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Elemental Raiding talents/ cast sequence (from a non-shaman)Follow

#1 Feb 07 2008 at 3:59 PM Rating: Good
127 posts
I have an elemental shaman in my kara group who is getting horribly schooled in DPS (I often beat him as a pally tank). He is usually grouped with a fire mage, a moonkin, a holy pally, and a shadow priest. I want to help him get caught up to the rest of the group in DPS, but my shaman knowhow is pretty limited (I think my shaman is level 32).

I looked at the Elemental PvE build in the Comprehensive Shaman FAQ, and have a few questions. Why take eye of the storm? You shouldn't really be hit much in PvE, whouldn't something like Reverberation do you a bit more good? If not that, why not buff your fire nova and magma totems a bit more by taking the second point in improved fire totems and a couple ranks of Call of Flame? Admittedly most of those talents at that level look ... like they're more for enhancement builds, but you have to spend the points somewhere.

Also, are the two points in Storm Reach worth giving up two points of Unrelenting Storm? I'm not sure how much mana regen Shammy's actually need.

What kind of casting sequence do elemental shamans usually use? Is it just spamming lightning bolt, or do you mix in shocks and such? Also, what totems do you recommend using?
#2 Feb 07 2008 at 6:09 PM Rating: Excellent
2,396 posts
nimrokon wrote:
I looked at the Elemental PvE build in the Comprehensive Shaman FAQ, and have a few questions. Why take eye of the storm? You shouldn't really be hit much in PvE...

Absolutely right. No reason at all to take EotS for PvE.

If you think he needs to respec, this is my Elemental raiding build. Not saying he needs to spec that exactly, but you can use it as a reference.

... whouldn't something like Reverberation do you a bit more good?

Not really. You actually shock very infrequently as an Elemental Shaman in PvE. Not saying Reverberation isn't good for PvE, because it is, but it's a talent you can afford to lose points in if you need them elsewhere.

If not that, why not buff your fire nova and magma totems a bit more by taking the second point in improved fire totems and a couple ranks of Call of Flame?

Buffing your fire totems is good for PvP, but won't really serve you well in PvE beyond level 50. You're going to want to drop Totem of Wrath for your fire totem 100% of the time in instance parties and raids.

Also, are the two points in Storm Reach worth giving up two points of Unrelenting Storm? I'm not sure how much mana regen Shammy's actually need.

Unrelenting Storm is far less necessary than Storm Reach. No Elemental build should ever be without Storm Reach. Period.

What kind of casting sequence do elemental shamans usually use? Is it just spamming lightning bolt, or do you mix in shocks and such? Also, what totems do you recommend using?

Mana Spring Totem, Wrath of Air Totem, Totem of Wrath. There is no earth totem for casters, so skip it unless there's a melee in your group, in which case give them Strength of Earth or Stoneskin, or if there is a mob around that fears drop Tremor Totem.

After that... just spam Lightning Bolt. That's it. There's no rotation to speak of for pure DPS. Lightning Bolt is going to do more damage and cost you far less mana over time. However, spamming Lightning Bolt means you have to stay rooted since it has a cast time. If a battle forces you to go mobile (for example, when you have to move for Prince's infernals or run out for Shade's Arcane Explosion), then you should Flame Shock and let that tick while you run to whever you need to be. And as soon as you get there, go right back to spamming Lightning Bolt.

Chain Lightning can net you some good DPS, but you have to be very careful about when you cast it in Kara and beyond. If you break a CC or crit and/or Overload on targets the tanks don't have enough peripheral aggro on, nine people are going to be very unhappy with you. Also, if you are casting it in any kind of sustained situation, I would recommend only doing so when Elemental Focus procs, otherwise it'll eat too much of your mana as it typically costs two-to-three times as much as Lightning Bolt.

Edited, Feb 8th 2008 1:19am by Gaudion
#3 Feb 07 2008 at 8:35 PM Rating: Default
1,121 posts
For PvE you can not go wrong so long as you have these talents (all maxed out preferred)

Elemental Tree:
Elemental Focus
Unrelenting Storm
Lightning Mastery
Elemental Precision
Elemental Mastery
Totem Of Wrath

Restoration Tree:
Nature's Guidance
Tidal Mastery

Ok here is the problem, this may not look like much But you have few points to distribute. These are all must have pve talents, Storm Reach also while it is a nice talent is NOT a must have PvE talent, your dps wont be affected by distance from enemies, having more range is a bonus for PvE not a must.

Flame Shock is a great opener spell, and a great spell to use when you readjust you position. The Nice bonus to Having Unrelenting Storm is more mana, why is this a big increase in dps? well for burst fights it means you can spam Chain Lightning more often, and for endurance fights it means you wont go out of mana too fast.

When providing Raid dps it is generally Lightning Bolt Spam or cast 3 then Chain Lightning, and as an opener as I mentioned Flame Shock (and if your within range it may be a good idea to cast flame Shock after replacing totems also)

I noticed Gaudion mentioned Not to ever ues Chain Lightning because this could break CC this is true, if there is no CC why not? so if it seems safe please do increase your total DPS with Chain Lightning, also he mentioned, it will rip agro if you cast this and Lightning Overload procs, this is false, LO proc generate 0 threat on the proc, only the initial dmg will cause threat, whatgreat about this is more chances to crit, more chances to proc LO which is amazing with Chain Lightning, you see, chain lightning travels faster then LB so a CL OL proc is heavy instant dps with a low casting time.

My advice with the use of Chain Lightning is wait for about 6 Lightning Bolts to cast Chain Lightning if it is safe.

Stats in this order of priority:
Spell Damage = Spell Crit > Intellect > Mana Regen > Spell Hit

Hope this helps
#4 Feb 07 2008 at 10:43 PM Rating: Excellent
2,396 posts
jmfmb wrote:
... Storm Reach also while it is a nice talent is NOT a must have PvE talent, your dps wont be affected by distance from enemies, having more range is a bonus for PvE not a must.

Yeah, you go DPS Prince in Kara and tell me Storm Reach is not a must.

There are plenty of fights where you want to stand at max range and mob AoE's typically top out at about 30 yards, so Storm Reach is the difference between getting nailed and not getting nailed. Storm Reach also helps you avoid lapses in DPS by requiring you to reposition yourself less, especially noticeable on fights like Curator.
#5 Feb 07 2008 at 11:01 PM Rating: Excellent
Gaudion wrote:
jmfmb wrote:
... Storm Reach also while it is a nice talent is NOT a must have PvE talent, your dps wont be affected by distance from enemies, having more range is a bonus for PvE not a must.

Yeah, you go DPS Prince in Kara and tell me Storm Reach is not a must.

There are plenty of fights where you want to stand at max range and mob AoE's typically top out at about 30 yards, so Storm Reach is the difference between getting nailed and not getting nailed. Storm Reach also helps you avoid lapses in DPS by requiring you to reposition yourself less, especially noticeable on fights like Curator.

On top of that, there's the cool factor (and you cant deny it) of shooting lightning from such a huge distance.
#6 Feb 08 2008 at 12:23 AM Rating: Good
1,121 posts
i have yet to have a problem on either of those fights =P

I didn't say it is not nice, but it is not needed either, and a fight like prince is a rather poor example if you know what your doing there, in an area like gruul's lair i can see what you mean a bit more, but it is still not needed, altho PvP i find it quite necessary.

Point is, if you want to maximize you over all pve dps, this is one of the points you can shave off, if you prefer the hit to unrelenting storm by all means go for it, but this is a luxury not a necessity.
#7 Feb 08 2008 at 12:37 AM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
jmfmb wrote:
I didn't say it is not nice, but it is not needed either, and a fight like prince is a rather poor example if you know what your doing there...

Knowing what you're doing has absolutely nothing to do with it. When Prince gets ready to nova you have to stop DPS'ing and back up if you don't have Storm Reach. If you have Storm Reach, you don't have to do anything, you can just stay right where you are and keep flinging Lightning Bolts at him. It's that simple.

Point is, if you want to maximize you over all pve dps, this is one of the points you can shave off, if you prefer the hit to unrelenting storm by all means go for it, but this is a luxury not a necessity.

Again, I have to disagree completely. You can get more than enough MP/5 and spell crit on gear to extend your longevity as far as it needs to go. There is absolutely no way to replicate, replace, or substitute the loss of six yards of range when you don't take Storm Reach.
#8 Feb 08 2008 at 9:12 AM Rating: Good
127 posts
Thanks guys,

Gaudion, your build is pretty much what I was going to recommend.

Also, I think I'll be going with the Storm Reach suggestion as the shammy in question seldom has mana problems as it is, and the improved efficiency he'll be getting from more crits due to Tidal Mastery should keep him going.

As to chain lightning, I'll tell him just to use it when we're doing AOE pulls...

#9 Feb 08 2008 at 11:20 AM Rating: Good
2,029 posts
If he doesn't have mana problems, CL is still a damage boost if there's no adds to worry about and he doesn't have mana problems. Pretty much every Kara boss except Moroes, for example (well, not on Nightbane adds too).

And on another note
Point is, if you want to maximize you over all pve dps, this is one of the points you can shave off, if you prefer the hit to unrelenting storm by all means go for it, but this is a luxury not a necessity.

The extra mana isn't going to make up for the loss of between half and one second of lost damage because you had to move farther. If you have to move those 6 yards once a minute, that's a loss of about 15dps; considering many gear upgrades are in the range of 5-10dps, that's huge.
#10 Feb 08 2008 at 2:38 PM Rating: Default
1,121 posts
like i said before prince is a poor example of why you would need storm reach, you say we need to back up when he aoe's well this is false, his aoe is 20 yards, our nuke range is 30 yards, why do we need storm reach to avoid it?

Now if you said it was infernals then that makes a tad bit more sense, but if you and your guild knows what they are doing you use the door strat for prince which means you and your caster groups never move and neither should your tank.
#11 Feb 08 2008 at 2:46 PM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
As far as Chain Lightning is concerned, in the end it's really just going to have to come down to the player's discretion. There are a lot of things to consider, many of which depend upon the other members of your raid. How fast does your raid kill? Do you have other mana buffs like BoW or AI? Is there a Spriest or Moonkin in your group? What's your gear like? Are you willing to pop mana pots every time the cooldown is up? These are questions only the individual player can answer.

When spamming it in your normal rotation... again, it's been my experience it's rarely worth it in any kind of sustained situation, most notably the 5-10 minute boss fights in raids. You're going to do more DPS faster if you spam Chain Lightning every time the cooldown is up, but you're going to be putting a much more severe strain on your mana pool.

I typically only used it on AoE pulls and multi-mob pulls where I was sure the tank and off-tank had enough aggro on every mob that was going to be affected.

Edited, Feb 8th 2008 5:51pm by Gaudion
#12 Feb 08 2008 at 2:50 PM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
jmfmb wrote:
like i said before prince is a poor example of why you would need storm reach, you say we need to back up when he aoe's well this is false, his aoe is 20 yards, our nuke range is 30 yards, why do we need storm reach to avoid it?

Prince's nova has a 30 yard range. Go look it up. Better yet, go fight Prince yourself and make sure you stand inside of 30 yards. Oh, and, uh... make sure you come back here and let us all know how that work out for you.

Suddenly I have an even stronger feeling that you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
#13 Feb 08 2008 at 6:09 PM Rating: Decent
yeah prince is 30 yards. I had a feral (dps in cat form, no 2nd tank needed for prince) die right at my feet. And I was in the caster (I'm a healer, but I know a bit about elemental- as our elemental kicks serious ***- at least till the patch that is) group. We used the safe spot strategy. Seems kind of cheesy, but it's nice not having to move.

the safe spots are kind of weird though. The tank says he's in range of my grace of air totem. So I'm thinking we are exactly 30 yards apart. Good thing, as he needs the additional dodge %.

Anyways do a gear check. with the right gear he should kick serious *** as of this current patch (not sure about 2.4). Over the long run our elemental shaman is #1 in dps mainly because he doesn't have to reposition as often as rogues.

Edited, Feb 8th 2008 6:11pm by thrashering
#14 Feb 08 2008 at 7:49 PM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
thrashering wrote:
Over the long run our elemental shaman is #1 in dps mainly because he doesn't have to reposition as often as rogues.

An Elemental Shaman shouldn't be out-DPS'ing a Rogue over the longhaul. If that's happening, you guys need to work on your Rogue. On Prince, yeah, since the Rogue has to reposition, but that's not really fair. That's like comparing your Elemental Shaman's DPS to the Rogue's on Shade, or to a Warlock or Mage on Illhoof.
#15 Feb 09 2008 at 7:45 AM Rating: Good
1,121 posts
Ok so if it is a range of 30m it he has an increased hit box cause I never get hit by his aoe, and i have been downing prince quite a while... not bragging, it is just kara, just saying, it has never been an issue

And Gaudion don't worry I really don't care what you think of me, i am just here to share advice based on my experiences, and the range and aoe has never been an issue.

And yes your right Chain lightning does consume a chunk of mana, but with enough regen and crit it is a sure way to increase dps output, I will admit I am probably out geared for kara so this may come into affect, but even so, I always found it much more beneficial putting out as much damage as possible even at the cost of needing to pot often on bosses. I will say it gets better based on group composition and gear, generally I do not need to pot on fights anymore, and have downgraded to the weaker pots since they have become less necessary, sadly I don't often have either a moonkin or shadow priest, but like storm reach, these are luxury.

Take care
#16 Feb 09 2008 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
jmfmb wrote:
Ok so if it is a range of 30m it he has an increased hit box cause I never get hit by his aoe, and i have been downing prince quite a while... not bragging, it is just kara, just saying, it has never been an issue

And Gaudion don't worry I really don't care what you think of me, i am just here to share advice based on my experiences, and the range and aoe has never been an issue.

And yes your right Chain lightning does consume a chunk of mana, but with enough regen and crit it is a sure way to increase dps output, I will admit I am probably out geared for kara so this may come into affect, but even so, I always found it much more beneficial putting out as much damage as possible even at the cost of needing to pot often on bosses. I will say it gets better based on group composition and gear, generally I do not need to pot on fights anymore, and have downgraded to the weaker pots since they have become less necessary, sadly I don't often have either a moonkin or shadow priest, but like storm reach, these are luxury.

Take care

There's a useful four-letter word, and you're full of it.
#17 Feb 09 2008 at 5:20 PM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
Why would i sit here and tell ppl to not put points in a talent and say that it wouldn't kill them in a fight if it would?

that would make me a mother ******* *** hole no.

you and anyone else go try it out without the talent for yourself and make your own decision.

last i checked this place was for people wanting to make suggestions, experiences, and sharing there opinions, there is no reason for me to lie about this cause if it where false it would be easy too notice.

ask any lock or shadow priest doing the fight as well, they have many spells with 30 yards if not talented, and dont seem to have the problems either
#18 Feb 09 2008 at 6:54 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
jmfmb wrote:
Why would i sit here and tell ppl to not put points in a talent and say that it wouldn't kill them in a fight if it would?

Because you don't know what you're talking about.

last i checked this place was for people wanting to make suggestions, experiences, and sharing there opinions, there is no reason for me to lie about this cause if it where false it would be easy too notice.

There's also a lot of ego involved. People like knowing more than other people, they don't like knowing less, and they like other people who don't know to come to them asking for information. It's basic human nature.

I really can't reach any other conclusion than that you're lying, because if you weren't you would know things like the range of Prince's nova and you wouldn't be telling people the things you are. Yes, this is a place for the exchange of ideas and information. Opinions are valid, but there are still some things that are inherantly true and some that are inherently false. Telling people they won't get hit by Prince's nova if they stand at 30 yards or closer is false. Period. There's also no way you can reasonably dispute the fact that they would be better off if they didn't have to move. Period.

ask any lock or shadow priest doing the fight as well, they have many spells with 30 yards if not talented, and dont seem to have the problems either

Immaterial. They both have talents that increase their range, and I dare you find me one that doesn't take them. Everyone that has talents that increase the ranges of their spells takes them. There is a reason for that. They are invaluable.
#19 Feb 09 2008 at 10:15 PM Rating: Good
1,121 posts
as I said, go test it yourself, and I challenge anyone that is curious to do the same.

I admit I was wrong about the range of his attack I looked it up and corrected myself.

But is it uncommon that bosses do not have a built in mechanic to hit them from further away then normal (larger hit box)

A good example of this is Netherspite and shade who both have larger hit boxes due to being a larger enemy, Prince is much larger then the average player, and has an increased hit box due to the fact that I have yet to be hit by his aoe.

If you think I am false test it yourself, you casn sit here and say that I have no clue but I have been farming prince much longer then needed to (mainly to help out friends and guildies, and the extra badges don't hurt)

I have already gained my T4 helm, the caster neck and dagger he drops and even his axe for off spec so I have been downing him for some time you see.

If I was wrong about this I would bow out and tip my helm to you, I have found no trouble fighting prince and being hit by his AoE, maybe this is just something you lack knowledge of, and it is responsible of you to have the talent if you thought it would hinder you, but for that fight, it is unnecessary based on my experiences.

If you don't want to test it out yourself that is fine, but then there is no true way of proving I am false.

To be frank I really don't know if you would be honest about your outcome if you did test it, but if you do try it, atleast you will have learned something from this.

Talk to you again soon
#20 Feb 09 2008 at 10:27 PM Rating: Excellent
Storm Reach also while it is a nice talent is NOT a must have PvE talent, your dps wont be affected by distance from enemies, having more range is a bonus for PvE not a must.

It's not needed but for raiding you want every advantage you can have.

edit : I took storm reach for my pvp and raid build.

Now if you said it was infernals then that makes a tad bit more sense, but if you and your guild knows what they are doing you use the door strat for prince which means you and your caster groups never move and neither should your tank.

Completely false, the infernals spawn between prince and the door sometimes. In fact it wiped us once today.

Edited, Feb 10th 2008 1:34am by Draeneipally
#21 Feb 09 2008 at 10:40 PM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
jmfmb wrote:
I am rubber and you are glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you.

I'm done with you. Feel free to spread any misinformation you want. I just hope for their sake that no one else chooses to listen to you.
#22REDACTED, Posted: Feb 10 2008 at 2:26 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) lol your right i am a liar and a noob i dunno how i got to lvl 70... i probably bought the account god i am terrible master gaudion...
#23 Feb 10 2008 at 5:26 AM Rating: Good

and when its all said and done don't worry I brought my trusty dissease cleansing totem so no need for protection, and mana stream means no need for lube, just some good clean fun...

I lol'd so hard.
#24 Feb 10 2008 at 5:39 AM Rating: Good
Enfeeble (Phases One and Two)
Periodically casts Enfeeble on five characters chosen at random, excluding the current target (the tank). Enfeeble reduces maximum health to a single hit point for about seven seconds. While this effect is active, any damage causes instant death. Healing effects do nothing, but the lost health returns after this undispellable effect ends. Enfeeble is followed by a Shadow Nova, so enfeebled characters must stay 30+ yards away from Malchezaar, and watch out for Infernals. Vampiric effects such as Siphon Life ignore Enfeeble. This does not hit pets.
So you'd be fine at 30 yards..

Shadow Nova (All phases)
Malchezaar's Shadow Nova has a three-second cast, a range of 25–28 yards, deals about 3000 shadow damage, and includes a knock-back. This attack can be outranged by healers and ranged damage-dealers, so even if they are enfeebled it does not cause much concern. Enfeebled melee must get out of range; however as long as they start running right away they have plenty of time to avoid the Shadow Nova. This attack can be resisted. During Phases One and Two, Malchezaar casts this roughly four seconds after Enfeeble. During Phase Three, he casts it without preliminaries.
#25 Feb 10 2008 at 7:32 AM Rating: Good
You're right about that but what about when the infernals spawn between prince and the door? Thats about an extra 6-10 yards you need to back up.
#26 Feb 10 2008 at 11:30 AM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
This is ridiculous.

Alright, let's assume for a second that Prince's nova is 28 yards (even though it's consistently listed and addressed as 30). Or that Prince's hitbox that jmfmb keeps yammering on about nets you an extra 1-2 yards. You guys are talking about a 1-2 yard range in which you have to position yourself with pinpoint accuracy on a second's notice, and if you're off by more than a yard or two you get nailed.

Here is what I really want to know: What's the point? When you save yourself two points by not taking Storm Reach, where are putting them? Where's this huge benefit that cries out for talent points from the depths of your very souls? Unrelenting Storm? You really think six yards of range is a good trade-off for (let's pick an easily obtainable Kara stat of 400 intellect) 16 MP/5? If not there, then where else? This is the burning question that I really want to see answered.
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