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Warrior PvP Guide.Follow

#1 Apr 06 2008 at 11:06 AM Rating: Excellent
188 posts
My name is Mechwarrior, I have had experience with a 2500 2 v 2 team, 2300 3 v 3 team and 2300 5 v 5 team, so I have a lot of experience with Arena!

Necessary hit cap for PvP with a 2h: 79

Necessary Spec for successful PvP: Arms/Fury. There is a much more in-depth guide for specs further down the guide.

Choice of Weapon:
There has been a long debate of whether Sword or Mace are better for arena, but it really comes down to your composition and bracket. Generally in 2's and 3's, Mace is better where in 5's sword is better. Don't think that just because you have the mace you can get Gladiator! There have been many Warriors that use the sword and have over 2300 rated teams, so it can go both ways. Axe spec isn't viable for any race besides Orcs, axes are just as good or better than sword for Orcs.

Weapon Enchant: Executioner all the way, the armor penetration is highly effective for any target. The armor penetration shows significantly more damage increase against low armor targets compared to high armor targets which makes some people think of going for savagery which is a constant AP increase at all times. But think about it, the damage from savagery is still mitigated against high armor targets and the damage increase is less against low armor targets versus executioner. Executioner looks way cooler too :D If you cannot afford executioner then by all means go for savagery, it does not make that much of a difference but executioner IS better than savagery.

Arena: Warrior's are one of the most powerful classes in arena hands down, with our great potential for burst followed by an instant healing reduction effect, we are a force to be reckoned with. But for warrior's to be successful in arena, you will need the right team!

2 v 2: Pair up with a Paladin or a Druid. I went with a Druid because I thought Druid's are much more synergistic with warriors than Paladins because of the amount of burst warrior's have combined with the amount of CC Druids have. Spec recommended 35/23/3. Allows instant spell reflects, disarm, offensive intervening on command.

This is a very good, in depth Warrior/Druid guide.

3 v 3: These are some popular 3 v 3 compositions with warriors.

Rogue Warrior Druid - One of the most common setups and one of the most successful setups. The rogue and warrior's ability to stick on to a clothie and add so much pressure on it along with the Druid's CC makes this an amazing combo. Spec recommended 45/13/3. The warrior isn't being hit much in this composition so enrage isn't necessary, and this build allows you to put out very nice damage with blood frenzy for the rogue.

Warrior Mage Druid: This is a fairly new combo yet a strong one, the GIB potential of this team is extremely strong with intercept + shatter combo. There is a lot of CC in this combo with the mage and the druid but there is no way to dispel, so the warrior has to be on top of intervening blinds, sheeps, polymorphs and spell reflecting. Spec Recommended 35/23/3. Warrior's can be a viable choice to attack in this setup so enrage is nice along with the SR disarms.

Double healer Warrior: I HATE this composition, but it is very very successful. These matches usually go on for a very very long time with the warrior glued onto one target almost the entire match. The healers can vary from Priest/Druid, Pally/Priest to Paladin/Druid. Spec Recommended: 41/20, 45/13/3

Warlock Warrior Druid: Another extremely common 3's setup. This composition doesn't provide the quick matches that Rogue Warrior Druid does, but it's successful in beating almost every 3's team, only having problems with Rogue Priest Mage. This composition allows the Warrior to switch targets a lot with the Warlock's DOTs and add amazing amounts of pressure on the healers with the Druid chain CC'ing. I recommend this setup for any new arena players considering the ease of this setup. Spec Recommended 35/23/3.

Warrior Priest Mage: Variation of the common 3's team PMR, replacing the rogue with a warrior. This team is very strong with its gib potential and dispel capability. The most important part of this team is the Priest, so if you're going to run this setup make sure you find a very good priest. Spec Recommended 35/23/3 33/28 45/13/3. You have a lot of choice with this composition because of the priest’s dispels and the lack of attention on the warrior. It’s always nice to have Tactical mastery though, it’s your choice.

5 v 5: Warriors are used in almost every 5 v 5 setup there is, with our instant healing reduction ability and high damage output any 5 v 5 setup will love you!

TSG Combo: Warrior/Pally/Mage/Druid/Rogue

Some good 5's: Mage/Warr/Pally/Priest/Hunter or a Warlock

Cleave team: Warr/Rogue/Enh Shaman/Pally/Priest

Cleave team is personally my favorite due to it's simplicity, just wreck any soft target.

Battlegrounds: There isn't much too say for this topic, pair up with a healer and reck people!

World PvP: This is a lot more different than BG's and Arena. You have to be on the ball with Spell reflects and disarms, considering that we don't have very good survivability when alone. I'm not too experienced with world PvP as I’m on a PvE server.

Necessary PvP stats: Luckily for us, the necessary PvP stats come along with the PvP gear! Yay! What it generally comes down to though is that Strength ignores resilience while + Crit doesn’t. You will need to find a balance of both.

Recommended PvP Stats Unbuffed: 1600 Ap, 32% Crit in Zerker, 11.8k health and 350 resilience. This should be very easy with the S1 gear and full vindicators.

Gems: You should pick your Meta gem before you start to fill in your other gem sockets for the sake of fulfilling the Meta gem's requirements. Some good Meta gems for PvP.

Enchants: Enchants are very important to max out our stats!

Head: 34 Ap/16hit, from being revered with Ce.

Shoulder: Exalted scryer or aldor enchant.

Back: + 12 agi

Chest: + 6 to all stats, 15 resilience.

Bracers: + 12 STR

Gloves: + 15 STR

Boots: If you have not attained 79 hit, surefooted. If you have 79 hit and are not using the minor run speed increase Meta gem, boars speed.

Rings: + 4 all stats

Viable PvP specs:

35/23/3 is a very common build with warriors, allowing easy spell reflects, offensive intervening and quick disarms with Tactical Mastery along with good damage with blood frenzy. This is the most popular warrior PvP build, good for any bracket.

33/28 is a very nice damage build for warriors, but lacking Tactical Mastery can make it troublesome to SR Disarm and intervene when needed. Warrior's that choose this build are usually called "tunnel vision" warriors as all they do is stand on their target and mash MS!

41/20 is a very VERY good damage build for warriors. This is an extremely strong build for 5 v 5 considering warriors don't need instant spell reflects and such, and especially because Warrior's are ignored so much in 5's that they are so rage starved. Imagine the rage you would be getting with enrage up, paired with endless rage. This build doesn't do too well in 2's and 3's though because of the lack of Tactical mastery.

45/13/3 is usually used in environments where the warrior is not being hit as much, such as double healer warrior 3 v 3 or in 5 v 5. This build has extremely high potential for damage with blood frenzy and 5/5 2h spec and allows you to constantly keep MS on your target with a 5 sec CD MS.

41/17/3 is a decent all around build with Tactical mastery, improved execute, blood frenzy and improved MS for very nice damage.
Recommended specs for Arena Brackets

2 v 2: 35/23/3

3 v 3: 35/23/3, 45/13/3, 41/17/3, 33/28. It really depends on your composition though. See above for listed compositions.

5 v 5: 35/23/3 41/20 41/17/3 45/13/3 33/28.

Some general PvP Tips:

Make every stance easily accesible. This is what i did for my buttons.
Battle stance:
1 - Charge/intercept macro

2 - MS
3 - Defensive stance
4 - overpower
5 - Hamstring
= - Execute, which is binded to 't'
Everything else past this doesn't really matter
Defensive Stance:
1 - Disarm
2 - MS
3 - Intervene
4 - Shield block
5 - Shield bash
And i binded the charge/intercept macro to 't' in defensive which is the same place as execute in battle and berserker stance to make it easy to switch from defensive stance to zerker/battle stance.
Berserker Stance:
1 - Charge/int macro
2 - MS
3 - Defensive stance
4 - Battle stance (For quick overpowers, i just tap 4 twice to OP)
5 - Hamstring
6 - Whirlwind
= - Execute, binded to 't'

I also binded the following

Spell reflect Macro - X

Piercing Howl - F (This is very important)

Berserker rage - G

Intimidating Shout - B

PvP Trinket - R

Equip 2h weapon - C

F2 - Victory Rush

Shift + 1 - Sweeping strikes

Generally you want to be able to switch in and out from stances in a swift motion while accomplishing what you want. To intervene + disarm from zerk stance is very simple now. Say you want to disarm a Rogue on your druid while you are killing the Priest and you are currently in Zerk stance.

Press 3 to go to defensive, 3 again to intervene, 1 to disarm the Rogue, press T to get back into zerker and press 1 to intercept the Priest. It sounds a little hard, but when you get used to it, it's extremely fast.

To Spell reflect and put your 2h back on:

Press X multiple times to get into defensive and get spell reflect up, when the spell is reflected press C to equip your 2h weapon, press T to get back into zerker.

There are many useful ways of doing what you want efficiently and fast through key bindings, learn them!

Useful Macros:
Charge/intercept Macro: Puts you in battle stance and charges when not in combat, or puts you in zerker stance and intercept when in combat.

#show [combat] Intercept; Charge
/cast [stance:1/2,combat] Berserker Stance; [stance:3,combat] Intercept; [stance:2/3,nocombat] Battle Stance; [stance:1,nocombat] Charge

Spell reflect:

#showtooltip Spell Reflection
/cast [stance:1/2,equipped:Shields] Spell Reflection; [stance:3] Defensive Stance
/stopmacro [equipped: Shields]
/equip YOUR 1H

Those are the only two macros i use, the rest i just utilize my bindings for.

This is my first attempt at a guide so I’m sorry if it’s sloppy. Please don’t hesitate to recommend anything.

Edited, Apr 6th 2008 8:35pm by mechpriest

Edited, Apr 6th 2008 8:38pm by mechpriest

Edited, Apr 6th 2008 10:46pm by mechpriest

Edited, Apr 12th 2008 3:01pm by mechpriest

Edited, Apr 16th 2008 3:31pm by mechpriest

Edited, Jun 5th 2008 6:41pm by mechpriest
#2 Apr 06 2008 at 4:14 PM Rating: Decent
1,331 posts
You are being serious about the endless rage spec?

With 2.4, did they make the bonus rage that much more?

I heard they where to only increase the rage gen to what it should be, as opposed to whatever it was before.

And a few of the spec links are not working...


ALL the spec links are not working.

Edited, Apr 6th 2008 5:15pm by devioususer
#3 Apr 06 2008 at 4:29 PM Rating: Excellent
188 posts
Endless rage is extremely good in situations where the attention is not on you, they did change it to what it should be in 2.4 and it gives a lot more rage per hit. You'll find yourself rage starved in situations where you're being ignored and endless rage helps perfectly with that. You'll be able to keep Ms up while whirlwinding + Hamstring and keeping sunders stacked. Believe me, just try it out and you'll be amazed.

The links should be fixed, sorry about that.

Edited, Apr 6th 2008 8:36pm by mechpriest
#4 Apr 07 2008 at 11:12 AM Rating: Decent
188 posts
People keep asking questions about PvP in different threads, just look in here!
#5 Apr 07 2008 at 11:23 AM Rating: Good
12,905 posts
Im gonna have to try the endless rage spec out. im having a problem with rage in 2v2s where im never focused, so that might be a good fix. need to get TM too.
#6 Apr 07 2008 at 3:25 PM Rating: Decent
188 posts
What 2's are you running? For 2's you generally want to have enrage because Warrior's do get hit a lot in 2's depending on your setup, which SHOULD be Druid/Warrior. The better specs for 2 v 2 are 35/23/3 and 33/28, but I definitely recommend 35/23/3 for 2's.

#7 Apr 07 2008 at 6:01 PM Rating: Decent
12,905 posts
disc priest/war
#8 Apr 08 2008 at 12:18 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
nice guide mech.

for a change of pace i tried out 41/20 instead of my normal 33/28 in arenas tonight. damn fun in 5's, wasnt bad in 3's. we ran just for points, but went 8-2 pushing our rating to the high 1700's before stopping. not bad for five friends just throwing a team together to get some points for the week.

was damn nice for our setup because we had double war, so i told my friend i would keep sunder and hammy on the guy, while MSing when i could and he could just focus on MS and slam. worked out beautifully.
#9 Apr 08 2008 at 2:33 AM Rating: Good
188 posts
Yep! Endless rage is so underrated, no one realizes how much extra rage it really does give you.

As for disc priest/war 41/20 isn't a bad spec at all, you can try it out but i still think 35/23/3 is the best spec for 2's. But that doesn't mean you cant be successful with 41/20 in 2's, it's just a tad bit harder.
#10 Apr 08 2008 at 5:07 AM Rating: Decent
29 posts
I know hit rating is very important , but if you are capped i would definitely consider the new

and only requires Revered Shattered Sun rep, niceness :)
#11 Apr 08 2008 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
188 posts
it's hard to get hit capped without the head enchant, it's not worth gemming for hit when you can just get the head enchant which is very good AP as well.
#12 Apr 08 2008 at 11:36 AM Rating: Decent
Great guide, thanks for putting the time into it.

I'd be interested in hearing some more about the strategies warriors need to use in various arenas - for me, esp 2v2 with a druid. She's basically HoT->travel form->HoT->travel form with the necessary cc thrown in and we do pretty well. But sometimes I have difficulty deciding which player to cc and which to you always hit healers first or try to keep them cc'd and out of the fight?

Also..I come from a DW PvE background gear-wise so my hit rating was way up, and as I'm replacing my PvE epics with gladiator and Vindicator gear my hit rating is slowly dropping..I'm used to existing in the world of 200+ hit rating and I'm getting it down to the 140ish range right now. I do have the run speed for a high hit rating and the run speed meta, would you recommend Boar's or Surefooted? Assuming my hit rating will continue to drop as the high hit gear is replaced with resil gear..

Using Stormherald, fyi.

Thanks in advance. And we need to get this made into a sticky.
#13 Apr 08 2008 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
188 posts
As you start getting more PvP your hit will be dropping obviously, and since you are using stormherald you will not be hit capped with full PvP considering Stormherald has no Hit on it compared to the S3 weapons. I would go with surefooted.

As for CC'ing goes, it really depends on what healer. I have to go, when i get back i'll get more in depth on what to CC and when.
#14 Apr 08 2008 at 5:25 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
for healers, ive found its generally better if youre on shaman and priest healers, and on the other class if its a pally or druid healer. your druids job then becomes one of locking down and disrupting the other healer when the time is right, using cyclone to mitigate healing on the main target.

you also need to be malleable enough to come to your druids aid when needed. for instance, if youre war/druid vs rogue/priest, getting on the priest is generally a good idea. stack 5 sunders on him and go to town; your druid should be able to weather the assault of the rogue. however, if your druid cant, you can setup a dual charge situation where the druid comes over to and feral charges the priest (to get distance on the rogue) right as you intercept the rogue. this will prevent any shadowsteps for up to 3s, and if the druid gets feared just trinket out of it. then the druid can go into control mode on the rogue with cyclone for a little while, toss heals as needed, or just work on LoSing the now-snared rogue and his priest compatriot.

as you play more arena, your ability to judge what to do when will grow.
#15 Apr 08 2008 at 6:03 PM Rating: Good
188 posts
Nahh, for rogue priest you stick on the rogue the whole time while the Druid CC's priest, but anyways.

Warrior/Druid involves A LOT of target switching, the setup allows you to be on any target you want, but you have to choose the right time to switch. It's a wise idea to kill a pally after he bubbles, even if you're hitting him for jack **** :D

The point is, you are going to be target switching a lot with this combo. ESPECIALLY when fighting a mirror match against warrior druide, oh man. If you want I can write a warrior/druid guide considering it's the most common 2's setup for a warrior.
#16 Apr 08 2008 at 8:00 PM Rating: Good
I would love to read a warrior/druid guide, as well as maybe a general warrior arena strategy guide. I'm not new to arena or PvP and we do fairly well, but I want to get deeper into it. For example I just added an intervene macro, and one for shield equipping for spell reflecting..etc.

But yeah, specifically, I'd like to read up on exactly why the Warrior/Druid combo is the most effective. What strategies they use together, etc. I think actually I want to know also what the *druid* should be doing, so maybe I should check those forums.

Teams we've had a hard time with are stacked teams, such as Hunter/Hunter or Ice Mage/Ice Mage. Rogues are fun and I almost always kill them first because they dissolve in front of me. But yeah I can see killing the dps while she focuses on interrupting the healer in certain cases.

Thanks again in advance.
#17 Apr 08 2008 at 9:27 PM Rating: Good
34 posts
Good guide - might also be worth mentioning the new rep set that came out in 2.4 as an option for those starting off in pvp, as a lot of people still don't know about it.
#18 Apr 08 2008 at 10:28 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
ive never had any luck staying on the rogue. i usually get shivved with a crip and as soon as my druid pops out for an abolish hes mana burned. that, or some combination of mind control, blind and pyschic scream keeps me druid or i out of it long enough for the other one to die.

but hey, theres more than one way to skin a cat.
#19 Apr 09 2008 at 3:05 AM Rating: Decent
188 posts
With you stuck on the rogue, you should be doing too much damage to the Rogue so the Priest wouldn't even consider Mana Burning, that is if your Druid is properly CC'ing.

Alright, i'll try writing a guide later on Warrior/Druid for every composition I can think of and i'll add some Warrior Arena to it.
#20 Apr 09 2008 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
188 posts

that should cover Warrior/Druid thoroughly.
#21 Apr 09 2008 at 8:38 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
With you stuck on the rogue, you should be doing too much damage to the Rogue so the Priest wouldn't even consider Mana Burning, that is if your Druid is properly CC'ing.

havent fought a rogue in 2's that hasnt been shs spec, so that generally means i have to contend with two of every CD. finding the rogue generally doesnt happen before the rogue finds my druid, so that usually means i get on the only other visible target; the priest. what happens next depends; if the rogue finds my druid he gets on my druid, generally after blinding me. the priest PI's himself and starts nuking the druid. if i trinket blind, the priest MC's me, which i can sometimes stop with pummel, but my druid can't stop with charge because the rogue will have KS'ed him. if i can stop the MC, i can intercept to the rogue to give my druid some time, but thatll usually lead into an ShS after i get crip shivved onto me. we've been practicing pre-abolishing, but this works only if the priest doesnt think to dispel me, which is a rare occurrence.

assuming the priest doesnt dispel me, i can catch back up to the now-snared rogue. if i do get dispelled, then sometimes crip stays and sometimes i get dispelled late, and sometimes abolish resists dispel. if i stay snared, ill intervene my druid to get closer to the rogue, but this usually leads to a gouge, altho if the intervene is long i can flip into zerker and block it with rage.

if a situation arises where im reliably on the rogue, i.e. everything works out for my side, or i get some mace stun procs, then the rogue pops evasion. that + shield + renew is usually enough to keep the rogue up. unless i get a mace stun proc on an overpower my dps is really gimped during evasion, and meanwhile the priest is either dpsing me, my druid, or trying to MC me.

in short, ive found rogues to be much too slippery to kill as of late. the rogues ive been fighting have no qualms about lowering their dps in order to maintain a high level of energy, meaning they can put out some mean combinations of defensive and CC moves in quick succession. on the flip side, if i get on a priest and stack sunder then i can shred that priest to pieces, regardless of who the rogue is on.
#22 Apr 10 2008 at 2:51 AM Rating: Decent
188 posts
A Shs Rogue can do pretty well against a Druid...especially with Prep. Killing a good Priest isn't very easy, and if it's a good Priest/Rogue the Priest will Pillar kite you and attempt to solo you while your Druid is being man handled and is forced to burn NS on himself.

The Druid will be using so much mana trying to keep himself up with a Rogue on him that he will go OOM so fast with the Priest dispelling Innervate.

I've fought too many of these teams bro, stick to the Rogue.
#23 Apr 12 2008 at 9:34 PM Rating: Decent
188 posts
Bump :D
#24 Apr 16 2008 at 3:01 AM Rating: Decent
I agree that this should be stickied, since PvP is definitely a viable part of the game for every warrior. I tried to watch one of your videos Mechwarrior, but the quality was pretty bad so I couldn't tell all of the ins and outs of what was going on. Anyways, for 5s I really really recommend throwing a shammy into your team somehow. Popping heroism with a windfury totem nearby.. Not much can withstand focus fire from 3 dps AND MS on top of all that. It's a nice way to easily make it a 5v4, or 5v3 if you are really coordinated. (However my 5s team is not super high rated, so this may change with better teams).

One thing I've always really enjoyed is dueling (which warrior can be lacking at, but with practice most classes are doable for me). The classes I have trouble with are any priest who knows what they're doing, a smart frost mage (it's so obvious when they're bad), holy pallies (They always seem cocky with their bubbles and I get lucky execute crits off from time to time), and SL/SL locks.

As far as I'm concerned, knowing how to handle each individual class can translate into a much easier arena experience for you. If you have any experience duelling and would be willing to share I'd love to hear what you've got to say. Thanks for putting the time into this!
#25 Apr 16 2008 at 8:13 AM Rating: Decent
Very nice, can't wait to start my arena team. you answered all my questions.
#26 Apr 16 2008 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
542 posts
Great guide! I was wondering if you had any favorite PVP macros you could share with us?
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