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Any tips on improving my UI?Follow

#1 Mar 27 2008 at 2:49 AM Rating: Decent

Do you guys have any tips on how i could improve my UI? Just made a new one, tell me what you think :) (besides i need some flash powder :P)

Cheers, Speed
#2 Mar 27 2008 at 2:53 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Hide your buttons.

Set FuBar to auto-hide.

Other than that, pretty solid.
#3 Mar 27 2008 at 12:09 PM Rating: Decent

Other than that, pretty solid.

o_O is that some praise from theo? *gasp*, lol seriously, thanks for the comments, ill set fubar on auto-hide now =) cheers man.
#4 Mar 27 2008 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent
992 posts
I'd get CowTip, TipTac or TinyTip for your tooltips: down in the corner there it's very hard to see and don't have that much information.

Also, do something about fonts, I count four different ones (Unit Frames, Chat Log, Buffs and Other Stuff). If you make a folder in the WoW root called Fonts and put four copies of a font in with each of these file names:


Then log back in and set the font on your buffs and AG_UF to Arial Narrow, they'll all be automagically changed to the same font. Even the quest log text and the text above player's heads!
#5 Mar 28 2008 at 12:16 PM Rating: Good
532 posts
What's the add-on in there with the combo points/energy bar in the middle of the screen, underneath your toon?
#6 Mar 28 2008 at 12:47 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
humperdinck wrote:
What's the add-on in there with the combo points/energy bar in the middle of the screen, underneath your toon?

#7 Mar 28 2008 at 1:59 PM Rating: Good
532 posts
Overlord Theophany wrote:
humperdinck wrote:
What's the add-on in there with the combo points/energy bar in the middle of the screen, underneath your toon?


Thank you!
#8 Mar 28 2008 at 2:04 PM Rating: Good
What's the add-on in there with the combo points/energy bar in the middle of the screen, underneath your toon?

Combo Points is NugieComboBar.

Energy is EnergyWatch v2.
#9 Mar 28 2008 at 2:07 PM Rating: Good
532 posts
Speedburst wrote:
What's the add-on in there with the combo points/energy bar in the middle of the screen, underneath your toon?

Combo Points is NugieComboBar.

Energy is EnergyWatch v2.

Double thanks.
#10 Mar 31 2008 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
6,318 posts
Speedburst wrote:

Do you guys have any tips on how i could improve my UI? Just made a new one, tell me what you think :) (besides i need some flash powder :P)

Cheers, Speed

Move the chat box so it is aligned with something. Right now it is floating all by it's lonesome and is distracting. Have the right edge of the chat box line up with the left edge of your health bar. The bottom of the chat box could line up with the top of the bottom row of buttons.

Change your Buffs so the icons are on the right side (and if you want to get fancy have them grow from left to right).

Hide most of the buttons around the mini-map. They should be able to be placed in fubar bar and are just clutter. I see some repeated already, so try to make it DRYer. (DRY = don't repeat yourself)

Personally, I think the portraits are unnecessary, but that it a personal choice.

I would decrease the size of your health bars and the Bartender bars. You shouldn't be clicking, so they can stand to be smaller to open up more screen space.

I would also consider either moving all the bars closer together vertically or spreading them out more. Right now, they are in this nebulous spacing where you can not tell if they are separate units or if they are one group. You can use either size or spacing to set levels of visual importance, but if you try to use both it can get confusing. (Personally, I would move them closer together and make the buttons have a bigger scale as they increase in importance.)

Not sure what you have going on on top of the target frame, but it might make sense to move the ToT above the target frame, and have the right edges line up.
#11 Apr 01 2008 at 9:00 AM Rating: Good
704 posts
Just for fun, can I get some insight on mine? Just got a 20" monitor and enough horsepower to drive the game solidly at 1680 x 1050.
#12 Apr 01 2008 at 10:43 AM Rating: Decent
6,318 posts
AtrophyGFour wrote:
Just for fun, can I get some insight on mine? Just got a 20" monitor and enough horsepower to drive the game solidly at 1680 x 1050.

Hide Fubar
Hide your buttons (Do you really need that many?)
Remove all that crap from around your mini-map
Remove the icons next to the chat log
Get something to move/style your frames

The whole bottom 20% of your screen is occupied with junk right now.

Is it really necessary to have a DPS indicator in your Fubar and a meter on your screen?

Look into SLCore and all of its goodies if you still need things like durability, bag space, gold, friend/guild lists, clock, etc visible.

Try to make the placement of things have a purpose. Right now everything is all "willy nilly" (if I may use such strong language).
#13 Apr 01 2008 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
193 posts
Is there an add-on that anyone would recomment that isn't too memory intensive? I just need it to accomplish a couple of things:

1. Energy Bar timer.

2. Buff timer. Shown on screen, not beneath portrait.

3. Debuff timer on current target. Shown on screen, not beneath portrait.

Really, thats it. I have a good key binding strategy and I'm not into the XP / gold and other notes on the screen.

Any thoughts?

68 Rogue, combat swords.
#14 Apr 01 2008 at 11:54 AM Rating: Good
6,318 posts
DetroitRock wrote:

1. Energy Bar timer.



2. Buff timer. Shown on screen, not beneath portrait.

3. Debuff timer on current target. Shown on screen, not beneath portrait.

elkano Buff Bar (look for eBB, not sure of the actual spelling)

Everything you are looking for are in all of Theo's UIs. You should look through the most recent (which is linked in his sig) and pick out the items you need.
#15 Apr 01 2008 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
193 posts
PsiChi the Fussy wrote:
DetroitRock wrote:

1. Energy Bar timer.



2. Buff timer. Shown on screen, not beneath portrait.

3. Debuff timer on current target. Shown on screen, not beneath portrait.

elkano Buff Bar (look for eBB, not sure of the actual spelling)

Everything you are looking for are in all of Theo's UIs. You should look through the most recent (which is linked in his sig) and pick out the items you need.

Thank you for the advice. I will look into his posts.

I've tried to stay away from add-ons since I wanted to "learn" the in's and out's of the class without the aid of enhancements. But, in the PVP I'm doing lately, I feel somewhat at a disadvantage.

Again, thanks for the help.
#16 Apr 01 2008 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
6,318 posts
DetroitRock wrote:

I've tried to stay away from add-ons since I wanted to "learn" the in's and out's of the class without the aid of enhancements. But, in the PVP I'm doing lately, I feel somewhat at a disadvantage.

Add-ons are not going to make you any less able to learn a class.

If the muffler of your car was breaking, would you want duct tape or a welding torch?

The Bliz UI is like duct tape. It can kinda, sorta, work for everything, but there is nothing that it does great. Add-ons allow you to turn that duct tape in to a welding torch, or scalpel, or 2x4 with a rusty nail (as the case may be)
#17 Apr 01 2008 at 12:54 PM Rating: Good
704 posts
PsiChi the Fussy wrote:
AtrophyGFour wrote:
Just for fun, can I get some insight on mine? Just got a 20" monitor and enough horsepower to drive the game solidly at 1680 x 1050.

Hide Fubar
Hide your buttons (Do you really need that many?)
Remove all that crap from around your mini-map
Remove the icons next to the chat log
Get something to move/style your frames

The whole bottom 20% of your screen is occupied with junk right now.

Is it really necessary to have a DPS indicator in your Fubar and a meter on your screen?

Look into SLCore and all of its goodies if you still need things like durability, bag space, gold, friend/guild lists, clock, etc visible.

Try to make the placement of things have a purpose. Right now everything is all "willy nilly" (if I may use such strong language).

LoL...Reclaim my space so to speak?

It is a work in progress. I am not quite as hardcore as Theo but I like the effect his UI has. Any suggestions on a good mod to move frames that is not too extreme or hard to use? Kinda like SMM where I can just type /frame mover lock or unlock and drag them around? I tried Pitbull and wanted to use my daggers to mutilate my own eyes.
#18 Apr 02 2008 at 3:47 AM Rating: Decent
193 posts
PsiChi the Fussy wrote:
DetroitRock wrote:

I've tried to stay away from add-ons since I wanted to "learn" the in's and out's of the class without the aid of enhancements. But, in the PVP I'm doing lately, I feel somewhat at a disadvantage.

Add-ons are not going to make you any less able to learn a class.

If the muffler of your car was breaking, would you want duct tape or a welding torch?

The Bliz UI is like duct tape. It can kinda, sorta, work for everything, but there is nothing that it does great. Add-ons allow you to turn that duct tape in to a welding torch, or scalpel, or 2x4 with a rusty nail (as the case may be)

I'm going to disagree with you just a bit, but maybe I should have been a touch clearer on what I meant.

I simply mean that by not having timers, energy watch, etc. I should be able to do those things with a stopwatch "in my head". Right now, I'm pretty decent about time between energy ticks, cooldowns on some important abilities (KS, gouge), but with the add-ons, it will just make me that much more efficiant.

So, in that regards, I appreciate the help. If you can think of any other low-memory usage programs, drop me a line.

#19 Apr 02 2008 at 4:33 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
DetroitRock wrote:
I'm going to disagree with you just a bit, but maybe I should have been a touch clearer on what I meant.

I simply mean that by not having timers, energy watch, etc. I should be able to do those things with a stopwatch "in my head". Right now, I'm pretty decent about time between energy ticks, cooldowns on some important abilities (KS, gouge), but with the add-ons, it will just make me that much more efficiant.

So, in that regards, I appreciate the help. If you can think of any other low-memory usage programs, drop me a line.

I can see where you're going with this, but as an avid PvPer, I have to disagree.

UIs can help to an amazing extent. In 5s, my UI helps so much in having Proximo to see who my feral and warrior are on that it's almost retarded.

Having visuals come up with timers for things like time left on a Pally bubble, Ice Block, cooldowns like CloS, Evasion, Blind (!), Bloodlust, etc are amazingly helpful.
#20 Apr 02 2008 at 5:43 AM Rating: Decent
193 posts
Overlord Theophany wrote:

I can see where you're going with this, but as an avid PvPer, I have to disagree.

UIs can help to an amazing extent. In 5s, my UI helps so much in having Proximo to see who my feral and warrior are on that it's almost retarded.

Having visuals come up with timers for things like time left on a Pally bubble, Ice Block, cooldowns like CloS, Evasion, Blind (!), Bloodlust, etc are amazingly helpful.

It's not so much that I can't see the usefulness of the add-ons, I certainly can. And as I gain more experience, the benefits will be that much more apparant. Right now, I'm just trying to make myself be a positive addition to the BG team.

My one concern would have to be the clutter overwhelming my senses. You don't find it taking away from actually seeing the game / understanding the flow of the battle? I doubt you have trouble with it, and I won't either after some time and practice with them.

I've looked at your UI notes, sounds very interesting. Is it easy to manage? It sounds like there is quite a bit of functionality to it - maybe more so than I really want - and not too much of a drain on the memory.

#21 Apr 02 2008 at 7:50 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
DetroitRock wrote:
Overlord Theophany wrote:

I can see where you're going with this, but as an avid PvPer, I have to disagree.

UIs can help to an amazing extent. In 5s, my UI helps so much in having Proximo to see who my feral and warrior are on that it's almost retarded.

Having visuals come up with timers for things like time left on a Pally bubble, Ice Block, cooldowns like CloS, Evasion, Blind (!), Bloodlust, etc are amazingly helpful.

It's not so much that I can't see the usefulness of the add-ons, I certainly can. And as I gain more experience, the benefits will be that much more apparant. Right now, I'm just trying to make myself be a positive addition to the BG team.

My one concern would have to be the clutter overwhelming my senses. You don't find it taking away from actually seeing the game / understanding the flow of the battle? I doubt you have trouble with it, and I won't either after some time and practice with them.

I've looked at your UI notes, sounds very interesting. Is it easy to manage? It sounds like there is quite a bit of functionality to it - maybe more so than I really want - and not too much of a drain on the memory.

TBH, my UI reduces the amount of just pure **** on my screen.

The Blizzard default UI is really, really awful.
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