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Patch 2.4 and SoulShardsFollow

#27 Feb 07 2008 at 2:03 AM Rating: Good
Oakenwrath wrote:
I´d like to see a scatterbolt =) like the hunter scattershot.

Make sure you give it a cool name, like Deathcoil ;)

Oakenwrath wrote:
and while we are at it, what about an aimed shadowbolt, muha.

With the added MS effect of course, and what the hell, let's add the dispelling effect of Arcane Shot in there too!

I dunno, i'm up way too late, i'm going to bed...
#28 Feb 07 2008 at 2:13 AM Rating: Decent
73 posts
Hmmm, it is actually possible to say "Low on shards, need them later, so I can't summon you". We do that all the time when fighting Lady Vashj. But, I also tend to make a new shard after I have used one :-) So I SS a healer, create a well, then I try to create 2 shards on the next trash. I have also found that I can create shards of the elements that spawn on Lady Vashj, so I use the 30 sec or so from the end of phase 1 to the first Strider comes along.

But then again, I very seldom have less than 20 shards when I go into an instance (Plan Ahead), and seldom less than 30 when I raid SSC/TK. And I only have a 20 soul bag (Never understood why I can't use other bags for more shards). When raiding, you don't get many drops, so bag space is not critical in my opinion. I also have a bank that I can use.

To me, creating shards is part of being a warlock.
#29 Feb 07 2008 at 2:47 AM Rating: Decent
501 posts
Lol. Are you REALLY complaining about collecting soul shards? Really, Sethy? You're whining about that, claiming that it messes with your damage, and that you flat out refuse to do it in instances? Woe is me, it sounds like you're displacing the high horse attitude that you have onto other people. Just because something is your opinion doesn't mean that it holds any sort of merit. I could tank instances in berzerker stance if I wanted to, and say that it was my opinion that I shouldn't have to tank everything in defensive stance like all the other tanks. Guess what? That opinion, whether I liked it or not, would still make me an idiot.

Gimme a @#%^in' break. Don't act like you're being persecuted here. Do NOT pull out the 'You're elitist' card and try and make yourself the victim here, and everyone else into the mean men that just don't understand. You made a blatantly self-absorbed statement in a game that revolves around working together with other people. It's an attitude that's been shown by you in the past on a regular basis. Get off your cross.

Edited, Feb 7th 2008 6:06am by FletusSanguine
#30 Feb 07 2008 at 3:24 AM Rating: Decent
821 posts
Never thought I'd be so happy to see BM trash, thank god its right beside hyjal.

He he, yeah we actually had to stop for around 15 minutes so us warlocks could farm the BM-mobs for shards.

Yes we were quiet surprised when we met Archimonde, especially since the we did 4/5 MH within our first ID.

I think you guys are a bit rough on Sethy.
#31 Feb 07 2008 at 3:39 AM Rating: Good
61 posts
First of all; whate the hell? Last time I checked this wasn't the "Lets ***** on each other and call each other elitist jerks"-forum. We do got that; its called the Main WoW-forum. Go play there. *Shoos off the children*

Now about the lock changes; I must say, I feel for you. My highest lvl lock is lvl 40, so I can't really know what its like to farm shards in end game, but I can imagine.

However, think about the positive side; less time waithing for people to arrive at Khara (Running outside from Prince is a *****), which means less time loofing around, meaning more bosses/mobs in one night, which means more loot (that sounded a lot more logical in my mind).

Also, grinding SS don't have to be a pain; starting to Souldrain on trash when their at 2% really won't cut back your damage that much. Also, there is none-elite lvl 70 mobs near almost every raid instance (only one I'm not sure about is Zul'Aman).

Also, one last note on the whole "it cuts back in damage" thing. Locks do nice damage, I will not deny that. They often make top damage. However, as a member of a raid, damage may be your first priority, but not you ONLY priority.

Jobs of a warlock (my god... that I need to post his here...)
- Damage
- Curses (Tongues on casting mobs etc)
- Buffs (Imp, hell, even Water breathing is usefull now and then)
- Soul-stuff (Health stones, stoneing the resser, summoning the slackers)

Your not happy with the changes? Well, try to remember what it was like before, with no summoning stones, no soulbags etc. Yes, Blizzard needs to work on SS management, but they've already done a lot of good things.
#32 Feb 07 2008 at 4:08 AM Rating: Decent
1,571 posts
Oakenwrath wrote:

I think you guys are a bit rough on Sethy.

I dont give a crap about some warrior trying to suck up somebody's a$$. Or anyone else.
I used to respect some people here not only because of knowledge they had but because of the civilized way they were passing it over.
Now I see some people I never saw here before playing, yes, damn elitists and expecting everyone to bow to their majesty.
Well guess what? I bow to none.

I will just hang around to rate you back up to scholar Oaken, just to spoil the fun for somebody.
Other that that I am done with this forum.

#33 Feb 07 2008 at 4:43 AM Rating: Excellent
992 posts
Meh. Half of me thinks Sethy is overreacting and half of me thinks everyone beating the crap out of Sethy is overreacting.

And the other half of me thinks there have actually been very few helpful suggestions in here on how to possibly solve this problem.

The last third of me thinks Oaken was deserving of Scholar anyway, and was quite pissed to see it had been taken away from me. I hope it was just karma-camping bastids, he hasn't said anything objectionable which I've seen.
#34 Feb 07 2008 at 5:10 AM Rating: Decent
damn you lot are contagious, u just ***** and moan then call each other elitists(which is very rich from a lot of u scholars)

well guess what you all do everyone's head in, if u wanna hijack a thread make ur own damn i am the best guild master, lock, warrior, i know more than you thread, and let us talk about what we want and not listen to your pathetic arguement

felt good
#35 Feb 07 2008 at 5:56 AM Rating: Good

Now I see some people I never saw here before playing, yes, damn elitists and expecting everyone to bow to their majesty.
Well guess what? I bow to none.

And that's your problem. You're so worried about trying to be different for the sake of being different that when it comes down to "right" and "wrong" ways to do something you are willing to be wrong just to make some pathetic point. Who is the immature one, again?
#36 Feb 07 2008 at 6:22 AM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
I think this'll be a great change. As it is, I'm very often the only lock in my Kara group. This means a lot of summoning.. But right now it also involves a large amount of running to get outside the instance from all the way up at Prince or wherever to do it. It's such a waste of time, and I'm always the one that has to do it.

And I'm perfectly fine with using Drain Soul instead of Shadowburn on trash at 2%. My DPS is for bosses anyway.
#37 Feb 07 2008 at 6:26 AM Rating: Good
when i 1st read the patch notes my first thought was 'WIN'

i love the idea of this, gonan make stuff so much faster, and now if we wips and replace some1 with a player too high for the insance we can get them in ASAP instead of waiting for them to run.
#38 Feb 07 2008 at 8:26 AM Rating: Good
21 posts
I guess I'm a packrat when it comes to shards. I spent the gold on the ebon shadowbag as soon as I could afford it after my flight training. Great investment in my opinion. Basically I top it off by flying over the Scryer wall. Corruption, CoA, send in Felguard. life tap, life drain then click drain soul.

I also have two extra slots in my bank for... my two old soulbags. So at any given time I've got 30+ extra shards in the bank in case I have to run a lowb through an instance where I can't get more shards.

On trash, I'll usually try to wait until its about 3-4% life left and either hit it with a shadowburn or drain soul, assuming its not a boss and I have at least one dot ticking.

In my honest opinion, if I were grouped with people that get bent out of shape because I'm taking the last couple seconds to drain soul instead of getting that last shadowbolt out, they can find someone else who fits the role they have in mind. I can see them giving you flack about not having your dots up during the fight, etc. but it's kind of petty and micromanaging to demand the extra dmg when the mob is about to die.

Anyways, I commend those who are fighting for the stacking of soul shards. I'd definitely take that change if it were offered.

#39 Feb 07 2008 at 9:09 AM Rating: Decent
146 posts
You made a blatantly self-absorbed statement in a game that revolves around working together with other people. It's an attitude that's been shown by you in the past on a regular basis. Get off your cross.

Well Said.
#40 Feb 07 2008 at 9:16 AM Rating: Excellent
If you think your shard usage is bad now... back in pre-BC I would bring 60-80 shards before the start of the raid. I'd literally have my shard bag plus at least two other of my bags completely full of shards on a raid day. No soulwell, each person in the 40 man raid needed a HS, half the raid would want summons. So, I don't exactly feel sorry for you. TBC has made things a LOT easier on warlocks.
#41 Feb 07 2008 at 10:04 AM Rating: Decent
Come on guys, don't be so rude to eachother :(
#42 Feb 07 2008 at 10:21 AM Rating: Default
146 posts
#43 Feb 07 2008 at 10:41 AM Rating: Good
992 posts
#44 Feb 07 2008 at 4:39 PM Rating: Default
/insert p*nis

oops /hug
#45 Feb 07 2008 at 5:07 PM Rating: Decent
I didn't bother reading through most of the posts but I still wanted to post my opinion (I'm lazy like that)

You are complaining about the fact that you might have to use an extra soul-shard to summon someone into an instance?

"Oh no, I'm down 1 soul-shard!" Next enemy dies "Wow my soul-shard has been returned! huzzah!"

Considering how many enemies you can easily soul drain in an instance, you shouldn't have any worries with soul shards.
#46 Feb 07 2008 at 5:48 PM Rating: Decent
Well sethy came into my thread and talked about how his responsibilities to the raid came first before his dps ... i would say that would be getting shards from trash for the utility that warlocks serve to the grp. if you can't shard trash then you simply should reroll a mage and make your free food/water =/

my server is dominated by horde, and most of the time they have control over the kara stone, it is a pain in the *** to go out there and try to either

A. take the stone from them
B. Wait for them to form and hope more aren't otw
C. come out, die from horde, and try to rez far enough away from them (having 3 members so you can lock summon)

I am estatic about this change as the wait time for heroics, regs, and raiding will be far shorter, it seems like most of the time spent on starting, is ppl showing up/being able to get in.

I farmed shards outside shat today before i came to work so I'd have some for kara tonight. took me like 5 mins to farm over 30 shards and will still be getting more off trash once i get in there so i can shadowburn all i want.

Jeno and oaken are very intelligent regarding the warlock class and bestow a lot of wisdom on board members from what i've seen/heard, but seriously sethy, stop swinging from their nuts. And you are one of those ppl who thinks they know it all it, or so it seems from the posts that I've seen you make... which you claim you are sick of those kind of ppl. please leave the forum and stay gone for a very long time.

I'm glad I'm not part of your crappy guild you put together and i'm sure everyone else is too so cudos (which i think its supposed to be "kudos" =/ )

#47 Feb 07 2008 at 9:28 PM Rating: Default
seriously the fact that some of you guys complaining shows how pathetic you are. I'm a Mage and I'm lucky to even be in raids bc of locks. You guys are the highest dps and can prob beat us in aoe. All were good for is making water and food. You ppl are whinning about losing some of your precious dps, if I was a raid leader I would kick a lock out who cared more for his dps then the group. Why don't you play another class and see how the rest of us live before you start *********
#48 Feb 07 2008 at 9:57 PM Rating: Decent
514 posts
Oakenwrath wrote:
Never thought I'd be so happy to see BM trash, thank god its right beside hyjal.

He he, yeah we actually had to stop for around 15 minutes so us warlocks could farm the BM-mobs for shards.

Yes we were quiet surprised when we met Archimonde, especially since the we did 4/5 MH within our first ID.

I think you guys are a bit rough on Sethy.


I caused our first wipe on Archimonde. True story.
No, I didn't crater. No, the doomfire didn't eat me alive.

This is how it went (over vent):

Raid Leader: Noone mine, everyone grab your tears on the way down.
Me: Whats his aggro range?
Raid Leader: I think you have to engage him.
Me: Really?

And then I proceeded to ride right up to him....needless to say, you do not have to engage him, to aggro him. He crushed me, then mumbled something about our children, and children's children, and wiped the whole raid. It was a good day.
#49 Feb 07 2008 at 10:12 PM Rating: Good
821 posts

He´s got a huge aggro-range actually.

Our hunter is always like that on Teamspeak when he does his

(boss enganges already)

#50 Feb 07 2008 at 11:16 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
Wow drama
#51 Feb 08 2008 at 12:42 AM Rating: Excellent
326 posts
First: gratz Oaken on being a scholar again :P It really pisses me off that everytime I see your posts someone has rated you down.

Secondly: This change is awesome. No more waiting 20 minutes for a replacement in a raid. We already have a policy that if you are to lazy to run then you don't get to raid because Laziness extends not only to running but can be a sign of how (un)dedicated you are. Living in South Africa we get a lot of power cuts and we have pretty lousy internet access so dcing is very common. The ability to just summon someone instead of sending 2 people out to the stone is awesome.

Thirdly: I have an Ebon Shadowbag and I always make sure I have it full before a raid. Summoning demons after a wipe, healthstones, Soulstones, Shadowburn - all end up being a drain on my Soulshards and I don't want to have to Drain Soul every mob. I generally DS on the last mob in a pull or if the others are CCed. If I don't have enough shards for a raid/instance I feel I have failed as a lock.

Fourth(ly): Sethy, just because some people are knocking you doesnt mean that it isnt their own opinion and doesnt mean they are "sucking up". I have always been nice to you in the past but personally believe most people in this case are actually right. Please stop with the persecution complex. Sure you are entitled to your own opinion but don't take it out on everyone else when they differ from you.

Also - please people, this is not the O-Boards. If i want to see personal attacks on peoples characters I'll go there. Alla used to be more mature than this.
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