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Druid Resources: Wrath EditionFollow

#1 Mar 01 2008 at 2:26 PM Rating: Excellent
1,270 posts
Newest Version of this Post >> Here!

Welcome to the Resources Guide for Druids: Wrath Edition. As always I will add new Guides, Posts, and Websites as I find them or please post below if you have stumbled on to something in your interweb travels. >^. .^<

A Resources Guide for Druids (the wiki version of this post)

Work in Progress - Last updated: 5/17/09

Link Legend
Links marked with (Allakhazam) are linked to the "Allakhazam" Site.
Links marked with (WoWWiki) are linked to the "WoWWiki" Site.
Links marked with (Elitist Jerks) are linked to the "Elitist Jerks" Forum.
Links marked with (Curse) are linked to the "Curse" AddOn Site.
Links marked with (Interface) are linked to the "WoW Interface" AddOn Site.
Links marked with (WoW) are linked to the "World of Warcraft Community Site"
(Also known as the Oboard aka Official Boards)
Links marked with (WoW-EU) are linked to the "World of Warcraft Europe Community Site"

Druid Resources : Informative Posts and Links

(Allakhazam) Read Me: Druid 202 By DruidSock
(WoW) The New Druid FAQ! By Azoth
Druid Wiki.
Druid WoWWiki Class Description.

Druid Resources : Blogs

(WoWInsider) Shifting Perspectives, A Weekly Column About Druids
(Blog) The Daily Druid
(Blog) Athinira's Corner
(Blog) Big Bear Butt Blogger
(Blog) Of Teeth and Claws
(Blog) Think Tank
(Blog) Gray Matter
(Blog) 4 Haelz
(Blog) Resto4Life (retired)
(Blog) Pwyff's Arena and PVP Commentary

Druid Resources : Forums

(WoW) World of Warcraft Community: Druid Forum.
(WoW-EU) World of Warcraft EU Community: Druid Forum.
(Allakhazam) Allakhazam: Druid Forum.
(Elitist Jerks) Elitist Jerks: Druid Forum.
Emmerald's Druid Info Center.
The Druids Grove.

Druid Resources : General

Kaliban's Druid Loot List
(WoWWiki) Druid Talent Analysis
(WoWWiki) Druid Tactics
(WoW-EU) 1000 Druid tips and tricks!
(WoW) NEW 3.0.3: Feral & Balance Leveling Guide By Lissanna


(Elitist Jerks) Moonkin Guide for Dummies! By Ashaera
(Elitist Jerks) Moonkin Beginner Guide By Arawethion
(WoW) Moonkin WotLK Pre-Raid Gear Guide By Pippilongear
(WoW) Raiding Basics @ 80: Moonkin Druid By Wisprunner
(WoWInsider) Shifting Perspectives: Gearing your Balance Druid at 80
(WoW) Moonkin top 5 best in slot gear ranking By Badeggplant
(Elitist Jerks) Moonkin DPS Spreadsheet By Efejel
(WoW-EU) Lithanials' Guide to Moonkin Tanking v1.1 (outdated)
(WoW) Common Moonkin Misconceptions By Alleine (outdated)


Emmerald's Feral Druid Gear Lists
(Elitist Jerks) Feral Druid Numbers By Friar RareBeast
(Allakhazam) A Feral Druid's Outland Gear Upgrade Guide By Fewyn (outdated)


(Elitist Jerks) Feral - Bear Megathread By Rannasha
(Blog) Tips for the New Tank By Big Bear Butt Blogger
(WoW) HOW TO - Druid Tanking in WotLK By Vindictive
(WoWInsider) Shifting Perspectives: Gearing your Bear Druid at 80
(WoW) WotLK Pre-Raid Feral Tank Gear of Note By Softclaw
(Allakhazam) Pre-Raid Tank Gear By Horsemouth
(Allakhazam) Tank Loot: Raiders Edition By Horsemouth
(WoW) WotLK: Tank Gear List (HC/Normal/Rep/Quest) By Droih


(Elitist Jerks) Feral - Cat Megathread By Rannasha
(WoWInsider) Shifting Perspectives: Gearing your Cat Druid at 80
(WoWInsider) Shifting Perspectives: Gearing your Cat Druid at 80 : Part Two
(WoW) Definitive Cat DPS FAQ + Pre-Raid Gear By Demoneater


(WoW) Gearing Up for End Game Healing Guide By Melias
(WoWInsider) Shifting Perspectives: Gearing your Restoration Druid at 80
(Elitist Jerks) WotLK Resto Pre-Raid Gear Guide By Tuftears
(Blog) HoTsTree Pre-Naxx Resto Druid Gear
(WoW) How to Heal in 3.1: PVE/Raid Healing By Lissanna
(Elitist Jerks) Resto (PvE) Healing Discussion By Mayfax
(WoW) Outlands Druid Resto Gear Guide By Pastrizethis (outdated)

Druid Resources : Tools

(DruidWiki) Toskk's Feral DPS Gear Methodology
Rawr! A Program for Comparing and Exploring Gear By Astrylian

Druid Resources : Macros

(Allakhazam) Macro Guide By RPZip
(WoWInsider) Shifting Perspective: An introduction to making macros for a druid
(WoW) New Druid Macros - 2.1 By Beirras
(WoWWiki) Useful Macro's for a Druid
(DruidWiki) Macros and Addons

Druid Resources : Basic Add-Ons

(Allakhazam) Recommended Druid Addons By The Druid Community
(WoW) Druid Addon Guide By Terrorfiend

(Curse) OutFitter: a equipment swapping mod.

(Interface) ItemRack: a equipment swapping mod.

(Ace Wiki) ClosetGnome: a equipment swapping mod.

(Curse) Druid Bar: a movable mana bar that keeps track of your current mana, even while shapeshifted.

(Curse) DruidStats: calculates the actual stats you will gain when you equip an item, taking your talents and current shapeshift form into account.

(Curse) Druid Tips: adds feral druid damage mitigation and DPS points (relative rating) to an items tooltip.

(Curse) Healbot: a healing mod that is an alternative to grid/clique for clickcasting as well as keeping track of buffs and debuffs.

(Curse) Omen: a threat meter.

(Curse) DamageMeters: a damage meter.

(Curse) Talented: create and apply Talent point templates.

Druid Resources : Miscellaneous

(Allakhazam) The History of the Druid class By Quor
(WoWInsider) Druid flight form FAQ
(WoWWiki) How to kill a... (Druid PvP Guide)
(WoWWiki) Working with a... (Druid PvE Guide)

Druid Resources : Fun

(WoW) Alamo teeches U 2 play DURID! By Alamo
(WoW) ALAMO teeches u 2 Burnin Croosaid! By Alamo
Cat DPS Chart (NSFW) By Epicalyx
(Comic) World Of Warcraft, Eh?

Update History
Update History v2

Edited, Jan 3rd 2011 4:51pm by GryphonStalker
#2 Mar 01 2008 at 4:53 PM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
thats a pretty comprehensive collection. nicely done.
#3 Mar 01 2008 at 5:42 PM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
Looks like you found just about every druid resource I've seen or heard of, plus a lot more. I know more about the feral side of druids than Balance or resto, and one guide stands out. I remember Jasica's guide to druid tanking because it's outdated and full of bad advice. Spam Maul and Swipe? Stack Str and AP?

Other than that, excellent compilation, possibly worth getting stickied.
#4 Mar 01 2008 at 10:31 PM Rating: Decent
1,270 posts
I know more about the feral side of druids than Balance or resto, and one guide stands out. I remember Jasica's guide to druid tanking because it's outdated and full of bad advice. Spam Maul and Swipe? Stack Str and AP?

I'm mostly feral myself, so finding Resto and Balanced stuff was a little more difficult. I added Jasica's guide because it popped up on Alla's guides and really only breezed through it. ^^;;;;;;

I'll look at it in the morning with less tired eyes and junk it.
#5 Mar 02 2008 at 8:38 PM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
Look, mum, I was linked!!!!
Nice job man, wish that was stickied.
#6 Mar 04 2008 at 1:25 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Rate-down. The sticky on this forum is bad enough. By making all this information so conveniently accessible, you've completely taken away all my excuses to suck.

(Kidding ofc. I'm in favor of the motion to sticky.)
#7 Mar 04 2008 at 9:36 PM Rating: Good
1,270 posts
I know it's terrible...
..but good news! I saved a bunch of money on my Ram insurance! wait Allakhazam is back up! ::dances:::
#8 Mar 04 2008 at 10:39 PM Rating: Good
93 posts
Don't forget the Big Bear Butt Blogger

Edited, Mar 5th 2008 1:39am by linkerman
#9 Mar 06 2008 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
1,270 posts
Updated: 3/6/08

Added a Macro Section.
Added a few more Feral links.
Added a Blog. (Thank You, linkerman)

Updated: 3/15/08

Changed the feral section. Breaking it down by General, Tanking, and DPS.
Added a few DPS links.
Added a few more Balance links.
Added another Resto link.
Added another blog.
Added another link to General.
Added another link to Miscellaneous.
Added a Update History.

Updated: 5/22/08

Added another blog. (Thank You, dotorion!)
Added another blog.
Wiki Allakhazam has made a wiki version of this post. ^^
Wiki Edited the wiki format. Made DSP and Tanking sub headers in Feral, and various other minor changes.

Updated: 6/2/08

Added another DPS link. (Thank You, Siane for adding it to the wiki ^^)
Changed the header color scheme to make it more readable under the new site design.

Updated: 8/13/08

Changed tweaked the colors to make it readable in both color schemes available.

Edited, Aug 24th 2008 12:52am by GryphonStalker
#10 May 20 2008 at 8:25 AM Rating: Excellent
This is being wikified as we speak. Nicely done.

*edit - wiki added. Here's the link that you can edit to your heart's content -

Edited, May 20th 2008 10:15am by Wordaen
#11 May 21 2008 at 6:50 PM Rating: Good
1,270 posts
I can't say I'm super familiar with wiki the format but I'll work on getting it to look ship shape (or at least how I like it. >..>;;). Thank You. ^^

Edited, May 21st 2008 10:53pm by GryphonStalker
#12 May 22 2008 at 12:12 AM Rating: Good
88 posts
Some more great druid blogs (which I didn't find in your compilation)

Of Teeth and Claws

Ferocious Bite

The Rambling Bear

#13 May 22 2008 at 9:31 AM Rating: Good
1,270 posts
^^ Added "Of Teeth and Claws" blog. I don't want to go over board on blogs or over represent ferals, just going to stick to the main stream ones. "Of Teeth and Claws" and "Adventures in Azeroth" both have a excellent list of categorized druid blogs. (Can be found on the right hand side of the main pages.)

#14 May 22 2008 at 11:17 AM Rating: Excellent
For the wiki stuff, if you want to take a stab at it there, we have a nice help section here for you:

It takes a little getting used to but it's not a whole lot different than html, the tags are a little different is all for the basics.
#15 Nov 28 2008 at 4:21 PM Rating: Good
1,270 posts
Updated: 11/28/08

Removed - all out-dated and dead links.
Added - some new WotLK gear guides for all specs.

Updated: 12/12/08

Changed - RareBeast's Feral Numbers link to link to Elitist Jerks.
Added - two new links to the feral section, Gear Lists.
Added - a new Druid FAQ to the helpful posts section.

Updated: 1/17/09

Added - new links to the feral section.
Added - new links to the resto section.
Added - a new add-on.

Updated: 3/14/09

Added - a new link to the balance section.
Added - two new links to the feral section.
Added - two new links to the resto section.
Added - a new link to the macro section.
Added - a new link to the Fun section. Cute WoW comic starring a Druid.

Updated: 4/25/09

Changed - dead links in the Add-on section, will work on the Druid Community Add-on Wiki to update it as well.

Updated: 5/17/09

Removed - some more out-dated and dead links.
Added - Druid 202! (Thank you!! all those hard working druids!) :3
Added - a new resto blog, and tagged Resto4Life as retired.
Added - some links to the balanced section.
Added - some links to the feral section.
Added - one link to the resto section.
Added - added the cat dps chart to the fun section.

Edited, May 17th 2009 5:15pm by GryphonStalker
#16 Feb 07 2009 at 9:29 PM Rating: Decent
289 posts
not like it needed it, but rate up. great post bud.
#17 Dec 17 2010 at 8:21 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Is any one that isn't me going to volunteer to update this thread with a new one?

I think it is a good thread idea but is fairly out of date and Gryphon hasn't posted in months to my knowledge.

Anyone know if she is still playing or anything?

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
Necro Warning: This post occurred more than thirty days after the prior, and may be a necropost.
#18 Dec 19 2010 at 3:45 PM Rating: Good
Whoever does should remove the feral druid numbers thread link as it is now well and truly out of date and I don't feel motivated enough to re-do it at this stage. Never seems to be enough time for everything these days...

#19 Dec 31 2010 at 10:52 AM Rating: Good
1,270 posts
Horsemouth wrote:
Is any one that isn't me going to volunteer to update this thread with a new one?

I think it is a good thread idea but is fairly out of date and Gryphon hasn't posted in months to my knowledge.

Anyone know if she is still playing or anything?

Hey Horse and Druid Forums, it's been a while. :)
Yes I did hang up my WoW towel many moons ago but have thought of updating this and the thread I have in general forums for a long time but like Friar RareBeast can't seem to actually get motivated to do it. I still for some reason skim WoWInsider and MMO Champion daily but am completely out of the loop on all the inner workings of the Druid Class.

I had been toying with asking if I could clean it up a bit and post it under the DruidSock handle and see if anyone was interested in maintaining it or just straight out handing it off if anyone was interested.

First I'll work on the one in general and make an official plea for new management. Then see if anyone here is interested in the druid one.

Happy Holiday's Everyone!
#20 Jan 01 2011 at 1:15 PM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
should I unsticky this?
01001001 00100000 01001100 01001001 01001011 01000101 00100000 01000011 01000001 01001011 01000101
You'll always be stupid, you'll just be stupid with more information in your brain
Forum FAQ
#21 Jan 02 2011 at 12:00 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Happy New Year Grif. :P

No unsticky yet.

I'll send Grif the sock info tomorrow and we can go from there.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#22 Jan 03 2011 at 2:34 PM Rating: Good
1,270 posts
Well, got the bare bones of it up and running under the DruidSock handle. Removed all outdated links (only exceptions should be getting updated soon) and redirected all broken and old links. I also added at least one guide to each spec as a starting point, I'm sure many more guides will pop up as the expansion gets simmering. :)

Welcome to the Resources Guide for Druids: Cataclysm Edition.
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