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Relentless Assault vs Major agility.Follow

#1 Feb 06 2008 at 5:55 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
After someone told me that the flask is WAY better then just a pot, and i should be ashamed of using pots i decided to go and do the math.

First, the easiest and least important aspect: cash.
On my server, RA costs ~35g, MA costs ~3g.
So unless you wipe more then 12 times in 2 hours (or once each 10 minutes) Major Agility is cheaper.
Although money shouldnt be an issue, it might come in later if they end up really close to eachother ;)

Relentless assault = 120 Ap.
Major Agility = 35 agility and 20 critrating.
35 agility translates to: 35 AP and 1.78% crit
so at first glance, RA is obviously better...

according to blizzard: 1 agi = 2 Ap and 1 crit = 2 AP.
(gems, enchants ect. that is the general rule Blizz uses)
120 AP = 120 point according to that (i´m keeping it as simple as i can)
35 agi = 70 points, 20 crit = 40 points for a total of 110 points.
This way, they are already a lot closer together.

Now the real question comes: do buffs like this get bonuses from talents like Lightning reflexes, Master Marksman and such?

For now i´ll assume it isnt affected.
Relentless Assault would be the way to go then, at least for BM and MM.
For survival there´s and added aspect, Expose Weakness.
EW gives the whole group or raid an extra 8.75 AP from the agility on the Potion.
At the least that is 8.75 AP for you, your pet and the tank.
Grabbing back on the 1 agi = 2 AP, 1 crit = 2 Ap rule:
where it was 120 v 110 before, it is now 120 vs 110 + 8.75 = 118.75, counting the AP from the tank and your pet for 50% because they dont form it into damage as much as a hunter does, its 120 vs 127.5 and already a winner for the Agility Potion.

So my conclusion was that i should keep using Major Agility Potions and ignoring flasks, though i am still very curious wether talents increase AP/Agi from buffs too or not.

I´d like to hear your opinion on this.

- Æthien

edit: yes, i realise i could have justed asked if talents increase stats gained from buffs but this might give a nice discussion and that is way more fun ;)

Edited, Feb 6th 2008 2:58pm by Aethien
#2 Feb 06 2008 at 6:11 AM Rating: Decent
1,502 posts
If you were BM or even MM, I could see the dabate, but as SV?

Relentless assault = 120 Ap.

is what you wrote.

Relentless assault = 0 agi

is what you should see.

35 agility translates to: 35 AP and 1.78% crit

is what you wrote.

35 agility translates to: 35 AP and 1.78% crit and nearly 9 AP to all melee attackers and other hunters in my raid

Is what you should see.

Might not seem like a lot, but I'm sure it adds up to more than the personal DPS 120AP will give you. plus more crits = more damage and less EW downtime.

Edited, Feb 6th 2008 9:19am by Rasen
#3 Feb 06 2008 at 6:16 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
euhm, read my whole post.... you just repeat what i said.
And 120 AP is still worth a lot to SV, even if it isnt agility it is personal dps.
#4 Feb 06 2008 at 6:18 AM Rating: Good
1,502 posts
Did you edit that bit in while I was typing?

Hell it could be old age, I dunno...

It does seem to me like a no-brainer for SV Hunters though. Guess I've just got into the mindset of Agi > all.

Edited, Feb 6th 2008 9:20am by Rasen
#5 Feb 06 2008 at 6:22 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
I have 679 agility and 1928 Ap selfbuffed, i could have well over 700 agility unbuffed if i´d want to.
I dont, because it would seriously mess up my other stats such as +hit and attack power.

Agility isnt everything, balance is everything.
#6 Feb 06 2008 at 6:38 AM Rating: Excellent
2,101 posts
You missed something else.

You can only use the flask.

If you go with the elixir of major agility, you can also use the gaurding elixir of draenic wisdom. The +30 intellect might not be that important to you mana efficient SV hunters. But my mana starved BM hunter needs all the boost in Mana I can get.
#7 Feb 06 2008 at 7:03 AM Rating: Decent
747 posts
Major Agility is much more worth it, great benefits to the group as a whole, 120AP is like what? 3DPS? even 5DPS? 35 Agility is 35 AP plus almost 2% crit which adds about the same DPS so 3g versus 35g? is it really 12 times better? hell no, it's not even twice as good... the only benefit the flask has is that it persists through death.... but if you're wiping THAT many times to make the 35g for 2 hours better worth it than maybe 3-4 pots = 12-15g, you go right ahead and do whatever the hell you want, you've got a lot more patience than I do.
#8 Feb 06 2008 at 7:09 AM Rating: Good
69 posts
I agree that the difference between the two is small. As a SV/MM hunter with points in EW, I usually use Major Agility, as that complements my spec better than Relentless Assault. And although I usually don't have issues with mana, I like that I can use Major Mageblood or Draenic Wisdom as my Guardian Elixir.

However, because the Flask persists through death, I use it on runs where I might expect the group to wipe a lot... it's proven to be the wise choice a couple of times... /sigh

@Athien... For my own clarification, I was under the impression that, for Hunters, 1 Agi converts to 1 AP, not 2 AP... or does that only apply to base stats (not gems and enchants)?

Edited, Feb 6th 2008 10:18am by Rycerz
#9 Feb 06 2008 at 7:12 AM Rating: Decent
1,502 posts
Agility isnt everything, balance is everything.

Unless you're talking PvP, I'm going to have to disagree. For SV Hunters in PvE, the only stat possibly more important than Agi is Hit, and that's only until you hit the cap, then it's Agi all the way.

SV in a endgame PvE environment isn't about personal DPS, if you're after that, BM will get better results. SV sacrifices some personal DPS to boost the damage of his teammates.

That's not to say that SV Hunters are incapapable of doing good personal DPS. Far from it in fact, but stacking Agi doesn't mean that other stats disappear. Agi in fact scales better than most, if not all Hunter stats.

Not to turn this into a pissing contest, but I've focused primarily on Agi only, and have 782, but am still over the hit cap and have have 1893AP unbuffed with AotH on.

So I can still put out the numbers, but I also grant around 250AP to members of my raid (when raid buffed) while I'm doing it.

Agi also boosts crit rating which helps in 2 ways. More EW uptime and it actually helps our damage. BM spec focuses on sustained damage through AP, SV damage is more spiky and relies more on crits.

Edited, Feb 6th 2008 10:14am by Rasen
#10 Feb 06 2008 at 9:21 AM Rating: Excellent
6,678 posts
If you have a choice between rap AP or rap crit, or an even mix of both, take the mix. Ergo, take agility. Notwithstanding, it's a no-brainer for any survival hunter, and you can use a Mageblood potion along with it if you're so inclined.

Having an alchemist alt to make my potions, I also find that it's much easier to deal with having 7 agi potions rather than 1 flask. (Based on amount of Terocone each requires.)

If you really want to get into it more in-depth, in a raid situation, you are comparing 120 AP to 38.5 agi (Kings) and 20 crit, which is just about 2% crit. (I'm rounding up, but let's go with that.)

So 2% crit vs around 80 AP (120 - 38.5 = 81.5) means you're better off with the agi potion if 1% crit outdamages 40 AP. I've rounded down a few times, so let's boost 40 to 42 so it's a clean 3 DPS. 3 DPS plus crit bonuses, so with Mortal Shots and 25% crit, you'd get about 4 DPS...this is what 1% crit must outdamage.

1% crit is 1.3% of your tooltip DPS. If you have above ~300 DPS, the crit will outperform and you're better off with the agi potion.

This is all fuzzy math since I'm doing some rounding to make it easier and it ignores talent benefits like Master Marksman and Survival Instincts, plus assumes a certain crit rate. But quite honestly, I think it's close enough to make it justifiable to use agi potions any time you don't anticipate wiping (and not being able to FD) a ton.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#11 Feb 06 2008 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
1,395 posts
I understand that you try to keep it simple (and honestly I'd go with MA if I used pots during raids...), but you have to consider that AP yields more DPS than agi, and agi yields more DPS than crit rating.
#12 Feb 06 2008 at 10:11 AM Rating: Good
405 posts
Wow, I wish the prices of those potions were the same on my server!

The predominant factor for me is how often you wipe. For new content, I'd go with the flask until we learn the fight well. For easy stuff, I'd stick with Major Agility.

But maybe I need to reexamine the cost structure. If I can really buy 10 Major Agility pots for the same price as 1 Relentless Assault, I'll probably rarely use Relentless Assault. I don't know if my server prices would allow that though; I have to check.
#13 Feb 06 2008 at 10:18 AM Rating: Good
1,264 posts
I use both, but depends on situation.

Relentless Assault (RA) can be very pricey and/or not available. I refuse to spend 40+ gold, so if it's that high, I don't buy it.

I actually prefer using the Maj Agi/Draenic Wisdom (MA/DW) combo. I like more Agi in general, primarily for the crit boost. I also like the mana from the DW. It never hurts to have more mana in long fights.

If I have the RA and I think there may be a few wipes, I tend to use it rather than MA/DW combo. Cost-wise, it's prob still cheaper to use the MA/DW combo, but I just don't like re-potting for 4+ deaths, if I think that's what's going to happen.

#14 Feb 06 2008 at 10:59 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
thanks all, i will now be able to link this to anyone complaining that i'm not using a flask =P
#15 Feb 06 2008 at 12:29 PM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
according to blizzard: 1 agi = 2 Ap and 1 crit = 2 AP.

Just fyi, those are HORRIBLE numbers to follow. Use equivalence points, not Blizz's itemization values. Itemization puts every point of mana/5 at more than twice as good as any other hunter stat.

do buffs like this get bonuses from talents like Lightning reflexes, Master Marksman and such?

Yes, they do. Any buffs scale with talents, Kings, and so on, as far as I know.

And as SynnTastic said, you can now use a +30int or a 16mp5 elixir as well.

And just one other comment:
For SV Hunters in PvE, the only stat possibly more important than Agi is Hit, and that's only until you hit the cap, then it's Agi all the way.

Truth. Stacking the hell out of agility is what you should be doing. With buffs and early-T5-level gear (ZA, Reaver, Solarian), you *can* be over 1000 agility fulyl buffed. Which is going to boost raid-wide DPS a lot more than if you try and boost your own damage first, and stack agility second. And as a little plus, you'll also be running 39% crit and 2250ap buffed :P

Edited, Feb 6th 2008 2:31pm by lsfreak
#16 Feb 06 2008 at 12:56 PM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
This is always a dilemma for me. On farm content where I won't die elixirs are cheaper and better, but I honestly don't need them, as it's on farm. For progression nights I'm likely to die a lot, but the combination of agility and mageblood has an edge. If you have no gold problems go with the elixirs, otherwise go with the flask. They are both very nice buffs.
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#17 Feb 06 2008 at 1:03 PM Rating: Good
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Quick question, side note for the gaurdian elixir.

Mageblood potion(16 mp/5) or Draenic Wisdom(30 int XX spirit)?

Consider the fact that I will already have Superior Mana Oil(14 mp/5) applied to my weapon.

#18 Feb 06 2008 at 1:23 PM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
30 int = 450 mana
so at 16mp5 you need 140.625 seconds to make the mageblood better.

In other words, if the fight is longer then 2.3 minutes, use mageblood.

Edited, Feb 6th 2008 3:25pm by Xsarus
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#19 Feb 06 2008 at 1:39 PM Rating: Default
For SV Hunters in PvE, the only stat possibly more important than Agi is Hit, and that's only until you hit the cap, then it's Agi all the way.

Truth. Stacking the hell out of agility is what you should be doing. With buffs and early-T5-level gear (ZA, Reaver, Solarian), you *can* be over 1000 agility fulyl buffed. Which is going to boost raid-wide DPS a lot more than if you try and boost your own damage first, and stack agility second. And as a little plus, you'll also be running 39% crit and 2250ap buffed :P

You can be well over 1000 agi in kara and below gear
#20 Feb 06 2008 at 1:45 PM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
Sir Xsarus wrote:
30 int = 450 mana
so at 16mp5 you need 140.625 seconds to make the mageblood better.

In other words, if the fight is longer then 2.3 minutes, use mageblood.

Edited, Feb 6th 2008 3:25pm by Xsarus

Thanks, after reading your answer I got one of those "that's so simple why didn't I see it" feelings.
#21 Feb 06 2008 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
You can be well over 1000 agi in kara and below gear

Elaborate please, not including crappy "of Agility" greens.
#22 Feb 06 2008 at 6:30 PM Rating: Decent
i dont remember the gear i had, or the previous thread where this was brought up, but here is a screenshot of me when my guild was just starting gruul, and had kara on farm
#23 Feb 06 2008 at 11:06 PM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
but you were buffed into heaven there, with everything from scroll to food to agility totem to kings etc etc.
take the totem and scroll away and suddenly you're at 1k agilit again, maybe less.

And you only have 6.6k mana buffed up high.
So only like what 4k unbuffed? so you sacrificed a lot of int for that agility.
you also paid for it with about ~250-300 Ap (comparing you to me now)
#24 Feb 07 2008 at 6:12 AM Rating: Default
Yes i do have a ******** of buffs, but thats how i roll :)
#25 Feb 07 2008 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
With the same buffs i would be at ~950 agility and about 2550-2600 AP...
And i'm in worse gear then you were there (or at least i assume you were in all epic stuffs... i am still in partial blues)
And i'd have about 2k more mana....
#26 Feb 07 2008 at 7:59 AM Rating: Decent
Honestly, I have no idea what gear I am wearing, I took that screen about 7 mos ago. I do know that I was wearing a lot of leather, thats why my int was so low. The sv spec helped, but certain fights (prince) did test my mana conservation. Back then you could FD and drink, so that made it a little better, knowing if I had too, I could drink. I have finally replaced all that leather with mail, and I am now at about 9k mana raid buffed. To get your agi that high, you do have to scarifice int, so unless you can acquire your own fel mana pots, it gets very expensive to raid like that every day.

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