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Theo's Rogue PvP FAQFollow

#1 Apr 07 2008 at 6:06 PM Rating: Excellent
13,048 posts
Welcome, one and all, to Theo’s Rogue PvP FAQ.

In here, I’ll be taking a look at the evolution of Rogue PvP, from Season 1 through the current patch. In this thread, you’ll see some discussion between myself and other top Rogues that post in this forum, discussion involving specs, team comps, counter-comps, etc.

One thing I won’t do is discuss 1v1 strategy. Duels are not real PvP.

Table of Contents:
  • Arena terms
  • Mechanic discussion
  • Spec discussion
  • Finisher use
  • PvP Video list
  • 2v2 discussion
  • 3v3 discussion
  • 5v5 discussion

  • That should hold us for now. I’ll be putting up links to each individual post as I write them. I’ll be posting the arena terms and mechanics posts with this one and editing in the links.

    Edited, May 30th 2008 4:21pm by Theophany
    #2 Apr 07 2008 at 6:06 PM Rating: Excellent
    13,048 posts
    Arena Terms

    In this post I’ll be explaining terms that I will use quite frequently in arena discussion, that may not be obvious to PvP newbies. If more clarification is needed, please ask.

    Baiting: Using moves or abilities that provoke the enemy into attacking you in a certain way. (Eg. A rogue using a CS -> KS opening will usually bait a Blind from another rogue, and can counter with Evasion right as KS is up, giving him an extra 25% chance for that Blind to miss.)

    Burning: The act of a priest manaburning a target over and over, to hopefully run them out of mana (see OOM).

    Buttons: Abilities/trinkets that can be used to boost damage.

    CC: Crowd control. Fear, Blind, Sap, Sheep, Intimidating Shout, etc. are all considered crowd control. Used to take an enemy out of the fight for periods of time in order to make it easier on your teammates to take down other enemy players. (Note: stuns are NOT CC.)

    Comp: Arena team makeup, for instance rogue/priest, druid/warrior. There are also abbreviations for team comps, such as RMP (rogue/mage/priest), RWD (rogue/warrior/druid), RRL (rogue/rogue/lock), etc.

    Counter-comp: A comp that is a natural counter to your team’s comp. (Eg. Rogue/mage is counter-comp’d by lock/druid, meaning that rogue/mage has a very low chance to win, all things being equal.)

    CS: Counterspell. Also can refer to Cheap Shot, but generally used on vent for Counterspell.

    DRs: Diminishing returns. CC (see above) usually have diminishing returns, in which an 8 second CC turns into 4, then 2, then you will get an “Immune” on next cast on the target. General math is full duration -> 1/2 duration -> 1/4 duration -> immune. Some CCs, like Blind and Cyclone, are said to “share” DRs, meaning that if Blind is used then Cyclone is used on the same target, Cyclone will pick up on DRs, making that a 1/2 duration Cyclone.

    Humping: Sticking to an object, such as a pillar, to break enemy caster’s line of sight.

    Locked: Term referring to when a player gets Counterspell used on them while casting, preventing them from casting.

    LOS: Line of sight. All offensive abilities (or almost all) require line of sight to use. Putting an object such as a pillar between yourself and an opponent will for the most part prevent them casting on you. Related to humping.

    Overextend: Moving out of the range of your healers. Generally called on vent to get the team to focus that person as they won’t be getting much, if any, healing.

    Outs: An ability or trinket that breaks a CC or snare. Called outs because they get you out of said CC/snare.

    Peel: Shorthand for the act of putting a snare on a melee class that’s trying to attack one of your teammates when that class is not your main target, allowing your teammate to get out of their melee range. Used mainly on warriors, as rogues have too many outs (see outs, above) for it to be practical, most of the time. Shiv is the normal method for rogues.

    RNG: Abbreviation for Random Number Generator. Generally used when complaining about how random WoW is with crits, dodges, resists, etc. Can also be used in a good way.

    That’s about it for terms for now, more may come up in the future. Thanks to Team Pandemic for some of the terms. They have a more detailed list here.
    #3 Apr 07 2008 at 6:07 PM Rating: Excellent
    13,048 posts
    Mechanic Discussion

    Here’s where we’ll talk about mechanics, such as our class has. I’ll also be talking about some skill sets that rogues should have in order to succeed in PvP, as well as some basic gearing, gemming, and enchanting ideas.

    As far as gemming and enchanting goes before S4, here’s your guide:

    Red: AP
    Yellow: crit/AP, or hit if PvP hit cap hasn’t been reached.
    Blue: There are no blue sockets in our PvP gear, LOL!
    Meta: 24 AP/runspeed

    Head: Cenarion Expedition (36 AP/16 hit)
    Shoulder: Exalted enchant of your faction (preferably Aldor)
    Cloak: 12 Agi or +stealth
    Chest: 6 stats or 15 resilience (generally 6 stats)
    Bracer: 24 AP
    Gloves: 15 Agi or 26 AP
    Legs: 50 AP/12 crit
    Boots: Surefooted

    Now, in PvP, you need a certain hit rating in order to not miss with specials attacks like Eviscerate, Hemorrhage, and Sinister Strike. That’s called the PvP Hit Cap. That hit cap is 79. 78.85 if you want to get technical (15.77 hit rating per percent, and you need 5% to not miss specials), but you can’t get fractions of hit rating.

    Of course, there’s always the Mage talent Arctic Winds, but generally, we can’t give up too much in the way of other stats on our PvP gear to get enough hit to negate Arctic Winds, ergo we ignore that talent when gemming our gear.

    With current PvP gear and weapons, if you have season 3 head, chest, and legs in addition to two arena weapons and Surefooted on your boots, you should be sitting right at the hit cap. With S3 weapons and armor in addition to Surefooted, you should have exactly 78 hit. That means you’re either going to miss a fraction of a percent of your specials (which is considered bad, bad RNG) or you can socket a hit/Agi gem into a yellow socket to compensate. I really don’t have much of an opinion either way, but I’m tempted to say that the hit/Agi method is preferred.

    As far as trinkets are concerned, since rogues have good survivability with a full set of PvP gear on, we want a burst damage trinket in addition to our 2 minute PvP trinket.

    To that end, an AP trinket with an “on use” effect is considered the best option. That list includes Bloodlust Brooch, Berserker’s Call, Shadowsong Panther, and others.

    Battlemaster trinkets are generally a no-no. There’s not much use for an extra 1700 HP when you’ve got Cheat Death.

    As far as rogue abilities go, there are some ways to use Vanish that I find to be much more useful than just getting another opener.

    The first is obviously an out, breaking a root or snare. Extremely useful, and even more useful when considered with Elusiveness and Prep.

    The second is not so obvious. Everyone doing arena should have an addon like WitchHunt that tracks casted spells, or be able to see enough of the playing field to see who’s targeting whom and be able to keep track of spells being cast on you.

    The second use takes a lot more practice, but vanishing incoming spells is a skill that will greatly benefit you in keeping you in range of your target and also keeping you in the fight. This same principle can be applied to Will of the Forsaken if you’re undead. Too many rogues use it as a reactionary fear break, when you’ve already moved a good 8-12 yards from your target.

    Cloak of Shadows can be used in this way too, though less reliably. I generally save it for wiping DoTs from a Lock or if I’m getting focused and I need to take some pressure off for my healers.

    Updated Gemming for 3+ piece S4 Rogues

    This is the part for the rogues with 3+ pieces of S4 gear, thus putting you at 78-83 hit prior to enchants and gems other than your helm. In S4, I've started to gem very offensively, forgoing the old Swift Skyfire Diamond gem (24 AP/runspeed) for the RED (12 Agi/3% crit damage). Here's what the enchants look like.

    Red: AP for comps where you're not focused, Agi for comps where you are.
    Yellow: 2x Crit/stam to activate meta.
    Blue: There are no blue sockets in our PvP gear, LOL!
    Meta: 12 Agi/3% crit damage

    Head: Cenarion Expedition (36 AP/16 hit)
    Shoulder: Exalted enchant of your faction (preferably Aldor)
    Cloak: 12 Agi or +stealth
    Chest: 6 stats or 15 resilience (generally 6 stats)
    Bracer: 24 AP
    Gloves: 15 Agi or 26 AP
    Legs: 50 AP/12 crit
    Boots: Cat's Swiftness

    Now, something you might notice that I changed is the red gems. I changed it to "AP for comps where you're not focused, Agi for comps where you are" from just straight AP for numerous reasons.

    1) I've never been on a team where I was focused.
    2) I didn't think that Agi was as significant for damage as AP.

    I've had my mind changed a bit since then, and I believe that any comp where you're a target, you should be socketing Agi for the dodge and armor. Otherwise, stick with AP.

    Edited, Jul 10th 2008 5:44am by Theophany
    #4 Apr 07 2008 at 6:37 PM Rating: Excellent
    172 posts
    Shattered Sun Revered Head Enchant better now?
    #5 Apr 07 2008 at 6:37 PM Rating: Decent
    13,048 posts
    Amazing. I put up a helpful link and my OP gets downrated for it.

    Way to go, ******* morons.
    #6 Apr 07 2008 at 6:37 PM Rating: Good
    13,048 posts
    Minxete wrote:
    Shattered Sun Revered Head Enchant better now?

    No, rogues don't need survivability in arena.

    Stacking Stam and resilience stopped mid-S2.
    #7 Apr 07 2008 at 7:32 PM Rating: Excellent
    8,779 posts
    ya, no idea why you got rated down for a helpful post theo, so i rated you back up for what thats worth. at least have the balls to post why theo should be rated down; none of the information hes posted thus far has been erroneous in any way, and if it was a correction and/or dicussion would be more in order instead of a flat rate down.
    #8 Apr 07 2008 at 7:45 PM Rating: Good
    13,048 posts
    Quor wrote:
    ya, no idea why you got rated down for a helpful post theo, so i rated you back up for what thats worth. at least have the balls to post why theo should be rated down; none of the information hes posted thus far has been erroneous in any way, and if it was a correction and/or dicussion would be more in order instead of a flat rate down.

    Thanks. I'm trying to do my part and actually share the info I have in my head for once instead of just calling people morons and flaming them.
    #9 Apr 07 2008 at 9:16 PM Rating: Excellent
    266 posts
    +12 Agility to Cloak (Enchant) so many people forget this 1
    #10 Apr 07 2008 at 10:32 PM Rating: Excellent
    349 posts
    Overlord Theophany wrote:
    myself and other top Rogues

    Very subtle. :)

    Rate up though for the good post and effort.

    #11 Apr 07 2008 at 10:52 PM Rating: Excellent
    1,463 posts
    FreeTrial wrote:
    +12 Agility to Cloak (Enchant) so many people forget this 1

    Well, it depends, in PvP there are 2 enchants good for rogues, 1 being as said, 12agi, the other being(and the one I use) +stealth.
    #12 Apr 08 2008 at 2:50 AM Rating: Excellent
    103 posts
    About meta gem. I currently have 24ap/run speed gem, but what about those snare/stun resist meta gems? Aren't they useful in arenas, bgs?
    #13 Apr 08 2008 at 3:29 AM Rating: Decent
    13,048 posts
    arukomp wrote:
    About meta gem. I currently have 24ap/run speed gem, but what about those snare/stun resist meta gems? Aren't they useful in arenas, bgs?

    Yes, in the spec post there will be a discussion of meta gems for each spec.

    I will mention now, though, any build that takes Fleet Footed should use the 12 crit/5% snare resist meta, and anything without should use the 24 AP/runspeed.
    #14 Apr 08 2008 at 4:38 AM Rating: Good
    340 posts
    Sweet and helpful thread. rate up. I can't wait to see the spec section.
    #15 Apr 08 2008 at 5:21 AM Rating: Good
    161 posts
    Nice. Thanks Theo.

    Been looking around a little bit for something like this, get to work and there it is.

    Thinking about hitting arena when I hit 70 and this will definately help with figuring out what is going on.
    #16 Apr 08 2008 at 6:22 AM Rating: Good
    811 posts
    FreeTrial wrote:
    +12 Agility to Cloak (Enchant) so many people forget this 1

    Umm...Theo did post it, along with the stealth option.

    Nice post Theo, thank you. How do I rate up?

    Edited, Apr 8th 2008 10:23am by ThomasMagnum
    #17 Apr 08 2008 at 6:25 AM Rating: Good
    1,875 posts
    hey, theo, ill judge this when its fully done

    but if you wont be discussing 1v1... thats fair

    but you didnt mention world pvp or bgs at all either

    WTB name change to 'Theo's Arena FAQ for Rogues'
    #18 Apr 08 2008 at 8:19 AM Rating: Good
    51 posts
    What are we going to discuss about Rogue strategy in battlegrounds that isn't covered in the arena? Do people really care about battlegrounds as much as arena anyway? Aren't most rogue questions about the arena when it comes to PVP?
    #19 Apr 08 2008 at 9:24 AM Rating: Default
    Average post.

    Equal guides are already found in other places.

    Google is good
    #20 Apr 08 2008 at 9:50 AM Rating: Good
    36 posts
    Thanks Theo for taking the time to write up a pvp faq. This will be very helpful for pvp nubs like me. I have not done any arena yet but I'm looking forward to doing some for fun with a buddy starting with S4. Yes, we're going to get killed but at least I will be armed with a little bit of pvp strategy.

    I would rate you up but I don't think I can yet :P

    Again, thanks!
    #21 Apr 08 2008 at 10:43 AM Rating: Good
    1,875 posts
    What are we going to discuss about Rogue strategy in battlegrounds that isn't covered in the arena? Do people really care about battlegrounds as much as arena anyway? Aren't most rogue questions about the arena when it comes to PVP?

    i dont necessarily care about 5/5 vile poisons if im ganking in terrokar, or knowing how to stunlock a healer doesnt win playing wsg defense

    some principles can be tranferred... but if i premade AB with 15 people thinking its a 5v5 arena, i doubt theyd win unless they only hold 3 bases the entire time

    if you want an example, tell me what in arenas helps you learn how to flag-protect the best in wsg

    its not as much killing the biggest threat to whoever is holding the flag... as it is stopping a few people by small little tricks and letting your other support teammates do their part

    arena is arena... yes much harder then bg and world but just because arena is harder to do, doesnt mean its 100% of wow's pvp

    knowing glitch spots or good areas to attack from in halaa isnt learned in ruins of lord

    ya dig?

    (and for the record, go join a serious premade guild... they care about bg's as much as arena... youll see some differences)

    Edited, Apr 8th 2008 2:45pm by mongoosexcore
    #22 Apr 08 2008 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
    13,048 posts
    mongoosexcore wrote:
    hey, theo, ill judge this when its fully done

    but if you wont be discussing 1v1... thats fair

    but you didnt mention world pvp or bgs at all either

    WTB name change to 'Theo's Arena FAQ for Rogues'

    There's really not that much to discuss in world PvP or BGs, because 9 times out of 10 your opponent sucks.
    #23 Apr 08 2008 at 1:18 PM Rating: Good
    333 posts
    This is perfect timing for me theo, as im about a week away from starting arena for this first time. Now ill have some better insight. Rated up!
    #24 Apr 08 2008 at 1:58 PM Rating: Good
    2,680 posts
    Quor wrote:
    ya, no idea why you got rated down for a helpful post theo,


    Excellent post Theo. Completely above and beyond. Inc rate ups.

    Theo wrote:
    I'm trying to do my part and actually share the info I have in my head for once instead of just calling people morons and flaming them.

    What, and take away the occasional morning-coffee-spouting-of-my-nose moments? Stop this talk right now.
    #25 Apr 08 2008 at 2:12 PM Rating: Excellent
    333 posts
    Actually this means he can flame twice as hard..because this will be stickied, but u know some people wont ready it and ask the same questions. So people will now be charred.
    #26 Apr 08 2008 at 8:52 PM Rating: Decent
    13,048 posts
    2v2 discussion is in the process of being written, and will be posted soon (in the next day or two).
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