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Someone PLEASE give the tanks a guideFollow

#1 Feb 06 2008 at 2:30 AM Rating: Decent
Ok the title's gonna annoy a few of u, and to those I'm sorry u are probably very good warrior tanks. I have met one or two of u and am in awe of your ability to keep the aggro off me. The ones I have a problem with are the ones that start a fight out with a blow in state of rage generation.

From the perspective of the priest (that's me by the way, a good healer priest, knows how to heal, doesn't let the tank fall too far etc) I want to heal you the tank. But of late I've been coming across tanks where I hit them with my first renew spell (usually he's had a few secs to build up aggro), renew is not a heavy aggro generator, and suddenly the mobs coming at me. Result I die. It wouldn't be so bad if the tank followed the mob to get the aggro back, but he doesn't, what usually happens is I fade and then have to heal like crazy cos the mobs moved on to another caster, which throws my aggro right back up there.

So someone, somewhere, tell these self-professed tanks what to do. Throw those sunder armors, use that lightning blast do something to stop the mob coming at the healer within 10 seconds of the fight starting.
#2 Feb 06 2008 at 2:51 AM Rating: Decent
78 posts
I've found that starting with sunder-spamming isn't the most efficient way of generating aggro tbh, most non-warriors seem to think that's the case.

"We'll wait with our attacks/heals until you have three sunders on" doesn't really apply as that could take 15 seconds. Shield slams, revenge, TC if possible, is more aggro generating tbh.

Sounds like you've just met a bad tank. There are many out there, and they're the reason why I specced from fury to protection in the first place.
#3 Feb 06 2008 at 2:58 AM Rating: Decent
Oh don't get me wrong I have met one or two good tanks, my complaint is that the bad ones are getting to be far more numerous and a heck of a lot worse. I agree that Sunder can be a long generator, from my lvl 46, but as I don't have a lvl 70 warrior I don't know what options are available. But I went through 6 tanks last night in Normal Mechanar. NORMAL. and they couldn't hold or generate aggro. I finally fount one on the 7th tank, and he was good, he was a dream, he was what all healers pray for. In other words he kept the mobs on him.
#4 Feb 06 2008 at 3:55 AM Rating: Good
44 posts
Having heard of all these horror stories of bad tanks I dont think I want to lvl another 70, in fact Im dreading the day I have to step in to a lvl 70 instance where im not the tank, at least I know when I tank the only thing we have to worry about is the healer being reasonably good.

As already stated opening up with a shield slam tends to be the best for threat generation, followed by revenge, devestate, devestate, shield slam and so on, obviously fit thunder clap in early if you have multiple adds.
#5 Feb 06 2008 at 4:39 AM Rating: Decent
61 posts
A warrior that had a couple of seconds to build rage, and loses it on the first Renew? Either your; A) exaggerating or B) you where fighting multi mobs.

In case A; A tank can build agro, and we can do it fast. However, to do so, we need rage. If we get into an unlucky dodge/parry spree at the start, and our rage skill (cbb to look up the name) is on CD, we need to rely on taunt, which can be resisted... all worst case scenarios.

In case B; Its hard for a warrior to tank more then 2 mobs. The max I can hold is 5, if there is focussed fire. If we can't pull the mobs away from a sap or a poly, TC isn't always a viable option. If there are casters, and no way to abuse LoS, it's hard to keep up agro (again, if there is CC that can be broken by TC). Again, worst case scenario.

As a "good healer priest", I take it you got the reduced agro-from-spells talent from the Disc tree. If you don't, well, your really not such a good priest. If you do, you will not agro from a tank that has had 1 blow at a mob.

Oh, and tanking is a bit harder then;
Throw those sunder armors, use that lightning blast
#6 Feb 06 2008 at 4:58 AM Rating: Decent
Ok I agree tanking can be a bit harder, I'm not trying to be offensive. I wasn't exagerating, we were on 1 boss, count that 1 boss. And yes I got that little aggro reducing thing, since I reckon u can't call yourself a healer without reducing the aggro as much as possible.

As to my skills, I pride myself on keeping anyone in my party up between 70 and 90% throughout a pull. I also know that multi-mob pulls are dangerous, but that's why we have CC to keep them in line.

What I'm trying to point out is how many tanks there are out there that aren't generating the aggro as effectively as a tank of your obvious calibre is. This may mean that someone somewhere should take them to one side and explain to them the purpose of being a tank is to aggro generate, not DPS. That's the crux, the tanks I'm seeing in PUG's are DPS'ing and not Aggro'ing.

Hence the title, someone give the tanks a guide.

#7 Feb 06 2008 at 6:54 AM Rating: Good
277 posts
I honestly don't think a "tanking guide" will help the tanks you are referring to. If they equate tanking to dps and can't hold aggro through a priest's renew than what makes you think they will be bright enough to read a guide or visit this site.

I have to agree with one of the previous posters, you must be exaggerating a bit. I mean losing aggro to a renew??? That is failure on so epic a level that my mind can't comprehend it.

Bottom line is that warriors are the best single target tanks in the game. Here are two explanations for the events you explain:

1) You really do come across tanks who lose aggro to a renew. These are NOT tanks and should be tossed back into the LFG channel ASAP. In all future conversations their names should not be placed in any sentence which contains the words "tank", "warrior", or "respect"

2) There are other factors which have been left out. For example: What boss were you fighting? Some bosses have designated times when they charge the healers or random people. Nothing the tank does can stop this.

Either way I would just forget about it and move on. The majority of tanks out there (at least in my experience) are fairly adept at holding aggro on at least 2-3 mobs. And boss fights are only a problem if the boss has some kind of healer charge or tank stun. Get another tank and go about your business.
#8 Feb 06 2008 at 6:55 AM Rating: Decent
1,599 posts
I've got a healer too, and have seen what you are talking about. One thing you also need to understand is that many warriors level DPS. So when they hit 70 and re-spec prot, they are really just starting to learn to tank. Not all warriors, but I've seen quite a few.

I think you just got an unlucky streak of tanks that are just learning.

Talk to your tank before you start to get a better understanding of where they are in the tank learning curve. Tanking is probably the most complex role in a group. Some people think they can learn it quickly, but it takes time.

Since you have a warrior alt, maybe you can give them some tips too.

#9 Feb 06 2008 at 7:56 AM Rating: Decent
842 posts
YJMark wrote:
I've got a healer too, and have seen what you are talking about. One thing you also need to understand is that many warriors level DPS. So when they hit 70 and re-spec prot, they are really just starting to learn to tank. Not all warriors, but I've seen quite a few.


i tried tanking DM, stocks, ZF and a tiny bit of ST while i was leveling, and maybe ramps and BF once. didn't even step into any CFR until i was running for the key frag from SV. where i really cut my tanking teeth was in regular SL, running for the first key frag... i did it so many times i got exalted with lower city from regular runs o.O
#10 Feb 06 2008 at 11:05 AM Rating: Decent
38 posts
So someone, somewhere, tell these self-professed tanks what to do.

If they're that bad at tanking, they probably aren't reading these forums anyway.

I sympathize with you, Tyranise, because nobody likes dying. For every bad tanking story, though, there are probably just as many bad healer stories. Nothing personal, I'm sure you're good at what you do, but there are plenty out there that aren't. It's that way with any class.

Edited, Feb 6th 2008 2:11pm by SirAthroOfGate
#11 Feb 06 2008 at 11:18 AM Rating: Decent
Ah my dreams of the all answering guide are out the window. Ok I take your point it may be a bad run, possibly... maybe :)

To all the good tanks My hat's off to you and respect.

To all the bad ones, become a healer, you'll see what I mean.
#12 Feb 06 2008 at 11:46 AM Rating: Decent
there is a post pretty much exactly same as this on the priest forums.

and as i put on there:

Redbarron the second wrote:
yeh i have noticed this since you only need to be honored to get into heroics, you get these jsut turned 70 warriors thinking
"ooh i have the felsteel set and the gladiator shield, i can tank a heroic"


i went through 5 tanks the other day to do a daily heoic before i found one that could handle the mobs, the 1st guys were useless, had more greens that blues and i jsut kicked most of them before we even got in the instance.

then when we tried it with one gusy(who still had greens), he gets one shotted, so i whack on a shield and while still in my fury gear i manage to tank one while the other is sheeped, then tank the other.

if i can do it as fury why cannot prot warriros do it?
#13 Feb 06 2008 at 11:47 AM Rating: Decent
Regardless of fight the tank should be situationally aware of the mobs involved, at all times. Any form of CC can break or someone can crit storm up the threat meter; and for that reason he should be able to be on it in a heartbeat. Especially if its his priest. Love the healer, protect the healer. For him to ignore a single mob that runs is just bad from.
Maybe he had some bad roles and you crit healed. IDK. The only time a Renew causes problems for me is when the priest hits me with it while I'm pulling.

On the other hand I've had some issues with threat management in, normally easy, Kara pulls. Like being at the top, over all and for TPS, and still having a wandering mob.
#14 Feb 06 2008 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
*stupid post lag*

Edited, Feb 6th 2008 2:53pm by redbarronthesecond
#15 Feb 06 2008 at 11:58 AM Rating: Excellent
19,369 posts
Tyranise wrote:
Ah my dreams of the all answering guide are out the window. Ok I take your point it may be a bad run, possibly... maybe :)

To all the good tanks My hat's off to you and respect.

To all the bad ones, become a healer, you'll see what I mean.

There are plenty of tanking guides out there. The problem isn't the lack of guides, it's the lack of players reading them.

Another problem is a lot of players don't realize;

Tanking is everyone's job.
Healing is everyone's job.
DPSing is everyone's job.
CC is everyone's job.

Someone breaking a sheep/trap is not doing their job of cc. Even if they have zero cc abilities on their toon.

Someone high nuking before a tank can grab agro is not doing their tanking job. Even if they have low to zero tanking abilities on their toon.

One player can help overcome the shortcomings of another but there is a limit. Once you pass that limit then encounters become extremely difficult if not impossible. Everyone has to pull a certain weight in a group in all roles. Just because you don't specifically fill a role in the group doesn't mean you don't contribute or detract from that role.
#16 Feb 06 2008 at 1:45 PM Rating: Decent
I know this is off subject but rememinded me of a priest who stepped in heroic mech to heal and had 12k hp unbuffed....... maybe he needed a guide for healing!
#17 Feb 06 2008 at 2:47 PM Rating: Decent
Lol if he stepped into a heroic with that much health... I reckon he may not have been a priest at all. I know my job in a group my issue is others not knowing theirs.
#18 Feb 06 2008 at 6:57 PM Rating: Excellent
93 posts
Throwing my half cent in here. It is has become abundantly clear that there are an influx of tanks recently. Unfortunately, as many of my comrades here have said, most do not take the time to learn and feel if they have a sword and board and throw talents in protection, they can tank anything.

Most of anything I could say has been said, ie, levelers who at 70 think they can automatically do heroics with improper gear, talent abuse, general lack of knowledge, a majority of players who are under the age of adulthood and in alot of cases could be even prepubescent thus not having a mature approach to group play. They see a raid, ooooh I wanna, they see arena, ooooh I wanna, they see Heroic something oooooh I wanna, and they hear that tanks and healers are always in need so they "attempt" to roll one. With 9, I think it has grown to 10M subscribers, you will get that quite a bit. Everyone wants the BEST of everything, the BEST gear, the BEST spec, the BEST class, and so on and think if they do it, then it will magically happen.

Hell Ive even run across those "experienced" players with great gear that still had no clue, and most respond as, well I got this gear didnt I so I cant be half bad, no, they just do it half assed.

My tank is primarily another tanking class, while I am leveling my warrior, the issues I have come across are truly unbelievable sometimes. Impatience, whether young or old, is inexcusable. Everyone wants to to rush and gets pissed when they die...

Some tanks truly want to learn and were focused on leveling that they rarely stepped foot in instances and require the appropriate learning curve, helping on lower level outlands dungeons are a good way to go, as well as those experienced, such as yourself, giving them THAT opportunity to grow. As long as they are up front with you and they need some experience, then help them. The more we do that, the more we will have tanks that are not as inept, particularly those that will never read wowwiki, alla, wowhead, or any of those other the only "guide" would be you or others who are willing to share their experience. Helping them get geared up to do the job.

The more and more we help one another out in the game, the better of you will be in the end, and I mean you in a general sense, not necessarily the OP. Even if you dont have the time to help gear them up, tell them where to go, or offer some advise on talents, or direct them to these boards.

Many warriors can offtank most things very well even in another tree, have them do that and work with a MT to learn a bit more, the warrior OT will provide a good deal of DPS as well. Also strap a hunter to your hip, they do have that talent/spell I think that focuses all aggro on the tank or whoever is marked, Mark of Death I think? Ive seen it but not sure if it is a talent, spell or other, but it is there.

The best guide are those people who are willing to help, as the good tanks in the game are the ones that usually were helped at one point or another, if they are not willing to learn or accept it, fine, tell em to f off and die, LOL JK, but ignore works well too :)
#19 Feb 06 2008 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
1,331 posts
Tanking guides are pretty common. the Oforums have one.

#20 Feb 06 2008 at 8:38 PM Rating: Decent
Tyranise, here is how I get most of my mega threat in the beginning. This is what I do, and other people do things a bit differently, so take it for what its worth.

Shield Slam and Revenge are your mega threat generators. To proc Revenge, use Shield Block. (just laying down some basics for you) Thunder Clap also adds nice threat, either on a single target or multiple. Devastate adds threat (while adding sunders) and does damage. (2 fer 1). You also have Heroic Strike as well, and demo shout, and blah blah blah.

Opening up before the pull, or after (depends on my mood or if I really care) I use Bloodrage. By the time the mob gets to me I have enough rage for a Shield Slam. More often than not, it tends to land. Then I Shield Block in hopes to proc Revenge and use it when it lights up. After that I use Thunder Clap (unless there is CC around, then I will use Demo Shout). From there on after I use Devastates while keeping Shield Slam, Shield Block & Revenge on cooldown. Worse case, I have to use Taunt, mocking blow or challenging shout for instant aggro. Other than that, the SS and Revenge usually throw the threat up pretty high to allow for instant and max DPS by the rest of the party.

I too have seen warriors (as I am fury) open up with a TAUNT! wtf? I explain to them via whisper that its not the best way to go and tell them about Shield Slam, SB and revenge. Shortly after it becomes a litte more smooth.

Also, I have been in groups where they say not to dps until I have 2 or 3 sunders on the target, which in that case I just don't sunder (before devastate got changed to the 2 fer 1). They panic and tell me to sunder..I just tell them to watch the threat meter and to not worry about sunders.

I hope my broken wall of text helps you in some way. Maybe you can copy and paste it into an ingame mail...I dunno, but like it has been said before. Most warriors don't tank until lvl 70, unless they're old school and did it pre TBC.
#21 Feb 06 2008 at 10:31 PM Rating: Decent
1,331 posts
Ok, heres a quick run down;

Shield Slam; Good, use it every cooldown on single target fights.

Revenge; Good, use it every cooldown on single target fights.

Sunder; Good and Bad, if you have devastate, just use devastate instead. Not good threat on it's own, but it's something.

Heroic Strike; Good, use it when you have all your abilities on cooldown that you are currently cycling, and you have an excess of 20 rage. Decent threat builder.

Devastate; Good then Bad, Great opener to get to 5x sunder stack. Afterwards use use it to refresh sunder stack, or use it in replacement of heroic strike for when you have 20+ rage and everything else is on cooldown.

Thunderclap; Great and Good, when tanking 4 mobs, this is your ONLY way of holding threat effectively. Not a great threat builder single target though. Good enough to hold threat off healers, not dps.

Demo shout; Mediocre, works to pull agro from mistake pulls (body pulls, oops, totem pulls, pats, etc...), but otherwise it's just a debuff.

MS or BT with TM in Defensive Stance; Actually pretty good threat, better than your other options when tanking off specced, even one handed MS...

Taunt; 0 innate threat, makes you the highest threat target, thats it.

A very very neat trick though.

If you ave 2 warrior tanks, have the first tank Shield Slam, have the second tank taunt immediatly afterwards. The second tank shield slams, and the first tank taunts afterwards, then shield slam, rinse repeat...

this is a very effective way to build high threat very quickly, as you basically double your shield slam TPS.

This only works if they have enough rage though... so be careful.

Another thing to remember, if the fight doesn't have fear, use berserker rage right before you pull, the extra rage from getting hit helps a lot.

mobs have ~350 ap, generally speaking, and they have a different modifier to how AP converts to DPS (i've read somewhere 4 ap = 1 dps for bosses, but don't take that as valid fact). So demo shout potentially reduces incoming damage by a good margin.

Another thing about tanking. Tanks like to talk, tanks like to tell people what to do. I WILL CRIT YOU WITH WALLOTEXT TOO!!!


Edited, Feb 6th 2008 10:34pm by devioususer
#22 Feb 06 2008 at 10:37 PM Rating: Decent
1,331 posts
I've found that starting with sunder-spamming isn't the most efficient way of generating aggro tbh, most non-warriors seem to think that's the case.

Pre BC, sunder was a mighty ability in the ******* of tanks.
#23 Feb 07 2008 at 6:51 AM Rating: Good
3,202 posts
Sunder can be a good way to control when your DPS joins in the fight. Many DPS are 'trained' to look for a certain number of sunders before starting in so holding back on Sunder/Devastate can ensure that you have adequate threat built up. :P
#24 Feb 11 2008 at 1:28 AM Rating: Decent
18 posts
I really wish all non-tanks would get off their Sunder Armor love-train. Sunder Armor is more of a long-term threat generation ability than a short term burst, shield slam is offers much more "burst threat".

Devastate/sunder still are universal openers, but DPS should wait for the tank to get a few thousand threat instead of "2 or 3 sunders" which I hear preached a lot.

Also, I find it very unlikely that renew is pulling aggro off the tank's primary target. More likely it is an off-target and the tank hasn't endured a thunderclap yet.

Edited, Feb 11th 2008 9:29am by Khanvalescent
#25 Feb 11 2008 at 1:32 AM Rating: Decent
38 posts
I got told to taunt Attumen the other night to pull his aggro from a supposedly "experienced" Kara raider.

You'd think he'd know Attumen was immune to that.
#26 Feb 11 2008 at 6:01 PM Rating: Decent
Mmmh...Kara. Been a while since I've stepped foot in there. Been trying to pug it...but they all want tanks. =( I just want to do it for fun, nothing in there is an upgrade unless its the t4 tank set, which I'll never use.
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