Our guild has prorgressed into farming Gruul weekly and working on VR in TK. We are getting much much better handling the trash as our gear upgrades, but we can usually only get in a couple attempts before the Al'ar trash has started to respawn, thus needing warlock summons which takes time and then the VR trash starts.
My question is to all you raiders out there, is Al'ar that hard? I know it is a coordination fight over a gear fight, and our guild has been raiding together very well. I am asking in the mage forum, because I am a mage and I was also wondering if you "need" to respec for the fight? Is he 100% immune to fire? Can I stay fire specced and just use arcane spells since the spellfire set buffs arcane as well? Or would it be best just to drop a few gold and spec arcane/fire for that fight? The couple strats I read said to spec frost, but I don't have an extra 500 gold lying around, sorry.
Edited, Mar 20th 2008 11:08am by compgenius