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Elemental Raiding talents/ cast sequence (from a non-shaman)Follow

#27 Feb 10 2008 at 2:07 PM Rating: Default
1,121 posts
Fauxreal to my rescue thank you sir

it is not hard to put yourself at the perfect spot I do it every time, you stand far back and edge forward at the start it take 2 seconds, something you can do while dropping totems and waiting for your tank to gain enough initial threat.

if an infernal drops where the tank is he backs upo so does group, if infernal drops on casters they back up or move foraward so does the tank,, why? because if group backs up they are out of range to even heal as he has been positioned perfectly 40 yards away from healers.

I never said Storm Reach was a bad talent, I said it was a luxury and I personally suggest more points in Unrelenting storm to gain as much dps as possible.

400 intellect+ AI+BOK=484= about 19 mana per 5, so it is not much but it helps a bit, thats what 3 pieces of gear offer in mana regen.

If you want 6 more yards (which is great for pvp) go for it, but I sacrifice all to increase total overall dps output in pve.

So Gaudion do you always take it so personal when people have a different oppinion then yourself? All you have done is insulted and called me a liar, so we had a different oppinion get over it ok.

Oh i'll be over tonight if you would please where that pretty number from the other night i can't wait to see you again i want to hold you in my arms and look you in the eyes and see my future with you inside them baby...
#28 Feb 10 2008 at 4:07 PM Rating: Excellent
2,396 posts
jmfmb wrote:
So Gaudion do you always take it so personal when people have a different oppinion then yourself? All you have done is insulted and called me a liar, so we had a different oppinion get over it ok.

I take it personally when people give terrible advice to people who don't know any better.
#29REDACTED, Posted: Feb 10 2008 at 8:27 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) seems like you knew way better about the whole prince fight MIRIGHT
#30 Feb 10 2008 at 8:57 PM Rating: Good
427 posts
While I sometimes may disagree with Gaudion, he does know what he's talking about usually -- this case is not an exception. Storm Reach is certainly a talent you should take in any build; you'll save a lot more mana from crits than from mp5 gear, so why not put them in?

Anyway, unless all you freakin' do is 25 mans (ie no soloing, no 5 mans, no heroics, nothing other than raiding), then your point is moot. Let's say you get aggro in a heroic -- Storm Reach puts you at a farther distance, letting you kite for longer, letting your tank regain aggro, thus saving you and your group a hefty repair bill. Or let's say you're out farming -- that extra yardage will help you kill it quicker, because that mob won't be beating on you (thus increasing downtime, and castime due to pushback), and you can farm quicker.

Storm Reach is a must-have talent for pretty much any build; there may be certain fights where it is not required, but that's like saying not to take Imp Chain Heal because in some select few fights you can't use Chain Heal.

EDIT: And to jmfmb (or however the hell you spell it) -- you are an illiterate fool, and your opinion means little more than that of a cockroach. If I hurt your feelings...oh well. Judging by your nescient diatribe in your last post, you won't care -- all the better! Perhaps if you were a bit more acquainted with the bloody English language, people would grant you slightly more respect.

Edited, Feb 11th 2008 12:00am by GWynand
#31 Feb 10 2008 at 10:16 PM Rating: Default
1,121 posts
Yes I know typos and making up words for the lose...

Look I didn't start throwing out names or pointing any fingers calling people names,my debate was that I prefer Unrelenting Storm, and from the beginning I said it was a great talent, but for me a luxury, this is my opinion, take it in or don't but don't sit here and talk to me like i am a idiot.

Gaudion just felt it was necessary to make it a personal issue since I disagreed with some of his suggestion, now no one likes to be wrong, I understand this but i never called him an idiot or a liar, and since this is his way of trying to debate with me I decided why not go the extra mile with it.

So I apologize if I offended anyone, but Gaudion I think you need to learn how to discuss things in a much more positive aptitude.

again GW if you haven't anything nice to say how about you keep it to yourself?
#32 Feb 11 2008 at 7:26 PM Rating: Good
427 posts
jmfmb wrote:

again GW if you haven't anything nice to say how about you keep it to yourself?

Ah, the cry of the epic fail. Any time anyone is put down, their old mantra is repeated once more.

The point is that in my opinion, my opinion is more valid than yours! We are all entitled to our opinions, amirite?
#33 Feb 12 2008 at 1:10 AM Rating: Default
1,121 posts
lol why is your opinion more important?
#34 Feb 12 2008 at 6:36 AM Rating: Good
So many memories

#35 Feb 12 2008 at 9:03 AM Rating: Default
514 posts
LOL, dun get so worked up. Its only game, and the good thing here is, even if u make a mistake, u can still respec (I cannot imagine if we had to level from 1 again grind rep if we can't respec, urgh)

Edited, Feb 12th 2008 12:05pm by waihwang
#36 Feb 12 2008 at 10:53 AM Rating: Default
1,121 posts
Draenei I have been nice to you lately, don't forget to mention you put up a 61/0/0 spec for ele pve build and then changed it, or something horrible like that, that deserved someone to step in and put you where you belong.
#37 Feb 12 2008 at 10:55 AM Rating: Default
1,121 posts
Besides who's worked up, you guys have given me something to check up on when i am bored.
#38 Feb 12 2008 at 4:42 PM Rating: Good
in and put you where you belong.

First of all I belong whrever the F*ck i want, Don't F*cking talk down to me like you're better than me. It takes a lot to **** me off, and ou just hut one of my buttons ma'am. Don't act like you're better than me because you are not ma'am. Your arrogance is not needed nor wanted. If anything, you need to beput in your place. You think your better than anyone here? NOT, you need to be put where you belong, in the seat next to me.

edit : For more info see the bottom of my sig.

Edited, Feb 12th 2008 7:43pm by Draeneipally
#39 Feb 12 2008 at 5:37 PM Rating: Default
1,121 posts
WoW draenie i am sorry if i hurt your feelings sweet cheeks, but I think anyone with half a brain knows that more then 41 points in a PvE Elemental shaman build is a bad Idea sir =P
#40 Feb 12 2008 at 5:42 PM Rating: Good
2,069 posts
This thread is helpful.

Song of the day:
May 26, 2011 -- Transplants
#41 Feb 12 2008 at 5:47 PM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
No it is not helpful I am done, apologies to the shaman forum community.
#42 Feb 13 2008 at 4:21 PM Rating: Excellent
1,245 posts
--Edited 'cause of the Shaman Love thread.--

Yeah, it was for you, Gaudion. ;P

Edited, Feb 13th 2008 7:23pm by Raglu
#43 Feb 15 2008 at 12:34 AM Rating: Default
i am a 70 shadow preist and i have ot mave all the ******* time so 1/1 saying u do on price the nova will kill u u are batting zero
#44 Feb 19 2008 at 1:37 AM Rating: Good
210 posts pve raiding, you can play with the resto tree to your liking 4/5totems for 2/2 self rez or fill out totems.. i perfer .5sec off of heals cause i rather get that heal off on myself faster and not die instead of saving like 40 mana.

i personally hate eye of the storm i spec'd it to finish leveling and yet to spec out of it but i rarely get critted while farming so its never up so really not worth the points, and if i step into a BG i try to hide and just LB/CL ppl if they see me im dead anyways so the talent really isn't worth the points.

also if your raiding either use a LB spam if you have a great amount of haste or a 3/1 rotation, i use a 4/1 rotation cause i have a decent amount of haste but not enough to really forget about the boost of damage CL can put out; ill switch to a 3/1 spam if theirs a bunch of mobs and no sheeps around.. last thing when you under heroism buff its really not worth using CL in that 45sec's just spam LB for the 45secs then switch back to your rotation with CL in it.

if your pvp driven never spec 41 elemental, you only usually get to set up totems once in arena other then tremor/poison.. and NS far out weights wrath in pvp.

in raids youll range from 2-7 on meters depending on fights, ill come in first on some fights like lurker but not often locks usually beat me and a rogue sometimes.. all our mages are sadly spec'd frost

Edited, Feb 19th 2008 4:41am by Scracky
#45 Feb 19 2008 at 7:16 AM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
GWynand wrote:
Anyway, unless all you freakin' do is 25 mans (ie no soloing, no 5 mans, no heroics, nothing other than raiding), then your point is moot.

Actually, I would probably say that Storm Reach is required more in 25-man content than anywhere else. Even if you could feasibly wade through a heroic or Karazhan as jmfmb is suggesting, 25-man bosses are a whole new animal. You will be constantly moving and repositioning to avoid multiple boss mechanics; many of them have AoE's that reach anywhere from 30-40 yards. More still will constantly spawn adds you'll have to move to engage. You simply do not have the luxery of standing in one perfect little spot (which IMO is still a stretch on Prince and I'd love to see a vid of you doing this) or even just backing up a yard or two every so often.

If there's any rule in this game that's constant at all it's that you always want to give yourself the largest possible margin for error.
#46 Feb 19 2008 at 7:54 AM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
Prince it's possible to do without Storm Reach - as a shadow priest, I have to take about 3 steps back (I think? haven't done Prince in a few months) in order to get out of range with my 24-yard Mind Flay (arg!). Well within 30 yards of him, anywho. Beyond that, ANY range increases are a must. Being at max range on Reaver is a must, less running around on Al'ar p2, Leo's Whirlwinds, the adds on Lurker, throwing damage on Striders, Supremus p2... should I go on?
#47 Feb 19 2008 at 2:32 PM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
Actually, I would probably say that Storm Reach is required more in 25-man content than anywhere else. Even if you could feasibly wade through a heroic or Karazhan as jmfmb is suggesting, 25-man bosses are a whole new animal. You will be constantly moving and repositioning to avoid multiple boss mechanics; many of them have AoE's that reach anywhere from 30-40 yards. More still will constantly spawn adds you'll have to move to engage. You simply do not have the luxery of standing in one perfect little spot (which IMO is still a stretch on Prince and I'd love to see a vid of you doing this) or even just backing up a yard or two every so often.

If there's any rule in this game that's constant at all it's that you always want to give yourself the largest possible margin for error.

Thats fair enough gaudion, I don't do many 25mans, but I do lots of heroics and 10 mans and never found it needed, but in a 25man where moving is more frequent I can agree with you.
#48 Feb 19 2008 at 11:29 PM Rating: Decent
Before tier 5 raids I used a spec like this
Once we started SSC I switched to

For casting sequence, I wait for the tank to build up a good amount of agro while I lay my mana, and 2 wrath totems, then cast an EM chain lightning if its safe. I then just cast 4 lightning bolts then chain lightning and repeat this. If I notice my mana going down too fast I just stop casting chain lightning.
#49 Feb 20 2008 at 5:24 PM Rating: Decent
You have no right to put people down, I hope you had your PVP gear on when I checked your armory but you are way under geared, you have no hit/pathetic crit
and barely any decent spell damage,

I am a resto shaman 2 piece teir 5, but have had a healing holiday for 2 weeks and I have better stats than you.

I know I am 42/0/19 as I accidently put 1 more talent than i wanted to in Unrelenting storm and would rather have 5 points in tidal mastery, but as I am only speccing ele for 2 or 3 weeks i wasnt changing it, and I do have 5 points stacked in reverberation as I will be kiting striders spamming frost shock on Lady Vashj fight in SSC
and I do not believe in having any points in storm reach, I have never ever had a issue with this, maybe pvp would be nice, but this is a nice talent not a necsesity,
#50 Feb 20 2008 at 5:53 PM Rating: Decent
1,233 posts
As a side note:

I updated the FAQ Elemental PVE spec to Gaudion's spec. But the same holds true that it's up to personal preference, and granted his is slightly better than mine was anyway, props.

Second, interesting observation. You may notice a loss in dps on trash raid pulls the farther away from the mob you are because you dont actually hit the mob until the bolt hits them (considering your distance). So if possible, (and only when you have no fear of AoE or cleave effects, standing close to the mob you're shooting lighting at might actually give you a better representation of your dps.

I noticed that in Karazhan last night that although our group far out-geared the instance, my dps was completely under what it should have been until I realized that only one or two of my lighting bolts were hitting the mob before they died.
#51 Feb 21 2008 at 2:00 AM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
You have no right to put people down, I hope you had your PVP gear on when I checked your armory but you are way under geared, you have no hit/pathetic crit
and barely any decent spell damage,

I am a resto shaman 2 piece teir 5, but have had a healing holiday for 2 weeks and I have better stats than you.

I know I am 42/0/19 as I accidently put 1 more talent than i wanted to in Unrelenting storm and would rather have 5 points in tidal mastery, but as I am only speccing ele for 2 or 3 weeks i wasnt changing it, and I do have 5 points stacked in reverberation as I will be kiting striders spamming frost shock on Lady Vashj fight in SSC
and I do not believe in having any points in storm reach, I have never ever had a issue with this, maybe pvp would be nice, but this is a nice talent not a necsesity,

If your talking to me I will try to leave my pve gear on for you, but stats unbuffed with totems are as followed:

Max DPS gear
Nature Damage= 1091
Lightning Spell Crit= 35.39%
Spell Hit= 14.70%
Mana Regen= 141 (with mana stream 191)
Mana Pool= 9023

Max Crit gear
Nature Damage= 981
Lightning Spell Crit= 41%
Spell Hit= 13.11%
Mana Regen= 133 (with mana stream 183)
Mana Pool= 9068

Now with raid buffs, flasks, food, and oils, I have gotten as High as 1200+ spell damage, and 45%+ spell crit.

Ya my pvp gear does suck its what I am working on atm, getting my S1 pants in morning and hopefully S1 chest by tues, and on tues I can finaly afford my S2 shoulders and start working on the rest of my pvp gear. Hope you guys are rooting me on ^^
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