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Theo's Rogue PvP FAQFollow

#102 May 06 2008 at 9:06 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Resto druid, rogue/rogue, and feral druid are up.

Also, those interested in feral/rogue, go check out Deep 6 on warcraftmovies.
#103 May 07 2008 at 3:34 AM Rating: Good
134 posts
In the case of a ret/rogue comp, how important is cc going to be? i watched a vid of a 2.2k rating retrogue, they seemed to focus solely on the healer, completely ignoring the other member. but their burst is sick enough that the can take down their focus before the other member can hurt the rogue or the pally much.

but i was wondering, for less geared/skilled players such as my team, how important does CCing the dpser become? Should we be spending time working on HoJ-->sap and repentance -->sap? or would it be better to just focus entirely on the healer?
#104 May 07 2008 at 3:41 AM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
iceravenVI wrote:
In the case of a ret/rogue comp, how important is cc going to be? i watched a vid of a 2.2k rating retrogue, they seemed to focus solely on the healer, completely ignoring the other member. but their burst is sick enough that the can take down their focus before the other member can hurt the rogue or the pally much.

but i was wondering, for less geared/skilled players such as my team, how important does CCing the dpser become? Should we be spending time working on HoJ-->sap and repentance -->sap? or would it be better to just focus entirely on the healer?

In ret/rogue, you're both pretty durable to the point that in lower brackets you should be able to burst down a healer in the span of a bubble if you get in trouble.

If you start taking too much damage, drop a Repent -> Sap combo on the DPS. If they trinket the Repent, Blind, then Sap.

There's quite a bit of control you get in ret/rogue, as well as burst. It's a really interesting comp to me.
#105 May 07 2008 at 7:31 AM Rating: Good
Overlord Theophany wrote:
There's quite a bit of control you get in ret/rogue, as well as burst. It's a really interesting comp to me.

The anti-druid comp, imo.
#106 May 07 2008 at 8:32 AM Rating: Default
924 posts
Nerf JoJ >.> ******* hate that ****.
#107 May 07 2008 at 11:26 AM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Salwrathis wrote:
Overlord Theophany wrote:
There's quite a bit of control you get in ret/rogue, as well as burst. It's a really interesting comp to me.

The anti-druid comp, imo.

Yeah, that comp and feral/rogue are the anti-druid comps.
#108 May 07 2008 at 12:28 PM Rating: Good
74 posts
Perhaps a dumb question, but one worth asking for people who don't have the opportunity to try the ret/rogue comp: Do repentance/blind or repentance/sap share DR's at all? Obviously blind and sap are independent of each other, but adding repentance to the list of independent disorients almost seems to good to be true. Especially considering Blizzard took the trouble of ******** sheep/sap.
#109 May 07 2008 at 1:25 PM Rating: Excellent
A bit late to this, but

Elusiveness Mutilate (44/0/17) is my preferred Mutilate build. It's more balanced than 50/0/11 towards mobility and crowd control, though you tend to miss out on some of the bonuses that 50/0/11 can give you.

Pros to this build are high burst damage, incredibly combo point generation (often to the point that you don't know what to do with so many combo points), and good control. Elusiveness, Camo, and another point in MoD.

Cons, as with all sub/mutilate, is the lack of mobility, and less sustained damage. In this build, lack of Imp EA will hurt in any comp with warriors/enhancement shamans/feral druids.

So why not take imp EA and drop master poisoner?

I'm asking because I'm thinking of this build to try out with Spriest. After all, shs just doesn't seem to be working for me this season.
#110 May 07 2008 at 1:29 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Warchief Tyrandor wrote:
A bit late to this, but

Elusiveness Mutilate (44/0/17) is my preferred Mutilate build. It's more balanced than 50/0/11 towards mobility and crowd control, though you tend to miss out on some of the bonuses that 50/0/11 can give you.

Pros to this build are high burst damage, incredibly combo point generation (often to the point that you don't know what to do with so many combo points), and good control. Elusiveness, Camo, and another point in MoD.

Cons, as with all sub/mutilate, is the lack of mobility, and less sustained damage. In this build, lack of Imp EA will hurt in any comp with warriors/enhancement shamans/feral druids.

So why not take imp EA and drop master poisoner?

I'm asking because I'm thinking of this build to try out with Spriest. After all, shs just doesn't seem to be working for me this season.

I think you misunderstood, Tyr.

What I meant by that was that any comps you're running that have a warrior, enh shaman, or feral druid will suffer because you don't have EA.

Because let's face it: those classes all have much higher burst damage capabilities than we do.

For an spriest/rogue comp, 44/0/17 is definitely what I'd do if ShS isn't working for you.

You're going to have to be careful setting up your Imp KS, though. Make sure your spriest doesn't have Mind Blast and SW:D on cooldown, as he's gonna want to use them as you Imp KS and unload.

You should pre-load your energy for that, too. Get 5 CP, get to full energy, KS, then blow it all on Muts, preferably with a CB Mut in there.
#111 May 07 2008 at 1:32 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
beardownmanup wrote:
Perhaps a dumb question, but one worth asking for people who don't have the opportunity to try the ret/rogue comp: Do repentance/blind or repentance/sap share DR's at all? Obviously blind and sap are independent of each other, but adding repentance to the list of independent disorients almost seems to good to be true. Especially considering Blizzard took the trouble of ******** sheep/sap.

No, they haven't been put on shared DRs.

I doubt they will be. The real reason sheep/sap were placed on DRs is because it'd be insanely easy to leave one person CC'd for an entire match that way.

I could do a 35 sec CC with just Sap -> Sheep or Sheep -> Sap if they weren't on DRs. It's a little harder to do with Repent/HoJ/Blind/Sap.
#112 May 07 2008 at 2:20 PM Rating: Excellent
36 posts
Hey Theo,

couple of quick questions for you :)

1) the 17/0/44 build listed is slightly different that the one you're using. You currently take 1pt ghostly strike and 4pts in camouflage and 2pts murder vs improved evis. Is that better for your 5v5 or just preference?

2) noob question...I have read that for pvp, maces are better vs swords? Is the reason ppl take swords is that they can just repec from shs to combat swords for pvping and raiding without needing 2 sets of weapons?

#113 May 07 2008 at 6:07 PM Rating: Excellent
13,048 posts
xlpanda wrote:
Hey Theo,

couple of quick questions for you :)

1) the 17/0/44 build listed is slightly different that the one you're using. You currently take 1pt ghostly strike and 4pts in camouflage and 2pts murder vs improved evis. Is that better for your 5v5 or just preference?

2) noob question...I have read that for pvp, maces are better vs swords? Is the reason ppl take swords is that they can just repec from shs to combat swords for pvping and raiding without needing 2 sets of weapons?


It's preference. I change my spec literally every day. That 17/0/44 spec is actually what I prefer now, though the other is just as viable.

Maces vs swords really depends. I seriously doubt that combat will come back in vogue as far as rogue arena specs go, so most people are very safe getting swords, especially considering that if you plan to raid, swords are the perfect weapon to use.

Because the S3 swords are pretty much the best swords until warglaives/SWP, if you can get to 1850, it's generally best to go with swords.

Plus, IMO the sword spec proc isn't that much worse for PvP than the mace spec proc is.
#114 May 10 2008 at 9:36 PM Rating: Good
266 posts
What Spec do you recommend for a Rogue/Holy Pally combo that's just starting out?
#115 May 11 2008 at 1:17 AM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
ShS, definitely, as a paladin is going to have to use most of his cooldowns defensively to prevent manaburns and shatter combos.

You also need a high survivability spec since a paladin will have to be pillar humping for a lot of games versus priests and druids.

BTW, grats whoever is karma trolling me; you...haven't done anything to my Scholar title!

Edited, May 11th 2008 2:17am by Theophany
#116 May 11 2008 at 2:43 AM Rating: Excellent
135 posts
Great guide, can't see why someone would be so childish to rate you down for it.
Rate-ups inc.
#117 May 14 2008 at 7:47 AM Rating: Good
802 posts
theo the following questions sprang to mind while reading your thread :

- What's the res (and stam) we should shoot for as rogues in your opinion ? You said low res but what's the minimal ? 200 ?
- in 2v2, 3v3 and 5v5 could you please designate attack targets in order of squishyness and best suited for a rogue to attack? I for one keep choosing the wrong targets to nuke down and end up loosing us fights :P

Something like S/H-priest -> frost mage -> des/aff lock -> non BM hunter -> SL-SL lock -> D-Priest etc etc ?

I'm interested to see your answers :)
#118 May 14 2008 at 10:07 AM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
samperor wrote:
theo the following questions sprang to mind while reading your thread :

- What's the res (and stam) we should shoot for as rogues in your opinion ? You said low res but what's the minimal ? 200 ?
- in 2v2, 3v3 and 5v5 could you please designate attack targets in order of squishyness and best suited for a rogue to attack? I for one keep choosing the wrong targets to nuke down and end up loosing us fights :P

Something like S/H-priest -> frost mage -> des/aff lock -> non BM hunter -> SL-SL lock -> D-Priest etc etc ?

I'm interested to see your answers :)

Resilience and stam vary. You can't just blindly follow "well, you need 260 resil and 10k hp and you're fine."

As mut, you need much more resilience and stam than you need as ShS. ShS has Cheat Death; mut doesn't.

Really, it's not going to matter too much what your resilience and stam are at, more what your offensive stats are at, especially this season. There's so much resilience going around that it's nigh on impossible for any team to burst a rogue.

As far as kill order, again, that varies. I can't give you a rote kill order because arena strategy is about adapting. Anyone that can give you a rote kill order is probably an idiot.

Use your brain, figure out which class can do the most damage (not necessarily the kind that lowers your hp, either) to your team, and take that person out first. It may be necessary to bait cooldowns on another player with quick burst so they get the PS, BoP, etc, so you can quickly switch targets after that.
#119 May 14 2008 at 5:52 PM Rating: Good
194 posts
Also, now that the new pvp trinket is out, if you have 40k honor to waste, might as well. More resilience on an item you'll always wear never hurts.
#120 May 16 2008 at 5:30 PM Rating: Excellent
2,680 posts
I was recently approached to try out a fury warrior for 2v2. We'd both be first timers in arena and I'm very skeptical about any real success with that comp (after experimenting a bit, I'd be going ShS). But he's a friend of mine and is very competent in PvE, so....

General plan was to keep farming t4, trade in the tokens for pvp equiv. and try it out in time with the oncoming season.

Anyone have anecdotes, tales or right-out advise on this comp? I'm 50/50 about it to be honest at this point. But with limited raiding opportunities right now it's arena or farm.

Oh, also, have I mentioned how this thread rules lately? 'Cause, it does.
#121 May 16 2008 at 5:45 PM Rating: Decent
Theo...first off, great guide btw.

OT - but I don't get how you can make a sensible, well crafted post over on the rogue forums, yet go over to the shaman forums and act like a blithering idiot...

Rate down forthcoming I'm sure.
#122 May 16 2008 at 6:09 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
TherionSaysWhat wrote:
I was recently approached to try out a fury warrior for 2v2. We'd both be first timers in arena and I'm very skeptical about any real success with that comp (after experimenting a bit, I'd be going ShS). But he's a friend of mine and is very competent in PvE, so....

General plan was to keep farming t4, trade in the tokens for pvp equiv. and try it out in time with the oncoming season.

Anyone have anecdotes, tales or right-out advise on this comp? I'm 50/50 about it to be honest at this point. But with limited raiding opportunities right now it's arena or farm.

Oh, also, have I mentioned how this thread rules lately? 'Cause, it does.

Fury warriors in general are pretty awful in arena. They take a class that needs constant attention and removes the parts that make it viable in arena. MS, Second Wind, and Imp Intercept are all in Arms.

There's really not much that can be done with this comp. You can zerg down one person if you're quick about it, but I wouldn't expect to get past 1700, if even 1600.

And that's if you're geared.

Taurrus, it's because you and most of the shamans in the shaman forums are morons. You constantly whine about how DPS specs aren't viable in arena when I'm giving you proof that they are.

I actually had a discussion with my brother about that last night. He's a 2k rated feral druid (of which there are ~50 in the US, if not the world), and he outright laughed that DPS shamans were whining about viability in arena. Feral is by far less viable than a DPS shaman is, and that's not up for debate.

If you think it is, you're a moron and have zero PvP experience.
#123 May 16 2008 at 6:26 PM Rating: Decent
/cry oh noes, the big bad rogue and OP drood think I'm a moron!

Again, nice guide btw...but your current posts suggest you've suffered a severe concussion recently.
#124 May 16 2008 at 6:38 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Taurrus wrote:
/cry oh noes, the big bad rogue and OP drood think I'm a moron!

Again, nice guide btw...but your current posts suggest you've suffered a severe concussion recently.

Checking out how nice your tonsils look?

I only ask because it seems you've got your head pretty far up your ***.
#125 May 16 2008 at 7:02 PM Rating: Decent
Overlord Theophany wrote:

Checking out how nice your tonsils look?

I only ask because it seems you've got your head pretty far up your ***.

And you wonder why people troll your threads and rate you down?
#126 May 16 2008 at 7:31 PM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
Yeah, thanks Theo. I just couldn't see how Fury/ShS would work and guess it doesn't. Oh wells, off to gear out my tank then!

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