago. It can be somewhat of a potshoot depending upon how many buffs are on a target, but if there are only a few you can certainly spellsteal them all.
#214 Aug 03 2008 at 11:04 AM Rating: Good
All dispels (and Spellsteal) were switched to use a random selection instead of FIFO a few patches ago. It can be somewhat of a potshoot depending upon how many buffs are on a target, but if there are only a few you can certainly spellsteal them all.

Small correction - spellsteal was always random. There were calls to make it steal the last buff applied, but I'm almost certain it was never made so.
#215 Aug 03 2008 at 1:06 PM Rating: Good
Your Druid should be spec'd 11/11/39 so that they can help out with Feral Charge, as well as double-DoT'ing your target (MOonfire, Insect Swarm) to help w/ DPS if their mana allows.

That is a very good spec but an equally effective spec is restokin
#216 Aug 07 2008 at 9:57 AM Rating: Decent

Counter Comp: Warrior/Druid is a hard fight unless you're well geared enough to stand toe to toe with the warrior. Ghostly Strike and Evasion can really help. Rogue/Priest can be a tough match due to Mana Burns forcing your druid into Bear.

I have to disagree based on my personal experience, the hardest team comp for me and my resto druid is shammy/warrior, one WF totem and my druid is forced into bear for the 8 seconds... I really want some advise on how to beat this team please
#217 Aug 07 2008 at 10:34 AM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
imanohealu wrote:

Counter Comp: Warrior/Druid is a hard fight unless you're well geared enough to stand toe to toe with the warrior. Ghostly Strike and Evasion can really help. Rogue/Priest can be a tough match due to Mana Burns forcing your druid into Bear.

I have to disagree based on my personal experience, the hardest team comp for me and my resto druid is shammy/warrior, one WF totem and my druid is forced into bear for the 8 seconds... I really want some advise on how to beat this team please

Shaman/warrior should not be hard, especially if your druid is restokin. Put up damage on the shaman, root/cyclone the warrior, GG.

Watch Buddhist Carries Lewt if you want to see that comp done as all-out DPS. Lack of Swiftmend hurts you on this comp.

BTW, you can disagree based on personal experience, but you're wrong. Smiley: tongue

Druid healers are much harder to deal with than shamans on a healer/rogue team.
#218 Aug 07 2008 at 12:30 PM Rating: Good
Overlord Theophany wrote:
2v2 Discussion

SL/SL Lock
This is much like having a mage partner, only he's a hell of a lot more durable and a lot nastier on casters. He's also going to have ~13k HP if he's got good gear, and roughly 1k damage. The concept of this comp is very, very similar to a mage/rogue comp, except that Fear -> Fear -> Fear -> DC -> Blind -> Sap becomes an insanely deadly chain-CC combo. With a felpuppy on a healer, there's not a whole lot that a healer can do with all the pushbacks you'll be giving them in addition to Spell Lock and Devour Magic, it puts healers pretty much at your mercy.

Pros: Good warlocks are pretty damn OP.

Cons: Finding a good warlock that doesn't have a druid partner.

Counter Comp: Rogue/druid is probably going to be one of the hardest, as will lock/paladin. I'm fairly unfamiliar with how locks deal with paladins and druids other than spamming CoEx, so I'll just wait to fill this in until someone is nice enough to help me out.

Edited, May 6th 2008 10:05pm by Theophany

Honestly Theo, I've had many more problems with warrior/shammy than I have with rogue/druid. How the hell do you deal with that comp? I try to keep the lock wanding tremor so he can fear the shammy, but if the warrior focuses me, its hard to get a blind>vanish>sap off if I've got a bleed+hamstring on me. Any help would be appreciated.
#219 Aug 07 2008 at 12:36 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Yeah, it's really about timing their bleed effect and vanishing right as it ticks so you get a full 3 secs of vanish to ShS -> sap.

In thinking about it, shaman/warrior is much harder than druid/warrior, since druid gets ****** by fear a lot harder than shamans do.
#220 Aug 07 2008 at 12:38 PM Rating: Decent
Overlord Theophany wrote:
Yeah, it's really about timing their bleed effect and vanishing right as it ticks so you get a full 3 secs of vanish to ShS -> sap.

In thinking about it, shaman/warrior is much harder than druid/warrior, since druid gets @#%^ed by fear a lot harder than shamans do.

Lol, yeah, that's what I was afraid of. I was hoping I was just missing something obvious. :/
#221 Aug 09 2008 at 9:04 PM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
Despite the fact i'm being carried to some extent, this is why my rogue partner loves me: Blessing of Protecion removes bleed effects, effectively removing one of the biggest tools a warrior or feral can use against a rogue.

Question! What's a good way of dealing with Holy Paladins in 2v2 as a ret/rogue? What we currently try is an opening sap on his partner, almost always a warr which i'll keep an eye on to follow with repentence, while focusing the paladin into an early bubble. This is where we're undecided. Is it best to just get the hell out at this point, throw BoF/BoP on the rogue and let him restealth, while i bubble at the same time, heal up, get some distance on the warrior and so on? (After which i guess, we would restart the fight with another sap to whoever looks better geared and focus down the other guy).

Or we could focus the warrior at this point, hoping he doesn't resist too many stuns, and force the paladin to choose between the warrior's healthbar or his own.

We normally stomp healer/dps teams wothout too much trouble, but the holy pally's divine shield is a bit of a wildcard.
#222 Aug 09 2008 at 10:53 PM Rating: Excellent
13,048 posts
Don't burn repent before bubble. You can both deal with having a warrior on you until the paladin has to bubble, then you can BoP -> Vanish/Bubble to get out of the situation and heal (bandage), then get back into it starting with a repent (which should be trinketed, if it's not follow with a sap), then blind, then HoJ -> Sap.

Shouldn't be a hard fight at all really. Paladins cannot kite and heal, ergo you win.
#223 Aug 09 2008 at 11:53 PM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
Sounds great, thanks. Arena fights are much easier when there's a plan to stick to. Yeah, it really shouldn't be too hard. If we get the repentence > sap off on the warrior after divine shield, that gives us garrotte as well as kick, arcane torrent, HoJ to interrupt a holy light crit. Looking foward to it!

Edited, Aug 10th 2008 3:52am by ArtemisEnteri
#224 Aug 10 2008 at 12:35 AM Rating: Excellent
13,048 posts
Oh, and you or your rogue (forgot if you're a rogue or a pally) will need a "/cancelbuff [stealth] Blessing of Protection" macro. I'd make a macro for garrote/CS and include that, that way you can't be shouted out of stealth before you open.

Just a thought.
#225 Aug 10 2008 at 3:42 PM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
Pretty salient thought, since in our first match my rogue partner got....shouted out of stealth!

Still managed to win, the warrior was dual-wielding which i don't think i've seen in arena before. Then went on to do everything it's possible to do wrong in subsequent matches. Break blind, overwrite judgement of justice on a druid.... i've known the rogue for about 11 years in RL, so of course ended up getting chewed out about it, and blaming him for not telling me when he was blinding etc etc (this is turning into one of Bodhi's blog posts!)

New team for tuesday night, new start. NOT going to suck so hard this time....
#226 Aug 11 2008 at 5:54 AM Rating: Excellent
2,069 posts
Hey Theo. I need some rogue advice and I thought I would come to this place and ask. I'm close to lvl 39 with my rogue and I was wondering what talent spec I should follow to do lvl 39 BGs. My choices really are to follow the combat swords spec or the subtlety spec. Which would you recommend...I was thinking that the classic lvl 70 spec of ShS would obviously not work as I don't have enough points.


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