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been testing the felguard spec in raids...asFollow

#1 Mar 10 2008 at 6:32 AM Rating: Good
2,754 posts
oaken you'll be very pleased, for the past like 4 days I've been felguard spec (got bored, respecc'd). currently though I've only tested it in kara and za though from them two alone i was incredably surprised at the damage it does and tonight I should be testing it in mh/bt to see if it really does match up to my old 0/21/40 spec as well as the rest of our imba dps (shall be comparing wws stats over the next week to prior raids).

so yeah, pretty curious as to why it does so much more damage than I'd expect... currently the only idea I've come up with is that the dot damage + damage from felguard during the times when I would be lifetapping/bandaging/potting/moving etc... makes up for alot of the difference from the pure 0/21/40 nuke spec. basically even though the theorycrafting shows dest to seriously outdps demo, it really is surprising how much damage it does... though T5 2set is far from needed I've found, though the trinket is a bigger help than I originally thought.

so yeah, after this week there may be another demo lock in da house ^^ lol
#2 Mar 10 2008 at 7:43 AM Rating: Decent
821 posts
Awesome man!

Great that you are giving it a try.

Yes i know theoretically the destro-specc would outdamage demo.
But as soon as you got just a tiny bit bad luck with crits and/or you
have to move around demo will gain ground massively over destro.

Mount Hyjal will be a piece of cake the first 3 bosses, but Anetheron and
Archimonde are a pain, where Anetheron is doable with good control.

Remember you do not have the increased range as 0/21/40 for Anetheron, so you probably end up in the spriest camp if you do him like that.
Which than might trigger difficulites in placing the soulstone on a player with demon-debuf, due to you being further away from all player with increased range.
Here 2 t5-pieces are essential and due to Rain of Fire (use Voidstar as well).

Archimonde, just sacc him as soon as you battleressed him and he´s got the DoT from the fire again.

Another wicked, but easier encounter than Anethreon and Archi is HWL Najentus, once he pops his shield summon the Eye of Kilrogg and you Guard is safe ;)
(kinda abusing gamemechanics here, hehe)

All other encounters in MH/BT up to and including RoS are perfectly fine.

I am so proud of you *sheds a tear*
honestly you made my day =)

Edited, Mar 10th 2008 11:46am by Oakenwrath
#3 Mar 10 2008 at 7:51 AM Rating: Default
2,754 posts
hehe, never thought (or heard of the EoK thing. but yeah, pet diserpeares (poor spelling... lol) so interesting idea for that (as well as almost all other boss aoe abilities). could be used alot tbh :D
#4 Mar 10 2008 at 8:08 AM Rating: Decent
The 2pc T5 helps a lot, but most of the damage is from the fact that the felguard can just lay into whatever it wants, you're also getting 5% damage from him being out as well as another 5% from soul link. It's not 15% from a succubus sac, but it adds up quickly with him and the ability to freely apply DoTs.
#5 Mar 10 2008 at 8:25 AM Rating: Decent
439 posts
I got tired of bringing my rogue through all the material and decided that I really wanted to take warlock through progression instead. I've been leveling him pretty religiously lately, just dinged 67 last night, been averaging about a level every two days since 60. I started leveling as aff, but at 54 respecced to demo and the change was amazing. In a general leveling environment, I lost some of that survivability and I had to actually care for my Felguard much more than my old Voidwalker, but the DPS output was astonishing, it really amazed me. One of the most important aspects of that was the massive amount of additional spell damage over straight up affliction. So I've really fallen in love with demo and find it hard to give up my trusty spec. I have been praying that more conclusions would be drawn towards demo being viable in raids because it would be a difficult change if I had to. I'd go back to affliction if it was required, but I would probably never go destruction (I have a mage for that).

So far, from 60-67 demo has proved awesome for solo of course, but has been very strong in 5 mans. Once again I think that comes a lot from the extra spell damage. Demonic Knowledge is one of my favorite talents. The Felguard's dps really helps too, but even during those times when I've had to keep him back with me (due to retarded tanks deciding it wasn't needed to pull the mob back even though it was tight) to avoid adds, the damage from the extra spell damage is still pretty amazing. When I was in The Underbog at 62 and higher on the damage meters than the level 67 huntard and 66 rogue, I knew I had found my favorite spec. That just seemed crazy to me, but then again I guess I have an inner sense of how to manage spell damage and stack stamina/intellect for the extra damage bonus from a few demo talents.

I am very glad to hear the recent stories of demo in raids and I hope to hear more because I like my demo spec. I should be 70 by next week and I'll start working on some heroics (made sure to get the rep I needed everywhere already), get some gear, and hopefully be heading into Kara by the end of the month. I hope to see the same results as you guys. I'll be right up beside a destro lock so we'll see how it compares. I already have more spell damage than he does, but I guess demo is just easier to build that up with.
#6 Mar 10 2008 at 8:53 AM Rating: Good
513 posts
I also raid as a Demo lock...Welcome to the fold.
#7 Mar 10 2008 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
924 posts
Xaos over on the den convinced me a little while back to try out 1/4x/1x build, I'm still fiddling with it (haven't taken it to BT yet, but tried it out in TK the other week and it's 110% badass except on Al'ar.)

It's impressive on trash, but I hate the unlucky glance strings the FG tends to get on bosses. It's so much more fun than bolt-spam, in any case.

Edited, Mar 10th 2008 3:51pm by Banatu
#8 Mar 10 2008 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
well todays archimonde raid was far from a good example... about 90% of the time i couldn't dps due to lots and lots of fire being in the way of my group... and then when we finally got to him... AIR BLAST... lol. annoying as hell though not "too" hard to keep the pet alive... though I've realised something that could be amusing...

sac felguard. summon inferno :D

immune to fire damage and 'alright' damage ftw :D lol.
so yeah.. currently no idea whats so ever if it's better damage or not... hopefully tomorrow will be better/go BT instead to get a proper go at it.
#9 Mar 10 2008 at 5:11 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Bring some talent builds on the table, guys. I'm eager to respec to Soul Link and Felguard (survivability, how I miss thee), but I don't know how to place the final points.

Do you go full Mana Feed, or just one point and rest in Demonic Tactics? Do you max out Demonic Tactics and go for a Destruction sub-build, or do you leave Demonic Tactics be and go for Affliction supplements instead?
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#10 Mar 10 2008 at 5:26 PM Rating: Decent
83 posts
Standard raid Felguard spec

Also, check out the Raiding Felguardthread over at the Warlock Den, it's stock full of good info. :P
#11 Mar 10 2008 at 5:52 PM Rating: Default
2,754 posts
1 point is generally enough for mana feed, especially after taking into account all the mana-regen abilities in raids, personnaly though i'm currently using two, but that's to help with the solo side a bit more
#12 Mar 10 2008 at 6:05 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Any suggestions on a PvP build? Smiley: um

Not to hijack the thread, Jenova.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#13 Mar 10 2008 at 7:58 PM Rating: Decent
924 posts
6/44/11 is the all-purpose felguard build, and 1/43/17 is the min-maxed raid FG build. Example here.
#14 Mar 10 2008 at 8:15 PM Rating: Good
Wasn't there some giant QQ thread about this with girlyfights and baby slaps?

Hmm... yep!

Anyway... melee buffs help immensely (sunder/CoReck/faerie fire/Survival hunter ability I'm forgetting, assuming you're not in the melee group... which you shouldn't be). It's good damage but keeping the FG alive during some fights can be... well, very non-trivial and your melee may neuter you if the Felguard is stealing lots of Chain Heal ticks. It also falls behind a bit once you start getting kitted out in a lot of the BT gear (read: Haste) since it doesn't scale very well with the FG, but until then it's great.
#15 Mar 11 2008 at 1:57 AM Rating: Decent
309 posts
Ok, I didn't expect this when I came here hehe.

Jen, I must say that this really made my day:
Jenovaomega wrote:
though the trinket is a bigger help than I originally thought.

The power of t5 setbonus + trinket is that he's much more tough and you don't have to yank him out as often. One good example of this is on Rage Winterchill where you can just send the Felguard in and leave him there for the whole fight. The trinket helps him resist most of the D&D and the damage he does take gets healed up from your dps.
#16 Mar 11 2008 at 2:37 AM Rating: Decent
924 posts
Imp. Hunter's Mark helps too ;)
#17 Mar 11 2008 at 2:38 AM Rating: Decent
73 posts
Does the Felguard get such things as Wrath of the Astromancer, and if so, how do you handle it?

I've been wanting to try the felguard in raids, but my class leader wants someone to have malediction, and as I am 1 of 2 locks having that, it doesn't look like I'll be able to in a while :-(
#18 Mar 11 2008 at 3:12 AM Rating: Decent
992 posts
Is the Felguard viable in earlier raiding situations? I'd like to respec Felguard mainly for PvP, but I also like the idea of having a great honking demon beating the crap out of a boss. Would my gear (link in sig) be able to keep him alive considering I lack Voidstar/T5?
#19 Mar 11 2008 at 8:12 AM Rating: Default
821 posts
Any suggestions on a PvP build?

I´d suggest 6/44/11 for PvP (read BGs).
I´ve heard quiet a few people talk about the Felguard also
being viable in 5v5 Arena, where it´s said to kick some serious ***.

Do you go full Mana Feed, or just one point and rest in Demonic Tactics?

1 Point is more than enough in a raid-enviroment, since your raw spelldmg skyrockts with Felguard build and with 1 point in imp. LT you get shedloads of mana/tap, so will you pet. Especially since you will rarely use Intercept and never anguish in a Bossfight.

Does the Felguard get such things as Wrath of the Astromancer, and if so, how do you handle it?

No it it not affected.

Would my gear (link in sig) be able to keep him alive considering I lack Voidstar/T5?

Well if you can convince the healers to keep an eye on him, especially in AoE-encounters and you´ve got a shaman or two healing the melees with chainheal +maybe a shadowpriest in your group you´ll do fine...But 2 t5 pieces is really really advised.
The Voidstar Talisman is only really needed for really heavy encounters, such as Anetheron, Najentus and Mother Sharaz.

On a Sidenote, we downed Reliquary of Souls yesterday, so today it´s Mothers Day for us, whish me luck.

#20 Mar 11 2008 at 8:49 AM Rating: Default
2,754 posts
ya pompa, i underestimated how much difference having your felguards resistances over 200 makes, though currently i really haven't seen any need for T5 2set bonus, ya not many bosses done yet as this spec but cross healing / spriest covers more than enough currently (our healers actually heal pets o.0).

currently though i've no hard evidence that demo does more damage than dest. it does seem similar but i'm still after some hard evidence (WWS stats)

Edited, Mar 11th 2008 12:51pm by Jenovaomega
#21 Mar 11 2008 at 1:26 PM Rating: Default

cheers at the effort :)

for the past like 4 days I've been felguard spec (got bored, respecc'd). currently though I've only tested it in kara and za though from them two alone i was incredably surprised at the damage it does

i did both of those. had some issues at hex lord though. maneuvering felguard there was a bugger to say the least :$

so yeah, pretty curious as to why it does so much more damage than I'd expect

awesome +spell damage... never even try to compare it to SM or such.

but, fel is really dependent, imho as i tried it, on the boss specifics... grull just kills him too fast in any scenario. but, when demo speced, even imp will boost you far out there :)

and yes, both are good, 2xt5 + solarian trinket :)

#22 Mar 11 2008 at 1:34 PM Rating: Decent

and, as not to forget my favorite "poster";

The 2pc T5 helps a lot, but most of the damage is from the fact that the felguard can just lay into whatever it wants, you're also getting 5% damage from him being out as well as another 5% from soul link. It's not 15% from a succubus sac, but it adds up quickly with him and the ability to freely apply DoTs.

2xt5 does NOT help that much as you'll have mobs/bosses hitting the poor sod for waaay more than your dps heals...

see above... ^^ he can not just nuke anything. he will die... [move ftw]

5%5%---- errr?

btw, before he dies, sac felguard = OMG... + dmg + mana regen... did 1026 life drain per tick with sac-ed fel @ lurker :)

"freely apply dots" ... ? er, i kinda always "freely" apply them :P

#23 Mar 11 2008 at 2:36 PM Rating: Default
821 posts
you my friend, seem abit confused/overexcited...
#24 Mar 11 2008 at 11:44 PM Rating: Decent
992 posts
you my friend, seem abit confused/overexcited...

That would be a sound analysis.

I'll have a word with my pocket Priest (we don't seem to have many Shaman) and see if he can't keep an eye on old Jhuughun xD
#25 Mar 12 2008 at 5:10 AM Rating: Default
2,754 posts
going by last nights raid in BT i'm getting the feeling that i may be doing less damage than as dest. shall test more but currently looks like i'll be respeccing again
#26 Mar 13 2008 at 3:58 AM Rating: Decent
I used 0/40/21 before destru specc (21/40) and my dps on 5 man was great, specially if you are not hit cap, your demon increase your spell damage, and you can equip more hit in place of damage, some people said, felguard is not enough strong to resist some fights, and I think is more useful placed on your right than dpsing a boss. (SL, +damage, +resistances) so, for 5 man is ok, but I doubt is viable for raiding...just my opinion, I leveled with demo, including FG till 70, and is incredible due to survavility, and decent for pvp/pve.

I miss my Flaroon ,specially when some enemy surprises me during quests...crap.

Edited, Mar 13th 2008 7:59am by Dydoe
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