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Why Lawl Ret?Follow

#77 Mar 13 2008 at 6:39 PM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
TherionSaysWhat wrote:
From what I can see (and let me note that I do not have a 70 pally), there is no way to reduce your threat as a Ret pally other than to erase it with a bubble.

I'm going to have a breakdown if I keep seeing this wrong piece of information.

Bubble does NOT erase threat. It just makes you an unallowed target to the mob for its duration. When it is over, you have the same amount of threat(more if you healed or continued attacking while bubbled) as you did before.
#78 Mar 13 2008 at 6:50 PM Rating: Good
648 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
It may be elitism, the sad thing is that it is also the God's honest truth.

Which is why some of us are looking at Illidan and some of us are stuck on the first step of end game.

lol, i'm hardly stuck here. i just got here. i'm sorry i didn't jump straight from black morass to black temple. last i checked standard progression was to get through regulars then karazhan/heroics then move on to gruul's etc. so when i'm still in kara in a year, then i'm stuck... well, that'll be more because at best i could get to gruul's before i go to iraq... oh well.
#79bodhisattva, Posted: Mar 13 2008 at 7:56 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Tommy got stuck, then went to focus on pvp and realized he couldnt surpass a 1600 rating. Lawl.
#80 Mar 13 2008 at 8:46 PM Rating: Excellent
648 posts
by the way i was serious when i asked about improved SotC being worthwhile in a holy spec. at this point the only toon i have that wasn't completely wiped out by the hacker is my holy pally.... so at least until camila gets her gear back i'm healing.... be nice to get an answer from someone as leet as yourelf lol :) oh, and personal insults are pretty dumb when you have such a broad base of experience to base your arguements on. calling us "scrubs" just cause we're not at your level yet is pretty pointless.
#81 Mar 14 2008 at 6:26 AM Rating: Good
212 posts
I can't help but notice that the arguments against including a ret pally in a raid group seem to extend to dps warriors also. The same argument can apply to them that 2 prot warriors can supply the same utilities that a dps warrior can.

My guild has cleared SSC to vashj and should clear Tk to kael by the weekend (Alar to go down tonight). Our ret pally is considered one of our top dps and the only reason that he is occassionally left out is due to some fights gimp melee in general (Leotheras the Blind for one).

Ok, I would agree that a ret pally is not a "must have" in a raid but then is a DPS warrior, rogue, feral or balance druids (maybe for battlerez) or shammys absolutely essential? For me the only essential classes are healers, tanks and CC. The rest you just fill in and tailor for each fight and you take different classes to compliment the essential ones. i.e. if you take 4 pallys to a raid, having a ret pally amongst those would help out the others. Refreshing judgements for holys, sanc aura for prot etc..

To say that ret pallys aren't viable for end game raiding for the reasons listed on this thread, I think, are a little misguided. Similar arguments can be made for a number of different classes and a number of different specs.

It's a little hard, probably due to their reputation, but I'd like people to consider ret pallys as they would any other dps class and based on skill and merit rather than just saying....."ret pallys can't dps lol..."

For the record, I'm Holy :p
#82 Mar 14 2008 at 6:43 AM Rating: Decent
98 posts
I can't help but notice that the arguments against including a ret pally in a raid group seem to extend to dps warriors also. The same argument can apply to them that 2 prot warriors can supply the same utilities that a dps warrior can.

My guild has cleared SSC to vashj and should clear Tk to kael by the weekend (Alar to go down tonight). Our ret pally is considered one of our top dps and the only reason that he is occassionally left out is due to some fights gimp melee in general (Leotheras the Blind for one).

Ok, I would agree that a ret pally is not a "must have" in a raid but then is a DPS warrior, rogue, feral or balance druids (maybe for battlerez) or shammys absolutely essential? For me the only essential classes are healers, tanks and CC. The rest you just fill in and tailor for each fight and you take different classes to compliment the essential ones. i.e. if you take 4 pallys to a raid, having a ret pally amongst those would help out the others. Refreshing judgements for holys, sanc aura for prot etc..

To say that ret pallys aren't viable for end game raiding for the reasons listed on this thread, I think, are a little misguided. Similar arguments can be made for a number of different classes and a number of different specs.

It's a little hard, probably due to their reputation, but I'd like people to consider ret pallys as they would any other dps class and based on skill and merit rather than just saying....."ret pallys can't dps lol..."

For the record, I'm Holy :p

bawbaag - you are my hero.
#83 Mar 14 2008 at 1:59 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
bawbaag wrote:
I can't help but notice that the arguments against including a ret pally in a raid group seem to extend to dps warriors also. The same argument can apply to them that 2 prot warriors can supply the same utilities that a dps warrior can.

Blood frenzy is a little deeper down the arms tree than Imp SotC, about 25 points deeper. Also not going to be using Recklessness/Execute, or providing the melee group with 232 atp, more with talents. Oh and don't try BoM, once again a Holy pally can easily spec 5 points onto Imp BoM for raiding purposes.

Of course I will assume you were being facetious and not actually slow enough to make that argument for real.

Try doing Najentus without wounding poison, that covers rogues. Crit Chickens are in the same boat as Ret pallies really so there is no need to argue that, Feral druids are a vital asset either to melee dps with a 5% crit, on top of say a Holy/Prot with 3% since you dont need to be Ret to bring that into a raid any longer. There are a couple encounters where having a bear tank is recommended and I can't think of a single raid that runs with only Prot warriors.

Then it comes to shammies, to even ask if they are viable is so naive it is laughable. Windfury, tremor totems, reincarnate etc all are huge buffs that greatly outweigh 3% to crit. Windfury + skill is why we have rogues who consistently pull 1,300 damage per second on t6 boss content.

All of those classes either bring the dps, or the utility that only they can bring to the table and that is why they find spots in raids. Ret doesn't. Get a clue.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#84 Mar 14 2008 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts

WoW web stats, a look at Teron Gorefiend.

I'd be interested in seeing a similar thing from those supporting ret, if only to prove that its not so much that Ret as awesome, as it is that your other dps is bad.

Edited, Mar 14th 2008 6:21pm by bodhisattva
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#85 Mar 14 2008 at 2:31 PM Rating: Decent
98 posts
See what I mean by attitude? I'm not too sure how much of it is fact, because fact can be communicated without passion or venom - why the open loathing for a class/build you don't even play?
#86 Mar 14 2008 at 2:40 PM Rating: Decent
12,905 posts
probably because it is discussed on here daily and falsely glorified daily.
#87 Mar 14 2008 at 3:14 PM Rating: Excellent
3,909 posts
Bodhi, do you get paid to be such a d*ck? Do you have corporate sponsorship, or to people mine your posts for their rich deposits of hubris? Because you mock people with the intense yet somehow hollow enthusiasm of an expensive prostitute. It's like you're trying, but not trying.

This sh*t's all pointless anyway. You guys constantly **** off to each other about your position on the raid progression chart and we're about five months away from WotLK making all of that about as valuable as a ***** stain on a cat. Not to mention the fact that if you told a girl in a bar that you'd cleared SSC with no wipes, she'd probably assume that you intended to drug and rape her.

Elitism is retarded. shut up and play the game already.
#88 Mar 14 2008 at 3:17 PM Rating: Good
648 posts
toolofjesus wrote:
oh, and i was wondering.... do holy or prot pallies take imp sotc? i can't check armory at the moment, but do you have it in your spec? i don't have anything in ret on my holy pally, but if its worth getting in place of kings or additional holy talents i'll consider changing my holy spec.

so, bodh.... i asked this awhile ago... you've posted several times since then without answering... i'm beginning to wonder if you post here to help or merely to argue and show your superiority.... i really was curious.. perhaps you could post your pallies' armory link. your pally that alla says was last updated on here was only 48 a few days ago and doesn't come up in the armory anyway.... i'd be interested to see the spec a BT healer is using.

#89 Mar 14 2008 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
toolofjesus wrote:
toolofjesus wrote:
oh, and i was wondering.... do holy or prot pallies take imp sotc? i can't check armory at the moment, but do you have it in your spec? i don't have anything in ret on my holy pally, but if its worth getting in place of kings or additional holy talents i'll consider changing my holy spec.

so, bodh.... i asked this awhile ago... you've posted several times since then without answering... i'm beginning to wonder if you post here to help or merely to argue and show your superiority.... i really was curious.. perhaps you could post your pallies' armory link. your pally that alla says was last updated on here was only 48 a few days ago and doesn't come up in the armory anyway.... i'd be interested to see the spec a BT healer is using.

You could go wild and crazy and try doing some actual research yourself. It's not like there's a Paladin named "Bodhisattva" in the WWS he linked or anything.

Incidentally, March 4th of 2007 was not 'just a few days ago'.
#90 Mar 14 2008 at 3:49 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
zepoodle wrote:
Bodhi, do you get paid to be such a d*ck? Do you have corporate sponsorship,

Yes I do.

Because you mock people with the intense yet somehow hollow enthusiasm of an expensive prostitute. It's like you're trying, but not trying.

17,000 posts over 4 or more years will do that, you can respond to **** players for so long before the contempt is replaced with a mere going through the motions.

Oh and thanks for the retort on my behalf RPzip, when there was only one set of footprints in the sand, that is when you carried me /tear/

Bodhisattva - Azgalor - Odyssey. I am the least geared pally in the raid, if that makes you feel any better about yourself, but hey a boy has to get some fresh air and mingle every now and then. If I had logged on hunter I used to play with on Shadow Council in the last year I could link that, or my Warlock on Mal'ganis that was a lock back when there was no horror effect on death coil. Hows about my 70 Assassin I raided with on EQ2 or my 50 Necromancer in DAOC, or 110 Progen Warrior in EnB or my Deep Space fighter in Eve online.

Anything to help boost my street cred as a player who actually has a fracking clue as to what he is talking about rather than getting stuck on Moroes.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#91 Mar 14 2008 at 3:50 PM Rating: Good
648 posts
RPZip wrote:
toolofjesus wrote:
toolofjesus wrote:
oh, and i was wondering.... do holy or prot pallies take imp sotc? i can't check armory at the moment, but do you have it in your spec? i don't have anything in ret on my holy pally, but if its worth getting in place of kings or additional holy talents i'll consider changing my holy spec.

so, bodh.... i asked this awhile ago... you've posted several times since then without answering... i'm beginning to wonder if you post here to help or merely to argue and show your superiority.... i really was curious.. perhaps you could post your pallies' armory link. your pally that alla says was last updated on here was only 48 a few days ago and doesn't come up in the armory anyway.... i'd be interested to see the spec a BT healer is using.

You could go wild and crazy and try doing some actual research yourself. It's not like there's a Paladin named "Bodhisattva" in the WWS he linked or anything.

Incidentally, March 4th of 2007 was not 'just a few days ago'.

lol, you're right. i'm just still stuck in 2007 i guess... that was my bad. i still had tried searching those in the armory and never found them.... i only just now am back to my computer and i'm sorry my phone won't show wws :( i tried.... i'll go check that now.. still would have been easy for him to give a 1 sentence answer in one of his several posts.... it's all good though. gonna go check out that wws now...
#92 Mar 14 2008 at 6:33 PM Rating: Excellent
212 posts
Try doing Najentus without wounding poison, that covers rogues. Crit Chickens are in the same boat as Ret pallies really so there is no need to argue that, Feral druids are a vital asset either to melee dps with a 5% crit, on top of say a Holy/Prot with 3% since you dont need to be Ret to bring that into a raid any longer. There are a couple encounters where having a bear tank is recommended and I can't think of a single raid that runs with only Prot warriors.

Then it comes to shammies, to even ask if they are viable is so naive it is laughable. Windfury, tremor totems, reincarnate etc all are huge buffs that greatly outweigh 3% to crit. Windfury + skill is why we have rogues who consistently pull 1,300 damage per second on t6 boss content.

All of those classes either bring the dps, or the utility that only they can bring to the table and that is why they find spots in raids. Ret doesn't. Get a clue.

Ok fair enough, you know more than I do. I mentioned what level of content I was on so I don't know about Najentus, not there yet...

I'm not going to make any further arguments here other than reiterate what I was saying before, perhaps I was misunderstood. Outside of Tanks, Healers and CC no other class is essential. Sure, maybe for a particular boss you might need a certain class but I'm refering to raiding in general.

Without enough tanks you can't raid. Without enough Healers you can't raid. Without CC on the trash that I've seen, might as well just give them the gold for repairs. Anything else I would consider a luxury, a bonus.

If I'm wrong here... ok... please share your thoughts. Perhaps I am making false assumptions or I am missing something. May I just ask that if you do so, please do it in a civilised manner and if all possible without the condescending attitude as I have done the same.

This is a discussion forum after all is it not?
#93 Mar 14 2008 at 9:38 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Lets break it down to melee dps, cause that is where a ret pally will always be in a raid.

Enh shammies bring Windfury which is heroin for melee. Sure a Resto could bring it but I shouldn't have to explain why its a hobo move to shove a healer into the melee group just for a buff. Of course bladefury makes up for a SP I am sure.

Rogues. Flat out the best melee dps in the game, bar none. Besides being the best in the game there are also a number of encounters designed entirely on the supposition that no one would be stupid enough to raid without a rogue.

Warriors. Very solid dps, if you disagree talk to RPzip, he raids as one on a Illidan farm guild. Not only that, a warrior greatly improves the overall dps of the melee group as a whole. Once again the facetious argument of bringing a prot warrior in for the same effect could be made but you find a tank that wants to be in the melee group away from Imp buffs etc and you will have a bad tank.

Feral Druids. Innervate, Battle Rez and 5% crit to a stacked melee group, leet sauce that makes up for the fact that they are not a rogue.

Then there is Ret, poor old sad and sloppy ret. Middling DPS much like a feral druid, 3% crit is only 8 points into the tree so any other pally can bring it easily with no loss to performance. Same with JoW. So that leaves 2% dps increase /overwhelmed!

Each of the other melee classes bring something they can bring which when mixed and matched compliments the melee group in a raid, making it more than the sum of its parts. Right now ret is the exception, factor in ho hum, not bad, not great dps and the fact that there are better choices for the slot it means raiding ret usually entails knowing people or playing in a guild that has to wait for 2.4 to see Hyjal, or worse never sees hyjal at all and has to wait for Wotlk so they can get stone walled on entry level content there as well.

Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#94 Mar 14 2008 at 10:35 PM Rating: Decent
98 posts
17,000 posts over 4 or more years will do that, you can respond to sh*t players for so long before the contempt is replaced with a mere going through the motions.

Oh and thanks for the retort on my behalf RPzip, when there was only one set of footprints in the sand, that is when you carried me /tear/

Bodhisattva - Azgalor - Odyssey. I am the least geared pally in the raid, if that makes you feel any better about yourself, but hey a boy has to get some fresh air and mingle every now and then. If I had logged on hunter I used to play with on Shadow Council in the last year I could link that, or my Warlock on Mal'ganis that was a lock back when there was no horror effect on death coil. Hows about my 70 Assassin I raided with on EQ2 or my 50 Necromancer in DAOC, or 110 Progen Warrior in EnB or my Deep Space fighter in Eve online

Well, where do I begin?

First off, I have never heard "17,000 posts in 4 years", "Level 70 WoW something something", "70 Assassin on EQ2", "50 Necromancer on DAOC", "110 Progen Warrior", and "Deep Space fighter on Eve online" in the same breath as "a boy has to get some fresh air and mingle every now and then" before.

And second, I'm not sure if all that was supposed to amaze me, or make me very afraid to imagine the person on the other side of that posting...
#95 Mar 15 2008 at 3:34 AM Rating: Default
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
An offer you can't refuse, dont say no to bhod!

I also managed to do some university, live all over the country, bang chicks (ask your mother), succeed profressionally all while living through getting chased across the provincial legislature by a guy dressed like thison my way home from a trip from the bar after work (celcio should know the story).

Sometimes I wonder where I fit sleep into the equation.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#96 Mar 15 2008 at 9:59 AM Rating: Excellent
648 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
An offer you can't refuse, dont say no to bhod!

I also managed to do some university, live all over the country, bang chicks (ask your mother), succeed profressionally all while living through getting chased across the provincial legislature by a guy dressed like thison my way home from a trip from the bar after work (celcio should know the story).
Sometimes I wonder where I fit sleep into the equation.

lol, whats this "sleep" you speak of?

oh and i asked my mom... she said you tried but 2 inches hard was pretty unimpressive....

also i finally had made it to your armory this morning (got sidetracked cause i was duty NCO yesterday - sorry my real life is far less fun than your juvenile college manwhore stories). i noticed neither you nor any of the other 3 pallies in your raid have improved SotC (not even your prot pally).... i was just wondering about that. since i'm stuck playing holy for awhile i'd be curious to know why not.

#97 Mar 15 2008 at 10:19 AM Rating: Default
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
toolofjesus wrote:
bodhisattva wrote:
An offer you can't refuse, dont say no to bhod!

I also managed to do some university, live all over the country, bang chicks (ask your mother), succeed profressionally all while living through getting chased across the provincial legislature by a guy dressed like thison my way home from a trip from the bar after work (celcio should know the story).
Sometimes I wonder where I fit sleep into the equation.

lol, whats this "sleep" you speak of?

oh and i asked my mom... she said you tried but 2 inches hard was pretty unimpressive....

She must have left out the fact that it is as wide as a hockey puck.

As for Impt Sotc, I changed spec a week ago, Thorgyll went into Imp Conc aura for 30% silence reduction on Azgalor though its not needed if you have a shadow buff and neck/cloak. Besides the general consensus was that 3% to crit was meh, looking at dps across the board for a couple weeks on boss fights it wasn't "ZOMG look at the difference".
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#98 Mar 15 2008 at 12:04 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
Besides the general consensus was that 3% to crit was meh, looking at dps across the board for a couple weeks on boss fights it wasn't "ZOMG look at the difference".

I had to have it out with another poster on the Shaman boards a couple months ago because he was out and about claiming that Enhancement Shaman are vastly superior to Rogues, who were jealous by comparison, because of their buffs.

Honestly? In this math-heavy, theory-driven, number-crunching world we live in today, personal DPS is severely underrated. Whenever I see a spreadsheet showing the colossal amount of damage a 1% to-hit buff (I'm being facetious, but you get my point) is going to bring to a five-man group in a raid, I have to step back and sigh.

There's just so much assumption. Way too much theory and way too little practice. Your entire raid is not going to have a constant 3% to crit, no matter how good your Ret Pally is. Windfury is not going to be up all the time. You might run out of range of the totem, everyone might be moving to avoid a boss mechanic, the Shaman might be OOM, he might be too busy to re-cast it once the totem despawns, hell... he might just forget about it for 30 seconds because he's got so much else going on.

Rogues and Warriors are going to out-strip a Ret Pally in damage on fights where it's long enough to matter. On trash mobs? Yeah, sure, the Ret Pally might keep up or even beat them. Unlikely, but possible. But does it even matter? Did he make a difference? Not really. How about on that 10, 15, 20-minute boss fight? Did his lack of output cause a wipe? I dunno, how close was it? He very well might have.

A Rogue in my guild commented last week that he really noticed a difference because he wasn't in my group and didn't get Windfury. The kicker? He topped the meter with Windfury and he still topped it without it, he just had to, and I quote, "Work a little harder."

Full-circle back to Retribution, and honestly... as I said in the last Ret thread, I would not at all mind taking one with me as long as his personal DPS held up. And the thing that keeps me from supporting Ret here on this forum is because I have yet to actually see, with my own eyes, a Ret Pally put out a satisfactory amount of DPS.
#99 Mar 15 2008 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
As much as I knock the Ret pallies on this forum I am not anti Ret. Much like Gaudion I am fine with any off spec as long as it is well played.

I think one of my main issues with the Ret pallies in this forum is that they take their performance in low end game content with excessive trash, short boss fights and act as if it will be the same in 25 mans with 14-15 dps, different group formations for dps benefit and with content that is double the length of time.

Then the dps is never qualified. Allow me to use a healers example; there is a Shammy in our raid who pads the overall healing meter on trash but when it comes to content that matters (bosses) I always win out. End of the day he links a overall healing meter where he is #1, I can link 5-6 bosses where i beat him hands down. Not to mention the fact that they are raiding with people who are not enchanted, not using buffs, not properly specced or geared therefore they tend to shine due to the dullards they have around them.

DPS has to be in context or it useless, I think that is something we would have learned from the farce of Tommyguns linking BG damage done as some fools example of dps.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#100 Mar 15 2008 at 12:37 PM Rating: Excellent
648 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
As for Impt Sotc, I changed spec a week ago, Thorgyll went into Imp Conc aura for 30% silence reduction on Azgalor though its not needed if you have a shadow buff and neck/cloak. Besides the general consensus was that 3% to crit was meh, looking at dps across the board for a couple weeks on boss fights it wasn't "ZOMG look at the difference".

ok, so what you just said was, we gave up 3% crit raid wide for 30% silence reduction which
its not needed if you have a shadow buff and neck/cloak
..... in 5 mans i can totally understand that. so random question on that.... you said:

Feral druids are a vital asset either to melee dps with a 5% crit

unless i'm mistaken this only applies to the 5 persons that are actually in the druids group. so 5% to 5 people > than 3% to 20 people? i think i must be doing bad math again cause when i calculate that i get something like 25 > 60 which um, clearly can't be what you mean to say. oh and you also said:

Middling DPS much like a feral druid

so apparenlty our dps is similar according to you. so similar dps, same dps boost to our group (3% crit + 2% damage = 5% for our group) and 3% more dps boost to the rest of the raid + we refresh the healers JoW and JoL allowing them to remain safely at max healing range while the raid group gets the benefit of greatly increased mana regen and admittedly negligible assists w/ healing from JoL (unless healers like being closer in higher lvl raids)

battle rez is handy, but a resto druid can bring that. same for inervate. and a tanking druid can clearly bring the 5% crit boost too....

i can't argue too much about shammies. i knew any shammy could bring WF totem, i hadn't realized that they had a talent to make it considerably better. that was an oversight on my part. so WF totem is great than 5% dps boost for the melee group he's in... still does nothing for the rest of the raid. also tremor totems and reincarnation are both abilities a resto shammy can bring just as easily... still would want a shammy in my melee group as ret so i even think that's a weak arguement....

blood frenzy is clearly something another dps warrior couldn't bring. you're right. again, i know i don't know everything. how many groups bring arms warriors? i thought DW was the raid spec of choice... oh and 4% to phyical damage is only greater than 3% raid wide crit if 3/4 of your damage being done is physical. if you have mages and locks and shadow priests and any other class that has spell damage attacks the warrior ability is minimized where the ret's is still helpful. oh, and the 20% threat reduction of an arms warrior that could bring blood frenzy isn't as good as the 30% threat reduction of a ret pally. a Fury warrior could have the same threat reduction, but unless there's something i'm missing they really don't bring utility that a prot warrior couldn't bring if it was that needed.

sorry it took so long to reply about this. i realized my knowledge may be incomplete. and in some cases it was, but still i don't think any of these offer more overall boost to the raid than ret. perhaps equal or situationally better (clearly a raid w/ 15 rogues would rather have an arms warrior than a ret pally for instance) but i don't think you could say that they're better. i would obviously consider bringing any of these classes for what they offer and (shocking as it might be to you) would consider them equally with bringing a ret pally based on skill and gear level. i'm not soo anti any one class that i would bring a lesser skilled/geared ret instead of that class just because i don't think X spec is any good. i'd even bring a crit chicken and put them in the group w/ the pally healers for the 5% crit chance on heals if i thought they could still put out competent dps.

i just wish i could log in now and actually play my ret. :( oh well, off to do some healing though. and i think that when i'm past kara on my healer i'll prolly grab imp SotC. seems like it would make more sense than something that is unnecessary.

if anything i said was wrong due to a gap in my knowledge (i'm sure there's a few gaps still - i don't have too much time to research every aspect of WoW), pls let me know. might not change my mind about ret, but i do like knowing when i've made a mistake.
#101 Mar 15 2008 at 12:58 PM Rating: Default
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
It is cute that you had to hack and slash with some heavy editing to even be able to make an argument Tool. Not sure I wanna chalk that up to your inability to understand complex issues with multiples cause/effects or just a willful need to be ignorant in the face of an argument you can win against. W

Almost as entertaining as your theorycraft. "(3% crit + 2% damage = 5% for our group)". Thats some remedial math right there. 2+2=gewd amirite? You must have gotten out the crayons for that one.

As for 3% crit versus Imp Conc, Azgalor has a move where every 15-20 seconds he silences everyone in a 99 yard range for 5 seconds. Considering that Azgalor hits like a Mack Truck and also has a lovely 20 yard wide AOE rain of fire that ticks for 2k per second and even when you get out you have a debuff that hits for 1250 a second for 5 seconds, since math isn't your friend that is 6250 damage extra.

Basically it is a healers nightmare, lots of splash damage, heavy tank heals and a 5 second silence every 15-20 seconds. While trading out healing gear for shadow resist gives you a chance, a chance, to avoid it more often than not you are going to be eating it quite a few times, and cutting 30% off 5 seconds might not seem like much but for a healer a fraction ofa second is life or death for a tank.

Not to mention it is beeeeyoootiful skill to have for arena, as a pally.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
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