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Warrior PvP Guide.Follow

#27 Apr 16 2008 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
188 posts
#28 Apr 18 2008 at 8:22 PM Rating: Decent
188 posts
#29 Apr 20 2008 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
188 posts
#30 Apr 20 2008 at 4:11 PM Rating: Good
You know, I was ignoring this thread for a while, but what the hell; it should be fun!
My name is Mechwarrior, I have had experience with a 2500 2 v 2 team, 2300 3 v 3 team and 2300 5 v 5 team, so I have a lot of experience with Arena!

What experience, again? You've got no active teams, no S3 shoulders, and not a lot else. What teams were you on? Who were your partners? When was this mythical arena success?


Weapon Enchant: Executioner all the way, the armor penetration is highly effective for any target. The armor penetration shows significantly more damage increase against low armor targets compared to high armor targets which makes some people think of going for savagery which is a constant AP increase at all times. But think about it, the damage from savagery is still mitigated against high armor targets and the damage increase is less against low armor targets versus executioner. Executioner looks way cooler too :D If you cannot afford executioner then by all means go for savagery, it does not make that much of a difference but executioner IS better than savagery.

Slightly more nuanced (and you know, accurate) answer: Executioner in 3v3 or 5v5, Savagery in 2v2. Against the targets you'll be on in 2v2, you will have sufficient time to fully Sunder the target, in which case Executioner is putting you well over their maximum amount of armor; against the few targets that will have more armor (Resto Shamans/Holyadins, and Druids in Bear Form... plus other Warriors), there's enough that Savagery is going to net more damage than Executioner will anyway due to ArPen's scalar nature.

This applies to the standard Healer/Warrior 2v2 combo, of course; if you're on a 2x DPS team you probably won't have time for five Sunder stacks, but if you're on a zerg team in 2v2 as a Warrior you have other problems.


Double healer Warrior: I HATE this composition, but it is very very successful. These matches usually go on for a very very long time with the warrior glued onto one target almost the entire match. The healers can vary from Priest/Druid, Pally/Priest to Paladin/Druid. Spec Recommended: 41/20, 45/13/3

This one is a little more tricky. In 2x Healer, Warrior you may get hit, a lot; playing with a Druid and a Paladin to over 2k (see: Shoulders. They're proof! We've since stopped playing since we're points-capped, but... you know, proof?). People will tend to stick someone to stop you from mucking about and someone on your more vulnerable healer - in my case, it's the Druid, but for the better 2x Healer comp it'd be the Priest. Enrage gets a lot of play for me; if you're running Druid/Priest you may be better off with ER, but not for anything involving a Paladin.
#31 Apr 20 2008 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent
188 posts
What experience, again? You've got no active teams, no S3 shoulders, and not a lot else. What teams were you on? Who were your partners? When was this mythical arena success?

First of, way to be a **** :D Secondly, did you even care to notice that I'm a Gladiator? Did you even bother to check the hall of fame to see my ratings? I'm guessing not, and there is a reason behind me not having shoulders. My 2's partner quit the game come S3 and I stopped playing as well. Some good researching to base your assumptions off of!

Slightly more nuanced (and you know, accurate) answer: Executioner in 3v3 or 5v5, Savagery in 2v2. Against the targets you'll be on in 2v2, you will have sufficient time to fully Sunder the target, in which case Executioner is putting you well over their maximum amount of armor; against the few targets that will have more armor (Resto Shamans/Holyadins, and Druids in Bear Form... plus other Warriors), there's enough that Savagery is going to net more damage than Executioner will anyway due to ArPen's scalar nature.

This applies to the standard Healer/Warrior 2v2 combo, of course; if you're on a 2x DPS team you probably won't have time for five Sunder stacks, but if you're on a zerg team in 2v2 as a Warrior you have other problems.

Having time to completely sunder a target in 2's is just awesome, but will you have enough rage to keep the target sundered? Are you not playing ****** teams that will run off sunder through CC? Sunders wear off a lot in 2's, and having executioner makes things a lot easier. And most people don't JUST play 2's, Executioner is the best all around enchant for PvP. But of course, nice try attempting to pin point one minor detail of the guide and flame it.

This one is a little more tricky. In 2x Healer, Warrior you may get hit, a lot; playing with a Druid and a Paladin to over 2k (see: Shoulders. They're proof! We've since stopped playing since we're points-capped, but... you know, proof?). People will tend to stick someone to stop you from mucking about and someone on your more vulnerable healer - in my case, it's the Druid, but for the better 2x Healer comp it'd be the Priest. Enrage gets a lot of play for me; if you're running Druid/Priest you may be better off with ER, but not for anything involving a Paladin.

Thank you for clarifying that.

It's so awesome how you assume things and then flame someone over your poorly based assumptions. I'm a much better PvP Warrior than you :D
#32 Apr 20 2008 at 5:48 PM Rating: Good
1,331 posts
Something else about stances.

I usually don't put them directly on my hotbar, I use bongo's primarily, and just use shift 1 (!) for battle, shift 2 (@) for defensive and shift 3 (#) for zerker. I haven't had my hand cramp all that much up either from using ctrl alt and shift for single hand operation.

But i used to use something like the below setup before I found bongo's.

something like

     1   2   3   4 
     q   w   e   r 
     a   s   d   f 
shft z   x   c   v 

1; battle stance
2; defensive
3; 'zerker
4; battle shout
q; charge/intercept macro
w; MS
e; Hamstring
r; piercing howl
a; sidestep left
s; move forward
d; sidestep right
f; target announce macro
z; target last target
x; walk backwards
c; target next target
v; spell reflect macro

shift; team speak/vent toggle
space; target announce macro

A side note or two. Having a good stable vent server makes target announcing slightly easier. But I've played with many people who lack headsets and the $20+ dollars to to get a decent one worth buying. Having a headset that doesn't make pop/zing/hiss noises will make your teammates not want you to die so often.

using a target announce macro helps, but isn't necessary. I also made a bunch of /yells that where funny to make the opposing team read them and stall a little, maybe laugh. Don't know if it helped, haven't played serious pvp in months (eve is currently pwning my game addiction), but I sure felt better after spamming a short yell macro, I felt pretty good at least knowing they felt 'something' after outright murdering me and my team. Since I was in a strict PvE guild for long enough, I didn't have time to PvP alot, and thus was in PvE gear doing PvP, with a PvE spec... Just like everyone else on my team.

If not for your daddy, you would be a naked filthy bureaucrat who dines alongside the vindictive cannibal and the rotting piglet.

Thine sister is a toilet-bowl licking yodeling chicken molester who gripes about the good for nothing piglet and the ************ fanatic.

Quit being so stupid, you fascist pathetic piece of crap who has delusions about being the reeking piece of crap and the illiterate clansman.

Thine sister is a ragged smelly crotched freak who dines alongside the dweeby disease and the whoring nutcase.

You will die a vain snot loving snotbox who munches on the necropheliac penguin groper and the brain dead douchebag.

You are no better than a belligerent cursed fruit basket who worships the miserable hag and the psychotic corpse.

The world is against you because you are a nipply mangled penguin groper who scares the war-mongering salad for brains and the decomposing virus.

You aspire to be a nipply necropheliac donkey who is obsessed with the two bit dip **** and the stinking bottom feeder.

Your occupation is a whoring immoral jerk-off who jumps the raving bird brain and the scaly eunuch.

You regurgitate your food and eat it, you armpit smelling desperate crackhead who is the child of the the raving slob and the godforsaken worm.
#33 Apr 20 2008 at 6:00 PM Rating: Decent
188 posts
Ahahahahha, thank you Devi :D
#34 Apr 20 2008 at 6:01 PM Rating: Good
mechpriest wrote:
What experience, again? You've got no active teams, no S3 shoulders, and not a lot else. What teams were you on? Who were your partners? When was this mythical arena success?

First of, way to be a Richard :D Secondly, did you even care to notice that I'm a Gladiator? Did you even bother to check the hall of fame to see my ratings? I'm guessing not, and there is a reason behind me not having shoulders. My 2's partner quit the game come S3 and I stopped playing as well. Some good researching to base your assumptions off of!

Great, so you haven't played competitively in... what, nine months? Thanks for clarifying that, it certainly strengthens your position. I mean, it's not like PvP has changed at all since then; no siree! It's the exact same environment as it was in S1.

Merciless Gladiator? Partial credit for that, as some of the changes that really hit in S3 were starting to develop at the end of S2. Gladiator? It's a whole different game now, dumbass.

Having time to completely sunder a target in 2's is just awesome, but will you have enough rage to keep the target sundered?

Are you not playing sh*tty teams that will run off sunder through CC? Sunders wear off a lot in 2's, and having executioner makes things a lot easier.

They don't if you're, you know, not awful. Playing Warrior/Shaman in 2v2 (and yes, in S3! You know, something that would be relevant today) to right around 2k the only time Sunders should drop off is fighting against a Druid on Blade's Edge. Any other map or opponent and you should be able to sustain them the entire match... and Executioner is awful against Druids because of the amount of time you spend, yes, CC'd. It's not up for the first few hits and will have worn off by the time you close with the Druid once again.

And most people don't JUST play 2's, Executioner is the best all around enchant for PvP.

Hence the emphasis on 'nuance', or knowing what you're doing. Giving a simple answer is great, assuming it's accurate. Giving an inaccurate and simple answer is just moronic.

And yes, quite a few people do just play 2's for their PvP team, especially when they're starting out.

Edited, Apr 20th 2008 10:09pm by RPZip
#35 Apr 20 2008 at 6:22 PM Rating: Good
188 posts
Great, so you haven't played competitively in... what, nine months? Thanks for clarifying that, it certainly strengthens your position. I mean, it's not like PvP has changed at all since then; no siree! It's the exact same environment as it was in S1.

Merciless Gladiator? Partial credit for that, as some of the changes that really hit in S3 were starting to develop at the end of S2. Gladiator? It's a whole different game now, dumbass.

Are you retarded? I got Gladiator from S2, you still haven't got your information right, very impressive. And PvP really hasn't changed too much since the beginning of S3.

They don't if you're, you know, not awful. Playing Warrior/Shaman in 2v2 (and yes, in S3! You know, something that would be relevant today) to right around 2k the only time Sunders should drop off is fighting against a Druid on Blade's Edge. Any other map or opponent and you should be able to sustain them the entire match... and Executioner is awful against Druids because of the amount of time you spend, yes, CC'd. It's not up for the first few hits and will have worn off by the time you close with the Druid once again.

I would really love to watch you keep 5 x sunders up on a Shaman or Paladin while you're rage starved to hell. If you watch Hoodrych's video, it is completely possible to be glued on to a Druid consistently, Spell reflecting Nature's Grasp, Fears and well timed pummels. So even if you're chasing a Druid, you're saying you can't keep 5 sunders up because you're being CC'd and executioner is useless? That's not true at all, executioner is very viable against Druids, too, if you know how to keep yourself on a Druid.


Edited, Apr 20th 2008 10:26pm by mechpriest
#36 Apr 20 2008 at 8:22 PM Rating: Decent
mechpriest wrote:
Great, so you haven't played competitively in... what, nine months? Thanks for clarifying that, it certainly strengthens your position. I mean, it's not like PvP has changed at all since then; no siree! It's the exact same environment as it was in S1.

Merciless Gladiator? Partial credit for that, as some of the changes that really hit in S3 were starting to develop at the end of S2. Gladiator? It's a whole different game now, dumbass.

Are you retarded? I got Gladiator from S2, you still haven't got your information right, very impressive. And PvP really hasn't changed too much since the beginning of S3.

And you don't get Gladiator from S2, so... what? I'll read an Armory but I'm not going to go track you down in La-La Land because you don't know the difference between titles.

And again, you haven't PvPed seriously this season. Grats on partial credit, but... really, there are differences between seasons. One of them, since it's been brought up, is the importance of Executioner.

I would really love to watch you keep 5 x sunders up on a Shaman or Paladin while you're rage starved to hell. If you watch Hoodrych's video, it is completely possible to be glued on to a Druid consistently, Spell reflecting Nature's Grasp, Fears and well timed pummels. So even if you're chasing a Druid, you're saying you can't keep 5 sunders up because you're being CC'd and executioner is useless? That's not true at all, executioner is very viable against Druids, too, if you know how to keep yourself on a Druid.

Sorry, so you're going with two completely contradictory statements here? Sure thing.

Keeping a Sunder up on a Shaman or Paladin is not hard at all. Applying it is slightly harder, but not massively so. It's especially not hard with a Shaman in your group, except against a Druid, and mostly on BEM because with the Bridge kiting there's enough room for him to wipe the floor with your ***. On Lordaron and Nagrand there isn't enough room for him to evade you for 30 seconds straight unless you're doing something very, very wrong.

And even if you're on a Druid for the entirety of the match, Savagery is still better. In Bear Form they have sufficient armor to make Executioner worse than Savagery because of how ArPen scales, and in caster form they will have zero armor via Sunders if you're sticking on them. It's not a complex thought.


Oh noes!

Edited, Apr 21st 2008 1:57am by RPZip
#37 Apr 20 2008 at 9:28 PM Rating: Good
Two, I say TWO /popcorn worthy threads! PASS TEH BUTTAR!!

Second thread can be found here:Blood Frenzy vs 2nd Wind

Edited, Apr 21st 2008 5:33am by PigeonMan
#38 Apr 20 2008 at 9:55 PM Rating: Good
34 posts
Very much popcorn worthy. Very informative on pvp, but this forum battle is even more entertaining.

RPZip wrote:
And even if you're on a Druid for the entirety of the match, Executioner is still better.

Had to point that out, I think you are getting a little jumbled yourself RP.

Anyway, carry on!
#39 Apr 20 2008 at 9:58 PM Rating: Good
Chosenx wrote:
Very much popcorn worthy. Very informative on pvp, but this forum battle is even more entertaining.

RPZip wrote:
And even if you're on a Druid for the entirety of the match, Executioner is still better.

Had to point that out, I think you are getting a little jumbled yourself RP.

Anyway, carry on!

Whoops, you're right. Was editing for readability and changed the wording without changing the subjects.
#40 Apr 21 2008 at 2:53 AM Rating: Decent
188 posts
And you don't get Gladiator from S2, so... what? I'll read an Armory but I'm not going to go track you down in La-La Land because you don't know the difference between titles.

And again, you haven't PvPed seriously this season. Grats on partial credit, but... really, there are differences between seasons. One of them, since it's been brought up, is the importance of Executioner.

Wow you honestly are a dumbass. You're thinking of Merciless Gladiator, which was from getting #1 in Season 2, you can get Gladiator in both seasons and I got Gladiator in S2. Very impressive basic knowledge of Arena.

Keeping a Sunder up on a Shaman or Paladin is not hard at all. Applying it is slightly harder, but not massively so. It's especially not hard with a Shaman in your group, except against a Druid, and mostly on BEM because with the Bridge kiting there's enough room for him to wipe the floor with your ***. On Lordaron and Nagrand there isn't enough room for him to evade you for 30 seconds straight unless you're doing something very, very wrong.

Keep sunders up on Paladins and Shamans is not easy as well...Paladins will eventually bubble or bop it off, and have you ever heard of pillar kiting? If the Paladin or Shaman's partner is not stupid, they will take the time to peel while the Paladin or Shaman kite you around a...PILLAR! It is more important to get MS + Hamstring back up rather than refreshing a Sunder which i highly doubt you will have any rage for. So it's not you that has to be doing something very wrong, the Paladin's partner can assist the Paladin extremely easily.

And even if you're on a Druid for the entirety of the match, Savagery is still better. In Bear Form they have sufficient armor to make Executioner worse than Savagery because of how ArPen scales, and in caster form they will have zero armor via Sunders if you're sticking on them. It's not a complex thought.

The difference in damage between Savagery and Executioner against high armor targets is so so little, and a Druid will not be in bear the entire match. I fought the #1 Druid/Warrior team last season, a 20 minute long match, I've seen the best Druid in action and I caught him numerous times in caster form.

You have no experience with 2k + players, just stop talking.


#41 Apr 21 2008 at 4:48 AM Rating: Good
Thank you for this guide Mech, It has been very helpful to me and doubtless a lot of other people. I really don't see what RPzip's problem is although I think he is just bitter with the world and may have been bullied at school.

Please continue to add to the guide and rise above the comments made by the oh so wonderful RP, you are doing a great job. We are not all 'experts' and need to hear stuff like this. Thanks again.

RP if you have something to add to the guide why can't you just say it nicely rather than going straight to flaming? I am sure you are a good player so why not help out the little man too rather than nit pick a really good guide?
#42 Apr 21 2008 at 11:14 AM Rating: Decent
188 posts
He just has enjoyment in attempting to prove people wrong :D
#43 Apr 21 2008 at 11:54 AM Rating: Default
27 posts
No, RPZip enjoy's proving people wrong because...well...they're wrong. Show me a post where RPZip is wrong. Don't even attempt to claim this one either.

On a side note, your guide is okay, at best. Just because you can play to a gladiator title in all the brackets, doesn't make you good. It just means that you found a group of people that are good enough to carry each other's slack.

All the brackets aren't made by how good the warrior is, it's about how good his team is. I feel like this is something that you're forgetting.

Edited, Apr 21st 2008 5:55pm by MrWhiffles
#44 Apr 21 2008 at 12:36 PM Rating: Good
188 posts
No, RPZip enjoy's proving people wrong because...well...they're wrong. Show me a post where RPZip is wrong. Don't even attempt to claim this one either.

On a side note, you guide is okay, at best. Just because you can play to a gladiator title in all the brackets, doesn't make you good. It just means that you found a group of people that are good enough to carry each other's slack.

All the brackets aren't made by how good the warrior is, it's about how good his team is. I feel like this is something that you're forgetting.

He isn't doing too great in this one. But I do admit, he does know what he's talking about, just the manner in which he puts it forth is amazingly unnecessary. But I stick to every word I said in my replies, my partners were amazing, but I still had to know what to do up in the 2400's, you can't just give the best Druid any Warrior and expect him to get past 2k. I had so much experience at high end arena and I was there for a while, and I've known what to do against any combo and I was the one who told my Druid what to do against the opposing team.

And the reason Rp is usually always right is because he's answering simple questions, these forums aren't too in depth on anything.
#45 Apr 21 2008 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
27 posts
But I stick to every word I said in my replies, my partners were amazing, but I still had to know what to do up in the 2400's, you can't just give the best Druid any Warrior and expect him to get past 2k. I had so much experience at high end arena and I was there for a while, and I've known what to do against any combo and I was the one who told my Druid what to do against the opposing team.

That's fine, because you do have the experience. I'm not a total "nub" when it comes to pvp either, and I don't agree with everything you say. Your experience is just that, your experience. You're on just one of 9 battlegrounds, so it could be different on others in how certain teams are dealt with.

You say that RPZip comes off as an Ahole, but if that's true (and it probably is), then you come off as an elitist. I'm neither for, or against you, but you continually falling back on "last season's" arena experience doesn't help you now when it's S3. Things change. You can't say "I'm right because it was this way XXXX amount of time ago", which is kind of what you're doing.

The thing that I LOVE about Zip, is that even though he comes off as an Ahole, he ALWAYS has the stuff to back it up. So far, I really haven't seen that from you.
#46 Apr 21 2008 at 2:29 PM Rating: Decent
188 posts
Did you even notice that the only thing Zip had to confront me about was Executioner? His other two assumptions were completely wrong, and he was wrong about my past experience( Saying I was a Glad from s1 and not s2). I've played in the beginning of s3 as well, there really isn't that much difference from the beginning of S3 to now..
#47 Apr 21 2008 at 10:26 PM Rating: Decent
1,331 posts
I'd like to see the math on Executioner Vs Savagery on low armor targets; high armor targets.

I'm feeling a little stupid today, so I wont go off into math land quite farther tonight. But my gut says Savagery is still a very valuable and useful chant equal to about what Executioner is. In 2's that is.

Executioner is Proc based, and if you spend time in CC, et al., your gonna lose time to it's duration, just like letting sunders wear off.

I think mech is trying to give an overall guide to things, nuances and specifics aside. An abstraction... Which is generally what FAQ's are for.

While it would be nice to have a really detailed list of each combo for each bracket and what the warrior should be doing in each situation. I find it's gonna be mostly up to players to decide that, and once they get to 2000 rating, they aren't gonna look for a FAQ to figure out how to play better.

So, I'd suggest that a FAQ be directed towards helping out 'scrubs' and new to 70 players. While also providing more detailed information, and where to find even more information, if someone is looking for those kinds of things.

I'd like to see you add some an addon, gear preference, gemming suggestions, stat comparisons, and/or world/BG tactics sections.

WSG, AV, AB, EotS...
#48 Apr 22 2008 at 2:26 AM Rating: Decent
188 posts
Thanks Devi, but I tried to put the Gem/gear preference in there, and Bg's are way too easy to even write a strat for.
#49 Apr 22 2008 at 2:34 AM Rating: Decent
1,505 posts
You should call it "Warrior Arena guide" since it doesnt cover battlegrounds.
#50 Apr 22 2008 at 4:54 AM Rating: Good
34 posts
Yeah if you aren't going to go into details in battlegrounds, then the guide will never be complete.

You need to cater for new players to the game, not just a post on what works for arena. If thats all you wish to do however, change the title and you have done a pretty good job, and in there you can continue to go into detail and improve on it as it goes on.
#51 Apr 22 2008 at 7:24 AM Rating: Good
12,905 posts
hre's a BG guide for you: queue with a healer and go wreck some faces.
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