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Chat with a GM about shaman statusFollow

#52 Apr 13 2008 at 12:08 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
Did it ever occur to anyone that maybe Draeneipally is pulling your leg?

yeah, we could all easily tell she was joking thanks to her vocal inflection and facial expression. you know, those things that arent possibly transmittable over the internet.

moral of the story? when in doubt, make sure people know youre kidding, even if it ruins the joke.
#53 Apr 13 2008 at 4:31 PM Rating: Default
"I asked what you guys planned on doing about it, not what you thought of the class"

No reply and ticket closed.

LOL you got pwned. If I was the GM I would've said the same thing, or worst. Do as the GM said and re-roll. Now that the OP class is not that OP anymore, shamans are now crying because they have to actualy learn how to PvP, and play the game with a bit of effort now. How 'bout them apples?

Good post, it made my day.

edit: <_< I keep mispelling stuff and btw: Do you think it's really that serious? can't believe you bothered a GM for that. You make'em want to quit their jobs. Seriously, re-roll.

Edited, Apr 13th 2008 9:42pm by Dmadmike
#54 Apr 13 2008 at 6:11 PM Rating: Decent
947 posts
I smell o-forum refugee.
#55 Apr 14 2008 at 6:25 AM Rating: Good
2,069 posts
Dmadmike wrote:
Now that the OP class is not that OP anymore, shamans are now crying because they have to actualy learn how to PvP, and play the game with a bit of effort now.

Not all of us are crying. I just don't pvp. I don't miss it either.

Song of the day:
May 26, 2011 -- Transplants
#56 Apr 14 2008 at 7:45 AM Rating: Default
Do as the GM said and re-roll. Now that the OP class is not that OP anymore, shamans are now crying because they have to actualy learn how to PvP, and play the game with a bit of effort now. How 'bout them apples?

"lulz, my logic is better than yourz yets i has no 70 shamen." Is pretty much what I'm hearing from you.

I'm a great pvper, it really isnt hard at all. But beating someone in a 1v1 fight as a shaman is the most straining thing you can do. So is doing arena. In arena a shaman is dead weight as they will be dead very soon out of the gate. And if you want facts, shamans are the least represented class in the 2v2 and 3v3 brackets above 1800 (thems the good teams). And thems the facts.... "how about them apples?" See wut I did thar?
#57 Apr 14 2008 at 9:46 AM Rating: Decent
947 posts
Pch, don't feed the trolls.

It's clear he lacks the mental capacity to understand the argument, even if he had the will to try.

Basically WotLK is the last chance for Shamans to hope for a class balance, as Blizzard have more of less given up on the 'class review' idea. If Lich King doesnt bring significant rebalancing in favour of Shamans, to be honest I figure everyone should just reroll and abandon the class entirely, PvP-wise.

Roll a Death Knight, that's what 70% of your server will be doing anyway.

Funnily enough, if Blizzard see the hours played by high-level Shamans drop far enough, they might actually consider a solid buff instead of these pointless, sideways, incremental changes that dont work.
#58 Apr 14 2008 at 10:28 AM Rating: Good
2,069 posts
I thought we killed this thread.

Smiley: banghead

Song of the day:
May 26, 2011 -- Transplants
#59 Apr 14 2008 at 4:14 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
Basically WotLK is the last chance for Shamans to hope for a class balance, as Blizzard have more of less given up on the 'class review' idea. If Lich King doesnt bring significant rebalancing in favour of Shamans, to be honest I figure everyone should just reroll and abandon the class entirely, PvP-wise.

the thing is, shaman dont need a "class review". no class does anymore. the only thing shaman have working against them is their reliance on support to function at full capacity in pvp, a trait they share with warriors. that doesnt mean that shaman are underpowered in any way, despite the general opinion of this board.

and no, just because X spec cant function at the top tiers of pvp doesnt mean the class is broken. it just means that the spec in question isnt the optimal spec for top tier pvp.

as an aside DP, im looking at your armory and im reading your personal testimony about pvp, and im finding there is a disconnect. im not going to go so far as to say you suck because i havent seen you pvp with my own eyes, but i will say that my 49 twink shammy has almost as many hks as you do. in other words, it seems you dont have a lot of experience with pvp, and the experience you do have is at the low-end with bad pvp gear. combine that with what i know about shaman at 70 in arena from my own experience, and i gotta call bullsh*t on what youre saying, especially since i can think of countless circumstances where shaman have played pivotal roles in 3's, 5's, battlegrounds and world pvp.

since im able to look at your armory, its only fair you be able to look at mine:

twink shammy


Edited, Apr 14th 2008 5:16pm by Quor
#60 Apr 15 2008 at 5:39 AM Rating: Default
Quor wrote:
as an aside DP, im looking at your armory and im reading your personal testimony about pvp, and im finding there is a disconnect. im not going to go so far as to say you suck because i havent seen you pvp with my own eyes, but i will say that my 49 twink shammy has almost as many hks as you do. in other words, it seems you dont have a lot of experience with pvp, and the experience you do have is at the low-end with bad pvp gear. combine that with what i know about shaman at 70 in arena from my own experience, and i gotta call bullsh*t on what youre saying, especially since i can think of countless circumstances where shaman have played pivotal roles in 3's, 5's, battlegrounds and world pvp.

O'rly? I don't pvp much ony my shaman at all. In fact, after january I quit doing arena. I have plenty of experience. Basing that just on the amount of "HKs" which may I add can be gained from watching someone pound on a couple of other hordies. Also, any idiot can run around a BG, not get notcied, and destroy anyone if they can get the jump on them. It really isn't hard. Saying that I suck because of the amount of HKs I have is like looking at a person that rarely plays halo 3, only to see they are a 30 segeant with "75 exp" and "80 games won". Some people can actually absorb informationquicker than someone else. So just maybe I can grasp the concept of how to pvp with my class quicker than say another person, who needed to get "10k hks" to get the amount of experience I have. They have a term for that.... I think it's called IQ.

Let this thread die now, it's taking space from the current legit threads.

#61 Apr 15 2008 at 6:25 AM Rating: Good
592 posts
Saying that I suck because of the amount of HKs I have is like looking at a person that rarely plays halo 3, only to see they are a 30 segeant with "75 exp" and "80 games won". Some people can actually absorb informationquicker than someone else. So just maybe I can grasp the concept of how to pvp with my class quicker than say another person, who needed to get "10k hks" to get the amount of experience I have. They have a term for that.... I think it's called IQ.

Might want to be careful there. Quor knows what he is talking about with MMO's and has back since the NA FFXI release (what, 5-6 years ago, now?).

Further more, he explicitly said he is hesitant to say you suck because he hasn't seen you in person. I however, have no hesitation at all. You suck. You suck hard. There are shamans that have valid complaints, and yes shamans need a buff. But you have taken it upon you to preach the unfairness of a system that is NOT that unfair. You have posted in every arena thread I've seen on this board in the last month, but there are solid examples of shamans that ARE successful in arena. You are right, resto is not a good spec for arena. Congratulations, very astute observation. You know what else isn't a good spec in arena? Feral druids, destro locks, fire mages, prot wars, and most other specs for other classes.

So learn to do what you can with arena. I have faced double melee 3s in the 1800 rating area using enhancement shammies, I have paired my lock with a resto shammy to get to 1750, and have run 4 dps 5s with elemental shammies to 1800. None of those are uber ratings, but I don't claim to be the best pvper in the world, either. Guess my IQ is too low.
#62 Apr 15 2008 at 6:54 AM Rating: Good
2,069 posts
Smiley: deadhorse

Inralkil wrote:
Guess my IQ is too low.


Edited, Apr 15th 2008 12:01pm by Ailitardif

Song of the day:
May 26, 2011 -- Transplants
#63 Apr 15 2008 at 7:38 AM Rating: Default
hehe, just kidding!

I'm not.
#64 Apr 15 2008 at 7:48 AM Rating: Default
Was going to edit this in but post isn't showing up...

So learn to do what you can with arena. I have faced double melee 3s in the 1800 rating area using enhancement shammies, I have paired my lock with a resto shammy to get to 1750, and have run 4 dps 5s with elemental shammies to 1800. None of those are uber ratings, but I don't claim to be the best pvper in the world, either. Guess my IQ is too low.

Anyone can just say that they have 1800 shaman friends to sway an arguement in their fasion. Yes there are shamans that are above 1800, and yes they are extremely skilled. But telling someone who is a good pvp'r to be a great pvp'r is like taking an NBA no-namer and telling him to dunk it like Vince Carter. Sure, we know that is good because he is in the NBA. But we also know that Vince Carter is amazing. Mr.n-namer can't jump very high, he's a standard point guard, but Vince Carter can jump 3 feet. No telling to l2jump 2 feet higher just isn't going to happen is it?

And to your other comment, yes every class has specs that aren't good in arena. But shamans have 3 specs that aren't very good for arena. Enhancement can be demolished by a range class. It isn't even hard, just dont let the enhancement shaman get near you and he's royally f*cked. Elemental shamans are pretty much dead once a warrior or rogue or rawrkitty get into contact with them. Resto shamans are the shamans with the highest survivability, but you don't want them as your main healer in arenas because they will go down faster than any healer.
Every class has flaws, but the fact is that shamans have the most easily exploitable flaws in pvp.

Quor has earned my respect. You however have not, and your lack of knowldge on the subject you're debating with me about isn't helping. Neither is name calling. Good Game.
#65 Apr 15 2008 at 8:01 AM Rating: Good
2,069 posts
Draeneipally wrote:
hehe, just kidding!

I'm not.


Song of the day:
May 26, 2011 -- Transplants
#66 Apr 15 2008 at 8:07 AM Rating: Excellent
592 posts
Lack of knowledge? You are the one that said you haven't even done an arena since January. That puts you 5 weeks into season 3 before you quit, and was before the season even evolved into the game it is now. I don't understand why you feel you are more informed on the current state of arena than I am? Because you have a shaman and I've only teamed with them? Perhaps a valid point, but it doesn't negate my whole argument.

Perhaps I was out of line by saying you suck, but seeing you jump into every thread in all the class forums and the main forum talking about how pathetic shamans are gets old. The fact is, you have made up your mind on what you want to believe about the class and your level of skill. Nothing anyone can say or do will sway you. You keep throwing back the same counter-arguments. As a parting suggestion, maybe you should look into ways to improve your playing style, gear, or spec if you really want to get to a competitive level in arena. This game does take some skill, but seeing as how global cooldowns are still at 1.5 secs for most time, as long as you can press a button in that space, you don't have to have the reflexes of Vince Carter or even the towelboy.

A few places to get you started and maybe offer inspiration:

Those are the guys I would use to sway the argument in my fashion, not the average people who can obtain 1800.
#67 Apr 15 2008 at 8:26 AM Rating: Good
2,069 posts
Inralkil wrote:
Lack of knowledge? You are the one that said you haven't even done an arena since January. That puts you 5 weeks into season 3 before you quit, and was before the season even evolved into the game it is now. I don't understand why you feel you are more informed on the current state of arena than I am? Because you have a shaman and I've only teamed with them? Perhaps a valid point, but it doesn't negate my whole argument.

Perhaps I was out of line by saying you suck, but seeing you jump into every thread in all the class forums and the main forum talking about how pathetic shamans are gets old. The fact is, you have made up your mind on what you want to believe about the class and your level of skill. Nothing anyone can say or do will sway you. You keep throwing back the same counter-arguments. As a parting suggestion, maybe you should look into ways to improve your playing style, gear, or spec if you really want to get to a competitive level in arena. This game does take some skill, but seeing as how global cooldowns are still at 1.5 secs for most time, as long as you can press a button in that space, you don't have to have the reflexes of Vince Carter or even the towelboy.

A few places to get you started and maybe offer inspiration:

Those are the guys I would use to sway the argument in my fashion, not the average people who can obtain 1800.

First shaman and second shaman were good arguments by you...not sure why you included the third. While 2016 is an impressive rating...that dude was 0 games played.

But the first two were badass.

Song of the day:
May 26, 2011 -- Transplants
#68 Apr 15 2008 at 8:36 AM Rating: Decent
592 posts
First shaman and second shaman were good arguments by you...not sure why you included the third. While 2016 is an impressive rating...that dude was 0 games played.

Oops, sorry about that. He does have a historic 2v2 on the arena teams tab that did 1800, though. Otherwise, ignore that scrub! =P
#69 Apr 15 2008 at 9:11 AM Rating: Good
19,369 posts
Working as intended.
#70 Apr 15 2008 at 9:32 AM Rating: Good
3,339 posts
Thought you were leaving.

#71 Apr 15 2008 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
I think it is crazy to argue with GM because every class go thru being on the bottom on barrel except for hunters. I remember preist then it was mages complaint how they were underpower. IMO really it depend on your type of play & what part of the game you like. I personally enjoy questing & BG some time. I duel sometime but I have to be honestly I'm not great at it so I don't like pvp that much. But I have 6 different class over 60, a druid(70), warlock(66), shaman(65), mage(68), rogue(68) and warrior(69). Each class has (+) and (-) I don't find shaman to have more negatives then any other class. IMO the class have most negative is mages believe or not. I advise you concentrate on the positive of class you will have much more fun with you toon. It's alot to like about shamans.
#72 Apr 15 2008 at 5:48 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
O'rly? I don't pvp much ony my shaman at all. In fact, after january I quit doing arena. I have plenty of experience. Basing that just on the amount of "HKs" which may I add can be gained from watching someone pound on a couple of other hordies. Also, any idiot can run around a BG, not get notcied, and destroy anyone if they can get the jump on them. It really isn't hard. Saying that I suck because of the amount of HKs I have is like looking at a person that rarely plays halo 3, only to see they are a 30 segeant with "75 exp" and "80 games won". Some people can actually absorb informationquicker than someone else. So just maybe I can grasp the concept of how to pvp with my class quicker than say another person, who needed to get "10k hks" to get the amount of experience I have. They have a term for that.... I think it's called IQ.

Further more, he explicitly said he is hesitant to say you suck because he hasn't seen you in person.

whether or not you suck isnt mine to say. what *is* mine to say is that i think your experience in pvp as a shaman is limited. ever since auto-grouping in BG's was introducedm HKs have been a reliable indicator of pvp experience; the more you have, the more pvp you have done, and thus the more you have seen.

for instance, on my 70 druid and warrior i have a combined total of about 50k HKs. thats something of an erroneous number because my druid pvped extensively before there was such a thing as an HK counter, as well as the fact that many HKs my druid would have gotten were uncounted due to the nature of the pvp system in its initial incarnation.

but, as noted, anything after the addition of auto-grouping in bgs is a reliable indicator of actual time spent in a pvp situation. thats what i called into question; you lack actual pvp experience, and it shows. adding to this, you have (from what i can see) done little to help your pvp situation via gear. bad pvp gear + low pvp experience = poor qualifications to talk about pvp.

im willing to admit you have more pve shaman experience than i do, especially in a raiding environment. but pvp? no.
#73 Apr 15 2008 at 11:52 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Draka would be better off without a whiney shaman.

L2P, Makoto (notable holy paladin, one of the few duelists on Draka) is rerolling Shaman for S4.

That's right, he's rerolling a 2k-rated and -geared paladin to make a clean shaman just for PvP.

Anyone who says shamans are bad at PvP is a moron.
#74 Apr 16 2008 at 1:46 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
whenever i see theo post im often reminded of one of my favorite quotes:

"there aint no trauma like blunt trauma."
#75 Apr 16 2008 at 5:16 AM Rating: Decent
Quor wrote:
im willing to admit you have more pve shaman experience than i do, especially in a raiding environment. but pvp? no.

I agree, you do have more experience, I never stated otherwise and if I did, then well. My bad? But I've done arena and BGs long enough to know what areas shamans are flawed in. Not to say that they suck entirely that they fall through cracks in the floor. But shamans are heavily flawed. The ele shamans that get away from rogues are the multi-macro spamming bad asses. And I should revise what I said about arena. I have done arena since january, but in very small doses on the weekend. I rolled a priest for pvp. And I'm having a miserable time leveling her. But until they make it to where shaman pvp isn't one of the toughest most frustrating things, I'm going to have to level that priest.

inralkil wrote:
you don't have to have the reflexes of Vince Carter or even the towelboy.

Ok now you're just completely wrong. Having the reflexes of a towelboy is a requirement for pvp.
#76 Apr 16 2008 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Draeneipally wrote:
But I've done arena and BGs long enough to know what areas shamans are flawed in.

No, you haven't.

4k lifetime kills and no PvP gear means that you've not done any decent amount of PvP, nor are you specced for PvP.

Shamans are incredibly powerful in arena if used properly. You're poorly geared, so of course you think Shamans are worthless. Again, L2P.
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