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#27 Feb 14 2008 at 6:05 AM Rating: Default
so a 5% crit aura for spells or melee is a worse buff than aspect of the wild?

that is possibly the most random buff ever, obv its good in a nature damamge enviroment though!

have an emo day!
#28 Feb 14 2008 at 6:07 AM Rating: Good;mid=119566038347057874;num=54;page=1

more ideas here.

YuvalR wrote:
Which limtied CC that is viable for PvE do paladins have? Fear is highly debateable as a CC for a warlock. Paladins' fear undead is argueable and very situational, to be honest, I never saw anyone use it in my 2 years of playing(though I hardly raid, might be missing something more).

Druids are not far better in that aspect, hibernate is 100% viable, it's just rare to find a pull that really needs CC and has beasts in it, besides druids "pay" for it with worse buffs.

I think you're missing the whole point of giving shamans CC, it isn't really for pve, raiding etc. It's mainly to make us viable for pvp. It needs to be a short, unbreakable, undispellable stun/CC/polymorph. Paladins have a stun/incapacitate, druids have 3 or 4 CCs depending on spec. Shamans needs something like cyclone which is what i think our cc should be modeled after.

Also, we have party buffs true, but many of our "party buffs" are nearly useless I.E. windwall, stoneskin, tremor totem. paladins also have party buffs, I.E. auras, paladins also have traditional buffs, I.E. wisdom, kings, or every shamans favorite, salvation. Which shamans and as far as I know, druids lack.

Have a nice day

Edit : On another note, how about we get a weapon buff for resto/elemental? like more mp/5? or plus healing, or +spell crit/damage, etc.

Edited, Feb 14th 2008 9:28am by Draeneipally
#29 Feb 14 2008 at 7:45 AM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
Bigdaddyjug wrote:
Ok Gaudion, YOU don't get heroic invites as a DPS shaman.

There's a holy paladin in my guild who is constantly trying to get my woefully undergeared-for-heroics enhance shaman into any heroic he runs. He just makes sure the other 2 DPS slots have appropriate CC.

Let me say it another way. You do NOT need a tank, healer, and 3 CC classes for any heroic, with the possible exception of Shattered Halls. The only other heroic a shaman might have a hard time breaking into as DPS is Mech and that's simply because most groups insist on using a warlock to make the run smoother. I'm not saying that's wrong, I'm just saying that's the way it is.

With a warrior tank, a rogue and mage on CC/DPS duty, and any healer, a shaman can add a lot to a group, especially one without a shaman healer.

There is no reason for groups not to take shamans on heroic runs other than ingrained prejudice and no-CC-aphobia.

Can you not see the inherent flaws in your own logic here?

You're getting constant invites from a guildy. Why? Because you're a Shaman? Because you're just that good? Or because you're a guildy? And he always makes sure he's got two other CC's. What if you don't have those CC? If one or both of the other two DPS'ers can't CC, are they going to take a Shaman along just because he's a Shaman? Is there anything about a Shaman specifically that you are being invited for or are you just... being invited?

Try looking at it from another angle. Imagine you're playing a tank. Or a healer. Imagine you're not geared to the nines and you need to pug a heroic group. Imagine there is a piece of gear on the last boss of that heroic, a piece of gear which you have been trying forever to get and really want/need because it's a huge upgrade for you, so if you don't make it all the way through then the entire run and a couple hours of your night are a total wash.

How are you going to build your party? Are you going to give yourself the best chance possible by grabbing three DPS with CC applicable to the instance, or are you just... going to grab the first three DPS you can and run with it? Which would you rather have? A little more damage and threat from Windfury or a mob taken out of the fight?

I don't need to hear your answer. If you're going to be completely honest about it I think we all know what anyone's answer would be.

Besides, a 6 second CC in PVE isn't going to fix the shaman problem in Heroics.

And I'm not expecting it to. I was talking about PvP. Shaman buff too well to be given CC on par with other classes because then there would be no reason to take anything but Shaman to heroics. It's just unfortunate that as things stand right now, CC > buffs no matter how good they are. The only other option would be to change heroics to make them easier and less-reliant on CC.

If you disagree then just get over it, because those are the facts.
#30 Feb 14 2008 at 11:02 AM Rating: Good
2,826 posts
You don't get heroic runs, other shamans do.

If you don't agree just get over it, because those are the facts.
#31 Feb 14 2008 at 1:25 PM Rating: Excellent
2,396 posts
Right. I'm the only Shaman who's ever experienced trouble getting into and/or through heroics when DPS specced.
#32 Feb 14 2008 at 2:40 PM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
I do plenty of heroics... but it doesn't mean I don't have to wait a while.

Most invites I do get are with friends that know I can put out some crazy damage.

Getting invites into pugs is a pain, its terrible, ever since they changed it to honored to do heroics, I have to compete with mages and rogues in greens, and most of this new breed of players running heroics have me link them my epics just to get an invite.

Other then that, if there is no pally present I am a hazard to a group, i do too much damage to not have salv in a 5man
#33 Feb 14 2008 at 2:43 PM Rating: Default
1,121 posts
Gaudion I really think your a jerk and all but i have to come to your aid right now, look at big's reputations, not passed honored with anything and thinks he knows what he is talking about =P

#34 Feb 14 2008 at 3:20 PM Rating: Decent
1,188 posts
Gaudion wrote:
Right. I'm the only Shaman who's ever experienced trouble getting into and/or through heroics when DPS specced.

I get into any Heroic group I choose to be a part of as an Enhancement Shaman.
#35 Feb 14 2008 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
82 posts
redbarronthesecond wrote:
so a 5% crit aura for spells or melee is a worse buff than aspect of the wild?

When did I say that?
My post must have been confusing if you got it like that. What I said is that druids'/shamans'/paladins' buffs are better than hunters'/mages'/rogues'/warlocks'.
For example:
Moonkin aura+mark of the wild is better (objectively, it of course depends on the group composition) than aspect of the wild+trueshot aura.

Draeneipally wrote:
I think you're missing the whole point of giving shamans CC, it isn't really for pve, raiding etc. It's mainly to make us viable for pvp.

You probably misread my post then, I only addressed the PvE issue here.
I do agree that shamans have no CC for PvP, but I have little knowledge on PvP and therefore I can't say anything I feel comfortable with about this subject.

Have a nice day,
#36 Feb 14 2008 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
1,395 posts
Gaudion's whining about heroic spots? Try getting in a a DPS warrior.

Yes, they exist, and all the "büt juts resepc pröt!" ******** is void (what prevents you from respeccing resto?). If you try to get a spot as a DPS warrior everything else will be a walk in the park afterwards, I promise.
#37 Feb 14 2008 at 6:41 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
DPS Warriors are in the same situation, Utarius. As are Balance and DPS Feral Druids (lawl), Ret Pallies, etc... There are many who feel your pain. It's not that none of these specs aren't good; they are. All of them are great in Kara (after CC reqs there are met) and 25-man content where the actual value of your DPS and buffs become important. But you still don't bring a wooden spoon to a gunfight no matter how great it is or how much you love it.

Heroics are all about CC unless--and this is a huge unless--your tank is geared enough that he can tank multiple heroic mobs and your healer is geared enough to keep him alive for the duration thereof. And I guarantee you that the gear required to reach that level is not going to be found in any manner of pre-heroic content.

Like I said, you don't even have to take my word for it. Put yourself in the shoes of someone else looking to run a heroic. Would you invite a DPS Shaman? I sure as hell wouldn't unless there was absolutely nothing else seeking. I don't even want to hear what his gear is or how much DPS he can put out. I don't care. My role as a healer takes priority over anything else, and as much as I'd like to take him along, I know we've got a better chance of success with more CC at our disposal.
#38 Feb 14 2008 at 7:18 PM Rating: Default
If you don't agree just get over it, because those are the facts.

It's not a fact, and you're opinion is no more valid than anyone elses unless it has been proven as a "fact". Don't tell him "he's wrong" unless he just blatantly is, this is a theorycraft thread for shamans, opinions should bw welcomed not criticised.

edit : I on the other hand, believe that shamans are perfectly fine with the exception of raiding elemental for PvE. I had no problem getting into heroics as elemental. I was top DPS most of the time and we didn't really need CC because of how fast my groups would grind mobs down. It's all about making sure you don't pull aggro so that the healer can focus on healing the tank. And that's in my experience as Elemental AND Resto.

Edited, Feb 14th 2008 10:21pm by Draeneipally
#39 Feb 14 2008 at 7:27 PM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
Draenie ele shaman raid fine but you need to pop mana pots when your under geared, and you need a tank that pays attention quite a bit.

Was top DPS in my ZA but had a geared pally tank and good heals too ( I tanked several pulls but only had a 2g repair bill for the night lol 0 deaths in a ZA ftw)
#40 Feb 14 2008 at 7:31 PM Rating: Default
Not quite, gaudions rules for heroics i disagree with, but I agree with them for raiding. You want every advamtage you can get. Would you rather have an elemental shaman? or a mage? better yet elemental shaman? or a critchicken (doomkin) We just don't bring much to the raid other than topping DPS. Which might be fine on getting boss fights down. And i still go OOM myself on prince even with mana pots (time for mana tide) Usually around 20% when i pop heroism.
#41 Feb 15 2008 at 2:07 AM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
For kara I think having a dps shaman is great, shaman pumps out tons of damage and increases those in his group quite a bit.

We do have some mana issues, but as you gear up I promise you it gets better, i can now throw Chain Lightning into my spell rotation with no issue on Prince.

I will also say, I am very much over geared for kara in my pve gear pushing 40% crit and 1100 spell dmg fully buffed.

I will go as far saying we fit better in 10 mans then we do in 5 mans, and having us present for a melee or caster group is big, 100 spell damage and 50mana/5 seconds and if ele spec 3 hit and crit is big, and the AP and crit shaman provide to melee dps is amazing, if you totem twist it only gets better for the rogues and or warriors in your group.

Now in Heroics since many people really aren't ready for them, having 3 CC I can see being somewhat important.
#42 Feb 15 2008 at 4:25 PM Rating: Good
2,826 posts
Any 25-man raid that doesn't have 3 shaman in it is gimping themselves.

1 enhancement shaman in a melee group with 2 rogues, a fury warrior, and a feral druid will add so much damage via windfury and SotE.

1 elemental shaman in a caster group with a shadow priest, warlock and 2 mages (can sub in a Boomkin for 1 of the mages if you raid with one, or sub out the shadow priest if your raid only has 1 and it goes in the healer group) will add some nice caster DPS with WoA and Totem of Wrath.

And of course you need a resto shaman in your healer group with 3 other healers and another shadow priest if you have one. Betweem the shadow priest and the mana tide totem from the resto shaman this group of healers will NEVER go oom.
#43 Feb 15 2008 at 5:37 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Bigdaddyjug wrote:
Any 25-man raid that doesn't have 3 shaman in it is gimping themselves.

Shaman are great, but I wouldn't say you're gimping yourself if you don't take DPS Shaman for buffs. Most encounters past 25-man content you don't really want more than a small handful of melee DPS, like 3-4 at the absolute max. A full five-man melee DPS group is really pushing it. Typically you're going to see the Enhancement Shaman slotted into a group with two tanks and two other melee DPS, or some small variation thereof. There isn't just going to be "Group 3 is melee DPS" running around.

Casters, again... Ranged DPS is typically going to want to spread out as much as possible. It's not like four other people are going to get the constant benefit of WoA and ToW.

That goes back to the conversation (see also: argument) I was having the other day concerning Shaman vs. Rogues in raids. It's presumptious to assume that as a DPS Shaman you're always going to be slotted into a custom-made group where you're going to be buffing four other people through the roof and that's going to be all there is to it.

On trash, sure... that may indeed be all there is to it, but boss battles are really complex later on and very unforgiveng. Your standard-issue "tank and spank" scenarios are so rare they're practically non-existent.

Again, I'm not trying to say that Shaman are in any way deficient for 25-man content, but you can't always assume they're going to be in there buffing with four other melee or caster DPS.
#44 Feb 16 2008 at 8:14 AM Rating: Good
2,826 posts
Most 25-man raids still use a 5-person melee group consisting of enhance shaman (if they have a good one), fury war, 2 rogues, and a feral druid that is usually also an offtank.

In the case where the guild doesn't have a good enhance shammy they will often just throw somebody else in there to fill in the group.
#45 Feb 16 2008 at 9:51 AM Rating: Decent
842 posts
In 25 mans, I'm usually in a group with *shudder* 3 rogues and a feral druid OT. My battle shout and the druid's LotP do a great job of buffing the rogues, but I would really love for our shammy to gear up some more and replace one of the rogues.... But then I'd miss out on all those rogue buffs o.O

Oh yea, I hope you get hex sometime in the near future. Out of all my alts, I hate that my shaman has no cc, stun, root or charge-type attack.
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