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#1 Mar 18 2008 at 4:21 AM Rating: Default
Alrighty i have been reading quite a bit on tanking as a druid and i have come to some general conclusions. one may be completely off

1: you need 415 defence rating to be uncritable.
2: you cannot become crush immune. you make up for this with high health and armor.

Now here is where things get a bit fuzzy for me.

I have heard that you cannot dodge crushing blows, So lets say you get hit 100 times.

Well if 20 of those are supposed to be crushing blows. that makes you only able to dodge 80 of the regular hits. so that in turn increases your chances of being crushed more often. thus thats bad right?

after having read pages and pages of mathcraft this is the conclusion i have met with.. please someone tell me if im wrong cause im super confused.

why would i want to make myself get crushed more often?
#2 Mar 18 2008 at 4:47 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
415 Defense rating: True, assuming you have max Survival of The Fittest and less than 8 resilience.

I have heard that you cannot dodge crushing blows, So lets say you get hit 100 times.

Well if 20 of those are supposed to be crushing blows. that makes you only able to dodge 80 of the regular hits. so that in turn increases your chances of being crushed more often. thus thats bad right?

Using your math, 20 hits are crushing blows regardless of your dodge chance, and will hit no matter what: however, the other 80 blows are normal hits, glances, etc. since you know for sure that those 20 crushes are going to connect, you want to dodge as many of the other attacks as possible.

Basically, you're not increasing the amount of times a mob is able to crush you, you're increasing the percentage of hits that connect being crushes.
#3 Mar 18 2008 at 4:48 AM Rating: Good
256 posts
As far as i know, you are correct that a crushing blow cannot be dodged, but high dodge chance does not affect you total nomber of crushing blows.

If you have 0% chance to dodge and you are hit 100 times. 20 of those are likely to be crushing blows (5% chance i think) and 80 of them are regular blows.

If you have 50% dodge chance and the boss swings for you 100 times again. You still eat 20 crushing blows, but only 40 regular blows since you dodge half of the remaining swings.

So you don't get more crushing blows total, but you do get a higher percentage of hits as crushing blows.

On the defence rating you are correct, and also on the crush immunity issue
#4 Mar 18 2008 at 6:45 AM Rating: Excellent
1,668 posts
The combat table in WoW is additive, not multiplicative. Values for mitigation are absolute, and can result in other possible results being pushed off the table partially or completely. Results are mutually exclusive, you will only be "missed" OR "dodge" OR "be crushed", you can't dodge a critical blow or be missed by a critical hit. An important point to note is that crushing blow chance can not be mitigated by defense beyond your level cap like chance to dodge, parry, block can be. It is a straight 15% chance against a level 73 boss.

For druids being attacked, the order of precedence is:

Crushing Blow
Ordinary hit

An increased dodge value first reduces your chance to recieve an ordinary hit. Only once ordinary hit is no longer a possibility would crushing blows begin to be pushed off the attack table.

The total percentage chance of the above entries on the table must equal 100% (every possible outcome). So if we say the mob has a 5% chance to miss, and you have 35% chance to dodge, and 415 defense, the attack table would be:

Miss 5%
Dodge 35%
Critical 0%
Crushing Blow 15%
Ordinary hit 45%

In the case of 100 attacks, you would expect 5 misses, 35 dodges, 15 crushing blows, 45 normal hits.

Since we can't increase the mob's chance to miss by our defensive stats (can be done through things like insect swarm, but that it out of our control), we can only increase mitigation ability through increasing dodge. Increasing dodge chance pushes the chance to be hit ordinarily down off the bottom of the chart, resulting in a direct 1:1 trade for dodge:ordinary hit. Let's say you temporarily gain 8% dodge:

Miss 5%
Dodge 43%
Critical 0%
Crushing Blow 15%
Ordinary hit 37%

In the case of 100 attacks, you would expect 5 misses, 43 dodges, 15 crushing blows, 37 normal hits.

Only when ordinary hits are completely pushed off the table will crushing blows begin to be lessened, as the next bottom outcome in order of priority. In this case, assuming a 5% chance to be missed, you would need more than 80% dodge before crushing blows begin to be mitigated.

Miss 5%
Dodge 80%
Critical 0%
Crushing Blow 15%
Ordinary hit 0%

In the case of 100 attacks, you would expect 5 misses, 80 dodges, 15 crushing blows, 0 normal hits.

Miss 5%
Dodge 82%
Critical 0%
Crushing Blow 13%
Ordinary hit 0%

In the case of 100 attacks, you would expect 5 misses, 82 dodges, 13 crushing blows, 0 normal hits.

Assuming 5% miss, to completely negate crushing blows in the above scenario you would need 95% dodge.

In reality these numbers are slightly low - 73 bosses have less chance to be dodged/miss etc so you need slightly more dodge still to completely negate crushing blows, but I used simple numbers for the purpose of more easily explaining.

In summary:
Adding dodge for Druid will always result in (approximately) that percentage of TOTAL attacks recieved being dodged, at the expense of not recieving normal attacks instead. Crushing Blows will (until very high levels of Dodge) not be affected at all by increased dodge.

Edited, Mar 18th 2008 2:51pm by Delekii
#5 Mar 18 2008 at 7:09 AM Rating: Good
256 posts
damn good answer. Rate up :)
#6 Mar 18 2008 at 9:01 AM Rating: Default
wow thanks a ton for the answers that clears it up very well.
#7 Mar 19 2008 at 7:35 AM Rating: Good
1,764 posts
Two things to add:

1) Defense skill increases the chance the mob will miss. This and the increase to dodges is why Defense rating is better than Resil for tanking.

2) Crushing blows can be dodged, but if you increase your Dodge+Miss (avoidance) past ~85%, the few hits that do land WILL be crushing blows. They're the last type of hit to be pushed off the attack table (besides crits, but you can get rid of them in a different way). If crushing blows couldn't be dodges, Prot warriors and tankadins would need to exclude their Dodge % from their uncrushable calc. As is, they need combined 102.4% avoidance from Dodge, Block, Parry, and Miss.
#8 Mar 19 2008 at 2:03 PM Rating: Good
Crushing blows can be dodged

I assume you meant to say they cannot be dodged. If you have 0% dodge, 15% of incoming attacks will be crushings. If you have 60% dodge, still 15% of incoming attacks will be crushings.

Edited, Mar 19th 2008 10:12pm by RareBeast
#9 Mar 19 2008 at 4:44 PM Rating: Decent
1,668 posts
RareBeast wrote:
Crushing blows can be dodged

I assume you meant to say they cannot be dodged. If you have 0% dodge, 15% of incoming attacks will be crushings. If you have 60% dodge, still 15% of incoming attacks will be crushings.

Edited, Mar 19th 2008 10:12pm by RareBeast

I think he was implying that pushing your dodge into the range needed to reduce crushes could be interpretted as "dodging" a crushing blow, but in reality that is not a good way of understanding it.

It is simpler to think of it like this:

Assuming you are uncrittable, you start with a 15% chance to be crushed and an 85% chance to be hit normally. This first 85% of chance to dodge + chance to be missed will reduce the chance to be hit normally, and the next 15% will reduce the chance to be crushed.
#10 Mar 19 2008 at 6:13 PM Rating: Good
1,764 posts
RareBeast wrote:
I assume you meant to say they cannot be dodged. If you have 0% dodge, 15% of incoming attacks will be crushings. If you have 60% dodge, still 15% of incoming attacks will be crushings.

And if you stack enough Defense/Agi to reach 102.4% total avoidance (even if it's temporary from things like Badge of Tenacity and Moroes Watch) you will be dodging 100% of the incoming Crushing Blows.

AstarintheDruid wrote:
2) Crushing blows can be dodged, but if you increase your Dodge+Miss (avoidance) past ~85%, the few hits that do land WILL be crushing blows. They're the last type of hit to be pushed off the attack table (besides crits, but you can get rid of them in a different way). If crushing blows couldn't be dodges, Prot warriors and tankadins would need to exclude their Dodge % from their uncrushable calc. As is, they need combined 102.4% avoidance from Dodge, Block, Parry, and Miss.

L2read, I already said Crushing Blows are the last type of attack to be pushed off the attack table. Saying that Crushing Blows can't be dodged at all is an overly simplistic and irresponsible answer. If you're too lazy to explain the reason Crushing blows are unlikely to be dodged, don't contradict correct information.

Delekii already did a good job of explaining the attack table, but I guess I have to go over it again for your benefit. Do I need to go get the crayons and construction paper from my kids' art supplies? Or will text work for you?

Melee attacks in WoW use a single to-hit table, populated with the following possible outcomes:

Glancing Blow (only when the attack's weapon skill is 15 or more below defender's defense)
Critical Hit
Crushing Blow (only when the defender's defense is 15 or more less than the attacker's weapon skill)

Starting at 1, possible outcomes are filled in up to 100 in the above sequence. Anything beyond 100 is ignored. Here's a fairly normal example for a druid tank.

1-7 Miss (5% base +~2% from Defense skill)
8-32 Dodge (25%)
33-47 Crushing Blow (15%)
48-100 Hit (53%)

Now, let's say your Agi and dodge rating goes up a lot from Grace of Air (Agi), Blessing of Kings (Agi), Idol of Terror proc (Agi), activating your Badge of Tenacity (Agi), activating your Moroes Lucky Pocketwatch (dodge rating), etc...

1-7 Miss (7%)
8-90 Dodge (83%)
91-100 Crusing Blow (10%)

There's no chance to recieve a normal hit, because the table is already full of events that have a higher priority. You are, in effect, dodging 5% (or 1/3) of the crushing blows you could recieve.
#11 Mar 19 2008 at 6:27 PM Rating: Decent
1,668 posts
you won't be "dodging an incoming crushing blow", you will just straight out be dodging an attack. results are mutually exclusive. there is no need to be an **** about it.

Edited, Mar 20th 2008 2:29am by Delekii
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