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Some interesting developments on the shaman O-boards.Follow

#1 Feb 25 2008 at 9:12 PM Rating: Decent
I don't know if anyone else will find this interesting but I do. Apparently on the shaman o-forums, they have been going around selectively deleting topics that they do not want people to see/read. Particularly involving the game dev Kalgan who has been accused of bias against the shaman class as he represents a warrior in 5v5 arena spec pvp.

Of particular interest was a 15 page thread that summarized some incriminating facts against blizz devs for some underhanded things that they had allowed to happen. For example, one of Kalgan's arena partners ranting about Elemental shaman and OP burst damage in arena, and to the effect that elementals "got exactly what they deserved". The post was since softened to show shamans needed some pushback and they were too easily shut down, but someone managed to find the original link.

I know the following is summarized in another thread, but these are Kalgan's half assed responses to legitimate player complaints about the nerf and the class. This came from an 89 page thread where players tried and tried to get some legitimate answers out of the game dev. He basically stopped posting at about page 20, he also deleted the original thread, then claimed he did not know what happened to it...

Here is what Kalgan said to a poster who asked why they are nerfing elemental shaman:

Kalgan wrote:
Because one-dimensional massive burst damage isn't the way we want to achieve that balance.

EXELLENT, nerf the massive burst damage, which is the only thing elemental has going for it...good call there! Kalgan was repeatedly accused of favoring this nerf as elemental shaman burst damage is seen as a good counter for warriors in 5v5 arena. In another forum he was quoted as favoring a Warlock nerf so that he could "rock out his new S3 warrior weapon" or something to that effect.

In regards to shaman buffs in 2.4 or future patches here is what he said:

Kalgan wrote:
We do have buffs in the works for 2.4, it's just we don't know with 100% certainty exactly which ones they'll be, since some might not be do-able for now.

In other words, we have time to nerf you, but we're not sure how to buff you, so we probably won't get around to it. This makes no sense, if you are going to nerf a damage reliant spec, you must apply a logical buff to counter the nerf.

In response to a question of why Shaman have no form of CC and that shaman would be happy with ANYTHING:
Kalgan wrote:
I don't think "anything" would really satisfy. Do tauren shamans feel like they have no need for the cc you're asking for since they have war stomp? Probably not.

All it would do to give every shaman that kind of "cc" is water down the feeling of distinction without really solving much (at least for now now... maybe someday in the future could be just the perfect solve for some balance problem, but today it would be marginal).

GREAT. Roll a tauren shaman, you have warstomp. That is your CC, problem solved! So, shaman have no CC because we would otherwise be missing that "feeling of distinction" and giving shaman CC would not really be solving much. But maybe...sometime in the a galaxy far far away...there are shaman with cc...That explanation was really just a slap in the face. What does that mean, a feeling of distinction?

The explanations are always the same crap. We're looking into it, in the future...we're going to look into it next patch...shaman will be revised...we're trying to achieve balance...very tiresome indeed. I wanted to save these comments here as I have a feeling the dev is going to delete them from the o-board. It really does not sit well with me at all that a developer with an impact on PvP content would be having a vested interest in PvP gameplay.

Edited, Feb 26th 2008 12:19am by Taurrus
#2 Feb 26 2008 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
1,031 posts
I remember reading the original thread. It's enough to make any Shaman, elemental or not, grit his teeth.
Sir Exodus the Cheesemaker wrote:
"All this talk of vaginas is making me thirsty."

#3 Feb 26 2008 at 3:25 PM Rating: Good
782 posts
Do tauren shamans feel like they have no need for the cc you're asking for since they have war stomp? Probably not.


"Probably not"!? Hehe FAR FROM, its more like, "Highly likely DO!"

So their saying that WAR STOMP is a CC!? Since when is a is a 3 second STUN w/ a .5 second cast time (used to be instant), a 3min and only 1 second of usable STUNNED time a CC!!!


With that type of logic I guess Pally's got it in the bag for party invites with their Stun hammer :P

Does Blizzard actually TEST play thier own game? Or does testing class comparison consist of something like;

Head tester: Ok, in this CC test, your only allowed to do melee attacks with your hunter.

(Hunter dies)

Head Tester; Wow this was unfair, better buff up your ranged potential.

Lacky Tester; Shouldn't we test other specs? Situations? Races?

Head Tester; Nah, we've proven without a shadow of a doubt Shaman's are OP to ALL other classes in the first test, purely from the 1 test with a hunter using 1 dimentional skills of that class. Besides we're late to the tranny crack ***** party, lets send in the report and this is end of subject.

#4 Feb 26 2008 at 5:30 PM Rating: Good
I think what pisses me off the most is that they can't even give a single, logical reasonable response to legitimate player concerns about the class. Shaman have been waiting for our review since, what? Patch 1.10 or thereabouts after the WF nerf they have been promising changes to the totem mechanic for two years now!

The nerf bat has hit the shaman in the head so many times now for no good reason in the name of "balance". That and they keep sticking to this half-assed notion that shaman cannot and will not have CC or pushback.

Looking at Kalgan's half-assed, evasive, non-commital responses just confirms that blizzard does not give 2 ***** about this class at all. No wonder people on the O-boards are losing their mind. They just killed elemental for 5v5 arena and gave no reasonable explanation whatsoever.
#5 Feb 26 2008 at 6:15 PM Rating: Decent
why is it people always complain about arena?

QQ arena this QQ arena that.


not that I dont agree with shammies needing some kind of CC.

Just there is A HUGE AMOUNT OF GAMEPLAY besides arena.

Try QQ'ing (and give suggestions) as to something that encompasses all gameplay (ie a solution that doesnt make us OP in one area and UP in another)

#6 Feb 26 2008 at 7:41 PM Rating: Excellent
2,396 posts
orickruns wrote:
why is it people always complain about arena?

QQ arena this QQ arena that.


not that I dont agree with shammies needing some kind of CC.

Just there is A HUGE AMOUNT OF GAMEPLAY besides arena.

Try QQ'ing (and give suggestions) as to something that encompasses all gameplay (ie a solution that doesnt make us OP in one area and UP in another)

People complain about the arena because that is the area in the game where class balance matters most.

It doesn't matter in PvE. Anywhere. Not even end-game raiding. Any spec of any class can be effective. The four healers can heal, the three tanks can tank, all the DPS can DPS. Some may or may not be more effective than others, but at that point you're just crunching numbers. You can find a spot for anyone and everyone.

In PvP, certain classes and certain specs can mean a loss or a win before the gate even opens because you're at such a huge disadvantage or advantage. That's what leads to the arena being completely dominated by cookiecutter teams, classes, and specs, which leads to dissatisfaction among everyone else who has no desire to play those cookiecutters.

There's also a certain indignity in losing in PvP that just isn't present in PvE. A boss wipes your raid. Well, that sucks... you've got a repair bill and you've just wasted some time. Maybe missed out on some loot. Illidan doesn't spit on your corpse, laugh at you, and then break into dance after he kills you. A lot of Shaman would like very much to do a lot more than just /sigh at certain opponents in PvP.
#7 Feb 26 2008 at 7:54 PM Rating: Decent
61 posts
I think a large portion of MMO players play for the PvP aspect or eventually come around to competing and arena rewards are some of the best looking and best stat'd in the game, besides legendary stuff and how often does that stuff come around.

As far as CC in PvE, it's there to a degree. Sadly the Stoneclaw HP is really only good for 1 weak hitting mob and not much else and Eartbind is mildly useful. It's evident Shaman need a decent stun ability, we are the only class without one. Being stun, kited and killed with hardly a shot fired does suck. Even Pallies with the worst DPS in the game can handle a few situations. If Shaman get targeted it's pretty much a given they will die in a few seconds with little choice in the matter.

I'd take changing into GW breaking polymorph over CC but that's just me.

#8 Feb 26 2008 at 8:38 PM Rating: Decent
38 posts

Dam double post, read the next one

Edited, Feb 26th 2008 11:44pm by borzan
#9 Feb 26 2008 at 8:39 PM Rating: Good
38 posts
orickruns wrote:
why is it people always complain about arena?

QQ arena this QQ arena that.


not that I dont agree with shammies needing some kind of CC.

Just there is A HUGE AMOUNT OF GAMEPLAY besides arena.

Try QQ'ing (and give suggestions) as to something that encompasses all gameplay (ie a solution that doesnt make us OP in one area and UP in another)

Ya, but the problem is that by blizzard 'balancing' arena play, they're affecting the

Arena is what blizzard is focusing on, as they want to make it an e-sport, which basically means lifebloom, life tap, etc. nerfs are gonna keep happening to 'balance the classes'. Arena is a small portion, but it's most important to blizzard, so it's not really a 'QQ more n00b'

Like saying druids are too good in arena, let's nerf their healing some more, warriors have too much hp, lets nerf that who cares about tanking, rogues are too op, lets take away stealth, these are the kind of changes that blizzard can make for the small thing of arena, and f*ck up the rest of the game.
#10 Feb 27 2008 at 11:50 AM Rating: Good
orickruns wrote:
why is it people always complain about arena?

QQ arena this QQ arena that.


not that I dont agree with shammies needing some kind of CC.

Just there is A HUGE AMOUNT OF GAMEPLAY besides arena.

Try QQ'ing (and give suggestions) as to something that encompasses all gameplay (ie a solution that doesnt make us OP in one area and UP in another)

Ahh, the old QQ standby post...try reading what I posted originally. There is a 90 page thread on the o-boards where I took Kalgan's comments that are chock full of constructive criticism, suggested solutions, gear scaling, ability scaling, talent spec suggestions, and so fourth.

MY WHOLE POINT was that legitimate player suggestions, concerns and complaints are being completely passed over by blizzard devs, and we recieve another unreasonable class nerf without even bothering to give shaman a good explanation as to WHY. As I said, Kalgan stopped posting on page 20 of a 90 page thread, pretty much ignoring every constructive argument about the current state of the class.[quote=orickruns]why is it people always complain about arena?
#11 Feb 27 2008 at 2:27 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
So their saying that WAR STOMP is a CC!? Since when is a is a 3 second STUN w/ a .5 second cast time (used to be instant), a 3min and only 1 second of usable STUNNED time a CC!!!

war stomp has never been instant. its always been a .5 cast time, which is a good thing, because that means its not on the GCD timer, which means you get the full two seconds of stun time instead of just the half a second you would get if it were on the GCD.
#12 Feb 28 2008 at 10:06 AM Rating: Good
286 posts
gpyfb wrote:
Do tauren shamans feel like they have no need for the cc you're asking for since they have war stomp? Probably not.


"Probably not"!? Hehe FAR FROM, its more like, "Highly likely DO!"

So their saying that WAR STOMP is a CC!? Since when is a is a 3 second STUN w/ a .5 second cast time (used to be instant), a 3min and only 1 second of usable STUNNED time a CC!!!


Please lrn2read. Shamans are saying they want CC, any CC, and one shaman in particular cited that even Warriors have Intimidating Shout. He then responded by saying that Intimidating Shout (AoE Fear) is not CC, it lasts only a few seconds and has a long cooldown. To drive home the point, he used the analogy of a Tauren Shaman, saying that even though Tauren Shamans have War Stomp, they would not be satisfied with that because it can't even really be considered CC.

So, his immediate statement is that "CC, any CC, even something like Intimidating Shout" is a ****-poor way to achieve the balance that shamans desire, and his implied statement is that the devs have a better handle on how to balance the class than the players. His immediate statement is definitely true, his implied statement may or may not be true.

Edited, Feb 28th 2008 1:11pm by duvar
#13 Mar 04 2008 at 9:07 PM Rating: Default
I have pretty much given up on blizzard... we aren't as big compared to warrior, mages, priests, locks. rogues, paladins, druids, and hunters...oh wait that only leaves shamans. Therefor in order to please said classes they will buff them while nerfing us cause they just suck like that. Blizzard does not know logic, why do you think we still haven't been buffed? I would be happy with one thing (just cause I like playing a suicide shaman) changing stormstrike and I don't mean the icon. Make it so that it is on a 5 second cool down with only one 20% increased nature damage effect.
#14 Mar 05 2008 at 2:58 AM Rating: Decent
782 posts
his implied statement is that the devs have a better handle on how to balance the class than the players. His immediate statement is definitely true, his implied statement may or may not be true.

That "implication" is a knee jerk response from blizzard's smug broken logic that "we've got everything under control". Fact of the matter is THEY DON'T (thus this thread and the past few years of carbon copy "QQ" topics).

The logic of "well even hypothetically speaking IF we gave you something (like int. Shout) it wouldn't be a solution, thus we're not going to give you ANYTHING" is a cop out.

I read the excerpt from Tauruss, and frankly his summary still grabbed the spirit of the arguement, regardless on the lack of verbatium, which was the base of my reply.

All in all, after everything is said and done, pretty much more was SAID than done...both here in this thread and the character "balancing" meetings @ Blizz.
#15 Mar 05 2008 at 10:38 AM Rating: Decent
286 posts
gpyfb wrote:
I read the excerpt from Tauruss, and frankly his summary still grabbed the spirit of the arguement, regardless on the lack of verbatium, which was the base of my reply.

Lack of verbatim? Are you kidding? It was the EXACT OPPOSITE.

Tauruss wrote:

Kalgan wrote:

I don't think "anything" would really satisfy. Do tauren shamans feel like they have no need for the cc you're asking for since they have war stomp? Probably not.

GREAT. Roll a tauren shaman, you have warstomp. That is your CC, problem solved!

WUT? How does his summary still "grab the spirit of the argument", when the entire summary was based on something that Kalgan DIDN'T SAY.

gpyfb wrote:

The logic of "well even hypothetically speaking IF we gave you something (like int. Shout) it wouldn't be a solution, thus we're not going to give you ANYTHING" is a cop out.

That's an asinine thing to say. The logic of "give us something that frankly we don't even really want and is not really very useful even though it will COMPLETELY not make sense and be out of place later if/when we finally get something we do want/does make sense" is more of a cop out than anything else.
#16 Mar 05 2008 at 5:23 PM Rating: Good
1,188 posts
duvar wrote:
gpyfb wrote:
I read the excerpt from Tauruss, and frankly his summary still grabbed the spirit of the arguement, regardless on the lack of verbatium, which was the base of my reply.

Lack of verbatim? Are you kidding? It was the EXACT OPPOSITE.

Tauruss wrote:

Kalgan wrote:

I don't think "anything" would really satisfy. Do tauren shamans feel like they have no need for the cc you're asking for since they have war stomp? Probably not.

GREAT. Roll a tauren shaman, you have warstomp. That is your CC, problem solved!

WUT? How does his summary still "grab the spirit of the argument", when the entire summary was based on something that Kalgan DIDN'T SAY.

I was on the O-boards at the time, Kalgan did say that.
#17 Mar 06 2008 at 8:38 AM Rating: Good
286 posts
So was I, and let me clarify. He did say the thing I quoted, but everyone misinterpreted. It DOESN'T mean that Tauren Shamans have effective CC, in fact it means the exact opposite. Therefore everyone who is basing arguments on him saying that Tauren Shamans have CC has an invalid premise and their argument is meaningless.

Edited, Mar 6th 2008 11:41am by duvar
#18 Mar 07 2008 at 6:46 PM Rating: Good
Read what kalgan said. He says Do tauren shaman feel like they have NO NEED FOR CC since they have warstomp? Probably not
#19 Mar 08 2008 at 4:06 PM Rating: Decent
I rarely even see tauren use warstomp, as any class. Kalgan really needs to be fired or put into a windowseat because he is just a moron trying to balance everything around arena and is slowly killing raiding which is the core of WoW.
What kalgan doesn't know is what it feels like as an elemental shaman to be having a good old time in a fair game when a warrior/rogue starts comes in range of you everytime they see you. Or the woes an enhancement shaman feels when a mage/hunter sees them 30 yards away. If we are given a tested, short, and effective CC that breaks on damage all should be well for shamans. As elemental I'm not getitng pissed because I'm not owning everyone I'm getting pissed because the only things i have a chance of killing are casters.
#20 Mar 08 2008 at 5:34 PM Rating: Good
286 posts
Mistress Draeneipally wrote:
I rarely even see tauren use warstomp, as any class. Kalgan really needs to be fired or put into a windowseat because he is just a moron trying to balance everything around arena and is slowly killing raiding which is the core of WoW.
What kalgan doesn't know is what it feels like as an elemental shaman to be having a good old time in a fair game when a warrior/rogue starts comes in range of you everytime they see you.

And what you don't know is that Kalgan =/= Blizzard. You think he just sits around and decides on everything by himself, presents it to management, and says "this is the way it's going to be because I said so"? You said yourself that you rarely even see Tauren use Warstomp, so if anything you're actually backing up Kalgan's argument. Warriors don't have CC either, should we give them CC too? If so, let's just make it so every class in the game has CC. Yay. Not.

There are plenty of solutions to problems that aren't always the most obvious solution. Recently Kalgan said that in order to combat some Warlock nerfs they had plans in the distant future to add a totally new spell to Warlocks where they could create a ring around them and if they stand inside the ring then their spells and their pets spells will get a huge buff. That's thinking outside the box. Throwing your hands up in the air and saying "oh **** it, just give me what they have to make it even" is not.
#21 Mar 08 2008 at 7:49 PM Rating: Good
duvar wrote:

And what you don't know is that Kalgan =/= Blizzard. You think he just sits around and decides on everything by himself, presents it to management, and says "this is the way it's going to be because I said so"? You said yourself that you rarely even see Tauren use Warstomp, so if anything you're actually backing up Kalgan's argument.

In fairness to Kalgan (even though I think he is a douche), his comment was that he didn't think Tauren shaman though they didn't need CC because they have warstomp, implying that he knew shaman were desperate for CC. But then he followed it up with some strange logic about class disctinction and giving CC would water that down...

duvar wrote:

Warriors don't have CC either, should we give them CC too? If so, let's just make it so every class in the game has CC. Yay. Not.

I have to take a bit of exception to this commment. Warriors may not have great CC, but they do have abilities to close distances and immobilize. Shout, hamstring, and they can charge through snare effects.

duvar wrote:

There are plenty of solutions to problems that aren't always the most obvious solution. Recently Kalgan said that in order to combat some Warlock nerfs they had plans in the distant future to add a totally new spell to Warlocks where they could create a ring around them and if they stand inside the ring then their spells and their pets spells will get a huge buff. That's thinking outside the box. Throwing your hands up in the air and saying "oh @#%^ it, just give me what they have to make it even" is not.

Quite frankly I could care less about the warlock class, but the funny thing is that the idea of a recalling aura originated on the shaman forums. The original idea was a recall totem that shaman could use to teleport up to 40 yards away back to their totem...

As far as thinking outside the box...Blizzard hasn't thought outside the box regarding the shaman class going on 3 years now. We've recieved nerf after nerf, marginal TBC ablilites and very few progressive buffs outside of watershield.

Right now, shaman are so desperate for something to be competitive, I think they would happily accept a poor clone of another class ability. I would LOVE to see some radical changes to the shaman class, even if it didn't work, it would show that at least they are TRYING to do something with it. Instant GW? Please, the druids have had that for years for no talent point investment and theirs breaks snares. A ****-poor clone at best. Shamanistic rage? No self-respecting PvP enhancement shaman gives a damn about the mana regen, SR is used for survival because of the damage mitigation. Mostly viewed as a poor clone of the hunter beast within ablitly...

The proposed FT MS? That was such a stupid cut and paste fix that it didn't even make it past PTR. 3 other classes already have an MS healing debuff clone, which is not what the shaman class needed at all anyways.

Edited, Mar 9th 2008 5:56pm by Taurrus
#22 Mar 09 2008 at 10:56 PM Rating: Good
2,602 posts
they didnt say warstomp is CC. They said that taurens wont say shamans dont need CC just cause they have warstomp.

This is the problem of pulling something out of context, you can make it mean anything.

the fellow, the "friend" you were talking had seen some leaked patch notes, which is why he siad "they got what they deserved" before they actually got what they deserved.

Devs have little direct influence over game development. they do provide information however.

That being said. Shamans viability has been killed quite a bit in arenas. Blizz has to find a niche for shamans to fit in, it cannot ignore an entire class's role in a part of the game its been working a lot on.
#23 Mar 10 2008 at 8:20 AM Rating: Good
Taurrus wrote:
...they can charge through snare effects.

Um...I've been a Warrior for quite some time, and unless there's some mechanical function I'm missing, I've never been able to Charge/Intercept/Intervene out of a snare.
#24 Mar 10 2008 at 8:46 AM Rating: Good
842 posts
Ryneguy wrote:
Taurrus wrote:
...they can charge through snare effects.

Um...I've been a Warrior for quite some time, and unless there's some mechanical function I'm missing, I've never been able to Charge/Intercept/Intervene out of a snare.


you can use charge/intercept/intervene at their full speed despite being snared, though it won't dispel the snare.

#25 Mar 10 2008 at 9:02 AM Rating: Good
AS the game is now, and as much as I love elemental. I am never going back to elemental for pvp. I'm sick og having no way to not be killed by a rogue. OH look! a warrior! *takes hands off keyboard* *charge, hamstring, 5 seconds later, DEAD* I'm never going back to enhancement, mages are near impossible to kill if they see me first, same goes for hunters. Give me something I don't care what,be it CC, anti-CC, whatever, I don't care if it makes the class "less distinct" just make me viable. As far as I'm concered we're mail wearing healers, meleers, and casters. That's pretty distinct. Oh yeah, totems, that's pretty distinct too.

Edited, Mar 10th 2008 1:03pm by Draeneipally
#26 Mar 11 2008 at 12:54 PM Rating: Good
how about a spell that makes all of our totems move with us, as a toggle? I'd <3 that
click: totems move with
click: totems stay where they are
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