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#52 Apr 11 2008 at 5:24 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Tallysien wrote:
Question about your support spec 27/0/34. If you have Fleet footed and Camo, does the head slot meta affect speed as well or would you take it only for its 24AP and movement impairment resistance? I know the tooltip says that fleet footed is not affected by other movement enhancing abilites. Still need to ask the mechanics behind all 3 things combined.

*edit thank you for a good post

Edited, Apr 11th 2008 9:10pm by Tallysien

You'd be taking 12 crit/5% snare resist.

Fleet Footed obviously doesn't stack with run speed.

Camo decreases the snaring effect that stealth has, thus increasing speed by decreasing the percentage of speed you're snared while in stealth.
#53REDACTED, Posted: Apr 12 2008 at 3:44 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) If you really want to find good info + tacs etc. you should go to and not here. It's a good post nonetheless, but mostly it's for people who are just about to enter their very first arena. For more advanced stuff - try
#54 Apr 12 2008 at 11:56 AM Rating: Excellent
2,826 posts
krqllebqlle wrote:
If you really want to find good info + tacs etc. you should go to and not here. It's a good post nonetheless, but mostly it's for people who are just about to enter their very first arena. For more advanced stuff - try

We get tons of posts each week on how to spec/gear/gem when just starting arena.

This post is a wonderful asset to the rogue forums (especially if it gets stickied) since those people who were going to post can now just read the stickie and get their answers.

As far as advanced tactics, other than Theo I don't think we have too many high rated rogues that frequent the boards. Most people here are looking for advice on how to get started and/or how to break 1600.

Nobody jumps right into arena for the first time and skyrockets to 2200 rating (except maybe war/druid teams that farmed a lot of BGs before doing any arena). This post is exactly what the rogue boards needed.

Now let's get that terribad lockpicking stickie unstickied and get this put up in its place. That lockpikcing stickie has so much misinformation and infighting every time I read it I think I'm at the Democratic National Convention.

Edit: I'm really considering respeccing my rogue back to mutilate. He was the most fun character I ever played in Kara and Gruul's, but he was also the only character I ever had any fun with in PVP. I'll probably just buy him a couple Ced's til I can grind out some better daggers. Gonna find me a guild healer to do some 2s with and maybe a mage to get a 3s team going with, spec into the combat mutilate build and have fun doing some casual arena, casual BGs, and Kara.

Edit 2: I r idiot. I just realized I have a Malchazeen in the bank on my rogue from a previous Kara run. At least, I think it's on my rogue and not on my warrior...

Edited, Apr 12th 2008 3:32pm by Bigdaddyjug
#55 Apr 12 2008 at 1:21 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
krqllebqlle wrote:
If you really want to find good info + tacs etc. you should go to and not here. It's a good post nonetheless, but mostly it's for people who are just about to enter their very first arena. For more advanced stuff - try

Arenajunkies is missing some key strategies--like ret/rogue for instance--in the 2v2 bracket, not to mention they only have RWD and RMP in their 3v3 section, and have NOTHING for a 5v5 section.

Their talent specs are also incredibly out of date. Nowhere do they mention ShS.

Basically they just ripped the rogue talent portion of their site straight from Buddhist's post about 2 months ago when 2.3.2 was about to go live; a LOT has changed since then.

So yeah, do some research before you start flaming my FAQ please.
#56 Apr 12 2008 at 4:26 PM Rating: Excellent
3,909 posts
krqllebqlle wrote:
If you really want to find good info + tacs etc. you should go to and not here. It's a good post nonetheless, but mostly it's for people who are just about to enter their very first arena. For more advanced stuff - try sound like a ridiculous corporate advertisement.
#57 Apr 12 2008 at 6:22 PM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
I'm curious as to why you put 2 points in Imp. Evis in your Sub builds instead of putting them into Murder for the overall 2%.

I'm a complete PvP Noob, so I'm just wondering and hoping to learn something from it.
#58 Apr 12 2008 at 7:18 PM Rating: Excellent
89 posts
I was actually wondering that as well. I thought Evisc was a no no finisher in arenas. I usually open premed+cheapshot+EA then when combo pts up I use kidney shot.

I just joined a team with a shadow priest so let's see how it goes, Warr+Rog didn't work too well for us, we were always 50%. *crosses fingers
#59 Apr 12 2008 at 8:32 PM Rating: Excellent
13,048 posts
2v2 Discussion

Here, I'm going to discuss comps and counter comps, as well as specs for each individual on the team. I'll only be discussing the main "tried and tested" teams, as off-teams aren't really worth the time to talk about, as it will take a truly amazing team to get to 1800+.

The format will be as follows:

Brief explanation of strategy/specs
Counter Comp: listed and how to attempt to deal with said comp(s)

The Comps

Disc Priest
As noted, the priest is going to be Disc. Preferably manaburn/reflective shield specced.

I personally suggest a shadowstep spec in this comp for dealing with druid healers, as that's one of the weaknesses of this comp. Overall, though, this comp is very strong if your priest is good at playing disc, which is much different than a holy priest.

With how short the PW:S cooldown is, you can feasibly have both of you covered by the shield, though with how much survivability shadowstep gives a rogue, it's easiest to just have your priest hump on a pillar if there are any ranged classes trying to go for your priest, which puts much of the focus on you.

Most teams will go for your priest first. This is the comp where peeling is insanely important. Shiv, gouge, restealth for a CS -> SnD combo to switch back to your main target, etc. I usually go with a shiv or gouge -> SnD while switching back to my main target.

Pros: Very durable, can outlast most teams due to the survivability that Pain Supression provides and manaburn. Paladin healer teams are incredibly easy with mass dispel and manaburn, as should shaman teams.

Cons: If your priest is bad, your team will be bad, pretty much. You may get to 1600-1700, but you won't get past there. I speak from experience.

Counter Comp: Hunter/druid is going to be one of the hardest comps. Easiest way to counter this comp is to get the hunter's pet on your priest, LOS the hunter and druid at the start so the pet is behind a pillar, and kill the pet. Otherwise the pet is going to be putting a strain on your priest's healing.

Most druid healer teams are going to be hard even if your priest is good, but with Mind Control, Psychic Scream, and Manaburn, you should be able to keep the druid out of LOS or in bear form while you take down their partner. This strategy is useful versus the other hard comp, the infamous warrior/druid. Peel the warrior so he has to fight you, and your priest should get the druid out of LOS as the warrior gets low on HP. Dispel HoTs (yes, even if LB is going to proc the full heal) and Abolish Poison as much as possible on the warrior.

Shadow Priest
This team specializes in burst, and pure burst. Personally on this team I still like shadowstep, but with Mind Flay, Mutilate can be very viable. I'd go Heavy Poisons Mut for this setup if you're not going shadowstep. Mut can be a very potent part of this build, so if you're at all inclined to go Mut, I'd do it. With a Silence -> PS -> Blind -> Sap -> PS combo, you can keep a healer locked out for an insanely long amount of time, and with Mass Dispel, paladins are cheese.

This is not an outlast team at all. Burst, burst, burst is the name of the game. If a game takes more than 5 mins, you're probably screwed. Basically you need to just blow up one target while unleashing the chain-CC combo that I described previously.

Pros: Heavy burst, can counter most common setups, and the addition of silence is amazing for beating healer teams. Again, as with disc priest, paladins are cheese.

Cons: Lack of healing and the squishiness of a spriest.

Counter Comp: Hunter/druid, again, is going to be one of the biggest issues that this team can face. Silencing shot is a complete ***** to this setup. Again, as with the disc priest comp, you need to burn down the hunter's pet. Most hunters are going to have Imp Revive Pet, so you need to get to the hunter to interrupt with some speed. Either shadowstepping to the hunter for a gouge/kick or your priest using silence will do the trick. Keep in mind it's a 4 second cast with Imp Revive Pet, so you need to be quick at recognizing that he's re-summoning.

Mage/dpriest is going to be another tough comp. The best way to pull a win off against that team is to CC the priest and blow all buttons on the mage. You will need to MD Ice Block, and probably MD Pain Suppression if the priest trinkets/WotFs/Fear Wards a spriest fear and blows a couple cooldowns to keep his mage up. CS is a ***** in this comp, and can royally @#%^ you over. This is definitely one fight where being shadowstep is going to help a lot. Kick/gouge water elementals as you go past in chasing the mage. Make sure your priest is aware of shatter combos, and that he's good at dispelling the freeze effect, otherwise you're going to be hurting very, very fast.

As a double DPS team, this is quite honestly one of the strongest we can use. If both the rogue and the mage are good, there are extremely few counters to this team. The main strategy is the following: CC one class, burn the other hard through use of shatter combos (Water Elemental/WE Nova/Frostbolt/Ice Lance), and constant DPS. Because of a mage's inherent ability to snare, this team absolutely destroys any team with a druid healer because the druid isn't going to be able to cleanse Polymorph on their partner and they'll waste a veritable sh*tton of mana shifting to get out of snares.

Pros: Incredible power, amazing control. Possibly one of the hardest comps to counter if played well.

Cons: Priests royally @#%^ this combo, locks as well.

Counter Comp: I'd say it's a mix between lock/spriest and lock/druid. Lock/spriest is rarer to find at high brackets, but a good lock/spriest team will bone this team hard because of all the CC/silence/lockout effects. Lock/druid is hard because with a felpuppy on your mage, he's going to be seeing a lot of pushbacks even with the lock Poly'd.

Important note when Sheeping Locks: DO NOT USE MOLTEN ARMOR. Because of how Soul Link works, Molten Armor will proc on the felpuppy and break your mage's sheep.

This is a strong comp as well. With the survivability that a ret paladin has, as well as how well they counter druid healers, this comp has been extremely strong this season. With how durable ret paladins are, you're probably going to see a lot of damage being focused your way, as the rogue. As such, survivability is important. Having your retadin aware of how you're doing in terms of health is vital, as if he can throw a BoP on you with a CloS, you can actually get some heals and bandage to recover quite a bit of health.

Pros: Great damage, decent control (both of your vanishes should be saps off of HoJ, Repentance, or Blind), and still having some healing available in a pinch. The added bonus of bubble helps in caster situations where they're going to focus your paladin hard.

Cons: Good priests.

Counter Comp: Hard to think of one comp that will completely destroy this team. Mage/priest is the likely candidate. Blowing bubble will do nothing, so hitting the mage hard to bait a PS/IB will be the best bet, then switching to the dpriest with a Repent/Sap and HoJ/Sap combo on the mage when he comes out of IB/PS will probably be the best way to counter. You need all your burst on this counter-comp to go towards the priest.

SL/SL Lock
This is much like having a mage partner, only he's a hell of a lot more durable and a lot nastier on casters. He's also going to have ~13k HP if he's got good gear, and roughly 1k damage. The concept of this comp is very, very similar to a mage/rogue comp, except that Fear -> Fear -> Fear -> DC -> Blind -> Sap becomes an insanely deadly chain-CC combo. With a felpuppy on a healer, there's not a whole lot that a healer can do with all the pushbacks you'll be giving them in addition to Spell Lock and Devour Magic, it puts healers pretty much at your mercy.

Pros: Good warlocks are pretty damn OP.

Cons: Finding a good warlock that doesn't have a druid partner.

Counter Comp: Rogue/druid is probably going to be one of the hardest, as will lock/paladin. I'm fairly unfamiliar with how locks deal with paladins and druids other than spamming CoEx, so I'll just wait to fill this in until someone is nice enough to help me out.

Resto Druid (credit to Jordster for this section; great write-up)
This is a survival comp. You should be ShS spec.

This team is going to rely on both the Rogue and Druid's ability to stay out of harms way. Thinking hard about how and when to use cooldowns is going to be the difference between winning and losing.

For one thing, getting a solid opener and forcing the other team to catch up is huge in this comp. Sapping a healer and opening on a DPS will either (a) force an immediate trinket from the healer or (b) force the healer to play some serious catch up, often costing them their cooldowns. If you can get this ideal opener off, you will usually win. If the healer DOES use their cooldowns (I.e. a Druid or Shaman uses NS) you can either continue to attack their DPS while cycloning their healer or switch and cyclone their DPS and jump on their healer, who is now without the benefit of their healing cooldowns, and possibly without their trinket, too.

Knocking someone else out of stealth at the beginning can also make or break the match.

Success in this comp relies on coordinating DRs, knowing which opponents have blown trinkets, and using cooldowns effectively.

Your Druid should be spec'd 11/11/39 so that they can help out with Feral Charge, as well as double-DoT'ing your target (MOonfire, Insect Swarm) to help w/ DPS if their mana allows.

Splitting the cyclones and DPS can remove a lot of effectiveness from most enemy teams.

Pros: Versatile and fun to play.

Cons: Blind and Cyclone share DR timers. Watch that you don't overlap them. Games can be longgggg.

Counter Comp: Warrior/Druid is a hard fight unless you're well geared enough to stand toe to toe with the warrior. Ghostly Strike and Evasion can really help. Rogue/Priest can be a tough match due to Mana Burns forcing your druid into Bear.

Most double DPS can be beat with this spec - just blow your defensive cooldowns early as needed and survive their initial onslaught.

Basically, this team is all about control. As you guys are rogues, I don't really need to tell you what/how our class works, but generally the way I like to run this setup is one rogue as ShS with Vile Poisons, the other with Imp EA. On an opener, Imp EA rogue immediately puts up Imp EA on a cloth focus target and you both go to town, CCing the other target as needed, generally at vital times, like as you both blow an offensive trinket when your opponent is at ~20% HP.

Blind -> Sap is a required skill for this comp. Good footwork is required for this comp. Good coordination is required for this comp.

Pros: Great survivability, you both have ******** of outs, and insane control when timed properly.

Cons: Hard comp to master, as it requires two very good rogues to pull off at high ratings.

Counter Comp: Rogue/druid, primarily. The rogue is going to be able to get out of most of your CC, so you need to get on the druid and stick to the druid. Staying on the druid with shadowsteps, DTs, etc is really the only way you'll win against this comp. Luckily, there are two of you, so keeping the druid snared/stunned will be pretty easy.


So that's all the VIABLE partners for a rogue at 2200+ in 2v2. I'm going to include my own experience with a feral druid, as I really do love this comp. Every time I see Deep 6 I love it a little bit more, and I'm hoping to run it enough in S4 to get to 2k.

Feral Druid
This is an incredibly hard comp to play, as pretty much any good team is going to ********** your druid hard while you try and keep them from doing that. The bonus is that your druid can put out insane amounts of burst damage if he's geared, he'll have hots to toss out, and he can cyclone if it really comes down to it (it shouldn't). I'm going to be doing something a bit different with this team, and running through strats for each of the most common comps to face at high ratings.

Pros: High burst damage with your druid, but not much else comes to mind. The main pro in my mind is that if you can get to 2k, you're pretty much pro.

Cons: Druid is easily CC'd and bursted on by any team with a lock.

Counter Comp: The main thing you need to be wary of with this comp is locks. Both you and your druid should have (in the druid's case) the 15% fear resist talent, and (in your case) Enveloping Shadows. Getting a resist on any AoE fear can save you a lot of heartache in this comp, as fear is one of the main things you need to look out for.

So, as far as comps and strats go...

Warrior/druid: Open on the warrior with full bleeds from both of you. As the druid comes out of stealth, you should immediately Vanish and ShS to the druid, splitting damage. Your feral will be in bear form tanking the warrior. The druid will have to choose who he puts healing on, and this makes it very easy for you to down this team.

If the warrior shifts focus to you while you're on the druid, a quick root by your druid will enable you to stay on the druid and get him down. If the warrior trinkets the root, a Blind will have him out of commission to burst down the druid.

If the warrior stays on your druid, it's pretty much GG. Warriors can't beat bear druids.

Mage/rogue: This comp is easy. The rogue is the main priority to get down on the other team, as the mage really poses no threat to your druid with shatter combos (your druid will shift out of nova).

Hunter/druid: Basically the same as warrior/druid, the hunter just has a few more tricks, and roots won't really do much unless you're kiting him around a pillar. Either way, a hunter really can't do much to you, so get the druid down asap.

Rogue/dpriest: This is a match where Enveloping Shadows/15% fear resist comes in handy. If you don't have them, your druid is going to be spending a lot of time wandering around, as this team has a lot of CC. Basically damage on the rogue, applying bleeds, and as the rogue gets low on HP, apply CC to the priest. If the priest ever tried to get OOC to drink, Vanish -> ShS -> Sap will give you a nice little burst of CC.

Rogue/spriest: Druid opens on spriest, grabs a SW:P, runs the hell away. Rogue opens on spriest, and they'll probably switch targets to you. They'll try to burn you down, but pop evasion/CloS and stay on the spriest as your druid comes charging back and burns the crap out of the spriest. Your druid is gonna eat a PS, which he will trinket, then a Blind if the team is good. Luckily, he grabbed a SW:P earlier, and his Blind will break, allowing you to down the spriest. GG.

Shaman/warrior: Probably one of the harder match-ups, honestly. You're going to have to play very defensive on the shaman while your druid whomps on the warrior in this setup. A good way to get a sap on the shaman is to wait until he shifts out of ghost wolf to heal and sap him before he gets his LHW off. Then you can open on the warrior, and Vanish as Sap is coming to an end to re-sap. Then open as normal, using CS, and NEVER DRAIN YOUR ENERGY BAR.

That's what playing defensively means as a rogue on a healer; you should always be able to kick/gouge/KS a heal.

With the warrior receiving no heals but a NS heal, GG you win.

Locks: Locks deserve their own section in feral/rogue, because they **** us so bad. If they can get a DC -> Fearlock in, GG, your druid is dead. That said, if they think your druid is a restokin, they're gonna send their pet after him. If you can, kill their first pet and quickly ShS to the lock to kick Feldom if you can. It's a 0.5 sec cast, so if you can't kick it, don't worry. LOS again, drawing the pet away, and kill it, then get on the Lock. Don't let him breathe.

Of course, this is only for SL/SL locks. Those are the only hard locks. Any other is cheese.

If you can't kill his pet, get him down and prevent him from casting fear on your druid. Good God, I can't emphasize that enough. If your druid is feared, you're *******

That's about it for 2v2s, boys and girls. Happy hunting. 3v3 will start up soon.

Edited, May 6th 2008 10:05pm by Theophany
#60 Apr 13 2008 at 8:42 AM Rating: Decent
454 posts
Arenajunkies is missing some key strategies--like ret/rogue for instance--in the 2v2 bracket, not to mention they only have RWD and RMP in their 3v3 section, and have NOTHING for a 5v5 section.

Their talent specs are also incredibly out of date. Nowhere do they mention ShS.

Basically they just ripped the rogue talent portion of their site straight from Buddhist's post about 2 months ago when 2.3.2 was about to go live; a LOT has changed since then.

So yeah, do some research before you start flaming my FAQ please.

My post can really hardly qualify as a flame, I think it's a good job (said so in the first post as well). I really didn't mean to offend anyone, but either I suck at communicating or else people needed someone to flame a bit in a else rather flamefree thread. I simply stated that at AJ they had some good stuff as well. I guess I should've been more specific and said in the FORUMS under e.g. 2v2 arena or e.g. under Class discussions->rogue. You are right that their talent speccs are somewhat outdated though (and their tacs section rather lackluster). But the discussion forums are good.

EDIT: so yeah, don't flame me when you've got no reason to please.

Edited, Apr 13th 2008 12:43pm by krqllebqlle
#61 Apr 13 2008 at 8:59 AM Rating: Excellent
6,318 posts
krqllebqlle wrote:

My post can really hardly qualify as a flame, I think it's a good job (said so in the first post as well). I really didn't mean to offend anyone, but either I suck at communicating or else people needed someone to flame a bit in a else rather flamefree thread. I simply stated that at AJ they had some good stuff as well. I guess I should've been more specific and said in the FORUMS under e.g. 2v2 arena or e.g. under Class discussions->rogue. You are right that their talent speccs are somewhat outdated though (and their tacs section rather lackluster). But the discussion forums are good.

EDIT: so yeah, don't flame me when you've got no reason to please.

krqllebqlle wrote:
If you really want to find good info + tacs etc. you should go to and not here. It's a good post nonetheless, but mostly it's for people who are just about to enter their very first arena. For more advanced stuff - try

Not qualify as a flame? You did not say that "AJ has good stuff as well", you said "AJ has good stuff. This thread doesn't."
#62 Apr 13 2008 at 1:50 PM Rating: Excellent
1,245 posts
Wow. I just read the Ashtongue Trinket and then looked at the Ashtongue build.

Wow. Holy ****** that looks amazing.
#63 Apr 14 2008 at 9:28 PM Rating: Good
Hey very nice guide. One question I had is if all if these things (gemming, enchants, strats, etc) are used the same or as viable in the higher brackets.
#64 Apr 14 2008 at 11:54 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Gonzi wrote:
Hey very nice guide. One question I had is if all if these things (gemming, enchants, strats, etc) are used the same or as viable in the higher brackets.

Everything I'm posting here comes from 2k+. You can take a look at and watch some of the videos that top arena rogues have put out as verification of this.

In a slight update, I'll probably be working more on the 2v2 section tomorrow, Wednesday at the latest.
#65 Apr 15 2008 at 9:06 AM Rating: Good
Alright cool, cant wait for your Rogue/Mage Strats.
#66 Apr 15 2008 at 12:50 PM Rating: Decent
454 posts
Not qualify as a flame? You did not say that "AJ has good stuff as well", you said "AJ has good stuff. This thread doesn't."

Guess my wording was wrong than, because that was not what I meant. I meant that this forum (referring to allakhazam as meant to do with the "not here" part - but I can see where it went wrong) is loads less PvP orientated than AJ, and if you wanted to really know what's going on in the mind of those 2k+ people, and how they got there, you should go to AJ. If it's forbidden to point people to other good places, then sure I'll edit it out, but tbh I think you are overreacting a bit.
#67 Apr 15 2008 at 1:42 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
krqllebqlle wrote:
Not qualify as a flame? You did not say that "AJ has good stuff as well", you said "AJ has good stuff. This thread doesn't."

Guess my wording was wrong than, because that was not what I meant. I meant that this forum (referring to allakhazam as meant to do with the "not here" part - but I can see where it went wrong) is loads less PvP orientated than AJ, and if you wanted to really know what's going on in the mind of those 2k+ people, and how they got there, you should go to AJ. If it's forbidden to point people to other good places, then sure I'll edit it out, but tbh I think you are overreacting a bit.

I wonder why AJ is more PvP-oriented?

#68 Apr 15 2008 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
He is right, get off his nuts people. Arena junkies has a bunch of gladiator rogues who sit around discussing stuff, don't get your panties in a bunch over a single comment someone made.
#69 Apr 19 2008 at 5:36 AM Rating: Good
WTB some 3's discussion.
#70 Apr 19 2008 at 5:43 AM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
I seem to recall a while back someone posted a Macro that would spam SS and then whenever Ghostly Strike was up use that instead. I assume that it would work for Hemo as well and was wondering if anyone remind me what it was?
#71 Apr 19 2008 at 11:05 AM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
GodOfMoo wrote:
I seem to recall a while back someone posted a Macro that would spam SS and then whenever Ghostly Strike was up use that instead. I assume that it would work for Hemo as well and was wondering if anyone remind me what it was?

/castrandom Hemorrhage, Hemorrhage, Ghostly Strike, Hemorrhage
#72 Apr 21 2008 at 6:04 AM Rating: Good
63 posts
I need more info, the noggin is cravin it! ;p
#73 Apr 21 2008 at 6:17 PM Rating: Excellent
1,245 posts
notap wrote:
I need more info, the noggin is cravin it! ;p


Also, noticed the blog link in your siggy. I'll be anticipating rogue goodness there.
#74 Apr 21 2008 at 6:21 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Yeah, sorry for the lack of updates guys. RL is kicking my ***, and I've been farming a lot for next season on my rogue and priest.

I'm working on some stuff for 2s right now, namely mage, druid, and ret. You should see mage up soon, with ret following shortly thereafter. Druid may be a while coming, though, as I'm going to include a bit about partnering with a feral even though it's not optimal, as I've gained a LOT of knowledge in this area from doing 2s with my brother.
#75 Apr 21 2008 at 7:25 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
SL/SL Lock, Mage, and Retadin are up in the 2v2 Discussion post.

Druid is soon to come.

Edit: Also, RE: Imp Evis vs Murder, there's really not a big difference. Some people like Evis, others like Murder.

I personally go back and forth on them, but Evis is a very viable finisher in arena. Not using it on clothies is stupid. Now, on plate, of course you're not going to use Evis. Too much armor. Same with not using Imp EA on plate.

Basically, there are two groups of PvP finishers: plate, and non-plate.

The following are finishers used on each type.

Plate: Rupture, KS, Deadly Throw, SnD.

Non-Plate: Evis, EA, Deadly Throw, KS, SnD.

Hope that helps. I'll be linking to this in my OP, since I think a lot of people are confused regarding finishers.

Edited, Apr 21st 2008 8:37pm by Theophany
#76 Apr 21 2008 at 7:45 PM Rating: Good
Overlord Theophany wrote:
Plate: Rupture, KS, Deadly Throw, SnD.

Non-Plate: Evis, EA, Deadly Throw, KS, SnD.

Am I wrong when I read that and wonder why EA is not used as a finisher on plate wearers?
Sorry if I am, it just makes sense to me.
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