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Just started my 4th Rogue ... pleeze help me ...Follow

#1 Mar 14 2008 at 4:26 AM Rating: Good
608 posts
..get past level 10.

I know it can be done, I've seen higher level rogues around ... but I just can't seem to push past level 10. Ok, I got a rogue to level 12 once, but the other 2 stopped at level 8 and level 10 respectively.

My current rogue is level 6, and he's waiting for me to pick him up again, which I'll do the next time I play. I just can't seem to stick it out with my rogue to make a success of him.

Some background.. I have a 70 warrior (my first wow character) and a 70 Mage (the total antithesis of the warrior ... intentionally chosen for that reason). I love DPSing with my warrior, but after a long period of denial, I have finally admitted that a rogue is the Melee DPS king (ok, he's THE DPS king), so I am rolling my 4th. Problem is that, unlike my warrior, I can't stand there and take a beating from 4, 5 or 6 mobs in a row ... I get squished far too quickly for that to be viable. And unlike the Mage (who IS Mr Squishy personified), I can't blow him up from a distance, and keep him there with all sorts of tricks.

So how must I play differently to make a success of my rogue. It appeals greatly to me, and it's something I really want to play (as illustrated by the fact that I've just rolled my 4th one).

Please try and resist sending me straight to the stickies .. what I'm looking for is some encouragement / anecdotal evidence on how easy it is to play the rogue (it IS easy, isn't it ;-> ?).

Thanks all, hope to here from you soon ;-)
#2 Mar 14 2008 at 4:31 AM Rating: Decent

i'd say watch some rogue pvp/pve movies !
thats will work for sure ! good luck :p
#3 Mar 14 2008 at 6:39 AM Rating: Excellent
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Plug along until you get Blade Flurry at least. Once you see that in action, keep going until you get Adrenaline Rush.

Combine the two, and you'll be hooked.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#4 Mar 14 2008 at 6:53 AM Rating: Decent
811 posts should be able to hit lvl 6 in an hour or less...and lvl 10 in another hour. Rogues aren't really meant for 5-6 mobs at a time...but it doesn't even seem like you want to put any time into it..why even try?
#5 Mar 14 2008 at 7:21 AM Rating: Good
6,318 posts
robertlofthouse wrote:
Problem is that, unlike my warrior, I can't stand there and take a beating from 4, 5 or 6 mobs in a row ... I get squished far too quickly for that to be viable.

Maybe this is because your rogue is not a warrior. The two just play differently, so stop playing your rogue as a warrior. If you can't take down multiple mobs yet, then try to stick with only taking one or two down at a time.

Baby steps....
#6 Mar 14 2008 at 7:23 AM Rating: Good
608 posts
ThomasMagnum wrote: should be able to hit lvl 6 in an hour or less...and lvl 10 in another hour. Rogues aren't really meant for 5-6 mobs at a time...but it doesn't even seem like you want to put any time into it..why even try?

Yeah .. that's the kind of answer I was looking for ... thanks :-|

Yes, I made level 6 in an hour (actually 50 minutes) and yes, level 10 will come as quickly ... I have no problem with the time it should take ... it's the difference in play style I would like some advice on .. but hey ... if that's your advice .. I'll thank you for it and move on !!

Demea wrote:
Plug along until you get Blade Flurry at least. Once you see that in action, keep going until you get Adrenaline Rush.

Combine the two, and you'll be hooked.

Thanks Demea, kinda like the info I was looking for ...
#7 Mar 14 2008 at 7:44 AM Rating: Excellent
340 posts
If it is motivation you are looking for, I can tell you that rogues are the most fun once you hit the upper 20s. You don't get all your toys (I mean trainable abilites) until level 30, at which time you can also spec into Blade Flurry.

Once you have all the stuns plus access the combat tree talents, you can really turn into the spinning vortex of death.
#8 Mar 14 2008 at 9:17 AM Rating: Excellent
155 posts
Well I guess I would say just tough through it and try to get to above 20 before you decide to scrap your rogue again.

I remember hitting 14 on my rogue and asked why is this so painful, but once I hit 20ish it got a lot better.

Also since it seems you MIGHT stop playing your rogue again, play him at least untill he hits a new area then stop playing but don't delete him. This way if you ever decide to come back again you can just pick your rogue up without the painful leveling experience of 1-20~.
#9 Mar 14 2008 at 9:41 AM Rating: Excellent
428 posts
^This. All of it.

I died so many times on my rogue from 1-20ish I thought I'd forgotten how to play. My main is a mage and my only other melee at the time was a Pally...which, between heals and bubbles and holy dmg, isn't melee in the purest sense. Prot, of all things, so he's Mr. Survivability. Anywho...

I forget when Cheap Shot becomes trainable, but it makes for a major grinding upgrade. No more Ambush non-crit openers, you can now lock them down for a few seconds of free beating AND and extra combo point to boot. Point is, rogues pick up a crapton (I measured) of tools along the way which make the rogue, well, playable and wicked fun. Life has forced me to leave my 39 rogue behind for the time being, but I miss him terribly.

Small bit of advice: though 99% of your openers should be from stealth and not with your ranged weapon, don't be afraid to pull out the bow or throwing knives if your desired target is amongst 3 or 4 of his friends. Unless BF & AR are up, then it's whirling-vortex-of-stabbity-death time.

edit: and yeah, stop deleting!! Rested xp ftw.

Edited, Mar 14th 2008 1:43pm by AynLoD
#10 Mar 14 2008 at 10:42 AM Rating: Good
608 posts
Fantastic .. thanks all for that ... ok - I promise, I'll stop deleting my poor failed rogues ;-). I'll make sure I treat him as delicately as I knew I had to treat my mage in the early stages, and stick it out till around 20.

From what you guys will say, this should be where my views are changed dramatically.

Right, off to investigate Blade Flurry and all the other pieces of goodness mentioned. ;-)
#11 Mar 14 2008 at 12:25 PM Rating: Decent
811 posts
Sorry - my post wasn't meant as advice - just that it seems odd you'd make 4 rogues only to give up after barely giving the class a chance. I started a warlock and hated it at first, but got it up to 35 and am loving leveling. And the above post about not playing your rogue like your warrior is my point never took the time to learn how to play your class and assumed it sucked based on past diff. class experience.
#12 Mar 14 2008 at 1:40 PM Rating: Excellent
11,852 posts

Get a SLOW SWORD. At early levels, Blizzard does you a terrible disservice by starting you off with daggers.

Spec straight into Imp. Sinister Strike. By L12, if you have a proper level 2.6 speed green sword, you'll be slicing through mobs very quickly.

Stack on agility as much as you can even at low levels. You'll do a lot more damage and you'll find it more enjoyable.
#13 Mar 14 2008 at 8:15 PM Rating: Default
1,207 posts
spicu wrote:

i'd say watch some rogue pvp/pve movies !
thats will work for sure ! good luck :p

Lmfao, you can't be serious.

Do you seriously call that "advice" if you don't even link any movies in particular...? And how do you expect someone to level up easily if all they're watching is 70s PvPing or raiding (you won't find too many movies of raiding rogues out there...)?

#14 Mar 14 2008 at 8:40 PM Rating: Decent
Pinkbullet wrote:
spicu wrote:

i'd say watch some rogue pvp/pve movies !
thats will work for sure ! good luck :p

Lmfao, you can't be serious.

Do you seriously call that "advice" if you don't even link any movies in particular...? And how do you expect someone to level up easily if all they're watching is 70s PvPing or raiding (you won't find too many movies of raiding rogues out there...)?


Motivation, I do believe.
#15 Mar 15 2008 at 1:30 AM Rating: Decent
608 posts
Kavekk wrote:
Pinkbullet wrote:
spicu wrote:

i'd say watch some rogue pvp/pve movies !
thats will work for sure ! good luck :p

Lmfao, you can't be serious.

Do you seriously call that "advice" if you don't even link any movies in particular...? And how do you expect someone to level up easily if all they're watching is 70s PvPing or raiding (you won't find too many movies of raiding rogues out there...)?


Motivation, I do believe.

Now you see, I have a problem with Videos being motiviation. I have quite honestly seen PvP / PvE videos from all classes showing me that they own everything in their path. A video of a rogue slicing through everyone and everything is impressive, yes, but no more or less impressive that a warrior or SP or Mage or any other class doing the same thing ... they are all out there .. look them up.

So the videos function as motivation for what you can do in this game, not really was makes the class unique (that's my opinion, anyhow)

ThomasMagnum wrote:
Sorry - my post wasn't meant as advice - just that it seems odd you'd make 4 rogues only to give up after barely giving the class a chance. I started a warlock and hated it at first, but got it up to 35 and am loving leveling. And the above post about not playing your rogue like your warrior is my point never took the time to learn how to play your class and assumed it sucked based on past diff. class experience.

Good, I never took it as advice ... I was being sarcastic. My post was put up here, because I was struggling to come to grips with the rogue as a class ... true, I may / should have given it more time, but based on previous experience with other classes, I was a little dissappointed with the way the rogue played, plain and Simple.

If it was your intention to tell me that I was struggling with the rogue because I was playing it as a warrior, then why didn't you just say so instead of trying to take a side-swipe at me for "giving up" (ok ok, I was giving up, but didn't want to .. hence my post asking for advice :-/)

Oh, I never said / assumed the rogue sucked, what I did say was that I was struggling to come to grips with the class mechanics.

It is now clear that I was looking at the class from the wrong angle, and thank you to those who have nicely pointed that out and given me a few minor pointers as to how I should be approaching it and what to expect.

I had (yes, in the last hour), levelled from 6 to 11, and, with a different perspective, am enjoying it a lot more.

Jordster wrote:

Get a SLOW SWORD. At early levels, Blizzard does you a terrible disservice by starting you off with daggers.

Spec straight into Imp. Sinister Strike. By L12, if you have a proper level 2.6 speed green sword, you'll be slicing through mobs very quickly.

Stack on agility as much as you can even at low levels. You'll do a lot more damage and you'll find it more enjoyable.

Had never even given this any thought ... will definitely consider trying this out.

Edited, Mar 15th 2008 5:31am by robertlofthouse

Edited, Mar 15th 2008 5:31am by robertlofthouse
#16 Mar 15 2008 at 6:45 AM Rating: Decent
I'm leveling a rogue as I type. Lvl 14 right now. Very easy in my opinion. Gouge, backstab, sinister strike, eviserate. Get in trouble sprint. If it's not to bad hit evasion. 3 humanoid mobs, sap one. Kill the other two. It's that simple.
#17 Mar 15 2008 at 9:34 AM Rating: Decent
53 posts
You get new toys as you level up your rogue so maybe looking ahead to see what kind of fun new skills you will obtain can be a motivating factor. Either that or specific talents like others have mentions above. That always helped me while I was lvling my rogue to 70.

Or, if you have a sugardaddy (can be yourself or others), have them buy your rogue a nice item thats ahead of your rogue's level that you can look forward to. That helped me to level also.

Edited, Mar 15th 2008 1:37pm by stonedvodka
#18 Mar 15 2008 at 4:51 PM Rating: Default
I'm thinking gouge is a waste of energy. Better spent with backstab or garrote from stealth or sinister strike then eviscerate. Anyways, it's easy leveling a rouge!
#19 Mar 15 2008 at 5:18 PM Rating: Decent
1,207 posts
bsgnitro wrote:
I'm thinking gouge is a waste of energy. Better spent with backstab or garrote from stealth or sinister strike then eviscerate. Anyways, it's easy leveling a rouge!

You think Gouge is a waste of energy? Ha! I think your mom is a waste of energy.


My friend... Gouge is used for stunning the opponent in order to set yourself up for the next move. Be it a Vanish, Sprint away, or whatever, it sure is worth the energy when you make the killing blow. Gouge is one of a Rogue's best friends.
#20 Mar 15 2008 at 5:59 PM Rating: Excellent
56 posts
Hmmmm ....

Every class is different - so if you take the tactics and mindset from one class to another you will fail. Usually in a very demoralising manner.

My big mental step was actually picking up a warrior having played a rogue for a long long time. I was disappointed in how slowly it killed things, irritated because I had to chip through groups of mobs rather than just sneak up and kill the weak ones lurking on their own at the back and it took a long time to get over the inability of the warrior to get away from unexpected adds.

Which is another way of saying that rogues pick their own fights, slaughter things when they do and run away when things go wrong.

As has been said all ready it's a matter of mindset. Don't just think of a rogue as a DPS king because that is not how you grind the levels. When you have a tank to hide behind you can go full throttle and blow the damage meters away - until then just rejoice in being a sneaky, amoral and brutal killer.

I took my warrior to level 70 and realised that I was spending most of my time as a sub-par rogue - DW fury/arms DPS .... so I picked my rogue up again and haven't looked back. (And yes, if I spent a huge amount of time and effort I could make a DPS warrior to be feared by every mob .. I still couldn't CC and my repair bills would make NASA wince).

My 2 cents.
#21 Mar 15 2008 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
155 posts
Kalligrapher: Well warriors is the most gear depending class in the game, so I wouldn't be surprised on how much effort and money it would take a warrior to obtain the necessary gear to rip through mobs.

Also the CC that warriors has is being able to take a beating from mobs. Well, it's probably the most expensive type of CC in the game though.

Anyhow, Gouge is a great ability. It has so many uses that it will take some time to learn how and when to use it effectively. I wouldn't knock it off as a useless waste of money and energy/
#22 Mar 15 2008 at 8:36 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
Gouge is fantastic, tho i dont really reccomend it as an opener, yes it makes it easier to get behind the target for backstab, but you should be trying for a stealthed ambush opener, and yes get the slowest possible sword you can 2.6-2.8 the reason is id you look at a 2.0 sword and a 2.6 sword with the same dps, the per swing damage of the slower sword is higher, (eg 45-71 on a 2.0 vs 61-94 on a 2.6) because each individual swing does extra damage, every Sinister strike, eviscerate etc will do more damage, and they arent affected by weapon speed because they are instant extra attacks, therefore if you have the energy available you get a free swing + dmg bonus,

once you get poisons (lvl 20), you want the fastest possible weapon in your offhand (preferably 1.3-1.5 speed) because the faster it is, the more often your offhand poison will stick, and if its something like instant poison, its a pure increase to dps, also further into combat talent spec, you get combat potency, which has a chance to give extra energy on a successful offhand attack, meaning you get more Sinister strikes in, which gets you closer to that 5point eviscerate that does mondo damage

as soon as you learn kick and shiv, get used to using them, look at alternative keybindings, i found myself much more responsive when i started using my mousewheel as an action tool (mouse wheel up = gouge, wheel down = Cloak of Shadows, Shift+whl up = Kick, shift+whl down = blind

instead of dragging blind out of your powers book, write a macro like this

/cast [target=mouseover] Blind

that way, if your targeting one target, you can blind another one by hovering the cursor over him and pressing shift+mouse wheel down, and go back to busting on your current target,

get to know kick, its your best friend, as a warrior you may let casters fire off on you cause you have the hp to take it, but your fragile as a rogue, and turn enemy cast bars on in the interface menu, so you know when that caster is firing a fireball at you, or that healer is charging up a heal, as soon as you see it, kick to interupt, its a cheap ability energy wise, if you kick interupt a heal, they cant heal again for 5 seconds, in bg, thats a deathsentence for a priest being whailed on.

the point of these little tips, sure rogues can be a dps king, but the reason people enjoy rogues, is they fight dirty, they can carve through things when the time is right, but when you run into a fight, and run out again with barely a scratch and a furious priest youve left dead that didnt get a single heal off, you will chuckle to yourself.

I only wish someone told me these points when i was lvl 10, i would have found the lower to mid levels even more enjoyable

#23 Mar 15 2008 at 9:55 PM Rating: Decent
I was talking about the level we are at. Basicaly at lvl 14-18 gouge is good for escaping. If you are using it to setup a backstab your wasting energy.
#24 Mar 16 2008 at 9:20 PM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
Gouge can be used to set up backstab if you're using a dagger (untalented SS with a dagger is a waste of energy), which is a viable option at that level. More importantly though, Gouge gives an extra interrupt against casters. Definitely not a waste of energy if used properly.

Also, just to nitpick, Eviscerate damage doesn't depend on your weapon.

OP: At low levels with rogue, it's very important to pick the right targets. Fight casters, you'll kill them insanely fast if you can get one on one. As you move through levels, you'll have more and more options open up ... by level 70 you pretty much never die, and blow through most mobs like they're paper.

If you're combat swords, you can burn through packs of mobs with AR/Blade Flurry/Evasion, once you get them. Until then, pick your fights. You have stealth and sap. If you're leveling, set up carefully, and you can fight one mob at a time. Rogue leveling is about controlling the situation and choosing your fights, at least at low levels.
#25 Mar 17 2008 at 6:08 AM Rating: Decent
608 posts
Lol, this is incredible, the rogue community is supposed to be the nastiest, trickiest, backstabbing, "look after number 1" bunch of misfits around ... I mean, that's what a rogue is, isn't he, except...

I have received more relevant advice in this thread than in any other individual thread I've posted, on this site and others (ofc, there are a few exceptions, but they're to be expected).

So I say thank you ... my rogue is now level 16, I have a 2.6 speed sword (level 11 group quest reward in Ghostlands) and a 2.0 speed dagger in the off hand (level 10 rogue quest reward), and Yeah, I'm owning ... my initial concerns about not being able to take on multiple mobs ... gone ... I took down 6 in a row (3 on me at one time) last night ... it was close, but I made some interesting use of Gouge and evasion which saved my bacon.

Just a piece of confirmation if you could ... Is it my imagination, or is simply going face to face with the mob making use of SS and Evis far more efficient than opening with a Backstab and burning him down from there. My gut feel is that the sneaky approach takes longer (overall) and the fight itself isn't as fast (damage output is better using an all out SS based attack). Ofc, on the few occasions where the BS crits, the fight is ridiculously quick ... any further pearls of wisdom.

Thanks again for all the great feedback .. you guys are alright ;-)
#26 Mar 17 2008 at 8:42 AM Rating: Excellent
1,606 posts
PsiChi the Fussy wrote:

God I wanted to reach into the TV and strangle Bill Murray!!

My rogue is in the mid30s now and I sort of went through the same sort of issues sticking with it as you. Mid teens things start to get a little better and it seems to keep getting better. It does take some getting used to. My main is hunter so the idea of sneaking up on stuff is a little odd. I could send pet on one mob, ice trap another, and when needed, kite or fight a 3rd.

Rogue doesn't seem to do to well at straight up fighting more then 1 target but if you manage to sap or gouge one and go to work on another.. Well it's pretty neat.

Also, if you have ever done PVP on your other characters and run into a rogue who saps you, you know what the player on the other end must be going through. Pounding their keyboard and cussing up a storm as they just sort of sit there with their head swirling around. I haven't really reached the level yet but I remember getting jumped in PVP situations and end up stun locked the whole battle so I don't even have a chance to try to fight back (I admit that other players probably would have known what to do to help get out of it but I don't PVP much) and I bet it's pretty neat to kill a player without them really even having a chance to draw their weapon.

Edited, Mar 17th 2008 12:43pm by MrTalos
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