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Mage against WarlockFollow

#27 Mar 24 2008 at 4:40 AM Rating: Good
1,262 posts
Mages do not utterly suck at PvP. Fire mages don't have a great amount of control in PvP situations (e.g. why talk about dragon's breath unless you're deep fire), frost mages have much greater control. With abundant roots and snares, ice block, and a pet, the frost mage is the PvP spec.

I do agree that mages are currently on the shorter end of the stick in Arenas, but their time will come. It is like every other class in WoW... it gets buffed & nerfed in cycles. Oh... and people don't have access to just 1 character, but you can have multiple characters on a realm. If you don't like the way mages are being treated now, roll a hunter and play with that for a while. Ultimately the choice is yours, and you sound rather angry.

As a 70 warlock, I get passed by in favor of mages for lots of instances (especially heroic) because the mage CC is the best in the game (takes targets out of combat for extended periods of time, and is recastable on a given target). I believe that mages are *highly* sought after in PvE environments. That, to me, is more where WoW excels, rather than in arena or dueling.

My 2 cents.
#28 Mar 24 2008 at 9:18 AM Rating: Excellent
1,245 posts
LaFey wrote:

mages are simply not a pvp class.


gone are the days when any class could one (or two) shot another player, and with it we now find that mages have the weakest pvp combat control of any class. those classes that can heal we can't kill fast enough within a single CS.

Think about it. Mages could not have been "built on predicates of PvE playability" if the game used to make no distinction between PvP stats and PvE stats. Mages were relatively balanced in the old WoW PvP.

It's when they changed the playstyle of PvP in the Burning Crusade that the mage was weakened in small-group PvP environments.

As such, if they changed certain parts of the mage (such as higher ranks of Mana Shield taking less mana per damage due to the rise in health while linear increase in mana), they can theoretically refit the mage to attaining relative balance in PvP. Currently, the mage isn't very bad in PvP. In small-group PvP, yes, it's a weaker class, but PvP is balanced around 5v5, and there are "weaker" classes in all brackets, because, yes, it reflects how some classes do better in different group sizes.

it's pretty obvious to all that melee classes (and hunters) have the most severe advantage of all against casters (not even just mages).

For the longest time, mage > warrior. A PvP-spec mage can beat a PvP-spec warrior. And rogues used to be (don't know if it is now) exactly on par with mages--it depended on who got the jump, if the rogue's opener won out and if the mage's polymorph-and-reset of the match was interrupted.

melee abilities (and hunters) cannot be silenced or countered short of an actual stun or full CC effect. mages do not have any spammable stun (dragons breath is not spammable and barely lasts long enough to get a single spell off) and we cannot attack our single CC target.

Melee attackers are subject to snares and roots. The mage class has the MOST snares, a root, a disorient, and a full CC polymorph. PvP fire mages have a 10% to stun their enemy on any source of fire damage, such as Molten Armor.

About hunter though, they've always been a good counter to mages, and mages could beat hunters only through the dead zone use.

Edited, Mar 24th 2008 1:18pm by Raglu
#29 Mar 25 2008 at 7:27 AM Rating: Good
38 posts
Blizzard is a company that makes good games. Mages, being one of their creation, comes along with weak points that other classes can exploit.

Basically, Mages are powerful when they have sufficient time (though only a few seconds) to complete the casting of their high-damage spells. Any class that can disrupt this casting time have an easy time against mages.

Mages are weak against direct hits and anything that can disrupt their casting. Pets, Hunter's shots, and warlock's damage-over-time spells are all aimed at keeping their opponents busy and distracted.

The relationship between rogue and mages is a carbon copy of that between asassin and soceress in Diablo 2

As a sidenote, if we look at the history of Warcraft, warlocks are once mages who diverge into practicing shadow magicks. Almost as naturally as mages who perfect their combat skills against normal people (kiting and freezing warriors, soldiers, sharp weapons etc), warlocks naturally perfect their spells against their nearest kin (mages). Nevertheless, they have the same weakness as their mage brethen: low health and weak against direct hits.
#30 Mar 31 2008 at 8:27 AM Rating: Default
Blizzard is a company that makes good games. Mages, being one of their creation, comes along with weak points that other classes can exploit.

stay in school, fanboy.

Think about it. Mages could not have been "built on predicates of PvE playability" if the game used to make no distinction between PvP stats and PvE stats. Mages were relatively balanced in the old WoW PvP.

It's when they changed the playstyle of PvP in the Burning Crusade that the mage was weakened in small-group PvP environments.

exactly. but it's the present we live in. so mages are underpowered for pvp as it is now.

Melee attackers are subject to snares and roots. The mage class has the MOST snares, a root, a disorient, and a full CC polymorph. PvP fire mages have a 10% to stun their enemy on any source of fire damage, such as Molten Armor.

silly fire mage, you can't do damage and snare/root at the same time! just because they gave everyone ice block does not mean all mages are magically frost now. the disorient is dragons breath for 3seconds and is the last talent from fire on a 20 second cooldown. don't make me laugh. "full" crowd control? polymorph? which heals targets so fast it's almost an instant full heal? (hey priest, i bet you couldn't even crit a greater heal for a measly 10k) sheep that we can't hurt? yeah, marvelous crowd control in pvp compared to fear.


For the longest time, mage > warrior. A PvP-spec mage can beat a PvP-spec warrior. And rogues used to be (don't know if it is now) exactly on par with mages--it depended on who got the jump, if the rogue's opener won out and if the mage's polymorph-and-reset of the match was interrupted.

yeah, it's *possible* for anyone to get lucky. but considering itemization for warriors now, if he charges you first you're gonna die after his next intercept. period. that's just the way hamstring works. i'll tell you how it is now with rogues: lolstep and cloak of lulz are like a stale "your mom" joke that everyone keeps telling. and mages aren't the only ones who know it this time.

Mages are weak against direct hits and anything that can disrupt their casting. Pets, Hunter's shots, and warlock's damage-over-time spells are all aimed at keeping their opponents busy and distracted.

oh.... weak against direct hits or anything else? yeah, that sounds about right.

Basically, Mages are powerful when they have sufficient time (though only a few seconds) to complete the casting of their high-damage spells. Any class that can disrupt this casting time have an easy time against mages.

yes. indeed. spell pushback really is an amazing way to make casters utterly useless against real people, isn't it. it's like a carrot on a stick and everyone who waves pointed objects around knows it.

while you're trying to cast the spell that will let you live a few seconds longer, you're getting your flesh pulled off in strips because that rogue knows it's gonna be a full minute before you can finish casting what used to a be 1.5 second spell. and by then he'll have a nice Lector groove going on with your spleen (stststststststststststststs!!). or the hunter will beat him to it with arrows that perform the same function as spells except they aren't interruptable.

Edited, Mar 31st 2008 12:29pm by LaFey
#31 Mar 31 2008 at 10:10 AM Rating: Good
yes. indeed. spell pushback really is an amazing way to make casters utterly useless against real people, isn't it. it's like a carrot on a stick and everyone who waves pointed objects around knows it.

while you're trying to cast the spell that will let you live a few seconds longer, you're getting your flesh pulled off in strips because that rogue knows it's gonna be a full minute before you can finish casting what used to a be 1.5 second spell. and by then he'll have a nice Lector groove going on with your spleen (stststststststststststststs!!). or the hunter will beat him to it with arrows that perform the same function as spells except they aren't interruptable.

Simply get the two set bonus from T4 gear.
#32 Mar 31 2008 at 10:17 AM Rating: Decent
As a 70 warlock, I get passed by in favor of mages for lots of instances (especially heroic) because the mage CC is the best in the game (takes targets out of combat for extended periods of time, and is recastable on a given target). I believe that mages are *highly* sought after in PvE environments. That, to me, is more where WoW excels, rather than in arena or dueling.

Omg how could I have been so blind. Your right man. So what if we don't have the raid DPS of a lock, or the survivabily of a lock, or the mana regen, we have sheep!!!! Your so right!! Mage>Lock now.
#33 Mar 31 2008 at 10:32 AM Rating: Default
Omg how could I have been so blind. Your right man. So what if we don't have the raid DPS of a lock, or the survivabily of a lock, or the mana regen, we have sheep!!!! Your so right!! Mage>Lock now.

if you dont have the raid dps then go arcane, not frost as many of the mages go now...silly mages
#34 Mar 31 2008 at 12:06 PM Rating: Decent
Nine times out of ten, the warlock will win.
Heh, im a warlock, and even i admit we have too many mage kill buttons.

If you get the jump on him, and can beat down his health before he can get a spell off then that's probably your best shot.

The only time my lock has ever been killed by a mage was when he got a pyro crit and fireblast crit burned me down from 70% to about 3, he then hit me with his staff :/
#35 Mar 31 2008 at 3:41 PM Rating: Decent

if you dont have the raid dps then go arcane, not frost as many of the mages go now...silly mages

news flash. arcane isn't the best raid build anymore. even with T5.

Simply get the two set bonus from T4 gear.

yes, pve gear performs so well in pvp...

i'll ignore that and ask you why you think a class should be considered balanced if they absolutely depend on a few specific items to even function?
#36 Mar 31 2008 at 3:50 PM Rating: Default
today in 2v2 arena me (Raid spec 2/48/11 fire mage)and my priest friend (holy) raped the crap out of a hunter/hunter group a hunter/war group and a lock/rogue group. It can be done, especially if they suck. We did surprise ourselves though.
#37 Mar 31 2008 at 4:49 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
My Feral Druid in crappy healing gear (+600 healing) kept an AP Mage alive through several Horde attempts to take over the Goldmine in Arathi Basin.

Instead of wearing my super S1 Feral gear, I switched to the crappy healer gear and kept him alive. He took out everything. Nothing lived. Everything died.

Including me.

Though that wasn't the Mage's fault. Mortal Strike apparently has a new damage scaling factor based on "percentage of enemy's remaining health" built into it. It now deals damage equal to 120% of my remaining health, regardless of which form I'm in.

2k Mortal Strike crit on 200+ resilience and 16k armor rating is hurtful.

Edited, Apr 1st 2008 2:49am by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#38 Apr 01 2008 at 7:32 AM Rating: Good
i'll ignore that and ask you why you think a class should be considered balanced if they absolutely depend on a few specific items to even function?

You don't have to depend on it, you don't Have to depend a lot of things. One should depend on skill over gear. I saying that you could use the 2 piece bonus is just a option if you're that worried about pushback.

Mage's are not that broken, we have many tools to help in PvP. So in the mean-time let's stop QQ'ing, and play the game that we actually pay for and have fun.

#39REDACTED, Posted: Apr 01 2008 at 2:07 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) you're wrong. and i've given examples of why i believe so -- you have failed to convince me with your baseless assertions.
#40 Apr 02 2008 at 4:52 AM Rating: Good
1,262 posts

You know, you have some good points, but you don't need to be such an asshat about it.

There are flaws with mages in 1v1 PvP (or even 2v2 and 3v3). That's pretty obvious (especially if you look at the low representation that mages have in those arena groups). Blizzard has said that they don't do class balance at 1v1 (and I don't know that they do a great job of even 2v2 or 3v3 balance... I play a pally & a mage, so I understand what you're talking about).

Edited, Apr 2nd 2008 7:53am by ktangent
#41 Apr 02 2008 at 8:09 AM Rating: Default

You know, you have some good points, but you don't need to be such an asshat about it.

i'm not trying to be offensive, i'm not an angry, raving zealot: i'm stating things quite calmly and very reasonably. it's not rude to point out facts and try to explain your own ideas.

i have to think long and hard in order to not be any more brutally frank than is absolutely necessary.

as for my personal opinion about the way blizzard balances pvp... at first, they claimed that each class was balanced against each other class (that is, 1v1!) in a circular "rock, paper, scissors" manner. then they claimed that people who weren't doing well in pvp were simply not geared or spec'd for it -- a ludicrous idea and a bald faced lie since it was entire classes that were not showing up on the stat boards, and the armory could confirm that gear distribution was relatively equal considering blizzard's itemization. now they're trying to say that it's natural for some classes to do poorly 1v1 because they're trying to balance the game around 5v5 and larger-scale BG combat.

this last idea is a cleverly devised pile of *********

if it were true, then blizzard would have been balancing pvp around content that didn't exist until arenas went live. but i suppose it's also possible that their standard of balance has changed according to content, so i leave this as the weakest plausible argument.

logically, it's absurd to balance an individual class around group content because group make-up is extremely varied and not even blizzard can know who will make teams with who. in other words, it restricts the viable combinations of party make-up -- and arbitrary restrictions to players' otherwise perfectly legal capabilities is nothing less than ****** design. when a DM forbids the player wizard to cast any divination spells just because it would ruin the plot, the DM is a moron and the players need to find someone who can cook up a real campaign.

in practice, the work of a group is never performed equally. anyone who's ever heard of a damage/healing meter knows. in 5v5, the weakest classes' slack gets picked up by everyone else -- and therefor the weakest class needs to be cut by the team for the team's benefit. which means that individual classes can still be imbalanced and that it's just as bad as class imbalance is in 1v1. it just might be harder to detect because the group's performance is averaging over the crapadelic performance of their mage.

you don't see the warrior getting focus fired down. it's the mage. they aren't worth the CC. you sit on the healer so he can't do much and just three-shot the mage as soon his ice block drops.

how telling.
#42 Apr 08 2008 at 9:39 AM Rating: Good
Hmm actually Evertas' vid is NOT the nonplusultra of a mage vs lock fight... first off, the lock in his vid suxx, skill-wise, and gear-wise he is maximum s1 geared. As an average mage encountering s3 warlocks is rather a little bit tougher than stated in Evertas vid.

Evertas IS telling some true things nevertheless, and some tips he is giving are good. Eventhough the question here was from a lowbie, whose encounters cannot be compared to lvl 70 (relatively)-endgame-fights there are still some things I can tell you:

If he starts the fight, and you're surprised, just run. If there is no way, you're gonna get away anyways, still stay and fight to learn something, and to probably survive long enough for something unexpected to happen. This way I have "beaten" other players, though my chances were slim, simply by a lvl 56 rogue suddenly running by, and two-shotting the guy ;P

Lock vs mage is not easy busines, though @70 I'd say there are harder fights.
You need a decent specc, and ofc decent stats to compete with a same-lvl warlock. Outgearing him is better than having the disadvantage. And IMO you need some moving and playing skills, that can only be achieved in maaaaany duels and long evenings of PvP. You need to be able to use CS effectively, and never waste casts by missing the enemy. Frost and fire are both good speccs for lol-lvl PvP, at least IMO.

Here is how I'd start the fight in your situation, if I could be pretty sure he can't see what I'm doing/he doesn't have his felhunter out. Start the fight with a frostbolt, and no instants, and do another one, so he is aware of you hiting on him when the second frostbolt is already half-way casted. If you're lucky you can get out 2 frostbolts this way before he has done anything. If he does deathcoil immediately then just use your PvP-trinket, if you have it, if not GET IT. if he doesn't do that he is a)a noob b)afk or c) wants to try his luck on a fear-cast. "c" is awsome for you, since you are now able to counterspell his fear, and lock down his shadow school for 8 secs. If you loose, if case "a" or "b" applies, I cannot help you. By now his pet might also silence you, if he has the right pet out, and if that happens, while he CAN cast shadow spells, thats a good moment for your iceblock, since he will fear you and drain some life otherwise. If you have survived until now, there should be no problem of taking him down with cone of cold and AE/scorch. He kinda needs some serious skill, to be able to survive this.

Other than that I just wanna say, that locks are NOT totally OP, at least @ 70, and any s3 mage who cannot take out s3 locks ever, doesn't deserve his gear. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it isn't a close fight, but it is actually possible, and not even soooo hard with some practice.
#43 Apr 09 2008 at 8:22 AM Rating: Decent


as for my personal opinion about the way blizzard balances pvp... at first, they claimed that each class was balanced against each other class (that is, 1v1!) in a circular "rock, paper, scissors" manner. then they claimed that people who weren't doing well in pvp were simply not geared or spec'd for it -- a ludicrous idea and a bald faced lie since it was entire classes that were not showing up on the stat boards, and the armory could confirm that gear distribution was relatively equal considering blizzard's itemization. now they're trying to say that it's natural for some classes to do poorly 1v1 because they're trying to balance the game around 5v5 and larger-scale BG combat.

if it were true, then blizzard would have been balancing pvp around content that didn't exist until arenas went live. but i suppose it's also possible that their standard of balance has changed according to content, so i leave this as the weakest plausible argument.

I'm going to look past the standard mage QQ for just a minute here. Pre-TBC the classes were extremely unbalanced, but the paper-rock-scissors scheme was very obvious. The imbalance was due to the fact that things like warlock could defeat a large number of classes while paladin could only beat 1 or 2. However, winning against those classes was a virtual assurance.

With the rise of arena a great many things have been changes to balance PvP less around 1v1 and more into group combat. A major change was the duration of CCs. 20 seconds of sheep is bad, but 20 seconds of fear is unstoppable. Literally, some classes could not win against a pair of well played warlocks because there simply weren't enough ways to avoid their CCs. The introduction or resilience seriously hurt ret pallies as well as destro locks and most mages. Higher resil totals have removed certain specs from the arena as just being too crit dependent and forced others to shift tactics to adapt.


logically, it's absurd to balance an individual class around group content because group make-up is extremely varied and not even blizzard can know who will make teams with who. in other words, it restricts the viable combinations of party make-up -- and arbitrary restrictions to players' otherwise perfectly legal capabilities is nothing less than sh*tty design. when a DM forbids the player wizard to cast any divination spells just because it would ruin the plot, the DM is a moron and the players need to find someone who can cook up a real campaign.

Only an idiot would balance classes individually when they all have to interact. Especially in a PvP setting, certain abilities have to be limited and restricted to maintain balance. Classes will always have certain counters. Even in table topping, casters will defeat fighters, rogues will defeat casters, and so on and so forth. Games with group content are SUPPOSED to be balanced around the group. Yes, this does create situations where your group is just completely inviable. Why have you never encountered this in your scrubby little D&D games? Because first off, many campaigns are made FOR YOU, which would allow your unorthodox composition to thrive. (I also find it comical that your appeal to better balance happened to be one of the most poorly designed RPGs of all time. D&D was the prototype for modern gaming and it shows. D&D blazed a trail but the road was paved by systems like L5R, Shadowrun and V:TM.)

It is even more likely, however, that only a group of idiots would manage to put together a group without a single spell caster, healer, or negotiator, even in the care-bear table top realm that is D&D. This carries over directly to MMOs. Mages play a very simple role in 3s+ and BG play. Locking out healers, harassing melee and providing essential offensive support are all "mage jobs" that can be performed even under duress.


in practice, the work of a group is never performed equally. anyone who's ever heard of a damage/healing meter knows. in 5v5, the weakest classes' slack gets picked up by everyone else -- and therefor the weakest class needs to be cut by the team for the team's benefit. which means that individual classes can still be imbalanced and that it's just as bad as class imbalance is in 1v1. it just might be harder to detect because the group's performance is averaging over the crapadelic performance of their mage.

In a 5 man or 5v5 the weakest performance should still be stronger than whatever you're up against. There are certain classes mages play very well with and others that they don't work as well with. A mage's main problem is going to be his mana pool, and while it may be quicker to focus fire it down in a standard 3s situation, I've found that a mage backed by a disc priest can be exceptionally hard to take down and if you put a ret pally onto that same 3s team what you have is a mage who will be far more powerful than you would initially anticipate. Given IB, PS, BoP and PW:S that mage will take far more punishment than you want it to. The key? Building groups that mages can work with, rather than being a nub, dropping your mage into any old team and wondering why you aren't getting anywhere.


you don't see the warrior getting focus fired down. it's the mage. they aren't worth the CC. you sit on the healer so he can't do much and just three-shot the mage as soon his ice block drops.

Protip: If you want to survive focus fire, try arenaing with classes that can help you with that. Druids and Disc Priests make very good healers for you because they can set you up before you get attacked as well as use their CC to buy you some breathing room. Pallies are a bit easier to control but also provide very good benefits. If you're getting focused down, though, I have to wonder what the rest of your team is doing.

#44 Apr 09 2008 at 8:54 AM Rating: Decent
147 posts
I am a Warlock, interested in starting a mage, and I came across this topic.

Assuming that this is not a duel situation, since duels set up both classes in "perfect conditions", but rather, a random encounter in WorldPVP or in a Battleground (I haven't done Arenas yet).

I love having my felhunter around when a mage decides to ambush me, or when I run into a mage, since it has a ton of resistance, and can eat negative stuff off me, and positive stuff off the mage. I'm an affliction Warlock, which means that my demons don't tend to be super-overpowered, but rather, I rely on "fear-dot-dot-dot-dot-drain-repeat". When I do not have my felhunter around, I tend to run around with my imp, which gives me a stamina boost, or my succubus, which is quite useful for a half-decent dps output on NPCs, but, more importantly, to seduce unwanted humanoid mobs (like a stunlocking rogue, yay!). When I have one of these pets out, I am very vulnerable to a mage shooting a long-casting time spell, such as a fireball or a pyroblast at me. I think the key to beinting a Warlock, as a mage, is to Out-DPS the Warlock, and try to kill him before the "fear-dot" routine hits. I realise that a major part of the fight relies on surprise, since Warlocks tend to have the upper hand in a fight against mages, and most of the time, a Warlock will win a head-on fight against a mage, but it is certainly not impossible to win a fight against a Warlock, for a mage.
#45 Apr 09 2008 at 9:16 AM Rating: Decent
A well geared mage can technically just blow the problem up. Locks without high resil aren't much tougher to hurt than a mage, especially at low level. The key is just hitting him hard enough that he's dead before he fears you.
#46 Apr 09 2008 at 9:25 AM Rating: Good
It's kind of hard to believe that every mage out there gets owned at pvp.
I don't find any problems with locks or rogues or any other class if you just know the other class and what they can and most likely will do
i'm specd mostly into arcane and 8 into fire and i find it EXTREMELY easy to take down any class 1v1 and sometimes 2v1
just put slow on a caster get as many moves off as you can CS when fear is coming up put slow back up and repeat and any caster class is going down with an ice block thrown in if you get too many dots.
even when i was fire i still could do my own in PvP
You don't need huge hits to take somebody down just know what your doing and have fun with it.
#47 Apr 09 2008 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
And about knowing what the other classes can and most likely will do i don't mean you have to research them for hours and hours roll a class to 70 to know their moves i'm saying the simple stuff that you see everytime you go against them such as
locks=fear dots drains
shamans=windfury crits frost and earth shocks with silence
rogues= stunlock vanish Cloak of shadows
warriors= intercept spell reflect and hamstring
druids=cyclone fast melee hits and changing forms to avoid snares
priests= aoe fear Dots and quick heals to themselves
hunters= basically depeding on their spec is how you handle them
BM take out their pet fast
MM forget their pet take THEM down fast
just simple stuff that you know each class is going to do EVERY time can make pvp so much easier
you know it's going to happen so just be ready for it
most classes you can out range and other classes you just have to be right up in their face to get the job done
but if you still just aren't doing what you want in pvp maybe you just aren't meant for it
#48 Apr 09 2008 at 3:20 PM Rating: Good
69 posts
I cant believe how much this thread has taken off lol...Thx for the tips everyone i have been reading it every couple of days and has def made me realize that every class has weaknesses and can be beaten....I have more probs from druids now than locks....Druids just own frosties imo cause they wont stay frozen...and that leaves me less options to fight with
#49 Apr 10 2008 at 10:34 PM Rating: Default
Only an idiot would balance classes individually when they all have to interact. Especially in a PvP setting, certain abilities have to be limited and restricted to maintain balance. Classes will always have certain counters. Even in table topping, casters will defeat fighters, rogues will defeat casters, and so on and so forth. Games with group content are SUPPOSED to be balanced around the group. Yes, this does create situations where your group is just completely inviable. Why have you never encountered this in your scrubby little D&D games? Because first off, many campaigns are made FOR YOU, which would allow your unorthodox composition to thrive. (I also find it comical that your appeal to better balance happened to be one of the most poorly designed RPGs of all time. D&D was the prototype for modern gaming and it shows. D&D blazed a trail but the road was paved by systems like L5R, Shadowrun and V:TM.)

i've never played a game of D&D in my life. so your personalized insults are really rather wasted. also, your fanboy is showing and i'd rather not have to see that little thing. i alluded to the game to make a point which you simply didn't understand. the scenario is that players' abilities are being restricted arbitrarily and unexpectedly to ease the task of the game developer. players feel cheated and rightfully so.

second, if you actually knew the facts of the matter, you would know that melee classes and hunters dominate WoW pvp. this is a problem of itemization and game mechanics (spell pushback for instace). items could be tweaked, but various game mechanics are permanent and crippling.


In a 5 man or 5v5 the weakest performance should still be stronger than whatever you're up against. There are certain classes mages play very well with and others that they don't work as well with. A mage's main problem is going to be his mana pool, and while it may be quicker to focus fire it down in a standard 3s situation, I've found that a mage backed by a disc priest can be exceptionally hard to take down and if you put a ret pally onto that same 3s team what you have is a mage who will be far more powerful than you would initially anticipate. Given IB, PS, BoP and PW:S that mage will take far more punishment than you want it to. The key? Building groups that mages can work with, rather than being a nub, dropping your mage into any old team and wondering why you aren't getting anywhere.

it's selfish and unrealistic to demand that the entire team be created to help the mage kill things. why should anyone choose a mage who requires another or two players to support him in order to do his job? there are other classes who the job better and don't absolutely require a certain other class to protect him. we aren't talking about how awesome any TWO classes *can* be, we're discussing the problems of the mage class compared to any other.

so far you haven't presented any arguments, you've merely complained that i have good points and you don't have any compelling evidence that i'm wrong. go take current census data. compile armory reports. go look at the publicly posted pvp stats. what do the facts say? why do you suppose things are the way they are? not how you think they should be, or how you like to pretend things are in your magical universe.

basically, you're too lazy to do your homework and then you show up here trying to drag your balls around and give pep-talks to make everyone feel better for playing a weak class. no, loki, you're wrong. and you don't understand why.
#50 Apr 11 2008 at 5:34 AM Rating: Decent
i gots a ?.....How can fire mages beat resto druids i was POM pyro and thowing everything at him i could and even got evac off and stil couldnt beat was me and my friend we was leving together and right when we hit 70 we starting dueling and i could never win...its been about 2 weeks and i got some epics and the druid dont even have 100 resil but about 800 bonus healing any 1 have any tips on killing them....and i have been watching videos but i dont think i seen POM pyro vs Resto Druid
#51 Apr 11 2008 at 6:09 AM Rating: Good
1,262 posts
If you're POM, I'm assuming you have Imp Counterspell. What you have to do is force them to use a big heal, so you could do AM spam/AB spam to take chunks of health down and then CS their heal, then POM Pyro -> AM (with AP).

The problem with druids is all those instant heals, and God help you if they actually try to attack you back. ;-) Resto shammies can be a royal pain as well (but for all the totems).
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