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T3, FSW, S1-3, D59er, R2D2....ARGH!Follow

#27 Apr 02 2008 at 9:29 AM Rating: Excellent
2,029 posts
You were the one that stepped in saying that I should win when I am severely outgeared.

No, he said you needed both gear and skill to win in arenas. Good players with mediocre gear can at least maintain a decent rating (low 1500's/upper 1400's), average players with mediocre gear can't.

Also, you called it an unbalance system. It isn't. You start out with the benefit of the doubt at 1500. If you aren't wearing decent PvP gear (which you aren't), or aren't skilled above the average player (I cannot say), you'll drop to where your skill and gear average out. As skill and gear increases, you'll raise in ranks. If anything, the weeks that poorly-geared, horrible players still manage to net decent arena points until they actually drop down to their own level is something to complain about (lost 9 5v5 games one night on a trash team with one person 3-boxing a prot warrior, a hunter in greens, and a decent rogue, and still managed to get more arena points than my mid-1500's 2v2).

What are you talking about? Had lvl 70's figure out my class?

Yes. It's called "leveling." If you never PvP'd or never grouped and did nothing but grind or solo quest, that's not our fault.

[quote]13 more years, kiddo. 13 more years. [quote]
You aren't helping your case, just so you know. Tommyguns can be annoying and/or whatever else, but he's also been around a hell of a lot more than you have. Post counts DO mean something.
#28REDACTED, Posted: Apr 02 2008 at 9:47 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) 984 posts gives you the ability to be a complete asshat to new members? That's not a crazy amount of posts, and if his previous 983 posts were anything like they were in this thread, then I don't get where the credit is coming from. He didn't try to answer my all. He just came in here talking crap to me. Post counts DO mean means you post a lot.
#29 Apr 02 2008 at 12:08 PM Rating: Good
3,761 posts
Right now S1 gear comes from honor points. So does vindicators gear. S2-S3 come from arena points.

Currently vindicators is the best 'in slot' items.

This will all change in about a month when Arena Season 4 comes out. There is expected to be a new version of Vindicators gear. FYI, thats necklace, bracers, belt, boots, rings. There is also PVP trinkets.

Season 2 will become the new gear purchaseable through honor points. Season 3-4 gear will be available for arena points.

Its tough gearing up new characters, because theres so many choices to make. I like to grab vindicators pieces first for the most part. Why? Because unlike Season 1 gear, these cannot be replaced by arena pieces (ie: S3).

But the 'season' gear has nice set bonuses, for a 2 set and 4 set respectively. And all classes have a nice little class specific bonus on their PVP gloves.

Now there is also blue PVP rewards, that come from Outland rep vendors. These have piddly amounts of +damage, but they have respectable amounts of stamina and resilience. However they go in the same slots as 'arena gear'.

It honestly takes a while to gear up for PVP in this game. Too long imo. I want to PVP competitively, that part of the game is fun for me. The part I dislike is the grind. Its a long grind. If you play quite actively and focus strictly on PVP, you can probably gear up in a full arena season.

Unfortunately you're a little late. It's expected S4 will be the last arena season before the expansion. If you go full out gearing up now, I mean arena as best you can every week, while running battlegrounds like crazy, you might be 80% of the way geared by the end of the season to earn some sort of title.

WoTLK expansion will probably come just after the end of S4, thats my guess at least. Then arena will stop for a few weeks as everyone rushes to 80. Then what? No word if theres a new season at 80. I expect it though. Maybe season 1 all over again.

This will be a huge fresh start for tons and tons of players.
#30 Apr 02 2008 at 8:51 PM Rating: Excellent
1,503 posts
He didn't try to answer my all.

lol. ignorance makes posting fun.
4th! post in the thread, Tommyguns wrote:

get full S3 Arena set. in a few months when you're finished with that, get the S4 set.

so, yes, i did try to answer your question, at all.

its only after you unloaded your own 'opinion' of the game, that i offered mine:

Fighting people in T6/S3 who have more resilience than I have hitpoints. It's an unbalanced system, where you have to play the underdog until you put in your /played.......

people take offense when you playdown their effort. like saying Tiger only beat me because he's rockin Nike test gear and has been playing since he was 6. well ya! i worked hard for my current playlevel, which includes: learning the game!, learning the class, learning the situations, and preparing. so when you come into my arena and i have 'more resilience than you have hitpoints' be prepared to be handed your a$$.

i already offered 1 resource, wowwiki. but you can also use and the mage sticky to learn the basics of pvp. learn that there is not a Vindicator set, learn how ice lance works, learn why mages arent the best arena pvpers. this is all stuff you can learn on your own.

Still makes no sense to me. Figuring out how to play a class...isn't that hard. I am lvl 70, and amazingly enough, the mage trainer kept giving me these handy dandy spells....with explanations on all of them on how they work. Not too hard to figure out tactics surrounding capabilities. Maybe I just don't understand what "Figure out my class for me" means?

what the mage trainer fails to tell you is what the other 10 million players plan to do to you.

homework tonight: what do you do when a full s3 arena Ret paladin is running at with blessing of freedom up?

Edited, Apr 3rd 2008 12:53am by tommyguns
#31 Apr 02 2008 at 9:54 PM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
tommyguns wrote:
homework tonight: what do you do when a full s3 arena Ret paladin is running at with blessing of freedom up?

Protip: It's not the same thing mages used to do when my fully twinked level 19 prot paladin ran at them with blessing of freedom up. Man, that was always entertaining.
#32 Apr 03 2008 at 5:22 PM Rating: Decent
homework tonight: what do you do when a full s3 arena Ret paladin is running at with blessing of freedom up?

Speaking of that. What you guys think of the lower mana cost of spell steal? 200 less mana is great, but I personally don't think it's spammable yet.
#33 Apr 03 2008 at 11:03 PM Rating: Decent
- No one knows when S4 is out save that it is over two weeks away. estimates range from 1 to 2 months.

With some luck you'll have full s4 by the time s5 comes out :)

S5 will be in WotLK.
#34REDACTED, Posted: Apr 04 2008 at 5:44 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) As geeky as it sounds, I am looking it up to see what I would do...
#35 Apr 04 2008 at 6:27 AM Rating: Good
2,029 posts
As geeky as it sounds, I am looking it up to see what I would do...

And that, right there, is why you have problems in arena. There is no time to look stuff up - you have to know how to deal with every situation instantly.
#36 Apr 04 2008 at 8:03 AM Rating: Good
40 posts
When I have someone redlined, and they resist 6 spells in a row (see: resiliance) because I do not have enough spell hit to compensate for their gear....

What are you talking about? oO

Resilience just doesn´t work that way...not even close. Resilience reduces the chance you will be crited, the damage of the crit, the damage of DoTs on you and the mana drained from you. It has nothing to do with Resistance.

The basic spell hit rating you need for PvP is 3% (arround 50 hit), not even 0,1% more. With this hit rating, you will have 99% chance to hit your tagert with spells, there´s no way to put it on 100%. So...if you got more than one Resist and wasnt trying to kill a Felhunter, then you are SO unlucky.

About Resistance...NOBODY stacks this. Locks can have some sharing from his pet (and with a SSC Trinket), Druids can buff with a minimal amount, Shamyes have a Totem and Pallys an Aura...but the amount they stack is not enough to completely negate your Spells...again...not even close. The PvP equips don´t even have Resistance on it.

I'm not saying you don´t know crap (nobody had) but you do need to read and learn a bit more about some mechanics. Asking to people who knows will help, but not solve.

[ ]'s

#37REDACTED, Posted: Apr 04 2008 at 11:09 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) @ lsfreak
#38 Apr 05 2008 at 12:22 PM Rating: Good
My first week in arena my team went 2-9 and dropped into the 1300s. Then I got two pieces of Glad gear and my partner got his s1 MH and we went 6-5, getting into the 1400s bracket.

This last week, I got the new blue pvp pieces and my s1 MH and OH, and my partner got his s1 shield. We're now at 1506 after a week of ~9-3.

Work for it and you'll improve. Also, try to stay above 1500 because if you do there is a whole new honor calculation and you'll go from ~200 a week to ~400.

Edited, Apr 5th 2008 4:23pm by bananamuffin
#39 Apr 05 2008 at 1:44 PM Rating: Excellent
1,503 posts
Work for it and you'll improve. Also, try to stay above 1500 because if you do there is a whole new honor calculation and you'll go from ~200 a week to ~400.

careful, this is almost misinformation. after 1500, a win/loss counts for more(almost every rating inc/dec will give a point inc/dec). before 1500, a win/loss counts for less(every few rating inc/dec will give a point inc/dec).

so after 1500, wins feel great and losses are devistating when you drop 15 rating and thus lose ~15 pts. but before 1500 a drop of 15 rating might only take away ~2 pts.

but going from 1499 to 1501 is only 1 pt.

a 1600-1700 rating is a nice place to hang for farming pts. it weeds out noobs and odd team combos, yet remains dynamic enough to be fun and challenging.
#40 Apr 05 2008 at 2:37 PM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
hotdogsrgross wrote:

Yeah, I have 50 spell hit currently, and I have had a guy resist 6 times in a row....IL, FB, AE, AE, IL, IL.....all resisted (he was red lined :(). I remember because I checked my combat log while dead going "WTF just happened?????".

Might have been a rogue with Cloak of Shadows (90% spell resist for a couple sec) or Cheat Death (chance to reduce all damage taken by 99% for a couple seconds when you're at low health, medium length internal CD).
#41 Apr 07 2008 at 5:25 AM Rating: Decent
Another ? did you buy ur account cause u said ur new to should know your class....thats all im wondering?
#42REDACTED, Posted: Apr 07 2008 at 7:25 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) So, frostbolting monsters to get to 70...makes you aware of what affects paladin spells have?
#43 Apr 07 2008 at 8:24 AM Rating: Good
1,262 posts
Yeah, I have 50 spell hit currently, and I have had a guy resist 6 times in a row....IL, FB, AE, AE, IL, IL.....all resisted (he was red lined :(). I remember because I checked my combat log while dead going "WTF just happened?????".

There are a couple of things... for example, resistances hurt. My lock is specced demonolgy, and so I get 70 resistance to all the different spell types (frost/fire/arcane/holy/nature) when I have my felhunter out, which is always in PvP. He could have also been a mage-vulnerable class and, as such, put on his +frost resist gear (because most mages are frost mages), or you could have just gotten *really* unlucky (but I doubt that, highly).
#44 Apr 08 2008 at 6:53 AM Rating: Decent
Hi, I also wanna say some stuff. :)

I myself was bragging here how imbalanced this game is, and how underpowered mages are in PvP, and I got flamed down... and justifiably so.

Eventhough this game is far from being perfectly balanced, I can tell you, that gear, and skill even more so, will definately change the situation for you.

I am now full on s1, exept for the headpiece, which is the engi one and s3 gloves, the rest is all vindicator's finest silk and nearly all enchanted with the best there is. It helps.

But skill and knowledge of other classes are far more important. Nowadays I beat full s3 wariors without even looking into the direction of my water-ele button, and I know another mage, who puts on lvl 60 gear for the same stunt. I have beaten rogues who only commented "wtf, I can beat s3 mages, and now the s1 beats me, GJ".
And still there is Badblood, mage from my server, who I cannot even beat, while he is wearing heroic-epics, some PvP gear, and some grey headpiece to make fun of his opponents. At the moment I would consider myself as someone growing more skilled over the time, eventhough I have seen crazy ****, that makes me look REALLY small.

The only thing that got me where I am now (progressing) is that I got told indirectly that I suck, I got the hint and went back to WoW for practice, and now, thanks to the kind people here, I am satisfied with my progress, and my next aim is to advance with my arena partners, so I can get a hand on some s4 as fast as I can.
#45 Apr 08 2008 at 7:51 AM Rating: Excellent
1,259 posts
hotdogsrgross wrote:
luthious wrote:
Another ? did you buy ur account cause u said ur new to should know your class....thats all im wondering?

So, frostbolting monsters to get to 70...makes you aware of what affects paladin spells have?

No, I did not buy my account. Stupid question. Reason behind it?

I just came across this thread. Most of your posts scream purchased account.

Why? Mainly because of your lack of knowledge of your class. I have a hunter main, and recently started leveling a mage as an alt. I won't say I know everything, but I've got them pretty figured out and have been plowing through levels.

You are the reason why Blizzard is making the game easy-sauce. You are the reason why equipment is half handed to people, gold is so easy to make, and nerfs are made.

"I just started and everyone is better than me! Wahhh I need gear to compete!"

So the gear people worked their butts off for early on are dropped in cost and made readily available.

Truth be told they will still wipe the floor with you.

You say you don't really know anything about other classes. Maybe instead of worrying about your gear you should L2P instead of "Frostbolt"ing your way through life taking the easy train.

Maybe you did manage to level to 70 in two months with oblivious knowledge of the game. Fine. A lot of people have been helpful in this thread. I expected much worse. /rant
#46REDACTED, Posted: Apr 08 2008 at 11:48 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) No, what I said was...
#47 Apr 08 2008 at 12:30 PM Rating: Good
2,029 posts
Elitist moderating too, I guess. :/

None of your posts have been deleted, they're just skipped by the basic filter because they've been downrated so far.

but they changed your logarithm.

It's not logarithmic.

Get gear, learn your class, learn other classes.

EDIT: Tags > me
EDIT2: After an hour, calmed down and edited out some stuff.

Edited, Apr 8th 2008 4:27pm by lsfreak
#48 Apr 08 2008 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
355 posts
I think that's about enough of this. Can someone lock this thread or something?
#49 Apr 08 2008 at 1:34 PM Rating: Excellent
1,259 posts
Ebonspine wrote:
Why? Mainly because of your lack of knowledge of your class. I have a hunter main, and recently started leveling a mage as an alt. I won't say I know everything, but I've got them pretty figured out and have been plowing through levels.

hotdogswhatever wrote:
When did you start? Do you know how much easier it is to "figure out a class" when you have already been playing the game?? I didn't even KNOW about talent points until lvl 15 or so. The tutorial spam was so ridiculous that I turned it off!

So, what exactly don't I know about my class? That one part about how the damage is calculated on Ice Lance? That's it? I don't think gear has jack sh*t to do with "figuring out my class". So, point out the part that I should have KNOWN everything, being new to WoW? Elitist bullsh*t, that's all you bring to this thread. You know it, so everyone else is stupid if they don't? You do realize that this is a video game, right?

Just incase you missed it...this was my original post!

That's right, it IS just a videogame. So why are you so fired up that someone you don't know called you out for not giving a damn about what you were doing 1-70? Elitist? Maybe. I can honestly say I still have a lot to learn about mages, only having a level 44, yet sadly I seem to STILL know more than YOU.

Gear has a lot to do with knowing your class and more importantly your spec. Would you equip priest gear for your mage with +Heal? I highly doubt it. Also your posting on a forum that is a resource for pretty much everything in the game. Have a question about gear? Try typing the name of the piece in the search window. Read, it does wonders.

I want to Pvp. I want good spell damage and 10k HP (at least) along with all the usual mods needed for pvp. I do not want to waste my time farming 5 different suits, all leading up to "THE SUIT".

What do I need, where should I get it, and how much of a pain in the *** will it be?

Is that asking for information on how to play my mage??? How does this question show that I bought an account? It doesn't. You guys just have no material to flame me with. I hit 70 at 31 hours /played. I think if I were to buy a video game pixel for RL cash, I would probably have purchased one that had some half decent gear?

Maybe you were swindled and irritated because of it :P Yes that's right now I'm trolling you.

You are the reason why Blizzard is making the game easy-sauce. You are the reason why equipment is half handed to people, gold is so easy to make, and nerfs are made.

Oh yeah, totally dude! Asking Allah about what armor would be best, instead of getting pieces I don't need....yeah man. Totally making Blizzard nerf things. <<LOL?

Asking about gear had nothing to do with Bliz changing things. Wanting to be the best, have the best, apples to apples without much work is the problem. That is what you are looking for.

So the gear people worked their butts off for early on are dropped in cost and made readily available.

Yeah, I asked for free gear. I did. Yup yup. I also begged Blizzard to nerf you. Not everyone else....just you. But secretly....all stealth like and sh*t. It says you have a 180 crit, but they changed your logarithm. It's really only 90, and thats why you get owned and QQ here.

See above.

Congrats. You look like a complete asshat to everyone that doesn't think the same way as the majority of Allah do. When it all comes down to it, I was just a new poster, posting on a forum about a game I am new to, looking for advice about virtual armor. You pulled out the "I was a nerd here first, so STFU!!". That's fine. That's really all I have seen so far on Allah. It amazes me that you guys even stooped as low as to actually put up a Mage FAQ. Btw, GMPE is pretty awesome. I mean...if you aren't an instant pro like all players should be.

#50 Apr 08 2008 at 8:40 PM Rating: Excellent
1,503 posts
When it all comes down to it, I was just a new poster, posting on a forum about a game I am new to, looking for advice about virtual armor. You pulled out the "I was a nerd here first, so STFU!!". That's fine. That's really all I have seen so far on Allah.

If you roll into an unfamiliar ghetto lookin for crack, its a good idea not to offend the crack dealers. claiming ignorance wont stop those bullets to the chest.
#51REDACTED, Posted: Apr 09 2008 at 5:34 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I asked a simple question, and people started talking crap. I'm not going to just take it, because I am new to this forum. I replied in kind, and people took offense to a new guy insulting an older poster. People jumped on the bandwagon to board gank the new guy, and I defended myself. So, to correct your statement...I didn't offend the crack dealer. I asked for some crack, got the crack, and was shot at for good measure. Fortunately, the crack dealers have poor aim and need to prob hit up the armory for a weapon upgrade.
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