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#1 Mar 22 2008 at 1:31 AM Rating: Good
I've decided in my spare time to level a holy paladin. Solo until about level 25 or so, then I'll be duo-leveling with a prot pally. He's a very casual player, so if I get bored with my main I may surpass him and solo to 70. I don't want to go ret or prot, as I love the survivability that being holy will bring, and I'm not concerned about speed leveling since it will most likely be rested XP. So... on to the questions, yes?

1. Should I be using a 1h and shield or a 2h? Why?

2. What sequence (assuming solo play) would you reccomend for killing mobs? ie. seals/judgments etc.

3. What stats should I be looking for? I know int for main will most likely be funding the gear for him (I find greens of a certain animal to be sufficient for leveling 1-60 most of the time). I was thinking maybe gorilla str/int or eagle sta/int, but not to sure. I know stats like +healing and damage and mp/5 are very limited pre-outlands.

4. We'll be leveling on a PvP server. Will we be a force to be reckoned with? I'm sure there are much better duo's for world pvp, but we are decent at PvP and are very coordinated.

5. Feel free to say no to this, but any great talent builds you could recommend for holy is much welcomed.

6. How far will I be able to main heal? I only have one 70 (Mage, just dinged not long ago) and haven't done to much instancing, and no raiding. Paladins so far have done an excellent job healing all the 5-mans I've done, and I was wondering when/if they hit a brick wall for main tank healing.

7. Sorry for all the questions. I applaud anyone who takes time out of their day to answer all of these, and thanks in advance.

#2 Mar 22 2008 at 5:57 AM Rating: Good
2,826 posts
1. 1h and shield will just enhance the survivablilty you said you loved about holy. You won't have any of the melee increasing talents from Ret so a 2h would be somewhat wasted.

2. Blessing of Wisdom once you get it. Seal Crusader, judge Crusader, Seal Righteousness and swing away. If you get multiple mobs lay down a consecrate if you have the mana.

3. Stam/Int all the way. "Of the Eagle" stuff is great.

4. You won't be able to overpower other opponents, but with 2 people who can heal and 4 bubbles between you, you should be able to outlast any char of your level. Casters will give you the most trouble since neither of you will have much magic mitigation.

5. Check either CapJack's or Dilbrt's stickies. There are great holy builds in both of them. Just make your way down the holy tree, and once you are done in there start filling out prot tree.

6. Pallies are the single best main tank healer in the game at level 70. They have a decent sized heal that is extremely mana efficient. You will be able to solo heal just about any instance you guys run, especially if you get DPS that isn't stupid and knows how to focus targets.

7. No problem. Rate ups for posting intelligently posed and written questions.
#3 Mar 22 2008 at 6:07 AM Rating: Decent
Well, not the biggest expert in the game, but I am a holy paladin in game, so for what it's worth, here are my answers:

1: 1h and shield is usualy the best way to go. the big 2H weapons are usualy designed for our retribution brethren. Why? Well, any extra armor is good. Two items to enchant. And seeing as most healing weapons at the higher level aren't 2H items we can use, you'll be carrying a shield around at those levels anyway. So if you just bring a +spell damage weapon you can start switching gear to switch roles.

2: Assuming you don't get seal of command, the most used sequence will be: seal of crusader => judge crusader => seal of righteousness => judge righteousness => seal of righteousness and so on and so on. At higher levels you'll get seal of vengeance/blood. Being Alliance I can only talk about vengeance: in fights you know will last long, like boss fights, you can use vengeance to stack up and increase the damage. Of coruse, if you'll be healing a lot and don't have time to stack it, righteousness is the key.

Of course, that's the basic. If you JUST do this you will seriously gimp yourself and won't be half the pally you can be. Seeing as you'll be teaming up with a fellow pally, experiment with judgement of light, wisdom and justice. Try to find out which role to fill in which situation and how to fill it.

At later levels you'll also have holy shock to play with. And if you get divine illumination, feel free to pop it before doing a concecrate/holy shock/judgement of righteousness/seal of righteousness/concecrate/ judgement of righteousness at half the mana cost.

3: int/sta/str, you got that right. With strength not being somewhat behind on the other two. You won't be able to fart without mana, so int is your main goal.

4: Not much of a pvp player, but from my experience, if you're coordinated, as you say, you will automatically be a tough nut to crack. A pally healer for a duo is always anoying and the fact that the other guy can heal as well makes it all the more tough.

5: this is my build It's good enough for healing and doing some damage. Seeing as your buddy will be tanking, I think he'll fill in your gap in prot nicely, allowing you to do some damage at reduced cost. Pally tanks are great survivors by themselves, givving you some chance to add damage. OF course, feel free to experiment for yourself.

6: Main healing 5 man's shouldn't be a problem. Every class has it's limitations and the lack of a group heal makes it a challenge to keep groups with bad threat management on their feet, but it is doable. With the right gear and group you can solo heal heroic instances.

I would like to ask you to practise, practise, practise. Don't solo/duo your way to 70 and then start healing 5 mans. Try doing at least one instance per level, since it will be great training in group, allow better gear and hey, you might just not start crying: "I'M BUGGED, CALL A GM" when another pally uses DI on you ;) (seriously, had that happen at level 70....). Learn what you can and what you can not do. Learn what other classes can and can not do and you will be a great addition to any party/raid.

7: it's ok, now go off and have some bubble fun
#4 Mar 22 2008 at 10:49 AM Rating: Good
648 posts
first of all, leveling as holy will be slow even with rested xp. it is possible though. my first toon i leveled as holy all the way. he's still never been anything other than holy. i love healing, but it is definitely the slowest way to level. i highly recommend leveling by instancing especially if you mostly have rested xp.

Pyrocles wrote:
1. Should I be using a 1h and shield or a 2h? Why?

for healing you'll get better stats with a 1h and shield. untill the late 50's when +healing and +spell damage becomes common i'd just recommend a 1h/shield with as much int/stam and armor as you can. for solo'ing i recommend a good 2h for faster killing until the mid/late 50's when you can get a +healing weapon for healing and a +spell damage 1h for solo'ing. at that point i'd also try to get both a +healing and a +spell damage shield for healing and solo'ing. once you can stack spell damage that will be the better stat to stack and use a 1h/shield combo for solo'ing as holy.

Pyrocles wrote:
2. What sequence (assuming solo play) would you reccomend for killing mobs? ie. seals/judgments etc.

on my ret i rarely use JotC because mobs die too fast but as holy killing won't be quite as fast so i highly recommend starting off with JotC. i tended to use seal of righteousness (and later vengeance when i got it) as my solo'ing seal. if you want to play with some different ideas i'd rather use JoW and SoR than JotC and SoW. if you're using JotC w/o SoR or SoV/SoB then its really not doing you much good. if you need the mana regen then judge wis and use a dps seal. also have FoL on your quick bar and keep yourself topped off on health.

Pyrocles wrote:
3. What stats should I be looking for? I know int for main will most likely be funding the gear for him (I find greens of a certain animal to be sufficient for leveling 1-60 most of the time). I was thinking maybe gorilla str/int or eagle sta/int, but not to sure. I know stats like +healing and damage and mp/5 are very limited pre-outlands.

until you start getting outlands gear: int, stam then str. for healing eagle gear and any +healing gear you can find. for solo'ing mostly eagle with some gorilla will be the best balance probably. as soon as you can buy some outlands greens or get outlands quest rewards you'll want +healing, int, mp5, and spell crit in as balanced a manner as you can. for solo'ing, +spell damage, int, spell crit and whatever mp5 comes with the spell damage gear.

Pyrocles wrote:
4. We'll be leveling on a PvP server. Will we be a force to be reckoned with? I'm sure there are much better duo's for world pvp, but we are decent at PvP and are very coordinated.

um, i wouldn't say you're a force to be reckoned with, but with coordination you should be ok. just keep in mind if you're haling you'll probably be the first target since your prot friend will be tough to kill. if he keeps a curret healing 1h/sheild handy to switch out when you're attacked you guys will be in better shape.

Pyrocles wrote:
5. Feel free to say no to this, but any great talent builds you could recommend for holy is much welcomed.

um, yeah i'd check dilberts holy guide.

Pyrocles wrote:
6. How far will I be able to main heal? I only have one 70 (Mage, just dinged not long ago) and haven't done to much instancing, and no raiding. Paladins so far have done an excellent job healing all the 5-mans I've done, and I was wondering when/if they hit a brick wall for main tank healing.

you can main heal all the way to 70 and for heroics and raiding. raiding you'll want to have a variety of healers. having only pally healers will make many raid fights a bit harder. in 5mans if you can find a good pally heal you should have no problems. their AOE tanking makes it easier for your dps and yourself to not need much healing most of the time. as long as your tank is taking all (or nearly all) of the damage the pallys powerful, efficient single target healing will make things easy for you guys. in raiding pallys are often prefered for main tank healing. lack of aoe or hot heals limit us for healing the dpsers especially in aoe situations where multiple targets need the heals at the same time. you will always be in demand if you are competent as a pally healer.

if your friend is a good tank you'll be an awesome core for instancing. if you have some dps friends that are competent too, you'll be golden.
#5 Mar 22 2008 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
Excellent! Thanks for all the responses. I Read the sticky and definitely going to go with the 41/20/0. Definitely going to bookmark this page as well =)
The prot pally I'll be leveling with has high hopes for doing some the amazing stuff y'all have done (soloing that priestess in ZG, and that boss Garr (sp) in MC along with a lot of other stuff) I reckon with a holy pally we can take it to the next level. Sure it won't be as impressive as soloing, but it will still be fun, which is why we play in the first place. Happy Hunting.
#6 Mar 22 2008 at 2:52 PM Rating: Decent
Hey, me again. Just another question on talents. I've decided to pick up divine intellect 5/5 and then spiritual focus 5/5. I was wondering if it would be worth it to pick up redoubt 5/5 before continuing on down the holy tree. It just looks like such a tasty mitigation talent, regardless of whether you go down the prot tree or not.

Since I've never leveled a pally before, I know talents can be misleading just by reading them. They can look good upon reading them, but perform terribly. I guess I'm thinking along warrior lines, because as a warrior you always pick up 5/5 cruelty no matter what spec you level. What do you think? Mosy on down the holy tree, or pick up redoubt after DI and SF? Thanks.

I gotta come up with a sig.
#7 Mar 22 2008 at 9:10 PM Rating: Good
well you could, however if you're going to be leveling with another paladin who will be tanking with you, I don't think it's really necessary. If you really want it, I would wait at the very least until you get Divine Favor. That is really such an awesome talent that if you are going holy, you should shoot for it asap. It can cut your downtime in half.

It's really up to you if you want to postpone the other holy talents by 5 levels. Instead of picking up Holy Shock at 40, you'll get it at 45. Either way, you are eventually going to move down prot anyway.

#8 Mar 23 2008 at 1:31 AM Rating: Decent
well you could, however if you're going to be leveling with another paladin who will be tanking with you, I don't think it's really necessary. If you really want it, I would wait at the very least until you get Divine Favor. That is really such an awesome talent that if you are going holy, you should shoot for it asap. It can cut your downtime in half.

It's really up to you if you want to postpone the other holy talents by 5 levels. Instead of picking up Holy Shock at 40, you'll get it at 45. Either way, you are eventually going to move down prot anyway.

I cannot argue with this logic, Captain. Hi ho, hi ho, down the holy tree I go.

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