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I am really sick of being useless at PvPFollow

#102 May 11 2008 at 7:00 AM Rating: Default
13,048 posts
Raglu wrote:

There is no la la la can't hear you going on here.
The shaman regulars who you and Theophany are posting against have already heard the suggestions that you guys try to make. You guys point out "hey, you can do this... there are plenty of shaman who can... shaman CAN do well if they..."

These are players who have heard other people say such things, and they've taken the suggestions. They've experimented new specs, new compositions, tried to be creative with their mechanics. They've already taken the suggestions that you've given, some time ago, and found that they have more problems than playing other classes generally.

These shaman regulars aren't ignoring what you're saying. They're trying to tell you that what you're saying isn't new, and it doesn't work out as it seems in theory.

Sinstralis in particular has been incredible in his rhetoric to explain the current shaman situation. I'd suggest to ask in General (or Trade, more likely) in Shattrath on your server one day about the effectiveness of DPS shamans in Arena. It'd provide for you a fairer base for you to collect your opinion on than a few specific shaman who all do well in Arena. (I'm not implying that you WILL find most people QQing about their PvP shamans, I'm just saying that asking in a broad chat channel will have a more accurate pool from which to draw general opinion.)

The funniest part of this entire thread is that posters ask for Quor's and my arena rating on our shamans, yet when I quantify this with a "well I was 1900+ last season on my rogue," it's like I didn't have to deal with other classes as I'm basically told to play shaman at 1900+ or GTFO.

It's not like I ever ran into shamans that got Duelist last season, or anything.

BTW, check out a new friend I made the other day: Windfury.

You'll notice he was a Rival last season, and he's on a 2k rated 2v2 right now.

But shaman suck at arena, how is that possible?
#103 May 11 2008 at 7:07 AM Rating: Default
2,396 posts
Quor wrote:
... more of the same.

Overlord Theophany wrote:
... more of the same.

Un. Be. Lievable. I'm sorry, guys... I really am at a loss for words. I just don't know what else there is to say at this point.

Edited, May 11th 2008 1:20pm by Gaudion
#104 May 11 2008 at 8:21 AM Rating: Decent
Overlord Theophany wrote:

The funniest part of this entire thread is that posters ask for Quor's and my arena rating on our shamans, yet when I quantify this with a "well I was 1900+ last season on my rogue," it's like I didn't have to deal with other classes as I'm basically told to play shaman at 1900+ or GTFO.

No one cares about your rogue ratings in a shaman pvp discussion, that is the point. You don't PvP with a shaman, therefore you wouldn't even have a clue what their performance is like in arena other than outsider-looking in rhetoric.

Overlord Theophany wrote:

It's not like I ever ran into shamans that got Duelist last season, or anything.
BTW, check out a new friend I made the other day: Windfury.
You'll notice he was a Rival last season, and he's on a 2k rated 2v2 right now.
But shaman suck at arena, how is that possible?

How many times are you going to reference this tired logic? I met a shaman who had 2k+ ratings, you guys as a class are fine. That is like saying you once knew a guy who killed a bear with his bare hands, therefore the best way to hunt bears must be barehanded! It's stupid, pointless, tired rhetoric and it's the exception, not the rule.

At this point, you're bringing nothing new to the discussion, go armory a few more shaman that you "personally know", for every one successful one, there are probably countless others that have given up on the class out of sheer frustration...

Logical argument fails to compute, recycle more of your rhetoric, gg.

Edited, May 11th 2008 12:21pm by Taurrus
#105 May 11 2008 at 9:15 AM Rating: Default
13,048 posts
Taurrus wrote:
Overlord Theophany wrote:

The funniest part of this entire thread is that posters ask for Quor's and my arena rating on our shamans, yet when I quantify this with a "well I was 1900+ last season on my rogue," it's like I didn't have to deal with other classes as I'm basically told to play shaman at 1900+ or GTFO.

No one cares about your rogue ratings in a shaman pvp discussion, that is the point. You don't PvP with a shaman, therefore you wouldn't even have a clue what their performance is like in arena other than outsider-looking in rhetoric.

Overlord Theophany wrote:

It's not like I ever ran into shamans that got Duelist last season, or anything.
BTW, check out a new friend I made the other day: Windfury.
You'll notice he was a Rival last season, and he's on a 2k rated 2v2 right now.
But shaman suck at arena, how is that possible?

How many times are you going to reference this tired logic? I met a shaman who had 2k+ ratings, you guys as a class are fine. That is like saying you once knew a guy who killed a bear with his bare hands, therefore the best way to hunt bears must be barehanded! It's stupid, pointless, tired rhetoric and it's the exception, not the rule.

At this point, you're bringing nothing new to the discussion, go armory a few more shaman that you "personally know", for every one successful one, there are probably countless others that have given up on the class out of sheer frustration...

Logical argument fails to compute, recycle more of your rhetoric, gg.

Edited, May 11th 2008 12:21pm by Taurrus

You should care about my ratings as a rogue, because I've experienced more of what good shamans can do than apparently anyone in this thread has.

Your analogy is completely idiotic, btw. If we were talking about killing bears and someone was saying it couldn't be done via a bear trap and I posted a video of someone doing it with a bear trap, then that would be what my argument is analogous of.

What Quor and I are saying is that there are countless shamans in the 1500-1900 bracket; it takes skill to get out of that bracket, something that evidently no shaman here has.

If one of you shamans can post your armory with a Rival or better title or 1900+ ratings, go for it. But until then, you really don't have much room to talk, since I've played against shamans that are way better than you.

Just because you're bad doesn't mean the class is.

Edited, May 11th 2008 10:16am by Theophany
#106 May 11 2008 at 9:29 AM Rating: Excellent
947 posts
Taurus with all respect, the word 'rhetoric' can be overused; there is a recursive irony there that can drive men mad.

I have to concur with Gaudion... this thread has passed beyond even o-forum standards of deliberate and sustained obstinance. I'm just shocked Theo even bothered to create the post, because it means you've so completely misunderstood every single word of this thread. I don't mind a debate, I relish a healthy argument, but at least an argument in which both sides understand what they're disagreeing with. There is a bizarre form of honour and symmetry in that arrangement.

There is neither here; continually posting armoury links of Shamans with decent arena performance is detrimental to the debate as a whole as well as your own personal credibility. Posting karma be damned, it's just simply poor form to continue to support your position with 'evidence' that is not only entirely tangential to your own argument, not only targetted at areas of the debate that are now obsolete (ie; we're talking about general class performance, not the extremes of the spectrum) but actually directly support the positions of your opponents.

The link you posted is a frigging RESTO SHAMAN.

And I note, most conspicuously, that neither Theo nor Quor have responded to the question "Do you respect DPS Shaman as PvP opponents?" The reason is that no, you don't. You do not respect DPS Shaman as PvP opponents because they offer no real obstacle to you.

You are aware that your nice shiny Rogue can defeat them, but you dont want to talk about that. Instead you throw the same chewed bone that Blizzard has tossed the Shaman class; "In certain precisely correct conditions, you can sure help your team a lot, assuming you don't die".

If you really cannot see how malign your position has become, and how ridiculous it is to judge the performance of a class SOLELY on its ability to let other classes have more fun at it's own expense, I dont know what to say to you. Your arguments reduce the potential of the DPS Shaman in Arena to a single function; die, but try to let your teammates do some damage first.

Why not just replace the entire action bar with "Totemic Sacrifice; kills the Shaman, increases all party damage by 60% for 25 seconds, undispellable".

That is the principle that you are arguing, everything else is just haggling over price.

At this stage I agree with Gaudion once again, there is nothing more to say.

EDIT: Oh for the love of God...
If we were talking about killing bears and someone was saying it couldn't be done via a bear trap and I posted a video of someone doing it with a bear trap, then that would be what my argument is analogous of.

No, it isnt. This situation is analagous to people saying "You can't kill a bear with a bear trap made of bamboo", and then you show us a video of someone using one made of iron, and say "See, of course you can kill a bear with a trap, you guys just suck at trapping".

Resto Shamans (which the majority of Arena Shamans are forced to be) are a different kettle of fish to DPS Shamans. Stop cross-cluster-fucking your statements. Nobody is arguing Shamans are present in Arena, simply that DPS Shamans are massively underrepresented and there might be a reason for it besides "Allakhazam Shamans suck balls".

Seriously, four times out of five I hear someone say "You guys just suck at PvP L2P" it's a Rogue saying it.

Edited, May 11th 2008 1:36pm by Sinstralis
#107 May 11 2008 at 9:46 AM Rating: Decent
Overlord Theophany wrote:

You should care about my ratings as a rogue, because I've experienced more of what good shamans can do than apparently anyone in this thread has.

Your analogy is completely idiotic, btw. If we were talking about killing bears and someone was saying it couldn't be done via a bear trap and I posted a video of someone doing it with a bear trap, then that would be what my argument is analogous of.

What Quor and I are saying is that there are countless shamans in the 1500-1900 bracket; it takes skill to get out of that bracket, something that evidently no shaman here has.

If one of you shamans can post your armory with a Rival or better title or 1900+ ratings, go for it. But until then, you really don't have much room to talk, since I've played against shamans that are way better than you.

Just because you're bad doesn't mean the class is.

What I don't understand is how someone who obviously has an ounce of intelligence on the rogue forums can completely lose all sense of reality when they visit the shaman forum. You have no idea if I am a good or bad pvper, just another assumption on your part.

According to your armory for the rogue in your sig, your ratings are not all that hot $hit either, so unless you PvP on another rogue, I don't know where you get off saying you're better than everyone else on the forum.

Pretty much at this point all I have to say about your post is thanks for playing, gg Theo.
#108 May 11 2008 at 9:47 AM Rating: Default
13,048 posts
If by massively underrepresented you mean, "is just as viable as any other shaman spec in 2v2, 3v3, and 5v5," then yes, I agree with you.

Read, for the love of God.

Yes, that's 40/0/21 at the top of all-@#%^ing-three brackets in terms of shamans over 2200 using the spec.

Yes, second and third are resto, but OH LOOK LOL 4th IS ENHANCEMENT.

And yes, I do respect DPS shamans in an arena environment as well as a BG environment. They put out such insane burst damage that's it's almost ridiculous. If I don't have evasion or Ghostly Strike up and a geared enhancement shaman comes after me, it's pretty much GG.

Elemental aren't hard just because I have CloS, but I admit on other classes they're a ***** and a half.

Happy that I addressed your concerns?

Now when is a shaman that's ******** and moaning going to show me their armory of them being 1900+?

I don't give a sh*t what class it's on, just give me an armory of one of you whiners that's equal to my experience in PvP, proving you know what you're talking about.

Edit: Taurrus, weren't you the one that Quor made the suggestion regarding PvP gear to, who declined to farm it, then whined about how shamans aren't good at PvP?

Smiley: laugh

Edited, May 11th 2008 10:48am by Theophany
#109 May 11 2008 at 10:28 AM Rating: Default
This tread has pretty much become a circle-jerk for you and Quor anyways, so once you're finished back-slapping each other and telling everyone else how great you are, and how the class is fine, perhaps we'll listen.

Until then, enjoy!
#110 May 11 2008 at 5:23 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
And I note, most conspicuously, that neither Theo nor Quor have responded to the question "Do you respect DPS Shaman as PvP opponents?" The reason is that no, you don't. You do not respect DPS Shaman as PvP opponents because they offer no real obstacle to you.

i didnt explicity say "i respect dps shaman in a pvp environment" but i did say that dps shaman are a high-priority target due to their ability to crank out insane burst. which i assumed would be enough, but clearly it wasnt.

so ill say this; as a warrior, i dont really respect enhancement shaman as pvp opponents. my melee > their melee, i can disarm, they cant, and i have more armor. all they have going for them is earth shock and stormstrike. but thats not surprising really; the melee-spec of the hybrid class should probably (and often does, proc streaks aside) lose to a pure melee.

i really respect elemental shaman because if done right they are incredibly hard to take down and can kill me relative ease. my best hope vs elemental shaman is to 1h+shield and use their power against them via spell reflect, but against a smart (and patient) shaman this merely delays the inevitable. and again, this really isnt surprising, as the caster-spec of the hybrid class should probably fare about as well vs a warrior as the pure caster class (mage) does.

If you really cannot see how malign your position has become, and how ridiculous it is to judge the performance of a class SOLELY on its ability to let other classes have more fun at it's own expense, I dont know what to say to you. Your arguments reduce the potential of the DPS Shaman in Arena to a single function; die, but try to let your teammates do some damage first.

i play a class that is completely 100% useless solo vs 7/9 of the other classes in this game, assuming equal gear and no idiot opponents. my class has been designed, from the ground up, to only perform at max capacity when supported by others. blizzard seems to be taking shaman in that same direction and you know what? i cant say i disagree. i wish more classes were like that to be honest, but for now, its just warriors and shaman. im keeping a spot warm for ya sin.

perhaps more disgusting than that is your assumption, your sense of entitlement as a class, that all three specs ABSOLUTELY have to be viable in high-end arena. i dont know why theres this feeling of "we deserve this" among shaman (and druids!), but its gotta stop. its a noble goal, but until they work on the other classes first, shaman (and druids too) can take a back seat. so its not easy for non-resto shaman to break 2k; its sure as hell easier than breaking 2k as a prot or fury war, prot pally, arcane or fire mage, aff or destro lock, survival hunter, or holy priest.

Edit: Taurrus, weren't you the one that Quor made the suggestion regarding PvP gear to, who declined to farm it, then whined about how shamans aren't good at PvP?

that would be him, yes. he did more than just whine about how shaman arent good in pvp, but he whined about how theyre just "second rate" healers in pve, then went on to say thats the reason why he cant succeed in pvp; because he has no raid gear (and something about shaman sucking in pvp, i dunno, i stopped paying attention after the "raiding for pve comment").

naturally i put that idea down like the rabid dog that it was.
#111 May 12 2008 at 3:02 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Quor wrote:
And I note, most conspicuously, that neither Theo nor Quor have responded to the question "Do you respect DPS Shaman as PvP opponents?" The reason is that no, you don't. You do not respect DPS Shaman as PvP opponents because they offer no real obstacle to you.

i didnt explicity say "i respect dps shaman in a pvp environment" but i did say that dps shaman are a high-priority target due to their ability to crank out insane burst. which i assumed would be enough, but clearly it wasnt.

The thing is, "high priority target" doesn't always translate into "threat" or "effective class". Sometimes the easiest thing to kill is... just... the easiest thing to kill, and 4v5 is always better than 5v5. Especially since they most certainly can do "insane burst", but you pretty much have to ignore them entirely in order for them to live long enough to do it, and that's just not justification for anything.

so ill say this; as a warrior, i dont really respect enhancement shaman as pvp opponents.

My God. Finally a direct, straightforward answer from one of the two of you. I'm in awe. I'm even giving you a rate-up for that.

i really respect elemental shaman because if done right they are incredibly hard to take down and can kill me relative ease... as the caster-spec of the hybrid class should probably fare about as well vs a warrior as the pure caster class (mage) does.

Mages don't rape Warriors because of their damage. They rape Warriors because of their damage and their ability to control them like a passive-aggressive girlfriend. Having played both a Warrior and an Elemental Shaman, I'm personally inclined to give the advantage to the Warrior assuming equal gear/skill, but I'm not about to start ripping pages from you and Theo's playbooks, so I'm going to leave your skill unquestioned and we'll just file this one under "agree to disagree based on which side of the fence you're on".

i play a class that is completely 100% useless solo vs 7/9 of the other classes in this game, assuming equal gear and no idiot opponents. my class has been designed, from the ground up, to only perform at max capacity when supported by others. blizzard seems to be taking shaman in that same direction and you know what? i cant say i disagree. i wish more classes were like that to be honest, but for now, its just warriors and shaman. im keeping a spot warm for ya sin.

The difference here is that all you have to do is add one healer and the Warrior ascends to the position of interchangable for top DPS in 2v2, interchangable for top DPS in 3v3, and, you guessed it, interchangeable for top DPS in 5v5. Add one person, from one of three classes, and you are the bee's knees.

Add one class to a DPS Shaman in 2v2 and they are still just a bad investment. Add one--and only one--specific class to a Resto Shaman and they have great potential in 2v2, but still play second-fiddle to Druids. Add any Shaman in 3v3 and you are passing on something much better unless you add two specific, non-interchangeable classes to a Resto Shaman. And finally, add four other people and a DPS Shaman finally becomes useful.

One of these is not like the other.

perhaps more disgusting than that is your assumption, your sense of entitlement as a class, that all three specs ABSOLUTELY have to be viable in high-end arena. i dont know why theres this feeling of "we deserve this" among shaman (and druids!), but its gotta stop.

How many PvP sets do Warriors have, Quor? How many do Rogues have? Theo? Regardless of spec, Warriors (with the exception of Prot) and Rogues always do the same thing. The Shaman fills a completely different role and must wear an entirely seperate set of gear for each of its three specs. Changing specs, for a Shaman, is quite literally like rolling a new class.

A Shaman can not afford to spec and gear freely from Resto to Enhancement to Elemental and back again, which you and Theo seem to think is perfectly plausible. In this case, 1 + 1 + 1 does not add up to one solid, well-rounded class, but three different, highly-situational ones.

its a noble goal, but until they work on the other classes first, shaman (and druids too) can take a back seat. so its not easy for non-resto shaman to break 2k; its sure as hell easier than breaking 2k as a prot or fury war, prot pally, arcane or fire mage, aff or destro lock, survival hunter, or holy priest.

And this is where the fact that you have no investment or attatchment to the class comes back into play. You don't give a good God damn about Shaman as anything other than buff-bots for your Warrior, so why should you care that we'd like our preferred spec to be workeable without being accompanied by words such as "fodder", "liability", "second-fiddle", and "buff-bot"? The answer is, quite simply, you shouldn't. And you don't.

The Shaman's plight is perfectly reasonable, and let it be duly noted that I'm not claiming it to be any more so than Fury Warriors, Aff/Destro 'Locks, SV Hunters, Holy Priests, etc. The difference between you and me is that I don't go into all of those other class' forums and tell them all to shut the hell up in order to make myself feel better about... whatever it is, Quor, that makes you the way you are towards Shaman. You don't even want to acknowledge the fact that Shaman might have a problem with anything other than being too awesome all the time.

I actually empathize with and support those other classes in getting more spec options, including your Warriors and Theo's Rogues. Variety, after all, is the spice of life. No less so here in WoW than anywhere else.

Edited, May 12th 2008 4:26pm by Gaudion
#112 May 12 2008 at 5:10 AM Rating: Default
It's not like I ever ran into shamans that got Duelist last season, or anything.

I have yet to see a shaman that got duelist last season. Neither horde nor Ally.

And now can we let this thread die?
#113 May 12 2008 at 2:38 PM Rating: Decent
8,779 posts
Mages don't rape Warriors because of their damage. They rape Warriors because of their damage and their ability to control them like a passive-aggressive girlfriend. Having played both a Warrior and an Elemental Shaman, I'm personally inclined to give the advantage to the Warrior assuming equal gear/skill, but I'm not about to start ripping pages from you and Theo's playbooks, so I'm going to leave your skill unquestioned and we'll just file this one under "agree to disagree based on which side of the fence you're on".

true, elementals dont rape warriors because of just their damage; they do it as a function of their damage, their heals, and their high physical mitigation (highest next to a plate class + shield). thats not as good as what a mage has in 1v1, but its better than what a mage has if a dispeller is present, so it has its advantages and its drawbacks.

as for the fight itself, the elemental shaman that scare me are the ones that keep me out of zerker stance. i have to stay out of it or else they crush me with NS+CL and EM+ES. that alone is worth ~3k damage on a pvp-geared shammy, and thats assuming nothing crits. thats 1/4 of my life gone in under three seconds. with crits, we're talking a good 5k life gone. searing totem and periodic shocking, along with some minor dps from flametongue on a 1h is enough to whittle me down the rest of the way.

the best way ive seen to counter this is to utilize 1h+shield and try to turn their power against them with well-timed spell reflects. the problem is, the gimps my own dps by quite a bit, so if the shaman takes his time and plays the waiting game, he can come out on top. thanks to the gigantic neon sign that is the spell reflect icon combined with a mod such as NECB that shows buff timers (or, barring that, counting to five), its quite easy for a shaman to never be spell reflected. shield bash becomes a matter of whether or not i get pump faked; if i do, the shammy gets a free healing wave or nuke off. if i dont, then ive got about 4s with which to deal damage using my 2h before i need to swap back to 1h+shield. i can use zerker stance for a brief period during this time (which i usually employ to get an intercept stun for another 3s of "free" time) but immediately after that ive gotta get back in battle, or else risk the CL/ES combo i mentioned above.

truth be told, elemental shaman are one of my favorite 1v1 fights. if the shammy is good then its an intense chess game where hes trying to outmaneuver me and im trying to discern the true intentions behind his actions. we're both thinking 2-3 steps ahead of each other, trying to out-anticipate what the other is doing without completely ignoring the present. its quite fun.

The Shaman's plight is perfectly reasonable, and let it be duly noted that I'm not claiming it to be any more so than Fury Warriors, Aff/Destro 'Locks, SV Hunters, Holy Priests, etc. The difference between you and me is that I don't go into all of those other class' forums and tell them all to shut the hell up in order to make myself feel better about... whatever it is, Quor, that makes you the way you are towards Shaman. You don't even want to acknowledge the fact that Shaman might have a problem with anything other than being too awesome all the time.

first off, i wouldnt call it a plight. id call it more of a community-wide belief that happens to be skewed. secondly, ive said most (if not all) of the same things to the shaman in this forum as i have to the druids in the druid forum (of which i am a "big dog" if you will). they didnt like it any more than you guys did, but that doesnt mean im going to stop saying it; i firmly believe (and of course, i could be wrong, but my gut and outside points of view tell me im not) that shaman are, on the whole, fine in pvp. they are a group reliant class in order to reach their full potential, and that carries with it certain advantages and detriments. they dont have the synergy with other classes that warriors do, but thats because shaman wernt designed from the ground up to be group reliant (like warriors were). as such, the worst that could be said is that the class is going thru a period of growing pains.

as for problems with the shaman class, i dont see a lot of things that could be changed. one thing that would help a lot for both shaman and paladins is reducing their vulnerability to interrupts and (for shaman only) possibly giving them some kind of cooldown-based anti-cc maneuver (since paladins have a few of those already). nothing major, just something they can use on a 45s-ish cooldown that pops them out of any form of CC (not stuns or snares, since this isnt meant to be an inherent pvp trinket). however, most of the suggestions ive seen on this board, while interesting, are just grossly overpowered and/or completely unnecessary. now, i dont chime in on those (especially on DP's thread where it was purely a suggestion-based thing, and stated as such) but when i see what amounts to unjustified QQ coming from someone who doesnt want to take the time to better their characters, and then discover that a bunch of people have a very low opinion of the class they play that is very much at odds with what most high-rated people i know (myself included) think....then i gotta say something.

The difference here is that all you have to do is add one healer and the Warrior ascends to the position of interchangable for top DPS in 2v2, interchangable for top DPS in 3v3, and, you guessed it, interchangeable for top DPS in 5v5. Add one person, from one of three classes, and you are the bee's knees.

Add one class to a DPS Shaman in 2v2 and they are still just a bad investment. Add one--and only one--specific class to a Resto Shaman and they have great potential in 2v2, but still play second-fiddle to Druids. Add any Shaman in 3v3 and you are passing on something much better unless you add two specific, non-interchangeable classes to a Resto Shaman. And finally, add four other people and a DPS Shaman finally becomes useful.

yeah, it does suck. like i said before; growing pains. warriors were designed from day one to be a group-reliant class. shaman are, more and more, becoming group reliant. but they were not designed from the ground up to be that way.

but just as blizzard finally addressed the issues that druids had sat on for a good two years, im confident that theyll address the shaman ones too. im pretty certain it wont take a complete overhaul of the class and its mechanics, but ya never know. im inclined to say that small-to-medium tweaks will be the name of the game, but nothing as drastic as completely new skill sets (before WotLK at least) or totally revamped talent trees.

and now i must work, so i shall return later (something which im sure you all eagerly await with the utmost excitement).
#114 May 12 2008 at 8:09 PM Rating: Decent
#115 May 13 2008 at 1:23 PM Rating: Default
13,048 posts
Draeneipally wrote:
It's not like I ever ran into shamans that got Duelist last season, or anything.

I have yet to see a shaman that got duelist last season. Neither horde nor Ally.

And now can we let this thread die?

That's because there are roughly 20 Duelists on Draka; I know all of them. Smiley: tongue

To run into a lot of the Duelist shamans, you'd need to be doing arena in the 1800+ bracket.
#116 May 13 2008 at 1:34 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Overlord Theophany wrote:
While I may come off as a prick in 99.89% of my posts, I'm really not trying to lord my experience over anyone.

No, of course you're not, Theo. Of course you're not.

/checks Theo's last couple of posts

Overlord Theophany wrote:
That's because there are roughly 20 Duelists on Draka; I know all of them. Smiley: tongue

To run into a lot of the Duelist shamans, you'd need to be doing arena in the 1800+ bracket.

... Except when it's convenient for you, such as when you're backed into a corner and have absolutely nothing else to pull out of your *** to save your argument.

Hypocrisy is fun.
#117 May 13 2008 at 1:41 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Gaudion wrote:
Overlord Theophany wrote:
While I may come off as a prick in 99.89% of my posts, I'm really not trying to lord my experience over anyone.

No, of course you're not, Theo. Of course you're not.

/checks Theo's last couple of posts

Overlord Theophany wrote:
That's because there are roughly 20 Duelists on Draka; I know all of them. Smiley: tongue

To run into a lot of the Duelist shamans, you'd need to be doing arena in the 1800+ bracket.

... Except when it's convenient for you, such as when you're backed into a corner and have absolutely nothing else to pull out of your *** to save your argument.

Hypocrisy is fun.

Still waiting for someone other than Quor or myself to post their armory so we can see their team ratings, thus validating their opinion on shamans in arena.
#118 May 13 2008 at 7:32 PM Rating: Default
Overlord Theophany wrote:

Still waiting for someone other than Quor or myself to post their armory so we can see their team ratings, thus validating their opinion on shamans in arena.

Dude your rogue is sporting a 1718 rating and a 57% win rate, hardly anything to be lording over anyone else...

#119 May 13 2008 at 10:05 PM Rating: Excellent
1,121 posts

this is me as you can see i am in a very poor bracket all though I haven't arena in about 2 weeks and these where more for fun, I am missing out on a 5s team, one that would look at this would probably assume wow longinous needs to l2p...

Here is the problem I am not an idiot I know how to play,i know what to do to counter enemies I know what spells and buffs to look out for, i know how to kite ppl, and sure all this of me saying i know how to pvp may seem like jack **** to most of you because based on my rating i suck and must suck.

you may also want to tell me l2arena gear to move up if you have resil and stam you would be higher... i have about 460 resil (if you dont believe me I can show you later)

Shaman can excel in arena i am sure. but if and only if his team can control the feild and keep the shaman up long enough for him to BL them, yes I can **** someone up pretty nice with my burst dmg, **** ya my blood lust and wf totems and whatever the **** else i want to use to buff my group with can be awesome, but i need to live, i need to not be locked down, and i need my group to keep people the **** off of me long enough to manage this.

I love my shaman, in bgs i can do some nasty dmg to the enemy, generaly place top 5 in dmg and HKs, but in arenas where many groups will focus me down in seconds it can just be a pain.

Theo and Quor I am glad you get to experience higher end ratings of arena's, i am sure you know what your doing with your classes, but please just because you know a shaman that had a group carry them past the 2k bracket doesn't mean jack ****, and i say carry because thats what we need is a group to protect us in the arena just long enough for us to become ready to buff and make there efforts in protecting us throughout the fight worth there wild. shaman is easily locked down, we have little to no defensive abilities as a dps spec, our defense is our ability to heal, but when i have to start healing myself to keep alive it means i am seconds from death, if i have any melee on me they are not going to let that heal go off, and if they do what does it matter MS means i may aswell be stunned out of it, sure we where mail and even have a shield, still means nothing i drop pretty quickly regardless. oh and guess what if i am kicked out of my lightning spell i can't heal or intterrupt anything for as long as the duration last except maybe frost shock wich wont save me, we have no way to control the field to lean towards ourbenefit, sure we can do some snare abilities but they need to be reapplied often and are very limited.

Shaman in arena's requires a lot of a team effort, just being in a team does not cut it, warrior in a team all he requires is some heals he doesnt need the group protecting and holding his hand at every given second, shaman does. now you can argue and continue to argue all you want shaman is fine l2p whatever the hell it makes you sound ignorant, but there is no way 90% of shaman think we are deficient in arenas is wrong, we aren't just being a bunch of ******** we have excepted the truth, and trust me I love pvp I hope maybe a power shift happens or even if bliz through us a bone or two, but as is shaman is not on par with the other classes in arena, we just are not, we can excel no one disagrees we wont with a good group, but that doesnt mean because i have 4 people working well to keep me up and I buff them and woot we pwn are we an amazing class in arena, it means that 4 players worked hard to keep there shaman friend up long enough for his buffs to matter.

please lord please let this stupid thread die, because all it is, is a lot of dumb and alot of flashing of ego and a lot of bs, "top dawgs of shaman forum" shuddup. Rogue and warrior that seem to know what they are talking about in arena about all classes because they rolled classes that excel in arena shuddup... no one cares anymore, and whoever said it before i agree, draeneipally stop using the top dogs of shaman forum thing it sounds stupid...

BTW when did alla resort to post on your main or your full of **** ******** tactics this is where the semi smart people come to discuss...

(I apologize for the angry post and if i used a lot of vulgar language I assume will be replaced with odd random symbols, have a nice day)
#120 May 13 2008 at 10:20 PM Rating: Excellent
947 posts
now you can argue and continue to argue all you want shaman is fine l2p whatever the hell it makes you sound ignorant, but there is no way 90% of shaman think we are deficient in arenas is wrong, we aren't just being a bunch of ******** we have excepted the truth, and trust me I love pvp I hope maybe a power shift happens or even if bliz through us a bone or two, but as is shaman is not on par with the other classes in arena, we just are not, we can excel no one disagrees we wont with a good group, but that doesnt mean because i have 4 people working well to keep me up and I buff them and woot we pwn are we an amazing class in arena, it means that 4 players worked hard to keep there shaman friend up long enough for his buffs to matter.

While I agree sort of with your rant, I must point out that whole thing is one continuous sentence.

Incidentally Id rather not be referred to as a 'top dawg' ironically or seriously, I dont have a Shaman main.

Frankly I wish people would stop demanding armoury links and trying to compare e-***** sizes, the idea that someone without a current top arena rating (Im looking at Taurus AND Theo here) doesnt know sh*t about PvP is about as childish as it gets. What do I say to my friends? "Well, I went from 1680 to 1710 this week... you appear to be at 1709.... my opinion is worth more than yours! Cower, miscreant!"


I take the point that PvP experience is necessary to make an intelligent comment, but Arena ratings are about grind as much as experience and they are certainly no replacement for wisdom, reason and civility in your arguments. No arena rating give anyone the right to behave like a jackass.

I will say though, that I had no idea how poor Shaman PvP was until I rolled one. I kick *** at PvP on my Warlock, played Arena back in the day but once I moved to Japan the lag became a handicap. I rolled my Shaman and I was horrified with the weakness and I still am.

Now, assuming nobody says anything else too inflammatory or rash I will, as jmfmfmdfdfb suggests, "Shuddup".

Edited, May 14th 2008 2:22am by Sinstralis
#121 May 13 2008 at 11:27 PM Rating: Default
Well the whole reason I asked to see an armory was because of the "I know how to PvP on my class, therefore I am master of all things shaman" holier than thou attitude. IDC if they have the greatest rogue/warrior of all time, if they're not rolling the class THEMSELVES in arena, then they wouldn't know what it's like to get blown away 1st target every time with a survival time of about 20 seconds. It's frustrating, it's boring and it makes you feel like a liability to your group. The prevalent attitude was one of "I have more PvP experience than you, even though it's an entirely different class that I pvp with, I will come here and tell you what's what." Hence the armory request, if you're not rolling a shaman in arena, I really don't care for what you have to say.

I did not roll this class to be a buff-bot bloodlust sacrificial pawn. I want some survivability and the ability for a DPS spec to be as PvP viable as the other classes. Out of the 9 classes, by and large shaman are the worst for PvP. If shaman are not in the worst state of affairs right now, then tell me, what class is? That is why most of the class are gleefully waiting some alternative to tide them over to WOTLK since Blizzard stated 2.4 was our last major fix patch until the expansion.

Basically anyone who disagreed with those 2 either do not know how to PvP...right, an entire forum of people, some of us rolling shamans pre-BC have no idea how to pvp effectively. At least SOME nuggets of truth slipped out in Quor's last post, kudos for that.

Is not geared for PvP...right. You can have all the resilience you want, hell you can hit the resilience cap, it still won't help when you're getting CC/snared/fearspammed/spamstring/kidneyshot/blind/gouge/frostnova/skillcoil...etc...etc...etc...

The shaman mantra should just be "Can't do that while stunned"
#122 May 14 2008 at 2:46 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Sinstralis wrote:
Frankly I wish people would stop demanding armoury links and trying to compare e-***** sizes, the idea that someone without a current top arena rating (Im looking at Taurus AND Theo here) doesnt know sh*t about PvP is about as childish as it gets. What do I say to my friends? "Well, I went from 1680 to 1710 this week... you appear to be at 1709.... my opinion is worth more than yours! Cower, miscreant!"

This is exactly why I don't link my armory on this forum. I never have, with any of my characters, and I probably never will.

And at least in this particular argument, I don't need to. Everything Sinstralis and I are saying is supported by the general statistics. It's you and Quor, Theo, that have something to prove because the two of you are claiming that your own opinions and insight into some hidden "potential" that has somehow gone untapped by not just the people on this board, but the entire Shaman community the world over, carries more weight than the current reality.

I will say though, that I had no idea how poor Shaman PvP was until I rolled one. I kick *** at PvP on my Warlock, played Arena back in the day but once I moved to Japan the lag became a handicap. I rolled my Shaman and I was horrified with the weakness and I still am.

And this is the second reason why I don't need to. Theo has reached 1900 (probably 2200 in his mind, since his Priest was holding him back) with his Rogue. Quor PvP's with his Warrior. Neither of you has done anything worth noting with a Shaman, and until you have, neither of you have any more PvP experience to lord over the people here than any of the rest of us. In fact, I'd like to know just how many 2v2 teams with DPS Shaman you even saw during your time spent in 2v2, much less ones that actually presented you with anything even remotely resembling a challenge. And don't post another armory link. You've got the "experience". So go on... tell us.

I'll make you a deal too. When either of you personally takes a DPS Shaman to the same rating you took your Rogue to in 2v2 and I will break my own rule and post my armory link on this site.
#123 May 14 2008 at 11:20 AM Rating: Default
I'll say this. Shamans are not to be effed with. All classes have their downside and it is really up to the person playing. If you want to play something that takes no skill and you're just a killing machine then you need to play something other than WoW. If a class was that easy no one would play it.

You need to figure out how you like to fight. I like to smash faces, bump and run so I play a shammy and a pally on PvP servers. You might also think about your faction. If you're an adult you might like playing horde better since you'll be with folks who put some thought into what they're doing rather than pushing a few buttons.

Good luck to you.
#124 May 14 2008 at 7:58 PM Rating: Good
514 posts
Overlord Theophany wrote:
That's because there are roughly 20 Duelists on Draka; I know all of them. icon

To run into a lot of the Duelist shamans, you'd need to be doing arena in the 1800+ bracket.

Mind posting links to some examples of these shamans? And get them to share some advice on how to get there?

I'm quite sure,.... as a rogue, your team's priority target would probably be --> Kill that shaman. LOL.

Why? Coz.... easy to kill. Dangerous to leave alone/alive.

Edited, May 15th 2008 12:01am by waihwang
#125 May 16 2008 at 12:04 PM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
Class Breakdown of 2000+ and 2200+ Teams

Shamans aren't the bottom in 2v2 OR 3v3.... but we're definitely WAY down there.

Things only look up for us in 5v5 (which is where our buffs give the most buffage). If all classes were equal at pvp, you'd see equal percentages, but you don't. When you have almost 3 times the number of rogues and warriors at 2000+ compared to shamans, I'd say that's fairly unbalanced.

Is it possible to get high ratings? yes, but obviously it isn't as easy for some classes as it is for others.
#126 May 16 2008 at 5:19 PM Rating: Default
13,048 posts
waihwang wrote:
Overlord Theophany wrote:
That's because there are roughly 20 Duelists on Draka; I know all of them. icon

To run into a lot of the Duelist shamans, you'd need to be doing arena in the 1800+ bracket.

Mind posting links to some examples of these shamans? And get them to share some advice on how to get there?

I'm quite sure,.... as a rogue, your team's priority target would probably be --> Kill that shaman. LOL.

Why? Coz.... easy to kill. Dangerous to leave alone/alive.

DPS shaman, yeah.

If it's resto, it's damn near impossible to get them down before a warrior owns the crap out of my partner.

I pretty much have to play interrupt ***** on the shaman while my partner zergs down the warrior, since my partner is a feral druid when I play 2s.

On my old team, we'd basically have to run the shaman OOM, which was tough.
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