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Theo's Rogue PvP FAQFollow

#127 May 17 2008 at 10:08 AM Rating: Good
266 posts
what chance of survival does a Warlock/Rogue team have?
#128 May 17 2008 at 12:12 PM Rating: Good
11,852 posts
FreeTrial wrote:
what chance of survival does a Warlock/Rogue team have?

It's a strong combo if you can execute the CC coordinated and effectively.

Fear Fear Fear the healer, DPS the DPS - and as soon as your force the healer to trinket, Rogue slaps them with a Blind that will last the full 10 seconds :)
#129 May 17 2008 at 12:28 PM Rating: Good
im wondering because i love Muti spec so much does a Resto Druid,Muti rogue have any chance in 2s?
#130 May 24 2008 at 8:38 AM Rating: Good
I'm running with a dpriest atm, and I'd like to get a little insight from the rest of you.

I got my priest back from last season, and made it from 1600 to 1845 last night(then lost 4 straight, gg). The only teams that consistently gave us problems were warrior/shaman. I would stay on the warrior, and the warrior would stay on my priest...lucky mace stuns + WF = gg. I'm pretty sure that this is our counter-comp, especially with me specced muti atm.

On another note, I got to fight Yosheh last night, unfortunately, only once...and they got sooooooo lucky. His priest resisted 3 fears, and I had him down to 10% 3 times. I played a few rogues last night that were considerably better than what I saw from him.
#131 May 24 2008 at 9:13 AM Rating: Excellent
1,245 posts
Overlord Theophany wrote:
Feral is by far less viable than a DPS shaman is, and that's not up for debate.

No one denies that, not even on the shaman boards.

Taurrus wrote:
And you wonder why people troll your threads and rate you down?

He doesn't wonder, he knows. It doesn't excuse the fact that some people rate down all his posts based on them being from him and not because of the actual content in the posts themselves on an individual basis.

Theophany, on finishers: is there a certain amount of Armor Penetration that rogues might reach in which using Eviscerate or Expose Armor actually outdoes Rupture?
#132 May 24 2008 at 10:11 AM Rating: Good
Raglu wrote:
Theophany, on finishers: is there a certain amount of Armor Penetration that rogues might reach in which using Eviscerate or Expose Armor actually outdoes Rupture?

Overlord Theophany wrote:
Basically, there are two groups of PvP finishers: plate, and non-plate.

The following are finishers used on each type.

Plate: Rupture, KS, Deadly Throw, SnD.

Non-Plate: Evis, EA, Deadly Throw, KS, SnD.

Hope that helps. I'll be linking to this in my OP, since I think a lot of people are confused regarding finishers.
#133 May 24 2008 at 2:33 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Salwrathis wrote:
I'm running with a dpriest atm, and I'd like to get a little insight from the rest of you.

I got my priest back from last season, and made it from 1600 to 1845 last night(then lost 4 straight, gg). The only teams that consistently gave us problems were warrior/shaman. I would stay on the warrior, and the warrior would stay on my priest...lucky mace stuns + WF = gg. I'm pretty sure that this is our counter-comp, especially with me specced muti atm.

On another note, I got to fight Yosheh last night, unfortunately, only once...and they got sooooooo lucky. His priest resisted 3 fears, and I had him down to 10% 3 times. I played a few rogues last night that were considerably better than what I saw from him.

Warrior/shaman is a fairly ridiculous comp ATM in 2v2. With how much armor pen warriors get in addition to WF and a shaman's survivability gives this team a definite edge, especially against healer/DPS teams. If your priest isn't a total pro at LOS and staying alive vs warriors, you're basically boned.

Honestly the easiest win here is running the shaman oom.
#134 May 24 2008 at 6:10 PM Rating: Good
Overlord Theophany wrote:
Salwrathis wrote:
I'm running with a dpriest atm, and I'd like to get a little insight from the rest of you.

I got my priest back from last season, and made it from 1600 to 1845 last night(then lost 4 straight, gg). The only teams that consistently gave us problems were warrior/shaman. I would stay on the warrior, and the warrior would stay on my priest...lucky mace stuns + WF = gg. I'm pretty sure that this is our counter-comp, especially with me specced muti atm.

On another note, I got to fight Yosheh last night, unfortunately, only once...and they got sooooooo lucky. His priest resisted 3 fears, and I had him down to 10% 3 times. I played a few rogues last night that were considerably better than what I saw from him.

Warrior/shaman is a fairly ridiculous comp ATM in 2v2. With how much armor pen warriors get in addition to WF and a shaman's survivability gives this team a definite edge, especially against healer/DPS teams. If your priest isn't a total pro at LOS and staying alive vs warriors, you're basically boned.

Honestly the easiest win here is running the shaman oom.

Well, we fared a bit better today. 5-0 against warrior/shammy. It's rediculous how a warrior can get my priest from 100 -> 10% in less than 4 seconds.
#135 May 24 2008 at 8:41 PM Rating: Excellent
1,245 posts
Salwrathis wrote:
Raglu wrote:
Theophany, on finishers: is there a certain amount of Armor Penetration that rogues might reach in which using Eviscerate or Expose Armor actually outdoes Rupture?

Overlord Theophany wrote:
Basically, there are two groups of PvP finishers: plate, and non-plate.

The following are finishers used on each type.

Plate: Rupture, KS, Deadly Throw, SnD.

Non-Plate: Evis, EA, Deadly Throw, KS, SnD.

Hope that helps. I'll be linking to this in my OP, since I think a lot of people are confused regarding finishers.

I saw that. I'm asking if there is a certain amount of Armor Penetration that would "turn" a Plate class into something that is considered Non-Plate.

Edited, May 25th 2008 12:42am by Raglu
#136 May 24 2008 at 11:05 PM Rating: Good
Raglu wrote:
Salwrathis wrote:
Raglu wrote:
Theophany, on finishers: is there a certain amount of Armor Penetration that rogues might reach in which using Eviscerate or Expose Armor actually outdoes Rupture?

Overlord Theophany wrote:
Basically, there are two groups of PvP finishers: plate, and non-plate.

The following are finishers used on each type.

Plate: Rupture, KS, Deadly Throw, SnD.

Non-Plate: Evis, EA, Deadly Throw, KS, SnD.

Hope that helps. I'll be linking to this in my OP, since I think a lot of people are confused regarding finishers.

I saw that. I'm asking if there is a certain amount of Armor Penetration that would "turn" a Plate class into something that is considered Non-Plate.

Edited, May 25th 2008 12:42am by Raglu

Well, seeing as most non-plate/mail wearers have in the realm of 2-3k armor, and mail/plate-wearers have 8-12k armor, it's a reasonable assumption that you would need aproximately 6-9k passive armor penetration, which, in all probability won't happen till expansion at the earliest.
#137 May 25 2008 at 1:01 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
which, in all probability won't happen till expansion at the earliest.

Will not happen at all.

In expansion armor values will go up as well, making it a still-unobtainable amount of armor pen.
#138 May 26 2008 at 2:50 AM Rating: Decent
1.I want to make a stop for a battleground "orgy" at lvl 49 and atm I'm combat sword, I wanna respecc in combat maces and get some nice maces because I'm hoping that combat maces is still melting faces at my lvl, but I need some advices too, because I'm not sure about it!

2.What should I choose between Nerves of steel, Riposte, Imp. Sprint, Imp Kick,Endurance And Aggression because all of them seems nice, but I think some will help a little more.Riposte against warriors (only thing that kicks my ***)or Imp.Spring,Kick and Endurance for the same 6 talents ?

Nerves of steel or Aggression , I tend to pick Aggression because I got wotf that reduces my need of Nerves of Steel to 50%.
Any advice is welcomed.

Edited, May 26th 2008 6:50am by Sedat
#139 May 26 2008 at 6:12 AM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Sedat, this FAQ isn't about lower end PvP, as with almost all lower end PvP, the one who twinks, wins. I hate twinking, and therefore will not discuss it here.
#140 May 26 2008 at 7:49 AM Rating: Decent
Sorry about that, I realized that is somehow the wrong place, but you kinda misunderstood me, I only wanted to know some details about a combat pvp build, I don't want to twink my char, I just want to get some weapons to have a fair chance in battlegrounds where half of the players are twinked, and I wanted to know if maces are worthing the effort above swords.(Maces are a little hard to get, because I could get the sword from WSG).
Even if I sound dumb, everybody twinks, the ones at lvl 70 do it the most :).
Ok, I'll stop it here.Don't want to spoil a beautiful thread like this one, even if it's too late .

Edited, May 26th 2008 11:50am by Sedat

Edited, May 26th 2008 11:51am by Sedat
#141 May 30 2008 at 3:20 PM Rating: Excellent
13,048 posts
PvP Video List

Here's where you're going to find some of the better (IMO) PvP videos. It's mainly going to be rogue-related, since well, we're all rogues, but I may throw in a Deep or Vilden video because they play with rogues quite often.

Vilden's videos (mage/rogue)
Lewt Carries Buddhist (boomkin/rogue)
Deep 6 (feral/rogue)
Neilyo 13 (random 2v2s)
Mobywan 2400 Ret/Rogue
Mortale BG9 #2 (mage/rogue with Affix, with 3v3 thrown in)
Tosan Renataki Twins (c'mon, everyone knows this one)
Vawx Twos (rogue/rogue a la Walle, but actually a current movie)

Fixeh 2200+ 3v3 (RWD/RMP)
Nerf Sap 10 (Happyminty, RRL)

None yet.

Misc/World PvP
Mahiko ShS PvP (includes 2v2s)
Buddhist Enlightenment
Krymu 5 (includes 2v2 and 3v3)

If you guys have suggestions, PM me or post here. Smiley: grin

Edited, May 30th 2008 4:20pm by Theophany
#142 May 30 2008 at 7:20 PM Rating: Good
3,761 posts
Rateups 4 lyfe
#143 Jun 03 2008 at 5:23 AM Rating: Good
103 posts
Here's a question. Is pvp gear really needed for rogue? I've played with resto druid yesterday. The only time I've been targeted was when my druid was dead or their healer was in real trouble. Is pve gear better in this situation?
#144 Jun 03 2008 at 5:39 AM Rating: Good
If you literally had 7k hp and no resilience in amtch it'd be incredibly risky. If you got switched to it would be a russian roulette as to what percentage Cheat Death procs at during the 3 sec intercept. Is wearign a substantial amount of PvE gear good? Yes, if you have good PvE gear. 4pcT6 4pcS3 is best, if you have it.
#145 Jun 03 2008 at 7:09 AM Rating: Good
103 posts
I have almost 10k hp, 2k ap and 27% crit chance. That's with 20/0/41. The only pvp gear I have is S1 thrown and Dory's Embrace. With resto druid we got from 1516 to almost 1600 when that rogue/feral druid combo came in... saped me and killed my druid in 2 secs... second time I managed to trinket-shadowstep-CS rogue-blind druid, that saved my druid. We won that fight, but the third time they got it quickly again. We stopped then. We were both in pve gear, druid having 1800 healing bonus, but only 7800 hp.
#146 Jun 03 2008 at 9:39 AM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
arukomp wrote:
I have almost 10k hp, 2k ap and 27% crit chance. That's with 20/0/41. The only pvp gear I have is S1 thrown and Dory's Embrace. With resto druid we got from 1516 to almost 1600 when that rogue/feral druid combo came in... saped me and killed my druid in 2 secs... second time I managed to trinket-shadowstep-CS rogue-blind druid, that saved my druid. We won that fight, but the third time they got it quickly again. We stopped then. We were both in pve gear, druid having 1800 healing bonus, but only 7800 hp.

The main problem will be that your PvE gear isn't as good as PvP gear, by a long shot.

I have those stats with better weapons, armor penetration, and 5% more crit.

Oh, and I have 380 resil.

So it may be worth it to use PvE gear in your current comp until you can get some S4, but TBH I've soloed to 1600 in 2v2s, so you can't really judge performance based on the 1500-1600 grind. When you start running into teams with actual skill at 1600-1800 (granted most of them don't have much skill, like paladins not using BoSac against a rogue team), you'll discover whether it'll work or not.
#147 Jun 03 2008 at 10:34 AM Rating: Good
The main thing tbh is to get your druid in PvP gear.
#148 Jun 03 2008 at 11:18 AM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Kavekk wrote:
The main thing tbh is to get your druid in PvP gear.

Yeah, I agree. Running into mage teams that can shatter combo your druid if he isn't fast enough on shifting for 5k+ really can take all the fun out of arena.
#149 Jun 03 2008 at 9:05 PM Rating: Good
103 posts
Kavekk wrote:
The main thing tbh is to get your druid in PvP gear.

Yeah, I thought about that too. He's really squishy, but heals a lot. I think he will have to sacrifice some of his +healing for pvp. Thanks for your input everyone.

Edited, Jun 4th 2008 1:07am by arukomp
#150 Jun 04 2008 at 9:26 AM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
arukomp wrote:
Kavekk wrote:
The main thing tbh is to get your druid in PvP gear.

Yeah, I thought about that too. He's really squishy, but heals a lot. I think he will have to sacrifice some of his +healing for pvp. Thanks for your input everyone.

Edited, Jun 4th 2008 1:07am by arukomp

Most druids in S3 have ~1800-1900 healing.

Unless he's getting blue gear, his healing shouldn't drop by much.
#151 Jun 07 2008 at 11:11 AM Rating: Good
Which is the better PvP main hand weapon, assuming standard 20/0/41 build:

Syphon of the Nathrezim or Blade of Infamy ? My OH is Swiftsteel Bludgeon if it matters. The syphon's proc lasts 6 sec and drains 20 health per hit.
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