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Getting Ready For KaraFollow

#1 Feb 11 2008 at 6:30 PM Rating: Decent
666 posts
Well I read the sticky, looked for various types of builds, and even checked around for what I should be collecting in order to start entering Kara. I also found this nice website:

Goes into what gear you should be looking for, and your stats before entering Kara. To sum it all up, this is what they've said:

* +Healing - 1k absolute minimum, 1.2k recomended pre-Curator, 1.5k recomended post-Curator
* Mana - 7k pre-Curator, 8.5k post-Curator, can be on the lower side if MP5 is high
* Health - 6-7k HP, Attumens Charge can crit for upwards of 8k so it’s a good idea to be on the higher side if you can manage it
* MP5 - 85 absolute minimum, 120 recomended, some recomend 150 for post-Curator but I’m not sure that much is necessary.

This is my priest:

To sum it up, she has:

6461 Health (Self-Buffed)
8505 Mana
1286 Healing (Self Buffed)
426 MP5 (While NOT Casting w/ Blessing of Wisdom Buff)
191 MP5 (While Casting w/ Blessing of Wisdom Buff)

I only hit 70 just Saturday, and I have been saving and creating gear as I've progressed through the levels. However I am still unsure of myself for being able to heal kara effectively. Mostly because I've never done it before.

This is actually my first healer up in the high-end. My other character is a hunter as is shown in my Signature. Where as I've seen every battle there is, and I know what healers go through, it's a completely different experience when you're playing one. I give all of you healers much more respect now then I ever did, because quite frankly, I thought you guys had it easy. I soon found out, that much like Trapping with my hunter, things can go horribly wrong, very quickly as the healer.

Judging which heals to use on which people, who can survive the hits a little longer, so maybe you can toss a heal to that dying mage in the corner. So many things run through my mind as a healer that just never occurred to me as a hunter (and obviously so, I can't exactly heal on my hunter).

I always play with my brother, who has a paladin. So Blessing of Wisdom is always on me, mostly why I displayed my MP5 up above. He's protection spec and I'm Disc/Holy. We make an awesome pair, because all we've ever needed is DPS for 5-man instances. Although now that we're 70, and heading into Kara, we're still a little nervous.

My main question (Yea I know I took forever to get to it), is if any of you have any suggestions going into Kara? Are my stats ok? Things perhaps I should be aware of? Maybe something I've overlooked? In terms of gear, or play style, or just tactics as a healer. I know all the fights very well, but again this is coming from a ranged DPS side of it, where I get to see everything that's going on.

As a healer I've noticed my sight is stuck on Health Bars, and I rarely pay attention to what's going on around me. Of course my brother has noticed this, and over vent he'll tell me when to move, so at least we have a form of communication in case I need to move, or he plans to move, or whatever the situation may be.

Any and all help would be appreciated, as I'm not to sure of myself moving into Kara just yet =P
#2 Feb 11 2008 at 7:18 PM Rating: Good
172 posts
For the first few bosses your stats are fine. Your biggest weakness is health, but that is partly blizz's fault for having no stam on the primal mooncloth set.

Shade would be difficult without more stam. The attunement comment in the referred to text is quite funny. If anyone is getting charged by Attumen then they are doing the fight wrong. No one other than the tank in the 3rd phase should be taking damage.

When I heal yeah all im generally looking at are bars. If you dont already have healbot I'd install that. When you get used to the fights you will know what is coming up and what to pay attention to.

Not really mentioned before but also make sure you have a focus macro for shackling as you will be a key element of cc on moroes.

Edit: A good test of whether you are ready for kara would be Sethekk Halls on heroic.

Edited, Feb 11th 2008 10:20pm by Minxete
#3 Feb 11 2008 at 9:32 PM Rating: Good
403 posts
Minxete gave a lot of good advice and I think your stats are fine for starting KZ.

As far as being obsessed with healing bars, its why they call raid healing "whack a mole". As a healer you will rarely get to "watch" the fight but you need to be situationally aware of what is going on since many fights will require you to move around a lot. It will come more naturally the more raids you run. The first early challenge you'll face is making sure a shackle is up during Moroes as you continue to heal.

If you dont already have healbot I'd install that.

Definately invest in a some healing mods. Personally I don't like healbot but if it works for you, rock on. I prefer Grid+Decursive or Grid+Clique. Use anything that makes life easier :]

Edited, Feb 12th 2008 12:34am by MookusOU
#4 Feb 12 2008 at 7:05 AM Rating: Excellent
1,180 posts
Can't give any tips on priest specific healing as mine is still on her way to 70, but in regards to watching health bars and being aware of the fight I'd suggest you get a boss addon.

Either Deadly Boss Mods (my favourite) or Big Wigs will give you various timers and warnings (big raid warning across the centre of your screen) about various things that are going on. This can help you react when necessary to aspects of the fight that you might otherwise miss.
#5 Feb 12 2008 at 8:16 AM Rating: Excellent
503 posts
I'm in the opposite situation as you. I've been farming kara with my priest for the last few months and have just begun to get my hunter in.

You health is a bit low, so keep a few piece of stam gear and switch out when you need. [wowitem=21861]Imbued Netherweave Robe[/wowitem] might be one choice and enchant both chest pieces with restore mana prime(+6mp5). Your gloves are enchanted with +crit, most of your crits will be overheals. Then again your gloves are lvl61 and I wouldn't waste 6 primal lifes on the +healing enchant. If you can, try to get a few friends to help you farm the first boss in bot for [wowitem=28304]Prismatic Mittens of Mending[/wowitem]. Another thing is get those 4 points in enchanting and enchant your rings with +healing. Good luck.
#6 Feb 12 2008 at 10:39 AM Rating: Excellent
236 posts
Another tip: When shackling, keep in mind that in your healing gear you will have low spell hit and they will break shackle early and often. Don't rely on your shackle duration like you do in normal 5-mans. The priest shackle can often make the difference in partial or full wipes in kara. When on Moroes adds, I usually throw about 3 heals and then a reshackle initially ... then you can get in a good cycle of renewing the shackle each time Moroes vanishes. Again when shackling the skeleton guardians leading to the Opera, renew that shackle often as those guys can one shot clothies.

Also, when shackling, try to get good distance from your shackle so you have time to reshackle if it breaks and they head to you. Oh, and don't have the paladin Moroes add as your shackle target ... his first move when breaking shackle is usually to stun you and that sucks. Have the holy priest or prot warrior as your target.

On long fights where you will need mana, take a mana pot early (like when you are at 70-75% mana so you can repot later. Also think about the timing of your shadowfiend in that cycle. For some bosses you have to be careful when using the shadowfiend due to aoe damage from them dropping it immediately (like Prince's shadow blast, Nightbane's charred earth, etc.).

Definitely get decursive for fights like Maiden. Your ability to see which holy fire debuffs are within your range to cleanse and immediately get on them is paramount.
#7 Feb 12 2008 at 1:25 PM Rating: Good
Really great advice from the above posters.

I too think your gear isn't going to be your problem.

Kara will teach you about controlling your agro in a hurry. If you agro, you will probably be dead. Lead with PoM always. Once it leaves the tank, throw another if it's up and start your renew and other heals. Get a good rotation going where you keep PoM and renew on the tank. Non-tanks can usually be handled by throwing them a renew, unless they are taking heavy damage. Be ready with PoH for AoE damage on your group.

Mana conservation will become important. It's more important to not run out of mana than to be at the top of the healing chart. Try to get out of the 5 second rule where you can. Carry mana pots and use them early on bosses. If you are inclined, flasks, superior mana oil, and some foods like golden fish sticks can add to your healing and mana regen.

I use grid. Find a healing mod you like and spend time configuring it to give you the most information.

Shackles in kara is one place where you can really add value. Use a shackle macro to shackle with focus. You do not have time to target the mob when re-shackling.

Use key bindings for some of your most needed spells. I have my shackle macro on the "-" key on the numeric keypad and fade on the "+". The idea is that there are some things you are going to need in a hurry.

Good luck and have fun in kara.
#8 Feb 12 2008 at 4:51 PM Rating: Decent
666 posts
Thank you all for the responses, most appreciated.

Minxete wrote:
The attunement comment in the referred to text is quite funny. If anyone is getting charged by Attumen then they are doing the fight wrong. No one other than the tank in the 3rd phase should be taking damage.

I completely agree, when we first started Kara it only took us 2 attempts on Attumen before we realized we should just group hug him on phase 3.

Minxete wrote:
Not really mentioned before but also make sure you have a focus macro for shackling as you will be a key element of cc on moroes.

Happen to have an example? =D

Minxete wrote:
Edit: A good test of whether you are ready for kara would be Sethekk Halls on heroic.

I will definately try this, thanks.

MookusOU wrote:
Definately invest in a some healing mods. Personally I don't like healbot but if it works for you, rock on. I prefer Grid+Decursive or Grid+Clique. Use anything that makes life easier :]

I actually use Grid + Decursive and find them to be invaluable. I never really found an updated Healbot mod, so I stayed away from it. My only main gripe with Grid is the fact that you can't set specific area's where you want it to go when it gets bigger. For example if I'm in a normal group (5-man) I like the grid to be right under the party portraits on the left hand side. But for BG's I prefer the grid to be on the far right hand side, and display just about everyone there is, so I can easily just click a square and hit renew. Other than that though, the mod is great.

Tynuv wrote:
Either Deadly Boss Mods (my favourite)

Mine too, and I'm quite used to it already because of my hunter. I'll just need to pay a little more attention to it while also keeping an eye on my Grid UI.

azelia wrote:
You health is a bit low, so keep a few piece of stam gear and switch out when you need.

Yea my health is my biggest concern atm. I'm saving up for the Primal Mooncloth, and creating more mooncloth when I can, but that obviously won't help out my lack of stamina.

azelia wrote:
Imbued Netherweave Robe might be one choice and enchant both chest pieces with restore mana prime(+6mp5).

Restore Mana Prime a little better then the +15 spirit? I mostly went with the +15 Spirit to add to my spirit for a little extra healing + Mp5.

azelia wrote:
Your gloves are enchanted with +crit, most of your crits will be overheals. Then again your gloves are lvl61 and I wouldn't waste 6 primal lifes on the +healing enchant. If you can, try to get a few friends to help you farm the first boss in bot for Prismatic Mittens of Mending.

I laughed when I read this, because just last night I obtained those exact gloves. However I don't want to switch out just yet until I have my Robe. As you can tell from my head piece, I kind of need my current gloves in order to keep my Meta Gem activated =P I'm sure there's better options out there for me in terms of meta gems, but it was a cheapy at the time, and I already had the gems to make it active. The +Crit on my current gloves was actually to raise my enchanting skill. As you said, you wouldn't waste the 6 primal life on those particular gloves, so I never did either.

azelia wrote:
Another thing is get those 4 points in enchanting and enchant your rings with +healing. Good luck.

I'm definately working on it. I really do what the +Healing to my rings and can't wait to get it.

Velluna your whole post was most helpful. I was a little worried about the shackle duration and wondered why in the past it didn't exactly stick so well. From lvl 40 on I've only played Disc/Holy, since my brother was a prot paladin, it was very easy to instance grind. I know in Kara I can go down pretty quickly, unfortunately I've experienced this with my hunter as I've had to pick up an extra add after a priest was killed by his shackled add.

I'm slowly getting used to my pet, but unfortunately I haven't completely remembered that I have him. It's usually when I'm scraping the bottom of my mana pool that I actually remember I do have him, and that I probably should have used him a little earlier. Now a quick question as I haven't noticed this personally, but do our pets try to stay behind the mobs? I know they changed it on the hunter pets and the warlock pets, so that the pet will constantly try to get behind it's target now, the same applies for ours too right?

The Honorable dadanox wrote:
Be ready with PoH for AoE damage on your group.

Now I know this may sound stupid, but would you advise using Inner Focus with PoH? Or save it for a completely different heal all together? Hopefully by the time I need to use the tank has sufficient aggro already and the PoH will do more healing then harm (so to speak).

The Honorable dadanox wrote:
Mana conservation will become important. It's more important to not run out of mana than to be at the top of the healing chart. Try to get out of the 5 second rule where you can.

Being a complete noob to the whole 5 second rule, can you briefly explain this to me? And what do you mean by getting out of it?

Thank you all again for the responses, most appreciated. I feel more confident now in my ability to heal through Kara. Now one more quick question... as if I haven't already asked enough. If anyone could take a look at my spec, and perhaps suggest something a little more specific? What I mostly mean is, a good spec for a pure raid healer, or a main healer, or just an off-healer while in kara. We typically run with 3 healers, mostly just for safety purposes and it makes things a lot easier.

My Current Spec

I know Holy Nova isn't that great, and I mostly only have it now for farming purposes (you have to understand with a protection paladin all we did was instance grind, so we're just now doing the outland quests, Holy Nova has proved to be very useful when we're grinding low lvl mobs, later on I will probably just respec out of it completely). So please ignore the fact that I have Holy Nova =P
#9 Feb 12 2008 at 6:11 PM Rating: Good
Joobishwun wrote:
Minxete wrote:
Not really mentioned before but also make sure you have a focus macro for shackling as you will be a key element of cc on moroes.

Happen to have an example? =D;mid=119209416767664166#m119215763828339500

Joobishwun wrote:

The Honorable dadanox wrote:
Be ready with PoH for AoE damage on your group.

Now I know this may sound stupid, but would you advise using Inner Focus with PoH? Or save it for a completely different heal all together? Hopefully by the time I need to use the tank has sufficient aggro already and the PoH will do more healing then harm (so to speak).

When you need PoH, you need it in a hurry. I don't worry about inner focus for it, but it would save you some mana. By the time you use it, the tank should have pretty good agro.

Joobishwun wrote:

The Honorable dadanox wrote:
Mana conservation will become important. It's more important to not run out of mana than to be at the top of the healing chart. Try to get out of the 5 second rule where you can.

Being a complete noob to the whole 5 second rule, can you briefly explain this to me? And what do you mean by getting out of it?

" Five Second Rule

After a character expends mana in casting a spell, the effective amount of mana gained per tick from spirit-based regeneration becomes a ratio of the normal listed above, for a period of 5 seconds. During this period mana regeneration is said to be interrupted. This is commonly referred to as the five second rule.

Channeled spells are handled a little differently. The five second rule starts when the spell's channeling starts; i.e. when you pay the mana for it. The rule continues for at least five seconds, and longer if the spell is channeled for more than five seconds. For example, Mind Flay channels for 3 seconds and interrupts your regeneration for 5 seconds, while Tranquility channels for 10 seconds and interrupts your regeneration for the full 10 seconds.

By default, your interrupted mana regeneration ratio is 0%, meaning that spirit-based mana regeneration is suspended for 5 seconds after casting. Several effects can increase this ratio, including: Meditation"

If you can take a pause in your spell casting, you gain back mana faster. Inner Focus can be used to extend your time outside the 5 second rule.

Edited, Feb 12th 2008 9:16pm by dadanox
#10 Feb 12 2008 at 7:18 PM Rating: Decent
403 posts
Being a complete noob to the whole 5 second rule, can you briefly explain this to me? And what do you mean by getting out of it?

Lucky for you I just made a rather lengthy post on my guilds forum because two people leveled up priest alts and have never healed before so I'll just copy/paste it here for you.

The 5SR essentially halves your mana regen for 5 seconds upon completion of a spell. You can check your i5sr v. o5sr on your character sheet by mousing over "regeneration" and you'll get two numbers one is inside 5sr the other is o5sr. Obviously the goal is to spend as much time o5sr as possible. But how do you do that in raids when you are constantly chain casting?

What the 5SR Really Means
First lets get into the very technical wording of 5sr. The 5sr begins upon completion of a spell that costs mana. I know that sounds very basic but read over it again and soak it in. The 5sr on your character sheet says "x mana regenerated every 5 seconds while casting" and is very misleading.

Basic Stopcasting
Now lets go on to stopcasting. Stopcasting is basically a way for you to always remain on the edge of casting but never completing the spell. Here is the first part of why I had you reread the 5sr definition. 5sr only begins when a spell is completed. So a Gheal time is 2.5 seconds, basically with stopcasting you'll always be 1-2 full seconds into the heal. This is important because bosses hit hard and if you wait for the damage to actually occur before you begin to cast you give that boss an extra 2.5 seconds to land another hit before you get your Gheal off. So set up your stopcast macros as such:

/cast Greater Heal(Rank 1)

/cast Greater Heal(Rank 2)

/cast Greater Heal(Rank 7)

When the tank charges in select them and start your stopcast macro. If the tank does not need the heal, press the macro again and you'll begin a new heal and be ready to let it go off if the tank takes a hit.

This all sounds relatively basic and you may be asking "why not just sit there and cast nothing" but it'll come into larger play later.

Clearcasting and Inner Focus

Clearcasting is a result of the Holy Concentration talent while Inner Focus is its own talent. The important thing both talents share is that they allow you a free cast. Remember that 5SR definition? Go reread it if not. The words "cost mana" should be sticking out like a sore thumb now. Bells should be ringing, light bulbs should be going off, you should be able to see the beginnings of a loophole.

Bringing it all Together
Clearcasting procs on FH and GH 6% of the time. Obviously you cannot control when it procs. You can however, control Inner Fire. So enough of the kiddie pool its time to toss you in the deep end.

When chain casting GH over and over, even with clearcasting procs, you will spend at best one tick o5sr. Why?

1. Cast GH2 (2.5sec) and complete.
- 5sr begins.
2. Cast GH2 (2.5sec) and complete.
- 5sr begins again.
3. Cast GH2 (2.5sec) and complete with clearcast proc.
- 5sr does not begin again, BUT you are still approx 2.5secs in the 5sr from your 2nd GH.
4. Cast GH2 (2.5 sec). Now you probably aren't getting your casts exactly 2.5 secs apart so around here you'll finally get a full o5sr tick. If you are chaining them exactly together by using a mod like Quartz (and you should be) you may not get any o5sr at all.

How that rotation should have gone:

1. Cast GH2 (2.5 sec) and complete.
- 5sr begins.
2. Cast GH2 (2.5 sec) and complete.
- 5sr begins again.
3. Cast GH2 (2.5 sec) and complete with clearcast proc.
- 5sr does not begin again, BUT you are still approx 2.5secs in the 5sr from your 2nd GH.
4. Stopcast GH7 (* sec) and complete.
* Use stopcasting to delay this cast as long as possible, meaning you'll hit the macro once, twice, maybe three times depending on the situation. You can allow the tank to take an extra hit or two because your next heal will be a big GH7 not GH2. Also, you are playing the clock here. After one stopcast you'll be o5sr and get a full o5sr tick. By the time the spell goes off you'll have been o5sr for an additional 2.5 sec. At this point you should now be somewhere between 7-10 seconds o5sr, maybe even more if you're lucky.
5. Cast Inner Focus
6. Cast GH7 (** sec).
** Due to Clearcast in step 4 you are STILL o5sr and your next spell again is free of mana cost. Stopcast this GH7 again like you did in step 4.
7. Cast GH2 (2.5sec) and complete.
- Finally go back i5sr.

Ideally you can spend 10,15,20 or more seconds o5sr while you are still casting. Obviously the mana returns of o5sr v. i5sr are huge.

Hope this helps :]

Edited, Feb 12th 2008 10:19pm by MookusOU

Edited, Feb 12th 2008 10:22pm by MookusOU
#11 Feb 12 2008 at 7:54 PM Rating: Good
18 posts
Provided all the information above hasnt gone over your head, one thing very important to find about yourself is a healer is how long you spend inside the 5 second rule. Mookus' post is very helpful to help you become a mana efficinet healer.

To your comment about the +6 mp5 or the 15 spirit on the chest. the +6 mp5 is much better than the spirit, espcially since you will be new to raid healing and will spend almost all of your time inside the 5 second rule. To my point, the more time you spend inside the 5 second rule the more spirit you need in order to equal 1 mp5 for mana regen purposes. There is a post that explains it all with the math shown, but I dont have the time to find it right now(ill try when I get home).

MP5 > spirit is what I am getting at. hopefully I didt add to confusion. :S
#12 Feb 12 2008 at 11:56 PM Rating: Decent
666 posts
It took me a while to get the full gist of Mookus post. So correct me if I'm wrong here as I try to sum it up in my own words.

Basically the Tooltips should read:

"Mana Regenerated every 5 seconds after waiting 5 seconds of casting a spell that costs mana"


"Mana Regenerated every 5 seconds starting from the last cast that used mana (i.e. if you continue to chain cast and not wait for 5 seconds in between casts, this is the best you can get for MP5)"

If I'm understanding the meaning correctly that Mookus gave.

Now with the addition of the /stopcasting macro's. I believe what Mookus is saying is that I can constantly have a heal in the works, while waiting for my tank to take damage. Keeping myself constantly o5SR until I really need to heal the tank, at which point it will be probably be close to instantaneous since I've been constantly casting/interrupting. Then I just repeat the cycle again, keeping myself in the constant o5SR.

Obviously the problem occurs when I'm chain healing for the most part, or some one drops suddenly and I have to toss them a quick heal, interrupting the transition from i5sr to o5sr.

Extremely helpful post Mookus, I hope I'm getting the basic idea of it down ;)

#13 Feb 13 2008 at 12:06 AM Rating: Decent
666 posts
Many thanks to you as well dadonax, I'm learning more and more as I advance on my priest, and I never honestly thought healing could become so... in depth. Hell I thought it was hard at times now... the whole 5SR just blows everything out of the water, but I imagine if you can master that along with everything else coming your way, you should be fine.

Also that macro is EXTREMELY helpful. Thank you again very very much.
#14 Feb 13 2008 at 12:53 AM Rating: Good
403 posts
"Mana Regenerated every 5 seconds after waiting 5 seconds of casting a spell that costs mana" ....

Yeah it all has to do with spell completion (that costs mana) and the time between. The actual casting length (as the cast bar fills left to right) doesn't restart 5sr and that is what I'm trying to get across about the tooltip being misleading. Looks like you understood me just fine.

Now with the addition of the /stopcasting macro's. I believe what Mookus is saying is that I can constantly have a heal in the works, while waiting for my tank to take damage. Keeping myself constantly o5SR until I really need to heal the tank, at which point it will be probably be close to instantaneous since I've been constantly casting/interrupting.

Yeah thats exactly what I mean although you don't "constantly" stay o5sr, you want to spend as much time in between cast completions as possible.

Do you get the clearcasting / inner focus part? Thats where the huge mana returns come from.

Edited, Feb 13th 2008 3:59am by MookusOU

Edited, Feb 13th 2008 4:13am by MookusOU
#15 Feb 13 2008 at 12:54 AM Rating: Good
462 posts
Good post on the 5 sec rule, can be really confusing. It is very very helpful at times, especially with things like the earring of soulful meditation of lurker.

I just feel you can't get too caught up in it, there are just far too many fights where there is little to no time to be out of the 5 sec rule.
#16 Feb 13 2008 at 1:03 AM Rating: Good
403 posts
True. But I still think it is a good habit to get into. Not to mention practice helps you to attain a more instinctive reaction of noticing you've clearcasted and then using IF which will bring you nice mana returns even if you are unable to stopcast.

But yeah you're right as you progress there is less and less wiggle room to stopcast. Thats why Bliz gave us that sweet T5 2 piece set bonus. Which I noticed you have /envy.

Edited, Feb 13th 2008 4:07am by MookusOU
#17 Feb 13 2008 at 1:11 AM Rating: Decent
666 posts
MookusOU wrote:
Do you get the clearcasting / inner focus part? Thats where the huge mana returns come from.

Oh yea completely, the explanation was dead on. Pretty much with the spamming of G1-G2 until Clearcasting goes off, then I can wait a bit, while my tank gets a little lower, and cast out G7 for an even bigger heal at no cost, and using inner focus to top it off, meanwhile still staying in the o5SR for the duration through both and even a little beyond until I finally get to a spell that will cost me mana.

MookusOU wrote:
Yeah thats exactly what I mean although you don't "constantly" stay o5sr, you want to spend as much time in between cast completions as possible.

Yea sorry, didn't mean to use the word "constantly" more or less "as much as possible" as you've said. Was just a mix of words, I knew what I meant, but the words didn't portray what I was thinking.

MookusOU wrote:
Ideally you can spend 10,15,20 or more seconds o5sr while you are still casting. Obviously the mana returns of o5sr v. i5sr are huge.

So to take it just a step further, if my "While Not Casting" MP5 is roughly 400, assuming I stay within this state while Clearcasting is up, followed by Inner Focus, if I'm able to wait that full 20 seconds, I could potentially get back 1600 mana within that time. Of course timing is the key, and making sure your tank or other party members don't die, but that's all part of the challenge.

The whole post itself just opened my eyes to how it is healers are so efficient with their mana during boss fights. As my hunter I never really questioned it, but I did notice that certain people were going OOM faster then others. Either due to healing tactics, or what they used, or something. Usually after a talk with a guild mate about the healing they improved, but being a hunter I never asked questions.

But of course here I am in the same situation on my priest and I can't thank you guys enough for the helpful posts. We need an updated sticky or somethin with this info.
#18 Feb 13 2008 at 10:03 AM Rating: Decent
462 posts
True. But I still think it is a good habit to get into. Not to mention practice helps you to attain a more instinctive reaction of noticing you've clearcasted and then using IF which will bring you nice mana returns even if you are unable to stopcast.

Yep good point, will stop you from panicing in a tight spot when you use it. My mention of fights were you can't do it are really less than fights you can do it. If you can coordinate it with another healer even better.

Good for you to learn it no Joob, I learned it a lot later than I would have wanted. Damn blizzard and their out of date tool tips.

Ya the 2 peice T5 bonus is pretty sweet, when i get my next peice of T6 I'm gonna see how helpful it really is. Might have to switch back to T5 2 peice again esspecially for certain fights.
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