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I am really sick of being useless at PvPFollow

#27 Feb 15 2008 at 7:14 PM Rating: Default
ElDiablos wrote:
yes it is most def u i assume u are enhance and enhance is not the pvp nor raid spec eles are amazing burst damage i have seen one put out 18 in like 1.5 seconds so please learn your class and stop qqing
off to gultch pease

Hate to break it to you but you really need to learn yours as well. Enhance shaman do amazing DPS in raid and also make for amazing support in 25 mans. If anything Elemental are one of the weaker specs for raid support when compared to resto or enhance. I'm by no means saying "OMG Elemental sucks you should all re-spec blah blah." They do awesome damage as well and are definately stronger for PvP, if anything for the reason there not as easily picked off in a group. Also what are you trying to say with "put out 18" I managed to pick through your jibberish and understand most of it, but this is drawing a blank.

Taurrus if no one has mentioned it, find yourself a Holy paladin friend to run with in BG's. Blessing of freedom is bliss vs snares and your paladin friend can cleanse you out of pretty much anything except a Rogue. Even then he can HoJ the rogue long enough for you to turn the tides a little bit. PvP in a BG isn't about trying to solo classes A,B, and C. It's about fighting as a group. BG's are a bad place to gauge your shaman if the team your with is running around like chickens with their head cut off. If your having a rough go at it, this just means you didn't bring enough friends. Shaman by no means is a super PvP class, however you can still have fun with it.

Constructive! Thank you. The frustrating part is that every time I want to join a 5 man for a heroic you are expected to be resto. If you PvP you basically have to resign yourself to support and tag along with a warrior, or healer to survive. Despite all the l2p commentary, I do know how to play my Shaman. However relative to another class, such as lock, hunter, rogue, druid the shaman is extremely tough to use effectively in pvp. I think I will save myself some frustration and shelf my shammy until I see what Blizz decides to give us in TLK...I'm not getting my hopes up too much though.
#28 Mar 18 2008 at 1:28 AM Rating: Decent
387 posts
I was under the assumption that "these days" enhancement shammies ARE welcome in raids, no?

Still my shammy is one of my most loved toons, no matter what everybody says. They are just fun to play with the many many options we have and that is what WoW is for me... play time.

Edit: woops! It just showed the OP to me, so I thought there was no input yet. Didn't read up that means so if something said is doubled, excusez-moi!

Edited, Mar 18th 2008 5:30am by Immunios
#29 Mar 18 2008 at 2:12 AM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
this may sound obvious but... get a healer buddy to follow you around in bgs and get some resil gear.

resil gear and my druid pall following me around make things much more fun for me, sure any dps class can do this and see similar results. in bgs closing gap is not nearly as tough as in a arena (ppl just dont save cooldowns or at there best in bgs).

Sure anyone can achieve this, but like warriors we can put out some pretty heavy damage fast, and with enough resil can soak some hits, only thing holding us back is we have no instant heals, because of this, we have to stop dpsing to heal ourselves up, which for me and most shaman means your already in trouble, if i dont have to worry about healing myself i can burst down most enemies with our quick casted spells, and put on some major hurting on your enemies, this only gets better when you have 4 peices of arena gear.

again yes anyone can succeed with a healer, but it really allows us to put out our full potential of burst dps which is all we have.

it is getting to the point where i feel confident running up to a warrior with a dedicated healer, i can usually out burst them

probably also is a big boost my buddy is a druid, druids and there hots are so op lol
#30 Mar 18 2008 at 4:24 AM Rating: Decent
454 posts
If you think druids and their HoTs are OP, meet Mr. Disc priest and get a clue.
#31 Mar 18 2008 at 5:08 AM Rating: Decent
And contrary to shamans, hunters don't exactly suffer from under-representation overall.

Note that 60%, 70% top of huntards are "huntards"
#32 Mar 18 2008 at 5:10 AM Rating: Decent
134 posts
Pardon me for asking, i'm kinda new to shammies, previously raided with a pally healer and decided that some pewpew in my life would be fun. I was wondering, doesn't ghost wolf get over the whole mobility issue? what more with instant castability in 2.4, can't shammies simple ghost wolf, get close and burst, and when targets try to escape, simply ghost wolf again and chase? So far i've never heard that shammies don't deal enough damage in pvp, all the complaints i've heard are about their kitability and lack of CC. then again, i probably have no idea what i'm talking about.

shaman are overall the least represented class in 2v2 and 3v3 teams above 1800.

They're the least played class in wow, so i'm not surprised.
#33 Mar 18 2008 at 5:44 AM Rating: Decent
90% of shamans in 2v2, 3v3 are under the 1800+ bracket... that doesn't have anything to do with the overall representation of the class. It would if 50% of them were above the 1800 vracket but still remained the lowest represented class.

Edited, Mar 18th 2008 9:46am by Draeneipally
#34 Mar 18 2008 at 6:31 AM Rating: Excellent
881 posts
The funny thing is I have the same gripes about no CC as everyone else does with my Shaman, but now that I've played thru some end-game content instances and gotten a ton of honor in 70 battlegrounds I have to say my annoyance has dissipated a bit.

First off, I should disclose that my main toon is a Tauren Shaman spec'd Enhancement. When I dinged 70 and did my first bg, I was pissed. No lie. From probably the 39 bracket up on the Reckoning battlegroup I would place in the top 5 in # of KBs, # of Deaths =P and Damage Dealt, usually 1st or 2nd for the Horde side. In the 70 bracket, early on, I would be lucky if I survived the first 10 secs of a battle. I was literaly reduced to Lightning Bolt monkey, as Enhance mind you, til a clothie would get to 50% and then I could melee for the occasional kill. And 1 v 1 encounters, pfft forget that. Insta-Death.

Now here's what changed. First off, for the Enhancement spec, luckily, the PvP bg gear is like first freaking rate stuff. So after my first AV weekend I had 3 pieces of the S1, which made a tremendous difference. Once I had 4/5 pieces socketed properly and enchanted thats when I was able to run Kara, and with a little luck picked up a weapon upgrade, Fool's Bane, and a nice ring.

Presto. Gear-wise I wasn't perfect but instantly I was surviving encounters longer, critting for sick WF damage and topping the BG charts again.

But the main thing that changed from early-70 to geared 70, was the way I approached things.

A few BG tips for us Shamans out there:

1) Be a Purge spammer. Seriously, for battlegrounds nothing can turn a battle like the plunging stats of your opposition, so if you can remove a buff(s), you better freaking do it. Sometimes that last purge means the difference between surviving the encounter and being spit on by that pink haired female gnome.

2) Download a few mods like Xperl and Totemtimers if you haven't already. Also design 2 macros that have /castsequence then whatever totems you prefer for an offensive encounter or defending a spot or node. IE: Grace of Air, Searing, Strength of Earth for Offensive. Xperl has a range finder, for knowing when your shocks are in range, and Totemtimers allows you to see how long a totem is up for and warns when they expire or are hit like the Grounding Totem.

3) Know thy enemy. This is probably the easiest thing to learn, yet the hardest to master. My Xperl setup has the name of the class I'm fighting rather than the symbol for the simple reason of processing info faster concerning what class I'm up against which dictates how I approach the fight. If I'm attacking a Warlock, I damn sure want to make certain I toss that Tremor Totem and possibly a Grounding or Stoneclaw depending on which pet is out.

Mage = Grounding, Searing, PURGE shield then Grace

Paladin = PURGE on closing, Grounding, Searing, Mana, Strength

Warlock = PURGE the armor buff, Tremor, Grounding, Searing

Rogue = Trinket, Earthbind, Flameshock (prevents Stealth), Grace, Searing

Warrior = Grace, Searing, Healing, Strength

Shaman = Grounding, Earthbind, Searing, after Grounding is gone drop Grace

Priest = Tremor Totem, Searing, PURGE, PURGE, PURGE

Druid = If its resto and you are alone just Earthshock it and go kill something else, otherwise: Earthbind, Grace or Grounding if Boomkin, Mana, Searing

Hunter = Earthbind, Grace, Searing

4) Use all of your tools. 20 min CDs on elementals should be decreased IMO if they want to make us more PvP and PvE preferred, but I drop an elemental at any flag almost the instant the CD is up in Battlegrounds, why not? It's 2 mins of extra damage, distraction and it clutters up your oppponents targeting like all those totems do.

5) Finally, expect to die. You will. Alot. We don't have an escape button like other classes, so my goal in any fight win or lose, is make sure those muthafudgers know I was there.

#35 Mar 18 2008 at 11:31 AM Rating: Good
569 posts
Constructive! Thank you. The frustrating part is that every time I want to join a 5 man for a heroic you are expected to be resto

Yeah, that does suck.

Despite doing 700-800 DPS for most runs (except oddball places like Sethekk and Auch Crypts) I still have a fairly hard time convincing non-friends-list players to let me in groups...whereas my friends are incredibly eager to get me into a group for the crazy damage, significant buffs, and excellent offheals.

Even before I'd gathered a ton of badge/kara/ZA gear I was doing all those things - nowadays I will often double the damage of a lackluster heroic PUG member (300-400 dps compared to my 700-800.)

I don't think I've seen any other DPS shamans offheal like I do: preemptively healing when I know an incoming spurt of damage will get the party low, topping off the healer or tank when the healer has to move. When I'm on my mage I hardly ever see DPS shamans overheal in a way that smoothes out the run or saves the party, but when I'm on my shaman that sort of thing gets tossed around fairly frequently between nuking. I almost dragged a group through Heroic UB with a 850 +healing healer (less +healing than I had in my +dmg set) and similarly-geared tank. Had over half of the group's total heals :X

Shamans do have issues, particularly in Arena. However in PVE all 3 of our specs are useful (although I'm not sure about Enhancement...I still can't make that lousy spec deal a useful amount of damage.) In PUG BGs elemental is pretty solid - if you're focused you're screwed, but you can so frequently not be focused through intelligent play that it's very easy to top damage and KBs.
#36 Mar 18 2008 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
32 posts
I tried pvp for the first time about a week and a half ago and i loved it!
I can take on rogues easily and most am able to take others off guard. I purge any and all buffs i see on people that are fighting against us and within range.
generally, i just frost shock+earthbind if their are running. then go up and stormstrike and earthshock. generally, there is another person with me grinding them down but boy does that frost shock and earthbind make a difference, especially against mounted passer byers. By the time the realize they cant get away and have to fight, they are down to below 85%.

But then again. I was lvl 49. I hit 50 on sunday and don't think i will be pvping anytime soon. Compared to most of what i've seen for the last tier points in talent trees, enhance as well as elemental don't seem to measure up.
unstable affliction, shadowstep, shadowfury, VT, (to name a few) all with relatively small to no cooldowns while ours we get a totem that allows 3% more crit even tho its a casting spec and (like some1 up there in this post has said) get shut down alot as elemental anyway. Enhance gets a buff that gives us 30% less damage taken and a chance to get a percentage of our mana bak from our attack power. By no means is this a bad thing to have, but compared to others tier points, it doesn't seem to measure up.

just my 2 cents.
#37 Mar 18 2008 at 1:33 PM Rating: Decent
Theres two ways to go about pvp on an enhancement shammy.

1. The waiting game.

2. The take it to them game.

1. The waiting game.
Identify opponets
Set appropriate totems
Wait for them to attack
Hit shamanistic rage
etc etc

2. The take it to them game.
Run up next to them, and drop the SINGLE most important totem vs that class.
Proceed to SS/FS
Hit Shamanistic Rage
etc etc

These are the two single best ways I have found in PVP for the enhancement sham.

other rules are:
Dont expect heals, HEAL OFTEN AND EARLY.

when facing huntards: QQ. hard to get to them w/o using plan #2.

I personally prefer the second strategy, especially against locks. first totem being tremor, second being grounding. GG.

Now to address Shammies in raids in general.

Shammies can and do top the dps charts (yes I know you locks, rogues and mages think your the best, but really, pve, the classes are fairly balanced, its more your actual attacking activity that tops the charts if your = geared, you can check your actual activity, buy using the addon Recount.) Take the shamans dps + the increase of the other 4 people in his/her party, and you will find them invaluable.


As for Resto shammy's being mediocre healers.. well, thats kinda like saying.. warriors make mediocre tanks. That my friend is a player skill/gearing issue, has nothing to do with the class. In fact they are the least penalized class for downranking heals, wich makes them the most mana efficient healer, while also healing 3, thats THREE! people at once, resulting in the least overhealing (wasted mana) of any of the 4 healing classes.

Now I personally think that really how good you are, depends on the experience you have with each class, and not getting into a rut of: this is how I do pvp.
Remember in PVP you are not facing some robot, but an actual person, and that person may not react in the same way to the other 99 people you've beaten.

Be aware, dont use the same strat all the time against the same classes/specs, vary them, because players get mindset on this is what this class will do, and more often than not, you will stumble upon certain ways to win, if you try them and die, dont get upset, JUST TELL YOURSELF THAT PLAYER HAD LESS LATENCY THAN YOU HAHAHHA!

I hope this helps you somewhat.

#38 Mar 18 2008 at 5:42 PM Rating: Decent
514 posts
The Yardstick wrote:
I've beat every class you've listed one on one, learn when is the best time to bust your trinket, what shields to use, and what totems are important.

Yardstick, care so share some of your strategies?
I would love to know how to handle being Ganked in world pvp for such 1v1 situations. Or when I'm solo defending a node in BGs.

From my personal experience (as Ele spec), as my resilience gets better, I can survive long, sometimes enough to let the rogues run out of energy, toss a heal and wait for the cavalry to arrive (in BGs).

Rest of the time, the key is to stay 'hidden' and behind and spam LB and CL. If you are up against opponents worth their salt, they WILL switch target and come for u, especially warriors (zoom...) So normally I try to make that that LB and CL counts. LB 1st, Ele Mastery, CL. That will make the LB and CL hit at about the same time. If you are lucky and your opponents are too preoccupied, that's good. They'll die fast with you are the artillery supporting your front line.

As for Enh Spec, in BGs, there are situations where they'll be damm powerful. i.e. when opponents HAVE to approach of stay near an area (e.g. trying to cap a flag or tower). When I was still enh spec, I give up in world pvp. Just die fast and get ready to collect corpse.

#39 Mar 18 2008 at 5:55 PM Rating: Good
514 posts
Taurrus, I dont agree about Resto being a 2nd rate healer.
We are one of the best group healers out there.

For a refreshing change, I was lucky enough to see LF ELE SHAMAN in a Heroic group on a trade channel!!!

It was a team with a 2 Pallies, one a tank, the other a heal, (and 2 others) going for Heroic Arcatraz. These pallies know their stuff and know exactly where we could help (AOE DPS) and assist in healing when fighting those Gargantuan Abyssals. (Pallies single target heals will have issue with AOE damage dealing mobs). Even as an Elemental DPS spec, my heal really made a significant difference in many situations.

I think we do pretty well in PvE and raids. Just that we often get passed in 5 mans due to NEED for CCs in certain teams and instances.
#40 Mar 18 2008 at 7:23 PM Rating: Good
194 posts
Enh shammy is actually the only class I fear getting up on my priest in any pvp situation.

Disc spec with 444 resilience and ~1500 healing. Spam purge annihilates priests.

I rarely see an enh shammy in the 1700+ brackets in arena, but that will likely change next patch.
#41 Mar 18 2008 at 7:42 PM Rating: Good
569 posts
You don't need CC for any heroic unless your group is significantly undergeared. Heroic BF is the only heroic that comes close to needing combat CC (for Braggok)
#42 Mar 18 2008 at 10:11 PM Rating: Default
waihwang wrote:
Taurrus, I dont agree about Resto being a 2nd rate healer.
We are one of the best group healers out there.

For me, it's a moot point really. I was resto for a long time pre-BC in order to raid, and now I find the healbot role incredibly boring. However, if I were to be resto again, i would much rather have a resto druid than a shaman. Yes we can spam chain heal, and we are good burst healers, but the fact that our 41 point resto talent is lawl-dispel-arcane-shot-huntard dispellable is really frustrating.

If Earthshield gets dispelled, it should dump all charges at once, this would be a decent deterrant to actually dispelling it.
#43 Mar 19 2008 at 2:24 AM Rating: Good
1,292 posts
Axehilt wrote:
Constructive! Thank you. The frustrating part is that every time I want to join a 5 man for a heroic you are expected to be resto

Yeah, that does suck.

Despite doing 700-800 DPS for most runs (except oddball places like Sethekk and Auch Crypts) I still have a fairly hard time convincing non-friends-list players to let me in groups...whereas my friends are incredibly eager to get me into a group for the crazy damage, significant buffs, and excellent offheals.

The problem here isn't that people aren't aware that Shaman can deal great DPS. It's that in both PvP and PvE play there are a ******** of DPS class players, and only a few healing (and tanking, for that matter) class players. Unless your server is very different than the one I'm on now or the one my Guild server transferred from, your /lfg channel is full of the following: "Need tank and healer for <Instance>, then GTG!"

When people hear Shaman, or Paladin, or Priest, they want to hear that you're a healer, and not another DPS to compete with the spots already filled by Rogues, Warlocks, Hunters, and Mages. DPS classes which don't have a healing tree (or tanking tree, for Paladins).

#44 Mar 19 2008 at 3:55 AM Rating: Decent
8,779 posts
kompera pretty much nailed the problem on the head. every non-pure dps class has the same problem. druids get it easiest, because feral happens to be the tank and dps tree rolled into one, so they can go as either without having to respec. warriors, paladins, shaman, priests....they kinda get screwed, as well as balance druids for that matter. a dps warrior, paladin, shammy or priest is taking up a slot likely filled by a mage, hunter, rogue, or warlock. with the exception of the priest on some mobs (mind control) no one brings CC over what the mage, hunter, rogue or warlock bring.

the best solution at that point is to try and make your own groups. theres an old old joke from final fantasy XI about the dark knight class from the original japanese players. dark knights (or drks, abbreviated) were said to have the "auto leader" job ability, because there were so many classes capable of filling the damage role that the only way a drk would get a party would be to start one, and then fill it with players.

dps in WoW usually has the same problem. more people want to dps; no one (relatively speaking) really wants to tank or heal. but tanking and healing is just a bit more necessary than dps.

so it becomes a question of whats important to you. if you REALLY want a group, and they need a healer, you can opt to fill that role. if you dont feel like doing that, you can wait, and hope to get in a group (or start your own) as a dps. its kinda the curse and blessing of being a hybrid; you have the option to do many things, but a lot of the time you need to make a compromise between what you want to do and whats needed if you want to actually do something in a group.

the rub of it all is, a lot of the suggestions given to buff shaman viability in various aspects of the game are REALLY unnecessary. ultimately, shaman (and other hybrids) are much more viable than DPS classes are because shaman can fill multiple roles (dps or heals). a dps class has, at best, dps + crowd control to bring to the table, and youre not going to get thru an at-level instance on crowd conrol alone. you can, in most situations, make do with an off-spec healer however, as long as that healer knows how to heal and is geared for it.
#45 Mar 19 2008 at 5:13 AM Rating: Good
569 posts
The problem here isn't that people aren't aware that Shaman can deal great DPS. It's that in both PvP and PvE play there are a ******** of DPS class players, and only a few healing (and tanking, for that matter) class players. Unless your server is very different than the one I'm on now or the one my Guild server transferred from, your /lfg channel is full of the following: "Need tank and healer for <Instance>, then GTG!"

When people hear Shaman, or Paladin, or Priest, they want to hear that you're a healer, and not another DPS to compete with the spots already filled by Rogues, Warlocks, Hunters, and Mages. DPS classes which don't have a healing tree (or tanking tree, for Paladins).

Healers are more in demand. Everyone understands this. It will be easier to find groups as the more demanded role.

All I'm talking about is why someone takes a shaman or not when they still have DPS slots left to fill. I've never heard "sorry you can't come; your class can heal". It's usually: "we need someone with CC".

So my comments are mostly directed at whether or not shamans provide competitive value as the DPS component of the group.

Offtopic a bit, I think the fundamental reason I enjoy DPS more is it's less playerskill-capped. Basically if you can keep a group alive in a particular fight with 1200 +healing, there's not really a huge demand for improvement - the group lived, you did your job, what more could you do? Whereas with DPS killing things faster directly translates to that particular enemy dying faster (the only potential limiter is tank threat). Tanking classes are somewhere in the middle - your amazing threat generation is only useful if your members are skilled, but at least your ability to mitigate damage better constantly makes fights easier.

Granted, as a healer there is one place you can improve a little and that's damage. But it's generally a very inefficient thing for a healer to deal damage.
#46 Mar 19 2008 at 5:34 AM Rating: Decent
Taurrus, I dont agree about Resto being a 2nd rate healer.
We are one of the best group healers out there.

Chain heal isn't as effective in pvp as lesser healing wave is. Which basically takes away our group healing for pvp.
#47 May 03 2008 at 9:48 AM Rating: Decent
91 posts
I noticed several posts who said that Shaman were under-represented in 1800+. Is that maybe because the Shaman is the least played class (check that website im to lazy to look for atm)?

Blizzard devs have stated themselves that no tree has a specific definition or place in this game. All trees are meant to accomplish something, that something just happens to be better for PvE than PvP or vice versa. Blizzard never defines a tree purely as a PvE tree or PvP tree, it is the playerbase that does.

It is the playerbase that decides something is a PvE or a PvP tree, that's true. But its Blizzard who decides in which tree every mechanic (or talent) comes... And for some classes that makes some tree's more PvP oriented or PvE oriented --> It's blizzard who decides that Mortal Strike does a 50% healing debuff which is pretty ****** in Raids but truly outshines in PvP. It's blizzard who gives frost spells from a mage a debuff (at the costs of lower base dmg) which is useless in raids but truly outshines in PvP.

The point im trying, and desperately failing i assume, to make is that maybe we, players, decide if a specific tree is reverd as PvE or PvP but its Blizzard who makes the game mechanics, and it's blizzard who decides in what tree talents end up. Arent we just reacting to Blizzard's (unsaid) policy?

*Note. Plz don't refer to huntards BM tree because I know that kinda flames my post entirely... They deserve a nerf anyway...
#48 May 03 2008 at 10:01 AM Rating: Default
2,396 posts
gnetter wrote:
I noticed several posts who said that Shaman were under-represented in 1800+. Is that maybe because the Shaman is the least played class (check that website im to lazy to look for atm)?

You've got that all bass-ackwards.

Misconceptions, player preference, and discrimination do not dictate arena representation at higher ratings. Raw, unadulterated effectiveness does.

Most of the people (I would be willing to say nearly all) that play the Shaman class do so because they favor the class. People that pick classes based on effectiveness and care about winning more than anything else--known as power-gamers--do not roll Shaman. If Shaman talents and abilities were given a complete revision to make them more effective than, say, Warriors or Rogues if you're Enhancement, or Mages or Warlocks if you're Elemental, I guarantee you the Shaman population would see an increase in players and in representation at 1800+ as a result.
#49 May 04 2008 at 4:11 AM Rating: Good
947 posts
I was going to make the same point but Gaudion made it for me. Numbers drawn from a significantly large dataset (and Wow's player base, being the largest around, is about as good as it gets) don't usually lie, and the underrepresentation is a really strong indicator that something is wrong.

What is the other possibility? That people read all these negative posts so decide not to bother taking a Shaman to Arena? Nonsense. There are loads of Shamans in lower-bracket Arenas, but as soon as it gets truly competetive the presence of a Shaman weakens the team to an unacceptable degree, like a loose brick in a dam.

Gaudion is entirely correct that people who try to drag Shaman toons through endgame are doing so because they love their class but hey, every class has its diehard acolytes. If I am honest I love how my Shaman plays in PvE, but as soon as a PvP sitation arises it's just time to sigh and wait for them to stop corpsecamping you. I wish Shamans were as awesome as they were when I rolled the class, but they arent, and I am praying hard that in WotLK something awesome will happen that will give the class a few months in the sunshine before the inevitable nerf.
#50 May 04 2008 at 12:13 PM Rating: Default
I have to say I'm surprised this thread is still going!

I'm done with this class for now. 2.4 was a MAJOR disappointment for me. Our idiot lead Developer, Kalgan said that 2.4 would make shamans (particularly enhancement) viable for 2v2 arena. Guess what, no chance.

Instant GW...helps a bit. But anyone with any clue knows to purge it, or arcane shot it and you're snared again.

I'm sick and tired of being cheapshotted, gouged, blinded, kidney shotted, CC'd to death by rogues. Even when you do trinket the blind, you're already 1/2 dead by that point. I have 10K health and 11K armor with my sield on (which I always macro on when rogues attack me) 350+ resiliance and undergeared rogues still kick my enhancement *** while I stand there "you can't do that while stunned" over and over.

I can't get a group for a heroic as enhancement. Go ahead, try it, I dare you. If you're not resto, you don't get heroic groups, period. I'm not re-gearing resto, it would make months and months of welfare epic grinding for nothing.

I got kicked off my arena team, as I can buff the group, but a mage ended up taking my spot as their damage is higher, plus they can CC a healer. Not that I was not playing my role well or not dropping WF like I was supposed to, I was just always viewed as a liability. I get targeted in arena first each and every time. My survivablility in arena is about 20 seconds. Enough time to drop totems and pop SR and Bloodlust, that's about it.

I'm not freaking rerolling, I do not have the time or patience to grind another toon to 70 when I have 1 month+ played on my shaman. Now that GTA IV is here, with warhammer and AOC coming out, I'll not be returning unless we get some serious consideration and fixes on WoTLK...which we won't.

Cheers, good luck.

Edited, May 4th 2008 4:20pm by Taurrus
#51 May 04 2008 at 1:28 PM Rating: Default
8,779 posts
What is the other possibility? That people read all these negative posts so decide not to bother taking a Shaman to Arena? Nonsense. There are loads of Shamans in lower-bracket Arenas, but as soon as it gets truly competetive the presence of a Shaman weakens the team to an unacceptable degree, like a loose brick in a dam.

but how true is that? i know a guy who's ideal 5's farming setup includes an enh shammy; he'll hit 2k in 5's with a good enh shammy in under 4 hours. hes done the same with elemental, but prefers enhancement because of how he sets up his teams. sure, that may not be gladiator rating on my battlegroup (it might be on others tho) but its still 2k rating, and hes been to 2100 with that setup too, so clearly something is working here, and for him it works best with an enh shammy of all things.

Edited, May 4th 2008 2:34pm by Quor
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