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Q)Who gets credit for aura damage?Follow

#1 Feb 29 2008 at 1:46 PM Rating: Decent
38 posts
Hey, I was wondering: Who gets credit for aura damage? (Like on your DPS damage meter) If I have retribution aura on for example, it does damage to anyone who attacks a party member within range of my aura. So who gets credit for that damage? The Paladin or the party member who was hit?
#2 Feb 29 2008 at 10:10 PM Rating: Decent
the person getting hit. just like if a shammy has the little healing thing when you get hit you get healed or a priest they have it also. it counts as you healed so you get threat from the heal.
#3 Feb 29 2008 at 10:43 PM Rating: Excellent
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Sounds like somebody got outdpsed by their tank... Smiley: wink
#4 Mar 01 2008 at 8:15 AM Rating: Decent
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auras and judgements act as normal buffs and debuffs respectively. any action made or received counts toward the instigator.
#5 Mar 02 2008 at 9:14 PM Rating: Decent
32 posts
Damage from the aura might go to the person getting hit for damage meters, but I thought I heard somewhere that the threat caused by the aura all goes to the pally.

Was I lied to? -_-
#6 Mar 05 2008 at 1:32 PM Rating: Good
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The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
Sounds like somebody got outdpsed by their tank... Smiley: wink

How'd you guess?! lol Actually it wasn't so much by my tank as other DPS'ers in the party. That and I noticed allot of people who down pallys don't realize just how much of a buff they receive by their paladin party members. I had a discussion with my tank about ret-pally dps and I don't think he realizes the buffs & auras we provide increase his DSP/Armor as well. I assumed it did but wanted to make sure. But I guess since he's a warrior, he's not expected to know math.

Edited, Mar 5th 2008 4:33pm by ChanceTouchstone
#7 Mar 05 2008 at 8:20 PM Rating: Decent
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ChanceTouchstone wrote:
But I guess since he's a warrior, he's not expected to know math.


My Warrior's name is Guildidiot. I guess it was fitting after all ^^
#8 Mar 05 2008 at 8:48 PM Rating: Decent
Damage from the aura might go to the person getting hit for damage meters, but I thought I heard somewhere that the threat caused by the aura all goes to the pally.

Was I lied to? -_-

nope goes to the person just like druids thorns gives the person who has it on them the threat otherwise healing druids and pallies would never have a ds on anyone. not to mention peeps would scream op if we had threat from mobs hitting others.
#9 Mar 06 2008 at 12:44 AM Rating: Good
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ChanceTouchstone wrote:
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
Sounds like somebody got outdpsed by their tank... Smiley: wink

How'd you guess?! lol Actually it wasn't so much by my tank as other DPS'ers in the party. That and I noticed allot of people who down pallys don't realize just how much of a buff they receive by their paladin party members. I had a discussion with my tank about ret-pally dps and I don't think he realizes the buffs & auras we provide increase his DSP/Armor as well. I assumed it did but wanted to make sure. But I guess since he's a warrior, he's not expected to know math.

What a lot of people fail to realize is that when there's only one paladin, they make a ridiculous contribution to group DPS by giving DPS Salvation. It is, inarguably, the absolute strongest raid buff in the game(ok, maybe the one totem that reduces threat).

I do have to wonder why you were using Retribution Aura if you're a ret paladin, though.
#10 Mar 06 2008 at 8:33 AM Rating: Decent
38 posts
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:

I do have to wonder why you were using Retribution Aura if you're a ret paladin, though.

Why use Ret if your Ret? That sounds a bit silly but perhaps you know something I don't. I'm not a total noob but I'll admit I'm still learning and trying new tactics so....

Actually, I have trouble deciding between Auras and switch them continuously depending on the situation (of course).
I've noticed all lot of utility in the Devotion Aura fighting tough mobs or BG fighting in large groups.
Sanctity Aura aura is good along side other paladins or 1on1 PVP.
But Ret, I really just use the Ret aura raiding in weaker dungeons where the tank is pretty safe from any real threat or damage. Just helps kill the mobs quicker. Or even solo-questing when I get a large mob on ME that does physical damage I'll switch to Ret, throw up consecration and use my lil AOE trinket to poison them all to get the most AOE damage I can. Hell, I even throw in a stick of EZ-Throw DynamiteII for a lil extra kick now & then. lol thats more for fun
Sometimes in AlteracValley I'll do a Kamikaze run when I find myself surounded by about 10+ Horde and I'm all alone. I'll throw up my bubble and crank out as much AOE dmg, ret aura, explosives, and finally stuns as possible before they take me down. Thats when I know I'm going down. That rarely gets the final blow but you'll be surprised how much 1 paladin kamikaze can delay a large group like that and by the Alliance a few seconds to regroup. ONE FOR THE TEAM!
#11 Mar 06 2008 at 9:41 AM Rating: Good
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ChanceTouchstone wrote:
Sanctity Aura aura is good along side other paladins or 1on1 PVP.

Sanctity aura is a good increase to your DPS. And if it's Imp, it's a decent increase to all other DPS in your group.
#12 Mar 06 2008 at 9:43 AM Rating: Good
808 posts
Not to nitpick excessively, but there are a handful of apparent misconceptions in your most recent post.

Devotion Aura has nothing to do with the toughness of the mobs hitting you. If a tank needs devotion aura to tank, leave your group ASAP and don't let the portal hit you on the way out. It does almost nothing for a mail/plate-wearing class in your group. The only time I'll un-reluctantly put up Devo Aura is when a 'lock or mage is AOE-tanking on a particular boss or pull.

In BGs you do not fight "in large groups" -- you fight in a party of five just like every other party. There's no spillover of your aura to people outside your party. Don't let the number of friendlies not in your immediate party influence your aura selection.

FYI, when you are bubbled, your Ret Aura does nada. If an enemy's not hitting you, no damage is reflected to it.

IMO, kamikaze attacks are silly. If you face one vs ten, irritate them (consecrate, hammer of justice, etc.), bubble and RUN! (You have Pursuit of Justice, right?) I just love it when a half dozen Horde feel that primitive urge to chase my sorry soon-to-expire-from-DoTs carcass from Lumber Mill down to the road leading to Blacksmith. Dragging the enemy away from the point they're supposed to defend is one way you can help your team when you have no individual chance of survival.

Sanctity Aura should be the best aura in most situations for improving your overall performance, but I'm sure the retlords here will clarify the appropriate exceptions. Experimenting is good, and with time you eventually figure out what works best for you (and hopefully understand why).
#13 Mar 06 2008 at 10:04 AM Rating: Good
1,245 posts
If there are two paladins in the group, there is no difference at all if the healing pally has Ret Aura up and the tank pally has Devotion Aura up?

Because that's what my last Mana-Tombs group was doing, and as much as I wanted to tell the tank, "Tankadin is supposed to use Ret Aura for threat," I wasn't sure if it was accomplishing the same thing or not.
#14 Mar 06 2008 at 10:10 AM Rating: Good
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same thing yep
#15 Mar 06 2008 at 11:12 AM Rating: Good
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Raglu wrote:
If there are two paladins in the group, there is no difference at all if the healing pally has Ret Aura up and the tank pally has Devotion Aura up?

Because that's what my last Mana-Tombs group was doing, and as much as I wanted to tell the tank, "Tankadin is supposed to use Ret Aura for threat," I wasn't sure if it was accomplishing the same thing or not.

The only problem would be if they moved farther than 30' away from each other.

Perhaps the tank had Improved Devo and the healer had Improved Ret?

#16 Mar 06 2008 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
591 posts
Sanctity aura is a must if you're grping with a tankadin. The increase to threat makes them much more mana efficient. Also may be able to give dps real buffs instead of salvation because of the increased threat.
#17 Mar 06 2008 at 1:50 PM Rating: Decent
38 posts
HoyadinFTW wrote:
Not to nitpick excessively, but there are a handful of apparent misconceptions in your most recent post.

You did have 1 good point. I DID assume other alliance members would benefit from my auras even tho they were not in my party. Guess I just never really thought about it. But other than that, either I didn't elaborate enough (like coming out of my Kamakazie Bubble with Ret aura on because I know I'm about to die. I know it does nothing till my bubble is gone) or debatable.

#18 Mar 06 2008 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
38 posts
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
ChanceTouchstone wrote:
Sanctity Aura aura is good along side other paladins or 1on1 PVP.

Sanctity aura is a good increase to your DPS. And if it's Imp, it's a decent increase to all other DPS in your group.

Okay, maybe I missed something about the Sanctity aura too... The description says "Increases Holy damage done by party members within 30 yards by 10%." But if theirs no other paladins or priests in the party, it only benefits me right? For instance, a warrior doesn't do holy damage so whats it do for him? Help with healing him or something? Anything? If not, then thats a lame aura for my party. If it does SOMETHING then I can agree, its probably the most useful.

I ordered ALL the WOW Guides from amazon. I'm tired of misleading tool tips.Damn you uninformative tool tips! Damn you!
#19 Mar 06 2008 at 2:12 PM Rating: Good
12,905 posts
ChanceTouchstone wrote:
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
ChanceTouchstone wrote:
Sanctity Aura aura is good along side other paladins or 1on1 PVP.

Sanctity aura is a good increase to your DPS. And if it's Imp, it's a decent increase to all other DPS in your group.

Okay, maybe I missed something about the Sanctity aura too... The description says "Increases Holy damage done by party members within 30 yards by 10%." But if theirs no other paladins or priests in the party, it only benefits me right? For instance, a warrior doesn't do holy damage so whats it do for him? Help with healing him or something? Anything? If not, then thats a lame aura for my party. If it does SOMETHING then I can agree, its probably the most useful.

I ordered ALL the WOW Guides from amazon. I'm tired of misleading tool tips.Damn you uninformative tool tips! Damn you!

He said if it was improved, via talents, which every ret pally should have.
#20 Mar 06 2008 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
2,183 posts
ChanceTouchstone wrote:
Okay, maybe I missed something about the Sanctity aura too... The description says "Increases Holy damage done by party members within 30 yards by 10%." But if theirs no other paladins or priests in the party, it only benefits me right?

Sanctity Aura by itself is only for Ret Paladins and lawlSmite Priests. The Improved talents makes it good for everyone doing damage, in your group that is.
#21 Mar 06 2008 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
38 posts
The explanation for the talents are easy to misunderstand.

Sanctity Aura says:
"Increases Holy damage done by party members within 30 yards by 10%."
Imp says:
"Increase the amount of damage caused by targets affected by Santity Aura is increased by 1%"

That could be construed many different ways. I understood it to mean if your affected by Santity aura (+10% holy damage) you get and additional 1% (+11% holy damage) which still means jack to party members who don't do holy damage.

But yes, I see that it doesn't specificly say "Holy damage" in the improved so they still only get +1% non-holy damage? Thats still not very good. Imp Ret aura might be more helpful for them (non-holies).
#22 Mar 06 2008 at 2:47 PM Rating: Good
12,905 posts
Chances are your imp sanctity aura will net more damage than ret aura on a tank. 2% is more significant than you think.

For example, ive had several experiences where a boss will die with 1-2% HP left. well, if the dpsers did 2% more damage it would be dead.
#23 Mar 06 2008 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
2,183 posts
ChanceTouchstone wrote:
But yes, I see that it doesn't specificly say "Holy damage" in the improved so they still only get +1% non-holy damage? Thats still not very good. Imp Ret aura might be more helpful for them (non-holies).

Imp Sanctity Aura would be better for every class in every situation than Imp Ret Aura, even a Prot Paladin. At max rank, that's increasing the damage done by everyone within 30 yards of the Paladin who is using the Aura by 2%. If that Paladin was using Imp Ret Aura instead, the tank would be doing 39 Holy damage to attackers: that's it. No one else getting any DPS boost, cause face it, no one else should be getting hit. Except in a PvP setting, but I would still say Sanctity Aura.

Edited, Mar 6th 2008 2:49pm by Maulgak
#24 Mar 06 2008 at 3:27 PM Rating: Decent
38 posts
Ok ok, this is helpful guys thanks! =)

but I still think Ret aura CAN add up to more damage in that situation.

Okay, this is off the top of my head and I'm guessing at some of this so... I'll post the equation and you guys correct it for me.

Imp Santity Aura (Guessing 400 is a decent DPS for the average lvl70. I don't know)
400 dps X 5 players = 2000 dps X 2% = +40dps


Imp Ret (Guessing: I really have NO idea what the average hits per sec someone would do. This is where I really need correcting)
(ImpRet = 26 + 50% = 39dmg)
5 attackers hit tank once every 3 seconds
5 hits X 39dmg = 195 dmg / 3sec = +65dps

Now, I don't know... Average player DPS may be lower than 400 and enemys probably average hitting more than once every 3 seconds so that would imply an even larger increase in damage using the ret aura. But I'm open for correcton. OBVIOUSLY my math on that was kind of a guess. No to mention misses etc... but still. I'll let the "experts" pick that one apart for me. =)

Edited, Mar 6th 2008 6:30pm by ChanceTouchstone
#25 Mar 06 2008 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
12,905 posts
ChanceTouchstone wrote:

5 hits X 39dmg = 195 dmg / 3sec = +65dps

Minus the DPS you lose from using ret aura vs sanc aura.
#26 Mar 06 2008 at 3:32 PM Rating: Decent
38 posts
KTurner the Meaningless wrote:
ChanceTouchstone wrote:

5 hits X 39dmg = 195 dmg / 3sec = +65dps

Minus the DPS you lose from using ret aura vs sanc aura.

Funny! But I'm not buying that. hehehe
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