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Newbie low level equipsFollow

#1 Mar 05 2008 at 6:12 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
So I'm level 16 right now and I'm reading through all the posts about gear and checking the wiki and such, and I'm getting slightly overwhelmed about all the gear and decisions that have to be made in relation TO my gear.

I know that PvP offers some decent gear after enough honor and such, so I plan to PvP for a while at 19 to get SOME benefit from it, but outside of that gear, what kind of things should I be aiming for? What's important in terms of bonuses, and where would be a good resource for me?

I'm sorry if these questions are vague, but I just feel "lost" amongst all the possibilities and such. :) Thanks for the help!
#2 Mar 05 2008 at 6:35 PM Rating: Decent
I will be the first to say it. Read the Sticky FAQ.

I have a 19 mage and you need int and Stam. Int builds yout mana pool and Stam builds your HP, for now, you need more. Once you get to 40 or so, than you will start addind and specializing, and then your spec plays into it.

As for gear, wear what you find, with those two stats first. If they are better, upgrade, if not sell them. Do not buy gear, unless you cannot find something to replace old gear in like 10 levels below you, and then mostly your wand, always get the most DPS you can at your level.
#3 Mar 05 2008 at 6:41 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
Ahh - thank you! I have read the FAQ a few times (skimmed...I'll be more thorough this time though). And what spirit and how important that is??
#4 Mar 05 2008 at 6:55 PM Rating: Decent
Spirit mostly helps with mana regen - mp5s. Low levels need it but you can also drink when needed. Longer fights do not happen that much, more like when you run an instance, then tell the group "OOM" and stop to drink
#5 Mar 05 2008 at 7:24 PM Rating: Decent
32 posts
If your goal is to just get honor then I suggest that you don't PvP for very long in the 19 or 29 brackets, they are full of twinks that can't wait to 1-3 shot a mage, doesn't seem to fair at times but that's WoW. I'd probably PvP in the 39+ brackets even though they also have twinks, they don't have as many, which will result in more wins, meaning more honor.

As for gear, like Alcattle said, just stick with items you can obtain easily with Int, Stam and Spi, in that order preferabbly if you want to just level... if your goal is PvPing for a while, then try and obtain lots of Stam and Int gear, Spi will be almost useless when compared to what Int or Stam will do for you. You won't have long fights in PvP until Alterac Valley at 51 where there are actual PvP bosses that you can kill for honor.

And once you hit 70, on a certain BG weekend, you can obtain enough honor for at least one epic 70 item... so that's 1 epic a week just right there... then doing 10 Arena matches each week will get you another nicer epic once every 3 weeks - 2 months.

So just use what you find that fits what you want to do and enjoy WoW, 70 is a whole other story, shouldn't be that much more stressful, especially when you remember that leveling is a learning process that's preparing you for 70 : )
#6 Mar 05 2008 at 7:42 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
Hey - thanks for the helpful posts. What you guys said about just going with whatever is quite reassuring. Knowing that I won't be screwed if I don't have "leet" gear outside of PvP is promising. I'll keep in mind everything you guys are saying.

One more question...will RFC and WC drop any decent lowbie gear for Mages?
#7 Mar 05 2008 at 9:48 PM Rating: Decent
32 posts
I'm not sure about RFC, but WC does some pretty nice 16-21 gear for mages. If I remember correctly, it's mainly Int/spi gear with little bits of +spell damage. Oh and that is another stat you should go for when you can (+spell damage and +spell critical strike rating)

There's also a couple quests you can get for WC that give some decent gear, one is , from the quest

Edit #1-7: Arghh... can't link these correctly : (
Edit #8: Ahhh, there we go : )

Edited, Mar 6th 2008 12:52am by Degortuna

Edited, Mar 6th 2008 12:53am by Degortuna

Edited, Mar 6th 2008 12:53am by Degortuna

Edited, Mar 6th 2008 12:54am by Degortuna

Edited, Mar 6th 2008 12:57am by Degortuna

Edited, Mar 6th 2008 1:02am by Degortuna

Edited, Mar 6th 2008 1:02am by Degortuna
#8 Mar 06 2008 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent
43 posts
Alright - I'm heading to The Barrens soon actually. :) Based on what I'm is my current stuff?

I'll try and replace my shoulder armor, but what should I be aiming for in my other slots? I was able to grab my weapon and invoker's signet with some help, so group quests are definitely possible. Should I head over to WC for a bit? I've also heard there's and instance near-ish Silverpine that drops some great 20+ gear...Where is that/what am I thinking of?
#9 Mar 06 2008 at 11:20 AM Rating: Decent
1,599 posts
At your level - focus on +Int. If it doesn't have +Int, then you don't really want it. Mages kill with mana. The bigger your pool, the more you can kill.

Later on, +spell damage will come into play. You can start adding up on that.

Other than that, just level your butt off. You will be swapping gear so fast that it won't really matter.

Finally - when doing a search, just put in "Cloth", "level range (i.e. your level +10 & -3", and "+int" values. That will narrow down your search. Check which ones are quest rewards since they will usually be the easiest to obtain. Then, go for the quests :)

If you see a crafted item you want (i.e. like something made from Tailoring), then check the mats needed. Collect the mats, and find a tailor friend (or make it yourself if you are a Tailor).

Oh, and SFK (Shadowfang Keep) is the instance in Silverpine. Lots of fun and great drops for a squishy. You'll get awesome Shoulder, Chest, and Waist gear. But I would wait until lvl 20 to go there.
#10 Mar 06 2008 at 1:51 PM Rating: Good
Hi there,

I now have a level 70 mage that took me a year of casual playing. Here is my advice if you want to focus on PvE play (like instances or questing):

1) Go for the INT gear and spell damage gear (if it exists). After INT, stamina is important to make you less squishy.

2) Play PvP battleground, but keep the honor and tokens for later. I only purchased 3-5 non-level-70 battleground items ever. Some of those pieces lasted me a long time, so they are worth it. (And some of them were poorly selected.) I wouldn't pimp out totally in PvP gear. When I think about how long it took me to earn 30-50 WSG or AB (Warsong Gulch or Arathi Basin) tokens, I regret the time I put into it.

The PvP gear is nice to have, but if I rolled another character, I wouldn't bother struggling to collect tokens until level 70. For the most part, PvP gear is geared for PvP play, which isn't necessarily fantastic for PvE.

I do recommend playing PvP though to learn how to play your class and learn how to react quickly. But don't sink too much time into it. Also, you'll have the most fun when you are in the highest or second highest level in your group. (For example, if the group is 20-29, playing at level 28 or 29 is fun.)

3) Do instances - your best gear is from instances. There is also good stuff that you get while questing, but instances overall are better. I used to be obsessed with collecting the quest first, but there's no need to stress about it. Go forth and enjoy!

4) Remember the Auction House. I like to keep my eyes open for good deals, but only stuff that is 1-2 levels above you. I do remember purchasing a nice staff for 8 g at level 30 or something, and that was a good purchase. Slurge once-in-a-while for something nice. I remember wearing the same weapons and robes the longest, so you might want to get solid pieces there.

5) Check your current gear often. If an item is 10 levels below yours, it's time to replace it quick.

6) Don't bother so much with resistances gear - keep it if you got it, but don't spend money on it. They are usually situational pieces that you put on for special circumstances. (For example, fire resist gear if you are having a hard time defeating a fire elemental.)

7) If you are a tailor, some of the robes will last a long time, so it's worth it to make.

And most of all, have fun. You'll be able to gear yourself quite nicely on quest items and instance drops. I agree with the previous poster, you will be swapping your gear so often, so there is no need to carefully plan your gear upgrades.

Good luck!

Edited, Mar 6th 2008 4:55pm by alitakorgath
#11 Mar 06 2008 at 4:54 PM Rating: Good
43 posts
Wow - thank you guys! :)

I'm pretty stoked about the information you guys are giving me. It seems pretty clear - I need to focus on fun. The gear will come. ^.^

Also, thank you for the tips about PvP gear, instances, and stat bonus stuff - VERY helpful, seeing as I was going to spam the Gulch for a while to grab me some gear from there. I'll play a little at 19, but I'll save it all for later.

Thanks again everyone!
#12 Mar 06 2008 at 5:33 PM Rating: Good
I recommend not hitting up battlegrounds as a mage until 29 at the earliest, if not 39. 19 is full of hunter/rogue twinks (characters with the best gear available + enchanted etc) that will one or two shot you.
#13 Mar 06 2008 at 6:50 PM Rating: Good
92 posts
I recommend not hitting up battlegrounds as a mage until 29 at the earliest, if not 39. 19 is full of hunter/rogue twinks (characters with the best gear available + enchanted etc) that will one or two shot you.

Oh God I couldn't agree more! I would follow this man's advise if I were you. When I went to the BG'in at 19 I must have gotten one shotted at least five times in the same BG by twinks. Usually it is the WSG Marks you need to buy your items (in the lower brackets items are honor-cheap and honor just comes to you decently fast) but in my Mage's case he needed honor more then he needed WSG Marks. Do BGs at 29, even if there are 29 twinks going after you because well... you have Mana Shield. <3
#14 Mar 06 2008 at 8:26 PM Rating: Decent
32 posts
Lol, I still like how I reccomended for someone not to do the 19-29 BG's because of twinks, when I myself have a twink =D.

But yeah, I'd definately wait till 29-39+ to do BG's. For non-twinks the 19 braket is just MISERABLE. It's extrememly hard to kill people that have 5x your health and the games take FOREVER so you don't get marks very fast, which like Killerheal said, is what you usually need at low levels O.o
#15 Mar 06 2008 at 8:43 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
Alright. I'm taking your advice...I have about 700 exp til I ding and enter a new bracket, haha.

One other question - this is kind of off topic-ish...But when I ran RFC earlier, some stuff dropped and we rolled. I rolled greed because I didn't really need any of the gear that was dropping (except for the enchanting scroll, which I rolled need for), but there were two guys who rolled need for EVERYTHING. That seemed a little crappy, ya know?

I want to run WC and SFK soon, but I'm kinda worried that people are going to roll need despite being a class that has NO use for the item...Does this happen a lot at these lower instances?
#16 Mar 06 2008 at 9:07 PM Rating: Decent
32 posts
Lol, just sounds like some low level newbies had no clue what they were doing. Not every low level instance is like that, I haven't ever had any like that : ). If you think that a group might do it then just ask politely for them to only "Need" what they, well... Need! If they don't listen and "ninja" all the gear then I'd just leave the group and seek a new one.
#17 Mar 06 2008 at 10:06 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
I'll keep that in mind for my next set of instances...

Any tips for a new Mage for instances? I seem to pull a decent amount of aggro, even from one firebolt. And do you have tips for basic crowd control? I know doing them more often will help, but a few basic tips would be super helpful! :)

Also, when I'm solo'ing, how can I pull enemies safely? If there's a small group, is there a safe way for me to grab one guy at a time?
#18 Mar 07 2008 at 6:55 AM Rating: Decent
1,599 posts
Here are some things. It's not a comprehensive list, but should help you along the way.

Tips for new mage in instances:

1) wait a few seconds before you start casting your first damage spell. Let the tank build aggro.

2) Never use AoE, unless you have a Pally tanking who is spamming Consecration.

3) Sheep for CC (Crowd Control). When sheep breaks, re-sheep. So keep an eye on that mob. Also, try to sheep mobs when they are far away from tank. Otherwise, tank may accidentally break sheep.

4) Dispel Curses when other group members get cursed. Especially in SFK - lots of curses go on there.

5) Get Omen add on. It is a threat meter, and will let you know when your threat is approaching that of the tank (assuming the tank has the add on too). When you get close, back off a bit to prevent pulling aggro.

6) Ask group leader to mark targets.

7) Only attack the target that the tank is attacking.

For soloing and pulling:

1) Some mobs are linked, so you will not be able to pull one at a time.

2) Pull from max distance (lets you get more spells off before they reach you - if they are melee).

I hope that helps. There are a million other things, but you'll pick them up as you go. Have fun with your mage :)
#19 Mar 07 2008 at 8:57 AM Rating: Decent
The Deadmines also drops a few great lvl 19-25 drops. There is a great staff and a wand i believe. If you are horde see if a few higher lvl friends will take you to westfall and give you a run through the mines.
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