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Are they trying to force warriors to tank or do arena?Follow

#1 Feb 17 2008 at 9:55 PM Rating: Good
139 posts
My question is exactly what the subject line says. My warrior has been 70 for about two weeks, and I enjoy it a lot. Melee dps is way different from what I do with my hunter. I got gear from almost all of the categories of Xordon's list, and I'm relatively happy with my dps...but what do I do now? I looked through the Kara loot before going in there, and to my surprise, there is only one plate dps item. Everything else is tanking and pally. On the run, I ended up taking the tanking items and some rogue gear. It's fine gear, but I want to be wearing plate. So I thought to myself "ok, I'll start saving these badges and get some bagde of justice gear." Well, that gear is fine and dandy, but it'll take a lot of badges, and not one piece of it has agility or crit rating. How am I supposed to keep flurry up without a decent crit percentage?

After banging my head against a wall trying to figure out how to get better gear, I started looking into pvp gear, and the season rewards look awesome. But I don't want to do arena. It's just another way for the game to suck up more of my time. There are only a hanful of craftable items, most of which aren't that much better than what I have.

So, I ask again: are they trying to force us to tank or do arena? I remember reading somewhere in these forums where they called dw warriors "rogues in plate." For me to get the gear necessary to run Gruul's and Zul'Aman and beyond (where plate dps gear actually drops), I think I'll have to be a "warrior in leather." Any suggestions? Do I have to bite the bullet and either wear a bunch of leather or do arena?
#2 Feb 18 2008 at 12:52 AM Rating: Good
i wonder the same sometimes ¬,¬

if i was you i would just bite the bullet for a while and try of heroics, 1st get the legs from heoric mech if you dont have them already.

the cape from badges is rather nice i do believe, so i would edfo get that.

cant type more i gotta get to work....grrrr
#3 Feb 18 2008 at 6:12 AM Rating: Good
The neck from Attumen should help your DPS set. Either the thrown weapon from Illhoof or the x-bow off Attumen for the +hit & +Ap. I also have the mace from Illhoof for my MH (human mace skill bonus).

The Glove and Helm token from Curator and Prince would get you those 2 DPS gear items which might be a good upgrade. So there are a few pieces in there, just not much.

Edited, Feb 18th 2008 9:16am by Scolariman
#4 Feb 18 2008 at 6:28 AM Rating: Good
842 posts
there's also the cloak from moroes and the dagger from prince (malchazeen) as well as the ring from prince (garona's signet ring).

to answer your question very quickly, yes, you need to bite the bullet at some point and wear some leather and/or do some arena. i'm usually rolling against the rogues in 10 and 25mans for dps gear... recently it has been for the dragonspine trophy from gruul, and previously it has been for malchazeen and garona's signet ring. currently, i am still wearing the leather belt from gruul (girdle of treachery) until i make enough money to buy myself a RBoB.

if you pick up blacksmithing, you can craft yourself the 1h mace for PvE (the haste proc is great) and also the 2h mace for PvPwnage. additionally, you can pick up engineering for the epic dps plate and tanking plate goggles that are T5 equivalent, and only require 350 engineering skill to make.
#5 Feb 18 2008 at 12:42 PM Rating: Good
501 posts
I wouldn't exactly call malchazeen a fury piece. It's a dagger, which means the normlization on it is terrible. Just PvP out the S1 OH rather than sticking a dagger in that slot.
#6 Feb 18 2008 at 2:16 PM Rating: Good
842 posts

it may not be optimal, but it carries another 50 AP and some hit rating with it
#7 Feb 18 2008 at 10:33 PM Rating: Good
1,331 posts
t4 gear is nothing to ignore. Getting the gloves and helm are good dps upgrads for many.

heroics are probably the best place to pick up dps plate, and badge reward gear.
#8 Feb 19 2008 at 1:38 AM Rating: Good
362 posts
Do use all ways for improving.
If you don't want to PvP at all you have limited yourself a lot.
If it is only Arena you want to avoid - check honor rewards - they are easily farmable and decent.
Check craftables - Vengance Wrap and Red Belt of Battle for example are top quality gear and there are more.
2.4 will introduce some new badge rewards - saving badges can be something to take under consideartion... There are even weapons avialable ^^ and very nice weapons as I see it.

Heroic loot becomes outdated very fast - I think they should look at it soon as badges are the main reason to run heroics nowadays.

Btw - making 10 matches a week needs actually minimal time. Much less than any other way of getting gear.
#9 Feb 20 2008 at 11:33 AM Rating: Excellent
422 posts
There is a lot more for DPS warriors than you claim:

Neck & Crossbow from Attumen
Cloak from Moroes
Tier 4 Gloves from Curator
Fist weapon & Poison Vial from Opera
Mace & Thrown Weapon from Illhoof
Ring & Sword from Netherspite
Ring & Tier 4 helm from Prince

It's true that there isn't as much armor for DPS warriors as there are for other classes, but you can pick that up from Heroic runs and Badge Gear. As others have said, hit the BGs and arena for weapons, as they are better than anything you'll find in Kara.

There is plenty of gear for you. If you choose not to do what is required to get it, then you don't have any right to complain.
#10 Feb 20 2008 at 3:27 PM Rating: Decent
139 posts
I had this rather long and elaborate post that addressed this entire thread and how I don't think people are following what I'm asking, but I'm not going to post it. I realized, as I was about to hit "post message", that I can still take devioususer's advice from the DPS guide and wear leather. It annoys me, but it's honestly the only way to gear up from where I am without doing arena. I got two leather pieces from Kara already, and they're nice. Just not plate.

I do want to make this one point for the people that have posted thus far - heroics would not provide significant upgrades for me. I geared up based on Xordon's list, so if what I have isn't quite as good as a purple heroic item, it's very, very close. And badge rewards don't have crit rating. And you shouldn't have to do PvP to gear up for PvE, as no other class has to.

OK, three points.
#11 Feb 20 2008 at 3:48 PM Rating: Excellent
632 posts
here is another list by using kara gear and heroics [as well as craftable things and quest rewards]


Engineering goggles
T4 -- prince
Amani Mask of Death -- Badges
Overlord's helm of sight -- quested [SMV]

Mithril Chain of Heroism -- Chess event in kara
Haramad's Bargain -- Exalted with Consortium
Natasha's choker -- Quested
Choker of Vile Intent -- Badges
Worgen Claw Necklace -- Attumen in kara

T4 shoulders -- maulgar in Gruuls
Pauldrons of gruesome fate -- Badges
Ragesteel shoulders -- BSing (BoE)
Doomplate Shoulders -- Heroic UB

Vengeance wrap -- tailored
Cloak of Darkness -- Tailored
Dory's embrace -- badges
Drape of the dark reavers -- Shade in Kara
Royal cloak of arathi kings -- moroes

Ragesteel breastplate -- bs'ing, boe
Chestguard of exile -- world epic -- boe
doomplate chestguard -- Heroic arc

Bladespire warbands -- maulgar in gruuls lair
eternium rage-shackles -- badges
black felsteel bracers -- bs'ing, epic boe

Gauntlets of Martial Perfection -- Gruul, gruuls lair
Furious Deathgrips -- badges
Doomplate Gauntlets -- heroic blood furnace
Doomplate Gauntlets -- curator, karazhan

Chain of Unleashed Rage -- badges
Deathforge Girdle -- sethekk halls

Bloodthirster's Wargreaves -- Badges
Vanquisher's Legplates -- heroic mechanar
Warbringer Greaves -- gruul, gruuls lair

Ironstriders of Urgency -- nightbane, karazhan
Vortex Walking Boots -- ogrilla exalted
Obsidian Clodstompers -- botanica

Ring of a Thousand Marks -- prince, kara
Mithril Band of the Unscarred -- nethersprite, kara
Shaffar's Band of Brutality -- heroic mana tombs

Bloodlust Brooch -- badges
Hourglass of the Unraveller -- BM
Abacus of Violent Odds -- mechanar

you should be able to come in for maulgar without having that much gear. The main thing that drops from gruul that you're REALLY going to want are the gloves and maybe the DST. everything else is meh, and will be replaced fairly quickly.

With za, you should be able to do the first couple bosses with sub-par gear... thus giving you access to maybe a Bloodstained Elven Battlevest

If you can pvp, just hate arenaing (you still do the daily pvp quest, or sometimes do bg's with your guild/friends) the belt, feet, bracers and neck are some of THE best dps pieces you can get pre-mh/bt. This also saves you from doing arenas if you so despise them.

Edited, Feb 20th 2008 3:53pm by russki
#12 Feb 20 2008 at 3:53 PM Rating: Excellent
632 posts
apparently you just posted before i submitted and i think this deserves its own post.

xordon's list is situational. When I replaced a few things there that had more dps, i found myself at times consistently losing dps. It's not a bible, it's a reference. Just like the site (although i must say, that site hasn't lied to me yet). As warriors scale with gear, the gear you prefer differs. In the beginning you're trying to max out your hit so you don't miss special attacks, after that, the prioties shift to crit, then they go to ap [via str or AP gear] and also, ArP.

It's tough to say what things you should be going for in kara based on your post since you didn't include your armory page or gave us any numbers you are currently working with...
#13 Feb 20 2008 at 6:02 PM Rating: Decent
imo, yes

since they have already force paladins to either heal in raids or heal in arenas, worriors being a classes with 2 opsions it's kinda nice
#14 Feb 20 2008 at 7:57 PM Rating: Good
842 posts
mikeyvach wrote:
And you shouldn't have to do PvP to gear up for PvE, as no other class has to.

no, you don't have to. but all i know is that when i plug my numbers into maxdps and it shows me the items i can upgrade to, the s3 gear is waaaaaay up there on the top of the list, right under MH/BT gear (and now sunwell also).
#15 Feb 21 2008 at 4:33 AM Rating: Excellent
1,331 posts
A simple way to look up items that are 'superior' to current gear is to check out the loot list at

click the available gear list, click submit, look through the list.
#16 Feb 22 2008 at 8:46 PM Rating: Decent
139 posts
Wow, thanks guys. is damn sweet. I'd never heard of it before.
#17 Feb 23 2008 at 7:24 PM Rating: Default
10 games = Maximum 2 hours
Farming Kara for 1-2 piece of gear = Max 20 hours

rate me up for my elaborate messages.
#18 Feb 24 2008 at 5:23 AM Rating: Decent
842 posts
chapsterz wrote:
10 games = Maximum 2 hours
Farming Kara for 1-2 piece of gear = Max 20 hours

rate me up for my elaborate messages.


what nubs are you raiding kara with?
#19 Feb 24 2008 at 5:38 AM Rating: Good
139 posts
fromanthebarbarian wrote:
what nubs are you raiding kara with?

I was thinking the same thing, but I chose not to post because it seemed plain silly. I've been to kara once with my warrior, and I got 2 leather upgrades and a necklace upgrade - not to mention the tanking pieces I got. Hell, last time I did kara with my hunter, we experimented by only running with one healer, and cleared the place in about two and a half hours. Granted, only one of the people in there could really use any gear from it (we were mostly farming badges and seeing if the healer could handle soloing it), but it still shows that once you know kara, the gear is very easy to get. I still maintain that some heroics are more difficult than kara.
#20 Feb 24 2008 at 5:58 PM Rating: Decent
501 posts
I think he was saying total time spent to get the drops you want. Either way, the post honestly didn't say much that was worthwhile anyways. Yes, you can get gear more quickly via PvP, grats. Most of us are aware of this. Most of us are also aware, however, that the gear is far from optimal for PvE outside of a few pieces.
#21 Feb 25 2008 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
Yes they are. You will either tank or be an arena monkey.

As far as the silliness of the 20hrs of Kara for gear...
I personally, hell all our tanks, have had horrible drop rate luck for usable gear in Kara. Oh yeah, crap that nice but not great (guns, daggers, etc) drop all the time.
#22 Feb 25 2008 at 2:25 PM Rating: Good
Warriors being being made to be tanks!.. Oh Em Gee go figure. Thats like saying hunters have to do ranged damage and not be a melee noob.
#23 Feb 25 2008 at 7:48 PM Rating: Decent
1,331 posts
10 games = Maximum 2 hours
Farming Kara for 1-2 piece of gear = Max 20 hours

Well... thats 10 games a week at 2 hours a week, to get... one piece of gear at a time. How many weeks at 1850+ rating do you need to do 10 games a week at for your whole set? And how about the vindicators set, how much PVP time do you need to spend doing BG's?

It is, from my experience, MORE time consuming to PVP for gear. And it's not even TOP gear, it's good gear, but it's focus is primarily towards PvP ... NOT PvE.

Farming Kara is easy, and should take 4-6 hours with kara geared people to farm bosses. Check the loot list, and skip the ones that don't matter.

It took me months to get a S1 set and a weapon. And while I spent the exact SAME amount of time going into kara for gear, I got way more gear from farming Kara every week than I ever did from the same amount of grinding Honor/Arena points.


Their is ONE better than kara tank item in the gladiators sets, and two slightly better than average items. The shield, shoulders and chest piece. My preference is that the shield of ... darkness from nightbane (IMHO), the chest from nightbane (imho), and the shoulders from netherspite are better (imho) for tanking.

To progress to higher level raiding you should have a decent to good tanking set. Warriors that primary focus is DPS are asked to OT fairly often, and you should expect to be asked to OT, as you provide very little flexibility on certain fights, and your not gonna have a heal spec pali OT (they can, but shouldn't) and a resto druid shouldn't OT either.

Edited, Feb 25th 2008 7:56pm by devioususer
#24 Feb 25 2008 at 8:49 PM Rating: Decent
You are exactly right...get feral druids to OT as they provide DPS for the fights that only require one tank (all but Moroes, Spite[due to beams] and opera events). I've never really been asked to OT except for a few occasions, we just bring in a feral druid and run 2 or so healers. Not bad considering the only fight that is constant aoe dmg to melee is Maiden (i think...its been a while since i've been in Kara). Either way, I think you guys are missing that nice tree inbetween your precious Arena and Tank specs, called the Fury tree. I'm pretty sure it still exists, and I'm also pretty sure that warrior dps is quite viable in raids nowadays. I dont know, I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure there are DPS warriors everywhere (some are fury some are not..)

Just don't think that Arena's and Tanking is all there is to warriors, me personally, I dont have a lick of PvP gear, but go into the BG's as a raid spec'd d/w warrior. So...I'm at work and lost my train of thought...
#25 Feb 25 2008 at 9:21 PM Rating: Decent
1,331 posts
I think that Arena gear is suitable for Fury tree DPS.

But it's not ideal.

I was refering to DPS gear as either or arms or fury. 2h wars still provide a good DPS for raid. Even though d/w warriors have the advantage in straight forward DPS.

Amend the above post to begin with;

When gearing for PvE; PvP vs PvE gearing.
#26 Mar 05 2008 at 12:09 PM Rating: Good
1,778 posts

10 games = Maximum 2 hours
Farming Kara for 1-2 piece of gear = Max 20 hours

Well... thats 10 games a week at 2 hours a week, to get... one piece of gear at a time. How many weeks at 1850+ rating do you need to do 10 games a week at for your whole set? And how about the vindicators set, how much PVP time do you need to spend doing BG's?

It is, from my experience, MORE time consuming to PVP for gear. And it's not even TOP gear, it's good gear, but it's focus is primarily towards PvP ... NOT PvE.

First of all, your experience isn't gospel. And really I only say this because of the way you use caps and the overall tone your caps seems to imply.

Second, and maybe even partially misunderstood, you don't need any specific rating to get any S3 except the weapon and shoulders.

Third, you can get any single vindicator piece of gear in no more than one BG weekend (even more realistically in 2 days of the 4 day BG weekend) if you do a small bit of research to figure out which BG weekend it is, and whether or not you feel comfortable spamming that particular BG back to back (looking at your honor per hour)... It's not impossible to make 10k honor in a single day... though that's a very long day not to mention a more favorable BG weekend.

Continuing further from that... You know you will get the Vindicator item and even aproximately how long it will take you to get it after you get your hands dirty in starting up the BGs. It's almost like there's an imaginary experience bar filling up to full as you progress. With random drops you don't get that, and for some folks the piece of gear you were wanting might decide to drop the one night you decide to hit the movie theater instead of raiding (obviously, in more intense guilds, going to the theater on a raid night might be a serious offense)

The thing in Kara is that the loot is random drop... then if the gear you want did drop you're potentially competing for it against someone else, then there's the idea that you might not be able to make a run one week or you have the worst of luck and you won't get anything of real use for another 2+ runs... and then even if you did get the gear over someone else it then becomes a matter of where does your guild stand in progression?

A) Your guild is doing T5/T6 content and their only reason to do kara is to help alts, or farm badges, etc. In this position, you can probably pick up a few key pieces from Kara before you're carried through Gruul's lair once or twice, then pick up a key piece while there before you're doing T5 content etc... If this is how things are for an individual I can definitely see why they think the way they do about PVP gear being a waste of time for PVE content. Not everyone is on this boat, however. Not everyone can have their hand held through a raid like this. If anyone finds this wording offensive, it's not my intention.

B) Your guild is just getting into kara and everyone and their mom is looking at those loots for upgrades. In this position, even if you get a few lucky pieces of gear for upgrades on your first run, you still have to spam the place and hope everyone else can get themselves geared up enough such that your guild as a whole can progress to the next best thing. That... or you can guild hop once you've gotten what you wanted/needed to move on... which the only thing for me to say about that is f' that. Then, once your guild as a whole is capable of progressing to something a bit harder (you know, after all the guild hoppers have weeded themselves out, picked up a few more new interested folks, lost one more to guild hopping, having to rerun and regear a few folks, etc), it's kind of the same thing all over again... everyone now wants stuff from gruul's lair... and you have to spam stuff until the guild as a whole can move to harder stuff

In "B" this gets to a point where you can't even label a piece of gear for the time it took to earn/obtain. You can clear kara in 6 hours this week, clear it again the next week, and a 3rd time after that... but this time spent ultimately now has to be tacked onto the additional time you will spend in Gruul's Lair or SSC... and then that gets tacked on to the time spent in BT... all just to get to a point that you have the best option available to you. Really... how many hours do you think it will realistically add up for the average person to get to a point that they can have the 1st or 2nd best option in the entire game available to them through means of PVE content? This includes the time spent to buff gear (gems, enchants, leather working patches) all on gear that will probably eventually be replaced on the quest toward getting the #1 gear.

There are a number of S3 options where they rank the #2/3 spot for a purpose in PVE play out of all the gear in the entire game and some of them aren't even that far behind that gear slot's #1 spots. And if that purpose of a particular piece is DPS... it also comes with the added bonus of hightened HP, and better overall survivability. It also happens to come with the advantage that it's something you can do/obtain on your own time or on a more casual schedule.

In close, stop with all this "PVPing for gear is a bigger waste of time" VS "PVEing for gear is the bigger waste of time", because realistically it will vary person to person. And when I say it will vary, I don't even mean within the constraints of the "A" and "B" scenarios I gave above. There's far more to an individual's life and their expectations of it for this to be so easy to break down. Different people will vary in the way they value their time spent on a game. Some folks will have more time to dedicate to the game than others. And Arena is something that is open to even the most casual gamer all while offering some of the best gear options in the game even when placed on a PVE scale.

Edited, Mar 5th 2008 3:32pm by Torzak
Torzak of Carbuncle(Moved To Asura)
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