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Pvp Mele Build?Follow

#1 Feb 18 2008 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent

I have a friend that is using this build at the moment for his pvp server. His focus is not on dps so much as it is on survivability in melee combat.

Would this build be viable in a 1v1 pvp atmosphere,

His gear is socketed for defense rating, dodge and parry.

At this point in time i would like to ask any opinions and or tips for the build. my friend believes the best tactic for this build is to bring a melee fight to ranged attackers and a ranged fight to melee attackers.

any tips, opinions, revisions are welcome.

Please be honest.
#2 Feb 18 2008 at 2:02 PM Rating: Good
1,395 posts
Melee builds and defence socketing is phail for hunters. Range and drive-by attacks are the way to go. If you want to PvP, go BM/MM for arena and BG's. As far as I've heard SV isn't optimal for arena, but it kills in BG's. Make sure to pick the good talents though... not the melee ones.
#3 Feb 18 2008 at 2:23 PM Rating: Excellent
27,272 posts
without even looking at the build: a big fat NO.
Build looks half decent for a meleetard build.
bt the gemming comments made the deal, this might work.
But not nearly even half as good as just a normal ranged build.
#4 Feb 18 2008 at 2:47 PM Rating: Good
Your build seems to focus on pet skills and keeping your pet alive a lot. I'm not sure what kind of pet you are using however in most forms of PvP skilled players never attack pets they CC, or ignore them. If you are using a ravager i guess beastal disciplin is ok. If you are using anything else i would skip it. So i edited this to what i would do.

-Improved Mend pet is not good for pvp only because like i said people dont focus on pets and there isnt a lot of poison or disease that goes on your pet.

-Spirit bond is ok, but the health gain isnt good enough to justify the points for pvp.

-Thick hide, ok in pve. Not good for PvP

-Improved aspect of the monkey is ok, but it doesnt work out too well in pvp because skilled people tend to have high hit rating. I'm leaving it there for you since your goal is to be able to melee fight and that will help a bit, if it was me though i would spend the points on something else.
Now you want to focus on being able to survive melee as well as ranged combat to adapt well to any situation? Thats your goal?
I'm going to assume that you will be doing ranged and melee and not just melee. So im going to tweak a few things in MM and survival too.

Now you said 1v1 atmosphere so i will say this build is good for 1v1, however its not good to stand in and melee a warrior or a rogue or even druid and try to take it like a champ. While it seems like we have some good melee skills, we have nothing compared to them.

The reason this build is good for 1v1 is to kite people around and get away from people to get back and range and do what hunters do best.

Improved concussive shot is good for a 1v1 atmosphere not good for 2v2 or 3v3 or bgs (you have to remember most pvp is not 1v1)

The only thing i tweaked was i got rid of improved concussive and got lethal shots. The added crit will be better than the chance to keep someone still for 3 seconds.

In survival i just added in lightning reflexes The Agi helps AP Crit and Armor rating. Its a nice thing to pass up.

I also added in expose weakness which is nice because hunters crit a lot and this adds a lot of dmg for anything including pet against a target.

I know you said you werent focusing on dps as much as surviving melee, but i think this will help kill things faster without getting rid of any melee survival skills.

Sorry to break the news, but Hunters just arent made to melee and take it, the best thing we do is ranged attacks, and keeping that in mind your whole goal will be get things away from you to bomb with ranged shots. Their goal is to get you near them to destroy so you dont want to help them achieve that goal.

One more thing, classes like priest mage warlock, have many tools to keep you away from them while they dot you to death or nuke you to death. One of their worst fears is getting bombed by a hunter at range. On my mage hunter is one of my worst nightmares because they dont care about frost nova.

Hope i helped :)
#5 Feb 18 2008 at 2:49 PM Rating: Good theres the build i believe
#6 Feb 18 2008 at 3:34 PM Rating: Good
Even if it isn't for DPS and just for surviving attacks... Let me put it this way.

What's the point of surviving if you can't dish out massive damage as a Hunter!
#7 Feb 18 2008 at 4:58 PM Rating: Excellent
365 posts
As the self proclaimed greatest melee hunter ever I must say...

Are you aiming to solely melee or just melee when you have to and make it count?

if so I think it's looking pretty good but here are some builds I come up with...

strict melee

Pure annoyance

I find in bg's my true roll is to be annoying as hell, scatter shot, traps, wyvren stings, just ruin peoples day.
#8 Feb 18 2008 at 5:19 PM Rating: Good
1,292 posts
I'd be interested to see your friend's Armory. I'm also interested in hearing more about his purpose for this build. 1v1? That's not applicable to any BG or Arena format. Does he just duel a lot? And decided to spec out a build for dueling, a part of the game which brings no rewards except bragging rights?

With such a huge focus on surviving in melee, how does he manage to kill anything? I guess I could see him being able to melee down some cloth, but they would die faster from shots at a distance. And the dedicated melee DPS class/spec combos are still going to be better at him in melee combat, assuming equal gear levels. So where does he hope to shine?

Hunters excel at dealing ranged damage. Spending a few Talent points on those melee Talents which help the Hunter return to range to continue the beat down are valid PvP Talent builds. But a pure melee and endurance build provides nothing but the ability to be a resilient punching bag while your friends kill the guy beating on you. And that doesn't work in a 1v1 scenario.
#9 Feb 18 2008 at 8:25 PM Rating: Good
I'm also interested in hearing more about his purpose for this build. 1v1? That's not applicable to any BG or Arena format. Does he just duel a lot? And decided to spec out a build for dueling, a part of the game which brings no rewards except bragging rights?

Well the way i heard it from him is that he (being from a pvp server) loves to duel and 1v1 all the time. He has told me his build is based around that.

Now myself with my hunter think that its absolutely ridiculous to do form of mele other than a wingclip to get back to range.

But i really have to give him props for thinking outside the box.

Also he is a Rl friend that plays on a different server. so i have no clue how good he actually is with this build. But from what i have heard from a few others he is pretty impressive even with mostly greens and blues.

I myself told him that i think his build is crap and that its his skill that he is winning off of. and i also told him that if he actually could do well with that build then he could dominate with a good one.

#10 Feb 20 2008 at 8:51 AM Rating: Good
830 posts
In all the arena matches I've played (sadly, most are losses! LOL!) I've never run across a hunter that could successfully melee. Any warrior, rogue, or even pally could reduce the best melee hunter build to a splotch on the ground.

Now, I took a warrior down to near dead through a combination of melee LUCK and ranged combat, but a few heals from a shammy buddy and all my hard work went to waste. It wasn't my great melee skills that did it, or my pet (which was on their primary healer) but it was a combination of ranged delay skills and good parries and dodging when he did come in. That is all luck of the roll though.

Statistics have it that a melee class wipes the mat with me most times and if they have any kind of backup: everytime.

Hunters are ranged fighters.
#11 Feb 20 2008 at 2:19 PM Rating: Good
In close quarters you dont always have a choice. One place comes to mind, and that is in the horde towers in AV. Good luck trying to shoot someone in there. Anyways, yes most melee classes should beat a hunter, but that doesnt mean they will. I cant count how many melee classes i have killed in those towers by melee'ing(not a real word i dont think), should i have killed them? no way. I dont know if i caught them off guard or what, but hunters can melee decently. Add in aspect of the monkey, and deterrence, and you can easily beat a melee class. Ranged is always my number one priority, but dont think if you get close, your gonna win without a fight. My advice, if you dont have the wingclip/raptor strike macro, get it now, with improved wing clip and counterattack, you can stun someone up pretty good.
#12 Feb 20 2008 at 3:43 PM Rating: Good
830 posts
I always follow a melee class into the towers in AV or use my pet in stand off mode. It's one of the few times I kick growl on for BG's.

A well played hunter can out melee a poorly played melee class but similarly skilled players against each other was an assumption I made in my statement. I suppose if you are a god at hunter melee a standard player might commonly fall to your melee skills. However, I'd have to ask, if you're that good at melee, why are you playing a hunter? Melee classes have more stuff at their fingertips than we hunters do for melee.

I have like what... 4 moves? Maybe 5?
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