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I am really sick of being useless at PvPFollow

#52 May 04 2008 at 3:41 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Quor wrote:
but how true is that? i know a guy who's ideal 5's farming setup includes an enh shammy; he'll hit 2k in 5's with a good enh shammy in under 4 hours. hes done the same with elemental, but prefers enhancement because of how he sets up his teams. sure, that may not be gladiator rating on my battlegroup (it might be on others tho) but its still 2k rating, and hes been to 2100 with that setup too, so clearly something is working here, and for him it works best with an enh shammy of all things.

Really? I mean, c'mon... You, Quor, of all people can't figure that out?

Shaman are Bloodlust/Heroism/Totem bots in 5v5. If he's hitting 2k he's doing it because of the other people on his team, not because he's in there WTFPWNING people and tearing things up as a Shaman. Without the almighty Bloodlust/Heroism and the ability to bestow WF on the Arms Warrior and potentially other melees in your 5v5 set-up, as well as Tremor to negate some mass fears, there would be absolutely no reason to take a DPS Shaman along.

Enhancement Shaman? Yeah. Damage. Great... Why not another Rogue, Warrior, or Ret Pally? Bloodlust/Heroism/Totems.

Elemental Shaman? Yeah. Damage. Great... Why not another Mage, Warlock, Balance Druid, or Spriest? Bloodlust/Heroism/Totems.

What the DPS Shaman can actually accomplish as an individual amounts to precisely jack, which is why they have such a pathetic showing in 2v2 and 3v3's. The only reason they look better in 5's is because of the way they can help the other members of their team excel. Shaman are, as a whole, very easy to shut down and suffer a complete lack of control and panic buttons. We're not compltely worthless in PvP; there are the niches where we excel. But in general, there's nothing we can do that other classes can't do better other than... you guessed it... Bloodlust/Heroism/Totems.
#53 May 04 2008 at 3:47 PM Rating: Excellent
947 posts
but how true is that? i know a guy

Quor, precisely. I don't mean to sound like a stuck record here but you are making my point just as well as I am. You know a guy. There will always be individuals who can make something work, there will always be exceptions to any rule. Nobody is saying it is 100% impossible for Shamans to succeed in Arena hence we are talking about underrepresentation rather than a complete absence.

I personally know four rogues, three mages, FIVE Warlocks and three warriors who are in top-slot Arena teams heading for 2000+.

I know one Shaman.

He kicks ***, he beats me at PvP a lot, and has full Merciless gear. People are afraid of him.

But one man's successes are not enough to change the facts that in the same time period, many times more people were able to make other classes successful. You could argue that Shamans require more skill to play or something, but that too is a class imbalance; you shouldn't need additional personal abilities to simply come up to par with other players.
#54 May 04 2008 at 7:07 PM Rating: Decent
There will always be exceptions to the rule...just because a meager handful of shaman (non-resto) managed to crack 2K+ in ratings, imagine how much easier it would have been on a Rogue, Mage, Warrior, Paladin, etc, etc.

I was kicked off my 5's team not because of lack of skill, because of DPS with a CC is generally better. DPS shamans fail at PvP. Mages can iceblock if they get focused, a rogue can vanish. A shaman becomes a mana-sink for the healer to keep up if they get focus fired. Shaman who crack the 2k mark generally do it as resto, then re-spec enhance from what I've seen.
#55 May 04 2008 at 10:09 PM Rating: Decent
218 posts
krqllebqlle wrote:
If you think druids and their HoTs are OP, meet Mr. Disc priest and get a clue.

hate to go off topic here but I'd just like to say, I have both classes and I've pvp'd with them both. I wouldn't say disc priests are op but they're pretty tough if you don't have a dispeller (and even if you do) but i've found that pvp'ing on my druid is ALOT easier. The survivability (that isn't dependent on magic buffs) is what I think puts resto druids slightly ahead of disc priests as far as arena is concerned.

just my two cents :p
#56 May 04 2008 at 11:27 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Gaudion wrote:
Quor wrote:
but how true is that? i know a guy who's ideal 5's farming setup includes an enh shammy; he'll hit 2k in 5's with a good enh shammy in under 4 hours. hes done the same with elemental, but prefers enhancement because of how he sets up his teams. sure, that may not be gladiator rating on my battlegroup (it might be on others tho) but its still 2k rating, and hes been to 2100 with that setup too, so clearly something is working here, and for him it works best with an enh shammy of all things.

Really? I mean, c'mon... You, Quor, of all people can't figure that out?

Shaman are Bloodlust/Heroism/Totem bots in 5v5. If he's hitting 2k he's doing it because of the other people on his team, not because he's in there WTFPWNING people and tearing things up as a Shaman. Without the almighty Bloodlust/Heroism and the ability to bestow WF on the Arms Warrior and potentially other melees in your 5v5 set-up, as well as Tremor to negate some mass fears, there would be absolutely no reason to take a DPS Shaman along.

Enhancement Shaman? Yeah. Damage. Great... Why not another Rogue, Warrior, or Ret Pally? Bloodlust/Heroism/Totems.

Elemental Shaman? Yeah. Damage. Great... Why not another Mage, Warlock, Balance Druid, or Spriest? Bloodlust/Heroism/Totems.

What the DPS Shaman can actually accomplish as an individual amounts to precisely jack, which is why they have such a pathetic showing in 2v2 and 3v3's. The only reason they look better in 5's is because of the way they can help the other members of their team excel. Shaman are, as a whole, very easy to shut down and suffer a complete lack of control and panic buttons. We're not compltely worthless in PvP; there are the niches where we excel. But in general, there's nothing we can do that other classes can't do better other than... you guessed it... Bloodlust/Heroism/Totems.

I can say this is absolutely not true.

We've yet to pass 1700 because our shaman can't survive. If it was all about being a Bloodlust/Totem bot, we'd be owning face in the 2k bracket right now, even though we don't try our hardest, just because of who we have on our team (3x Duelist this season, 2 of which were Duelist last season, and me, Rival last season, 3 teams from Duelist).

If your shaman is geared, they can survive. If your shaman can survive, they can do insane burst damage in the setup I run. That's the reason you get an enhancement shaman, because they put up the buffs you need and put out some sick damage.

The way we run it is this: see clothie (locks go down first as a strict rule, same with spriests and ele shamans), I open and put up expose armor, shaman drops WF, pops Bloodlust, druid opens, warrior charges and wtfpwns.

End result? Cloth class down in 3 secs. No joke.

The only time that doesn't happen is when the other team see that the weakest person on our team has PvE gear on and bursts down our enh shaman like the cheese she is.

With decent resil, we'd be at 2k right now.

And no, they don't bring jack other than WF/Bloodlust. We'd take a shaman for burst even without it.

Also, one word: purge.
#57 May 04 2008 at 11:34 PM Rating: Decent
8,779 posts
Shaman are Bloodlust/Heroism/Totem bots in 5v5. If he's hitting 2k he's doing it because of the other people on his team, not because he's in there WTFPWNING people and tearing things up as a Shaman. Without the almighty Bloodlust/Heroism and the ability to bestow WF on the Arms Warrior and potentially other melees in your 5v5 set-up, as well as Tremor to negate some mass fears, there would be absolutely no reason to take a DPS Shaman along.

Enhancement Shaman? Yeah. Damage. Great... Why not another Rogue, Warrior, or Ret Pally? Bloodlust/Heroism/Totems.

yeah, you know, aside from all that utility theres absolutely no reason to take along a shaman. when you put it like that, its a wonder why people ever take warriors! all we have is stuff like hamstring/mortal strike/intercept, as well as pummel to negate a few casted spells. other than that theres absolutely no reason to take a warrior along. or hell, why bring a warlock? come to think of it all they do is provide a pet that can interrupt, a few instant cast dots and the odd fear or two.

as for the specific choice of enh shammy, its because of the improved talents for weapon totems making windfurys even more juicy, as well as a dedicated purger (plus all that other niggling stuff like totems and high burst dps). priests are one of, if not *the* most common 5's class, and the best way to make a disc priest useless (or any priest really) is to completely strip them of buffs. no prom, no shield, no renew, no inner fire, no focused will. toss in a WF from the warrior as well as one from the shammy, then a quick ES > NS+CL and youve got one dead priest. if the shammy dies after that, who cares? as long as he pops heroism/bloodlust first hes served his purpose.

and apparently its enough to get to 2100 without too much difficulty.

I personally know four rogues, three mages, FIVE Warlocks and three warriors who are in top-slot Arena teams heading for 2000+.

and i personally know of three shaman who are 2k+. that wasnt the point i was making tho; the point was, "shaman can do great from 1500-2000 and here's an example". 2000, in some battlegroups, will get you gladiator in 5's. the shaman i know happen to be 2k+, with two around the 2100's last i checked, and one around the 2000's. the ultimate point of all this being shaman do not "suck" and are most definetely not "useless" when it comes to pvp.

You could argue that Shamans require more skill to play or something, but that too is a class imbalance; you shouldn't need additional personal abilities to simply come up to par with other players.

actually, yeah, i think you should need additional skill to come up to par with other players. i sure as hell wouldnt want a dot monkey sl/sl lock playing druid and having an easy time of it, and for the most part, thats true. managing a shaman at high ratings is a helluva job from what ive seen. youre balancing totem timers, trying to keep people debuffed with purge, kiting as needed, trying to manage use of skills to best counter your opponents moves, managing totems and reading your opponent so you know when to put what down....its quite the ballet. but when done right, its very strong, and when a shaman capable of doing it right has a skilled group at his side, then youd better pray to whatever it is you believe in for help, cause youll need it.

that doesnt mean shaman are "perfect". what it means is that shaman are, imo, nowhere near what seems to be the status quo on these boards. small tweaks are needed, not drastic reimaginings of entire skill sets and talent trees.
#58 May 05 2008 at 3:02 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Overlord Theophany wrote:
If your shaman is geared, they can survive.

If your Shaman can survive its because either your team makes necessary allowances to keep him alive or the other team isn't targetting him. Shaman have zero mitigation beyond their base armor and resilliance. No panic buttons, no CC. If he gets focused, he dies very quickly without immediate intervention.

The only time that doesn't happen is when the other team see that the weakest person on our team has PvE gear on and bursts down our enh shaman like the cheese she is.

Translation: Any time we face a competent team, they destroy the Shaman because it's easy to do, just like Gaudion and Sinistralis said.

With decent resil, we'd be at 2k right now.

If, if, if... You know, I hear a lot of excuses from you when it comes to PvP, Theo. "If my Priest was better I would have a much better rating in 2v2. If my Shaman was geared I would have a much better rating in 5v5." You're so good it has absolutely nothing to do with you. Everyone else is a liability and they're all dragging you down.

Look, if you want me to buy something, stop giving me "ifs" and give me a, "Look at this."

Quor wrote:
yeah, you know, aside from all that utility theres absolutely no reason to take along a shaman. when you put it like that, its a wonder why people ever take warriors! all we have is stuff like hamstring/mortal strike/intercept, as well as pummel to negate a few casted spells. other than that theres absolutely no reason to take a warrior along. or hell, why bring a warlock? come to think of it all they do is provide a pet that can interrupt, a few instant cast dots and the odd fear or two.

Hey, if you want to break down and turn into a complete idiot... that's fine with me. Makes my point all the easier to argue. It still stands, by the way. Shaman are great in 5's because they support their teammates (who are much better than they are), individually near worthless in 2's and 3's.

the ultimate point of all this being shaman do not "suck" and are most definetely not "useless" when it comes to pvp.

Outside of 5's where other people do the work with the Shaman's tools. Sinistralis and I are not making the blanket statement that DPS Shaman suck in the entirety of every obscure corner in PvP. We're saying they suck outside of 5's or a lynch mob in BG's. In small-scale PvP, where individual class balance matters the most, anything they do can be done better by another class that doesn't present as many glaring holes in a team matrix the Shaman does.

You and Quor and a never-ending parade of other people can present us with this-one-time-at-PvP-camp glory stories all day long, but it's not going to matter. The numbers speak for themselves.

Quor wrote:
You could argue that Shamans require more skill to play or something, but that too is a class imbalance; you shouldn't need additional personal abilities to simply come up to par with other players.

... a bunch of hilarious stuff about how skill is actually a factor of class balance.

Hey, like I said... if you want your argument to break down, by all means. Keep doing my job for me.

And finally, boys and girls... in summation...

The way we run it is this: see clothie (locks go down first as a strict rule, same with spriests and ele shamans), I open and put up expose armor, shaman drops WF, pops Bloodlust, druid opens, warrior charges and wtfpwns.

as long as he pops heroism/bloodlust first hes served his purpose.

and apparently its enough to get to 2100 without too much difficulty.

If you want to argue something... it's really not a good idea to come in and say, "We do exactly what the other guy says. Oh, but it's completely not true." Doesn't make a very compelling argument.
#59 May 05 2008 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
8,779 posts
If your Shaman can survive its because either your team makes necessary allowances to keep him alive or the other team isn't targetting him. Shaman have zero mitigation beyond their base armor and resilliance. No panic buttons, no CC. If he gets focused, he dies very quickly without immediate intervention.

oh my lordy, god forbid we have a team work together to protect its teammates! on the one hand, having panic buttons is nice because you can hit them to get some room. but having panic buttons means your balanced around having panic buttons, and said buttons have counters. ask priests how they feel if a warrior + undead rogue + dispeller is on them; in that situation, a shaman is much much better off, because the priest will effectively be buffless while fighting two melee who shrug fear off like its a cool rain pouring down their back. thus, shaman are balanced around not having any panic buttons, which in turn means theyre tied for first in terms of most durable healer in 5's (paladins are more durable, but balanced around their bubble, which any priest can deal with handily).

If, if, if... You know, I hear a lot of excuses from you when it comes to PvP, Theo. "If my Priest was better I would have a much better rating in 2v2. If my Shaman was geared I would have a much better rating in 5v5." You're so good it has absolutely nothing to do with you. Everyone else is a liability and they're all dragging you down.

Look, if you want me to buy something, stop giving me "ifs" and give me a, "Look at this."

im gonna have to go with theo on this one.

Outside of 5's where other people do the work with the Shaman's tools. Sinistralis and I are not making the blanket statement that DPS Shaman suck in the entirety of every obscure corner in PvP. We're saying they suck outside of 5's or a lynch mob in BG's. In small-scale PvP, where individual class balance matters the most, anything they do can be done better by another class that doesn't present as many glaring holes in a team matrix the Shaman does.

you and sin arent, but others are, and thats what i was addressing.

and fwiw, 5's *is* small scale pvp. its the arena bracket that blizzard sees as most balanced of the three. 2's is mostly about whos gimmick is best, and 3's is mostly the same as 2's but with a third person tossed in.

If you want to argue something... it's really not a good idea to come in and say, "We do exactly what the other guy says. Oh, but it's completely not true." Doesn't make a very compelling argument.

what youre saying and what we're saying are two different things. you (and others) are saying that heroism/bloodlust (and all those other niggling buffs) are the only reason to bring shamans into arena and then using that as justification for why shaman suck in arena. we're saying that all those teensy weensy buffs (including hero/blood) are strong enough to warrant an arena spot, and all the utility (especially purge) that a shaman brings to a team is enough to want to focus fire one down ASAP. because if you dont, then youve got a hugely buffed 5-man group tearing your team a new one.

this isnt a problem with the shaman class; they have great utility and buffs so its natural that people would want to remove that as soon as possible. what sets the 2k+ shaman apart from the rest are how well they work with their team and how well their team supports them. in short, shaman are balanced around group pvp for maximum effectiveness.

and like i said some months ago, come on over to the war forums and join the "suck without support, awesome with it" club. we've got a tabard and vent! no guild bank yet tho.
#60 May 05 2008 at 1:59 PM Rating: Default
13,048 posts
Gaudion wrote:
Overlord Theophany wrote:
If your shaman is geared, they can survive.

If your Shaman can survive its because either your team makes necessary allowances to keep him alive or the other team isn't targetting him. Shaman have zero mitigation beyond their base armor and resilliance. No panic buttons, no CC. If he gets focused, he dies very quickly without immediate intervention.

Warriors have zero mitigation beyond their base armor and resilience. If a warrior gets focused, they require immediate attention.

Gaudion wrote:
The only time that doesn't happen is when the other team see that the weakest person on our team has PvE gear on and bursts down our enh shaman like the cheese she is.

Translation: Any time we face a competent team, they destroy the Shaman because it's easy to do, just like Gaudion and Sinistralis said.

Uh, no, it's because our shaman doesn't have any PvP gear.

Gaudion wrote:
With decent resil, we'd be at 2k right now.

If, if, if... You know, I hear a lot of excuses from you when it comes to PvP, Theo. "If my Priest was better I would have a much better rating in 2v2. If my Shaman was geared I would have a much better rating in 5v5." You're so good it has absolutely nothing to do with you. Everyone else is a liability and they're all dragging you down.

Look, if you want me to buy something, stop giving me "ifs" and give me a, "Look at this."

My shaman, as mentioned, wears PvE gear in PvP. Going 4v5 and still going 14-7 (67% win) is fairly impressive, honestly.

If you want proof, alright.

The priest I had in S2 was concentrating on PvP, trying to get better at PvP. We had both started PvP that season; for me, I had dinged 70 two weeks into the season with enough honor to get my 2m trinket. My priest had 6k HP and 0 resil, no honor. That we ended the season with a Rival-rated team says something. Of course, I left the team after I capped my points to play with a few friends and because my priest got emo and stopped PvPing to do PvE, so I only got my title from my 1700-rated 3v3 team...

But yeah, playing mutilate in 2s with a priest who ended the season with 320 resilience and getting to 1900 (and 3 teams away from Duelist) totally means I suck at PvP.
#61 May 06 2008 at 2:51 AM Rating: Excellent
947 posts
The cookie stall is round the corner, help yourself.

As Gaudion mentions again, there will be Shamans that are good at PvP. There will be more of every other class.

actually, yeah, i think you should need additional skill to come up to par with other players.

This is a very strange thing to say. Let's assume we can take this nebulous 'skill' and give it a numerical value, which obviously you cant but since you can make a numerical comparison (eg "x has more skill than y") it's not so far off base.

My point is that if you took eight equally-skilled players, let them each practice their class in Arena for six months, let them all get the same gear level, then their effectiveness in PvP (another immeasurable quantity) would be primarily affected by the class they chose. In that case, with equal gear, skill and experience, it is my sincere opinion that the Shaman player will demonstrate poorer personal effectiveness than any of the other classes, regardless of what spec he chooses. That player simply has three choices that differ only in the degree of mediocrity they impose. If you take skill and gear out of the equation (by making them equal), a Shaman is systematically disadvantaged by their class design.

If you give that Shaman more skill, or better gear, they will begin to succeed as their effectiveness improves. But, again, when those two values regain parity (in top-end Arenas for example) the Shaman will, once again, fall behind.

Shamans' one saving grace is that they are force multipliers, while they survive they improve the group's effectiveness. This causes them to be the focus of most attacks immediately (and of course Mass Dispel negates the big tomale, Bloodlust) which compounds their vulnerabilty to focus fire and lack of escape or defensive abilities.

You can argue that Shamans are good situationally, life being as broad as it is a fucking toothpick is good situationally, but if you average out the wins and losses in high-end Arena and World PvP, I will bet you anything you like that Shamans come out a fair way below the 1:1 win/loss ideal.

#62 May 06 2008 at 4:39 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Every single team I get beat by in 5v5 has a shaman on it.


I think not. They're the class with the single most powerful buffs in the game, which is why they're so tenuous.

I will say this, though: whenever we see a priest, they're immediate focus target, followed by elemental shamans, followed by enhancement shamans, followed by locks.

Actually, really the only reason we target priests first is that they can easily get rid of all the benefits of having our shaman on the team. After that, we take out the largest threat, which is the highest burst casters. Oh ****, that's elemental shamans?

Shamans like to whine, that's about all I've discovered from reading this forum.

That and they don't know much about high-end PvP.
#63 May 06 2008 at 5:08 AM Rating: Default
will say this, though: whenever we see a priest, they're immediate focus target, followed by elemental shamans, followed by enhancement shamans, followed by locks.

Really? I never see shamans. Maybe that's just me. *shrug*
#64 May 06 2008 at 5:50 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Overlord Theophany wrote:
Shamans like to whine, that's about all I've discovered from reading this forum.

That and they don't know much about high-end PvP.

It's like there's a walrus in the room. A huge, grinning, mustached, tusked walrus. But no one wants to talk about the walrus. We'd all rather talk about our nice cups of earl grey tea.

Being good in one bracket of PvP, the one where individual class performance happens to matter the least, does not a successful PvP class make.

I distinctly remember hearing a substantial amount of whining over on the Rogue forums from you, from Tyrandor, from countless others when the poor, poor Rogues weren't getting much play in 5v5. Neverminding the fact that this was by the time they were already well beyond dominant in 2v2 and 3v3 being one of the top three represented DPS-ers alongside Warriors and Warlocks, as well as always having been and probably always will be the single best class in one-on-ones of any nature.

But no, no, not DPS Shaman. DPS Shaman are fine because they're mandatory buff-bots for their superiors in one bracket of PvP. Nevermind that they fail spectacularly in 2's, are a workable mediocrity but still a liability in 3's, are pretty much free HK's one-on-one, and no matter what you or Quor or anyone else can say, at the end of the day by namerical statistic they face a substantial underrepresentation at higher-rated arena rankings as a whole, and it's not just because people don't like to play them.

But still, I look forward to seeing how you and/or Quor twist this one around to your liking.
#65 May 06 2008 at 6:01 AM Rating: Default
at the end of the day by namerical statistic they face a substantial underrepresentation at higher-rated arena rankings as a whole, and it's not just because people don't like to play them.

#66 May 06 2008 at 7:48 AM Rating: Good
1,121 posts

Every single team I get beat by in 5v5 has a shaman on it.


I think not. They're the class with the single most powerful buffs in the game, which is why they're so tenuous.

I will say this, though: whenever we see a priest, they're immediate focus target, followed by elemental shamans, followed by enhancement shamans, followed by locks.

Actually, really the only reason we target priests first is that they can easily get rid of all the benefits of having our shaman on the team. After that, we take out the largest threat, which is the highest burst casters. Oh sh*t, that's elemental shamans?

Shamans like to whine, that's about all I've discovered from reading this forum.

That and they don't know much about high-end PvP.

Oh you are right shamans can do some crazy dmg, but have no way of defending themselves, this is why we are targeted first, we provide great buffs, we do great damage, but if we are locked down there is nothing we can do, absolutely nothing. Any serious PvPer knows this, I enjoy pvp still, but please don't come into our forum trying to tell us whats up, and to be honest I am sure you do to, how often do you get beat by a shaman one on one, as a matter of fact, how often do you stun lock a shaman for full health to death, shamans in pvp gear not some poor target you stumble across in a bg with 0 resil.

Seriously dude, we know shaman can be quite strong in arena, but it requires your team to protect the shaman long enough to pop Blood lust, drop totems, and if the team can keep shaman up he may have a chance to do some sick damage.

seems like your basically telling us the usual L2P shaman=fine in pvp. Look I aint a ***** I like my shaman, I even like him in pvp but i aint gonna lie and say we are fine we got problems, your not a shaman and for some reason a lot of ignorant ppl like to think shaman is fine, maybe because you enjoy having no contest against certain classes... anyhow again how often does a shaman get you one on one, and I am sure not very. I am fine with not being a great pvp class, and even be a support, but the only way we work in arenas is for as others have said, buffs, yes we have dmg but this dmg is only put to use if we survive the first couple waves of the enemy locking us down, which is determined by our group.

#67 May 06 2008 at 12:06 PM Rating: Default
8,779 posts
My point is that if you took eight equally-skilled players, let them each practice their class in Arena for six months, let them all get the same gear level, then their effectiveness in PvP (another immeasurable quantity) would be primarily affected by the class they chose. In that case, with equal gear, skill and experience, it is my sincere opinion that the Shaman player will demonstrate poorer personal effectiveness than any of the other classes, regardless of what spec he chooses. That player simply has three choices that differ only in the degree of mediocrity they impose. If you take skill and gear out of the equation (by making them equal), a Shaman is systematically disadvantaged by their class design.

if thats your argument, then warriors would actually be the most disadvantaged. healing classes win in the 1v1 department simply by virtue of outlasting, and as pvp gear (i.e. resilience) gets better this becomes more true. shaman have arguably the best all-around survivability of the healing classes, tied with paladins. shaman also have the rather unique benefit of being decently viable with all three specs. for instance, no prot warrior or prot paladin will succeed in pvp unless its a forced match vs another warrior or rogue wherein the enemy cant in some way reset things. likewise, fire and arcane mages get eaten for breakfast on account of the lack of their survivability, and non-sl/sl locks face the same problem.

Shamans' one saving grace is that they are force multipliers, while they survive they improve the group's effectiveness. This causes them to be the focus of most attacks immediately (and of course Mass Dispel negates the big tomale, Bloodlust) which compounds their vulnerabilty to focus fire and lack of escape or defensive abilities.

exactly, a shaman relies on their group to succeed and to be protected. same as a warrior does, for a warrior sans support is just another kill waiting to happen in the vast majority of circumstances. however, shaman bring much more power to a group than warriors do, so in most situations youll see a shaman under focus fire first. whether or not that shaman survives is a function of how good the shaman is at using the tools available to him/her, and how well s/he can synergize those tools with the tools his/her team has available.

and if it makes you feel better, mass dispel does not specifically target bloodlust/heroism. the only thing mass dispel prioritizes over other buffs are invulnerabilities, i.e. BoP, divine shield and ice block. if your whole team gets heroism/bloodlust wiped in one mass dispel, then you just got REALLY unlucky. i suggest a sacrifice to the RNG gods; roll 3d20 to determine how they must be appeased.

Nevermind that they fail spectacularly in 2's, are a workable mediocrity but still a liability in 3's, are pretty much free HK's one-on-one, and no matter what you or Quor or anyone else can say, at the end of the day by namerical statistic they face a substantial underrepresentation at higher-rated arena rankings as a whole, and it's not just because people don't like to play them.

no shaman worth their salt is a "free hk" 1v1. no pvp-specced healing class in pvp gear is to anything; theyre just too durable, and the addition of +damage to +healing gear really helps that out. of course, that still leaves elemental and enhancement, but they counter things and have their counters. for instance, elemental shaman are quite adept at taking out druids of all kinds due to their main source of damage ignoring armor and their ability to purge away all those nice druid buffs. well-timed burst can seal the deal before a druid gets away. enhancement does well vs non-frost mage cloth and tend to suffer vs melee and sometimes hunters, but thats to be expected given their role.

but instead of focusing on all that, ill say this; pvp isn't balanced around 1v1.

as for the numbers, you have one sampling of one seasons worth of data taken about midway thru that season. theres nothing about S1, S2, or the latter half of S3, nor is there anything about S4. i remember back in S1 druids were seen as completely useless in all forms of arena. i laughed when i heard that, because a supported druid is quite strong. i was convinced that people just didnt know how to get druids to work in arena yet. much to my non-surprise, S2 and S3 have proven me right. there are trends in arena; certain compositions rise, experience dominance, are countered by other comps, and then fall from grace. RMP in 3's is a good example of this, and a good way to counter it is double melee + druid, or in some cases, triple physical dps (RRR vs RMP is full of lawls; youve never seen a priest die so fast, or a mage and rogue look so helpless).

shaman were pretty dominant in S2, hence the 2345 setup (to win, press 2, then 3, then 4, then 5!). they are less dominant now than they were before, but they still have a presence, and the oft-laughed at enhancement is making more of a showing in high end 5's than it has in previous seasons. on the other side of things, resto is experiencing a decline compared to its showing in S1 and S2, where it was a pretty dominant force, even in the smaller brackets. resto still has a place in 3's however, where rolling as the RNG death squad (sword MS war, ret pally, resto shammy) proves to be an effective method of dealing with even the dreaded RMP setup.

as with the previous seasons, its just a matter of time till people catch on imo.
#68 May 06 2008 at 12:10 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Gaudion wrote:
Overlord Theophany wrote:
Shamans like to whine, that's about all I've discovered from reading this forum.

That and they don't know much about high-end PvP.

Nevermind that they fail spectacularly in 2's, are a workable mediocrity but still a liability in 3's, are pretty much free HK's one-on-one, and no matter what you or Quor or anyone else can say, at the end of the day by namerical statistic they face a substantial underrepresentation at higher-rated arena rankings as a whole, and it's not just because people don't like to play them.

But still, I look forward to seeing how you and/or Quor twist this one around to your liking.

Are you that @#%^ing stupid?

Resto shamans are the single hardest opponent to kill 1v1. Not even joking.

Resto shamans make up one of the most powerful 2v2 comps in arena--warrior/shaman.

Resto shamans are used in loads of good 3v3 comps.

There's a reason shamans are focused first. You provide the singular best buffs in all of PvP. This is not debatable, it just is. You also have the most powerful offensive cleansing in the game. Being able to neuter a BoP is insane, being that you use a GCD versus our Paladin's 5 min cooldown.

Shamans are underrepresented because you're the least played class in the game, you numbskull.

Edit: BTW, jmfmb, I guess I don't have a shaman, huh?

Oh, no, wait. My bad. I forgot that Locke is a shaman.

Granted, he's being played by a RL friend right now because I can't be ***** to gear him up, but meh.

Edited, May 6th 2008 1:13pm by Theophany
#69 May 06 2008 at 1:26 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Overlord Theophany wrote:
Are you that @#%^ing stupid?

Are you? This discussion got kicked off again talking about Enhancement Shaman. Not Resto Shaman.

Resto shamans are the single hardest opponent to kill 1v1. Not even joking.

False. Resto Druids are harder to take down in general and both Disc Priests and Paladins can be just as hard to take down as a Resto Shaman and/or Druids depending on the attacker. Not even joking. Your experience as a Rogue is hardly justification for a false blanket statement like that.

Resto shamans make up one of the most powerful 2v2 comps in arena--warrior/shaman.

Again, I'd like to take the time to remind both you and Quor that this discussion has gone the way of DPS Shaman. Enhancement and Elemental are both rancid in 2v2. And Warrior/Resto Shaman is one of the most powerful comps, but it's still riddled with holes. Warrior/Shaman does well against DPS/healer opposition but almost all 2xDPS teams rape it.

Warrior/Shaman is good. Warrior/Druid is better.

Now, I play Shaman/Warrior. I enjoy it. I'm not arguing that it's effective. But much like DPS Shaman managing to find home in 5's, one spec rocking out in one bracket hardly means the class is a whole is fine. 2/3 of Shaman builds still blow hard in the bracket where the Restos are succeeding most.

Resto shamans are used in loads of good 3v3 comps.

O RLY? What popular composition, pray tell, aside from both variations of Warrior/Paladin/Shaman would make people actively seek out a Resto Shaman over a Druid or Priest for 3's? Actually, let's just skip that, shall we? In general both Disc Priests and Resto Druids are both better than Resto Shaman in 3's. Period. And even if that wasn't true... for the third time, I remind you and Quor that the topic immediately at hand is DPS Shaman.

There's a reason shamans are focused first. You provide the singular best buffs in all of PvP. This is not debatable, it just is.

The only thing not up for debate at the moment is your complete inability to get a grasp on the Shaman class beyond your own limited experience and misguided observations. Shaman are focused for three reasons, and you only managed to grab ahold of one. Behold:

1. Left alone, our totems can royally ***** with enemy casters and buff melee DPS through the roof, as well as negate one form crowd control. We'll file that all under "buffs" and congratulate you. This is the one you got.

2. We're almost always the healer, and healers are usually targetted first. This is basic PvP 101.

3. We go down retardedly easy to focus fire from any more than a single aggressor regardless of spec.

You also have the most powerful offensive cleansing in the game. Being able to neuter a BoP is insane, being that you use a GCD versus our Paladin's 5 min cooldown.

Oh, give me a break... you may be unreasonable, Theo, but I know you're not senile. Disc Priests dispels > Shamans. Dispelling Divine Shield is a lot more fun than dispelling BoP or BoF.

Shamans are underrepresented because you're the least played class in the game, you numbskull.

You lead a rich fantasy life.

Edited, May 6th 2008 9:51pm by Gaudion
#70 May 06 2008 at 11:56 PM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
wait so our being least played class has nothing to do with the fact that we are also arguably one of the weakest pvp classes in the game.

Again I love shaman, but we are by no means fine in pvp, like gaudion said, yes we bring buffs, but we are easily locked down by just about every other class in the game. We are the games glass cannon, great damage yes, but weak as all hell to dmg.
#71 May 07 2008 at 12:53 AM Rating: Excellent
947 posts
Actually Rogues and Mages qualify better as glass cannons, they do a great deal of their own damage while being very vulnerable when they come under fire. However, they have defensive abilities, the Shaman does not, and the Shaman does not possess burst or sustained damage abilities far enough above those classes to justify their utter lack of escape or defense.

Shamans play more like glass ammo magazines; they are fragile objects that allow other classes (the 'cannon', for the metaphorically challenged) to operate better.

Since this thread is degenerating into a focus-free slanging match, I'd just like to say that having good group buffs does not make up for having terrible personal performance. Totems are the only buff that every class can dispel, have a short range and are relatively mana-intensive. Shamans are are fine demonstration that money's no good if you can't spend it. Burst damaage, nice nuke heals, strong buffs and potential to be a game-winner has no merit if by compensation you are dead before you can bring these abilities to bear. Every match I've seen our Shaman attend sees him pop Bloodlust and perhaps drop two totems before the silence/stunlock rape begins, and in general there is nothing we can do to save him.

That is bad design.

And seriously, Resto Shamans are the toughest 1v1 opponents? I've beaten them soundly on my lock, my Paladin and my Hunter. There's nothing they can do, they simply lack the damage to worry me.

However, as Gaudion states we were attemping to address DPS Shamans, both of which blow even harder in 1v1 and in Arena. Except, before you mention it, in 5man; this is due to the aforementioned group-buffing being a proportionally larger factor.

However, as I said; increasing the effetiveness of other members is not a good substitute for active participation. You might as well have every Shaman spec Resto, stack Stamina out the *******, never heal so as to protect their Nature tree and just drop totems.

In a world of sharp, sharp knives being the sharpening stone is a ****** job.
#72REDACTED, Posted: May 07 2008 at 1:40 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) So wait, you guys are whining about being the most desired class in 5v5?
#73 May 07 2008 at 2:05 AM Rating: Decent
514 posts
Hmm... glass canons? ammo magazines? LOL. I thought we agreed that we are 'artillery'? :) (referring to Ele shamans)

Err.. Ops.. Arty is for Ele, err.. what's for Enh and Resto?

Anyway...... I wonder why are shamans one of the least played, especially since they are one of the 'new' classes available to the alliance from TBC.

We see a whole ton of BE Pallies, but the same cant be said of Draenei Shamans.

I'm starting to learn how to play in arena (as Ele). I think I get the idea now. The key is to be a chicken (I think, pls correct me if I'm wrong). Yes... hide and run. The whole idea is to play hide and seek (without the tools like what rogues and druids have).

You will be one of the main focus fire targets.

So? Make yourself obvious (bait) but make them work hard trying to reach u.

This will buy your teammates some time to attack them (and hopefully kill some) and heal you. Meanwhile, if u can, bloodlust, totems, shock, etc. No more instant crit CL, too bad.

If they don't take the bait and focus on your team, MUAHAHHA, time to unlesh the firepower.

Anyway... I still hate the fact that I need a team to keep me alive in PVP. Without them, I'm almost useless. Happens all the time in Sunwell these days..... stupid rogues will just stop what they were doing and come gank me even as I just ride past them. (*@#%&$. SHAMAN = FREE KILL)

BTW, it's hard to find decent shamans in arena. Becoz shaman's PVP is very different from most other clases. We NEED a team to do well. It takes quite a bit of learning curve AND a good team to train such team based shamans.

Most shamans would be too discouraged by initial PVP experience (due to solo, world pvp and less experienced teams) to continue.

You need regular team to get team dynamics working properly and we all know such things are hard to come by. This it is difficult to find good arena shamans.

Those who are good will be kept and valued by their teams already. The rest probably haven't got the chance to reach such a skill level and gave up the idea.

Edited, May 7th 2008 6:12am by waihwang
#74 May 07 2008 at 2:41 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Overlord Theophany wrote:
So wait, you guys are whining about being the most desired class in 5v5?

I'm so confused. Like, really. I've been searching high and low for a decent shaman for my 5s team, but there are none. I know they're out there, and I'd give my left nut for one, but I can't find one on my server for the life of me.

Accepting and positing your own misguided observations as absolute truths is not going to win you this thread no matter how many different angles you try it from.

We are not the most desired class in 5v5. We have a niche to fill in 5v5, a potentially powerful one, an often completely wasted one, one that everyone wants, but one that is hardly necessary. People love Bloodlust/Heroism/Totems. But I don't know anyone who would consider 5v5 without a Warrior. Druids and Priests are better healers in 5v5. Rogues, Warlocks, and Mages lock down members of the opposition. Shaman are a single piece among many of the puzzle that is 5v5. We are hardly bracket-defining.

So you guys whine about being viable in 5v5. You guys whine about not being good at PvP.

DPS Shaman whine becaus they are only viable in 5v5. Do you know anyone that only wants to 5v5 and is prefectly happy with being terrible in 2v2, a liability in 3v3, and a free HK one-on-one? Would you be happy with that? I dare say you would not.
#75 May 07 2008 at 3:11 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Gaudion wrote:
But I don't know anyone who would consider 5v5 without a Warrior.

Hands up if you know what Eurocomp is. No one?

Second highest represented team in 5v5.

For your edumacation, chief. All classes are viable in 5v5. All specs aren't, but shamans are a hell of a lot more represented in common teams than rogues are in 5s.

Of course, that's just 2200+. Who knows what 1500-2200 is like. Smiley: rolleyes

Edited, May 7th 2008 4:11am by Theophany
#76 May 07 2008 at 6:00 AM Rating: Excellent
947 posts
I'm really starting to wonder if you have a goddamn clue what the point is or if you just instinctively avoid any topic that you cannot properly argue about.

Continually stating the same crap over and over and over again and then frantically changing topic is really beginning to tire. There have been several key points raised such as DPS Shaman viability in 1v1, 2v2 AND 3v3 which you continue to avoid even mentioning, instead choosing to nitpick tiny, irrelevant details. You continue to choose singular examples (like your silly little show-and-tell link) which you purport proves how idiotic the opposition is, without the basic understanding that exceptions always exist.

The reason, I must assume, that you are avoiding talking about Shaman viability in these brackets is because you don't know a damn thing about them. I dont care if you've Arena'd one day with a Shaman or a hundred, you simply cannot know what you're on about if you continue to avoid making a cogent argument. When I want to share understanding with people I take great pains to make it understandable so I don't have to repeat myself, you seem to relish it.

The data is explanatory, you have failed to offer a significant counter-example beyond statistical singularities and hearsay. "Everyone knows", "Everyone thinks", "Everyone wants" are the deathknell of any coherent point of view when used in the absence of supportable fact.

If your class were only useful in a single arena bracket you would whine your *** off, and justifiably so. I would go so far as to say that your clear affection for the Shaman class results from your playing as a melee class yourself, and every melee class loves Windfury totem and Bloodlust.

By the way I'm actually NOT a Shaman main, I'm a Warlock, but after seeing how badly Blizzard have screwed this class I sympathise with its players. I have nothing invested in arguing this point beyond establishing the facts.

The facts persist that Shamans are underrepresented in Arena, which is not a factor of number of players. Arena teams are a small percentage of the player base so Shamans ought to be abundant if they were so deperately needed and required. They arent. Of course you ignore the fact there might be a good reason for Shamans being the least played class by a statistically significant margin, but let's not bicker.
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